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1199rz 1000, TT ITI Tk 9 9 3 TT IT-,IJ7]��Z 4 - 3 MEET IJD71 C -7,1- 7�:T T - 02L �__) 1, ,j I — � D �, TME3 E R 4 8 5 . - . I i 'he--,--eas, petitions are being circulated for street Improvement District "Umber 465, and., the City of -1r_i-Gtle -,Look ir-:-- the o-, 7 Iner of the of the E1 of jecti on 6, -Township orth, 'an,--e 12 Test, 4 L - -1 4 reet Improvement which property is all located and embraced with n u District 'Number 485; 1. OW, OTT­ .OW, _3E I-j RESOLVED 3Y 1111-111 CITY U _. C -ir L On 07 LI _�'TL]E' ;'-'L 0 C Till That the acting- 1-ayor of the City of little Rock, J. I. u I,- 7ilheime•, J2-,., is hereby authorized and directed to si-n the C� secon-d pot iti on to street Improvement District "umber 485, on the City of Little 3och. Adopted: September 26, 1927- Attest: City Clerk. .1 Approved: y y 0 r or.