14199 1 RESOLUTION NO. 14,199 2 3 A RESOLUTION TO APPOINT NICHETRA MAGEE AS AN AT-LARGE 4 REPRESENTATIVE TO THE LITTLE ROCK RACIAL & CULTURAL 5 DIVERSITY COMMISSION; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. 6 7 WHEREAS,an At-Large appointment to the City created the Little Rock Racial&Cultural Diversity 8 Commission needs to be made by the Mayor, after consultation with the Board of Directors; 9 NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY 10 OF LITTLE ROCK,ARKANSAS: 11 Section 1. Nichetra Magee is appointed as the At-Large Representative of the Racial & Cultural 12 Diversity Commission to fill a vacancy left by Lou Palermo. 13 Section 2. Severability. In the event any title, section, paragraph, item, sentence, clause, phrase, or 14 word of this resolution is declared or adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional, such declaration 15 or adjudication shall not affect the remaining portions of the resolution which shall remain in full force and 16 effect as if the portion so declared or adjudged invalid or unconstitutional were not originally a part of the 17 resolution. 18 Section 3. Repealer.All laws, ordinances,resolutions, or parts of the same,that are inconsistent with 19 the provisions of this resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency. 20 ADOPTED: September 15,2015 21 Jig . lip APPROVED: 22 /?/124 Sn ' ; ey,Cty Clerk Mark Stodola, ayor 25 , PR 1 ' I AS TO LEGAL FORM: 26 27 ./ h1:14-4---'''51 ' Il 211 28 Thomas M. Carpenter,Ci Attorn: 1 29 // 30 // 31 // 32 // 33 // 34 // L --- -