pc_12 14 2023
DECEMBER 14, 2023
4:00 P.M.
I. Roll Call and Finding of a Quorum
A Quorum was present there being eleven (11) members present.
II. Members Present: Jimmy Brown
Joshua Baxter
Todd Hart
Norman Hodges
Charlotte Lunday
Alicia McDonald
Steven Person
Jeremiah Russell
Ahmed Samad
Michael Vickers
Robby Vogel
Members Absent: None
City Attorney: Shawn Overton
III. Approval of the Minutes of the November 9, 2023 Meeting of the Little Rock
Planning Commission. The Minutes were approved as presented.
DECEMBER 14, 2023
Item Number: File Number: Title:
A. Z-9827 Mindful Properties (2) STR-2 – PD-C
5131 Cantrell Road
B. S-1953 Romero Addition – Preliminary Plat
Northwest corner of Chicot Road & Bunch Road
C. Z-9848 Hollowell Accessory Dwelling – Conditional Use Permit
15701 Sorrells Road
D. Z-9850 Bassett Family Care Facility – Special Use Permit
3118 S. Izard Street
E. Z-9854 Wyatt 1 – PD-R
2504 West 18th Street
F. Z-9855 Wyatt 2 – PD-R
2516 West 18th Street
G. Z-9858 Master Company – PD-C
9911 West Markham Street
H. Z-9795-A Queen Beans – PD-C
Northwest corner of Hermitage Road and Autumn Road
I. Z-9853 Kartcher Properties STR-2 – PD-C
503 East 7th Street
Agenda, Page Two
Item Number: File Number: Title:
1. Z-9867 Swinton Accessory Dwelling – Conditional Use Permit
5320 McClellan Drive
2. Z-9888 Dogtopia – Conditional Use Permit
400 N. Bowman Road
3. Z-9868 Rezoning from R-2 to R-4
8201-8221 W. 22nd Street
4. LU2023-18-01 Ellis Mountain Planning District – Land Use Plan
Amendment from Residential Low (RL) to Neighborhood
Commercial (NC), 17900 Lawson Road
4.1 Z-9879 Rezoning from R-2 to C-1
17900 Lawson Road
5. Z-9880 Community Living #1 Group Home – Special Use Permit
12553 Rivercrest Drive
6. Z-9881 Community Living #2 Group Home – Special Use Permit
1925 Perry Street
7. Z-9882 Community Living #3 Group Home – Special Use Permit
2111 Aldersgate Road
8. Z-9883 Community Living #4 Group Home – Special Use Permit
2117 Aldersgate Road
9. Z-9884 Community Living #5 Group Home – Special Use Permit
4 Jack Nicklaus Cove
10. Z-9885 Community Living #6 Group Home – Special Use Permit
10 Ben Hogan Cove
11. Z-9886 Community Living #7 Group Home – Special Use Permit
2516 Riverfront Drive (Unit 1)
12. Z-9887 Community Living #8 Group Home – Special Use Permit
2211 Westport Loop
Agenda, Page Three
II. NEW BUSINESS: (Continued)
Item Number: File Number: Title:
13. Z-9303-A Cigar Republic – Revised PCD
1315 Breckenridge Drive
14. Z-9703-A Southern Patio Bar & Grill – Private Club – PD-C
7315 Geyer Springs Road
15. Z-9865 USA Tire & Accessories – PCD
4920 W. 65th Street
16. Z-9871 Caple Event Center & Mixed Commercial Use – PCD
4621 Asher Avenue
17. Z-9872 Marina Lifestyle Medicine – Revised POD
16913 Cantrell Road
18. Z-9877 The Landry Group – Vehicle Parking & Storage – PD-C
8503 Mabelvale Pike
19. Z-9878 Crimson Oaks – PD-R
14118 Kanis Road
20. Z-9889 SBC/Lake Nixon – Solar Farm – PD-I
Southwestern Corner of Colonel Glenn Road & Cooper
Orbit Road
21. G-25-231 Arch Street – Street Name Change to “Bruce T. Moore
Way”, that portion of Arch Street from West 4th Street north
to the Arkansas River.
Item Number: File Number: Title:
22. Z-9863 Kuruvilla STR-2 – PD-C
25 Warwick Road
23. Z-9864 Tomlison STR-2 – PD-C
822 N. Coolidge Street
Agenda, Page Four
Item Number: File Number: Title:
24. Z-9866 J. McDonald STR-2 – PD-C
5105 “C” Street
25. Z-9869 Carbary #1 STR-2 – PD-C
411 N. Jackson Street
26. Z-9870 Carbary #2 STR-2 – PD-C
121 White Oak Lane
27. Z-9873 Blanton STR-2 – PD-C
12 Terrace Drive
28. Z-9874 Swarna #1 STR-2 – PD-C
1412 S. Tyler Street
29. Z-9875 Swarna #2 STR-2 – PD-C
801 N. Hughes Street
30. Z-9876 Beaty STR-2 – PD-C
2221 N. Cleveland Street
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: A FILE NO.: Z-9827
NAME: Mindful Properties (2) STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 5131 Cantrell Road
Marcus & Michelle Arnold (Owner)
1205 Stanely Russ Rd
Conway, AR 72034
(479) 587-2822
Marcus & Michelle Arnold (Owner)
1205 Stanely Russ Rd
Conway, AR 72034
(479) 587-2822
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone 0.16-acre property located at 5131 Cantrell
Road from R-2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with
a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the
residence. The entire structure will be rented as one (1) unit.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: A (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9827
The property contains an existing brick structure. Access is provided from a
concrete stairway and small front porch which extends from Cantrell Road that
allows entrance to the unit. The unit has one parking spot in the front of the
property and one in the rear. The property is primarily surrounded by R-3 zoning.
The Future Land Use Map shows a large area of Residential Low Density (RL) in
all directions.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department:
As per Appendix D, Section D107.1 of the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code
Vol. 1, One- or Two-Family dwelling residential developments. Developments
of one- or two-family dwellings where the number of dwelling units exceeds 30
shall be provided with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads,
and shall meet the requirements of Section D104.3.
1. Where there are more than 30 dwelling units on a single public or private
fire apparatus access road and al dwelling units are equipped
throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance
with Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2 or 903.3.1.3 of the Arkansas Fire
Code, access from two directions shall not be required.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: A (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9827
2. The number of dwelling units on a single fire apparatus access road shall
not be increased unless fire apparatus access roads will connect with
future development, as determined by the fire code official.
Fire Hydrants
Locate Fire Hydrants as per Appendix C of the 2021 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code. Section C101 – C105, in conjunction with Central Arkansas
Water (Daniel Tull 501-377-1245) and the Little Rock Fire Marshal’s Office (Capt.
Tony Rhodes 501-918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram 501-918-3756
Number and Distribution of Fire Hydrants as per Table C105.1.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
by conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The application is to rezone from R-2 to PD-C.
Surrounding the application area is residential development with single family
This site is located in the Heights Landscape district.
Master Street Plan:
Cantrell Road is a Principal Arterial on the Master Street Plan Map. Principal
Arterials are designed to serve through traffic and to connect major traffic
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: A (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9827
generators or activity centers within urbanized areas. The standard Right of way
of 110 feet is required. Sidewalks are required on both sides. This street may
require dedication of right-of-way and may require street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
There are no Bike Routes in the vicinity.
Historic Preservation Plan:
There are no historic districts in the area.
The applicant proposes to rezone 0.16-acre property located at 5131 Cantrell
Road from R-2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental with a
maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the residence.
The entire structure will be rented as one (1) unit.
The property contains an existing brick structure. Access is provided from a
concrete stairway and small front porch which extends from Cantrell Road that
allows entrance to the unit. The unit has one parking spot in the front of the
property and one in the rear. The property is primarily surrounded by R-3 zoning.
The Future Land Use Map shows a large area of Residential Low Density (RL) in
all directions.
On June 20, 2023 the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: A (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9827
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR
is proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards ( current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: A (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9827
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1 )-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
Staff is in support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-2 use is appropriate for this location.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
eighteen (18) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database for
approved of short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-term
rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the corporate
boundary of the City of Little Rock.
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C rezoning request, subject to compliance
with comments and conditions outlined in paragraph E, and in the staff analysis of
the agenda staff report.
The applicant request the application be deferred to the November 9, 2023 Agenda,
based on the fact that only six (6) Commissioners were present. The application was
deferred (No Vote).
