pc_04 11 2024
APRIL 11, 2024
4:00 P.M.
I. Roll Call and Finding of a Quorum
A Quorum was present there being eleven (11) members present.
II. Members Present: Michael Vickers
Jeremiah Russell
Joshua Baxter
Jimmy Brown
Todd Hart
Norman Hodges, Jr.
Charlotte Lunday
Alicia McDonald
Steven Person
Ahmed Samad
Robby Vogel
Members Absent: None
City Attorney: Shawn Overton
III. Approval of the Minutes of the March 14, 2024 Meeting of the Little Rock
Planning Commission. The Minutes were approved as presented.
APRIL 11, 2024
Item Number: File Number: Title:
1. S-1844-F Copper Run – Phases 7 & 8 – Preliminary Plat
South end of Copper Drive (south of Pride Valley Road)
2. Z-9766-B Moreno STR-2 – PD-C
13008 W. Markham Street
3. Z-9913 Whitney STR-2 – PD-C
8116 Kanis Oaks Drive
4. Z-9941 Bumpass STR-2 – PD-C
415 N. Monroe Street
Item Number: File Number: Title:
5. G-25-232 Street Name Change from Maryland Avenue/South Taylor
Street to Darius Nelson Way
Between Fair Park Blvd. & W. 12th Street
6. S-1961 Lots 11A & 11B, Block 24, Centennial Addition – Replat
1504 Bishop Street
7. S-1962 Camila Addition – Preliminary Plat
11308 & 11606 Dreher Road
8. Z-4159-C Shooters Bar & Grill Event Center – Conditional Use Permit
9500 Interstate 30
Agenda, Page Two
II. NEW BUSINESS: (Continued)
Item Number: File Number: Title:
9. Z-5491-C Little Legacy Leadership Academy – Conditional Use Permit
1804 E. Capitol Avenue
10. Z-9968 Parkinson Duplex – Conditional Use Permit
117 Rice Street
11. Z-9955 Rezoning from C-3 to C-4
1417 W. Roosevelt Road
12. Z-6806-B Coral Towers, LLC – Revised POD
13705 Pleasant Hill Road
13. Z-9878-A Plunkett Mixed Use – PCD
14118 Kanis Road
14. Z-9956 Trejo Storage & Commercial Vehicle Parking – PCD
4300 Alpine Road
15. Z-9964 Sanchez Triplex – PD-R
1200 S. Taylor Street
Item Number: File Number: Title:
16. Z-9951 Goldmon STR-1 – Special Use Permit
10617 David O. Dodd Road
17. Z-9656-A Midtown Premium Properties (1) STR-2 – PRD
3501 Kavanaugh Blvd. – (Unit #1)
18. Z-9656-B Midtown Premium Properties (2) STR-2 – PRD
3501 Kavanaugh Blvd. – (Unit #2)
19. Z-9947 Paranova, LLC STR-2 – PD-C
4 Connell Drive
Agenda, Page Three
Item Number: File Number: Title:
20. Z-9948 Brotman STR-2 – PD-C
221 E. 16th Street
21. Z-9952 Rose Investments, LLC (1) STR-2 – PD-C
16 Tortoise Park Cove
22. Z-9953 Rose Investments, LLC (2) STR-2 – PD-C
7913 Apache Road
23. Z-9954 Martin (1) STR-2 – PD-C
7001 Bluebird Drive
24. Z-9958 Martin (2) STR-2 – PD-C
4816 Kenyon Drive
25. Z-9961 Taylor STR-2 – PD-C
31 Coolwood Drive
26. Z-9962 King (1) STR-2 – PD-C
5208 Lee Avenue
27. Z-9963 Midtown Premium Properties (3) STR-2 – PD-C
514 Sherman Street (Unit #1)
28. Z-9963-A Midtown Premium Properties (4) STR-2 – PD-C
514 Sherman Street (Unit #2)
29. Z-9963-B Midtown Premium Properties (5) STR-2 – PD-C
514 Sherman Street (Unit #3)
30. Z-9965 King (2) STR-2 – PD-C
6419 “R” Street
31. Z-9966 King (3) STR-2 – PD-C
319 Rice Street
Agenda, Page Four
Item Number: File Number: Title:
32. Z-9683 Jennifer Adkins Addition – PRD – Boundary Street
Improvements Time Extension Request
North side of “R” Street (6400 Block)
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 1 FILE NO.: S-1844-F
NAME: Copper Run – Phases 7 and 8 – Preliminary Plat - Resubmission
LOCATION: South end of Copper Drive (south of Pride Valley Road)
1. Staff Report and Minutes from the November 9, 2023 Planning Commission Meeting
2. Staff Update including information submitted by the applicant
3. Revised Preliminary Plat Document
November 9, 2023
ITEM NO.: 1 FILE NO.: S-1844-F
NAME: Copper Run – Phases 7 and 8 – Preliminary Plat
LOCATION: South end of Copper Drive (south of Pride Valley Road)
Layman Lane 6, LLC
12521 Kanis Road
Little Rock, AR 72211
Layman Lane, LLC – Owner
Joe White and Associates – Agent
Joe White and Associates
25 Rahling Circle, Suite A-2
Little Rock, AR 72223
5,120 LF
1. Advance grading variance
2. Variances for reduced building setbacks.
3. Variance to allow reduced lot area.
On August 10, 2023 the Planning Commission approved a preliminary plat for Phase
6, Copper Run Subdivision. Phases 7 and 8 were removed from the agenda so that
the applicant could meet with staff regarding the Master Street Plan alignment issue
for a future roadway.
November 9, 2023
ITEM NO.: 1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1844-F
The applicant proposes to subdivide 27.46 acres of property into 85 lots for single
family residential development. The subdivision will include phases 7 through 8 of
the Copper Run residential development.
The property is undeveloped and wooded.
All owners of property abutting the site and all neighborhood associations
registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public hearing.
1. Contact Planning and Development Dept., Engineering Division at
501-371-4817 or at 501-918-5348 for inspections of any work in the public
right-of-way prior to placement of concrete or asphalt or for on-site clarification
of requirements prior to commencing work. Failure to do so can result in
removal of any improperly placed concrete or asphalt at the expense of the
owner or contractor.
2. Any work involving one (1) or more acres of disturbed area requires a State of
Arkansas NPDES permit. Contact the Arkansas Department of
Environmental Quality, NPDES branch at 501-682-0744 for applications and
information about General Stormwater Discharge Construction Permit
3. A grading permit must be obtained prior to initiation of work. Grading permits
are issued by the Planning and Development Dept. at 723 West Markham
Street after approval of sediment and erosion control plans, grading and
drainage plans, land survey, drainage study, and soil loss calculations per
City’s stormwater management and drainage manual. Contact Planning and
Development Dept., Engineering Division at 501-371-4817 or at 501-918-
5348 or Permits@littlerock.gov to schedule an appointment for issuance or
to answer any questions. Permit cost is based on total project area at $100.00
for the less than ½ acre, $200.00 for ½ to 1 acre, and $200.00 for the first
acre and $100.00 for each additional acre for project greater than 1 acre.
4. The Department requires three (3) phase sediment and erosion control (SEC)
plans to be submitted for all construction projects showing best management
practices (BMPs) for mitigating sediment runoff and erosion along with
vegetation specifications for temporary and permanent soil stabilization.
Phase 1 SEC plans shall show SEC BMPs during the stripping, clearing,
grubbing, and rough grading of the site. Phase 2 SEC plans shall show SEC
November 9, 2023
ITEM NO.: 1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1844-F
BMPs during construction of utilities, buildings, roadway infrastructure and
drainage infrastructure. Phase 3 SEC Plans shall show SEC BMPs for final
grading, seeding, and landscaping of the site.
5. Sediment and Erosion Control plans shall also show the pertinent information
as outlined in ADEQ ARR150000 Permit Part II section A-4-H (1-14) and Part
II section A-4-I-2 (A-B).
6. Per City Rev. Code 29-99, stormwater detention for developments is required.
Provide stormwater detention infrastructure to satisfy this requirement.
7. Per City Code 31-89 (5) for a preliminary plat, a storm drainage preliminary
analysis is required showing drainage data for all watercourses entering and
leaving the plat boundaries. The storm drainage analysis shall be prepared
in sufficient detail to illustrate the proposed system’s capability of
accommodating storm events as required by the stormwater management
and drainage manual. The preliminary plat shall also show drainage arrows
indicating how drainage arrives at the site and drainage arrows how it leaves
the site post development. Indicate where the storm sewer pipes and curb
inlets are located within the development also. Additionally, provide profile
and cross- sectional views of the detention structure outlet/spillway and
detention calculations for the 25- and 100-year storm for the proposed
detention pond/structure. Delineation of the drainage areas pre and post
construction with respective discharges via rational method shall also be
shown. The preliminary plat shall also contain all information as outlined in
City Code Sec. 31-89 and 31-90.
8. Per City Code 31-434, a 50% maintenance bond for all street and stormwater
infrastructure constructed within the public right of way shall be submitted to
Department engineering staff prior to recording the final plat. Before the 50%
maintenance bond can be accepted, a contract unit bid price for every street
and stormwater infrastructure construction item within the public right of way
shall be submitted to Department engineering staff for review and approval.
9. Per City Code 31-117, as built stormwater drainage infrastructure
information/data shall be submitted prior to recording of the final plat. This
information shall include but not limited to: pipe inverts, length of pipe, size of
pipe, type of pipe, and type of inlets.
10. Per City Rev. Code 31-403 the Department requires street lighting plans to
be submitted to the Department for review and approval before filing and
recording of the final plat for the subdivision. The street lighting plans required
shall include conduit and pull/junction box locations, street luminaire locations
and mounting heights, wire sizes, current photometric data for the proposed
fixtures, and subdivision street photometrics using the proposed fixtures that
meet AASHTO Roadway Lighting Design Guide standards.
11. Department engineering staff is required to perform a final inspection of all
street and stormwater infrastructure construction within the public right of
November 9, 2023
ITEM NO.: 1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1844-F
way. City maintenance of the street and stormwater drainage infrastructure
within the public right of way cannot officially begin until final acceptance by
Department engineering staff. This needs to be completed and accepted by
Department engineering staff prior to recording of the final plat.
12. A drainage study showing all hydrologic calculations for the site and all
hydraulic calculations for the proposed storm sewer pipe system, swales and
ditches, detention ponds, outlet structures, and inlets is required per City’s
stormwater management and drainage manual. For final drainage report,
sign, date, and seal the report per AR State Board of Professional Engineers
and Professional Surveyors rules Article 12, Section B (1) (a). Provide
engineer's certification statement saying this drainage report was conducted
by yourself or directly under your supervision and attesting to the accuracy of
the information within this report.
13. Street design standards shall comply with the latest version of the AASHTO
A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, City’s Master Street
Plan (2018), and City’s Standard Details for street and drainage facilities
improvements (2015).
14. Street stormwater and detention infrastructure design standards shall comply
with the City’s Stormwater Management and Drainage Manual (2016)
including City Code Chapters 29, 30, and 31.
15. Street pavement, sidewalks, curb and gutter, curb inlets, junction boxes,
accessible ramps, and storm sewer infrastructure shall comply with City’s
specifications for construction as outlined in City Code Chapters 30.
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: Submit the wastewater infrastructure
plans to LRWRA for review and approval.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department:
Maintain Access:
Fire Hydrants.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at fire hydrant locations as per Appendix D
of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.1 Access road
November 9, 2023
ITEM NO.: 1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1844-F
width with a hydrant. Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access
road, the minimum road width shall be 26 feet, exclusive of shoulders.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.2 Grade. Fire apparatus access roads
shall not exceed 10 percent in grade except as approved by the fire chief. If
the grade exceeds 10 percent, approval will be denied and the applicant must
submit request to be reviewed by Fire Chief for Approval.
Maintain fire apparatus access road design as per Appendix D of the 2021
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D102.1 Access and loading.
Facilities, buildings or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be
accessible to fire department apparatus by way of an approved fire apparatus
access road with an asphalt, concrete or other approved driving surface capable
of supporting the imposed load of fire apparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds.
Dead Ends.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at dead end locations as per Appendix
D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.4 Dead
Ends. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet shall be
provided with width and turnaround provisions in accordance with Table D103.4.
Requirements for Dead-end fire apparatus access roads.
Maintain fire apparatus access road gates as per Appendix D of the 2021
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.5 Fire apparatus access
road gates. Gates securing the fire apparatus access roads shall comply with
all of the following criteria:
1. Minimum gate width shall be 20 feet.
2. Gates shall be of swinging or sliding type.
3. Construction of gates shall be of material that allow manual operation by one
4. Gate components shall be maintained in an operable condition at all times
and replaces or repaired when defective.
5. Electric gates shall be equipped with a means of opening the gate by fire
department personnel for emergency access. Emergency opening devices
shall be approved by the fire code official.
6. Manual opening gates shall not be locked with a padlock or chain and padlock
unless they are capable of being opened by means of forcible entry tools or
when a key box containing the keys to the lock is installed at the gate location.
November 9, 2023
ITEM NO.: 1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1844-F
7. Locking device specifications shall be submitted for approval by the fire code
8. Electric gate operators, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with
UL 325.
9. Gates, intended for automatic operation shall be designed, constructed and
installed to comply with requirements of ASTM F 2200.
One- or Two-Family Residential Developments.
As per Appendix D, Section D107.1 of the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code
Vol. 1, One- or Two-Family dwelling residential developments. Developments
of one- or two-family dwellings where the number of dwelling units exceeds 30
shall be provided with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads,
and shall meet the requirements of Section D104.3.
1. Where there are more than 30 dwelling units on a single public or
private fire apparatus access road and al dwelling units are equipped
throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system in
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2 or 903.3.1.3 of the
Arkansas Fire Code, access from two directions shall not be required.
2. The number of dwelling units on a single fire apparatus access road shall
not be increased unless fire apparatus access roads will connect with
future development, as determined by the fire code official.
Fire Hydrants
Locate Fire Hydrants as per Appendix C of the 2021 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code. Section C101 – C105, in conjunction with Central Arkansas
Water (Daniel Tull 501-377-1245) and the Little Rock Fire Marshal’s Office
(Capt. Tony Rhodes 501-918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram
501-918-3756 Number and Distribution of Fire Hydrants as per Table C105.1.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments received.
Building Codes: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
November 9, 2023
ITEM NO.: 1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1844-F
Planning Division: No comments.
The applicant proposes to subdivide 27.46 acres of property into 85 lots for single
family development. The subdivision will include Phases 7 through 8 of the Copper
Run residential development as follows:
Phase 7 – 41 lots
Part of Tract O
Phase 8 – 44 lots
Part of Tract O
The proposed lots will range in size from 0.13 acre to 0.17 acre. There will be
5,120 linear feet of new streets with the proposed development. A 90 foot wide
right-of-way will be dedicated along the south property line of the overall property
to accommodate a future east/west minor arterial roadway, as shown on the City’s
Master Street Plan. A 30 foot wide secondary access will extend from Ironwood
Way, between Lots 134 and 135, to the future east/west minor arterial roadway.
The applicant is requesting a variance to advance grade Phase 8 with the grading
of Phase 7. The applicant notes that the advance grading of Phase 8 will reduce
the amount of earthen material that will have to be hauled across city streets. Staff
supports the advance grading request.
Sections 36-254(d) 1 thru 3 of the City’s Zoning Ordinance requires minimum front
building setbacks of 25 feet, minimum rear building setbacks of 25 feet and
minimum side setbacks of 8 feet or 10 percent of the lot width. The applicant is
requesting a variance to allow 20 foot front and rear setbacks and 5 foot side
setbacks for the lots are wider than 50 feet. Staff is supportive of the requested
variance, as the proposed setbacks are the same as those within the existing
Copper Run Subdivision.
The applicant is also requesting a variance to allow a reduced lot area for several
of the lots within Phases 7 and 8. Several of the interior lots (Lots 302-320 and
323-341) have proposed lots areas of 5,750 square feet. The minimum lot area
required by doe is 6,000 square feet. The requested variance is a very minor
decrease in lot area. Staff supports the variance request.
To staff’s knowledge there are no outstanding issues associated with the proposed
preliminary plat. Staff is supportive of the proposed preliminary plat. The
continuation of the Copper Run single family subdivision should have no adverse
impact on the surrounding properties.
November 9, 2023
ITEM NO.: 1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1844-F
Staff recommends approval of the requested preliminary plat, subject to
compliance with the comments and conditions outlined in paragraphs D and E,
and the staff analysis, of the agenda staff report.
The applicant was present, representing the application. Staff presented the item and a
recommendation for approval as outlined in paragraphs D, E and the “staff analysis of the
agenda staff report.
City Attorney, Thomas Carpenter, spoke concerning improvement district dispute.
Cindy Alberding, Ross Phillips, Bill Harnsberger, Cathianne Watkins and Hal Kemp all
spoke in opposition. Concerns of access to private property, traffic issues, Master Street
Plan questions and concerns about a tie-in fee to the Sewer district #237 were all raised.
There was a motion to approve the application. The motion was seconded. The vote was
3 ayes, 4 nays, 2 abstain, 1 absent and 1 open position. The application was denied.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 1 FILE NO.: S-1844-F
On November 9, 2023, the Planning Commission reviewed and discussed the Copper
Run Phases 7 and 8 – Preliminary Plat. The Commission voted 3 ayes, 4 nays,
2 abstentions, 1 absent and 1 open position to deny the application.
Section 31-94(i) of the City’s Subdivision Ordinance reads as follows:
“(1) Reasons for denial of an application by the planning commission
shall be placed in writing and mailed to the applicant within five (5)
days from the public hearing on such application. Within thirty (30)
days of the commission action, a denied application may be
resubmitted to the staff for review of the required modifications and
resubmission to the planning commission. The failure to resubmit
an application within the prescribed period of time shall invoke
procedures required for the filing of a new application.”
On December 6, 2023 the applicant submitted an e-mail, including a revised/updated
preliminary plat document, requesting resubmission to the Planning Commission.
Additional information submitted by the applicant’s attorney, Don A. Eilbott, is as follows:
“A new, significantly revised application has been submitted.
There were three issues that presented at the prior meeting.
We believe we have addressed and resolved each.
1) Issue – Would Mr. Hearnsberger’s adjacent property become land locked with the
approval of this application?
Response – We have discussed with Mr. Hearnsberger and have reached an agreement
to allow proper access to his property. The access points are shown on our amended
plat and application. Mr. Hearnsberger, to our knowledge, is satisfied and will not object
or raise issues.
2) Issue – Sewer Improvement District 239 claims the City should not approve this
application until 239 has resolution as to whether it is entitled to tie-on-fees.
Response – The issue has been resolved through language that is the same as the
language as part of the approved Copper Run Phase 6. The applicant has an appeal
pending to the Arkansas Court of Appeals, a bank issued irrevocable letter of credit
posted for the entire amount of the judgment, and the City has the right to decline to issue
building permits if we do not resolve with 239. There is no possible scenario where 239
is not get properly compensated, if entitled. The affirming of the Circuit Court decision
would also be a confirmation of the Circuit Court’s amount of tie-on fee per lot.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1844-F
3) Issue – Does approval of our application, a) alter or amend the Master Street Plan
and; b) if so, does that require approval by the Board of Directors?
Response – We are following the guidelines and street placement given by Little Rock
Planning and Development as we did with the approved Phase 6. We are requesting that
any approval motion contain the following language:
Approval as outlined in the “Staff Analysis,” subject to the
approval, if required, by the Board of Directors of the Plat
to the extent that same alters or amends the Master
Street Plan of the City of Little Rock.
This resolves both issues. It renders moot the question of whether the Planning
Commission is or is not attempting to improperly amend the Master Street Plan.
