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3528 RESOLUTIvN NO. 3,528 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PROVISIONS OF MINUTE ORDER NO 66 92 OF THE ARKANSAS HIGHWAY COMbMISSION; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, At2 ANS,AS: SECTION 1. Minute Order No. 66 92, passed by the Arkansas Highway Commission on February 23, 196u, with reference to the further development and planning of the East-West Expressway, including the responsibility for right of way acquisition, is accepted. SECTION 2. The minute order referred to in Section 1 hereof is in form and substance as follows: ., 0 h, c - ,c, 4 ARKANSAS STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT . PAN,I!7: C 70 7 :a LA PUS KI - - - _County Page 1 of 1 Pages District Number_ 6 _ __ • In PULASKI COUNTY, in the City of Little Rock, for the EAST- WEST EXPRESSWAY, from the eastern end of current construction , to the terminal interchange with Interstate Route 30 ; WHEREAS, the conditions of Minute Order 2977 have been accepted ' by the City of Little Rock by Resolution 2251, dated November 10, 1958, including a proposal by the City that all right-of-way be furnished, clear of obstructions , free of cost to the State; . ,- and i ' 1 • WHEREAS, construction of the first star;0 from University Avenue to Dennispn Street is presently underway ; and ' WHEREAS, there is an urgent need to have right-of-way require- ments and completed construction plans for the second stage at , an early date; and - * WHEREAS, the current work load of the Department 's personnel on ' 1 1 • other urgent projects is such that immediate attention cannot be given to this section of the expressway; . . NOW THEREFORE, the Director is authorized to employ a Consulting . . Engineer for the purpose o 1: developing right-of-way requirements and complete construction plans for the EAST-WEST EXPRESSWAY from Dennison Street eastwardly to the terminal interchange with ' . , . . Interstate Route 30, subject to the following conditions: - ., . . , 1. Program approval by the Bureau of Public Roads. . . 2. The Arkansas State Highway Commission be given . . . , , • - assurance that the City of Little Rock will furnish . all rights-of-way , clear of obstructions and free of cost to the State. • 3 . The provisions of this Minute Order be accepted by , ' official action of the Board of Directors of the City of Little Rock. . . , ---; App ove, : #7—, — Submittell hy: . , a6•Irinn •,, , t e z,.. --- , ... , . 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