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: A (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9827
Since this item was deferred, staff has received neighborhood opposition. At this time,
staff recommends denial.
The applicant was present, representing the application. Staff presented the item and a
recommendation for denial.
Tom Colford, Nancy McDonald, and John Bassett all spoke in opposition of the item
stating concerns of trash and crime. Courtney Carder spoke in favor of the application.
There was a motion to approve the application. The motion was seconded. The vote
was 4 ayes, 3 nays, 3 absent and 1 open position. It was called to the commission’s
attention that since two commissioners had left the meeting, the commission was down
to only 7 commissioners which requires that 6 ayes are mandatory for an item to pass.
The option of deferral was not given to the applicant prior to the vote so the commission
voted to expunge the previous vote. The vote was 7 ayes, 0 nays, 3 absent and 1 open
position. The commission then gave the applicant the opportunity to defer. The applicant
chose to defer to the December 14, 2023 agenda. There was a motion to approve the
deferral. The motion was seconded. The vote was 7 ayes, 0 nays, 3 absent and 1 open
position. The application was deferred to the December 14, 2023 Agenda.
The applicant was present, representing the application. Staff presented the item and a
recommendation denial. Nancy McDonald, Vincent Henderson II, and Karrer Alghazali all
spoke in opposition of the item stating concerns of trash and crime. There was extensive
discussion about the project. There was a motion to approve the application. The motion
was seconded. The vote was 7 ayes, 4 nays and 0 absent. The motion passed.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: B FILE NO.: S-1953
NAME: Romero Addition – Preliminary Plat
LOCATION: Northwest corner of Chicot Road and Bunch Road
Jeus Romero
5815 Mandan Road
Little Rock, AR 72210
Romero’s Enterprises, LLC – Owner
Jesus Romero – Applicant
Robbins Professional Land Services
P. O. Box 939
Bryant, AR 72089
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant failed to submit all necessary information/documents to allow staff to
adequately review the application. Therefore, staff recommends the application be
deferred to the December 14, 2023 agenda.
This item is being deferred to the December 14, 2023 agenda as the applicant failed to
submit all required documents. No vote was taken.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: B (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1953
The applicant failed to submit all necessary information/documents to allow staff to
adequately review the application. Therefore, staff recommends the application be
deferred to the January 11, 2024 agenda.
This item was deferred to the January 11, 2024 agenda as the applicant failed to submit
all required documents.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: C FILE NO.: Z-9848
NAME: Hollowell Accessory Dwelling – Conditional Use Permit
LOCATION: 15701 Sorrells Road
James M. Hollowell
15701 Sorrells Road
Little Rock, AR 72223
James M. Hollowell – Owner/Applicant
Edward Lofton Engineering/Surveying
15415 Oakcrest
Little Rock, AR 72206
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of
an accessory dwelling on the R-2 zoned property located at 15701 Sorrells Road.
The property is occupied by a one-story single family residence located within the
north half of the property. Two (2) driveways from Sorrells Road serve as access
to the property.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: C (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9848
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
1. Part of the property to the south is located within the 100-year regulatory
floodplain. For the future building permit for the accessory structure, applicant
will be required to show the border of the 100-year regulatory floodplain on the
survey so Department staff can verify the proposed accessory dwelling is not
located within the 100-year regulatory floodplain. If the proposed accessory
structure is located within the 100-year regulatory floodplain, a floodplain
development permit and an elevation certificate approved by the City’s
floodplain administrator will be required before Department staff can issue a
building permit. The structure will also be required to meet all mandatory City
flood damage prevention regulations and state building codes regarding
construction of the structure within the 100-year regulatory floodplain.
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: There is an existing sewer line in the
rear of the property. Need to show a minimum 10-foot easement for the sewer
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: NO OBJECTIONS; All Central Arkansas Water
requirements in effect at the time of request for water service must be met.
Fire Department: No comments.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments received.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: C (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9848
Building Codes: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division: No comments.
The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of
an accessory dwelling on the R-2 zoned property located at 15701 Sorrells Road.
The property is occupied by a one-story single family residence located within the
north half of the property. Two (2) driveways from Sorrells Road serve as access
to the property.
The project consists of a 640 square foot accessory dwelling located southeast of
the existing residence, within the rear yard area. The proposed accessory
structure will be located over 140 feet from the front (north) property line and over
120 feet from the rear (south) property line. The structure will be located over 20
feet from the side property lines. The proposed accessory dwelling will be one (1)
story in height, with a low sloped metal roof. The accessory structure will have a
similar siding and color as the existing residence.
The applicant notes that the accessory dwelling will be used as follows:
“The house’s 1st priority is for my elderly mother to stay there, so
we can be close to her and close to hospitals and doctors in Little
Rock. The ADU might be used for our daughter after she
graduates from college. I might use it for my wood crafts and my
wife uses it for her artwork studio. As time goes on, my wife and I
may live there and give our main house to our children to live. We
can’t rule out renting it; however, this is not a primary reason for
this project. We also like to use it as a guest house when our
family and friends visit us.”
Parking is located along a paved circular driveway in front of the existing residence,
and on a paved parking pad at the east end of the existing residence. There will
be ample parking to serve both dwellings.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: C (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9848
To staff’s knowledge, there are no outstanding issues associated with this
application. The applicant is requesting no variances. Staff believes that the
requested conditional use permit is reasonable, and that the proposed accessory
dwelling will have no adverse impact on the surrounding properties.
Staff recommends approval of the requested CUP, subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions outlined in paragraphs D and E, and the staff analysis,
of the agenda staff report.
This item is being deferred to the December 14, 2023 agenda due to a notice issue. No
vote was taken.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 10 ayes,
0 nays, and 1 recusal (Russell). The application was approved.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: D FILE NO.: Z-9850
NAME: Bassett Family Care Facility – Special Use Permit
LOCATION: 3118 S. Izard Street
Harry & Phyllis Green-Bassett (Owner)
16 Marchwood Cove
Little Rock, AR 72210
Harry & Phyllis Green-Bassett (Owner)
16 Marchwood Cove
Little Rock, AR 72210
Brooks Surveying
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant is requesting a special use permit to allow for a family care facility to
be operated within an existing 1,800 square foot, four (4) bedroom, single-family
residence. The facility will contain a maximum number of four (4) residents at any
given time.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: D (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9850
The site is located between Fulton Street to the west and S. Izard to the east.
Several vacant lots exist in the general area which contain R-3 zoning and uses to
the south, east and west of the site. R-4 zoning is located immediately north of the
site. Crump Park is located to the southwest of the site.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water:
1. All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at the time of request for
water service must be met.
Fire Department:
Maintain Access:
Fire Hydrants.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at fire hydrant locations as per Appendix D
of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.1 Access road
width with a hydrant. Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access
road, the minimum road width shall be 26 feet, exclusive of shoulders.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.2 Grade. Fire apparatus access roads
shall not exceed 10 percent in grade except as approved by the fire chief. If
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: D (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9850
the grade exceeds 10 percent, approval will be denied and the applicant must
submit request to be reviewed by Fire Chief for Approval.
Maintain fire apparatus access road design as per Appendix D of the 2021
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D102.1 Access and loading.
Facilities, buildings or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be
accessible to fire department apparatus by way of an approved fire apparatus
access road with an asphalt, concrete or other approved driving surface capable
of supporting the imposed load of fire apparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds.
Commercial and Industrial Developments – 2 means of access. - Maintain fire
apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention
Code Vol. 1.
Section D104.1 Buildings exceeding three stories or 30 feet in height.
Building or facilities exceeding 30 feet or three stories in height shall have at least
two means of fire apparatus access for each structure.
Section D104.2 Building exceeding 62,000 square feet in area. Buildings or
facilities having a gross building area of more than 62,000 square feet shall be
provide with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
Exception: Projects having a gross building area of up to 124,000 square
feet that have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all
building are equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler
D104.3 Remoteness. Where two fire apparatus access roads are required, they
shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the
maximum overall diagonal dimension of the lot or area to be served, measured in
a straight line between accesses.
Fire Hydrants
Locate Fire Hydrants as per Appendix C of the 2021 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code. Section C101 – C105, in conjunction with Central Arkansas
Water (Daniel Tull 501-377-1245) and the Little Rock Fire Marshal’s Office
(Capt. Tony Rhodes 501-918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram
501-918-3756 Number and Distribution of Fire Hydrants as per Table C105.1.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: D (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9850
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division: No comments.
