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1661 RESOLUTION NO. 1661. A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE APPROVAL BY THE LITTLE ROCK CITY COUNCIL OF THE EXAMINERS ' REPORT OF CERTAIN MATTERS HEARD BEFORE THE CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD. WHEREAS, the City Council of Little Rock, Arkansas has recently learned of the Examiners ' Report and Recommendation made in connec- tion with certain hearings before the Civil Aeronautics Board, in which the examiners recommended that an additional transportation service by air be permitted, extending from Little Rock to Fort Smith, to Musk-ogee, Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Wichita Falls, Lubbock, and El Paso, and WHEREAS, this City Council is of the firm opinion that such additional service by air is needed by the citizens of Little Rock, as well as the State of Arkansas, and WHEREAS, this City Council desires to make its approval known, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS : SECTION 1. The City Council of Little Rock hereby declares that it is in accord with the Examiners ' Report made in connection with the Civil Aeronautics Board hearing involving transportation service by air from Little Rock to Fort Smith, to Muskogee, Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Wichita Falls, Lubbock, and El Paso, with regard to Docket No. 503, 1143, 58 7, 1126, 1144, 1145, 1146 and 1142, said report being made by Berdon M. Bell and Barron Fredericks. This City Council respectfully requests that the said Examiners ' Report be approved and adopted, in so far as it affects Little Rock, Arkansas. SECTION 2. That a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Civil Aeronautics Board in Washington, D. C. ADOPTED: �i M M July 10, 191+. 1,,c losh, w .1 or , 1, ATTEST : ity ,Clerk) VETO SUSTAIN iii 5-7-144.