boa_11 27 2000LITTLE ROCK BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SUMMARY OF MINUTES NOVEMBER 27, 2000 2:00 P.M. I. Roll Call and Finding of a Quorum A Quorum was present being five (5) in number. II. Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meetings The Minutes of the October 30, 2000 meeting were approved as mailed by unanimous vote. III. Members Present: Gary Langlais, Chairman William Ruck, Vice Chairman Norm Floyd Fred Gray Scott Richburg Members Absent: None City Attorney Present: Cindy Dawson I. LITTLE ROCK BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT DEFERRED ITEM A. Z -6578-A II. NEW ITEMS AGENDA NOVEMBER 27, 2000 2:00 P.M. 5525 Scenic Drive 1. Z -2706-A 1. 8302 Asher Avenue 2. Z-6941 3306 "H" Street 3. Z-6943 5901 Hawthorne Road 4. Z-6944 1112 Kavanaugh Blvd. 5. Z-6945 #1 Deer Meadow Cove 6. Z-6949 #8 Cypress Cove 7. 2001 Board of Adjustment Calendar r i Nc„vember 27, 2000 Item No.: A File No.: Owner: Address: Description: Zoned: Variance Requested: Justification: Present Use of Property Proposed Use of Property: Staff Report: A. Public Works Issues: No issues. B. Staff Analysis: Z -6578-A Mary Lee McHenry 5525 Scenic Drive Lot 15 and part of Lot 16, Grandview R-2 A variance is requested from the accessory structure area regulations of Section 36-156. I have a business at home called Fresh Herbs for Gourmets which supplies herbs to local restaurants and grocery stores. My home at present has no greenhouse, which I badly need in the winter so that I can keep some of my plants out of the winter weather. Single Family Single Family The R-2 zoned property located at 5525 Scenic Drive is occupied by a one-story, brick and frame single family residence. On October 26, 1998, the Board approved setback and building line variances to allow for substantial expansion of the home. The property is located at the corner of Scenic Drive and North Taylor Street and has a platted building line varying from 20 feet to 30 feet in width on both street frontages. The applicant now proposes to place a 9 foot X 11 foot accessory building between the home and Scenic Drive. The accessory building is to be N� .ember 27, 2000 Item No.: A (Cont.) placed across a platted building line and will have a street side yard setback of 1.5 - 2 feet. Although the house faces Scenic Drive, the lot fronts onto Taylor Street and the required setbacks are based on that lot orientation. The code requires accessory buildings to have a minimum setback on the street side line of 15 feet. Staff is not supportive of the requested variance. Although it can be argued that allowing a reduced side yard setback on this dead-end street is reasonable, there are other issues which must be considered. Other homes east of the applicant's property front onto Scenic Drive. Although the applicant's lot fronts to Taylor Street, her home faces Scenic Drive. Placement of an accessory building of this nature in the front yard is out of character with the neighborhood and could have a detrimental effect on neighboring properties. A 10 foot wide sewer easement extends through the applicant's property, parallel to Scenic Drive. The proposed building is located over that sewer easement. The Little Rock Wastewater Utility has recommended denial of the request based on the structure's proposed placement over the sewer easement. Through its previous action, the Board allowed a substantial expansion of the house. Allowing the accessory structure to be placed on the property will create the visual appearance of the site being overdeveloped. Finally, on November 29, 1999, the Board approved the applicant's home occupation which involves the growing, packaging, sales and delivery of culinary herbs and flowers. She was approved to have 3 part-time employees, working an aggregate total of 54 hours per week. The applicant has indicated that the proposed accessory building is to be a greenhouse for the purpose of growing herbs. Section 36-253(b)(6) of the Code prohibits the use of accessory buildings in relation to a home occupation. C. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends denial of the requested variance. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: (SEPTEMBER 25, 2000) Mary Lee McHenry and Bill Sneed were present representing the application. There were no objectors present. Staff presented the item and a recommendation of denial. Staff informed the Board that the applicant had discussed the issue with the Wastewater Utility and that it was possible that the sewer line 2 N',..ember 27, 2000 Item No.: A (Cont. was in the street, not in the easement. As such, Wastewater might not be opposed to the item but, no written or verbal statement had been received from the utility. Ms. McHenry addressed the Board. She stated that it was her intent to build a small, attractive greenhouse and that there was no where else on the property to place the structure. She stated that most of the homes along Scenic Drive actually face to the south and have access off of South Scenic Drive. As such, most of the homes have a rear yard relationship to Scenic Drive. Gary Langlais asked Ms. McHenry if she had considered attaching the greenhouse to