The applicant requested a deferral to the March 14, 2024 Agenda. There was a motion
to defer the application to the March 14, 2024 Agenda. The motion was seconded. The
vote was 9 ayes, 0 nays and 2 absent. The application was deferred to the March 14,
2024 Planning Commission Agenda.
The item was deferred to the April 11, 2024 agenda, as the applicant failed to notify the
surrounding property owners.
This item was withdrawn, without prejudice at the request of the applicant.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 2 FILE NO.: Z-9766-B
NAME: Moreno STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 13008 West Markham Street
Raul Moreno (Owner)
13008 West Markham St
Little Rock, AR 72211
(501) 813-4471
Holloway Engineering
200 Casey Drive
Maumelle, AR 72113
501) 851-3366
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone 0.61 acre site located at 13008 West Markham
Street from O-3 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with
a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The structure will be rented as one unit.
The owner will not reside at the residence.
The property consists of a brick and frame residential structure with four bedrooms
and four baths. A concrete driveway provides parking for at least two cars. The
request is in the Ellis Mountain Planning District. Future land use map shows the
zoning for office (O). Surrounding the application area to the north across West
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9766-B
Markham, the land use is Commercial (C). Surrounding properties in all other
directions is Office (O).
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Life Safety Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the Ellis Mountain Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Office (O) for the requested area. The office category represents services
provided directly to consumers (e.g., legal, financial, medical) as well as general
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9766-B
offices which support more basic economic activities. The application is to rezone
from O-3 to PD-C. STR-2.
Surrounding the application area to the north across West Markham, the land use
is Commercial (C). Surrounding properties in all other directions is Office (O).
The application site is zoned General Office (O-3). Surrounding properties to the
west and south are also zoned General Office (O-3). To the east across Gamble
Road, the property is zoned Single Family (R-2). To the north across West
Markham is a Planned Commercial District (PCD).
This site is not located within a Neighborhood Association.
Master Street Plan:
W Markham Street and Gamble Road are Collectors on the Master Street Plan.
Standard Right-of-Way is 60 feet. Sidewalks are required on one side.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Bike Plan Map does not show existing or proposed facilities in this
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant proposes to rezone 0.61 acre site located at 13008 West Markham
Street from O-3 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with
a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The structure will be rented as one unit.
The owner will not reside at the residence.
The property consists of a brick and frame residential structure with four bedrooms
and four baths. A concrete driveway provides parking for at least two cars. The
request is in the Ellis Mountain Planning District. Future land use map shows the
zoning for office (O). Surrounding the application area to the north across West
Markham, the land use is Commercial (C). Surrounding properties in all other
directions is Office (O).
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9766-B
On June 20, 2023, the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR
is proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9766-B
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1)-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
forty-nine (49) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database for
approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-term
rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the corporate
boundary of the City of Little Rock.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9766-B
Staff is not supportive of the requested rezoning from O3 to PD-C. Staff feels the
request does not conform to the development pattern in this area. Staff feels that
the best use for this property is an O-3 permitted use, as the current zoning allows.
Staff recommends denial of the PD-C zoning request.
The item was deferred to the March 14, 2024 agenda as the applicant failed to notify the
surrounding property owners as required.
The item was deferred to the April 11, 2024 agenda, as the applicant failed to notify the
surrounding property owners as required.
The applicant was present, representing the application. Staff presented the item and a
recommendation for denial. There were 4 people in opposition. Melvin Clifford, Sher
Baltz, Randolph Baltz and Dalton Swindell raised concerns about public safety, traffic,
and possible crime. After considerable discussion about the project, there was a motion
to approve the application. The motion was seconded. The vote was 3 ayes, and 8 nays.
The application was denied.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 3 FILE NO.: Z-9913
NAME: Whitney STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 8116 Kanis Oaks Drive
Raekwon Yates (Agent)
665 West 925 South
Orem, UT 84058
(248) 345-5262
Andrew Whitney (Owner)
8116 Kanis Oaks Drive
Little Rock, AR 72204
Tucker Land Surveying
P O Box 1021
Cabot, AR 72023
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone 0.18 acre site located at 8116 Kanis Oaks Drive
from R-2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with a
maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The structure will be rented as one unit.
The owner will not reside at the residence.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 3 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9913
The property consists of a brick and frame house with three bedrooms and two
baths. This site is located in the Kanis Village Property Owners Association, John
Barrow NBHD Association and the West Central NA of John Barrow. It is also
located in the Boyle Park Planning District. A concrete driveway and a garage
provides parking for at least five cars.
Future land use map shows Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area.
The application site is zoned Single Family (R-2). Surrounding properties to the
east, south and west are also zoned Single Family (R-2). To the north is a Planned
Development – Office (PD-O).
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Life Safety Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 3 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9913
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the Boyle Park Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed 6
dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized by
conventional single-family homes but may also include patio or garden homes and
cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre. The
application is to rezone from R-2 to PD-C. The purpose is for STR-2.
The Land Use surrounding the application area to the east, west and south is
Residential Low Density (RL). To the north is an area of Transition land use.
The application site is zoned Single Family (R-2). Surrounding properties to the
east, south and west are also zoned Single Family (R-2). To the north is a Planned
Development – Office (PD-O).
This site is located in the Kanis Village Property Owners Association, John Barrow
NBHD Association and the West Central NA of John Barrow.
This site is not located in an Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
Kanis Oaks Drive is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan Map. Right-of-way
is 50’. Sidewalks are required on one side.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Bike Plan Map does not show existing or proposed facilities in this
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not located in a Historic District.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 3 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9913
The applicant proposes to rezone 0.18 acre site located at 8116 Kanis Oaks Drive
from R-2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with a
maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The structure will be rented as one unit.
The owner will not reside at the residence.
The property consists of a brick and frame house with three bedrooms and two
baths. This site is located in the Kanis Village Property Owners Association, John
Barrow NBHD Association and the West Central NA of John Barrow. It is also
located in the Boyle Park Planning District. A concrete driveway and a garage
provides parking for at least five cars.
Future land use map shows Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area.
The application site is zoned Single Family (R-2). Surrounding properties to the
east, south and west are also zoned Single Family (R-2). To the north is a Planned
Development – Office (PD-O).
On June 20, 2023, the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR
is proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 3 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9913
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 3 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9913
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1)-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
forty-nine (49) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database for
approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-term
rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the corporate
boundary of the City of Little Rock.
Staff does not support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff does not believe the
request is reasonable and that the proposed PD-C use is not appropriate for this
location. The property is designated as “RL” Residential Low Density on the City’s
Future Land Use Plan. Staff feels that the introduction of a commercial short-term
rental will be out of character with the overall area at this time. Staff believes that
a commercial zoning at this location would violate the subdivision’s bill of
Staff recommends denial of the PD-C zoning request.
The item was deferred to the March 14, 2024 agenda as the applicant failed to notify the
surrounding property owners as required.
The applicant was not present. There were 3 persons present in opposition
(Christopher Travis, Lawanna Hams and Deborah Bledsoe). There was a motion to defer
the application to the April11, 2024 Agenda. The motion was seconded. The vote was
11 ayes, and 0 nays.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 3 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9913
The applicant was not present. Staff explained that this application had already been
deferred twice. A motion was made to withdraw the application. The motion was
seconded. The vote was 11 ayes, and 0 nays. The application was withdrawn.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 4 FILE NO.: Z-9941
NAME: Bumpass STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 415 N. Monroe Street
Tara Masiello (Agent)
612 Tweed Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76131
(817) 602-0113
Sierra Forest Properties LLC (Owner)
4915 E. Crestwood Dr
Little Rock, AR 72207
Cunningham Surveying, LLC
2105 Lorance Dr
Little Rock, AR 72206
(501) 222-2535
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .16-acre property located at 415 North Monroe
Street from R-3 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with
a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the
residence. The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 4 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9941
The property is occupied by a 1,194 square feet, one story, three bedroom, and
two bath house. The request is in the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District. The Land
Use Plan shows Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area. This
site is in the Forrest Park Neighborhood Association and is located in the Heights
Landscape Design Overlay District. There is a driveway that starts on Grant Street
and goes to the back of the house allowing for ample parking of five or more
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Life Safety Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 4 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9941
Planning Division:
The request is in the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
by conventional single-family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The application is to rezone from R-3 to PD-C. The purpose is for STR-2.
The Land Use surrounding the application area is Residential Low Density (RL).
The application site and all surrounding properties are zoned Single Family (R-3).
This site is in the Hillcrest Residents Association and the Save Hillcrest
Neighborhood Association.
This site is in the Hillcrest Design Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
N Monroe Street is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. Local Streets are
roads designed to provide access to adjacent property with the movement of traffic
being a secondary purpose. The standard Right-of-way is 50’. Sidewalks are
required on one side. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and may
require street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Bike Plan Map does not show existing or proposed facilities in this
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is located in the Hillcrest Historic District.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .16-acre property located at 415 North Monroe
Street from R-3 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with
a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the
residence. The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The STR-2 is currently in operation and has been operating since September of
2020. The property is not currently under enforcement by the City of Little Rock
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 4 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9941
Planning and Development. There have been no police reports at this address
since September of 2020.
The property is occupied by a 1,194 square feet, one story, three bedroom, and
two bath house. The request is in the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District. The Land
Use Plan shows Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area. This
site is in the Forrest Park Neighborhood Association and is located in the Heights
Landscape Design Overlay District. There is a driveway that starts on Grant Street
and goes to the back of the house allowing for ample parking of five or more
On June 20, 2023, the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2.`Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR is
proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 4 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9941
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1)-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 4 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9941
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
Staff is in support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-2 use is appropriate for this location.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
sixty-eight (68) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database
for approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-
term rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the
corporate boundary of the City of Little Rock. There are currently four approved
short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) within a one-quarter mile radius of this
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraph E and the staff analysis of the
agenda staff report.
The applicant was not present. There was a motion to defer the application to the
April 11, 2024 Agenda. There was a second. The vote was 10 ayes, 0 nays and 1 absent.
The application was deferred to the April 11, 2024 Agenda.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 11 ayes,
and 0 nays. The application was approved.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 5 FILE NO.: G-25-232
NAME: Maryland Avenue/South Taylor Street Name Change to “Darius Nelson Way”
LOCATION: Between Fair Park Blvd. & W. 12th Street
Dr. Michelle Nelson
106 Dijon Court
Maumelle, AR 72113
All owners of property which abuts the subject portion of Maryland Avenue & S.
Taylor Street were notified of the public hearing.
The applicant requests to rename Maryland Street/S. Taylor Street, between Fair
Park Blvd. and W. 12th Street, adjacent to St. Mark Baptist Church, to “Darius
Nelson Way”. The applicant requests the street name change to honor longtime
member Darius Nelson.
Darius Nelson, a Little Rock native, served as the Minister/Pastor of Worship and
Arts at St. Mark Baptist Church Little Rock for 23 years before his passing on
October 6, 2023. He was a trailblazer and trendsetter in the gospel music ministry
who brought national recognition and funding to Arkansas through his musical
gifting and leadership. Darius demonstrated integrity, unwavering commitment,
and a spirit of excellence in his personal and professional life. Although he wanted
his music to be enjoyable, Darius’ primary goal was impacting people, not simply
entertaining them.
While attending the award-winning Philander Smith Collegiate Choir on a full
choral scholarship, Darius performed for the National Democratic Convention and
at the Inauguration of President William “Bill” Jefferson Clinton. Darius graduated
with a degree in Social Work and worked for 10 years for Children and Family
In 2000, Darius was hired as full-time Worship Leader at St. Mark Baptist Church.
He served at the Little Rock and Jacksonville locations as leader of the Praise
Team, a group which became a model for many area worship teams. Darius led
the entire Music & Arts Department at St. Mark and in 2005 was promoted to
Minister of Music.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 5 (Cont.) FILE NO.: G-25-232
The applicant submitted a petition signed by residential and business owners along
the length of the proposed street name change which includes Mr. Gary Iverson,
President of the Oak Forest Neighborhood Association.
Staff recommends approval of the requested Street Name Change.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 11 ayes,
and 0 nays. The application was approved.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 6 FILE NO.: S-1961
NAME: Lots 11A and 11B, Block 24, Centennial Addition – Replat
LOCATION: 1504 Bishop Street
Moore Broadway, LLC
2900 Percy Machin Dr.
North Little Rock, AR 72114
Moore Broadway, LLC – Owner
Holloway Engineering – Agent
Holloway Engineering
200 Casey Drive
Maumelle, AR 72113
1. Variance for reduced lot width.
2. Variance for reduced lot area.
3. Variance for lot width-to-depth ratio.
The applicant proposes to replat Lot 11, Block 24, Centennial Addition into two (2)
lots for single family residential development. The property is located at 1504
Bishop Street and is zoned R-3.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 6 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1961
The property is currently undeveloped and mostly grass covered. A paved alley is
located along the rear (west) property line.
All owners of property abutting the site and all neighborhood associations
registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public hearing.
1. Change note 5 on replat to read “Wastewater disposal will be by Little Rock
Water Reclamation Authority.”
2. Label width of existing private alley easement or right of way.
3. For future building permits, any future driveway access for the future residential
structures from the public right of way or private alley will be required to meet
City driveway standards in City Code Sec. 30-43 (a) (2) and City standard
details PW-30 and PW-31. Any variances from these standards will require a
waiver approval from the Director of Planning and Development Department.
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: NO OBJECTIONS; All Central Arkansas Water
requirements in effect at the time of request for water service must be met.
Fire Department:
Maintain Access:
Fire Hydrants.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at fire hydrant locations as per Appendix D
of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.1 Access road
width with a hydrant. Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access
road, the minimum road width shall be 26 feet, exclusive of shoulders.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 6 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1961
Locate Fire Hydrants as per Appendix C of the 2021 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code. Section C101 – C105, in conjunction with Central Arkansas
Water (Jason Lowder 501-377-1245) and the Little Rock Fire Marshal’s Office
(Capt. Tony Rhodes 501-918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram
501-918-3756 Number and Distribution of Fire Hydrants as per Table C105.1.
The Little Rock Fire Department, Capt. Tony Rhodes (501) 918-3757, needs to
evaluate this site to determine whether additional public and/or private fire hydrants
will be required. The installation of any new fire protection facilities will be at the
expense of the project developer. Contact Central Arkansas Water regarding
procedures for installation of the hydrant(s). Subject to change at any time upon
field evaluation.
Commercial and Industrial Developments – 2 means of access. - Maintain fire
apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention
Code Vol. 1
Section D104.1 Buildings exceeding three stories or 30 feet in height.
Building or facilities exceeding 30 feet or three stories in height shall have at least
two means of fire apparatus access for each structure.
Section D104.2 Building exceeding 62,000 square feet in area. Buildings or
facilities having a gross building area of more than 62,000 square feet shall be
provide with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
Exception: Projects having a gross building area of up to 124,000 square
feet that have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all
building are equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler
D104.3 Remoteness. Where two fire apparatus access roads are required, they
shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the
maximum overall diagonal dimension of the lot or area to be served, measured in
a straight line between accesses.
30’ Tall Buildings - Maintain aerial fire apparatus access roads as per
Appendix D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D105.1
– D105.4
D105.1 Where Required. Where the vertical distance between the grade
plane and the highest roof surface exceed 30’, approved aerial fire apparatus
access roads shall be provided. For the purposes of this section the highest roof
surfaces shall be determined by measurement to the eave of a pitched roof, the
intersection of a roof to the exterior wall, or the top of the parapet walls, whichever
is greater.
D105.2 Width. Aerial fire apparatus access roads shall have a minimum
unobstructed with of 26’, exclusive of shoulders, in the immediate vicinity of the
building or portion thereof.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 6 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1961
D105.3 Proximity to building. At least one of the required access routes
meeting this condition shall be located within a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum
of 30 feet from the building, and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of
the building. The side of the building on which the aerial fire apparatus access
road is positioned shall be approved by the fire code official.
D105.4 Obstructions. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located
over the aerial fire apparatus access road or between the aerial fire apparatus road
and the building. Other obstructions shall be permitted to be places with the
approval of the fire code official.
Dead Ends.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at dead end locations as per Appendix
D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.4 Dead
Ends. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet shall be
provided with width and turnaround provisions in accordance with Table D103.4.
Requirements for Dead-end fire apparatus access roads.
Maintain fire apparatus access road gates as per Appendix D of the 2012
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.5 Fire apparatus access
road gates. Gates securing the fire apparatus access roads shall comply
with all of the following criteria:
1. Minimum gate width shall be 20 feet.
2. Gates shall be of swinging or sliding type.
3. Construction of gates shall be of material that allow manual operation by one
4. Gate components shall be maintained in an operable condition at all times and
replaces or repaired when defective.
5. Electric gates shall be equipped with a means of opening the gate by fire
department personnel for emergency access. Emergency opening devices
shall be approved by the fire code official.
6. Manual opening gates shall not be locked with a padlock or chain and padlock
unless they are capable of being opened by means of forcible entry tools or
when a key box containing the keys to the lock is installed at the gate location.
7. Locking device specifications shall be submitted for approval by the fire code
8. Electric gate operators, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with
UL 325.
9. Gates, intended for automatic operation shall be designed, constructed and
installed to comply with requirements of ASTM F 2200.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 6 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1961
Fire Hydrants
Locate Fire Hydrants as per Appendix C of the 2012 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code. Section C101 – C105, in conjunction with Central Arkansas
Water (Daniel Tull 501-377-1245) and the Little Rock Fire Marshal’s Office
(Capt. Tony Rhodes 501-918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram 501-918-
3756 Number and Distribution of Fire Hydrants as per Table C105.1.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division: No comments.
The applicant proposes to replat Lot 11, Block 24, Centennial Addition into two (2)
lots for single family residential development. The property is located at 1504
Bishop Street and is zoned R-3.
The property is currently undeveloped and mostly grass covered. A paved alley is
located along the rear (west) property line.
The proposed lot sizes are as follows:
Lot 11A – 25 feet by 140.6 feet (avg.)
2,515 square feet (0.081 acre)
Lot 11B – 25 feet by 140.18 feet (avg.)
3,504 square feet (0.080 acre)
Section 36-255 (d) (4) of the City’s Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum lot area
of 5,000 square feet and a minimum lot width of 50 feet for lots in R-3 zoning.
Section 31-232 (b) of the City’s Subdivision Ordinance states that no residential lot
shall be more than three (3) times as deep as it is wide. The applicant is requesting
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 6 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1961
variances from these Ordinance requirements to allow the replat/lot split as
Staff is supportive of the requested replat/lot split to allow for the construction of
two (2) single family homes. There are examples of other small lots, lot splits and
lot recombinations within this general area. Staff believes that the replat request
is reasonable.
Staff recommends approval of the requested replat, subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions outlined in paragraphs D and E, and the staff analysis,
of the agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 11 ayes,
and 0 nays. The application was approved.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 7 FILE NO.: S-1962
NAME: Camila Addition – Preliminary Plat
LOCATION: 11308 and 11606 Dreher Road
JRC Land and Houses for Sale, LLC
5710 Atwood Road
Little Rock, AR 72206
JRC Land and Houses for Sale, LLC – Owner
Stan Cunningham – Agent
Garnat Engineering, LLC
3825 Mt. Carmel Road
Bryant, AR 72022
1. Variance to allow one (1) pipe stem lot.
2. Waiver of boundary street improvements.
The applicant is requesting preliminary plat approval to allow 9.62 acres of property
located at 11308 and 11606 Dreher Road to be subdivided into seven (7) lots for
single family residential development.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 7 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1962
The property is currently comprised of two (2) acreage tracts, each being
approximately five (5) acres in size. A single family residence is located on each
of the two (2) tracts.
All owners of property abutting the site and all neighborhood associations
registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public hearing.
