HDC_07 13 20151
Monday, July 13, 2015, 5:00 p.m.
Board Room, City Hall
I. Roll Call
Quorum was present being seven (7) in number.
Members Present: Toni Johnson
BJ Bowen
Page Wilson
Jennifer Carman
Jeremiah Russell
Rebecca Pekar
Dick Kelley
Members Absent: none
City Attorney: Debra Weldon
Staff Present: Brian Minyard
Citizens Present: Rhea Roberts
II. Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Commissioner BJ Bowen to defer the minutes of June 8, 2015 to correct
typos and Commissioner Jennifer Carman seconded and the minutes were deferred with a vote
of 7 ayes and 0 noes.
Notice requirements were met on all applications to be heard tonight.
III. Deferred Certificates of Appropriateness
IV. Certificates of Appropriateness
723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435
DATE: July 13, 2015
APPLICANT: Ralph Wilcox, Arkansas Historic Preservation Program
ADDRESS: 8115 Ascension Road
REQUEST: Nomination of the Matthews-Storey House to the National Register
The subject property is located at 8115 Ascension Road. The property’s legal description is”
Tract A of Halfacres Replat of Lots 45 and 46, Block 6 Westwood Addition to the City of Little
Rock“, Pulaski County, Arkansas."
723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435
Location of Mathews-Storey House, 8115 Ascension Road
The Arkansas Historic Preservation Programs has set forth the “Arkansas Certified Local
Government Procedures.” In it, sections are titled: “Introduction”, “Eligibility for participation in
the Certified Local Government Program”, “Process for Certification of Local Governments”,
“Process for monitoring Certified local Governments,” “Certified Local Governments
Participation in the National Register Nomination Process”, and “Transfer of funds to Certified
Local Governments.”
In Section II Eligibility for Participation in the Certified Local Government Program subsection C
Local Historic Preservation Program, II C. 2. f) states that one of the Duties of local preservation
commissions shall include:
“Reviewing all proposed National Registration nominations for properties within
the boundaries of the CLG’s jurisdiction. When a commission reviews a
nomination or other action that will impact properties which are normally
evaluated by a professional in a specific discipline, at that discipline is not
represented on the commission, the commission must seek expertise in that
discipline before rendering its decision.”
In Section V Certified Local Government participation in the national register nomination
process, sub section B CLG involvement in the National Register Process, the procedures state:
A. CLGs shall submit a report (available for public inspection) to the AHPP
regarding the eligibility of each property or district within its jurisdiction proposed
for nomination to the National Register.
I. The report shall include recommendations of the local preservation commission
and the chief elected official.
2. The report should concentrate on the property's eligibility under the National
Register criteria.
3. Failure to submit reports on the eligibility of properties nominated within the
jurisdiction of the CLG after the AHPP has informed the CLG of a pending
nomination will be considered during the periodic performance evaluation.
B. CLG involvement in the National Register process
I. Within 60 calendar days of receipt of the nomination, the CLG shall inform the
AHPP by submission of a report (see section V-A) as to its opinion regarding the
eligibility of the property. The CLG shall also inform the property owner(s) using
National Register criteria for evaluation, as to its opinion regarding the eligibility
of the property.
2. In the event a nomination is received by the AHPP before submission to the
CLG, the AHPP will forward a copy of the completed nomination to the CLG
within 30 calendar days of receipt.
3. If both the commission and chief elected official recommend that a property
not be nominated because it does not meet the National Register criteria for
eligibility, the CLG will so inform the property owner(s) and the State Historic.
Preservation Officer, the property will then not be nominated unless an appeal is
filed with the SHPO in accordance with appeal procedures outlined in 36 CFR
60. Appeals must be received by the SHPO within 30 calendar days of the date
the property owner receives notification by certified mail that the property has
been determined ineligible for nomination by both the CLG and the Chief elected
official. This is in accordance with Section 101[c) 2 of the NHPA.
4. If the commission or the chief elected official of the CLG recommend that a
property should be nominated, the nomination will be scheduled for submission
to the Arkansas State Review Board. Scheduling will be in accordance with
notification time constraints as set forth in 36 CFR Part 60.
5. The Arkansas State Review Board, after considering all opinions, including
those of the commission and the chief elected official of the CLG, shall make its
recommendation to the State Historic Preservation Officer. Either the local
preservation commission or the chief elected official may appeal the SHPOs final
6. When a National Register nomination, that has been reviewed by a
commission, is submitted to the National Park Service for review and listing, all
reports or comments from the local officials will be submitted along with the
7. The AHPP and the CLG will work together to provide ample opportunity for
public participation in the nomination of properties to the National register. All
reports submitted by the CLG to the AHPP regarding the eligibility of properties
shall include assurances of public input. The CLG shall retain a list of all persons
contacted during the evaluation period and note comments that were received. If
a public meeting was held, a list of those attending shall be included in the report.
