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1294RESOLUTION NC. °AREAS, under existing ordinances of the City of Little Rock, the City Collector is elected by the City Council, and the appointments of his deputies are approved by the Council, and WHEREAS, the City Collector and his deputies are respon- sible directly to the City Council for the affairs of that office, and the City Council is in turn responsible to the people of the City of Little Rock for the efficient conduct of the affairs in the office of City Collector, and ',IJT EE REAS, it is impracticable for the entire membership of the City Council to exercise active supervision over the City Collector's office, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Little Rock that there be and hereby is created a com- mittee to be composed of three members of the City Council, to be elected by the City Council, to be known as the "'Ways and Lleans Committee" of the City Council, i:rhich co r:Littee shall have, and is hereby -iven complete supervision, charge, and control of and over the internal affairs of said office. That such committee shall make all rules and regulations necessary to the proper and effic- ient conduct of the business affairs of said office, subject to the approval of the City Council. That it shall be the duty of the Committee to meet at least once each month; to secure all prop- er information and reports from the City Collector, to transmit the same to the City Council, and to make such reports to the City Council as the co­=ittee deems necessary, or the Council may re- quest; and to keep the Council fully advised, at all times, as to the affairs of the City Collector's office. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that imii- ,ediately upon the adop- tion of this resolution the City Council shall elect the members of the "'days and P.leans Committee ", who shall serve until the re- organization of the City Council in April, 1934, when their suc- cessors shall be elected for a period of one year; and that each Page 2. A. -"ril thereafter, immediately after the City Council is reorgan- ized, it shall elect the members of the"*Nays and leans Committee?' for a period of one year.