1. Show existing right of way for Dreher Road on preliminary plat.
2. Any work involving one (1) or more acres of disturbed area requires a State
of Arkansas NPDES permit. Contact the Arkansas Department of
Environmental Quality, NPDES branch at 501-682-0744 for applications and
information about General Stormwater Discharge Construction Permit
3. Any additional permits other than from the State of Arkansas required for
clearing, grading, and construction of future residential structures will be
through Pulaski County Planning and Development Department at
4. Per City Code 31-89 (5) for a preliminary plat, a storm drainage preliminary
analysis is required showing drainage data for all watercourses entering and
leaving the plat illustrate the proposed system’s capability of accommodating
storm events as required by the stormwater management and drainage
manual. The preliminary plat shall also show drainage arrows indicating how
drainage arrives at the site and drainage arrows how it leaves the site post
development. Indicate where the storm sewer pipes and curb inlets are
located within the development also. Additionally, provide profile and cross-
sectional views of the detention structure outlet/spillway and detention
calculations for the 25- and 100-year storm for the proposed detention
pond/structure. Delineation of the drainage areas pre and post construction
with respective discharges via rational method shall also be shown. The
preliminary plat shall also contain all information as outlined in City Code
Sec. 31-89 and 31-90.
5. Dreher Road is classified as a collector per City’s master street plan. Per
collector street standard per master street plan, a total of sixty (60) feet of
right of way is required for a collector street. Therefore, the developer will be
required to dedicate a total thirty (30) feet of right of way from the existing
centerline of Dreher Road to meet master street plan requirements.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 7 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1962
6. Lot 7 does not meet the minimum requirements for lot size and depth to width
ratio per City Code Sec. 31-232 (a) and (b). Lot 7 is also a pipestem lot which
is prohibited for residential subdivisions per City Code Sec. 31-232 (f).
Therefore, three variances from the subdivision code mentioned previously
shall be requested from the Little Rock Planning Commission for their
consideration if Lot 7 is desired to remain as currently proposed on the
preliminary plat.
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: NO OBJECTIONS; All Central Arkansas Water
requirements in effect at the time of request for water service must be met.
Fire Department:
Maintain Access:
Fire Hydrants.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at fire hydrant locations as per Appendix D
of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.1 Access road
width with a hydrant. Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access
road, the minimum road width shall be 26 feet, exclusive of shoulders.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.2 Grade. Fire apparatus access roads
shall not exceed 10 percent in grade except as approved by the fire chief. If
the grade exceeds 10 percent, approval will be denied and the applicant must
submit request to be reviewed by Fire Chief for Approval.
Maintain fire apparatus access road design as per Appendix D of the 2012
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D102.1 Access and loading.
Facilities, buildings or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be
accessible to fire department apparatus by way of an approved fire apparatus
access road with an asphalt, concrete or other approved driving surface capable
of supporting the imposed load of fire apparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 7 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1962
Commercial and Industrial Developments – 2 means of access. - Maintain fire
apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention
Code Vol. 1
Section D104.1 Buildings exceeding three stories or 30 feet in height.
Building or facilities exceeding 30 feet or three stories in height shall have at least
two means of fire apparatus access for each structure.
Section D104.2 Building exceeding 62,000 square feet in area. Buildings or
facilities having a gross building area of more than 62,000 square feet shall be
provide with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
Exception: Projects having a gross building area of up to 124,000 square
feet that have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all
building are equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler
D104.3 Remoteness. Where two fire apparatus access roads are required, they
shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the
maximum overall diagonal dimension of the lot or area to be served, measured in
a straight line between accesses.
30’ Tall Buildings - Maintain aerial fire apparatus access roads as per
Appendix D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D105.1
– D105.4
D105.1 Where Required. Where the vertical distance between the grade
plane and the highest roof surface exceed 30’, approved aerial fire apparatus
access roads shall be provided. For the purposes of this section the highest roof
surfaces shall be determined by measurement to the eave of a pitched roof, the
intersection of a roof to the exterior wall, or the top of the parapet walls, whichever
is greater.
D105.2 Width. Aerial fire apparatus access roads shall have a minimum
unobstructed with of 26’, exclusive of shoulders, in the immediate vicinity of the
building or portion thereof.
D105.3 Proximity to building. At least one of the required access routes
meeting this condition shall be located within a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum
of 30 feet from the building, and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of
the building. The side of the building on which the aerial fire apparatus access
road is positioned shall be approved by the fire code official.
D105.4 Obstructions. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located
over the aerial fire apparatus access road or between the aerial fire apparatus road
and the building. Other obstructions shall be permitted to be places with the
approval of the fire code official.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 7 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1962
Dead Ends.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at dead end locations as per Appendix
D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.4 Dead
Ends. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet shall be
provided with width and turnaround provisions in accordance with Table D103.4.
Requirements for Dead-end fire apparatus access roads.
Maintain fire apparatus access road gates as per Appendix D of the 2012
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.5 Fire apparatus access
road gates. Gates securing the fire apparatus access roads shall comply
with all of the following criteria:
1. Minimum gate width shall be 20 feet.
2. Gates shall be of swinging or sliding type.
3. Construction of gates shall be of material that allow manual operation by one
4. Gate components shall be maintained in an operable condition at all times
and replaces or repaired when defective.
5. Electric gates shall be equipped with a means of opening the gate by fire
department personnel for emergency access. Emergency opening devices
shall be approved by the fire code official.
6. Manual opening gates shall not be locked with a padlock or chain and padlock
unless they are capable of being opened by means of forcible entry tools or
when a key box containing the keys to the lock is installed at the gate location.
7. Locking device specifications shall be submitted for approval by the fire code
8. Electric gate operators, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with
UL 325.
9. Gates, intended for automatic operation shall be designed, constructed and
installed to comply with requirements of ASTM F 2200.
Multi-Family Residential Developments
As per Appendix D, Section D106.1 of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention
Code Vol. 1. Projects having more than 100 dwelling units. Multiple-family
residential projects having more than 100 dwelling units shall be equipped
throughout with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
Exception: Projects having up to 200 dwelling units may have a single
approved fire apparatus access road when all building, including nonresidential
occupancies are equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler systems
installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 7 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1962
As per Appendix D, Section D106.2 of the 2012 Arkansas Fire prevention
Code Vol. 1. Projects having more than 200 dwelling units. Multiple-family
residential projects having more than 200 dwelling units shall be provided with two
separate and approved fire apparatus access roads regardless of whether they
are equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler system.
One- or Two-Family Residential Developments.
As per Appendix D, Section D107.1 of the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code
Vol. 1, One- or Two-Family dwelling residential developments. Developments
of one- or two-family dwellings where the number of dwelling units exceeds 30
shall be provided with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads,
and shall meet the requirements of Section D104.3.
1. Where there are more than 30 dwelling units on a single public or
private fire apparatus access road and al dwelling units are equipped
throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system in
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2 or 903.3.1.3 of the
Arkansas Fire Code, access from two directions shall not be required.
2. The number of dwelling units on a single fire apparatus access road shall
not be increased unless fire apparatus access roads will connect with
future development, as determined by the fire code official.
Fire Hydrants
Locate Fire Hydrants as per Appendix C of the 2012 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code. Section C101 – C105, in conjunction with Central Arkansas
Water (Daniel Tull 501-377-1245) and the Little Rock Fire Marshal’s Office
(Capt. Tony Rhodes 501-918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram
501-918-3756 Number and Distribution of Fire Hydrants as per Table C105.1.
If you have any additional questions please contact our office. Contact
Capt. Tony Rhodes at (501) 918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram
(501) 918-3756.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 7 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1962
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division: No comments.
The applicant requesting preliminary plat approval to allow 9.62 acres of property
located at 11308 and 11606 Dreher Road to be subdivided into seven (7) lots for
single family residential development.
The property is located outside the city limits and is not zoned. The property is
located within the City’s Extraterritorial Subdivision Jurisdiction.
The property is currently comprised of two (2) acreage tracts, each being
approximately five (5) acres in size. A single family residence is located on each
of the two (2) tracts.
The proposed lot sizes will be as follows:
Lot 1 – 54,182 sq. ft. (1.24 acres)
Lot 2 – 44,211 sq. ft. (1.01 acres)
Lot 3 – 44,407 sq. ft. (1.02 acres)
Lot 4 – 34,571 sq. ft. (0.79 acres)
Lot 5 – 64,753 sq. ft. (1.49 acres)
Lot 6 – 46,797 sq. ft. (1.07 acres)
Lot 7 – 88,318 sq. ft. (2.03 acres)
The applicant is requesting a variance from Section 31-232 (f) of the City’s
Subdivision Ordinance to allow Lot 7 as a pipe stem lot. Staff supports the variance
The applicant is dedicating additional right-of-way for Dreher Road as part of the
proposed plat. The applicant is requesting a waiver of boundary street
improvements for the roadway. Staff also supports this waiver request.
There is additional information, including a drainage analysis, which the applicant
has not provided to staff. Therefore, staff recommends this application be deferred
to the May 9, 2024 Planning Commission agenda.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 7 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1962
Staff recommends this application be deferred to the May 9, 2024 Planning
Commission Agenda.
This item was deferred to the May 9, 2024 agenda, as the applicant needed to submit
additional information to staff.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 8 FILE NO.: Z-4159-C
NAME: Shooters Bar & Grill Event Center – Conditional Use Permit
LOCATION: 9500 Interstate 30
Edward J Vega dba Hog’s Breath Grill LLC
6515 Norman Avenue
Springdale, AR 72762
Robert Timmons (Agent)
9500 Interstate 30
Little Rock, AR 72223
Arkansas Surveying & Consulting
1926 Salem Road
Benton, AR 72019
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to use an existing
10,000 square foot building as an Event Center. The property is located within a
C-3 General Commercial District zone, which allows for Event Centers with a
conditional use permit.
The property is located along Interstate 30, which is comprised mainly by
commercial and Industrial uses. However, there is an R-2 Single-family
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 8 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4159-C
neighborhood located to the west of this property. The residential and commercial
uses are separated by an “open space” area.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water:
Fire Department:
Maintain Access:
Fire Hydrants.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at fire hydrant locations as per Appendix D
of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.1 Access road
width with a hydrant. Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access
road, the minimum road width shall be 26 feet, exclusive of shoulders.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.2 Grade. Fire apparatus access roads
shall not exceed 10 percent in grade except as approved by the fire chief. If
the grade exceeds 10 percent, approval will be denied and the applicant must
submit request to be reviewed by Fire Chief for Approval.
Maintain fire apparatus access road design as per Appendix D of the 2012
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D102.1 Access and loading.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 8 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4159-C
Facilities, buildings or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be
accessible to fire department apparatus by way of an approved fire apparatus
access road with an asphalt, concrete or other approved driving surface capable
of supporting the imposed load of fire apparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds.
Commercial and Industrial Developments – 2 means of access. - Maintain fire
apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention
Code Vol. 1.
Section D104.1 Buildings exceeding three stories or 30 feet in height.
Building or facilities exceeding 30 feet or three stories in height shall have at least
two means of fire apparatus access for each structure.
Section D104.2 Building exceeding 62,000 square feet in area. Buildings or
facilities having a gross building area of more than 62,000 square feet shall be
provide with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
Exception: Projects having a gross building area of up to 124,000 square feet
that have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all building are
equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler systems.
D104.3 Remoteness. Where two fire apparatus access roads are required, they
shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the
maximum overall diagonal dimension of the lot or area to be served, measured in
a straight line between accesses.
30’ Tall Buildings - Maintain aerial fire apparatus access roads as per
Appendix D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D105.1
– D105.4.
D105.1 Where Required. Where the vertical distance between the grade
plane and the highest roof surface exceed 30’, approved aerial fire apparatus
access roads shall be provided. For the purposes of this section the highest roof
surfaces shall be determined by measurement to the eave of a pitched roof, the
intersection of a roof to the exterior wall, or the top of the parapet walls, whichever
is greater.
D105.2 Width. Aerial fire apparatus access roads shall have a minimum
unobstructed with of 26’, exclusive of shoulders, in the immediate vicinity of the
building or portion thereof.
D105.3 Proximity to building. At least one of the required access routes
meeting this condition shall be located within a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum
of 30 feet from the building, and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of
the building. The side of the building on which the aerial fire apparatus access
road is positioned shall be approved by the fire code official.
D105.4 Obstructions. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located
over the aerial fire apparatus access road or between the aerial fire apparatus road
and the building. Other obstructions shall be permitted to be places with the
approval of the fire code official.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 8 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4159-C
Dead Ends.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at dead end locations as per Appendix
D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.4 Dead
Ends. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet shall be
provided with width and turnaround provisions in accordance with Table D103.4.
Requirements for Dead-end fire apparatus access roads.
Maintain fire apparatus access road gates as per Appendix D of the 2012
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.5 Fire apparatus access
road gates. Gates securing the fire apparatus access roads shall comply
with all of the following criteria:
1. Minimum gate width shall be 20 feet.
2. Gates shall be of swinging or sliding type.
3. Construction of gates shall be of material that allow manual operation by one
4. Gate components shall be maintained in an operable condition at all times
and replaces or repaired when defective.
5. Electric gates shall be equipped with a means of opening the gate by fire
department personnel for emergency access. Emergency opening devices
shall be approved by the fire code official.
6. Manual opening gates shall not be locked with a padlock or chain and padlock
unless they are capable of being opened by means of forcible entry tools or
when a key box containing the keys to the lock is installed at the gate location.
7. Locking device specifications shall be submitted for approval by the fire code
8. Electric gate operators, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with
UL 325.
9. Gates, intended for automatic operation shall be designed, constructed and
installed to comply with requirements of ASTM F 2200.
Fire Hydrants
Locate Fire Hydrants as per Appendix C of the 2012 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code. Section C101 – C105, in conjunction with Central Arkansas
Water (Daniel Tull 501-377-1245) and the Little Rock Fire Marshal’s Office
(Capt. Tony Rhodes 501-918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram
501-918-3756 Number and Distribution of Fire Hydrants as per Table C105.1.
If you have any additional questions please contact our office. Contact
Capt. Tony Rhodes at (501) 918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram
(501) 918-3756.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 8 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4159-C
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Codes: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the Geyer Springs West Planning District. The Land Use Plan
shows Commercial (C) for the requested area. The Commercial (C) category
includes a broad range of retail and wholesale sales of products, personal and
professional services, and general business activities. Commercial activities vary
in type and scale, depending on the trade area that they serve. The application is
to rezone from C-3 to CUP. Event Center.
To the east of the application area is fully developed single-family residences,
north and east are two City owned tracts of Park/Open Space (PK/OS) along the
floodway of a tributary of Fourche Creek.
This site is not located in an Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
Interstate 30 is an Interstate on the Master Street Plan.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Bike Plan Map does not show existing or proposed facilities in this
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to use an existing
10,000 square foot building as an Event Center. The property is located within a
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 8 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4159-C
C-3 General Commercial District zone, which allows for Event Centers with a
conditional use permit.
The property is located along Interstate 30, which is comprised mainly by
commercial and Industrial uses. However, there is an R-2 Single-family
neighborhood located to the west of this property. The residential and commercial
uses are separated by an “open space” area.
The property is currently being used and operated as Shooter Bar & Grill, which
can accommodate a full-service restaurant and bar, with chairs, tables, and an
audio/lighting system. The applicant states that the facility was built with the
purpose of being able to “hold concert, dances, comedy, and other events, and
has been doing so since its inauguration.”
Currently, the hours of operation for the establishment are Thursday – Sunday
(8:00PM to 2:00AM). The owner states they may soon reopen the restaurant
during the week, which will be open from 11:00AM to 8:00PM. Their current events
normally average 300-500 people, but the capacity of the building is nearly double
that amount. They do have a permit to sell alcohol, which will be available at each
It has come to staff’s attention that this location has been an issue with the LRPD
and the State’s Alcohol and Beverage Control for a number of years, including a
recent police raid on an illegal event.
Based on this information, staff cannot support this application.
Staff recommends denial of the requested conditional use permit.
This item was deferred to the May 9, 2024 agenda at the request of the applicant.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 9 FILE NO.: Z-5491-C
NAME: Little Legacy Leadership Academy – Conditional Use Permit
LOCATION: 1804 E. Capitol Avenue
Renita M. Hoof (Agent)
104 Turtle Creek Cove
Maumelle, AR 72113
Miles Memorial C.M.E. Church (Owner)
1804 E. Capitol Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72202
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow a child day care center
(Little Legacy Leadership Academy) at Miles Memorial C.M.E. Church. The day
care center will include fifteen (15) staffers and 25 to 60 children at any given time.
The property contains an existing one-story, 8,692 square foot, brick building on
the northeast corner of Capitol Avenue and Bender Street. There is a mixture of
zoning and uses surrounding the site.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 9 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5491-C
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
1. Will the parents be required to pick up and drop off their children in the morning
and afternoon all at the same time, or will they be required to stagger drop off
and pick up times for their kids at the site? Provide a traffic operations plan
showing how the traffic will arrive, leave, and queue on and around the site on
local, adjacent City streets for staff to review for impacts to local vehicular and
pedestrian traffic.
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water:
1. All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at the time of request for
water service must be met.
Fire Department:
Maintain Access:
Fire Hydrants.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at fire hydrant locations as per Appendix D
of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.1 Access road
width with a hydrant. Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access
road, the minimum road width shall be 26 feet, exclusive of shoulders.
Fire Hydrants
Locate Fire Hydrants as per Appendix C of the 2012 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code. Section C101 – C105, in conjunction with Central Arkansas
Water (Daniel Tull 501-377-1245) and the Little Rock Fire Marshal’s Office
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 9 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5491-C
(Capt. Tony Rhodes 501-918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram
501-918-3756 Number and Distribution of Fire Hydrants as per Table C105.1.
If you have any additional questions, please contact our office. Contact
Capt. Tony Rhodes at (501) 918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram
(501) 918-3756.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
1. Any required landscaping must comply with Chapter 15 of the City’s Landscape
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the East Little Rock Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area. The Residential Medium
Density (RM) accommodates a broad range of housing types including single
family attached, single family detached, duplex, town homes, multi-family and patio
or garden homes. Any combination of these and possibly other housing types may
fall in this category provided that the density is between six (6) and twelve (12)
dwelling units per acre. The application is to rezone from R-4 to CUP.
Surrounding the application area,
Mixed Use Urban (MXU); This category provides for a mix of residential, office and
commercial for older urban areas to allow dissimilar uses to exist which support
each other to create a vital area. Development should reinforce the urban fabric
creating high and moderate density developments that result in a vital (dense)
pedestrian-oriented area are appropriate.
Residential Medium Density (RM); The Residential Medium Density (RM)
accommodates a broad range of housing types including single family attached,
single family detached, duplex, town homes, multi-family and patio or garden
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 9 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5491-C
homes provided that the density is between six (6) and twelve (12) dwelling units
per acre.
Commercial (C); The Commercial (C) category includes a broad range of retail and
wholesale sales of products, personal and professional services, and general
business activities. Commercial activities vary in type and scale, depending on the
trade area that they serve.
Park/Open Space (PK/OS); The Park/Open Space (PK/OS) category includes all
public parks, recreation facilities, greenbelts, flood plains, and other designated
open space and recreational land.
This site is not located in an Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
East Capitol Avenue is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. Local Streets are
roads designed to provide access to adjacent property with the movement of traffic
being a secondary purpose. The standard Right-of-way is 50’. Sidewalks are
required on one side. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and may
require street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Bike Plan Map does not show existing or proposed facilities in this
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow a child day care center
(Little Legacy Leadership Academy) at Miles Memorial C.M.E. Church. The day
care center will include fifteen (15) staffers and 25 to 60 children at any given time.
The property contains an existing one-story, 8,692 square foot, brick building on
the northeast corner of Capitol Avenue and Bender Street. There is a mixture of
zoning and uses surrounding the site.
The primary use of the religious institution and functions will continue. The
applicant proposes to utilize a maximum of 3,000 square foot of the overall 8,692
square foot building containing the east and west wing of the rear portion of the
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 9 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5491-C
building which includes the multi-purpose area, five (5) bathrooms, commercial
kitchen and eight (8) classrooms. Operating hours will be Monday-Friday from
6am to 6pm, and Saturday (once a month) from 8am to 4:30pm.