PROPOSAL: The Commission will review the Nomination of the Matthew Storey House to the
National Register.
The nomination consists of 1 contributing building, on contributing bridge and 2 additional non-
contributing buildings.
The Matthews-Storey House is a Craftsman style Airplane Bungalow located in southern Little
Rock, Arkansas. These bungalows were seen to echo the form of early aircraft, with the second
story as the cockpit and the cross gables as the wings. This house is an amazingly intact
example of Craftsman design in central Arkansas built by the Justin Matthews Company in the
Westwood development west of the city of Little Rock. As an important example of the
uncommon Airplane Bungalow type of Craftsman style architecture in central Arkansas, the
Matthews-Storey house is being nominated to the National Register of Historic Placed under
Criterion C with local significance.
NEIGHBORHOOD COMMENTS AND REACTION: At the time of distribution, there were no
comments regarding this application.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends nomination to the National Register of
Historic Places under Criterion C. Criterion C is defined as: Property embodies the distinctive
characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction or represents the work of a master,
or possesses high artistic values, or represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose
components lace individual distinction.
There was discussion between Staff and the Commission since the applicant was not present.
The bylaws require an applicant be present for COA applications, of which this is not. The
review of national register listings is part of the federal process and the Commission is fulfilling
its’ duties as a CLG. Ms. Weldon stated that the Commission requested an AHPP
representative to be present at the hearings, but it is not required. Staff stated that they needed
the recommendation before the August state review board meeting.
Mr. Minyard made a brief presentation and there were no citizens that desired to speak on the
Commissioner Jeremiah Russell made a motion to support the nomination to the National
Register. Commissioner BJ Bowen seconded and the motion passed with a vote of 7 ayes and
0 noes.
DATE: July 13, 2015
APPLICANT: Ralph Wilcox, Arkansas Historic Preservation Program
ADDRESS: 1516 West 3rd Street
REQUEST: Nomination of the Dan Stowers Office Building to the National Register
The subject property is located at 1516 West 3rd Street. The property’s legal description is “Lot
9, Block 6, Deaf Mute Addition to the City of Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas."
723 West Markham Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1334
Phone: (501) 371-4790 Fax: (501) 399-3435
I. Location of the Dan Stowers Office Building at 1516 W 3rd Street.
The Arkansas Historic Preservation Programs has set forth the “Arkansas Certified Local
Government Procedures.” In it, sections are titled: “Introduction”, “Eligibility for participation in
the Certified Local Government Program”, “Process for Certification of Local Governments”,
“Process for monitoring Certified local Governments,” “Certified Local Governments
Participation in the National Register Nomination Process”, and “Transfer of funds to Certified
Local Governments.”
In Section II Eligibility for Participation in the Certified Local Government Program subsection C
Local Historic Preservation Program, II C. 2. f) states that one of the Duties of local preservation
commissions shall include:
“Reviewing all proposed National Registration nominations for properties within
the boundaries of the CLG’s jurisdiction. When a commission reviews a
nomination or other action that will impact properties which are normally
evaluated by a professional in a specific discipline, at that discipline is not
represented on the commission, the commission must seek expertise in that
discipline before rendering its decision.”
In Section V Certified Local Government participation in the national register nomination
process, sub section B CLG involvement in the National Register Process, the procedures state:
A. CLGs shall submit a report (available for public inspection) to the AHPP
regarding the eligibility of each property or district within its jurisdiction proposed
for nomination to the National Register.
I. The report shall include recommendations of the local preservation commission
and the chief elected official.
2. The report should concentrate on the property's eligibility under the National
Register criteria.
3. Failure to submit reports on the eligibility of properties nominated within the
jurisdiction of the CLG after the AHPP has informed the CLG of a pending
nomination will be considered during the periodic performance evaluation.
B. CLG involvement in the National Register process
I. Within 60 calendar days of receipt of the nomination, the CLG shall inform the
AHPP by submission of a report (see section V-A) as to its opinion regarding the
eligibility of the property. The CLG shall also inform the property owner(s) using
National Register criteria for evaluation, as to its opinion regarding the eligibility
of the property.
2. In the event a nomination is received by the AHPP before submission to the
CLG, the AHPP will forward a copy of the completed nomination to the CLG
within 30 calendar days of receipt.
3. If both the commission and chief elected official recommend that a property
not be nominated because it does not meet the National Register criteria for
eligibility, the CLG will so inform the property owner(s) and the State Historic.
Preservation Officer, the property will then not be nominated unless an appeal is
filed with the SHPO in accordance with appeal procedures outlined in 36 CFR
60. Appeals must be received by the SHPO within 30 calendar days of the date
the property owner receives notification by certified mail that the property has
been determined ineligible for nomination by both the CLG and the Chief elected
official. This is in accordance with Section 101[c) 2 of the NHPA.
4. If the commission or the chief elected official of the CLG recommend that a
property should be nominated, the nomination will be scheduled for submission
to the Arkansas State Review Board. Scheduling will be in accordance with
notification time constraints as set forth in 36 CFR Part 60.
