14499 1 RESOLUTION NO. 14,499 2 3 A RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER TITLE TO UNIVERSITY DISTRICT 4 DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, IN-AFFORDABLE HOUSING, INC., 5 AND BETTER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, INC., BY WARRANTY 6 DEED FOR PROPERTY DONATED BY THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, 7 ARKANSAS, TO BE USED FOR NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION 8 PROGRAMS; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. 9 10 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has stated as one of its goals a desire to provide for 11 neighborhood revitalization, and has taken special efforts to accomplish this goal through its use of 12 various City and Federal Funds, and in affirmative actions such as the creation of a Land Bank 13 Commission; and, 14 WHEREAS, in order to accomplish this goal is it required that properties be obtained, donated and 15 sold by the City in areas that are appropriate for revitalization; and, 16 WHEREAS, Land Bank Commission, has indicated its desire to donate the properties located at the 17 following locations: 18 19 2600 Adams Street—to University District Development Corporation 20 2618 Adams Street-to University District Development Corporation 21 2620 Adams Street-to University District Development Corporation 22 2500 West 18`x' Street—to IN-Affordable Housing, Inc. 23 1705 South Cedar Street—to IN-Affordable Housing, Inc. 24 3620 Maryland Avenue—to Better Community Development, Inc. 25 WHEREAS,the City wishes to donate the properties for use in its neighborhood revitalization efforts 26 for new construction housing; and, 27 WHEREAS, City Staff has conducted a title search of the properties which revealed valid title to the 28 properties and no significant title issues; and, 29 WHEREAS, the City has performed an environmental assessment of the properties pursuant to 24 30 C.F.R. § 58, et seq. (2003), which revealed no environmental problems; and, 31 WHEREAS, in consideration for $0.00 the City will donate the properties for the public purpose of 32 neighborhood revitalization, and, IPage 1 of81 1 WHEREAS, The City of Little Rock will provide the University District Development Corporation, 2 IN-Affordable Housing, Inc., and Better Community Development, Inc., with a Warranty Deed(donation) 3 to the properties; and, 4 WHEREAS, State Law requires that the City transfers ownership of properties via donation by 5 resolution adopted by the Board of Directors; 6 NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY 7 OF LITTLE ROCK,ARKANSAS: 8 Section 1. The Board of Directors hereby provides a Warranty Deed (donation) to the property 9 described as the following, and attached as Exhibits A, B & C: 10 2600 Adams Street, in favor of University District Development Corporation 11 2618 Adams Street, in favor of University District Development Corporation 12 2620 Adams Street in favor of University District Development Corporation 13 2500 West 18'h Street, in favor of IN-Affordable Housing, Inc. 14 1705 South Cedar Street, in favor of IN-Affordable Housing, Inc. 15 3620 Maryland Avenue, in favor of Better Community Development, Inc. 16 Section 2. The property will be used for a private purpose to serve the public, specifically to improve 17 city revitalization programs. 18 Section 3. Severability. In the event any title, section, paragraph, item, sentence, clause, phrase, or 19 word of this resolution is declared or adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional, such declaration or 20 adjudication shall not affect the remaining portions of the resolution which shall remain in full force and 21 effect a if the portion so declared or adjudged invalid or unconstitutional were not originally a part of the 22 ordinance. 23 Section 4. Repealer. All laws, ordinances, resolutions, or parts of the same that are inconsistent with 24 the provisions of this resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency. 25 ADOP ED: February 7,2017 26 APPROVE/0 : 27 28 .�1:4. 