The applicant is requesting a special use permit to allow for a family care facility to
be operated within an existing 1,800 square foot, four (4) bedroom, single-family
residence. The facility will contain a maximum number of four (4) residents at any
given time.
The site is located between Fulton Street to the west and S. Izard to the east.
Several vacant lots exist in the general area which contain R-3 zoning and uses to
the south, east and west of the site. R-4 zoning is located immediately north of the
site. Crump Park is located to the southwest of the site.
No signage beyond that allowed as per Section 36-551 (signs permitted in
residential one- and two family zones) will be permitted.
The applicant did not provide the proposed number of full-time positions for
operation of the facility as requested by staff. Staff notes, full-time positions shall
comply with any State and Local requirements regarding the operation of this
facility type.
The applicant provided the following statement and description of on-site services
provided to residents:
• “The clients are disabled, but ambulatory and independently mobile. The
client will only need minimal assistance with daily living, such as bathing,
grooming/shaving preparing special diets and routine skin care.”
• The clients will be provided with transportation to and from physician
appointments. Residents will be able to verbalize their needs. Veterans,
homeless and recovering substance abusers will be accepted (a
temporary living space for emergency disaster impacting disabled
individuals, if room is available, e.g. tornado).
• The facility will provide food, shelter, exercise, compassionate care,
assistance with cleaning and washing of clothing and personal care.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: D (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9850
• Additional service provided include the teaching of some computer skills,
music and TV, access to skilled home health visits, if needed and access
to a primary care physician (PCP).
• Visitors will be allowed with stipulations.
• Residents will not drive their own vehicles.
The applicant did not provide a bill assurance as requested by staff.
Section 36-54(e)(4) of the City’s Zoning Ordinance provides the following
provisions for Family Care Facilities, as adopted by the Board of Directors on
September 6, 2005:
1. family care facility, group care facility, group home, parolee or probationer
housing facility, rooming, lodging and boarding facility.
(a) Separation, spacing and procedural requirements for family
care facilities, group care facilities, group homes, parolee or probationer
housing facilities and rooming, lodging and boarding facilities will be
determined by the planning commission so as not to adversely impact
the surrounding properties and neighborhood. Unless the commission
determines that a different area is more appropriate, a neighborhood
shall be defined as an area incorporating all properties lying within one
thousand five hundred (1,500) feet of the site for which the permit is
(b) There shall be a presumption that a special use permit for a
group home of 5, 6, 7, or 8 handicapped persons will be granted if all
ordinance requirements are met, except that individuals whose tenancy
would constitute a direct threat to the health or safety of other individuals
of whose tenancy would result in substantial physical damage to the
property of others shall not be allowed in such a home.
(c) Issues that the planning commission will consider during its
review of a family care facility, group care facility, group home, parolee
or probationer housing facility, or rooming, lodging and boarding facility
include, but are not limited to:
1. Spacing of existing similar facilities.
2. Existing zoning and land use patterns.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: D (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9850
3. The maximum number of individuals proposed to be
served, the number of employees proposed and the type
of services being proposed.
4. The need and provision for readily accessible public or
quasi-public transportation.
5. Access to needed support services such as social
services agencies, employment agencies and medical
service providers.
6. Availability of adequate on-site parking.
(d) The fire marshal must approve the use of any structure
proposed as a family care facility, group care facility, group home,
parolee or probation housing facility or rooming, lodging and boarding
(e) Family care facilities, group care facilities, group homes and
parole or probation housing facilities shall be operated within any and
all applicable licensing and procedural requirements established by the
State of Arkansas.
To staff’s knowledge, there are no other transitional residential facilities located
within 1,500 feet of the property.
Section 8-406 (a) of the City's Buildings and Building Regulations Ordinance
(minimum area per dwelling unit) requires 150 square feet for the first occupant
and 100 square feet for each additional occupant. Therefore, the minimum area
for a residence occupied by four (4) persons is 450 square feet. As noted, the
residence contains 1,800 square feet in area.
There is a bus route (Bus Route #2, S. Main Route) approximately 0.16 mile to
the east along S. Gaines Street.
Special Use Permits are not transferable in any manner. Permits cannot be
transferred from owner to owner, location to location or use to use.
To staff’s knowledge, there are no other transitional residential facilities located
within 1,500 feet of the property.
Staff does not support the requested special use permit to allow a group care
facility at 3118 S. Izard Street based the lack of additional information requested
by staff and the additional concerns noted below:
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: D (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9850
1. The applicant did not provide a parking plan – the applicant noted residents will
not drive their own vehicles. Staff’s concern is where will visitors park? S. Izard
Street at this location is a relatively narrow street.
2. The occupants are deemed disabled by definition. Since occupants will not
drive their own vehicles, the applicant notes transportation will be provided to
and from physician appointments. What mode of transportation will be utilized?
How will accessibility be provided from the residence to the transportation type?
The applicant’s failure to provide the number of around the clock staff (including
any potential overlap in shift change times) and the increase in traffic from visitors
may create an adverse impact on the area. Staff feels the applicant should seek a
residential location fronting a more major roadway, possibly along the perimeter of
a single-family subdivision.
Staff recommends denial of the requested special use permit as requested.
This item is being deferred to the December 14, 2023 agenda as the applicant failed to
submit all required documents. No vote was taken.
The applicant was present, representing the application. Staff presented the item and a
recommendation for denial. The applicant had failed to provide staff with all the required
documentation. The applicant requested a deferral to allow her time to submit the
necessary paperwork. The application was deferred to the January 11, 2024, Agenda.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: E FILE NO.: Z-9854
NAME: Wyatt 1 – PD-R
LOCATION: 2504 W. 18th Street
Jason Duncan (Agent)
2312 Durwood Road
Little Rock, AR 72207
Wyatt Family Trust (Owner)
2504 W. 18th Street
Little Rock, AR 72202
The applicant is proposing to rezone a 0.16 acre site from R-3 to PD-R to construct
a 1,924 square foot two-family (duplex) residence. The development will also include
a 1,032 two-story, detached garage with a third unit on the second level. The site is
zoned R-3 and located at 2504 W. 18th Street.
The property is currently vacant, grass covered and located on the north side of W.
18th Street. The immediate area contains R-3 and R-4 zoning and uses in all
directions. Properties further east contain I-2 zoning and uses.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public hearing.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: E (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9854
1. Since primary vehicular access will be via the existing platted, public alley from
Jones Street to this lot, the existing alley will be required to be improved via new
asphalt or concrete to lot’s parking area along northern property line.
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utility: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No objections. All Central Arkansas Water requirements
in effect at the time of request for water service must be met.
Fire Department: No comments.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments received.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the Central City Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed 6 dwelling
units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized by
conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes and
cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre. The
application is for a PD-R in R-3 for rear lot setback variance.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: E (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9854
Surrounding the application area is Residential Low Density (RL) use.
Zoning is R-3 (Single Family District) and R-4 Two Family District). R-3 (Single
Family District) is for small lot single family development with a minimum lot size of
5,000 square feet. R-4 (Two Family District) is for the development of duplex
dwellings with a minimum lot size of 7,000 square feet.
Master Street Plan:
W. 18th St is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. May require dedication of
ROW or improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
There are no Bike facilities in the vicinity.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not within a Historic District.
The applicant is proposing to rezone a 0.16 acre site from R-3 to PD-R to construct
a 1,924 square foot two-family (duplex) residence. The development will also include
a 1,032 two-story, detached garage which will add another apartment on the site for
a total of three (3) units. The site is zoned R-3 and located at 2504 W. 18th Street.
The property is currently vacant, grass covered and located on the north side of W.
18th Street. The immediate area contains R-3 and R-4 zoning and uses in all
directions. Properties further east contain I-2 zoning and uses.
The site plan indicates each unit will contain two bedrooms and two bathrooms for
the duplex use with a front building setback of twenty-five (25) feet and a five (5) foot
building setback on the east and west property lines. Regarding the detached
garage/apartment, the applicant is requesting a fifteen (15) foot setback along the
rear property line.
The proposed parking design shows a detached garage, parking pad and driveway
at the rear of the property to be accessed via the alley. The applicant notes there is
sufficient on-street parking along W. 18th Street for as many as five (5) vehicles, two
(2) parking spaces in the garage, two (2) parking spaces in the driveway and one on
the parking pad.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: E (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9854
Staff is not supportive of the requested PD-R rezoning. Staff feels the site is too small
and will be over developed to contain both a two-family residence (duplex) and a
detached garage/apartment in the rear portion of the property, thus creating three (3)
units on a 0.16 acre site. Staff also feels the proposed on-site parking is not sufficient
to serve the use. Staff feels the proposed PD-R request will be out of character with
the properties in the general area and the potential increased traffic will have an
adverse impact on the area.