the home. Ms. McHenry responded that she had not. Norm Floyd commented that there were a lot of mature trees around the property and asked if they would not block sun from reaching the greenhouse. Ms. McHenry responded that the greenhouse would not get as much sun as she would like but that there was no where else on the site to place the structure. In response to a question from Gary Langlais, Ms. McHenry stated that the greenhouse was for her personal use only and would not be used in conjunction with her home occupation. Mr. Langlais noted that the Board was down to four members present and offered Ms. McHenry the opportunity to defer. She asked that the Board vote on the item. A motion was made to approve the variances subject to approval by the Wastewater Utility. The vote was 2 ayes, 2 noes and 1 absent. Due to a lack of 3 votes, either for or against the item, it was deferred to the October 30, 2000 meeting. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: (OCTOBER 30, 2000) The applicant was not present. There were no objectors present. Staff informed the Board that the applicant was out of town and had requested that the item be deferred for one month. The item was placed on the Consent Agenda and approved for deferral to the November 27, 2000 meeting. The vote was 5 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent. 3 N, ember 27, 2000 Item No.: A (Cont. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: 9 (NOVEMBER 27, 2000) The applicant, Mary Lee McHenry, was present. There were no objectors present. Staff informed the Board that Little Rock Wastewater Utility had determined that the sewer line was in the street right-of-way, not in the easement across Ms. McHenry's property. As such, the utility had no objection to granting the variance. Staff expressed continued concern with the proposed placement of the structure. Ms. McHenry addressed the Board in support of her variance request. She stated hers was one of only two homes on this portion of Scenic that faced the street. In response to questions from the Board, Ms. McHenry stated that the greenhouse would not be used in any way related to her home occupation. She described the structure as being built of glass with a rock foundation to blend with the house. Ms. McHenry reiterated that she would not be growing herbs in the greenhouse as part of her business. A motion was made to approve the requested setback variance. The motion was approved by a vote of 3 ayes, 2 noes and 0 absent. 4 1v"ember 27, 2000 Item No.: 1 File No.: Z -2706-A Owner: Lena Tzao Address: 8302 Asher Avenue Description: All of Lots 19 and 20 and the South 65 feet of Lots 5 and 6, Block 4, Pike Addition Zoned: Variance Requested: Justification: Present Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Staff Report: A. Public Works Issues: No issues. B. Staff Analysis: C-3, R-3 and R-4 A variance is requested from the area regulations of Sections 36-255 and 36-256 to permit construction of a garage addition with a reduced rear yard setback. The applicant's justification is presented in an attached statement. Single Family Single Family The property located at 8302 Asher Avenue is occupied by a one-story, stucco and frame, single family residence. The property consists of 2 full lots fronting onto Asher and two half lots located in the rear. The front lots are zoned C-3 and are undeveloped, serving as an expanded front yard for the residence, which is located on the rear of the property. The half lot that the house is now located on is zoned R-4. The remaining half lot is zoned R-3. The applicant proposes to construct a garage addition onto the house. The addition will extend from the R-4 zoned half lot onto the R-3 zoned half lot and will have a rear yard setback of 10 feet. The code requires a rear yard setback of 25 feet. N�_ amber 27, 2000 Item No.: 1 (Cont.) This is an unusual situation in that, at some point prior to this area being annexed into the City, the home was built on the rear half of lots that actually front onto West 46th Street. Houses are located on the north half of the lots. Consequently, the residentially zoned portion of the applicant's property is only 65 feet deep and 100 feet wide. The house now has a rear yard setback of 20± feet. The home cannot be expanded onto the C-3 zoned property to the south since C-3 does not permit single family dwellings as a permitted use. Due to the architectural configuration of the existing house, the proposed two -car garage cannot be added elsewhere. The proposed variance is for only the width of the garage. The remaining setback will not be affected. It appears that adequate separation will remain between the proposed garage addition and the residence to the north. The property to the north is at a higher elevation than the applicant's property. The two properties are separated by a 4 foot, stone wall. Staff does not believe the proposed addition will negatively impact adjacent properties. C. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the requested rear yard setback variance. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: (NOVEMBER 27, 2000) The applicant, Leta Tzao, and her architect, Terry Burruss, were present. There were no objectors present. Staff presented the item and a recommendation of approval. Staff informed the Board that Mr. Burruss' plans now showed the addition to have a rear yard setback of 8 feet. In response to a question from the Board, both Ms. Tzao and Mr. Burruss confirmed that the required sign had been posted on the property in a timely manner. Mr. Burruss surmised that the heavy rains of the previous weekend may have knocked the sign down. Mr. Burruss described the proposed addition as being built with steel studs, vinyl siding and a shingle roof. He stated that he had determined that it was more architecturally sound to tie the addition into the house's roof -line as his plans showed, resulting in the 8 foot rear yard. 2 N, -.ember 27, 2000 Item No.: 1 (Cont. Norm Floyd asked why the garage could not be built as a free-standing accessory structure, requiring no variance. Mr. Burruss responded that Ms. Tzao lived alone and wanted to have an enclosed, attached garage for safety purposes. Ms. Tzao stated that the proposed location was the best to attach the garage addition, due to the architecture of the house. In response to a question from Gary Langlais, Ms. Tzao stated that there was no objection from the residents living in the home to the rear of her property. A motion was made to approve the requested rear yard setback variance. The motion was approved by a vote of 5 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent. 3 Subject: A copy of explanation Applicant wishes to waive 25'easement requirements on North side of S.65', S. lot 51 blip 4.,Pike, addition to the City of Little Rock, Pulaski County ARK., Applicant feels that Due to an atready existing -almost 4'stonewall separating the s propertie 1. . and an almost 4' rise in ground levels separating the propertiesno harm will be done to thelaojac-ent property owner. Applicant wishes to. constructa Garage closer ( about 10'or less) to the property line than the existing 251 easement wilil presently allow. Thank you for all your help: to makes it possible. 2-2�o�-A Nt— ember 27, 2000 Item No.: 2 File No.: Owner: Address: Description: Zoned: Variance Requested: Justification: Present Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Staff Report: A. Public Works Issues: No issues. B. Staff Analysis: Z-6941 Robert Grim 3306 "H" Street West '-2 of Lots 5 and 6, Block 8, East Pulaski Heights Addition R-3 Variances are requested from the accessory structure area and separation provisions of Section 36-156. The applicant's justification is presented in an attached letter. Single Family Single Family The R-3 zoned property at 3306 "H" Street is occupied by a one-story brick and frame, single-family residence and a detached, garage structure. The existing garage has a front yard setback of 18± feet, a side yard setback of 3.2 feet and is separated from the residence by 3± feet. The applicant proposes to remove the existing garage and build in its place a new carport structure. The new carport will maintain the existing 18± foot front yard and 3± foot separation but is proposed to have a 0 foot side yard setback. The code requires a front yard setback of 60 feet, a side yard setback of 3 feet and a minimum separation from the principal structure of 6 feet. I1, amber 27, 2000 Item No.: 2 (Cont.) Staff has concerns about the proposed carport structure. Allowing the new structure to maintain the existing 18± foot front yard setback and 3± foot separation does not seem unreasonable. The situation should in fact be improved since the new carport will be open on the front and sides allowing for better passage of air and light and more ready access in case of an emergency. Staff's concern lies with the proposed 0 foot side yard. The house on the adjacent property has only a 1.2-1.4 foot setback from the common side property line. Allowing the applicant to construct a structure any closer than the current 3.2 foot side yard greatly increases the possibility of fire spreading from one property onto the other. Additionally, the plan submitted to staff shows the roof of the proposed carport pitching to the sides, causing water to run-off onto the adjacent property. Staff has consistently taken a position of opposition to 0 foot side yard setback proposals. Staff feels that position is strengthened in this case by the presence of the neighboring house. C. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends denial of the requested variances, as filed. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: (NOVEMBER 27, 2000) The applicant was not present. There were no objectors present. Staff informed the Board that the applicant had requested deferral to the December 18, 2000 meeting. The applicant had indicated a desire to work with his architect to address concerns raised by staff. The request for deferral was received on the morning of November 27, 2000. A motion was made waive the Board's Bylaws to accept the applicant's late request for deferral. The motion was approved by a vote of 5 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent. The item was placed on the Consent Agenda and approved for deferral to the December 18, 2000 meeting. The vote was 5 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent. 2 Robert E. Grim 2205 H. St. % U5 SGV f � Little Rock, AR 72205 J 501-666-2376 ext. 229 October 16', 2000 Little Rock Dept. of Planning and Development Board of Adjustment 723 W. Markham Little Rock, AR 72202 We are requesting a residential zoning variance which would allow us to replace an existing shed with an attractive carport. The architect's drawing of the proposed structure is provided along with a picture of the current shed. Both include our house and the houses on either side of our property. Also provided with this letter is a survey showing the width of our lot to be only 78.1 feet. This unusual lot configuration requires the carport to go less than a foot from the east property line even though we have a relatively small house. It should be noted that the current shed and driveway are already occupying the exact space where the carport would be built. The proposed new structure, the carport, would replace the existing shed and significantly improve the appearance of our home, our lot, and the entire neighborhood. The neighbor most affected by this structure is Mary Cameron who lives in the house immediately east of our lot. She is fully aware of this variance request and has no objection to it. We respectfully request that this variance be approved. Sincerely, ���Q Robert E. Grim Jacquelyn . Grim %JaA S,dej-, �,L 1C., ' 10W Xe44Z-- Nt,✓ember 27, 2000 Item No.: 3 File No.: Owner: Address: Description: Zoned: Variance Requested: Justification: Present Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Staff Report: A. Public Works Issues: No issues. B. Staff Analysis: Z-6943 Timothy and Amy Stafford 5901 Hawthorne Road Lot 36, Forest Heights Place R-2 A variance is requested from the area and separation regulations of Section 36-254 and 36-156 to permit construction of an addition with a reduced side yard setback and reduced separation. The applicant's justification is presented in an attached letter. Single Family Single Family The R-2 zoned property at 5901 Hawthorne Road is occupied by a one-story, brick and frame, single family residence. The house currently has a 3 foot side yard setback on the west side. The applicant proposes to build an addition onto the rear of the house, maintaining the existing 3 foot side yard. The code requires a side yard setback of 6 foot for this lot. Additionally, a set of stairs are proposed to come out of the back of the addition and to extend to within 3+ feet of an accessory building. The code requires a minimum separation of 6 feet between structures. N,,ember 27, 2000 Item No.: 3 (Cont. Staff is supportive of the requested variances. Allowing the new addition to maintain the existing 3 foot side yard makes sense architecturally and should have no greater impact on the adjacent property. The house on the adjacent lot is located approximately 8 feet from the side lot line, providing adequate separation between structures. The new addition is to be built in an area currently occupied by a wood deck. Reduced side yards are not uncommon in the Heights area where the majority of the lots were platted as either 50 or 60 feet in width. The proposed steps which are to be located in the area between the new addition and the accessory building are to be built of concrete and are not proposed to be covered. Otherwise, the area between the structures is to remain open. Staff believes it is reasonable to limit the size of any overhang on the side of the proposed addition and to require guttering to prohibit any water run-off. C. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the requested side yard and separation variances subject to compliance with the following conditions: 1. The eave/overhang on the west side of the proposed addition is to be limited to a maximum of 12 inches. 2. Guttering is to be installed on the west side of the addition to prohibit water run-off onto the adjacent property. 3. The steps between the proposed addition and the accessory building are to remain uncovered and unenclosed. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: (NOVEMBER 27, 2000) The applicant was present. There were no objectors present. Staff presented the item and a recommendation of approval subject to compliance with the conditions outlined in the "Staff Recommendation" above. 2 N`.ember 27, 2000 Item No.: 3 (Cont.) The applicant offered no additional comments. The item was placed on the Consent Agenda and approved as recommended by staff. The vote was 5 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent. 3 Mack and Amy Stafford 5901 Hawthorne Little Rock, AR 72207 501-663-2257 October 24, 2000 Department of Planning and Development Board of Adjustments 723 West Markham Little Rock, AR 72201 501-371-4790 Dear Madam/Sir: My wife and I are planning an addition to our residence and are requesting a variance. The reason for the variance is the existing 10' by 9' Family Room that we wish to extend from is 3' from the property line and current regulations require a 6'offset. I believe it is very important to obtain the variance. The additional 3' offset required to meet the 6' building line