The applicant’s cover letter states, “the staff of the Academy will meet the state
mandate requirements for staffing. The building has been inspected by the state
fire department codes and has passed all requirements.”
An existing concrete driveway extends from E. Capitol Avenue along the south
property line provides access to an asphalt-paved parking lot containing twelve
(12) parking spaces. Staff feel the existing on-site parking spaces and available
on-street parking along E. Capitol Avenue, Bender Street and Reichardt Street is
sufficient to serve the use.
The applicant notes children will enter and exit from the door located on the west
side of the building adjacent to the existing parking lot. Parents will enter the
building, sign their child into the daycare no later than 9am. Pick up time will be
no later than 6pm. Daycare staff will be available for sign-in/sign-out of children
near the door.
The applicant is not proposing new signs with this application. Any new signage
must comply with Section 36-553 of the City’s Zoning Ordinance (signs permitted
in institutional and office zones).
The site plan does not show a dumpster enclosure. Any dumpster installed on the
stie must comply with Section 36-523 of the City’s Zoning Ordinance.
Any new sight lighting must be low-level and directed away from adjacent
To the staff’s knowledge, there are no outstanding issues associated with this
application. The church has been in existence for 149 years. The daycare center
may extend services for Carver Elementary and E-STEM which are in the general
area. Staff feels the proposed daycare center at this location will have no adverse
impact on the general area.
Staff recommends approval of the requested conditional use permit to allow a
daycare center, subject to compliance with the comments and conditions outlined
in paragraphs D, E and F, and the staff analysis, of the agenda staff report.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 9 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5491-C
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 11 ayes,
and 0 nays. The application was approved.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 10 FILE NO.: Z-9968
NAME: Parkinson Duplex – Conditional Use Permit
LOCATION: 117 Rice Street
E and Y Development, LLC
319 Valmar Street
Little Rock, AR 72205
E and Y Development – Owner
Roy C. Andrews – Agent
Holloway Engineering
200 Casey Drive
Maumelle, AR 72113
On March 14, 2024 the applicant submitted a letter to staff requesting the application be
withdrawn, without prejudice. Staff supports the withdrawal request.
This item was withdrawn, without prejudice, at the request of the applicant.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 11 FILE NO.: Z-9955
NAME: Rezoning from C-3 to C-4
LOCATION: 1417 W. Roosevelt Road
Ike Okpala
15 Bentley Circle
Little Rock, AR 72210
Ike Okpala – Owner/Applicant
Watson Land Surveying
10700 Highway 35N
Sheridan, AR
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The property owner requests to rezone the 0.19 acre property from “C-3” General
Commercial District to “C-4” Open Display District. The rezoning is requested in
order to develop a used auto dealership.
The property is currently undeveloped. A concrete foundation where a building
previously existed is located within the north half of the property.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 11 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9955
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: NO OBJECTIONS; All Central Arkansas Water
requirements in effect at the time of request for water service must be met.
Fire Department:
Maintain Access:
Fire Hydrants.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at fire hydrant locations as per Appendix D
of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.1 Access road
width with a hydrant. Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access
road, the minimum road width shall be 26 feet, exclusive of shoulders.
Commercial and Industrial Developments – 2 means of access. - Maintain fire
apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention
Code Vol. 1
Section D104.1 Buildings exceeding three stories or 30 feet in height.
Building or facilities exceeding 30 feet or three stories in height shall have at least
two means of fire apparatus access for each structure.
Section D104.2 Building exceeding 62,000 square feet in area. Buildings or
facilities having a gross building area of more than 62,000 square feet shall be
provide with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
Exception: Projects having a gross building area of up to 124,000 square
feet that have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all
building are equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 11 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9955
D104.3 Remoteness. Where two fire apparatus access roads are required, they
shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the
maximum overall diagonal dimension of the lot or area to be served, measured in
a straight line between accesses.
Fire Hydrants
Locate Fire Hydrants as per Appendix C of the 2012 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code. Section C101 – C105, in conjunction with Central Arkansas
Water (Daniel Tull 501-377-1245) and the Little Rock Fire Marshal’s Office
(Capt. Tony Rhodes 501-918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram
501-918-3756 Number and Distribution of Fire Hydrants as per Table C105.1.
Z-6806-B Coral Towers, LLC- Revised POD 13705 Pleasant Hill Road
Maintain Access:
Fire Hydrants.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at fire hydrant locations as per Appendix D
of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.1 Access road
width with a hydrant. Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access
road, the minimum road width shall be 26 feet, exclusive of shoulders.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.2 Grade. Fire apparatus access roads
shall not exceed 10 percent in grade except as approved by the fire chief. If
the grade exceeds 10 percent, approval will be denied and the applicant must
submit request to be reviewed by Fire Chief for Approval.
Maintain fire apparatus access road design as per Appendix D of the 2012
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D102.1 Access and loading.
Facilities, buildings or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be
accessible to fire department apparatus by way of an approved fire apparatus
access road with an asphalt, concrete or other approved driving surface capable
of supporting the imposed load of fire apparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds.
Commercial and Industrial Developments – 2 means of access. - Maintain fire
apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention
Code Vol. 1
Section D104.1 Buildings exceeding three stories or 30 feet in height. Building
or facilities exceeding 30 feet or three stories in height shall have at least two
means of fire apparatus access for each structure.
Section D104.2 Building exceeding 62,000 square feet in area. Buildings or
facilities having a gross building area of more than 62,000 square feet shall be
provide with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 11 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9955
Exception: Projects having a gross building area of up to 124,000 square
feet that have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all
building are equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler
D104.3 Remoteness. Where two fire apparatus access roads are required, they
shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the
maximum overall diagonal dimension of the lot or area to be served, measured in
a straight line between accesses.
30’ Tall Buildings - Maintain aerial fire apparatus access roads as per
Appendix D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D105.1
– D105.4
D105.1 Where Required. Where the vertical distance between the grade
plane and the highest roof surface exceed 30’, approved aerial fire apparatus
access roads shall be provided. For the purposes of this section the highest roof
surfaces shall be determined by measurement to the eave of a pitched roof, the
intersection of a roof to the exterior wall, or the top of the parapet walls, whichever
is greater.
D105.2 Width. Aerial fire apparatus access roads shall have a minimum
unobstructed with of 26’, exclusive of shoulders, in the immediate vicinity of the
building or portion thereof.
D105.3 Proximity to building. At least one of the required access routes
meeting this condition shall be located within a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum
of 30 feet from the building, and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of
the building. The side of the building on which the aerial fire apparatus access road
is positioned shall be approved by the fire code official.
D105.4 Obstructions. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located
over the aerial fire apparatus access road or between the aerial fire apparatus road
and the building. Other obstructions shall be permitted to be places with the
approval of the fire code official.
Dead Ends.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at dead end locations as per Appendix
D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.4 Dead
Ends. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet shall be
provided with width and turnaround provisions in accordance with Table D103.4.
Requirements for Dead-end fire apparatus access roads.
Maintain fire apparatus access road gates as per Appendix D of the 2012
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.5 Fire apparatus access
road gates. Gates securing the fire apparatus access roads shall comply
with all of the following criteria:
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 11 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9955
1. Minimum gate width shall be 20 feet.
2. Gates shall be of swinging or sliding type.
3. Construction of gates shall be of material that allow manual operation by one
4. Gate components shall be maintained in an operable condition at all times
and replaces or repaired when defective.
5. Electric gates shall be equipped with a means of opening the gate by fire
department personnel for emergency access. Emergency opening devices
shall be approved by the fire code official.
6. Manual opening gates shall not be locked with a padlock or chain and padlock
unless they are capable of being opened by means of forcible entry tools or
when a key box containing the keys to the lock is installed at the gate location.
7. Locking device specifications shall be submitted for approval by the fire code
8. Electric gate operators, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with
UL 325.
9. Gates, intended for automatic operation shall be designed, constructed and
installed to comply with requirements of ASTM F 2200.
Fire Hydrants
Locate Fire Hydrants as per Appendix C of the 2012 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code. Section C101 – C105, in conjunction with Central Arkansas
Water (Daniel Tull 501-377-1245) and the Little Rock Fire Marshal’s Office
(Capt. Tony Rhodes 501-918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram
501-918-3756 Number and Distribution of Fire Hydrants as per Table C105.1.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 11 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9955
Planning Division:
The request is in the Central City Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Commercial (C) for the requested area. The Commercial (C) category includes a
broad range of retail and wholesale sales of products, personal and professional
services, and general business activities. Commercial activities vary in type and
scale, depending on the trade area that they serve. The application is to rezone
from C-3 to C-4. Auto Sales.
Surrounding the application area to the north and west at the intersection of West
Roosevelt Road and Dr Martin Luther King Drive is Commercial (C) with
convenience, discount retail, and a package store. Directly north across West
Roosevelt Road is an auto repair business.
This site is not located in an Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
West Roosevelt Road is a Principal Arterial on the Master Street Plan. Principal
Arterials are roads designed to serve through traffic, and to connect major traffic
generators or activity centers within urbanized areas. The standard Right of way
of 110 feet is required. Sidewalks are required on both sides. This street may
require dedication of right-of-way and may require street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Bike Plan Map does not show existing or proposed facilities in this
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not located in a Historic District.
The property owner requests to rezone the 0.19 acre property from “C-3” General
Commercial District to “C-4” Open Display District. The rezoning is requested in
order to develop a used auto dealership.
The property is currently undeveloped. A concrete foundation where a building
previously existed is located within the north half of the property.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 11 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9955
The City’s Future Land Use Plan designates this property as “C” Commercial. The
proposed C-4 zoning does not require as amendment to the future land use plan.
Staff does not support the requested C-4 rezoning. Staff does not view the request
as reasonable. Staff believes that straight C-4 zoning at this location is too intense.
There are permitted uses within the C-4 district that staff views as inappropriate
for this location. Staff believes that a planned development type of zoning would
be more appropriate for this site, so that the use of the property can be limited.
Staff recommends denial of the requested C-4 rezoning.
This item was withdrawn at the request of the applicant.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 12 FILE NO.: Z-6806-B
NAME: Coral Towers, LLC – Revised POD
LOCATION: 13705 Pleasant Hill Road
Patricia Parr (Agent)
B & T Group
7819 Professional Place
Tampa, FL 33637
Matt & Leeanne Marshall (Owner)
13705 Pleasant Hill Road
Alexander, AR 72002
Millman Surveying, Inc.
4111 Bradley Circle NW
Canton, OH 44718
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
On July 15, 2003, the Little Rock Board of Directors passed Ordinance No. 18895 which
rezoned the property from PD-I to POD to allow for single-family residential and office
The applicant is now requesting to revise the existing POD to allow for a 145-foot-
tall monopole tower to be installed at the site for use by one principal user (Coral
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 12 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6806-B
Towers, LLC) with co-location to accommodate additional wireless service
providers as requested. All remaining aspects of the previously approved POD
will remain unchanged. The proposed site is within the City’s Extra-Territorial
Jurisdiction (ETJ).
The site contains two (2) existing buildings utilized by a full-service tree removal
and tree trimming company (The Tree Marshal). The proposed site is located at
the dead end of Pleasant Hill Road. There is a mixture of zoning and uses in all
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with The City of Little Rock were notified of the public
1. Proposed one-hundred fifty (150) feet monopole is located close to the
airspace of the Billy and Hillary Clinton National Airport. Therefore, any
airport and/or Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approval and/or permits
are required to be submitted to the Department of Planning and Development
before a building permit to construct the monopole can be issued in the future.
Building permit applicant for the proposed monopole shall provide FAA and/or
airport approval documentation and/or permits with submission of the
construction plans with the building permit application to the Department of
Planning and Development staff for review. Airport contact to start the airport
and FAA review process is Carlos De La Torre, Director of Operations, 501-
537-1721, cdelatorre@clintonairport.com.
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 12 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6806-B
Central Arkansas Water:
1. All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at the time of request for
water service must be met.
Fire Department:
Maintain Access:
Fire Hydrants.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at fire hydrant locations as per Appendix D
of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.1 Access road
width with a hydrant. Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access
road, the minimum road width shall be 26 feet, exclusive of shoulders.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.2 Grade. Fire apparatus access roads
shall not exceed 10 percent in grade except as approved by the fire chief. If
the grade exceeds 10 percent, approval will be denied, and the applicant
must submit request to be reviewed by Fire Chief for Approval.
Maintain fire apparatus access road design as per Appendix D of the 2012
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D102.1 Access and loading.
Facilities, buildings, or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be
accessible to fire department apparatus by way of an approved fire apparatus
access road with an asphalt, concrete or other approved driving surface capable
of supporting the imposed load of fire apparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds.
Commercial and Industrial Developments – 2 means of access. - Maintain fire
apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention
Code Vol. 1.
Section D104.1 Buildings exceeding three stories or 30 feet in height.
Building or facilities exceeding 30 feet or three stories in height shall have at least
two means of fire apparatus access for each structure.
Section D104.2 Building exceeding 62,000 square feet in area. Buildings or
facilities having a gross building area of more than 62,000 square feet shall be
provided with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
Exception: Projects having a gross building area of up to 124,000 square
feet that have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all
buildings are equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 12 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6806-B
D104.3 Remoteness. Where two fire apparatus access roads are required, they
shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the
maximum overall diagonal dimension of the lot or area to be served, measured in
a straight line between accesses.
30’ Tall Buildings - Maintain aerial fire apparatus access roads as per
Appendix D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D105.1
– D105.4
D105.1 Where Required. Where the vertical distance between the grade
plane and the highest roof surface exceeds 30’, approved aerial fire apparatus
access roads shall be provided. For the purposes of this section the highest roof
surfaces shall be determined by measurement to the eave of a pitched roof, the
intersection of a roof to the exterior wall, or the top of the parapet walls, whichever
is greater.
D105.2 Width. Aerial fire apparatus access roads shall have a minimum
unobstructed with of 26’, exclusive of shoulders, in the immediate vicinity of the
building or portion thereof.
D105.3 Proximity to building. At least one of the required access routes
meeting this condition shall be located within a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum
of 30 feet from the building and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of the
building. The side of the building on which the aerial fire apparatus access road is
positioned shall be approved by the fire code official.
D105.4 Obstructions. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located
over the aerial fire apparatus access road or between the aerial fire apparatus road
and the building. Other obstructions shall be permitted to be placed with the
approval of the fire code official.
Dead Ends.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at dead end locations as per Appendix
D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.4 Dead
Ends. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet shall be
provided with width and turnaround provisions in accordance with Table D103.4.
Requirements for Dead-end fire apparatus access roads.
Maintain fire apparatus access road gates as per Appendix D of the 2012
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.5 Fire apparatus access
road gates. Gates securing the fire apparatus access roads shall comply with
all of the following criteria:
1. The minimum gate width shall be 20 feet.
2. Gates shall be of swinging or sliding type.
3. Construction of gates shall be of material that allows manual operation by one
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 12 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6806-B
4. Gate components shall be maintained in an operable condition at all times
and replaced or repaired when defective.
5. Electric gates shall be equipped with a means of opening the gate by fire
department personnel for emergency access. Emergency opening devices
shall be approved by the fire code official.
6. Manual opening gates shall not be locked with a padlock or chain and padlock
unless they are capable of being opened by means of forcible entry tools or
when a key box containing the keys to the lock is installed at the gate location.
7. Locking device specifications shall be submitted for approval by the fire code
8. Electric gate operators, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with
UL 325.
9. Gates, intended for automatic operation shall be designed, constructed, and
installed to comply with requirements of ASTM F 2200.
Fire Hydrants
Locate Fire Hydrants as per Appendix C of the 2012 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code. Section C101 – C105, in conjunction with Central Arkansas
Water (Daniel Tull 501-377-1245) and the Little Rock Fire Marshal’s Office
(Capt. Tony Rhodes 501-918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram
501-918-3756 Number and Distribution of Fire Hydrants as per Table C105.1.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Codes: No comments received.
1. Any new site development must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and
buffer ordinance requirements. Refer to the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 15
Landscaping and Tree Protection, and Chapter 36, Article IX – Buffers and
2. Wireless Communications Facilities must also comply with Chapter 36, Article
XII Development Standards and Landscaping.
3. Site development plans, with landscape and screening, must be submitted for
review, and approval, prior to site clearing and tree removal.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 12 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6806-B
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the Otter Creek Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
by conventional single-family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The application is to revise POD for telecom tower.
Surrounding the application area, to the west and south is undeveloped woodland.
East of the site are residences on large tracts of land. North of Pleasant Hill Road
are single-family homes in developing subdivisions.
This site is not located in an Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
Pleasant Hill Road is currently a private road. Pleasant Hill Road is shown as a
Collector on the Master Street Plan. Collectors are designed to connect traffic from
Local Streets to Arterials or to activity centers, with the secondary function of
providing access to adjoining property. The standard Right of way is 60’.
Sidewalks are required on one side of Collectors. This street may require
dedication of right-of-way and may require street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Bike Plan Map does not show existing or proposed facilities in this
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant is requesting to revise the existing POD to allow for a 145-foot-tall
monopole tower to be installed at the site for use by one principal user (Coral
Towers, LLC) with co-location to accommodate additional wireless service
providers as requested. All remaining aspects of the previously approved POD
will remain unchanged. The proposed site is within the City’s Extra-Territorial
Jurisdiction (ETJ).
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 12 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6806-B
The site contains two (2) existing buildings utilized by a full-service tree removal
and tree trimming company (The Tree Marshal). The proposed site is located at
the dead end of Pleasant Hill Road. There is a mixture of zoning and uses in all
Coral Towers plans to utilize the existing access from Pleasant Hill Road and
extend it further by developing a twenty (20) foot gravel drive to the southeast
corner of the site.
The site plan shows a thirty (30) foot wide access & utility easement in the
northwest portion of the lease area.
The developer proposes to install a twenty (20) foot wide swing gate at the
northwest corner of the lease area.
Section 36-593 of the City’s Zoning Ordinance requires a WCF abutting residential
property on either side, to be set back a distance at least the height of the WCF
tower. The setback will be measured from the face of the base of the support
structure to the property line of the abutting residential property. The equipment
facility shall meet as a minimum the setback requirements for the underlying zone.
The site plan shows a setback of 188 feet from the front (west) property line and
172 feet from the rear (south) property line. Both setbacks for the proposed tower
comply with the Code.
The site plan shows lease area dimensions of 100’ x 100’ which includes an
internal 80’ x 80’ gravel compound. The site will be secured by an eight (8) foot
tall chain link fence with UV resistant privacy screening.
The applicant notes, if necessary, signage will be mounted to the tower, gate and
fence including additional E-911 address & FCC registration signs. Any signs
installed at the site must comply with Section 36-553 of the City’s Zoning
Ordinance (signs permitted in institutional and office zones).
The applicant submitted a landscaping plan as part of the application. All
landscaping must comply with Section 36-593(c) of the City’s Landscape
All sight lighting must comply with Section 36-593 of the City’s Zoning Ordinance.
The applicant must submit FAA approval for the WCF to the Planning Engineering
Division prior to obtaining a building permit.
Staff is supportive of the requested revised POD to allow a wireless communication
facility (WCF) at this site. The proposed WCF complies with the code with respect
to the required setbacks from abutting residential properties. The proposed
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 12 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6806-B
setback is 188 feet from the front (west) property line and 172 feet from the rear
(south) property line. The proposed WCF will provide new wireless service
coverage and increased capacity to the residents in the general area, while
enhancing the local E-911 emergency call system. Staff feels the proposed WCF
will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding properties.
The only reason the proposed use is before this body is that the WCF is not a use
allowed as approved by Ordinance No. 18895 for the existing POD. Otherwise, the
WCF would be approved at staff level.