Staff is supportive of the development for one (1) two-family residence (duplex) on
the site which more aligns with ordinance requirements for a conditional use request
in the R-3 zoning district and is more characteristic of the development pattern in the
general area.
Staff recommends denial of the requested PD-R rezoning.
Staff presented the item and a recommendation for denial. The applicant request deferral
due to the fact that there were only 7 Commissioners. There was a motion to defer the item.
The motion was seconded. The vote was 7 ayes, 0 nays, 3 absent and 1 open position.
The application was deferred to the December 14, 2023 Agenda.
The applicant was present, representing the application. Staff presented the item and a
recommendation for denial. There was one person in opposition. Patricia Young spoke in
opposition to the application concerning the fact that she wanted the area to stay “single-
family” homes. Director Collins reminded applicant that if the application was approved the
applicant would be required to improve the alleyway for access. There was general
discussion about the project. There was a motion to approve the application. The motion
was seconded. The vote was 9 ayes, 1 nay, 0 absent and 1 recusal (Brown) The motion
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: F FILE NO.: Z-9855
NAME: Wyatt 2 – PD-R
LOCATION: 2516 W. 18th Street
Jason Duncan (Agent)
2312 Durwood Road
Little Rock, AR 72207
Wyatt Family Trust (Owner)
2504 W. 18th Street
Little Rock, AR 72202
The applicant is proposing to rezone a 0.16 acre site from R-3 to PD-R to construct
a 1,924 square foot, two-family (duplex) residence. The development will also
include a 1,032 square foot, two-story detached garage which will include parking on
the first floor and apartment on the second floor in the rear portion of the property for
a total of three (3) units on the site. The site is zoned R-3 and located at 2516 W.
18th Street.
The property is currently vacant, grass covered and located on the north side of W.
18th Street. The immediate area contains R-3 and R-4 zoning and uses in all
directions. Properties further east contain I-2 zoning and uses.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: F (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9855
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public hearing.
Since primary vehicular access will be via the existing platted, public alley from Jones
Street to this lot, the existing alley will be required to be improved via new asphalt or
concrete to lot’s parking area along northern property line.
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utility: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No objections. All Central Arkansas Water requirements
in effect at the time of request for water service must be met.
Fire Department: No comments.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments received.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the Central City Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: F (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9855
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed 6 dwelling
units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized by
conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes and
cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre. The
application is for a PD-R in R-3 for rear lot setback variance.
Surrounding the application area is Residential Low Density (RL) use.
Zoning is R-3 (Single Family District) and R-4 Two Family District). R-3 (Single
Family District) is for small lot single family development with a minimum lot size of
5,000 square feet. R-4 (Two Family District) is for the development of duplex
dwellings with a minimum lot size of 7,000 square feet.
Master Street Plan:
W. 18th St is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. May require dedication of
ROW or improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
There are no Bike facilities in the vicinity.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not within a Historic District.
The applicant is proposing to rezone a 0.16 acre site from R-3 to PD-R to construct
a 1,924 square foot, two-family (duplex) residence. The development will also
include a 1,032 square foot, two-story detached garage which will include parking on
the first floor and apartment on the second floor in the rear portion of the property for
a total of three (3) units on the site. The site is zoned R-3 and located at 2516 W.
18th Street.
The property is currently vacant, grass covered and located on the north side of W.
18th Street. The immediate area contains R-3 and R-4 zoning and uses in all
directions. Properties further east contain I-2 zoning and uses.
The site plan indicates each unit will contain two bedrooms and two bathrooms for
the duplex use with a front building setback of twenty-five (25) feet and a five (5) foot
building setback on the east and west property lines. Regarding the detached
garage/apartment, the applicant is requesting a fifteen (15) foot setback along the
rear property line.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: F (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9855
The proposed parking design shows a detached garage, parking pad and driveway
at the rear of the property to be accessed via the alley. The applicant notes there is
sufficient on-street parking along W. 18th Street for as many as five (5) vehicles, two
(2) parking spaces in the garage, two (2) parking spaces in the driveway and one on
the parking pad.
Staff is not supportive of the requested PD-R rezoning. Staff feels the site is too small
and will be over developed to contain both a two-family residence (duplex) and a
detached garage/apartment in the rear portion of the property, thus creating three (3)
units on a 0.16 acre site. Staff also feels the proposed on-site parking is not sufficient
to serve the use. Staff feels the proposed PD-R request will be out of character with
the properties in the general area and the potential increased traffic will have an
adverse impact on the area.
Staff is supportive of the development for one (1) two-family residence (duplex) on
the site which more aligns with ordinance requirements for a conditional use request
in the R-3 zoning district and is more characteristic of the development pattern in the
general area.
Staff recommends denial of the requested PD-R rezoning.
Staff presented the item and a recommendation for denial. The applicant request deferral
due to the fact that there were only 7 Commissioners. There was a motion to defer the item.
The motion was seconded. The vote was 7 ayes, 0 nays, 3 absent and 1 open position.
The application was deferred to the December 14, 2023 Agenda.
The applicant was present, representing the application. Staff presented the item and a
recommendation for denial. There was one person that spoke in opposition. Henry
Droughter spoke concerning traffic issues and overcrowding. After general discussion about
the project, there was a motion to approve the application. The motion was seconded. The
vote was 10 ayes, 0 nays and 1 recused. The motion passed.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: G FILE NO.: Z-9858
NAME: Master Company – PD-C
LOCATION: 9911 W. Markham Street
Master Company, LLC (Owner)
8110 Scott Hamilton Drive
Little Rock, AR 72209
Master Company, LLC
8110 Scott Hamilton Drive
Little Rock, AR 72209
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant is requesting to rezone a 0.22 acre site from O-3 to PD-C to allow
the existing building to be utilized as a convenience store. The applicant is not
proposing to include alcohol sales as part of this rezoning request.
The site contains an existing 1,508 square foot residential building. The property
was formerly utilized as a commercial use for Fletcher Property Management, Inc.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: G (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9858
The property has paved parking and a drive through lane ingress along W.
Markham Street. The drive through lane exits on the south side of the building
along Oak Lane. There is a mixture of zoning and uses in all directions.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
1. Contact Planning and Development Dept., Engineering Division at
501-371-4817 or at 501-918-5348 for inspections of any work in the public
right-of-way prior to placement of concrete or asphalt or for on-site clarification
of requirements prior to commencing work. Failure to do so can result in
removal of any improperly placed concrete or asphalt at the expense of the
owner or contractor.
2. The Department requires three (3) phase sediment and erosion control (SEC)
plans to be submitted for all construction projects showing best management
practices (BMPs) for mitigating sediment runoff and erosion along with
vegetation specifications for temporary and permanent soil stabilization.
Phase 1 SEC plans shall show SEC BMPs during the stripping, clearing,
grubbing, and rough grading of the site. Phase 2 SEC plans shall show SEC
BMPs during construction of utilities, buildings, roadway infrastructure and
drainage infrastructure. Phase 3 SEC Plans shall show SEC BMPs for final
grading, seeding, and landscaping of the site.
3. Sediment and Erosion Control plans shall also show the pertinent information
as outlined in ADEQ ARR150000 Permit Part II section A-4-H (1-14) and Part
II section A-4-I-2 (A-B).
4. A drainage study showing all hydrologic calculations for the site and all
hydraulic calculations for the proposed storm sewer pipe system, swales and
ditches, detention ponds, outlet structures, and inlets is required per City’s
stormwater management and drainage manual. For final drainage report,
sign, date, and seal the report per AR State Board of Professional Engineers
and Professional Surveyors rules Article 12, Section B (1) (a). Provide
engineer's certification statement saying this drainage report was conducted
by yourself or directly under your supervision and attesting to the accuracy of
the information within this report. Board of Professional Engineers and
Professional Surveyors rules Article 12, Section B (1) (a). Provide engineer's
certification statement saying this drainage report was conducted by yourself
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: G (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9858
or directly under your supervision and attesting to the accuracy of the
information within this report.
5. Provide accessible route from the accessible parking stalls’ aisles to
proposed buildings’ entrances in accordance with Section 402 & 502 of ICC
A117.1-2017 and 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Sections 1104.
