HDC_04 08 20131
Monday, April 8, 2013, 5:00 p.m.
Board Room, City Hall
I. Roll Call
Quorum was present being six (6) in number.
Members Present: Randy Ripley
Chris Vanlandingham
BJ Bowen
Toni Johnson
Mark Brown
Kwadjo Boaitey
Members Absent: Julie Wiedower
City Attorney: Debra Weldon
Staff Present: Brian Minyard
Citizens Present: John Emerson
Gene Levy
II. Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Commissioner BJ Bowen to approve the minutes of March 11, 2013 as
submitted. Commissioner Randy Ripley seconded and the minutes were approved with a vote
of 6 ayes and 1 absent.
Notice requirements were met on all applications to be heard tonight.
III. Deferred Certificates of Appropriateness
IV. Certificates of Appropriateness
723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435
DATE : April 8, 2013
APPLICANT: John Emerson
ADDRESS: 1301 Scott Street
COA REQUEST: Onsite Parking, Fencing, & Bike Racks
The subject property is located at 1301 Scott Street. The
property’s legal description is “Lots 1 and 2 and the north
1/2 of 3, Block 21, Original City of Little Rock, Pulaski
County, Arkansas."
This multifamily building was built in 1887. The 2006
survey form states: “Original Queen Anne Style structure
with turrets, roof decoration and window designs typical
of this style. Several craftsman additions include porch
and large multi-windowed addition on south.” “Changes
in renovation included porch removal, attic conversion to
2nd floor, added sleeping porch and breakfast room.” It
is considered a "Contributing Structure" to the MacArthur
Park Historic District.
This application is for Onsite Parking, Fencing, & Bike
Racks. The parking will be off the alley and to the south
side of the building. The fencing will be along the alley to
hide/protect the ac units and there will be two bike racks, one on the north and one on the south
side. A law office will be occupying the building.
On May 6, 2008, a COC was issued to Taibi Kahler for the removal of inappropriate roof
structure and installation of appropriate roof repairs.
723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435
Location of Project
This application has been reviewed by the CZDC at their March 28, 2013 meeting, the
commission approved gravel paving for the vehicular use area, bike racks and fencing.
On page 69, the Guidelines state:
2. Commercial, Office, and
Institutional Parking: When houses
or buildings are used for commercial,
office, school, church, apartments, or
other institutional use, parking should
be located in rear yards. If this is not
possible, parking may be in a side yard
but located to the rear of the front wall
of the structure. Fencing or shrubbery
should screen the parking area.
Parking lots between buildings should
align edge screening with the front
façades of adjacent buildings and the
side property lines. Parking areas
should be surfaced with gravel or
concrete, not asphalt, aggregate, or brick. For security lighting please refer to
Lighting previous page.
Site plan
Front Facade
The applicant proposes to meet the standards for number of parking spaces required by the
CZDC. Neither the HDC nor the City of Little Rock dictates the number of spaces required in
the CZDC area. The plan provides for 8 spaces on site and 5 from the Villa Marre in addition to
two bike racks. A letter is on file with the agreement between the two parties for shared parking.
There will be signage at the parking area to signify that the parking is for the Villa Marre and
Emerson Poynter only. Signage should be no larger than 18”x24”, which is the standard size for
parking signs.
There will be five parking spaces angled in towards the house along the alley. Three more
spaces will be provided on the south side of the house in an alcove under the second floor. The
applicant proposes a base of SB2 gravel with small chat gravel on top. There are small trees
along the alley that will be removed, but one large tree located between the stairs and the
southernmost parking space on the alley will be preserved. One tree near the handicap ramp
will be removed. The trees that are located on the property line between the applicant’s
property and the Villa Marre are to be preserved.
Photo of trees and fence to be removed along alley
with view towards 13th Street
Photo of trees along south property line
bordering Villa Marre property and showing
parking under building to left
On page 70, the Guidelines state:
1. Heating, Air Conditioning units, and Ceiling Fans:
HVAC units should be located where not readily visible from the street and should be
screened with shrubbery or fencing. Window air-conditioners should be located in
windows on the rear or side façades and should not result in the removal or
replacement of the original window sash or surround. Ceiling fans on porches
should be mounted high enough so that they cannot be seen from the street.