Staff recommends approval of the revised POD to allow a WCF at the proposed
site, subject to compliance with the comments and conditions outlined in
paragraphs D, E and F, and the staff analysis, of the agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 11 ayes,
and 0 nays. The application was approved.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 13 FILE NO.: Z-9878-A
NAME: Plunkett Mixed Use – PCD
LOCATION: 14118 Kanis Road
Pinnacle Hotel Group
119 S. Izard Street, Ste. #200
Little Rock, AR 72201
Brian Dale (Agent)
Joe White & Associates
25 Rahling Circle
Little Rock, AR 72223
Joe White & Associates
25 Rahling Circle
Little Rock, AR 72223
1. The applicant is requesting to allow advance grading with infrastructure.
The applicant proposes to rezone a 6.50-acre site from R-2 to PCD to construct a
mixed-use development. The development will include a total of nine (9) buildings.
The two (2) buildings facing south along Kanis Road will contain retail uses, six (6)
buildings in the center portion will contain flex space uses and the northernmost
building will be utilized for climate-controlled storage.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 13 FILE NO.: Z-9878-A
The site is currently undeveloped and contains trees surrounding the perimeter of
the property. There is a mixture of zoning and uses surrounding the site.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with The City of Little Rock were notified of the public
1. Contact Planning and Development Dept., Engineering Division at
501-371-4817 or at 501-918-5348 for inspections of any work in the public
right-of-way prior to placement of concrete or asphalt or for on-site
clarification of requirements prior to commencing work. Failure to do so can
result in removal of any improperly placed concrete or asphalt at the
expense of the owner or contractor.
2. Any work involving one (1) or more acres of disturbed area require a State of
Arkansas NPDES permit. Contact the Arkansas Department of
Environmental Quality, NPDES branch at 501-682-0744 for applications and
information about General Stormwater Discharge Construction Permit
3. A grading permit must be obtained prior to initiation of work. Grading
permits are issued by the Planning and Development Dept. at 723 West
Markham Street after approval of sediment and erosion control plans,
grading and drainage plans, land survey, drainage study, and soil loss
calculations per City’s stormwater management and drainage manual.
Contact Planning and Development Dept., Engineering Division at
501-371-4817 or at 501-918-5348 or Permits@littlerock.gov to schedule an
appointment for issuance or to answer any questions. Permit cost is based
on total project area at $100.00 for the less than ½ acre, $200.00 for ½ to
1 acre, and $200.00 for the first acre and $100.00 for each additional acre
for project greater than 1 acre.
4. The Department requires three (3) phase sediment and erosion control
(SEC) plans to be submitted for all construction projects showing best
management practices (BMPs) for mitigating sediment runoff and erosion
along with vegetation specifications for temporary and permanent soil
stabilization. Phase 1 SEC plans shall show SEC BMPs during the
stripping, clearing, grubbing, and rough grading of the site. Phase 2 SEC
plans shall show SEC BMPs during construction of utilities, buildings,
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 13 FILE NO.: Z-9878-A
roadway infrastructure and drainage infrastructure. Phase 3 SEC Plans
shall show SEC BMPs for final grading, seeding, and landscaping of the
5. Sediment and Erosion Control plans shall also show the pertinent
information as outlined in ADEQ ARR150000 Permit Part II section A-4-H
(1-14) and Part II section A-4-I-2 (A-B).
6. Per City Rev. Code 29-99, stormwater detention for developments
is required. Provide stormwater detention infrastructure to satisfy this
7. If proposed retaining walls shown on plans are equal to or above four feet
tall measured from the bottom of the footing or leveling layer or if there is
surcharge loading for a retaining wall less than four feet tall measured from
the bottom of the footing or leveling layer, the Department requires retaining
wall design plans by an Arkansas licensed professional engineer showing
plan, profile, and cross sectional views of the wall with special details, design
loading calculations clearly showing all required factors of safety are met or
exceed per state building codes. A separate building permit-accessory
structure will be required for the retaining walls along with inspections by
Department engineering staff during their construction.
8. Per City Code 31-434, a 50% maintenance bond for all street and
stormwater infrastructure constructed within the public right of way shall be
submitted to Department engineering staff prior to recording the final plat.
Before the 50% maintenance bond can be accepted, a contract unit bid price
for every street and stormwater infrastructure construction item within the
public right of way shall be submitted to Department engineering staff for
review and approval.
9. Per City Code 31-117, as built stormwater drainage infrastructure
information/data shall be submitted prior to recording of the final plat. This
information shall include but not limited to: pipe inverts, length of pipe, size
of pipe, type of pipe, and type of inlets.
10. Department engineering staff is required to perform a final inspection of all
street and stormwater infrastructure construction within the public right of
way. City maintenance of the street and stormwater drainage infrastructure
within the public right of way cannot officially begin until final acceptance by
Department engineering staff. This needs to be completed and accepted
by Department engineering staff prior to issuance of a final certificate of
11. A drainage study showing all hydrologic calculations for the site and all
hydraulic calculations for the proposed storm sewer pipe system, swales
and ditches, detention ponds, outlet structures, and inlets is required per
City’s stormwater management and drainage manual. For final drainage
report, sign, date, and seal the report per AR State Board of Professional
Engineers and Professional Surveyors rules Article 12, Section B (1) (a).
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 13 FILE NO.: Z-9878-A
Provide engineer's certification statement saying this drainage report was
conducted by yourself or directly under your supervision and attesting to the
accuracy of the information within this report.
12. How is stormwater runoff from off-site areas from the west and east flowing
on-site being handled? Provide information on site plan showing proposed
infrastructure to handle off-site stormwater drainage collection and
13. How is stormwater runoff from Kanis Road being handled? Provide
information on site plan showing proposed infrastructure to handle Kanis
Road stormwater drainage collection and conveyance.
14. How and where is the proposed stormwater detention facility discharging
water from its storage volume? Provide information on site plan sowing
proposed stormwater detention outlet structure discharge location and
method of tie in to existing storm sewer pipe.
15. Street design standards shall comply with the latest version of the
AASHTO A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, City’s
Master Street Plan (2018), and City’s Standard Details for street and
drainage facilities improvements (2015).
16. Street stormwater and detention infrastructure design standards shall
comply with the City’s Stormwater Management and Drainage Manual
(2016) including City Code Chapters 29, 30, and 31.
17. Street pavement, sidewalks, curb and gutter, curb inlets, junction boxes,
accessible ramps, and storm sewer infrastructure shall comply with City’s
specifications for construction as outlined in City Code Chapters 30.
18. Boundary street improvements are required per master street plan.
Boundary street improvements shall include, but not be limited to,
reconstruction of one-half section of the abutting street if the existing street
is not up to city standards. Repair, replace, or extend existing damaged,
missing, and noncompliant curb and gutter, sidewalk, access ramps or
concrete driveway aprons within the public right-of-way adjacent to the site.
Remove abandoned driveway cuts and replace with curb, gutter, and
sidewalk. All work within the public right-of-way shall conform to City of Little
Rock Public Works Standard Details and ADA guidelines.
19. Kanis Road is classified as a minor arterial per City’s master street plan. Per
minor arterial standard in master street plan, a total of ninety (90) feet of right
of way is required for a minor arterial. Therefore, the developer will be
required to dedicate a total forty-five (45) feet of right of way from the existing
centerline of Kanis Road to meet master street plan requirements.
20. Per City’s boundary street ordinance, developer is required to widen and
improve Kanis Road to the minor arterial standard per City’s master street
plan along the property frontage adjacent to Kanis Road.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 13 FILE NO.: Z-9878-A
21. Kanis Road is classified as a minor arterial for City’s master street plan.
Therefore, per City’s boundary street ordinance, construction of boundary
street improvements along property’s southern frontage along Kanis Road
for a minor arterial standard and dedication of additional right of way per
master street plan is required. Total right of way dedication required is forty-
five (45) feet from street centerline. Additional right of way dedicated from
the centerline of right of way more than forty-five (45) feet may be required
by Department staff depending on the location of the centerline of the street
in relation to the centerline of the right of way if both centerlines do not
coincide currently for Kanis Road.
22. Per City Code Sec. 30-48 and City standard detail PW-24, sidewalk shall be
one (1) foot from the property line/right of way line. Therefore, revise
proposed sidewalk to be a minimum of one (1) foot offset from the parcel’s
property line as required.
23. Per City Code 31-210 (e) (1) for arterial streets, driveway spacing shall be
three hundred (300) feet. Driveway spacing shall be centerline to centerline
or centerline to right of way of an intersecting collector street or street of
higher classification. Minimum spacing from the property line shall be one
hundred fifty (150) feet. Revise driveway to meet above requirements
accordingly, or a variance request will have to be filed with application for the
planning commission’s consideration per City Code Sec. 31-210 (j).
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority:
1. If necessary, submit the wastewater infrastructure plans to LRWRA for review
and approval.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water:
1. All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at the time of request for
water service must be met.
2. Please submit plans for water facilities and/or fire protection system to Central
Arkansas Water for review. Plan revisions may be required after additional
review. Contact Central Arkansas Water regarding procedures for installation
of water facilities and/or fire service. Approval of plans by the Arkansas
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 13 FILE NO.: Z-9878-A
Department of Health Engineering Division and Little Rock Fire Department
is required.
3. The facilities on-site will be private. When meters are planned off private
lines, private facilities shall be installed to Central Arkansas Water's material
and construction specifications and installation will be inspected by an
engineer, licensed to practice in the State of Arkansas. Execution of
Customer Owned Line Agreement is required.
4. Due to the nature of this facility, installation of an approved reduced pressure
zone backflow preventer assembly (RPZ) is required on the domestic water
service. This assembly must be installed prior to the first point of use. Central
Arkansas Water (CAW) requires that upon installation of the RPZA,
successful tests of the assembly must be completed by a Certified Assembly
Tester licensed by the State of Arkansas and approved by CAW. The test
results must be sent to CAW's Cross Connection Section within ten days of
installation and annually thereafter. Contact the Cross Connection Section
at 377-1226 if you would like to discuss backflow prevention requirements for
this project.
5. Fire sprinkler systems which do not contain additives such as antifreeze shall
be isolated with a double detector check valve assembly. If additives are
used, a reduced pressure zone backflow preventer shall be required.
Fire Department:
Fire Hydrants.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at fire hydrant locations as per Appendix D
of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.1 Access road
width with a hydrant. Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access
road, the minimum road width shall be 26 feet, exclusive of shoulders.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.2 Grade. Fire apparatus access roads
shall not exceed 10 percent in grade except as approved by the fire chief. If
the grade exceeds 10 percent, approval will be denied, and the applicant
must submit request to be reviewed by Fire Chief for Approval.
Maintain fire apparatus access road design as per Appendix D of the 2012
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D102.1 Access and loading.
Facilities, buildings, or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be
accessible to fire department apparatus by way of an approved fire apparatus
access road with an asphalt, concrete or other approved driving surface capable
of supporting the imposed load of fire apparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 13 FILE NO.: Z-9878-A
Commercial and Industrial Developments – 2 means of access. - Maintain fire
apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention
Code Vol. 1
Section D104.1 Buildings exceeding three stories or 30 feet in height.
Building or facilities exceeding 30 feet or three stories in height shall have at least
two means of fire apparatus access for each structure.
Section D104.2 Building exceeding 62,000 square feet in area. Buildings or
facilities having a gross building area of more than 62,000 square feet shall be
provided with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
Exception: Projects having a gross building area of up to 124,000 square
feet that have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all
buildings are equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler
D104.3 Remoteness. Where two fire apparatus access roads are required, they
shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the
maximum overall diagonal dimension of the lot or area to be served, measured in
a straight line between accesses.
30’ Tall Buildings - Maintain aerial fire apparatus access roads as per
Appendix D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D105.1
– D105.4
D105.1 Where Required. Where the vertical distance between the grade
plane and the highest roof surface exceeds 30’, approved aerial fire apparatus
access roads shall be provided. For the purposes of this section the highest roof
surfaces shall be determined by measurement to the eave of a pitched roof, the
intersection of a roof to the exterior wall, or the top of the parapet walls, whichever
is greater.
D105.2 Width. Aerial fire apparatus access roads shall have a minimum
unobstructed with of 26’, exclusive of shoulders, in the immediate vicinity of the
building or portion thereof.
D105.3 Proximity to building. At least one of the required access routes
meeting this condition shall be located within a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum
of 30 feet from the building and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of the
building. The side of the building on which the aerial fire apparatus access road is
positioned shall be approved by the fire code official.
D105.4 Obstructions. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located
over the aerial fire apparatus access road or between the aerial fire apparatus road
and the building. Other obstructions shall be permitted to be placed with the
approval of the fire code official.
Dead Ends.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at dead end locations as per Appendix
D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.4 Dead
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 13 FILE NO.: Z-9878-A
Ends. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet shall be
provided with width and turnaround provisions in accordance with Table D103.4.
Requirements for Dead-end fire apparatus access roads.
Maintain fire apparatus access road gates as per Appendix D of the 2012
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.5 Fire apparatus access
road gates. Gates securing the fire apparatus access roads shall comply with
all of the following criteria:
1. Minimum gate width shall be 20 feet.
2. Gates shall be of swinging or sliding type.
3. Construction of gates shall be of material that allow manual operation by one
4. Gate components shall be maintained in an operable condition at all times
and replaced or repaired when defective.
5. Electric gates shall be equipped with a means of opening the gate by fire
department personnel for emergency access. Emergency opening devices
shall be approved by the fire code official.
6. Manual opening gates shall not be locked with a padlock or chain and padlock
unless they are capable of being opened by means of forcible entry tools or
when a key box containing the keys to the lock is installed at the gate location.
7. Locking device specifications shall be submitted for approval by the fire code
8. Electric gate operators, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with
UL 325.
9. Gates, intended for automatic operation shall be designed, constructed, and
installed to comply with requirements of ASTM F 2200.
Multi-Family Residential Developments
As per Appendix D, Section D106.1 of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention
Code Vol. 1. Projects having more than 100 dwelling units. Multiple-family
residential projects having more than 100 dwelling units shall be equipped
throughout with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
Exception: Projects having up to 200 dwelling units may have a single
approved fire apparatus access road when all building, including nonresidential
occupancies are equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler systems
installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2
As per Appendix D, Section D106.2 of the 2012 Arkansas Fire prevention
Code Vol. 1. Projects having more than 200 dwelling units. Multiple-family
residential projects having more than 200 dwelling units shall be provided with two
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 13 FILE NO.: Z-9878-A
separate and approved fire apparatus access roads regardless of whether they
are equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler system.
One- or Two-Family Residential Developments.
As per Appendix D, Section D107.1 of the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code
Vol. 1, One- or Two-Family dwelling residential developments. Developments
of one- or two-family dwellings where the number of dwelling units exceeds
30 shall be provided with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads
and shall meet the requirements of Section D104.3.
1. Where there are more than 30 dwelling units on a single public or
private fire apparatus access road and al dwelling units are equipped
throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system in
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2 or 903.3.1.3 of the
Arkansas Fire Code, access from two directions shall not be required.
2. The number of dwelling units on a single fire apparatus access road shall
not be increased unless fire apparatus access roads will connect with
future development, as determined by the fire code official.
Fire Hydrants
Locate Fire Hydrants as per Appendix C of the 2012 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code. Section C101 – C105, in conjunction with Central Arkansas
Water (Daniel Tull 501-377-1245) and the Little Rock Fire Marshal’s Office
(Capt. Tony Rhodes 501-918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram
501-918-3756 Number and Distribution of Fire Hydrants as per Table C105.1.
If you have any additional questions, please contact our office. Contact
Capt. Tony Rhodes at (501) 918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram
(501) 918-3756.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments received.
Building Code: No comments received.
1. Any new site development must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and
buffer ordinance requirements. Refer to the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 15
Landscaping and Tree Protection, and Chapter 36, Article IX – Buffers and
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 13 FILE NO.: Z-9878-A
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the Extra-territorial Planning Jurisdiction and located in the Ellis
Mountain Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows Commercial (C) for the
requested area. The Commercial (C) category includes a broad range of retail and
wholesale sales of products, personal and professional services, and general
business activities. Commercial activities vary in type and scale, depending on the
trade area that they serve. The application is to rezone from C-3 to PCD for
Storage and Parking-Storage.
To the east of the application area is a convenience store with fuel pumps in an
area of Mixed Office and Commercial (MOC). The Mixed Office and Commercial
(MOC) category provides for a mixture of office and commercial uses to occur.
Acceptable uses are office or mixed office and commercial. A Planned Zoning
District is required if the use is mixed office and commercial. There is also an
apartment complex in an area of Residential Medium Density (RM). The
Residential Medium Density (RM) accommodates a broad range of housing types
including single family attached, single family detached, duplex, town homes,
multi-family and patio or garden homes. Any combination of these and possibly
other housing types may fall in this category provided that the density is between
six (6) and twelve (12) dwelling units per acre. To the North is a wooded area with
a faith based institution in an area of Public/Institutional (PI). The
Public/Institutional (PI) category includes public and quasi-public facilities that
provide a variety of services to the community such as schools, libraries, fire
stations, churches, utility substations, and hospitals. On the west of the subject
site is an area of Commercial (C) with single-family homes on wooded tracts. The
Commercial (C) category includes a broad range of retail and wholesale sales of
products, personal and professional services, and general business activities.
Commercial activities vary in type and scale, depending on the trade area that they
serve. Across Kanis Road to the south is an apartment complex in an area of
Residential High Density (RH). The Residential High Density (RH) category
accommodates residential development of more than twelve (12) dwelling units
per acre.
This site is not located in an Overlay District.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 13 FILE NO.: Z-9878-A
Master Street Plan:
Kanis Road is a Minor Arterial on the Master Street Plan. Minor Arterials are high
volume roads designed to provide the connections to and through an urban area.
Curb cuts should be minimized to allow for continuous traffic flow while still allowing
some access to adjoining property. Deceleration Lanes are required. Standard
Right-of-way (ROW) is 90 feet. Sidewalks are required on both sides. This street
may require dedication of right-of-way and may require street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Bike Plan Map does not show existing or proposed facilities in this
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant proposes to rezone a 6.50-acre site from R-2 to PCD to construct a
mixed-use development. The development will include a total of nine (9) buildings.
The developer requests C-3 permitted uses for the two southern buildings, and
office/flex space for the six middle buildings.
The site is currently undeveloped and contains trees surrounding the perimeter of
the property. There is a mixture of zoning and uses surrounding the site.
The development takes access from Kanis Road that opens up to parking on the
east and west sides of the driveway.
The site plan shows a front building setback well over the thirty (30) foot front
building line, rear building setback more than twenty-five (25) feet from the property
line and side yard setbacks ranging from twenty-one (21) to twenty-two (22) feet.
The site plan shows a total of nine (9) buildings. The two (2), 6,000 square foot
buildings facing south along Kanis Road and will contain retail uses, the six (6)
buildings shown in the middle portion will be 7,200 square foot in area will contain
flex space uses. This will allow a small contractor to have an office, and an
overhead door to accommodate the warehouse area to securely store materials
inside. The northernmost building will contain a two-story, 40,000 square foot,
climate-controlled storage building with access only from the south. The rear and
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 13 FILE NO.: Z-9878-A
a portion of both sides of the climate-controlled building will contain a four (4) foot
retaining wall. The retaining wall will be setback five (5) feet from the building.
The project is designed to have buildings facing into the common shared parking
lot. All materials used by tenants will be stored inside, and not visible to the public.
For security purposes development will contain a gate between the two (2) retail
buildings that would be closed in the evenings. A six (6) foot tall or opaque fence
is also proposed to provide screening from the property west of the site.
The development includes a seventy-five (75) foot buffer between the climate-
controlled storage building and the properties to the north.