6. Provide accessible route from public right of way to proposed buildings’
entrances in accordance with Section 402 & 502 of ICC A117.1-2017 and
2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Sections 1104.
7. Accessible parking spaces, accessible aisle, and accessible route from
accessible aisle and from the public right of way to building’s entrance shall
meet all accessibility code requirements listed in ICC A117.1-2017 and 2021
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code.
8. No new driveway entrances along Markham Street will be allowed.
Therefore, access from Markham Street shall be from the existing driveway
along the western property line via a new access easement.
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at the
time of request for water service must be met.
Fire Department: No comments.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments received.
Building Code: No comments received.
1. Any new site development must comply with the City’s minimal landscape
and buffer ordinance requirements. Refer to the Code of Ordinances, Chapter
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: G (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9858
15 Landscaping and Tree Protection, and Chapter 36, Article IX – Buffers and
2. A land use buffer equivalent to six (6) percent of the average width / depth of
the lot will be required when an adjacent property has a dissimilar use of a
more restrictive nature. As a component of all land use buffer requirements,
opaque screening, whether a fence or other device, a minimum of six (6) feet
in height shall be required upon the property line side of the buffer. A
minimum of seventy (70) percent of the land use buffer shall be undisturbed.
In addition to the required screening, buffers are to be landscaped at the rate
of one (1) tree and three (3) shrubs for every thirty (30) linear feet. Easements
cannot count toward fulfilling this requirement. The required screening shall
extend the full length of a property where any outside activity is located for
ten (10) feet on either side of such activity. The activities to be screened
include, but are not limited to, parking lots, drives, sanitation areas,
commercial static display of merchandise, loading docks, utility service
facilities and heating and air conditioning equipment. Where development
which requires screening abuts land use of a more restrictive nature at least
eighty (80) percent of the view of the vehicular use area and parked vehicles
shall be screened to not be visible when viewed from the adjacent property.
A wooden fence may satisfy sixty-five (65) percent of the requirement and
evergreen trees may be used to satisfy the balance. Screening standards
are intended to apply during all seasons of the year. A minimum of fifty (50)
percent of the trees and a minimum of seventy-five (75) percent of the shrubs
to be used for screening purposes shall be evergreen varieties. Maximum
spacings of fifteen (15) feet for trees and three (3) feet for shrubs should
normally be utilized in order to provide continuous full screening of the view.
3. Street buffers will be required at six (6) percent of the average depth of the
lot. The minimum dimension shall be one-half (½) the full width requirement
but in no case be less than nine (9) feet.
4. A perimeter planting strip is required along any side of a vehicular use area
that abuts adjoining property, or the right-of-way of any street. This strip shall
be at least nine (9) feet wide. One (1) tree and three (3) shrubs or vines shall
be planted for every thirty (30) linear feet of perimeter planting strip.
5. Building landscape areas shall be provided at the rate equivalent to planter
strip three (3) feet wide along the vehicular use area. One (1) tree and four
(4) shrubs shall be planted in the building landscape areas for each forty (40)
linear feet of vehicular use area abutting the building.
6. The interior landscape area of the vehicular use area shall, at a minimum,
equal eight percent (8%) of the vehicular use area and must be designated
for green space; this green space needs to be evenly distributed throughout
the parking area(s). The minimum size of an interior landscape area shall be
one hundred fifty (150) square feet for developments with one hundred fifty
(150) or fewer parking spaces. Interior islands must be a minimum seven
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: G (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9858
and one half (7 1/2) feet in width. Trees shall be included in the interior
landscape areas at the rate of one (1) tree for every twelve (12) parking
spaces. Please indicate the square footage of the areas considered for the
interior landscape area.
7. An automatic irrigation system to water landscaped areas shall be required
for developments of one (1) acre or larger. Developments of less than one
(1) acre shall have a water source within seventy-five (75) feet of the plants
to be irrigated.
8. All lawn areas shall be sodded with a regionally appropriate turfgrass species.
There should be no hydroseeding.
9. Evergreen shrubs should be containerized. All shrubs are to be a minimum
of 18 inches in height at installation.
10. The development of two (2) acres or more requires the landscape plan to be
stamped with the seal of a Registered Landscape Architect.
11. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing
trees as feasible on this site. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape Ordinance
requirements can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch caliper or
Rock Region Metro: No comments.
Planning Division:
The request is in the Rodney Parham Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Suburban Office (SO) for the requested area. The Suburban Office (SO) category
provides for low intensity development of office or office parks in close proximity to
lower density residential areas. To assure compatibility, a Planned Zoning District
is required. The application is to rezone from O-3 to PD-C.
West of the application area on both sides of W Markham are office uses in
Suburban Office (SO). The Suburban Office (SO) category provides for low
intensity development of office or office parks in close proximity to lower density
residential areas. To assure compatibility, a Planned Zoning District is required.
Across Markham on the north is an apartment complex in the Suburban Office
(SO), then east across Ellis Drive is a faith-based institution in an area for
Public/Institutional (PI) uses. The Public/Institutional (PI) category includes public
and quasi-public facilities that provide a variety of services to the community such
as schools, libraries, fire stations, churches, utility substations, and hospitals.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: G (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9858
South of the application site are duplexes and single family residences in
Residential Low Density (RL). The Residential Low Density (RL) category
provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed 6 dwelling units per
acre. Such residential development is typically characterized by conventional
single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes and cluster
homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre. On the east
side of Oak Lane is an area of Mixed uses in a strip commercial plaza. The Mixed
Use (MX) category provides for a mixture of residential, office and commercial
uses to occur. A Planned Zoning District is required if the use is entirely office or
commercial or if the use is a mixture of the three. The most recent land use
amendment near the site was in 2020 from SO to PI for a faith-based institution on
the north side of Markham and east of Ellis Drive.
The applicant is requesting to rezone a 0.22 acre site from O-3 to PD-C to allow
the existing building to be utilized as a convenience store. The applicant is not
proposing to include alcohol sales as part of this rezoning request.
The site contains an existing 1,508 square foot residential building. The property
was formerly commercially utilized by Fletcher Property Management, Inc.
The property has paved parking and drive through lane ingress along W. Markham
Street. The drive through lane exits on the south side of the building along Oak
Lane. The applicant intends to install a drive-thru window on the south side of the
building and notes an agreement with the adjacent property owner to the west will
include a shared access easement to facilitate the drive-thru lane/traffic. Operating
hours will be from 6:00am to 12:00am seven days a week.
The applicant proposes to utilize the existing parking spaces on the site. Parking
shall also comply with required ADA standards. Staff feels the existing parking is
sufficient to serve the use.
A dumpster is not shown on the site plan. Any dumpster installed on the site shall
be screened comply with Section 36-523(d) of the City’s Zoning Ordinance.
The applicant is not proposing any signage at this time. All signs shall conform to
Section 36-555 of the City’s Zoning Ordinance (signs permitted in commercial
The applicant is not proposing additional lighting at this time. Any new site lighting
shall be low-level and directed away from adjacent properties.
Staff is supportive of the requested PD-C zoning to allow the proposed commercial
use. Staff views the request as reasonable. To staff’s knowledge, there are no
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: G (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9858
outstanding issues associated with this application. Staff feels the existing building
is appropriate for a small convenience store use. The property was formerly
commercially utilized by Fletcher Property Management, Inc. The proposed
commercial use will be compatible with the existing commercial uses in the
immediate area. Staff feels the minor increase in traffic is appropriate along the
W. Markham corridor and will not have an adverse impact on the area.
Staff recommends approval of the requested PD-C rezoning, subject to
compliance with the comments and conditions outlined in paragraphs D, E and F,
and the staff analysis, of the agenda staff report.
This item is being deferred to the December 14, 2023 agenda due to insufficient notices.
No vote was taken.
Staff presented the item and a recommendation for approval. The applicant was not
present. The application was deferred to the January 11, 2024 Agenda.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: H FILE NO.: Z-9795-A
NAME: Queen Beans – PD-C
LOCATION: Northwest corner of Hermitage Road and Autumn Road
Katie Mac (Queen Beans)
5400 Chenonceau Blvd. #920
Little Rock, AR 72223
Jeremiah Russell (Agent)
Rogue Architecture
300 S. Spring Street
Little Rock, AR 72201
Koda Engineering
P.O. Box 26634
Bryant, AR 72022
• Variance to allow reduced driveway spacing.
