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Monday, November 4, 2013, 5:00 p.m.
Board Room, City Hall
I. Roll Call
Quorum was present being five (5) in number.
Members Present: Julie Wiedower
Randy Ripley
BJ Bowen
Toni Johnson
Mark Brown
Members Absent: Chris Vanlandingham
Kwadjo Boaitey
City Attorney: Debra Weldon
Staff Present: Brian Minyard
Citizens Present: Ralph Wilcox
II. Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Commissioner Julie Wiedower to approve the minutes of October 13,
2013 as submitted. Commissioner BJ Bowen seconded and the minutes were approved with a
vote of 5 ayes and 2 absent (Boaitey and Vanlandingham).
Notice requirements were not met on the applications on Scott Street.
III. Deferred Certificates of Appropriateness
IV. Certificates of Appropriateness
723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435
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DATE: November 4, 2013
ADDRESS: 410 S. Battery Street
REQUEST: Nomination to the National Register
The subject property is located at 410 S. Battery Street.
The property’s legal description is Block 26 of the Phillips
Addition to the City of Little Rock, Pulaski County,
The Arkansas Historic Preservation Programs has set forth
the “Arkansas Certified Local Government Procedures.” In
it, sections are titled: “Introduction”, “Eligibility for
participation in the Certified Local Government Program”,
“Process for Certification of Local Governments”, “Process
for monitoring Certified local Governments,” “Certified Local
Governments Participation in the National Register
Nomination Process”, and “Transfer of funds to Certified
Local Governments.”
In Section II Eligibility for Participation in the Certified Local
Government Program subsection C Local Historic
Preservation Program, II C. 2. f) states that one of the Duties of local preservation commissions
shall include:
“Reviewing all proposed National Registration nominations for properties within
the boundaries of the CLG’s jurisdiction. When a commission reviews a
nomination or other action that will impact properties which are normally
evaluated by a professional in a specific discipline, at that discipline is not
represented on the commission, the commission must seek expertise in that
discipline before rendering its decision.”
In Section V Certified Local Government participation in the national register nomination
process, sub section B CLG involvement in the National Register Process, the procedures state:
723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435
Location of Project
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A. CLGs shall submit a report (available for public inspection) to the AHPP
regarding the eligibility of each property or district within its jurisdiction proposed
for nomination to the National Register.
I. The report shall include recommendations of the local preservation commission
and the chief elected official.
2. The report should concentrate on the property's eligibility under the National
Register criteria.
3. Failure to submit reports on the eligibility of properties nominated within the
jurisdiction of the CLG after the AHPP has informed the CLG of a pending
nomination will be considered during the periodic performance evaluation.
B. CLG involvement in the National Register process
I. Within 60 calendar days of receipt of the nomination, the CLG shall inform the
AHPP by submission of a report (see section V-A) as to its opinion regarding the
eligibility of the property. The CLG shall also inform the property owner(s) using
National Register criteria for evaluation, as to its opinion regarding the eligibility
of the property.
2. In the event a nomination is received by the AHPP before submission to the
CLG, the AHPP will forward a copy of the completed nomination to the CLG
within 30 calendar days of receipt.
3. If both the commission and chief elected official recommend that a property
not be nominated because it does not meet the National Register criteria for
eligibility, the CLG will so inform the property owner(s) and the State Historic.
Preservation Officer, the property will then not be nominated unless an appeal is
filed with the SHPO in accordance with appeal procedures outlined in 36 CFR
60. Appeals must be received by the SHPO within 30 calendar days of the date
the property owner receives notification by certified mail that the property has
been determined ineligible for nomination by both the CLG and the Chief elected
official. This is in accordance with Section 101[c) 2 of the NHPA.
4. If the commission or the chief elected official of the CLG recommend that a
property should be nominated, the nomination will be scheduled for submission
to the Arkansas State Review Board. Scheduling will be in accordance with
notification time constraints as set forth in 36 CFR Part 60.