The site plan shows thirty-four (34) parking spaces in the front portion of the site,
108 parking spaces in the middle portion of site and twenty-four (24) parking
spaces in the rear portion of the site for a total of 166 overall parking spaces. The
parking allows ample maneuvering room for vehicles to move around the site. Staff
feels the parking is sufficient to serve the use.
The applicant did not provide a signage plan with this application. All signage must
comply with Section 36-555 of the City’s Zoning Ordinance (signs permitted in
commercial zones).
The applicant is proposing stormwater retention in the southeastern portion of the
site between the access drive and parking lot.
The site plan shows two (2) dumpsters on the property located at the northwestern
and northeastern corners of each retail building. Both dumpsters must be
screened as per Section 36-523 of the City’s Zoning Ordinance.
All sight lighting must be low-level and directed away from adjacent residential
Staff is supportive of the requested PCD zoning. Staff feels the proposed
development provides adequate screening for the residential properties west of
the site. The development also includes a seventy-five (75) foot buffer between
the climate-controlled storage building and the properties to the north. The
applicant’s proposed use of the site is similar to the intensity of other developments
in the general area. Staff feels the proposed mixed-use development will have no
adverse impact on the surrounding properties. Staff is supportive of the overall
concept and agrees that this type of development will be beneficial to the area.
Staff recommends approval of the requested PCD zoning, subject to compliance
with the comments and conditions outlined in paragraphs D, E, and F, and the staff
analysis, of the agenda and staff report.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 13 FILE NO.: Z-9878-A
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 11 ayes,
and 0 nays. The application was approved.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 14 FILE NO. Z-9956
NAME: Trejo Storage and Commercial Vehicle Parking –PCD
LOCATION: 4300 Alpine Lane
Valencio Trejo/Nereida Mata
4300 Alpine Lane
Little Rock, AR 72210
Valencio Trejo/Nereida Mata – Owners
Valencio Trejo – Applicant
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant failed to notify the surrounding property owners as required. Staff
recommends the application be deferred to the May 9, 2024 agenda.
This item was deferred to the May 9, 2024 agenda, as the applicant failed to notify
surrounding property owners as required.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 15 FILE NO.: Z-9964
NAME: Sanchez Triplex – PD-R
LOCATION: 1200 S. Taylor Street
Isidro N Avila Sanchez (Owner)
4419 Cobb Street
Little Rock, AR 72204
Isidro N Avila Sanchez (Owner)
4419 Cobb Street
Little Rock, AR 72204
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant is proposing to rezone a 0.46-acre site from O-1 to PD-R. The
property consists of three separate parcels and a residential structure sited across
all three. The proposal is to use the property as a triplex development, with access
to all three units from S. Taylor Street.
April 9, 2024
ITEM NO.: 15 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9964
The general area contains R-2 and R-3 zoning to the west and south, and
commercial to the east and north. The future land use shows this property as office
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority:
LRWRA has a sewer main that is located beneath the residence. Please contact
LRWRA prior to construction to discuss proposed details.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water:
NO OBJECTIONS; All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at the time
of request for water service must be met.
Fire Department:
Maintain Access:
Fire Hydrants.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at fire hydrant locations as per Appendix D
of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.1 Access road
width with a hydrant. Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access
road, the minimum road width shall be 26 feet, exclusive of shoulders.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.2 Grade. Fire apparatus access roads
shall not exceed 10 percent in grade except as approved by the fire chief. If
April 9, 2024
ITEM NO.: 15 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9964
the grade exceeds 10 percent, approval will be denied and the applicant must
submit request to be reviewed by Fire Chief for Approval.
Maintain fire apparatus access road design as per Appendix D of the 2012
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D102.1 Access and loading.
Facilities, buildings or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be
accessible to fire department apparatus by way of an approved fire apparatus
access road with an asphalt, concrete or other approved driving surface capable
of supporting the imposed load of fire apparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds.
Dead Ends.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at dead end locations as per Appendix
D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.4 Dead
Ends. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet shall be
provided with width and turnaround provisions in accordance with Table D103.4.
Requirements for Dead-end fire apparatus access roads.
Maintain fire apparatus access road gates as per Appendix D of the 2012
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.5 Fire apparatus access
road gates. Gates securing the fire apparatus access roads shall comply with
all of the following criteria:
1. Minimum gate width shall be 20 feet.
2. Gates shall be of swinging or sliding type.
3. Construction of gates shall be of material that allow manual operation by one
4. Gate components shall be maintained in an operable condition at all times
and replaces or repaired when defective.
5. Electric gates shall be equipped with a means of opening the gate by fire
department personnel for emergency access. Emergency opening devices
shall be approved by the fire code official.
6. Manual opening gates shall not be locked with a padlock or chain and padlock
unless they are capable of being opened by means of forcible entry tools or
when a key box containing the keys to the lock is installed at the gate location.
7. Locking device specifications shall be submitted for approval by the fire code
8. Electric gate operators, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with
UL 325.
9. Gates, intended for automatic operation shall be designed, constructed and
installed to comply with requirements of ASTM F 2200.
April 9, 2024
ITEM NO.: 15 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9964
Multi-Family Residential Developments
As per Appendix D, Section D106.1 of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention
Code Vol. 1. Projects having more than 100 dwelling units. Multiple-family
residential projects having more than 100 dwelling units shall be equipped
throughout with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
Exception: Projects having up to 200 dwelling units may have a single
approved fire apparatus access road when all building, including nonresidential
occupancies are equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler systems
installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2.
As per Appendix D, Section D106.2 of the 2012 Arkansas Fire prevention
Code Vol. 1. Projects having more than 200 dwelling units. Multiple-family
residential projects having more than 200 dwelling units shall be provided with two
separate and approved fire apparatus access roads regardless of whether they
are equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler system.
One- or Two-Family Residential Developments.
As per Appendix D, Section D107.1 of the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code
Vol. 1, One- or Two-Family dwelling residential developments. Developments
of one- or two-family dwellings where the number of dwelling units exceeds
30 shall be provided with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads,
and shall meet the requirements of Section D104.3.
1. Where there are more than 30 dwelling units on a single public or
private fire apparatus access road and al dwelling units are equipped
throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system in
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2 or 903.3.1.3 of the
Arkansas Fire Code, access from two directions shall not be required.
2. The number of dwelling units on a single fire apparatus access road shall
not be increased unless fire apparatus access roads will connect with
future development, as determined by the fire code official.
Fire Hydrants
Locate Fire Hydrants as per Appendix C of the 2012 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code. Section C101 – C105, in conjunction with Central Arkansas
Water (Daniel Tull 501-377-1245) and the Little Rock Fire Marshal’s Office
(Capt. Tony Rhodes 501-918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram
501-918-3756 Number and Distribution of Fire Hydrants as per Table C105.1.
If you have any additional questions please contact our office. Contact
Capt. Tony Rhodes at (501) 918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram
(501) 918-3756.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
April 9, 2024
ITEM NO.: 15 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9964
Building Codes: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the I-630 Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows Office (O)
for the requested area. The Office (O) category represents services provided
directly to consumers (e.g., legal, financial, medical) as well as general offices
which support more basic economic activities. The application is to rezone from
O-1 to PD-R. Triplex.
To the west and south of the application area are single-family homes in an
established neighborhood. Across South Taylor Street to the east is an area of
Commercial (C) that served as a retail pharmacy. The Commercial (C) category
includes a broad range of retail and wholesale sales of products, personal and
professional services, and general business activities. Commercial activities vary
in type and scale, depending on the trade area that they serve. North is West 12th
Street, beyond which is a small area of Commercial (C) with a healthcare office
and a large area of Public/Institutional (PI) with a faith-based institution. The
Public/Institutional (PI) category includes public and quasi-public facilities that
provide a variety of services to the community such as schools, libraries, fire
stations, churches, utility substations, and hospitals.
This site is not located in an Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
S Taylor Street is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. Local Streets are roads
designed to provide access to adjacent property with the movement of traffic being
a secondary purpose. The standard Right-of-way is 50’. Sidewalks are required
on one side. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and may require
street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Bike Plan Map does not show existing or proposed facilities in this
April 9, 2024
ITEM NO.: 15 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9964
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant is proposing to rezone a 0.46-acre site from O-1 to PD-R. The
property consists of three separate parcels and a residential structure sited across
all three. The proposal is to use the property as a triplex development, with access
to all three units from S. Taylor Street.
The general area contains R-2 and R-3 zoning to the west and south, and
commercial to the east and north. The future land use shows this property as office
Staff supports the rezoning of 1200 S. Taylor Street from O-1 to PD-R. Staff finds
the proposal reasonable. The property owner must replat the three lots into one
prior to a building permit being issued or occupancy of the structure.
Staff recommends approval of the requested PD-R rezoning, subject to
compliance with the comments and conditions outlined in paragraph E, and the
staff analysis, of the agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 11 ayes,
and 0 nays. The application was approved.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 16 FILE NO.: Z-9951
NAME: Goldmon STR-1 – Special Use Permit
LOCATION: 10617 David O. Dodd Road
Renee Goldmon (Owner)
P O Box 55172
Little Rock, AR 72215
(501) 412-0321
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant is requesting a Special Use Permit for the 0.68-acre property located
at 10617 David O. Dodd Road to allow the use of the dwelling as Short-Term
Rental-1 with a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The entire structure will
be rented as one unit. The owner’s primary residence is within 1,500 feet of the
STR-1 structure.
The property is occupied by 1,905 square feet, one story, three bedroom, and two
bath house. The request is in the 65th Street West Planning District. The Land
Use Plan shows Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 16 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9951
There is a two-car carport plus a driveway that will accommodate two additional
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Need Life Safety Inspection
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the 65th Street West Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 16 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9951
by conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The application is to rezone from R-2 to PD-C. STR-1.
The Land Use surrounding the application area is Residential Low (RL).
The application site is zoned Single Family (R-2). Surrounding properties to the
north, south, and west are also zoned Single Family (R-2). To the east is a
property zoned Mobile Home (R-7A).
This property is not located in a Neighborhood Association.
This site is not located in an Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
David O Dodd Road is a Minor Arterial on the Master Street Plan. Minor Arterials
are high volume roads designed to provide the connections to and through an
urban area. Curb cuts should be minimized to allow for continuous traffic flow
while still allowing some access to adjoining property. Deceleration Lanes are
required. Standard Right-of-way (ROW) is 90 feet. Sidewalks are required on
both sides. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and may require
street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
David O Dodd Road is on the Master Bike Plan as a Proposed Class 2 Bike Lane.
Class 2 Bike Lanes provides a portion of the pavement for the sole use of bicycles.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant is requesting a Special Use Permit for the 0.68-acre property located
at 10617 David O. Dodd Road to allow the use of the dwelling as Short-Term
Rental-1 with a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The entire structure will
be rented as one unit. The owner’s primary residence is within 1,500 feet of the
STR-1 structure.
The STR-1 is currently in operation and has been operating since 2021. The
property is not currently under enforcement by the City of Little Rock Planning and
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 16 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9951
Development. As of this date there has been one police report associated with the
STR-1 property.
The property is occupied by 1,905 square feet, one story, three bedroom, and two
bath house. The request is in the 65th Street West Planning District. The Land
Use Plan shows Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. There is a
two-car carport plus a driveway that will accommodate two additional cars.
On June 20, 2023 the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR
is proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 16 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9951
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1 )-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the Special Use Permit request.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 16 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9951
Staff is in support the requested Special Use Permit. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-1 use is appropriate for this location. All
requirements of the City’s short-term rental ordinance must be complied with when
the unit is being used as a short-term rental.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
eighty-two (82) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database
for approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-
term rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the
corporate boundary of the City of Little Rock. There are no currently approved
STR’s within 1/4 mile of the application site.
Staff recommends approval of the Special Use Permit request, subject to
compliance with comments and conditions noted in paragraph E and the staff
analysis of the agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 11 ayes,
and 0 nays. The application was approved.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 17 FILE NO.: Z-9656-A
NAME: Midtown Premium Properties (1) STR-2 – Revised PRD
LOCATION: 3501 Kavanaugh Blvd – (Unit #1)
Midtown Premium Properties
Brandon Finch
P O Box 7884
Little Rock, AR 72217
(870) 530-4300
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .12-acre property located at 3501 Kavanaugh
Boulevard from a PRD to a PD-C to allow use of one (1) unit of the existing duplex
structure as Short-Term Rental-2 with a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days.
The owner will not reside in the residence. The entire structure will be rented as
one unit.
The property is occupied by a 1,916 square foot, duplex. The Land Use Plan
shows Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area. The request is in
the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District. It is also in the Hillcrest Residents
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 17 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9656-A
Association, the Hillcrest Design Overlay District and is in the Hillcrest Historic
District. There is on street parking along “J” street.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Life Safety Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area. The Residential Medium
Density (RM) accommodates a broad range of housing types including single
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 17 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9656-A
family attached, single family detached, duplex, town homes, multi-family and patio
or garden homes. Any combination of these and possibly other housing types may
fall in this category provided that the density is between six (6) and twelve (12)
dwelling units per acre. The application is to rezone from PRD to PD-C. STR-2.
The Land Use to the west of the application area is Residential Low (RL). To the
north and south of the application area the Land Use is Residential Medium (RM).
Across Kavanaugh Boulevard to the east, the land use is Public/Institutional (PI).
The application site is zoned Planned Residential Development (PRD). To the
north and south of the application area is zoned Two Family (R-4). To the east
and west of the property the zoning is Single Family (R-2).
This property is in the Hillcrest Residents Association.
The subject site is located in the Hillcrest Design Overlay District (Ord. 20223).
Master Street Plan:
Kavanaugh Boulevard is a Minor Arterial on the Master Street Plan. Minor Arterials
are high volume roads designed to provide the connections to and an urban area.
Curb cuts should be minimized to allow for continuous traffic flow while still allowing
some access to adjoining property. Deceleration Lanes are required. Standard
Right-of-way (ROW) is 90 feet. Sidewalks are required on both sides. This street
may require dedication of right-of-way and may require street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
Kavanaugh Bouldevard is on the Master Bike Plan as a Proposed Class 3 Bike
Route. Class 3 Bike Routes require no additional right-of-way, but either a sign or
pavement marking to identify and direct the route.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is located in the Hillcrest Historic District.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .12-acre property located at 3501 Kavanaugh
Boulevard from a PRD to a PD-C to allow use of one (1) unit of the existing duplex
structure as Short-Term Rental-2 with a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days.
The owner will not reside in the residence. The entire structure will be rented as
one unit.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 17 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9656-A
The STR-2 has currently been in operation for the last three months. The property
is not currently under enforcement by the City of Little Rock Planning and
Development. There have been no police reports at this address.
The property is occupied by a 1,916 square feet, duplex. The Land Use Plan
shows Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area. The request is in
the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District. It is also in the Hillcrest Residents
Association, the Hillcrest Design Overlay District and is in the Hillcrest Historic
District. There is on street parking along “J” street. There is also a garage
apartment in the rear yard area which will continue to be a long-term rental.
On June 20, 2023, the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR is
proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 17 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9656-A
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1)-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 17 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9656-A
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
Staff is in support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-2 use is appropriate for this location.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
eighty-two (82) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database
for approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-
term rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the
corporate boundary of the City of Little Rock. There has been one denied and one
pending application within 1/4 mile of the application site.
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraph E and the staff analysis of the
agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 11 ayes,
and 0 nays. The application was approved.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 18 FILE NO.: Z-9656-B
NAME: Midtown Premium Properties (2) STR-2 – Revised PRD
LOCATION: 3501 Kavanaugh Blvd – (Unit #2)
Midtown Premium Properties
Brandon Finch
P O Box 7884
Little Rock, AR 72217
(870) 530-4300
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .12-acre property located at 3501 Kavanaugh
Boulevard from a PDR to a PD-C, to allow use of one (1) unit of the existing duplex
structure as Short-Term Rental-2 with a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days.
The owner will not reside in the residence. The entire structure will be rented as
one unit.
The property is occupied by a 1,916 square foot, duplex. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area. The request is in the
Heights/Hillcrest Planning District. It is also in the Hillcrest Residents Association,
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 18 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9656-B
the Hillcrest Design Overlay District and is in the Hillcrest Historic District. There
is on street parking along “J” street.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Life Safety Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area. The Residential Medium
Density (RM) accommodates a broad range of housing types including single
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 18 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9656-B
family attached, single family detached, duplex, town homes, multi-family and patio
or garden homes. Any combination of these and possibly other housing types may
fall in this category provided that the density is between six (6) and twelve (12)
dwelling units per acre. The application is to rezone from PRD to PD-C. STR-2.
The Land Use to the west of the application area is Residential Low (RL). To the
north and south of the application area the Land Use is Residential Medium (RM).
Across Kavanaugh Boulevard to the east, the land use is Public/Institutional (PI).
The application site is zoned Planned Residential Development (PRD). To the
north and south of the application area is zoned Two Family (R-4). To the east
and west of the property the zoning is Single Family (R-2).
This property is in the Hillcrest Residents Association.
The subject site is located in the Hillcrest Design Overlay District (Ord. 20223).
Master Street Plan:
Kavanaugh Boulevard is a Minor Arterial on the Master Street Plan. Minor Arterials
are high volume roads designed to provide the connections to and through an
urban area. Curb cuts should be minimized to allow for continuous traffic flow
while still allowing some access to adjoining property. Deceleration Lanes are
required. Standard Right-of-way (ROW) is 90 feet. Sidewalks are required on
both sides. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and require street
Bicycle Plan:
Kavanaugh Bouldevard is on the Master Bike Plan as a Proposed Class 3 Bike
Route. Class 3 Bike Routes require no additional right-of-way, but either a sign or
pavement marking to identify and direct the route.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is located in the Hillcrest Historic District.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .12-acre property located at 3501 Kavanaugh
Boulevard from a PDR to a PD-C, to allow use of one (1) unit of the existing duplex
structure as Short-Term Rental-2 with a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days.
The owner will not reside in the residence. The entire structure will be rented as
one unit.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 18 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9656-B
The STR-2 has currently been in operation for the last three months. The property
is not currently under enforcement by the City of Little Rock Planning and
Development. There have been no police reports at this address.
The property is occupied by a 1,916 square foot, duplex. The Land Use Plan
shows Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area. The request is in
the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District. It is also in the Hillcrest Residents
Association, the Hillcrest Design Overlay District and is in the Hillcrest Historic
District. There is on street parking along “J” street. There is also a garage
apartment in the rear yard area which will continue to be a long-term rental.
On June 20, 2023, the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR is
proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 18 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9656-B
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1)-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 18 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9656-B
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
Staff is in support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-2 use is appropriate for this location.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
eighty-two (82) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database
for approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-
term rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the
corporate boundary of the City of Little Rock. There has been one denied and one
pending application within 1/4 mile of the application site.
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraph E and the staff analysis of the
agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 11 ayes,
and 0 nays. The application was approved.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 19 FILE NO.: Z-9947
NAME: Paranova, LLC STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 4 Connell Drive
Fuxin (Andrew) Yu
722 North Hughes St
Little Rock, AR 72205
Beadle Surveying PLC
45 Barnard Lane
Vilonia, AR 72173
(501) 681-5853
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .18-acre property located at 4 Connell Drive
from R-2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with a
maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the residence.
The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The property is occupied by a 1,704 square feet, two story, four-bedroom, and
three-bath house. The request is in the Rodney Parham Planning District and is
in the Breckenridge NBHD Association. The house features a 2-car garage, a
driveway that accommodates 4 cars and 2 on-street parking spaces.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 19 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9947
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Life Safety Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the Rodney Parham Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
by conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The application is to rezone from R-2 to PD-C. STR-2
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 19 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9947
The Land Use surrounding the application area is Residential Low Density (RL).
The application site and all surrounding properties are zoned Single Family (R-2).
This property is in the Breckenridge NBHD Association.