The applicant is requesting to rezone the property from R-2 to PD-C to allow for
the construction of Queen Beans (drive-thru only) Coffee Shop on a 0.24 acre tract
of land located adjacent to Chenal Parkway at the northwest corner of Hermitage
Road and Autumn Road. The site is located within the Chenal Overlay Design
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: H (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9795-A
The property is in a primarily commercial area. The parcel is a triangular lot at the
corner of Hermitage Road and Chenal Parkway approximately 0.24 acre in area.
The surrounding zoning designations include C-3 Commercial as well as PUD and
PCD parcels.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
1. Department engineering staff did not give approval for the traffic engineering
consultant who performed the traffic impact study submitted to use an existing
Queen Beans development in another city to estimate the volumes of
vehicular trips this proposed development will generate. Traffic engineering
consultant needs to use ITE Trip Gen. Category 938 (Coffee/Donut Shop with
Drive-through and No Indoor Seating) for trip generation calculations. This is
the closest official land use category that the consultant can use for this
proposed development for analysis per ITE Trip Generation Manual. When
Department engineering staff use ITE Code 938 for trip generation
calculations (360 sq.ft.), staff outputs 124 trips for AM Peak hour (IN & OUT
combined), instead of 26 trips combined per the submitted traffic impact
study. The expected queuing for this many trips will block Hermitage Road &
Autumn Road intersection as well as Chenal Pkwy. & Autumn Road
intersection. This anticipated queueing will shut down both intersections
creating adverse traffic operations for the traveling public and business
owners in the area. Traffic impact study shall be revised, re-evaluated, and
resubmitted for Department engineering staff’s review.
2. Future building permits will be required through the Department of Planning
and Development for any new buildings on site and be required to meet all
state building codes and land alteration codes and ordinances adopted by the
City of Little Rock.
3. Contact Planning and Development Dept., Engineering Division at
501-371-4817 or at 501-918-5348 for inspections of any work in the public
right-of-way prior to placement of concrete or asphalt or for on-site
clarification of requirements prior to commencing work. Failure to do so can
result in removal of any improperly placed concrete or asphalt at the expense
of the owner or contractor.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: H (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9795-A
4. Any infrastructure within public right of way that is currently damaged or
damaged during construction will be repaired or replaced at developer’s
expense before a final certificate of occupancy can be released for the
building. This includes but not limited to the following: noncompliant curb and
gutter, asphalt, sidewalk, accessible ramps, storm drainage infrastructure, or
concrete driveway aprons. All work within the public right-of- way shall
conform to City of Little Rock Public Works Standard Details and ADA
accessibility requirements.
5. The Department requires three (3) phase sediment and erosion control (SEC)
plans to be submitted for all construction projects showing best management
practices (BMPs) for mitigating sediment runoff and erosion along with
vegetation specifications for temporary and permanent soil stabilization.
Phase 1 SEC plans shall show SEC BMPs during the stripping, clearing,
grubbing, and rough grading of the site. Phase 2 SEC plans shall show SEC
BMPs during construction of utilities, buildings, roadway infrastructure and
drainage infrastructure. Phase 3 SEC Plans shall show SEC BMPs for final
grading, seeding, and landscaping of the site.
6. Sediment and Erosion Control plans shall also show the pertinent information
as outlined in ADEQ ARR150000 Permit Part II section A-4-H (1-14) and Part
II section A-4-I-2 (A-B).
7. A drainage study showing all hydrologic calculations for the site and all
hydraulic calculations for the proposed storm sewer pipe system, swales and
ditches, detention ponds, outlet structures, and inlets is required per City’s
stormwater management and drainage manual. For final drainage report,
sign, date, and seal the report per AR State Board of Professional Engineers
and Professional Surveyors rules Article 12, Section B (1) (a). Provide
engineer's certification statement saying this drainage report was conducted
by yourself or directly under your supervision and attesting to the accuracy of
the information within this report.
8. Per City Code 31-210 (e) (2) for collector streets, driveway spacing shall be two-
hundred fifty (250) feet. Driveway spacing shall be centerline to centerline or
centerline to right of way of an intersecting collector street or street of higher
classification. Minimum spacing from the property line shall be one hundred
twenty-five (125) feet. Revise driveway on site plan to meet above
requirements accordingly or request a variance from this City Code
requirement from the Planning Commission on the planned zoning
development application.
9. If a grading permit is not required for the proposed site work, all construction
work must include appropriate drainage and erosion control measures (i.e.,
silt fencing, mulching hydro-seeding, etc.) to protect the municipal storm
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: H (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9795-A
water drainage system and neighboring properties from sediment runoff. New
development may be subject to inspections for compliance.
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: A sewer extension may be required.
Please submit wastewater plans to LRWRA for review and approval.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments received.
Fire Department:
Maintain Access:
Fire Hydrants.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at fire hydrant locations as per Appendix D
of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.1 Access road
width with a hydrant. Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access
road, the minimum road width shall be 26 feet, exclusive of shoulders.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.2 Grade. Fire apparatus access roads
shall not exceed 10 percent in grade except as approved by the fire chief. If
the grade exceeds 10 percent, approval will be denied and the applicant must
submit request to be reviewed by Fire Chief for Approval.
Maintain fire apparatus access road design as per Appendix D of the 2012
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D102.1 Access and loading.
Facilities, buildings or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be
accessible to fire department apparatus by way of an approved fire apparatus
access road with an asphalt, concrete or other approved driving surface capable
of supporting the imposed load of fire apparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: H (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9795-A
Commercial and Industrial Developments – 2 means of access. - Maintain fire
apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention
Code Vol. 1.
Section D104.1 Buildings exceeding three stories or 30 feet in height.
Building or facilities exceeding 30 feet or three stories in height shall have at least
two means of fire apparatus access for each structure.
Section D104.2 Building exceeding 62,000 square feet in area. Buildings or
facilities having a gross building area of more than 62,000 square feet shall be
provide with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
Exception: Projects having a gross building area of up to 124,000 square feet
that have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all building are
equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler systems.
D104.3 Remoteness. Where two fire apparatus access roads are required, they
shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the
maximum overall diagonal dimension of the lot or area to be served, measured in
a straight line between accesses.
30’ Tall Buildings - Maintain aerial fire apparatus access roads as per
Appendix D of the 2012 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D105.1
– D105.4
D105.1 Where Required. Where the vertical distance between the grade
plane and the highest roof surface exceed 30’, approved aerial fire apparatus
access roads shall be provided. For the purposes of this section the highest roof
surfaces shall be determined by measurement to the eave of a pitched roof, the
intersection of a roof to the exterior wall, or the top of the parapet walls, whichever
is greater.
D105.2 Width. Aerial fire apparatus access roads shall have a minimum
unobstructed with of 26’, exclusive of shoulders, in the immediate vicinity of the
building or portion thereof.
D105.3 Proximity to building. At least one of the required access routes
meeting this condition shall be located within a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum
of 30 feet from the building, and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of
the building. The side of the building on which the aerial fire apparatus access
road is positioned shall be approved by the fire code official.
D105.4 Obstructions. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located
over the aerial fire apparatus access road or between the aerial fire apparatus road
and the building. Other obstructions shall be permitted to be places with the
approval of the fire code official.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: H (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9795-A
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Codes: No comments received.
1. Any new site development must comply with the City’s minimal landscape
and buffer ordinance requirements. Refer to the Code of Ordinances, Chapter
15 Landscaping and Tree Protection, and Chapter 36, Article IX – Buffers and
2. A land use buffer equivalent to six (6) percent of the average width / depth of
the lot will be required when an adjacent property has a dissimilar use of a
more restrictive nature. As a component of all land use buffer requirements,
opaque screening, whether a fence or other device, a minimum of six (6) feet
in height shall be required upon the property line side of the buffer. A
minimum of seventy (70) percent of the land use buffer shall be undisturbed.
In addition to the required screening, buffers are to be landscaped at the rate
of one (1) tree and three (3) shrubs for every thirty (30) linear feet. Easements
cannot count toward fulfilling this requirement. The required screening shall
extend the full length of a property where any outside activity is located for
ten (10) feet on either side of such activity. The activities to be screened
include, but are not limited to, parking lots, drives, sanitation areas,
commercial static display of merchandise, loading docks, utility service
facilities and heating and air conditioning equipment. Where development
which requires screening abuts land use of a more restrictive nature at least
eighty (80) percent of the view of the vehicular use area and parked vehicles
shall be screened to not be visible when viewed from the adjacent property.