1/' 29 .usan ley,City Clerk Mark Stodola,Mayor 30 PPRO D AS TO LEGAL FORM: 31 32 401P. Lt-9 ") , 33 Thomas M. Carpenter,City A n• 34 // 35 // 'Page 2 of 81 I 1 2 EXHIBIT A 3 4 5 Prepared By: 6 City of Little Rock 7 500 W. Markham 8 Little Rock, AR 72201 9 Representative: 10 Doug Tapp 11 Redevelopment Administrator 12 13 14 WARRANTY DEED (Donation) 15 16 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: 17 18 The City of Little Rock,GRANTOR,for and in consideration of the sum of$10.00 and other 19 good valuable consideration paid by University District Development Corporation, an institution, 20 GRANTEE,the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, convey and warranty unto 21 the Grantee, and unto its heirs and assigns forever, the following described lands in the County of 22 Pulaski, State of Arkansas: 23 24 JAMES H PENICK SUB DIV OF N1/2 OF LOT 7 BLOCK 3 HYDE PARK 1 to the City of 25 Little Rock,Pulaski County,Arkansas, more commonly known as 2600 Adams, Little Rock, 26 Arkansas 72204 (Parcel No.34L1330001200) 27 28 And, 29 30 HYDE PARK PT OF N 1/2 OF LT 7 BG 200' S OF NE COR OF LT 7 TH W PARALLEL TO N LINE 31 145' S50' E145'N50'TO B 3 EXC 1550 SQFT FOR R/W PER 05-024322 to the City of Little Rock, 32 Pulaski County,Arkansas, more commonly known as 2618 Adams,Little Rock, 33 Arkansas 72204 (Parcel No.34L1320010500) 34 35 And, 36 37 HYDE PARK PT N I/2 OF LT 7 BEG 250'S OF NE COR TH W145' S50' E145' TH N50'TO BEG 3 to 38 the City of Little Rock,Pulaski County,Arkansas, more commonly known as 2620 Adams,Little 39 Rock,Arkansas 72204 (Parcel No.34L1320010600) 40 41 42 To have and to hold the same unto the Grantee and unto its heirs, and assigns forever, with all 43 tenements,appurtenances,and hereditaments thereunto belonging. 44 45 The City of Little Rock,hereby releases and relinquishes unto the Grantee, and unto its heirs and 46 assigns forever, all rights and possibility of curtsey, dower, and homestead in and to such lands. 47 48 WITNESS,my hand and seal the day of 2017. 49 50 [Page 3of81 1 2 City of Little Rock,GRANTOR 3 500 W. Markham, Ste. 120W 4 Little Rock,Arkansas 72201 5 6 7 By: Mayor Mark Stodola 8 City of Little Rock 9 10 11 University District Development Corp.,GRANTEE 12 2801 South University Ave. 13 Little Rock,Arkansas 72204 14 15 16 By: Barrett Allen 17 18 DOCUMENTARY TAX STATEMENT 19 20 I certify under penalty of false swearing that the legally correct amount of documentary stamps 21 have been placed on this instrument. (If none shown, exempt or no consideration paid.) 22 23 City of Little Rock 24 500 W. Markham 25 Little Rock,Arkansas 72201 26 27 28 By: Doug Tapp 29 Redevelopment Administrator 30 31 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 32 33 STATE OF ARKANSAS) 34 )SS 35 COUNTY OF PULASKI) 36 37 On this day came before me, the undersigned, a notary public within and for the county and state 38 aforesaid, duly commissioned and acting personally appeared, Doug Tapp, Redevelopment 39 Administrator, duly authorized to act on behalf of The City of Little Rock, known to me as the 40 Grantor in the foregoing Deed, and acknowledged that he has executed the same for the consideration 41 and purposes therein mentioned and set forth. 42 43 WITNESS my hand and seal as such notary public this day of ,2017 44 45 Notary Public 46 My Commission expires: 47 48 49 [Page 4of81 1 EXHIBIT B 2 3 4 Prepared By: 5 City of Little Rock 6 500 W. Markham 7 Little Rock, AR 72201 8 Representative: 9 Doug Tapp 10 Redevelopment Administrator 11 12 13 WARRANTY DEED(Donation) 14 15 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: 16 17 The City of Little Rock,GRANTOR,for and in consideration of the sum of$10.00 and other 18 good valuable consideration paid by IN-Affordable Housing Inc., an institution,GRANTEE,the receipt 19 of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, convey and warranty unto the Grantee,and unto its 20 heirs and assigns forever,the following described lands in the County of Pulaski,State of Arkansas: 21 22 WORTHEN & BROWN SUB DIV LOT 12 BLOCK 17 to the City of Little Rock,Pulaski 23 County,Arkansas, more commonly known as 2500 W. 18`h St.,Little Rock, 24 Arkansas 72204(Parcel No. 34L1890015200) 25 26 And, 27 28 CEDAR HEIGHTS SUB DIV LOT 11 BLOCK 2 to the city of Little Rock,Pulaski County,Arkansas, 29 more commonly known as 1705 S. Cedar St,Little Rock, 30 Arkansas 72204(Parcel No.34L1630002400) 31 32 33 34 To have and to hold the same unto the Grantee and unto its heirs,and assigns forever,with all 35 tenements,appurtenances, and hereditaments thereunto belonging. 