The applicant desires to move four ac units to the rear alley side of the structure from
underneath the canopy on the south side of the structure. The location will be between the alley
and the southernmost stairs to the second floor of the house (not to be confused with the
handicap ramp on the northeast corner). They will place the ac units on a concrete pad and
wish to enclose them with a “6’ tall plain western cedar (fence) with a chain link security top that
lays flat across the rectangular shape of the fenced area.” The gate will match the fence. The
cedar will be allowed to weather naturally.
This fence conforms to the guidelines.
Bike Racks are not specifically called out in the design
guidelines. However, the Secretary of Interior’s Standards give
guidance in standard numbers 3, 9 and 10, which respectively
state the following (paraphrased): 3) changes that create a
false sense of historical development shall not be undertaken.
9) New additions or alterations shall not destroy historic fabric
and shall be differentiated from the old. 10) New additions and
modifications shall be able to be removed later without harming
the structure.
The north bike rack will be installed just inside the fence gate
along 13th Street at the sidewalk to the house in the lawn area
with gravel paving underneath. The south one will be located in
the south parking lot. The bike racks are definitely modern in
style, yet simple in design, and will not create a false sense of
history. There will be signage at the bike racks to state that the
bike racks are for public use, not just clients of the law firm.
Signage should be no larger than 18”x24”, which is the
standard size for parking signs.
NEIGHBORHOOD COMMENTS AND REACTION: At the time of distribution, there were no
comments regarding this application.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval with the following conditions:
1. Obtaining a building permit.
There was a brief presentation to the Commission by Brian Minyard, Staff. There were no
questions of Staff by the Commission.
John Emerson, the applicant, addressed the commission. The stated it was a big project and
they plan to move into the office in mid to late May. They bought the property for $405,000. He
stated that it needed a new roof. He mentioned the interior damage from water and has a
contractor to replace the roof.
He stated that the trees that are on the property line with the Villa Marre to the south would be
killed with concrete paving. He has received approval from the CZDC for gravel on the parking
area. He has also worked with Christy Marvel, City of Little Rock, to shield the parking with
appropriate landscaping.
Commissioner Randy Ripley stated that the Commission reviews what is visible from the street.
Mr. Minyard stated that that the parking off the alley will be visible from 13th Street. The parking
under the house may or may not be visible from the street. He continued that a COC will be
issued for the roof for the asphalt shingle portion and paint job. Commissioner Ripley asked
about replacement windows. Mr. Emerson responded that they do not need replaced.
Bike rack on north side
Bike rack on south side
Mr. Emerson spoke of screening on the Villa Marre side and the 13th Street side for the three
car parking area. On the 13th Street side, they will add screening and will only see the parking
if going east on 13th Street. He spoke of the shared parking arrangements between them and
the Villa Marre.
Commissioner Ripley asked if they were taking out trees. Mr. Emerson stated that they were
adding a tree on Scott Street to replace one that was removed earlier. It is Bradford Pear to
match the others on the street. He stated that only one tree is coming out for the parking along
the alley. He is keeping the tree by the air conditioner unites and is trying to keep as many
trees as possible to add to the historic nature of the house.
Commissioner Ripley said that he was happy someone was doing something with the house.
Commissioner Toni Johnson made a motion to approve as submitted. Commissioner Kwadjo
Boaitey seconded and the motion passed with a vote of 6 ayes and 1 absent.
V. Other Matters
Guidelines edit
Mr. Minyard stated that the Guidelines discussion will be postponed to the next hearing.
Enforcement issues
Mr. Minyard stated there was nothing new except that Mr. Hollinger will be in front of the
commission in May for his vinyl fence.
Mr. Minyard stated that he would send a COC list to the commission for next month. He also
stated that they are working on a flagpole for Parks and Recreation near the front door of the
MacArthur Museum.
Citizen Communication
There were no citizens present at this time.
VI. Adjournment
There was a motion to adjourn and the meeting ended at 5:35 p.m.
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