A wooden fence may satisfy sixty-five (65) percent of the requirement and
evergreen trees may be used to satisfy the balance. Screening standards
are intended to apply during all seasons of the year. A minimum of fifty (50)
percent of the trees and a minimum of seventy-five (75) percent of the shrubs
to be used for screening purposes shall be evergreen varieties. Maximum
spacings of fifteen (15) feet for trees and three (3) feet for shrubs should
normally be utilized in order to provide continuous full screening of the view.
3. Street buffers will be required at six (6) percent of the average depth of the
lot. The minimum dimension shall be one-half (½) the full width requirement
but in no case be less than nine (9) feet.
4. A perimeter planting strip is required along any side of a vehicular use area
that abuts adjoining property, or the right-of-way of any street. This strip shall
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: H (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9795-A
be at least nine (9) feet wide. One (1) tree and three (3) shrubs or vines shall
be planted for every thirty (30) linear feet of perimeter planting strip.
5. Building landscape areas shall be provided at the rate equivalent to planter
strip three (3) feet wide along the vehicular use area. One (1) tree and four
(4) shrubs shall be planted in the building landscape areas for each forty (40)
linear feet of vehicular use area abutting the building.
6. The interior landscape area of the vehicular use area shall, at a minimum,
equal eight percent (8%) of the vehicular use area and must be designated
for green space; this green space needs to be evenly distributed throughout
the parking area(s). The minimum size of an interior landscape area shall be
one hundred fifty (150) square feet for developments with one hundred fifty
(150) or fewer parking spaces. Interior islands must be a minimum seven
and one half (7 1/2) feet in width. Trees shall be included in the interior
landscape areas at the rate of one (1) tree for every twelve (12) parking
spaces. Please indicate the square footage of the areas considered for the
interior landscape area.
7. An automatic irrigation system to water landscaped areas shall be required
for developments of one (1) acre or larger. Developments of less than one
(1) acre shall have a water source within seventy-five (75) feet of the plants
to be irrigated.
8. All lawn areas shall be sodded with a regionally appropriate turfgrass species.
There should be no hydroseeding.
9. Evergreen shrubs should be containerized. All shrubs are to be a minimum
of 18 inches in height at installation.
10. At least fifty (50) percent of landscape areas shall be covered by live plant
material at the time of plant maturity.
11. The development of two (2) acres or more requires the landscape plan to be
stamped with the seal of a Registered Landscape Architect.
12. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing
trees as feasible on this site. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape Ordinance
requirements can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch caliper
or larger.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the I-430 Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Commercial (C) for the requested area. The Commercial (C) category includes a
broad range of retail and wholesale sales of products, personal and professional
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: H (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9795-A
services, and general business activities. Commercial activities vary in type and
scale, depending on the trade area that they serve. The application is to rezone
from R-2 to PD-C for a drive-thru coffee shop.
Surrounding the application area, west of Autumn Road on both sides of Chenal
Parkway is an area of Commercial (C). The Commercial (C) category includes a
broad range of retail and wholesale sales of products, personal and professional
services, and general business activities. Commercial activities vary in type and
scale, depending on the trade area that they serve. This area has restaurants,
home furnishing retail, electronics retail, mini-storage and strip commercial uses.
East of Autumn Road on both sides of Financial Center Parkway is an area of
Mixed Office Commercial (MOC). The Mixed Office and Commercial (MOC)
category provides for a mixture of office and commercial uses to occur. Acceptable
uses are office or mixed office and commercial. A Planned Zoning District is
required if the use is mixed office and commercial. Within this area are strip
commercial centers, offices, banking, and medical offices and institutions. The
area of MOC was amended by Ordinance 20847 in 2014 from Public/Institutional
(PI) and Commercial areas. Public/Institutional (PI) uses are public and quasi-
public facilities that provide a variety of services to the community such as schools,
libraries, fire stations, churches, utility substations, and hospitals.
This site is in the Chenal Parkway Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
Chenal Parkway is a Principal Arterial with alternate design on the Master Street
Plan Map. Principal Arterials are roads designed to serve through traffic and to
connect major traffic generators or activity centers within urbanized areas. Right-
of-Way (ROW) of 100 feet is required. Sidewalks are required on both sides.
Access may need to be limited to ensure traffic flow and pedestrian safety.
Autumn Road is a Collector on the Master Street Plan Map. The primary function
of a Collector Road is to provide a connection from Local Streets to Arterials or
activity centers with the secondary function of providing access to adjoining
property. Standard Right-of-Way is 60 feet. Sidewalks are required on one side.
Hermitage Road is a local street on the Master Street Plan. A Local Street which
abuts non-residential or residential use which is more intense than duplex or two-
unit residential is a Commercial Street. Commercial Streets have the same design
standard as a Collector. Right-of-way is 60’. Sidewalks are required on both sides.
These streets may require dedication of additional right-of-way and may require
street improvements.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: H (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9795-A
Bicycle Plan:
There are no existing or proposed bike routes adjacent to or through this land.
Historic Preservation Plan:
There are no Historic Sites or Districts in the vicinity.
The applicant is requesting to rezone the property from R-2 to PD-C to allow for
the construction of Queen Beans (drive-thru only) Coffee Shop on a 0.24 acre tract
of land located adjacent to Chenal Parkway at the northwest corner of Hermitage
Road and Autumn Road. The site is located within the Chenal Overlay Design
The property is in a primarily commercial area. The parcel is a triangular lot at the
corner of Hermitage Road and Autumn Road. The surrounding property
designations include C-3 Commercial as well as PUD and PCD parcels.
Access is provided by a twenty-four (24) foot wide drive extending from Hermitage
Road. Based on the design, ingress/egress will be right in, right out only, entering
from and exiting to Hermitage Road.
The applicant proposes to construct a 12’x30’ (360 square foot) building in the
northeast portion of the site with and elevation of eighteen (18) feet in height. The
menu board is located on the northeast corner of the building. The traffic design
shows lot circulation flowing from east to west as you enter from Hermitage Road
leading to the pick-up window northwest corner of the building.
Operating hours will be Monday-Friday from 5:00am to 7:00pm, Saturday and
Sunday from 7:00am to 4:00pm with a maximum number of four (4) employees at
any given time. Outdoor activities will be limited to patrons ordering at the
proposed menu board and picking up their order at the pick-up window. There are
to be no other outdoor business activities.
The site plan shows three (3) parking spaces located in the western portion of the
site and includes one (1) ADA compliant parking space. A five (5) foot walk way
extends from the parking area to building entrance on the south side of the building.
A dumpster enclosure is shown in the southwest portion of the site. The dumpster
shall be screened as per Section 36523 of the City’s Zoning Ordinance.
No signage is proposed at this time. All signage must comply with Section 36-349
of the Chenal/Financial Center Overlay District.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: H (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9795-A
All site lighting must be low-level and directed away from adjacent properties.
Per City Code 31-210(e)(2) for collector streets, driveway spacing shall be two-
hundred fifty (250) feet. Driveway spacing shall be centerline to centerline or
centerline to right-of-way of an intersecting collector street or street of higher
classification. Minimum spacing from the property line shall be one hundred
twenty-five (125) feet. The applicant is requesting a variance to allow reduced
driveway spacing for the proposed driveway. Staff supports the variance request,
as the proposed driveway location is the best possible drive location for this site.
Staff is supportive of the PD-C rezoning. To staff’s knowledge, there are no
outstanding issues with this application. Staff feels the proposed use is consistent
with existing commercial developments in the area and should have no adverse
impact on the surrounding properties.
Staff recommends approval of the requested PD-C rezoning including the variance
request, subject to compliance with the comments and conditions in paragraphs
D, E and F, and the staff analysis, of the agenda staff report.
This item is being deferred to the December 14, 2023 agenda due to lack of notification.
No vote was taken.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 10 ayes,
0 nays, and 1 recusal (Russell). The application was approved.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: I FILE NO.: Z-9853
NAME: Kartcher Properties STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 503 East 7th Street
Kartcher Properties
503 E. 7th Street
Gabe Holmstrom
2102 Louisiana Street
Little Rock, AR
Kartcher Properties
503 E. 7th Street
Gabe Holmstrom
2102 Louisiana Street
Little Rock, AR
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: I (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9853
The applicant proposes to rezone 0.39-acre property located at 503 East 7th Street
from an R4A to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 for one
(#3) of the 13 existing multi-family units with a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29)
days. The owner will not reside in the residence.
