14549 1 RESOLUTION NO. 14,549 2 3 A RESOLUTION TO MAKE APPOINTMENTS AND RE- 4 APPOINTMENTS TO VARIOUS CITY OF LITTLE ROCK BOARDS 5 AND COMMISSIONS; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. 6 7 NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY 8 OF LITTLE ROCK,ARKANSAS: 9 Section 1: The following named persons are hereby appointed, or reappointed as a member of the 10 respective Board or Commission: 11 ARTS AND CULTURE COMMISSION: 12 Alice Allred,appointed to fill the unexpired At-Large term of Kathleen Joiner, said term to expire on 13 April 2,2018. 14 Eliza Borne, appointed to serve her first three(3)-year At-Large term, said term to expire on April 2, 15 2020. 16 James Doyle, appointed to serve his first three (3)-year Cultural Institution Large term, said term to 17 expire on April 2,2020. 18 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: 19 Carolyn Lindsey Polk, reappointed to serve her second three (3)-year Architect term, said term to 20 expire on February 19,2020. 21 CITY BEAUTIFUL COMMISSION: 22 Edward E.Peek,appointed to serve his first three (3)-year Registered Architect term, term to expire 23 on October 19, 2020. 24 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION: 25 Henry Akins, II, reappointed to serve his second six (6)-year term, said term to expire on April 1, 26 2023. 27 Jeffrey Hildebrand,reappointed to serve his second six(6)-year term, said term to expire on April 1, 28 2023. 29 Efrem B. Neely, Sr., appointed to serve his first six (6)-year term, said term to expire on April 1, 30 2023. 31 COMMISSION ON CHILDREN YOUTH AND FAMILIES: 32 Kimberly Kenser, appointed to serve her first three (3)-year At-Large term, said term to expire on 33 May 31,2020. 34 Brendan Quirk,appointed to serve his first three(3)-year At-Large term, said term to expire on May 35 31,2020. [Page 1 of 3] 1 Marcovous Williams, appointed to serve her first three (3)-year At-Large term, said term to expire 2 on May 31,2020. 3 Jennifer Wyse, appointed to serve her first three (3)-year At-Large term, said term to expire on May 4 31,2020. 5 HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION: 6 Dale J. Pekar, appointed to serve his first three (3)-year MacArthur District Owner and Occupant 7 term, said term to expire on June 15, 2020. 8 LAND BANK COMMISSION: 9 Angela McCloyen, moved from an At-Large position to the CHAB Representative position vacated 10 by Jarrod Woodley. Her appointment term will remain the same, and will expire on March 19,2020. 11 Laura McKinney, appointed to fill the unexpired term of Jarrod Woodley; however, she will be 12 filling the At-Large position vacated by Angela McCloyen. Her term will expire on March 19. 2018. 13 LITTLE ROCK PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION: 14 Jesse Gibson, appointed to serve his first three (3)-year term, said term to expire on January 31, 15 2020. 16 LITTLE ROCK ZOO BOARD OF GOVERNORS: 17 Kimara Randolph, reappointed to serve her second three (3)-year term, said term to expire on 18 February 16, 2020. 19 MACARTHUR MILITARY HISTORY MUSEUM COMMISSION: 20 Don Castleberry, reappointed to serve his third three (3)-year term, said term to expire on February 21 21,2020. 22 Chip Culpepper, reappointed to serve his third three (3)-year term, said term to expire on February 23 21,2020. 24 Pat Hoy, reappointed to serve his second three (3)-year term, said term to expire on February 21, 25 2020. 26 Norma Johnson, appointed to serve her first three(3)-year term, said term to expire on February 21, 27 2020. 28 Patricia Keegan, reappointed to serve her third three (3)-year term, said term to expire on February 29 21,2020. 30, Wayne Norton, appointed to fill the unexpired term of Jonathan McRoy, term to expire on February 31 21, 2019. 32 Sharon Priest, appointed to serve her first three (3)-year term, said term to expire on February 21, 33 2020. 34 Patrina Robinson, reappointed to serve her second three (3)-year term, said term to expire on 35 February 21, 2020. [Page 2 of 3] • 1 Jake Tidmore, reappointed to serve his second three (3)-year term, said term to expire on February 2 21,2020. 3 Kermit Tracy, III, appointed to serve his first three (3)-year term, said term to expire on February 4 21,2020. 5 Jim Von Tungeln,reappointed to serve his third three(3)-year term, said term to expire on February 6 21,2020. 7 MIDTOWN REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 ADVISORY BOARD: 8 Justin Wittenberg, appointed to serve his first three (3)-year Commercial Property Owner or 9 Authorized Representative term, said term to expire on March 31,2020. 10 RACIAL AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY COMMISSION: 11 Rachel Borne, appointed to fill the unexpired Ward 1 Representative term of Tabitha Lee, said term 12 to expire on March 31,2018. 13 Corey Jones, appointed to serve his first three (3)-year Ward 4 Representative term, said term to 14 expire on March 31, 2020. 15 ADOPTE 1• pril 25,2017 16 • .#1.< APPROV D: 17 ''411 'r 18 ��� ‘11 kW 19 'man n Atio City Clerk Mark Stodola,Mayor 20 • ''PRO ' E: S TO LEGAL FORM: 21 22 23 Thomas M. Carpenter, City A i rney 24 // 25 // 26 // 27 // 28 // 29 // 30 // 31 // 32 // 33 // 34 // 35 // 36 // [Page 3 of 3]