This site is not located in an Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
Connell Drive is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. Local Streets are roads
designed to provide access to adjacent property with the movement of traffic being
a secondary purpose. The standard Right-of-way is 50’. Sidewalks are required
on one side. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and may require
street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Bike Plan Map does not show existing or proposed facilities in this
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .18-acre property located at 4 Connell Drive
from R-2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with a
maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the residence.
The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The STR-2 has currently been in operation for one month. The property is not
currently under enforcement by the City of Little Rock Planning and Development.
There have been no police reports at this address.
The property is occupied by a 1,704 square feet, two story, four-bedroom, and
three-bath house. The request is in the Rodney Parham Planning District and is
in the Breckenridge NBHD Association. The house features a 2-car garage, a
driveway that accommodates 4 cars and 2 on-street parking spaces.
On June 20, 2023, the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 19 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9947
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR
is proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 19 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9947
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1)-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
Staff is in support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-2 use is appropriate for this location.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
eighty-two (82) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database
for approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-
term rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the
corporate boundary of the City of Little Rock. There has been one approved STR
application within 1/4 mile of the application site.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 19 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9947
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraph E and the staff analysis of the
agenda staff report.
The applicant was not present. Staff recommended deferral. There was a motion to defer
the application to the May agenda. There was a second. The vote was 11 ayes, and
0 nays. The application was deferred to the May 09, 2024 agenda.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 20 FILE NO. Z-9948
NAME: Brotman STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 221 East 16th Street
Greg Lane
(512) 484-9799
Amy Brotman
1404 Concordia Ave
Austin, TX 78722
(512) 589-8545
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone 0.16 acre site located at 221 East 16th Street
from R-4 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with a
maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The structure will be rented as one unit.
The owner will not reside at the residence.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 20 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9948
The property is occupied by a 1,616 square feet wood frame house with three
bedrooms and two baths. The request is in the Central City Planning District. The
Land Use Plan shows Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area.
This site is in the Pettaway, Downtown, and MacArthur Park Neighborhood
Associations. There is a parking pad at the back of the property off Cumberland
Street that can accommodate two vehicles as well as on-street parking on East
16th Street.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Life Safety Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 20 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9948
Planning Division:
The request is in the Central City Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area. The Residential Medium
Density (RM) accommodates a broad range of housing types including single
family attached, single family detached, duplex, town homes, multi-family and patio
or garden homes. Any combination of these and possibly other housing types may
fall in this category provided that the density is between six (6) and twelve (12)
dwelling units per acre. The application is to rezone from R-4 to PD-C. STR-2.
Surrounding the application area to the south and west, the land use is Residential
Medium Density (RM). Across East 16th Street to the north is Mixed Use (MX) and
to the east across Cumberland Street is Residential Low (RL).
The application site is zoned Two Family (R-4) as well as properties to the east
across Cumberland Street. The property south of the site is zoned Single Family
(R-3) and Urban Residence (R-5) to the east. The property across East 16th Street
is in Capital Zoning.
This site is in the Pettaway, Downtown, and MacArthur Park Neighborhood
The subject site is located in the Central City Design Overlay District (Ord. 18064).
Master Street Plan:
E 16th Street is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. Local Streets are roads
designed to provide access to adjacent property with the movement of traffic being
a secondary purpose. The standard Right-of-way is 50’. Sidewalks are required
on one side. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and may require
street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Bike Plan Map does not show existing or proposed facilities in this
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant proposes to rezone 0.16 acre site located at 221 East 16th Street
from R-4 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with a
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 20 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9948
maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The structure will be rented as one unit.
The owner will not reside at the residence.
The STR-2 is currently in operation and has been operating since 2023. The
property is not currently under enforcement by the City of Little Rock Planning and
Development. As of this date there has been no police report associated with the
STR-2 property.
The property is occupied by a 1,616 square foot wood frame house with three
bedrooms and two baths. The request is in the Central City Planning District. The
Land Use Plan shows Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area.
This site is in the Pettaway, Downtown, and MacArthur Park Neighborhood
Associations. There is a parking pad at the back of the property off Cumberland
Street that can accommodate two vehicles as well as on-street parking on East
16th Street.
On June 20, 2023, the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR
is proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 20 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9948
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed; all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1)-day
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 20 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9948
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
eighty-two (82) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database
for approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-
term rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the
corporate boundary of the City of Little Rock. There has been seven approved
and one denied STR applications within 1/4 mile of the application site.
Staff does not support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff does not believe the
request is reasonable and that the proposed PD-C use is not appropriate for this
location. Staff feels that the commercial short-term rental will be out of character
with the overall area at this time. Staff believes that a commercial zoning at this
location would violate the subdivision’s bill of assurance.
Staff recommends denial of the PD-C zoning request.
The applicant was present, representing the application. Staff presented the item and a
recommendation for denial. There was one person in opposition. Jon Norcross voiced
concerns about traffic issues, possible crime, and neighborhood safety. After general
discussion, there was a motion to approve the application. There was a second. The
vote was 9 ayes, and 2 nay. The application was approved.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 21 FILE NO. Z-9952
NAME: Rose Investments, LLC (1) STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 16 Tortoise Park Cove
Benjamin Saxon
8509 West Markham St #56557
Little Rock, AR 72211
(51) 231-7326
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone 0.22 acre site located at 16 Tortoise Park Cove
from R-2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with a
maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The structure will be rented as one unit.
The owner will not reside at the residence.
The property is occupied by a 1,786 square foot brick house with four bedrooms
and two baths. The request is in the Rodney Parham Planning District. The Land
Use Plan shows Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. There is a
one car garage plus enough driveway for two additional cars.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 21 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9952
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Life Safety Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the Rodney Parham Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
by conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The application is to rezone from R-2 to PD-C. STR-2.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 21 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9952
The Land Use surrounding the application area is Residential Low (RL).
The application site and all surrounding properties are zoned Single Family (R-2).
The property is not located in a Neighborhood Association.
This site is not located in an Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
Tortoise Park Cove is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. Local Streets are
roads designed to provide access to adjacent property with the movement of traffic
being a secondary purpose. The standard Right-of-way is 50’. Sidewalks are
required on one side. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and may
require street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Bike Plan Map does not show existing or proposed facilities in this
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant proposes to rezone 0.22 acre site located at 16 Tortoise Park Cove
from R-2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with a
maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The structure will be rented as one unit.
The owner will not reside at the residence.
The STR-2 is currently in operation and has been operating for approximately nine
months. The property is not currently under enforcement by the City of Little Rock
Planning and Development. As of this date there has been one police report
associated with the STR-2 property.
The property is occupied by a 1,786 square foot brick house with four bedrooms
and two baths. The request is in the Rodney Parham Planning District. The Land
Use Plan shows Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. There is a
one car garage plus enough driveway for two additional cars.
On June 20, 2023, the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 21 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9952
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR is
proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 21 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9952
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed; all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1)-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
eighty-two (82) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database
for approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-
term rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the
corporate boundary of the City of Little Rock. There are no STR-1 or STR-2 within
1/4 mile of the application site.
Staff does not support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff does not believe the
request is reasonable and that the proposed PD-C use is not appropriate for this
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 21 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9952
location. Staff feels that the commercial short-term rental will be out of character
with the overall area at this time. Staff believes that a commercial zoning at this
location would violate the subdivision’s bill of assurance.
Staff recommends denial of the PD-C zoning request.
The applicant was present, representing the application. Staff presented the item and a
recommendation for denial. There were three people in opposition. Eric Bailey, Vicki
Adams, and Kevin Witherspoon voiced their concerns of litter, traffic issues, and potential
for more crime. After general discussion, there was a motion to approve the application.
There was a second. The vote was 3 ayes, and 8 nays. The application was denied.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 22 FILE NO.: Z-9953
NAME: Rose Investments, LLC (2) STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 7913 Apache Road
Benjamin Saxon
8509 West Markham St #56557
Little Rock, AR 72211
(51) 231-7326
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .31-acre property located at 7913 Apache
Road from R-2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with
a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the
residence. The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The property is occupied by a 1,512 square foot, brick, one story, three bedroom,
and two bath house. The request is in the West Little Rock Planning District. The
Land Use Plan shows Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. This
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 22 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9953
site is in the Briarwood NBHD Association. The property has two driveways and
a carport, which will allow for up to eight (8) vehicle parking.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Life Safety Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the West Little Rock Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 22 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9953
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
by conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The application is to rezone from R-2 to PD-C. STR-2.
The Land Use surrounding the application area to the north and east is Residential
Low Density (RL). The Land Use to the west and south is Residential High (RH).
The application site and properties to the north and ease are zoned Single Family
(R-2). Surrounding properties to the south are zoned Urban Residence (R-5). To
the west across South Rodney Parham Road, is a Planned Residential
Development (PRD).
This site is in the Briarwood NBHD Association.
This site is not located in an Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
Apache Road is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. Local Streets are roads
designed to provide access to adjacent property with the movement of traffic being
a secondary purpose. The standard Right-of-way is 50’. Sidewalks are required
on one side. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and may require
street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
Apache Roadis on the Master Bike Plan as a Proposed Class 3 Bike Route. Class
3 Bike Routes require no additional right-of-way, but either a sign or pavement
marking to identify and direct the route.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .31-acre property located at 7913 Apache
Road from R-2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with
a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the
residence. The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The STR-2 has currently been in operation for five months. The property is not
currently under enforcement by the City of Little Rock Planning and Development.
There have been one police report at this address in the last five months.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 22 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9953
The property is occupied by a 1,512 square foot, brick, one story, three bedroom,
and two bath house. The request is in the West Little Rock Planning District. The
Land Use Plan shows Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. This
site is in the Briarwood NBHD Association. The property has two driveways and
a carport, which will allow for up to eight (8) vehicle parking.
On June 20, 2023, the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR is
proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 22 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9953
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1)-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 22 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9953
Staff is in support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-2 use is appropriate for this location.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
eighty-two (82) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database
for approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-
term rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the
corporate boundary of the City of Little Rock. There is one approved STR
applications within 1/4 mile of the application site.
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraph E and the staff analysis of the
agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 11 ayes,
and 0 nays. The application was approved.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 23 FILE NO.: Z-9954
NAME: Martin (1) STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 7001 Bluebird Drive
Tara Masiello (Agent)
612 Tweed Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76131
(817) 602-0113
Kerry Martin
P O Box 148
Bend, OR 97709
(479) 445-4767
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .22-acre property located at 7001 Bluebird
Drive from R-2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with a
maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the residence.
The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 23 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9954
The property is occupied by a 1,365 square foot, brick, one story, three bedroom,
and two bath house. The request is in the West Little Rock Planning District. The
Land Use Plan shows Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area.. This
site is in the Briarwood NBHD Association. The property has two-car garage and
enough room in the driveway for two additional vehicles.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Life Safety Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 23 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9954
Planning Division:
The request is in the West Little Rock Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
by conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The Land Use surrounding the application is Residential Low Density (RL).
The application site and all surrounding properties are zoned Single Family (R-2).
This site is in the Briarwood NBHD Association.
This site is not located in an Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
Bluebird Drive is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. Local Streets are roads
designed to provide access to adjacent property with the movement of traffic being
a secondary purpose. The standard Right-of-way is 50’. Sidewalks are required
on one side. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and may require
street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
Bluebird Drive is on the Master Bike Plan as a Proposed Class 3 Bike Route. Class
3 Bike Routes require no additional right-of-way, but either a sign or pavement
marking to identify and direct the route.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .22-acre property located at 7001 Bluebird
Drive from R-2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with a
maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the residence.
The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The STR-2 has been in operation since May of 2022. The property is not currently
under enforcement by the City of Little Rock Planning and Development. There
have been no police report at this address since May of 2022.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 23 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9954
The property is occupied by a 1,365 square foot, brick, one story, three bedroom,
and two bath house. The request is in the West Little Rock Planning District. The
Land Use Plan shows Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. This
site is in the Briarwood NBHD Association. The property has two-car garage and
enough room in the driveway for two additional vehicles.
On June 20, 2023, the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR
is proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 23 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9954
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1)-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 23 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9954
Staff is in support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-2 use is appropriate for this location.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
eighty-two (82) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database
for approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-
term rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the
corporate boundary of the City of Little Rock. There are no approved STR
applications within 1/4 mile of the application site.
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraph E and the staff analysis of the
agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 11 ayes
and 0 nays. The application was approved.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 24 FILE NO.: Z-9958
NAME: Martin (2) STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 4816 Kenyon Street
Tara Masiello (Agent)
612 Tweed Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76131
(817) 602-0113
Kerry Martin
P O Box 148
Bend, OR 97709
(479) 445-4767
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .14-acre property located at 4816 Kenyon
Street from R-2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with
a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the
residence. The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 24 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9958
The property is occupied by a 1,408 square foot, one story, three bedroom, and
two bath house. The request is in the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District as well as
being located in the Hillcrest Residence Association and the Save Neighborhood
Association. This property is also located in the Hillcrest Historic District and is a
contributing structure. Land Use Plan shows Residential Low Density (RL) for the
requested area. The property has a one-car garage and enough driveway space
for one additional vehicle.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Life Safety Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 24 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9958
Planning Division:
The request is in the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
by conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The application is to rezone from R-2 to PD-C. STR-2.
The Land Use surrounding the application is Residential Low Density (RL).
The application site and all surrounding properties are zoned Single Family (R-2).
This property is located in the Hillcrest Residence Association and the Save
Hillcrest Neighborhood Association.
The subject site is located in the Hillcrest Design Overlay District (Ord. 20223).
Master Street Plan:
Kenyon Drive is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. Local Streets are roads
designed to provide access to adjacent property with the movement of traffic being
a secondary purpose. The standard Right-of-way is 50’. Sidewalks are required
on one side. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and may require
street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Bike Plan Map does not show existing or proposed facilities in this
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is located in the Hillcrest Historic District and is a contributing
The applicant proposes to rezone a .14-acre property located at 4816 Kenyon
Street from R-2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with
a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the
residence. The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 24 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9958
The STR-2 has been in operation since April of 2022. The property is not currently
under enforcement by the City of Little Rock Planning and Development. There
has been one police report at this address since April of 2022.
The property is occupied by a 1,408 square foot, one story, three bedroom, and
two bath house. The request is in the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District as well as
being located in the Hillcrest Residence Association and the Save Hillcrest
Neighborhood Association. This property is also located in the Hillcrest Historic
District and is a contributing structure. The Land Use Plan shows Residential Low
Density (RL) for the requested area. The property has a one-car garage and
enough driveway space for one additional vehicle.
On June 20, 2023, the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR
is proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 24 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9958
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1)-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 24 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9958
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
Staff is in support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-2 use is appropriate for this location.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
eighty-two (82) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database
for approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-
term rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the
corporate boundary of the City of Little Rock. There is one pending STR
application within 1/4 mile of the application site.
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraph E and the staff analysis of the
agenda staff report.
The applicant was present, representing the application. Staff presented the item and a
recommendation for approval. There was one person in opposition. Lisa Lee voiced her
concerns about parking issues, parties, and the loss of the “neighborhood”. After much
discussion, there was a motion to approve the application. After general discussion, there
was a second. The vote was 8 ayes, and 3 nays. The application was approved.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 25 FILE NO.: Z-9961
NAME: Taylor STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 31 Coolwood Drive
Tara Masiello (Agent)
612 Tweed Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76131
(817) 602-0113
Chad Taylor
324 Midland St.
Little Rock, AR 72205
(281) 785-3582
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .19-acre property located at 31 Coolwood
Drive from R-2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with a
maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the residence.
The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 25 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9961
The property is occupied by a 988 square foot, one story, two bedroom, and two
bath house. The request is in the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District. The Land
Use Plan shows Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The
property has a one-car carport and enough driveway space for two additional
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Life Safety Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 25 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9961
Planning Division:
The request is in the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
by conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The application is to rezone from R-2 to PD-C. STR-2.
The Land Use surrounding the application to the north, east and west is Residential
Low Density (RL) with Public/Institutional (PI) to the south.
The application site and all surrounding properties are zoned Single Family (R-2).
This property is not located in a Neighborhood Association.
This site is not located in an Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
Coolwood Drive is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. Local Streets are
roads designed to provide access to adjacent property with the movement of traffic
being a secondary purpose. The standard Right-of-way is 50’. Sidewalks are
required on one side. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and may
require street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Bike Plan Map does not show existing or proposed facilities in this
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .17-acre property located at 7001 Bluebird
Drive from R-2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with a
maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the residence.
The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 25 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9961
The STR-2 has been in operation since June of 2022. The property is not currently
under enforcement by the City of Little Rock Planning and Development. There
has been no police report at this.
The property is occupied by a 988 square foot, one story, two bedroom, and two
bath house. The request is in the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District. The Land
Use Plan shows Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The
property has a one-car carport and enough driveway space for two additional
On June 20, 2023, the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR
is proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 25 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9961
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1)-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 25 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9961
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
Staff is in support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-2 use is appropriate for this location.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
eighty-two (82) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database
for approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-
term rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the
corporate boundary of the City of Little Rock. There is one approved STR
application within 1/4 mile of the application site.
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraph E and the staff analysis of the
agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 11 ayes,
and 0 nays. The application was approved.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 26 FILE NO.: Z-9962
NAME: King (1) STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 5208 Lee Avenue
Tara Masiello (Agent)
612 Tweed Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76131
(817) 602-0113
Sarah King
5921 Ampersand St
Little Rock, AR 72207
(479) 445-4767
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .16-acre property located at 5208 Lee Avenue
from R-2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with a
maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the residence.
The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 26 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9962
The property is occupied by a 1,354 square foot, one story, three bedroom, and
two bath house. The request is in the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District as well as
being located in the Hillcrest Residence Association. This property is located in
the Hillcrest Historic District and is also located in the Hillcrest Design Overlay
District. The Land Use Plan shows Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested
area. The driveway runs all the way from Lee Avenue to the back alleyway which
is ample parking for at least five vehicles.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Life Safety Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 26 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9962
Planning Division:
The request is in the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
by conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The application is to rezone from R-2 to PD-C for STR-2.
The Land Use surrounding the application is Residential Low Density (RL).
The application site and all surrounding properties are zoned Single Family (R-2).
This property is located in the Hillcrest Residence Association.
The subject site is located in the Hillcrest Design Overlay District (Ord. 20223).
Master Street Plan:
Lee Avenue is a Collector on the Master Street Plan. Collectors are designed to
connect traffic from Local Streets to Arterials or to activity centers, with the
secondary function of providing access to adjoining property. The standard Right
of way is 60’. Sidewalks are required on one side of Collectors. This street may
require dedication of right-of-way and may require street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
Lee Avenue is on the Master Bike Plan as a Proposed Class 3 Bike Route. Class
3 Bike Routes require no additional right-of-way, but either a sign or pavement
marking to identify and direct the route.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is located in the Hillcrest Historic District.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .16-acre property located at 5208 Lee Avenue
from R-2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with a
maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the residence.
The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The STR-2 has been in operation since April of 2022. The property is not currently
under enforcement by the City of Little Rock Planning and Development. There
has been no police reports at this property.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 26 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9962
The property is occupied by a 1,354 square foot, one story, three bedroom, and
two bath house. The request is in the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District as well as
being located in the Hillcrest Residence Association. This property is located in
the Hillcrest Historic District and is located in the Hillcrest Design Overlay District.
The Land Use Plan shows Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area.
The driveway runs all the way from Lee Avenue to the back alleyway which is
ample parking for at least five vehicles.
On June 20, 2023, the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR
is proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 26 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9962
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1)-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 26 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9962
Staff is in support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-2 use is appropriate for this location.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
eighty-two (82) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database
for approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-
term rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the
corporate boundary of the City of Little Rock. There are five approved and one
pending STR application within 1/4 mile of the application site.
