HDC_04 10 2017Page 1 of 15
Monday, April 10, 2017, 5:00 p.m.
Board Room, City Hall
Roll Call
Quorum was present being five (5) in number.
Members Present: Chair Dick Kelley
Vice Chair Ted Holder
Toni Johnson
Jeremiah Russell
Lauren Frederick
Members Absent: BJ Bowen
Open Position (Property Owner Resident)
City Attorney: Debra Weldon
Staff Present: Brian Minyard
Citizens Present: Lindsey Boerner
Crystal Boerner
Brent Hopkins
Erin Cumbo
Tommy Jameson
Colten Pace
Patricia Blick
Catherine Barrier
Page Wilson
Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Jeremiah Russell made a motion to approve the March 13, 2017 minutes as
revised. Commissioner Ted Holder seconded and the motion passed with a vote of 5 ayes, 1
absent (Bowen) and 1 open position.
Notice requirements were met on all of the items except as noted in individual hearing items.
Notice of public hearing was printed in a newspaper of general circulation, posted on the
internet and emails were sent to interested citizens and the press to inform them of the agenda
being posted online.
723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435
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DATE: April 10, 2017
APPLICANT: Brown Judy Enterprises, LLC
ADDRESS: 518 E 7th Street
On March 21, 2017, the applicant sent an email to Staff requesting this item be withdrawn from
the agenda.
Staff recommends the item be withdrawn without prejudice.
A motion was made by Commissioner Toni Johnson to withdraw the item without prejudice and
was seconded by Commissioner Jeremiah Russell. The motion passed with a vote of 5 ayes, 1
absent (Bowen) and 1 open position.
723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax:(501) 399-3435
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DATE: April 10, 2017
APPLICANT: Lindsey and Judith Boerner
ADDRESS: 401 E Daisy Bates Drive
COA REQUEST: Infill Single Family House
The subject property is located at 401 E Daisy Bates
Drive. The property’s legal description is “The west 75’ of
Lots 1 and 2, Block 54, Original City of Little Rock,
Pulaski County, Arkansas."
This lot has been vacant since 1999. The building was
demolished as a result of the damages sustained by the
1999 tornado. Previously on this site was a single family
house built ca.1886. The 1988 survey form states: “c.
1886 cottage with Colonial Revival porch.”
This proposal is for a two story single family house to be
built facing Daisy Bates Drive with detached garage to be
located in the southeast corner of the lot. This project will
go to the Board of Adjustment for front yard setback for
the garage and swimming pool, and a rear yard setback
On April 15, 1999, a COA was approved and issued to
Robert Traylor for the demolition of the house “which sustained significant damage as a result of
the January 21, 1999 tornados.”
The Sanborn maps below show two previous houses have been on this site. In the 1897
Sanborn, there was a dwelling at the corner of 14th and Rock (403 E 14th) with a wing built to
the south with a shingle roof. Outbuildings were on the southeast corner of the lot. Note the
entirety of lots 1 and 2 combined at that time. 1897 is the earliest Sanborn map in Little Rock.
Note these are fire insurance maps and the issue was fire safety and slate or metal was
categorized as the same in fire retardants standards.
723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax:(501) 399-3435
Location of Project
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On the 1913 map, the lot was subdivided into
east and west. At 403 E 14th, the wing to the
south was demolished and two additional
houses were built at 1407 S Rock and 407 E
14th. The new houses were a one story
houses with a shingle roofs and a porch roofs
that were metal or slate. The original house
at 403 E 14th changed to a composition roof
and a metal or slate roof over the porch.
In the 1939-1950 Sanborn maps, all three
houses had moved to a composition roof with
metal or slate porch roofs. Outbuildings grew
and shrank over time on all of the lots. In the
1939 and the 1939-1950 maps, the outbuildings were shown for automobile storage.
In the 1978 Survey map (An Architectural Survey of the MacArthur Park and Governor’s
Mansion areas of the Quapaw Quarter), the three houses remain.
1897 Sanborn Map (site is on upper left) 1913 Sanborn map
1939-1950 Sanborn maps 1978 Survey map
403 E 14th in 1978.
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The authority of the Little Rock Historic District Commission to review new construction in the
district is authorized by the Sections 14-172-208 of the Arkansas state statute and is shown as
an attachment at the end of this report.
The authority of the Little Rock Historic District Commission to review new construction in the
district is authorized by the Sections Sec. 23-115, Sec. 23-119, and Sec. 23-120 of the Little
Rock Municipal code and is shown as an attachment at the end of this report.
The guidelines cover new construction of Residential structures on pages 31-41 and
Commercial and Mixed Use Structures on 43-82 under Section V. Design Guidelines for
Detached New Construction of Primary and Secondary Buildings. Site Design is on pages 57-
64 under Section Vii Design Guidelines for Site Design and is shown as an attachment at the
end of this report.