36 37 The City of Little Rock,hereby releases and relinquishes unto the Grantee, and unto its heirs and 38 assigns forever,all rights and possibility of curtsey, dower, and homestead in and to such lands. 39 40 WITNESS,my hand and seal the day of 2017. 41 42 43 City of Little Rock,GRANTOR 44 500 W.Markham, Ste. 120W 45 Little Rock,Arkansas 72201 46 47 48 By: Mayor Mark Stodola 49 City of Little Rock 50 !Page 5 of 81 1 2 IN-Affordable Housing Inc.,GRANTEE 3 108 S. Rodney Parham Road 4 Little Rock,Arkansas 72205 5 6 7 By: Roma Isom 8 9 10 11 DOCUMENTARY TAX STATEMENT 12 13 I certify under penalty of false swearing that the legally correct amount of documentary stamps 14 have been placed on this instrument. (If none shown, exempt or no consideration paid.) 15 16 17 City of Little Rock 18 500 W.Markham 19 Little Rock,Arkansas 72201 20 21 22 By: Doug Tapp 23 Redevelopment Administrator 24 25 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 26 27 STATE OF ARKANSAS) 28 )SS 29 COUNTY OF PULASKI) 30 31 On this day came before me, the undersigned, a notary public within and for the county and state 32 aforesaid, duly commissioned and acting personally appeared, Doug Tapp, Redevelopment 33 Administrator, duly authorized to act on behalf of The City of Little Rock, known to me as the 34 Grantor in the foregoing Deed, and acknowledged that he has executed the same for the consideration 35 and purposes therein mentioned and set forth. 36 37 WITNESS my hand and seal as such notary public this day of ,2017 38 39 40 41 42 Notary Public 43 44 My Commission expires: 45 46 47 48 49 [Page 6 of 81 I 1 EXHIBIT C 2 3 4 Prepared By: 5 City of Little Rock 6 500 W. Markham 7 Little Rock, AR 72201 8 Representative: 9 Doug Tapp 10 Redevelopment Administrator 11 12 13 WARRANTY DEED(Donation) 14 15 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: 16 17 The City of Little Rock,GRANTOR,for and in consideration of the sum of$10.00 and other 18 good valuable consideration paid by Better Community Development,Inc.,an institution,GRANTEE, 19 the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, convey and warranty unto the Grantee, 20 and unto its heirs and assigns forever,the following described lands in the County of Pulaski, State of 21 Arkansas: 22 23 COYS HIGHLAND BLOCK 3 LOT 10 to the City of Little Rock,Pulaski County,Arkansas, 24 more commonly known as 3620 Marilyn Ave.,Little Rock, 25 Arkansas 72204(Parcel No. 34L0870000900) 26 27 To have and to hold the same unto the Grantee and unto its heirs,and assigns forever, with all 28 tenements,appurtenances, and hereditaments thereunto belonging. 29 30 The City of Little Rock,hereby releases and relinquishes unto the Grantee,and unto its heirs and 31 assigns forever, all rights and possibility of curtsey, dower, and homestead in and to such lands. 32 33 WITNESS,my hand and seal the day of 2017. 34 35 36 City of Little Rock,GRANTOR 37 500 W.Markham,Ste. 120W 38 Little Rock,Arkansas 72201 39 40 41 By: Mayor Mark Stodola 42 City of Little Rock 43 44 45 Better Community Development,Inc.,GRANTEE 46 3508 W. 12th St. Suite 203 47 Little Rock,Arkansas 72204 48 49 50 By: Darryl Swinton IPage 7 of 81 1 DOCUMENTARY TAX STATEMENT 2 3 I certify under penalty of false swearing that the legally correct amount of documentary stamps 4 have been placed on this instrument. (If none shown,exempt or no consideration paid.) 5 6 7 City of Little Rock 8 500 W. Markham 9 Little Rock,Arkansas 72201 10 11 12 By: Doug Tapp 13 Redevelopment Administrator 14 15 16 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 17 18 STATE OF ARKANSAS) 19 )SS 20 COUNTY OF PULASKI) 21 22 On this day came before me, the undersigned, a notary public within and for the county and state 23 aforesaid, duly commissioned and acting personally appeared, Doug Tapp, Redevelopment 24 Administrator, duly authorized to act on behalf of The City of Little Rock, known to me as the 25 Grantor in the foregoing Deed, and acknowledged that he has executed the same for the consideration 26 and purposes therein mentioned and set forth. 27 28 WITNESS my hand and seal as such notary public this day of ,2017 29 30 31 32 Notary Public 33 34 My Commission expires: 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 [Page 8 of 81