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraph E and the staff analysis of the
agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 11 ayes,
and 0 nays. The application was approved.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 27 FILE NO.: Z-9963
NAME: Midtown Premium Properties (3) STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 514 Sherman Street (Unit #1)
Midtown Premium Properties
Brandon Finch
P O Box 7884
Little Rock, AR 72217
(870) 530-4300
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .12-acre property located at 514 Sherman
Street Unit #1 from R-4A to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term
Rental-2 with a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside
in the residence. The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The property is occupied by a 2,788 square foot, two story, four-unit house. This
is the first of three applications for this property. The property owner is requesting
three of the four units to be used as short-term rental with the fourth unit being
rented long term. Each unit has one bedroom and one bath. The request is in the
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 27 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9963
Downtown Planning District as well as being located in the Downtown NBHD
Association and the MacArthur NBHD Association. This property is a Contributing
structure to the MacArthur Park Historic District. Land Use Plan shows Residential
Medium Density (RM) for the requested area. There are two parking spaces in the
rear of the unit and two additional on-street parking spaces.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Life Safety Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 27 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9963
Planning Division:
The request is in the Downtown Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area. The Residential Medium
Density (RM) accommodates a broad range of housing types including single
family attached, single family detached, duplex, town homes, multi-family and patio
or garden homes. Any combination of these and possibly other housing types may
fall in this category provided that the density is between six (6) and twelve (12)
dwelling units per acre. The application is to rezone from R-4A to PD-C. STR-2.
The Land Use surrounding the application to the north and east is Mixed Use
Urban (MXU) with Residential Medium Density (RM) to the west and south.
The application site as well as properties to the west and south are zoned Low
Density Residential (R-4A). Properties to the north and east are zoned Urban Use
This property is not located in the Downtown NBHD Association and the MacArthur
NBHD Association.
This site is not located in an Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
Sherman Street (Unit #1) is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. Local Streets
are roads designed to provide access to adjacent property with the movement of
traffic being a secondary purpose. The standard Right-of-way is 50’. Sidewalks
are required on one side. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and
may require street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
Sherman Street is on the Master Bike Plan as a Proposed Class 3 Bike Route.
Class 3 Bike Routes require no additional right-of-way, but either a sign or
pavement marking to identify and direct the route.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is a Contributing structure to the MacArthur Park Historic District, a
local ordinance district. The goal of the local ordinance historic district is to protect
and preserve the unique and valued qualities of such an area, its urban design,
architectural character, and historic materials in buildings and in landscapes. Any
exterior alterations or demolition to structures, additions, or site features must
receive approval from the Historic District Commission for compliance with the
Little Rock Historic Preservation Code (Sec. 23-76—23-160), including alterations
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 27 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9963
to fulfill the requirements of Short-Term Rental development standards, before a
building permit or Short-Term Rental inspection can be issued.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .12-acre property located at 514 Sherman
Street Unit #1 from R-4A to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term
Rental-2 with a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside
in the residence. The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The STR-2 has been in operation for three years. The property is not currently
under enforcement by the City of Little Rock Planning and Development. There
have been three (3) police reports at this property in the last three years.
The property is occupied by a 2,788 square foot, two story, four-unit house. This
is the first of three applications for this property. The property owner is requesting
three of the four units to be used as short-term rental with the fourth unit being
rented long term. Each unit has one bedroom and one bath. The request is in the
Downtown Planning District as well as being located in the Downtown NBHD
Association and the MacArthur NBHD Association. This property is a Contributing
structure to the MacArthur Park Historic District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area. There are two parking
spaces in the rear of the unit and two additional on-street parking spaces.
On June 20, 2023, the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 27 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9963
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR
is proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 27 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9963
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1)-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
Staff is in support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-2 use is appropriate for this location.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
eighty-two (82) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database
for approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-
term rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the
corporate boundary of the City of Little Rock. There are five approved STR
applications within 1/4 mile of the application site.
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraph E and the staff analysis of the
agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 11 ayes,
and 0 nays. The application was approved.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 28 FILE NO.: Z-9963-A
NAME: Midtown Premium Properties (4) STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 514 Sherman Street (Unit #2)
Midtown Premium Properties
Brandon Finch
P O Box 7884
Little Rock, AR 72217
(870) 530-4300
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .12-acre property located at 514 Sherman
Street Unit #2 from R-4A to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term
Rental-2 with a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside
in the residence. The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The property is occupied by a 2,788 square foot, two story, four-unit house. This
is the second of three applications for this property. The property owner is
requesting three of the four units to be used as short-term rental with the fourth
unit being rented long term. Each unit has one bedroom and one bath. The
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 28 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9963-A
request is in the Downtown Planning District as well as being located in the
Downtown NBHD Association and the MacArthur NBHD Association. This
property is a Contributing structure to the MacArthur Park Historic District. The
Land Use Plan shows Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area.
There are two parking spaces in the rear of the unit and two additional on-street
parking spaces.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Life Safety Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 28 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9963-A
Planning Division:
The request is in the Downtown Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area. The Residential Medium
Density (RM) accommodates a broad range of housing types including single
family attached, single family detached, duplex, town homes, multi-family and patio
or garden homes. Any combination of these and possibly other housing types may
fall in this category provided that the density is between six (6) and twelve (12)
dwelling units per acre. The application is to rezone from R-4A to PD-C. STR-2.
The Land Use surrounding the application to the north and east is Mixed Use
Urban (MXU) with Residential Medium Density (RM) to the west and south.
The application site as well as properties to the west and south are zoned Low
Density Residential (R-4A). Properties to the north and east are zoned Urban Use
This property is not located in the Downtown NBHD Association and the MacArthur
NBHD Association.
This site is not located in an Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
Sherman Street (Unit #1) is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. Local Streets
are roads designed to provide access to adjacent property with the movement of
traffic being a secondary purpose. The standard Right-of-way is 50’. Sidewalks
are required on one side. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and
may require street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
Sherman Street is on the Master Bike Plan as a Proposed Class 3 Bike Route.
Class 3 Bike Routes require no additional right-of-way, but either a sign or
pavement marking to identify and direct the route.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is a Contributing structure to the MacArthur Park Historic District, a
local ordinance district. The goal of the local ordinance historic district is to protect
and preserve the unique and valued qualities of such an area, its urban design,
architectural character, and historic materials in buildings and in landscapes. Any
exterior alterations or demolition to structures, additions, or site features must
receive approval from the Historic District Commission for compliance with the
Little Rock Historic Preservation Code (Sec. 23-76—23-160), including alterations
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 28 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9963-A
to fulfill the requirements of Short-Term Rental development standards, before a
building permit or Short-Term Rental inspection can be issued.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .12-acre property located at 514 Sherman
Street Unit #2 from R-4A to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term
Rental-2 with a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside
in the residence. The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The STR-2 has been in operation for three years. The property is not currently
under enforcement by the City of Little Rock Planning and Development. There
have been three (3) police reports at this property in the last three years.
The property is occupied by a 2,788 square foot, two story, four-unit house. This
is the second of three applications for this property. The property owner is
requesting three of the four units to be used as short-term rental with the fourth
unit being rented long term. Each unit has one bedroom and one bath. The
request is in the Downtown Planning District as well as being located in the
Downtown NBHD Association and the MacArthur NBHD Association. This property
is a Contributing structure to the MacArthur Park Historic District. The Land Use
Plan shows Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area. There are
two parking spaces in the rear of the unit and two additional on-street parking
On June 20, 2023, the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 28 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9963-A
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR
is proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 28 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9963-A
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1)-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
Staff is in support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-2 use is appropriate for this location.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
eighty-two (82) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database
for approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-
term rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the
corporate boundary of the City of Little Rock. There are five approved STR
applications within 1/4 mile of the application site.
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraph E and the staff analysis of the
agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 11 ayes,
and 0 nays. The application was approved.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 29 FILE NO.: Z-9963-B
NAME: Midtown Premium Properties (5) STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 514 Sherman Street (Unit #3)
Midtown Premium Properties
Brandon Finch
P O Box 7884
Little Rock, AR 72217
(870) 530-4300
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .12-acre property located at 514 Sherman
Street Unit #3 from R-4A to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term
Rental-2 with a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside
in the residence. The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The property is occupied by a 2,788 square foot, two story, four-unit house. This
is the third of three applications for this property. The property owner is requesting
three of the four units to be used as short-term rental with the fourth unit being
rented long term. Each unit has one bedroom and one bath. The request is in the
Downtown Planning District as well as being located in the Downtown NBHD
Association and the MacArthur NBHD Association. This property is a Contributing
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 29 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9963-B
structure to the MacArthur Park Historic District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area. There are two parking
spaces in the rear of the unit and two additional on-street parking spaces.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water No comments.
Fire Department: Life Safety Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the Downtown Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area. The Residential Medium
Density (RM) accommodates a broad range of housing types including single
family attached, single family detached, duplex, town homes, multi-family and patio
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 29 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9963-B
or garden homes. Any combination of these and possibly other housing types may
fall in this category provided that the density is between six (6) and twelve (12)
dwelling units per acre. The application is to rezone from R-4A to PD-C. STR-2.
The Land Use surrounding the application to the north and east is Mixed Use
Urban (MXU) with Residential Medium Density (RM) to the west and south.
The application site as well as properties to the west and south are zoned Low
Density Residential (R-4A). Properties to the north and east are zoned Urban Use
This property is not located in the Downtown NBHD Association and the MacArthur
NBHD Association.
This site is not located in an Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
Sherman Street (Unit #1) is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. Local Streets
are roads designed to provide access to adjacent property with the movement of
traffic being a secondary purpose. The standard Right-of-way is 50’. Sidewalks
are required on one side. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and
may require street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
Sherman Street is on the Master Bike Plan as a Proposed Class 3 Bike Route.
Class 3 Bike Routes require no additional right-of-way, but either a sign or
pavement marking to identify and direct the route.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is a Contributing structure to the MacArthur Park Historic District, a
local ordinance district. The goal of the local ordinance historic district is to protect
and preserve the unique and valued qualities of such an area, its urban design,
architectural character, and historic materials in buildings and in landscapes. Any
exterior alterations or demolition to structures, additions, or site features must
receive approval from the Historic District Commission for compliance with the
Little Rock Historic Preservation Code (Sec. 23-76—23-160), including alterations
to fulfill the requirements of Short-Term Rental development standards, before a
building permit or Short-Term Rental inspection can be issued.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .12-acre property located at 514 Sherman
Street Unit #3 from R-4A to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 29 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9963-B
Rental-2 with a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside
in the residence. The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The STR-2 has been in operation for three years. The property is not currently
under enforcement by the City of Little Rock Planning and Development. There
have been three (3) police reports at this property in the last three years.
The property is occupied by a 2,788 square foot, two story, four-unit house. This
is the third of three applications for this property. The property owner is requesting
three of the four units to be used as short-term rental with the fourth unit being
rented long term. Each unit has one bedroom and one bath. The request is in the
Downtown Planning District as well as being located in the Downtown NBHD
Association and the MacArthur NBHD Association. This property is a Contributing
structure to the MacArthur Park Historic District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area. There are two parking
spaces in the rear of the unit and two additional on-street parking spaces.
On June 20, 2023, the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. the STR is
proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 29 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9963-B
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1)-day
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 29 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9963-B
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
Staff is in support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-2 use is appropriate for this location.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
eighty-two (82) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database
for approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-
term rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the
corporate boundary of the City of Little Rock. There are five approved STR
applications within 1/4 mile of the application site.
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraph E and the staff analysis of the
agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 11 ayes,
and 0 nays. The application was approved.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 30 FILE NO.: Z-9965
NAME: King (2) STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 6419 “R” Street
Tara Masiello (Agent)
612 Tweed Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76131
(817) 602-0113
Sarah King
5921 Ampersand St
Little Rock, AR 72207
(479) 445-4767
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .13-acre property located at 6419 “R” Street
from R-4 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with a
maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the residence.
The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 30 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9965
The property is occupied by a 912 square foot, one story, two bedroom, and one
bath house. The request is in the West Little Rock Planning District as well as
being located in the Kingwood Neighborhood Association. The Land Use Plan
shows Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area. There is a
two-car parking pad located in the front of the property.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Life Safety Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 30 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9965
Planning Division:
The request is in the West Little Rock Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area. The Residential Medium
Density (RM) accommodates a broad range of housing types including single
family attached, single family detached, duplex, town homes, multi-family and patio
or garden homes. Any combination of these and possibly other housing types may
fall in this category provided that the density is between six (6) and twelve (12)
dwelling units per acre. The application is to rezone from R-4 to PD-C. STR-2.
The Land Use surrounding the application area is Residential Medium (RM).
The application site as well as properties to the east, west and south are zoned
Two Family (R-4). Across R Street to the north is a Planned Residential District
This property is located in the Kingwood Neighborhood Association.
This site is not located in an Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
R Street is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. Local Streets are roads
designed to provide access to adjacent property with the movement of traffic being
a secondary purpose. The standard Right-of-way is 50’. Sidewalks are required
on one side. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and may require
street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Bike Plan Map does not show existing or proposed facilities in this
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .13-acre property located at 6419 “R” Street
from R-4 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with a
maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the residence.
The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 30 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9965
The STR-2 has been in operation since June of 2022. The property is not currently
under enforcement by the City of Little Rock Planning and Development. There
have been no police reports at this property.
The property is occupied by a 912 square foot, one story, two bedroom, and one
bath house. The request is in the West Little Rock Planning District as well as
being located in the Kingwood Neighborhood Association. The Land Use Plan
shows Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area. There is a
two-car parking pad located in the front of the property.
On June 20, 2023, the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR
is proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 30 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9965
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1)-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 30 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9965
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
Staff is in support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-2 use is appropriate for this location.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
eighty-two (82) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database
for approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-
term rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the
corporate boundary of the City of Little Rock. There are no approved STR
applications within 1/4 mile of the application site.
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraph E and the staff analysis of the
agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 11 ayes,
and 0 nays. The application was approved.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 31 FILE NO.: Z-9966
NAME: King (3) STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 319 Rice Street
Tara Masiello (Agent)
612 Tweed Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76131
(817) 602-0113
Sarah King
5921 Ampersand St
Little Rock, AR 72207
(479) 445-4767
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .15-acre property located at 319 Rice Street
from R-3 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with a
maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the residence.
The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 31 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9966
The property is occupied by an 800 square foot, one story, two bedroom, and two
bath house. The request is in the I-630 Planning District, the Capitol View Stifft
Station NBHD Association and is located in the Capitol View Historic District. The
Land Use Plan shows Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. There
is a two-car parking pad located in the front of the property with an additional
two-car on-street parking.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Life Safety Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 31 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9966
Planning Division:
The request is in the I-630 Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows Residential
Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density (RL)
category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed 6 dwelling
units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized by
conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes and
cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre. The
application is to rezone from R-3 to PD-C. STR-2.
The Land Use surrounding the application area is Residential Low (RL).
The application site as well as properties to the east, west and north are zoned
Single Family (R-3). To the south is a Planned Residential District (PRD).
This property is located in the Capitol View Stifft Station NBHD Association.
This site is not located in an Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
Rice Street is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. Local Streets are roads
designed to provide access to adjacent property with the movement of traffic being
a secondary purpose. The standard Right-of-way is 50’. Sidewalks are required
on one side. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and may require
street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Bike Plan Map does not show existing or proposed facilities in this
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is located in the Capitol View Historic District.
The applicant proposes to rezone a .15-acre property located at 319 Rice Street
from R-3 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with a
maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the residence.
The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 31 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9966
The STR-2 has been in operation since September of 2021. The property is not
currently under enforcement by the City of Little Rock Planning and Development.
There have been no police reports at this property.
The property is occupied by an 800 square foot, one story, two bedroom, and two
bath house. The request is in the I-630 Planning District, the Capitol View Stifft
Station NBHD Association and is located in the Capitol View Historic District. The
Land Use Plan shows Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. There
is a two-car parking pad located in the front of the property with an additional
two-car on-street parking.
On June 20, 2023, the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR
is proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 31 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9966
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1)-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 31 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9966
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
Staff is in support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-2 use is appropriate for this location.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
eighty-two (82) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database
for approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-
term rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the
corporate boundary of the City of Little Rock. There are two approved and one
denied STR applications within 1/4 mile of the application site.
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraph E and the staff analysis of the
agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 11 ayes,
and 0 nays. The application was approved.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 32 FILE NO.: Z-9683
NAME: Jennifer Adkins Addition – PRD – Boundary Street Improvements
Time Extension Request – Revised PRD
LOCATION: North side of “R” Street (6400 Block)
Forward Properties, LLC
16609 Cantrell Road STE 12E
Little Rock, AR 72223-4807
Forward Properties, LLC
16609 Cantrell Road STE 12E
Little Rock, AR 72223-4807
Joe White and Associates, Inc.
25 Rahling Circle, Suite A2
Little Rock, AR 72223
(501) 214-9141
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
Per City Code Sec. 31-432, the applicant is requesting an extension of time from
the Planning Commission on the previously issued and accepted irrevocable letter
of credit by the City for the sidewalk improvements per City’s master street plan
adjacent to R Street, McKinley Street, and Alden Lane for the previously approved
planned residential development with file No. Z-9683.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 32 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9683
The current planned residential development (PRD) platted as Jennifer Atkins
Addition is divided up into eight lots totaling 0.45 acres. The PRD is bordered by
three different City streets. R street is adjacent to the south property line. Alden
Lane is adjacent to the west property line. McKinley Street is adjacent to the east
property line. The Future Land Use Plan shows Residential Medium Density (RM)
for five of the lots starting from the west property line moving east. The last three
lots are located within the Residential Low Density (RL) area as shown on the
Future Land Use Plan.
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Life Safety Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division: No comments received.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 32 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9683
Master Street Plan: No comments received.
Bicycle Plan: No comments received.
Historic Preservation Plan: No comments received.
Per City Code Sec. 31-432, the applicant is requesting an extension of time from
the Planning Commission on the previously issued and accepted irrevocable letter
of credit by the City for the sidewalk improvements per City’s master street plan
adjacent to R Street, McKinley Street, and Alden Lane for the for previously
approved planned residential development with file No. Z-9683. The currently
zoned PRD, Jennifer Atkns Addition, was approved as File No. Z-9683 by the
Planning Commission on May 12, 2022 and later on by the City Board of Directors
via Ordinance No. 22,138 on June 21, 2022 officially rezoning the property to PRD.
As part of the conditions approved for the PRD mentioned within the staff report,
boundary street improvement were required per City’s master street plan along
R Street, McKinley Street, and Alden Lane. Boundary street improvements as
required by the City’s master street plan and the conditions of this development’s
approval were constructed, inspected, and accepted by City staff except for the
sidewalk. Developer requested to City staff to issue an irrevocable letter of credit
per City Code Sec. 31-431 as an assurance to complete the required sidewalk
improvements later in the future. City staff reviewed and accepted the issued
irrevocable letter of credit for assurance for completion of the sidewalk
The irrevocable letter of credit was issued to City staff on May 16, 2023 with an
expiration date of May 31, 2024. However, the letter of credit stated if the sidewalk
improvements totaling two-hundred fifty (250) square yards were not completed
and accepted by the City by February 29, 2024, the applicant will be in default of
its obligations to the City of Little Rock as required by application File No. Z-9863.
Consequently, the developer filed an application with City staff requesting an
extension of time from the Planning Commission per City Code Sec. 31-432. A
new irrevocable letter of credit was recently issued to City staff by the developer
with a new deadline to complete the sidewalk improvements to cover the City’s
assurance of completion for the sidewalk improvements until this request is heard
and decided upon by the Planning Commission.
No staff recommendation required.
April 11, 2024
ITEM NO.: 32 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9683
Staff presented the item. There was a motion to approve the application. There was a
second. The vote was 11 ayes, and 0 nays. The request was approved.
DATE: April 11, 2024 4:OOPM
Consent Agenda
'26,27,28-29,30 31
Meeting Adjourned 6:21 PM
April 11, 2024
There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned
at 6:21 p.m.
Chairman Secretary