This will be the only house on this half block once it is constructed. Therefore, there are not a
lot of homes and their associated setbacks to judge this against. This lot has been split and is
not the original layout for the block. The original plat showed 50x140 lots running east to west.
This lot is the western half of lots 1 and 2. If the house faced Rock Street as the other houses
on Rock Street do, it would have the front façade of the house as the long axis parallel to the
street which is more of a ranch style house or suburban feel.
The house will face Daisy Bates Drive as the original house from the 1886 did. A photo is on
page two of this report. There will be similar setbacks. The house is proposed to be set 15’ off
of Rock Street and the edge of the front porch is to be set 13’4” off Daisy Bates Drive. These
setbacks are fairly consistent with the setbacks on Rock Street, Daisy Bates and the
surrounding area. New single family construction in the next block to the west has all been built
at a 15’ build to line on street frontages (four single family houses and one duplex).
These two lots, 1 and 2, were platted in an east west orientation. The front yards were platted
along Rock Street. The platted lot orientation stays with the lot no matter what orientation the
house is built. So, even if the house faces Daisy Bates, the front yard setback of 15 feet applies
to the Rock Street side. The rear yard setback on the east side of the lot remains as such with
Rendering of north and west facades. Rendering of south and west façade with garage.
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25’ setback. The side yards (Daisy Bates and the south property lines) have 5 feet setbacks for
primary structures. Accessory structures are 3 foot setbacks on the side yards, 15 feet from a
street on the side yard and rear and 60 feet from the front.
The house has a similar amount of site coverage with open grass areas on both street frontages
and a wide side yard on Daisy Bates. The site Coverage is similar to the historic properties in
the area but may be slightly more than the new construction since the new construction does
not have covered parking. The location of the garage at the rear corner of the property is
consistent with the prevailing patterns of development within the area of influence of the subject
The height of the building as shown on the elevations is 28’ from the lowest finished floor level
to the highest point of the building. This is under the 35’ maximum stated in the guidelines.
There are two story houses in the immediate vicinity: 1402 Commerce, 1400 Rock, 311 Daisy
Bates, 308 Daisy Bates, and 324 E 15th. The entirety of the blockface on Daisy Bates between
Cumberland and Rock on the south side of the street are two story houses. For height as
measured in the ordinance from the top ridge of the house to the lowest finished floor, 1402
Commerce is 33’ tall, 1400 Rock is 28 tall, 1408 Rock is 23’ tall, 1414 Rock is 17’ tall, and 1418
Rock is 19’ tall. The proposed house is in the middle of the range.
East of Site on Daisy Bates Dr. Project site South of Site on Rock Street
NE corner of Bates and Rock Across street red brick Across street blue house
Context of site provided by architect
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Because of the demolitions that were associated with the destruction of the 1999 tornado, it is
difficult to judge this project against others in the area of influence. Based on the 1978 survey
map shown on page 2 of this report, nine houses have been demolished with in the area of
influence for this property. Four historic homes remain and two are new construction.
The height to width ratio for the proposed house on the Daisy Bates façade is 31:36 or roughly
square at 1:1.6. The ratio on the Rock Street side is 52:31 or 1:1.67.
This application has front façade height to width ratios that are similar to historic buildings in the
area. 1402 Commerce (at 1:1.23), 1400 Rock (1:1.08), and 1408 Rock (1:1.29) are slightly
wider than they are tall. The new construction of 1414 Rock (1:0.78) and 1418 Rock (1:0.84)
are slightly taller than they are wide.
This house displays the rhythm that is characteristic of historic homes within the area. The
windows are stacked on all facades. On the front façade, there is one window or door between
each porch column. The house is visually divided to break up the mass on the front and side
facades. The bays on the east and west sides are roughly centered on the body of the house
which gives balance to the structure.
The house is similar in proportion, rhythm and scale to buildings within the area of influence as
described above. The roof is at a 12/8 pitch which is lower than some but higher than others.
This project uses similar proportions, size, location and number of openings as buildings within
the area of influence. The bulk of the windows are roughly 3’Wx5’H. Bathrooms and laundry
rooms feature a roughly 3’Wx4’H window while the stairwell features transoms over the
windows which give an overall dimension of roughly 3’Wx6.5’H. Windows are placed in a
pattern of repetition that is common in the area with widows stacked on top of each other from
floor to floor.
This building has similar massing, proportion and scale to historic buildings within the area of
influence. The roof form is a hipped roof in standing seam metal with a 12/8 pitch and
18” overhangs. There are no dormers on the roof. The porch is a wraparound porch on
the first level with an open balcony on part of the porch on the second floor. The
projection of the stair hall on the west adds slightly to the massing . This separation of
the garage has decreased the overall massing of the main body of the house .
