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6166 % RESOLUTION NO. 6 ,166 A RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION AND COMMENDATION TO THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF LITTLE ROCK, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS, the Junior League of Little Rock has, since its inception, been a supporter and champion of the arts in our community, and WHEREAS, Riverfest 1979 was the second annual community event organized and sponsored by the Junior League and held on the banks of the Arkansas River, and WHEREAS, Riverfest 1979 was a tremendous success, giving Little Rock ' s citizens an opportunity to enjoy a variety of visual and performing arts activities surrounded by the City' s most beautiful natural resource, the Arkansas River, and WHEREAS, numerous individuals , visual and performing arts groups, civic clubs and private companies contributed to the success of Riverfest, and WHEREAS, Riverfest has already become a tradition which Little Rock ' s citizens, both young and old, look forward to each year, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1 . The Board of Directors, on behalf of all the citizens of Little Rock, hereby commend the members of the } Junior League of Little Rock for their leadership and foresight in support of the arts , and in particularly for their sponsorship of Riverfest. SECTION 2. The Board of Directors also recognize Mrs. Nancy Dickins for her tireless contributions as Riverfest Chairman. SECTION 3. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED: June 19 , 1979 471 ATTEST: 40t S??frell APPROVED: ` 41A4e) if(// City Clerk Mayor