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7302w ■w w w w w w w iw �■ w w� w w w RESOLUTION NO. 7,302 A RESOLUTION COMMENDING THE LITTLE ROCK PLANNING COMMISSION. WHEREAS, the Planning Commissioners of the City of Little Rock have served in their capacity without monetary renumeration; and WHEREAS, these eleven Commissioners are required to meet at least twice a month for numerous hours to hear both subdivision and zoning requests; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commissioners provide an invaluable service in their decision - making process regarding both subdivision and zoning matters; and WHEREAS, these Commissioners provide an invaluable community service because of their dedication to sound land use planning within the City. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. The Board of Directors hereby expresses their appreciation and commends the Planning Commissioners of the City of Little Rock for their unselfish contribution on behalf of the City and the citizens of this City. SECTION 2. The Board of Directors hereby encourages the Planning Commissioners in the efforts that they have made on behalf of the City in the development of land use decisions. ADOPTED: December 18, 1984 ATTEST: APPROVED: CITV CLERK JA CZECH MAYOR J. W. BENAF1ELD "06-4 � -9 C -9