5. The Arkansas State Review Board, after considering all opinions, including
those of the commission and the chief elected official of the CLG, shall make its
recommendation to the State Historic Preservation Officer. Either the local
preservation commission or the chief elected official may appeal the SHPOs final
6. When a National Register nomination, that has been reviewed by a
commission, is submitted to the National Park Service for review and listing, all
reports or comments from the local officials will be submitted along with the
7. The AHPP and the CLG will work together to provide ample opportunity for
public participation in the nomination of properties to the National register. All
reports submitted by the CLG to the AHPP regarding the eligibility of properties
shall include assurances of public input. The CLG shall retain a list of all persons
contacted during the evaluation period and note comments that were received. If
a public meeting was held, a list of those attending shall be included in the report.
PROPOSAL: The Commission will review the Nomination of the Dan Stowers Office Building to
the National Register. This nomination includes one contributing building and one non-
contributing resources.
The Dan Stowers Office Building is a very good example of mid-century modern influences on
the International style. The architectural design remains almost completely intact from 1961,
which makes this building stand out among mid-century construction. The changes to
landscaping and the front entrance ramp are minimal and do not detract from the integrity of the
property. The well-maintained building displays the typical elements, such as flat roofline with
colored trim accent, asymmetrical design, floor-to-ceiling glazing system, new materials
(enameled panels), and the curtain wall of windows. While exterior decoration is minimal, the
fenestration adds subtle detail. The Dan Stowers Office Building emphasizes the modernist idea
of incorporating the outdoors into the building interior through the north wall of windows, which
was incorporated into the design to utilize the natural light in the room intended for drafting. The
area transitioned from residential to commercial during the middle of the twentieth century. The
Dan Stowers Office Building exemplifies the trend of replacing residential dwellings with
commercial buildings near the Arkansas State Capitol. While the historic context has changed
throughout the years, the building remains as a connection to the modernist ideals in the mid-
century that have shaped our society today. As a tangible example of an era past, the Dan
Stowers Office Building is being nominated to the National Register of Historic Places with local
significance under Criterion C for its association with the mid-century modernist influence on the
International Style. The building, which is currently leased by a religious organization, is also
being nominated under Criteria Consideration A.
NEIGHBORHOOD COMMENTS AND REACTION: At the time of distribution, there were no
comments regarding this application.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends nomination to the National Register of
Historic Places under Criterion C. Criterion C is defined as: Property embodies the distinctive
characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction or represents the work of a master,
or possesses high artistic values, or represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose
components lace individual distinction.
Mr. Minyard made a brief presentation and there were no citizens that desired to speak on the
Commissioner Jeremiah Russell made a motion to support the nomination to the National
Register. Commissioner Page Wilson seconded and the motion passed with a vote of 7 ayes
and 0 noes.
V. Other Matters
Preservation Plan Implementation update
The summary of the meeting will be provided to the Commissioners via email.
Enforcement issues
No items were brought to the commission for enforcement.
Certificates of Compliance
Staff wrote 2 COCs this month and copies were emailed to the Commissioners with the packets.
Motion to Reconsider storm windows at 1201 Commerce
Brian Minyard stated the AHPP has approved an alternate storm window for the Hostel. Parks
has met with a provider on site. Staff quoted the bylaws on reconsidering an item, Staff believes
that there are two factors that make this a substantially different item. One, Parks will not
propose a storm window without first AHPP approving it: and two, the windows are a low profile,
only projecting 3/8 of an inch. Staff recommends that the commission vote to reconsider the
item at the next hearing. The email that was sent from AHPP to Staff and Parks was discussed.
The commission will not hear the item from Parks until AHPP submits in writing that the storms
are approved by the easement coordinator. Debra Weldon stated that the Commission would
not be able to determine whether or not it was a material change if they cannot see the
difference between the two options. Rhea Roberts spoke on the request of Commissioner Page
Wilson how those storm windows are an acceptable alternative. Mr. Minyard clarified that the
City still owns the building, the Hostel has a lease and the money for the storm windows are in
the city budget for finishing the project. Mr. Minyard asked Ms. Weldon if the Commission could
look at the materials and hear the item on the same evening. She believes that the motion to
reconsider must be before the item is to be heard. Ms. Weldon stated that it is up to each
Commission to determine whether a material change has occurred before it is voted upon. The
applicant will need to submit the application the month prior to the public hearing for the
Commissioners to determine if it is a material change or not. There was no motion neither
needed nor made.
Guidelines Revision
This item will be discussed in the work session that will follow this meeting. It was advertised
and published to have that discussion. Staff noted that there would be no citizen communication
during the guidelines discussion to be held after this meeting.
Citizen Communication
There were no citizens that chose to speak during citizen communication. Adjournment
There was a motion to adjourn and the meeting ended at 5:45 p.m.
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