5. The Arkansas State Review Board, after considering all opinions, including
those of the commission and the chief elected official of the CLG, shall make its
recommendation to the State Historic Preservation Officer. Either the local
preservation commission or the chief elected official may appeal the SHPOs final
6. When a National Register nomination, that has been reviewed by a
commission, is submitted to the National Park Service for review and listing, all
reports or comments from the local officials will be submitted along with the
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7. The AHPP and the CLG will work together to provide ample opportunity for
public participation in the nomination of properties to the National register. All
reports submitted by the CLG to the AHPP regarding the eligibility of properties
shall include assurances of public input. The CLG shall retain a list of all persons
contacted during the evaluation period and note comments that were received. If
a public meeting was held, a list of those attending shall be included in the report.
PROPOSAL: The Commission will review the Nomination to the National Register.
“The Davidson House was built in 1951 by prominent local architect and train enthusiast Julian
Bunn Davidson to overlook nearby train tracks. It was the only house he ever built, and its
design emulated contemporary 1950s architecture. Decades later, the building housed one of
the most eccentric political figures in state history. Because of the modern design of the
building, the Davidson House is being nominated to the National Register of Historic Places
under Criterion C with local significance and a period of significance of 1951.” The political
figure stated was Bill McCuen.
NEIGHBORHOOD COMMENTS AND REACTION: At the time of distribution, there were no
comments regarding this application.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends nomination to the National Register of
Historic Places under Criterion C. Criterion C is defined as: Property embodies the distinctive
characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction or represents the work of a master,
or possesses high artistic values, or represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose
components lace individual distinction.
COMMISSION ACTION: October 13, 2013
Brian Minyard, Staff, made a presentation to the Commission on the item. There were no
questions on the item from the Commissioners.
Ralph Wilcox, AHPP representative, stated he was available to answer any questions about the
nomination, but did not have a formal presentation to make. Commissioner Julie Wiedower
asked who prepared the nomination. Mr. Wilcox answered that it was Capitol Zoning District
Commission Staff but it was edited by AHPP Staff. Commissioner Wiedower commented about
the context of the house and questioned if there were other houses that may be a better
example of that style. She mentioned that the fact of its history as the “Sugar Shack” under Bill
McCuen. Mr. Wilcox stated that there is not much downtown that is of the modern archit ecture
Commissioner Wiedower asked what the intent for the nomination was. Tax credits? Mr.
Wilcox stated that CZDC wanted to list the building since it was their offices. He said that they
would be eligible for HPRG grants in the future.
Commissioner Randy Ripley posed the unanswered question of how long the Capitol Zoning
District Commission had been in that building. He continued discussing the addition of the
bedroom wing to the house.
There was a discussion on the exterior materials of the house and whether the windows had
been replaced. Mr. Wilcox said that he did not believe the windows had been replaced.
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There was a discussion about the worthiness of the structure and if this nomination would
lessen the significance of the register as a whole and if this structure is an exceptional example.
Commissioner Toni Johnson stated that the location was interesting and the history of use is
also interesting. She said that she remembers the “Sugar Shack” as a strong part of the Little
Rock history from a gossipy standpoint. She asked if the events that happened there are as
important as the architecture itself. Mr. Wilcox said that they must fit the gossip into
architectural register in an academic standpoint. It is a harder point to make for the register. He
stated that the nomination is honorary, it may get HPRG funding, and there is no restriction on
demolition of the building. Commissioner Ripley stated that the commission needed to give a
“weak nod” to the nomination.
There was a discussion of the CLG contract concerning nominations and stated that either the
HDC or the chief elected official needed to recommend the nomination.
Commissioner Julie Wiedower made a motion to “support forwarding this nomination to the
State Review Board for their nomination”. The motion passed with a vote of 5 ayes and 2
absent (Vanlandingham and Boaitey)
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DATE: December 9, 2013
APPLICANT: Mark Brown and Jill Judy
ADDRESS: 901 - 917 Scott Street
COA REQUEST: Demolition of building and block wall
The applicant did not receive the list of property owners from the abstract company in time to do
the required notices. This item will need to be deferred to a later hearing.
COMMISSION ACTION: November 4, 2013
There was a motion made to defer the item to the next meeting by Commissioner Julie
Wiedower and to charge the deferral to the Commission. The motion was seconded by
Commissioner Randy Ripley and the motion passed with a vote of 4 ayes, 1 recusal (Brown)
and 2 absent (Vanlandingham and Boaitey.)
723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435
V. Other Matters
Citizen Communication
There were no citizens present at this time.
VI. Adjournment
There was a motion to adjourn and the meeting ended at 5:28 p.m.
C air
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