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77011 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 O M Mir RESOLUTION NO. 7,701 M M M M A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE LOW BID AND AWARD A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF FOUR GARBAGE TRUCKS. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to accept the low bid and award a contract to Bucy Sanitation Equipment as set forth in the attached fact sheets and bid tabulations for a contract to purchase four (4) garbage trucks, for a total price not to exceed the budget, payable from the funds specified in the fact sheets. ADOPTED: December 16, 1986 ATTEST: CITbl CLERK JAN CZECH APPROVED AS FORM: MARK STODOLA, CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED: MAYOR THOMAS A. PRINCE •• e - al 0-/3 CITY OF LITTLE ROCK PURCHASING AWARD OF BIDS OR SERVICES FACT SHEET DESCRIPTION: (4) ea.- 25 Cubic Yard Refuse Trucks) DISCUSSION: It is recommended that the bid sub- mitted by Bucy Sanitation Equipment be accepted. Northwest Ford Trucks bid was incom- plete as they bid on the truck only and not the packer as called for. Rushing $ Masons lower bid was dis- qualified for failure to meet the compaction specifications. Compac- tion was specified at 1000 pounds per cubic yard. They bid a packer that is rated at 800 -900 pounds per cubic yard. It should be noted that their higher bid met this standard. DATE December 3. 1986 RECOMMENDATION: X ACCEPT WAIVE COMPETITIVE BIDDING VENDOR: Bucy Sanitation Equipment Rector, Ar. BID PROCESS: X LOW BID(Meeting Specifications) OTHER THAN LOW BID PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: LOW BID NEGOTIATED OTHER (EXPLAIN) FUNDING: FUND: General OPERATING JU SPECIAL PROJECT 0 AMOUNT BUDGETED:$236 668 account balance APPROP. OR TRANS. REQUIRED: 818,992 ACCOUNT NUMBER: 186 - 2110 -7.06 AMOUNT OF PURCHASE: $255,660.00 BID NO: 6315 DATED: November 26, 1986 Certified By: Jerry Paul , CPPO Purchasing Agent 2 -aI F- 1- C, .L 0 0 G 7 •.r CS 0. s. z. h h r d Y O m W F ❑ 6 Z 7 i < O F Y O N W O J F- O J F- 4. �s r v� �O M, rti W • F � a tttyW ❑ Z Z H Z ❑ W t+ d 0 O 470 I- C 4' C a 0. W U C a a � F U w tC H M C a a m � F n H a W U a a K d O N E„� O a, •+ . K a N F � Z � � W O •rl 1Ui G W G � ON yJ F N N C H C H p O � W � a W > .N N u M N v c N H O N a' � a o N H z° r° v w G1 iJ W r [ F L] N W U � a H O C z x 0 F U y H z a ua O V C F a6i FZQ F N U Z F O F 470 I- C 4' C a 0.