1035r PFSOLUTION NO. 1035. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK: That, The Board of Public affairs of this City be directed to place upon the market and sell to the highest bidder, the property owned by the City upon Eleventh Street between welch and College Streets, being property purchased by the City some years ago to use for the erection of a fire station, and That, The said ?hoard of Public Affairs stall then use the proceeds derived from the sale of said property for the purpose of repair and maintenance of the buildings in the City Park. Adopted: January 9, 1919. Attes . 4. City Clerk. Approv : Mayor. PFSOLUTION NO. 1035. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK: That, The Board of Public affairs of this City be directed to place upon the market and sell to the highest bidder, the property owned by the City upon Eleventh Street between welch and College Streets, being property purchased by the City some years ago to use for the erection of a fire station, and That, The said ?hoard of Public Affairs stall then use the proceeds derived from the sale of said property for the purpose of repair and maintenance of the buildings in the City Park. Adopted: January 9, 1919. Attes . 4. City Clerk. Approv : Mayor.