would severely disrupt the internal design and function of the room and add to building costs and time. It would greatly reduce both the usability of the room for furniture and cabinets and the architectural aesthetics of the room by more than the lost 35 sq. ft. Allowing us to extend naturally from the existing residence would only require an additional 11' 5" of wall built along the 3' building line. We feel an attractive floorplan is very important to a home. Approving the variance request would allow us to add a beautiful Family Room that would add value to the home and to the neighborhood. We are also requesting we be allowed to move the existing concrete steps within the 6' offset required between the addition and the detached shed. We ask this because requiring them to be placed on the side of the house would farther disrupt the floorplan of the room. Thank you for considering our request for the variance. Sincerely,. Mack and Amy Sta ford Nt,Jember 27, 2000 Item No.: 4 File No.: Z-6945 Owner: Robert and Amy Keltner Address: 1112 Kavanaugh Blvd. Description: Lot 25, Block 5, Midland Hills Zoned: R-3 Variance Requested: A variance is requested from the fence height provisions of Section 36-156 to permit construction of an arbor over the front gate. Justification: Applicant's Statement: "The arbor would be a positive addition to the historic character of the Hillcrest neighborhood without compromising the intended purpose of the height requirements and setback requirements of the Zoning Ordinance." Present Use of Property: Single Family Proposed Use of Property: Single Family Staff Report: A. Public Works Issues: No issues. B. Staff Analysis: The R-3 zoned property at 1112 Kavanaugh Blvd. is occupied by a two-story, frame, single-family residence. The owner of the home has recently constructed a 3.5 -foot tall, picket fence around the front yard. He desires to construct an arbor over the front gate. The arbor would be incorporated into the fence and would be approximately 8-10 feet tall at the highest point. Since the arbor is incorporated into the fence, staff determined that it was subject to the fence N— ember 27, 2000 Item No.: 4 (Cont.) height regulations. The code limits the height of fences erected within the setback adjacent to streets to 4 feet. Staff is supportive of the requested variances. The proposed arbor is 7'6" in width. The picket fence angles back from the front property line so that the arbor is set back 3 feet from the property line, 8 feet from the sidewalk and 12 feet from the curb of Kavanaugh Blvd. The sides of the arbor will be enclosed with lattice -work. Otherwise, the structure will be open and unenclosed. The structure will not create a sight -distance problem and presents no hazard to persons on the sidewalk. The structure fits in nicely with the character of the Hillcrest neighborhood and should have no impact on any adjacent properties. C. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the requested fence height variance to allow for construction of the arbor as proposed by the applicant. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: (NOVEMBER 27, 2000) The applicant was present. There were no objectors present. Staff presented the item and a recommendation of approval. The applicant offered no additional comments. The item was placed on the Consent Agenda and approved by a vote of 5 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent. 2 N, -✓ember 27, 2000 Item No.: 5 File No. Owner: Address: Description: Zoned: Variance Requested: Justification: Present Use of Property Proposed Use of Property: Staff Report: A. Public Works Issues: No issues. B. Staff Analysis: Z-6945 Casonia Vinson #1 Deer Meadow Cove Lot 14, Block 1, Deer Meadow R-2 A variance is requested from the fence height provisions of Section 36-156 to permit a 6 foot tall privacy fence within the street side yard setback. The applicant's justification is presented in an attached letter. Single Family Single Family The R-2 zoned property located at #1 Deer Meadow Cove is occupied by a one-story, brick and frame, single family residence. The occupant has recently erected a 6 foot tall privacy fence enclosing the street side and rear yard. The fence extends past the building line to the property line adjacent to Deer Meadow Drive. The code limits the height of fences erected within setbacks adjacent to streets to 4 feet. Staff is supportive of the requested variance. The fence is located 19± feet from the curb of Deer Meadow Drive which, at this point, is a divided street with a median. The street has an 80 foot right-of-way. The broad right-of-way and the traffic lanes being divided by the median reduce the N,, -ember 27, 2000 Item No.: 5 (Cont.) potential of a sight -distance hazard. This property, as with several others on Deer Meadow Drive, had a chain-link fence that actually extended into the right-of-way. That portion of the chain-link fence has been removed and the new, privacy fence is totally within the property lines. The fence has been constructed in "good neighbor" fashion, with the finished side facing outward. During the site visit, staff becomes aware of a new storage building that had been placed between the house and Deer Meadow Drive, behind the new privacy fence. The applicant was advised that the structure did not meet required setbacks. The applicant has stated that she will relocate the structure to an appropriate location on her property. C. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the fence height variance, as filed. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: (NOVEMBER 27, 2000) The applicant was present. There were no objectors present. Staff presented the item and a recommendation of approval. The applicant offered no additional comments. The item was placed on the Consent Agenda and approved by a vote of 5 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent. 2 October 26, 2000 To Whom it May Concern: I'm writing this letter in regards to a courtesy notice and denial of permit for a privacy fence that was installed at my home on Thursday, October 19 by A&K Fence. My home along with several others that are fenced have chain-link fences that extend almost to the curb, which I found out exceeds the property lines. The 6ft, wooden privacy fence I had installed around the backside and back yard was moved in to meet my property line requirements and also allotted the city a 5 foot ease. The fence does not obstruct a drivers view, nor does it make the property less attractive. I had this fence installed for several reasons, the first being that I have a swimming pool and jacuzzi on my deck, and from what I've seen, there are several children in the neighborhood for whom I do not want to be deemed responsible for any water -related accidents on my property. If they cannot see the pool, then they will not have anything to arouse their curiosity. Second, this fence decreases the number of headlights, rubbemeckers and other outside activities and increases my right to privacy. I'm asking the board of adjustment to grant me a variance to allow me to keep my fence as it is so that I can enjoy the privacy of my home. Thank you, Casonia Vinson z -6c, � S-� N�✓ember 27, 2000 Item No.: 6 File No.: Owner: Address: Description: Zoned: Variance Requested: Z-6949 James and Deborah Rudolph #8 Cypress Cove Lot 237, The Ranch Addition EaWA A variance is requested from the area regulations of Section 36-254 to permit construction of a new house with a reduced rear yard setback. Justification: The lot has a unusual shape, being narrow at the front. The house has been situated to accommodate a side -loaded garage. The lot backs up to a lake so the reduced rear yard will not impact any other properties. Present Use of Property Proposed Use of Property: Staff Report: A. Public Works Issues: No issues. B. Staff Analysis: Vacant lot Single Family The applicant proposes to construct a new single family residence on the R-2 zoned lot located at #8 Cypress Cove. The residence is proposed to have a reduced rear yard setback of 15.5± feet. The code requires a rear yard setback of 25 feet. Staff is supportive of the requested variance. The lot is "pie -shaped", being narrow at the front. The house has been situated farther back than the standard 25 foot front yard N"ember 27, 2000 Item No.: 6 (Cont. setback to accommodate a side -loaded garage. The proposed encroachment involves only a small corner of the residence. The area of the encroachment is a screened porch. The lot backs up to an open space and lake. Allowing this minor intrusion into the rear yard area will not impact other properties. C. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the requested rear yard setback variance, as filed. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: (NOVEMBER 27, 2000) The applicant was present. There were no objectors present. Staff presented the item and a recommendation of approval. The applicant offered no additional comments. The item was placed on the Consent Agenda and approved by a vote of 5 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent. N ADOPTED: November 27, 2000 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CALENDAR OF MEETING DATES 2001 FILING DATE LEGAL AD MEETING DATE 12-22-00 01-19-01 01-29-01 01-26-01 02-16-01 02-26-01 02-23-01 03-16-01 03-26-01 03-23-01 04-20-01 04-30-01 04-27-01 05-11-01 05-21-01 05-25-01 06-15-01 06-25-01 06-22-01 07-20-01 07-30-01 07-27-01 08-17-01 08-27-01 08-24-01 09-14-01 09-24-01 09-21-01 10-19-01 10-29-01 10-26-01 11-16-01 11-26-01 11-19-01 12-07-01 12-17-01 12-21-01 01-18-02 01-28-02 NOTE: (1) All Board meetings to be held at 2:00 P.M. unless otherwise changed by the Board. (2) Agenda meeting to be held at 1:30 P.M. in the Board Conference Room on meeting date. NOTICE: AN INTERPRETER WILL BE PROVIDED FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED UPON REQUEST. REQUEST SHOULD BE MADE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT AT LEAST TWO WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED MEETING DATE. e II Q m Q i I� a W Q Z W Q `3 o e r zoCC) (3 J Z LL 0 ¢ ZU CO U �o��Q O W Un _J W z LL Q uj ruj 0 Q Z = U LL II Q m Q i I� a W Q Z W Q o zoCC) (3 J Z LL 0 ¢ ZU CO U II Q m Q i I� a W Q Z W Q November 27, 2000 There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 2:26 p.m. Date: 1.'Pte. 2��c Chairm S ret y