The mass of this house is more similar to 1400 Rock and 1402 Commerce than the
other houses on Rock Street. However, in reference to the massing of structures along
Daisy Bates, the massing is appropriate. The entirety of the blockface on Daisy Bates
between Cumberland and Rock on the south side of the street are two story houses .
The entrance area of the house is the front porch that can only be accessed via sidewalk from
Daisy Bates Drive. The wraparound porch with brick bases and half wood tapered elephantine
columns are typical of Craftsman era homes. The balustrade is wood pickets painted off white
and the columns are synthetic materials in off white. The ceiling of the porch is bead board
painted light blue. The first floor porch floor will be bare concrete. The second floor porch floor
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will also be concrete with a light gray weatherproof coating. T he steps are concrete and the
plinths are the brick noted above with precast concrete caps. The handrails with be black iron
similar to the photo to the right.
The back door and upstairs porch door is a
Masonite Steel Door with Brickmold
36”x80” and painted to match trim on
house. The front door is a Steves and
Sons Shaker Door sized 36”x80”.
Partial front elevation of House (Daisy Bates
Partial perspective of NW corner of
Side Door Detail Front Door Detail.
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The proposed siding is HardiePlank Lap Siding,
Smooth, in Boothbay Blue – 7.25” Wide with 6”
Exposure. The trim is HardieTrim, Smooth, in off -
white, 5.5” wide for the casings and corner boards.
The gable and fascia trim on garage is 12” wide and
the Fascia on main house is 7.25” wide. The
foundation brick is used Little Rock Pink Dickinson
Windows are Pinnacle Double Hung Plaza style
aluminum clad wood in linen color. The bulk of the
windows are roughly 3’Hx5’W . Bathrooms and laundry rooms feature a roughly 3H’x4’W
window while the stairwell features transoms over the windows which give an overall dimension
of roughly 3’Hx6.5’W.
The garage door is a Clopay Coachman Series Carriage Doors (Door design #12, Top design
#13 – no windows) painted to match house trim and base. In the photo above, disregard the
stone and trim.
The roof is a hipped
roof as is 1402
Commerce and 1410
Rock Street. The
roof is a standing
seam metal with a
12/8 pitch and 18”
overhangs. There
are no dormers on
the roof. The roof
will be a CentralGuard Central Snap Standing seam metal roof in Ash color. This is a standing
seam roof with slight corrugations on the pan unlike the traditional standing seam roofs that are
totally flat on the pan. The roof is a 12/8 pitch with 18” overhangs. There are no dormers or
chimneys proposed on the house. For roof plan, see page 16 of this report.
Wall siding detail.
Plaza Window. Garage doors.
Cross section of roof panels. Color of Roof.
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The street facing facades (front towards Daisy Bates and the west side facade towards Rock
Street) are appropriate. The materials are historic in appearance and mimic those found in the
area, particularly 1402 Commerce and 308 E Daisy Bates.
Front elevation of House (Daisy Bates Drive façade)
Side elevation of House (Rock Street façade)
The trim on this building and the massing of it is similar to craftsman houses. The brick
foundation, plinths, and half brick columns paired with the taped elephantine columns are
traditional Craftsman style details. The trim is HardieTrim, smooth texture in off-white, 5.5” wide
for the casings & corner boards. The gable and fascia trim on garage is 12” wide and the fascia
on main house is 7.25” wide. The balustrade is wood and painted off white while the handrails
are black painted iron. The gutters will be an ogee profile in off white. Locations of downspouts
are shown on the first and second floor plans at the corners of the house.
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Lighting on porch and on garage is the Breakwater Bay Cardiff 1 Light Outdoor Barn Light in
Empire Bronze. Two large fixtures (10.5H”x12”W) are on the garage (one above each door)
and five medium size fixtures (10”Hx10”W) are on the porches and back door (two on each level
of the front porch and one by the back door).
The solar panel proposed is the Hyundai RG Series Panels
(39.29” W x64.57” Lx1.38” H). There are eight panels proposed.
The solar panel placement is appropriately oriented to the sun
and not on street facing roof. The proposed is a solar
photovoltaic (PV) array, a complete power-generating unit,
consisting of eight PV modules and panels. With more than half
of this block being vacant, it is impossible to install solar panels
on a building without them being seen from somewhere on the
street. The proposed location on the roof of the secondary
building (garage) roof is the most appropriate location on this
site, and the southern slope is the most advantageous for solar
orientation. It is proposed to be installed flat on the roof.
The original herringbone brick sidewalk on the north side (Daisy Bates Drive) will remain intact.
Care should be taken when repairing or restoring the brick sidewalk on Daisy Bates Drive. It
has a unique pattern of herringbone laid bricks in the center with a rowlock edge and a standing
sailor course on the outside. On the west side (Rock Street), a new concrete sidewalk will be
poured at the traditional location.
The area between the sidewalk and the street curb is proposed to be grass. Currently, there are
some crepe myrtles planted in that area.
The fence encloses the east side of the property. It starts at 1/3 of the way back at a natural
break of the house and is proposed to be installed parallel to Daisy Bates. At the property line,
it continues toward the garage at the rear of the lot and then returns to meet the northeast
corner of the garage. There is another short section of fence between the house and garage at
the breezeway. The fence is proposed to be Trex Fencing Seclusion Series in Winchester in
Handrail detail. Gutter detail. Outdoor light fixture by
Solar Panel.
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Gray at 72” tall. There is no fence
proposed for the front of the house.
The Guidelines state that “should be
made of flat boards in a single row
(not stockade or shadowbox”. These
boards overlap each other and are
not in a ‘single row”. This is not
considered a shadowbox fence.
With his house being built on a non-
traditionally proportioned lot, the east
side yard is what will function as their
back yard. Allowing the fence to be
placed approximately 12’ closer to
Daisy Bates Drive will allow them to
be able to utilize more of that area for
personal use, particularly the
proposed swimming pool.
There is no yard lighting proposed, only on porch and front of garage
A double car driveway is proposed off Rock Street to the garage. The garage placement and
drive way off a secondary façade are appropriate. The driveway will be plain concrete in light
gray color.
This is a corner lot with no curb cuts on site currently. Neither Rock Street nor Daisy Bates Drive
has curb cuts in this block. All current properties in this block access the alleyway for parking.
However, this is the only lot in the block that does not have alley access. The only way that off
street parking can occur is to allow a curb cut. Further construction in this block should access
the alley for parking.
The exterior air conditioning units are within the fenced area on the east side of the house.
There are no notes on where the electric meter and gas meter are t o be located. The preferred
place would be on the south side of the garage not facing Rock Street.
Overall, this house is compatible with the district. The architecture of the second floor porch
makes the house unique so it does not copy Craftsman style too closely and makes it
distinguishable as new construction.
NEIGHBORHOOD COMMENTS AND REACTION: At the time of distribution, there were no
comments regarding this application.
Fence Detail.
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Rear (south) elevation of House
Side (east) elevation of House
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval with the following conditions:
1. Obtaining a building permit.
2. Any changes to the elevations of the building in any phase of the permitting process to
be reviewed by Staff.
3. No electric meters, gas meters, hvac equipment, cable boxes, satellite dishes, or other
utility equipment to be installed on street facing facades.
Brian Minyard, Staff, explained the policy of offering a deferral to the applicant if there were five
members present. Ms. Lindsey Boerner stated they wanted to go ahead with the hearing
tonight. Mr. Minyard made a presentation of the item to the Commission.
Commissioner Jeremiah Russell asked what the definition of street facing facades was in
reference to the placement of utilities. Mr. Minyard clarified that it was facades that were
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parallel to the street, not perpendicular. Chair Dick Kelley commented on the code
requirements of clearance around electric meters.
Commissioner Toni Johnson asked about the material of the fence and if the Guidelines had
made any mention of materials. Mr. Minyard said that it did not specify materials but more
placement and height issues. It does not state that a ‘Trex” fence is inappropriate.
Lindsey and Crystal Boerner, the applicants, stated that they would answer any questions that
the Commission had of them.
Commissioner Johnson stated that she was happy to see people investing in the area. Chair
Kelley stated that the house would be a nice improvement in the area.
The applicants brought samples of the fence material, brick, and siding. Those samples were
passed around and inspected by the commission. There was a question on the fence, and it
was stated that the fence was a vertically interlocking fence.
Patricia Blick, QQA, stated that they endorsed staff recommendation on the project and asked
the Commission to approve with Staff conditions.
Commissioner Johnson made a motion to approve as submitted with all staff recommendations.
Commissioner Russell seconded and the motion was approved with 5 ayes, 0 noes, 1 absent
(Bowen) and 1 open position.
Other Matters
Preservation Plan Implementation update
Mr. Minyard stated that they will be having another meeting this Friday. The location will be at
the Sister Cities Conference room in City Hall.
Enforcement issues
Staff had none to report to the Commission.
Certificates of Compliance
A spreadsheet was distributed to the Commission earlier.
Presentation from Catherine Barrier, AHPP
Catherine Barrier, CLG Coordinator from Arkansas Historic Preservation Program made a
PowerPoint presentation on various programs and services that are provided at AHPP. She
also explained several pages on their website and how they can be beneficial to the HDC.
Citizen Communication
There were no citizens that chose to speak during citizen communication.
There was a motion to adjourn and the meeting ended at 6:16 p.m.
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