The property is currently a 9,064 square foot thirteen (13) multi-family unit
complex. This property is a Contributing structure in the MacArthur Park Historic
District and is also within the Downtown Planning District. The Future Land Use
surrounding the application area is Residential Medium (RM).
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: No comments.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: I (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9853
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the Downtown Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area. The Residential Medium
Density (RM) accommodates a broad range of housing types including single
family attached, single family detached, duplex, town homes, multi-family and patio
or garden homes. Any combination of these and possibly other housing types may
fall in this category provided that the density is between six (6) and twelve (12)
dwelling units per acre. The application is to rezone from R-4A to PD-C. STR-2.
The Land Use surrounding the application area is Residential Medium (RM). The
application site is zoned Low Density Residential (R-4A). Surrounding properties
are also zoned Low Density Residential (R-4A).
This site is in the MacArthur Park Historic District Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
E 7th St is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. May require dedication of
ROW or improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Transportation Plan Map shows a proposed Class 3 Bicycle Route
along both E. 7th Street which is designated with only signage for bicycle use.
These routes use the existing vehicular area, with no physical separation.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is a Contributing structure and is in the MacArthur Park Historic
District, a local ordinance district. The goal of the local ordinance historic district
is to protect and preserve the unique and valued qualities of such an area, its urban
design, architectural character, and historic materials in buildings and in
landscapes. Any exterior alterations to structures, additions, or site features must
receive approval from the Historic District Commission for compliance with the
Little Rock Historic Preservation Code (Sec. 23-76—23-160), including alterations
to fulfill the requirements of Short-Term Rental development standards, before a
building permit or Short-Term Rental inspection can be issued.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: I (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9853
The applicant proposes to rezone 0.39-acre property located at 503 East 7th Street
from an R4A to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 for one
(#3) of the 13 existing multi-family units with a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29)
days. The owner will not reside in the residence.
The property is currently a 9,064 square foot thirteen (13) multi-family unit
complex. This property is a Contributing structure in the MacArthur Park Historic
District and is also within the Downtown Planning District. The Future Land Use
surrounding the application area is Residential Medium (RM).
The applicant stated that ST-R will have access to parking right in front of that
specific unit, as well as street parking on East 7th Street. Staff feels that the parking
plan for this proposal is adequate.
On June 20, 2023 the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR
is proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: I (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9853
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: I (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9853
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1 )-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
Staff is in support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-2 use is appropriate for this location.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
thirty (30) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database for
approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-term
rental ordinance allows a maximum 500 short-term rentals within the corporate
boundary of the City of Little Rock.
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraph G, and the staff analysis of the
agenda staff report.
This item is being deferred to the December 14, 2023 agenda due to lack of notification.
No vote was taken.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 10 ayes,
0 nays, and 1 recusal (Russell). The application was approved.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 1 FILE NO.: Z-9867
NAME: Swinton Accessory Dwelling – Conditional Use Permit
LOCATION: 5320 McClellan Drive
Lizzie B. Swinton
5320 McClellan Drive
Little Rock, AR 72209
Lizzie B. Swinton – Owner/Applicant
Laha Engineers
6602 Baseline Road, Suite E
Little Rock, AR 72209
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of
an accessory dwelling on the R-2 zoned property located at 5320 McClellan Drive.
The site contains an existing 1,729 square foot (one story) single family residence
located within the south half of the lot. A two-car wide driveway is located at the
southeast corner of the property.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9867
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
1. Future accessory dwelling shall meet all Arkansas state building codes and
local ordinances adopted by the City of Little Rock.
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments received.
Fire Department:
Maintain Access:
Fire Hydrants.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at fire hydrant locations as per Appendix D
of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.1 Access road
width with a hydrant. Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access
road, the minimum road width shall be 26 feet, exclusive of shoulders.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.2 Grade. Fire apparatus access roads
shall not exceed 10 percent in grade except as approved by the fire chief. If
the grade exceeds 10 percent, approval will be denied and the applicant must
submit request to be reviewed by Fire Chief for Approval.
Maintain fire apparatus access road design as per Appendix D of the 2021
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D102.1 Access and loading.
Facilities, buildings or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be
accessible to fire department apparatus by way of an approved fire apparatus
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9867
access road with an asphalt, concrete or other approved driving surface capable
of supporting the imposed load of fire apparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds.
Dead Ends.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at dead end locations as per Appendix
D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.4 Dead
Ends. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet shall be
provided with width and turnaround provisions in accordance with Table D103.4.
Requirements for Dead-end fire apparatus access roads.
One- or Two-Family Residential Developments.
As per Appendix D, Section D107.1 of the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code
Vol. 1, One- or Two-Family dwelling residential developments. Developments
of one- or two-family dwellings where the number of dwelling units exceeds 30
shall be provided with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads,
and shall meet the requirements of Section D104.3.
1. Where there are more than 30 dwelling units on a single public or
private fire apparatus access road and al dwelling units are equipped
throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system in
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2 or 903.3.1.3 of the
Arkansas Fire Code, access from two directions shall not be required.
2. The number of dwelling units on a single fire apparatus access road shall
not be increased unless fire apparatus access roads will connect with
future development, as determined by the fire code official.
Fire Hydrants
Locate Fire Hydrants as per Appendix C of the 2021 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code. Section C101 – C105, in conjunction with Central Arkansas
Water (Daniel Tull 501-377-1245) and the Little Rock Fire Marshal’s Office
(Capt. Tony Rhodes 501-918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram
501-918-3756 Number and Distribution of Fire Hydrants as per Table C105.1.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Codes: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9867
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division: No comments.
The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of
an accessory dwelling on the R-2 zoned property located at 5320 McClellan Drive.
The proposed accessory dwelling will be occupied by a family member of the
occupant of the existing principal dwelling.
The site is occupied by a one-story brick and frame single family residence, located
within the south half of the lot. The existing residence has an area of 1,729 square
feet. A two-car wide driveway is located at the southeast corner of the property.
The driveway will allow off-street parking of at least four (4) vehicles. The existing
parking will be sufficient to serve the principal dwelling and the proposed accessory
The proposed accessory dwelling will be constructed within the rear yard area, the
north half of the lot. The proposed accessory dwelling will be one (1) story in
height, with an area of approximately 365 square feet. A 47 square foot porch will
be located on the west side of the proposed accessory dwelling. The exterior of
the accessory dwelling will be constructed of siding.
The proposed accessory dwelling will comply with all building setback
The applicant provided responses and additional information to issues raised by
staff during staff’s review of the application. To staff’s knowledge, there are no
outstanding issues. The applicant is requesting no variances with the proposed
conditional use permit.
Staff is supportive of the requested conditional use permit to allow an accessory
dwelling. Staff views the request as reasonable. The existing lot is approximately
one-quarter of an acre in size, with ample rear yard area for the proposed
accessory dwelling. All utilities for the accessory dwelling must be tied into the
existing residence. No separate utility meters will be allowed for the accessory
dwelling. Staff believes the proposed accessory dwelling will have no adverse
impact on the general area. The subject property backs up to properties zoned
R-4 and R-5, which contain duplex and multifamily residences.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9867
Staff recommends approval of the requested conditional use permit, subject to
compliance with the comments and conditions outlined in paragraphs D and E,
and the staff analysis, of the agenda staff report.
The applicant was present, representing the application. Staff presented the item and a
recommendation for approval. The applicant explained that there would be no one living
in the accessory building. She had inadvertently called it an Accessory Dwelling instead
of an Accessory building. Due to this fact there was no need for the applicant to come
before the Commission. Staff will refund her application fee.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 2 FILE NO.: Z-9888
NAME: Dogtopia – Conditional Use Permit
LOCATION: 400 N. Bowman Road
Legacy Franchise Concepts, LP
120 Interstate N. Pkwy., Suite 444
Atlanta, GA 30339
Bowman Curve Baseline, LLC – Owner
Jason Parker – Agent
B & F Engineering, Inc.
928 Airport Road
Hot Springs, AR 71913
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant failed to provide information to staff as requested. Staff recommends this
application be deferred to the January 11, 2024 agenda.
This item was deferred to the January 11, 2024 agenda as the applicant failed to submit
all required documents.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 3 FILE NO.: Z-9868
NAME: Rezoning from R-2 to R-4
LOCATION: 8201 – 8221 West 22nd Street
Stanley Phillips
6204 Sandy Lane
Little Rock, AR 72204
JBE Contractors, Inc. – Owner
Stanley Phillips – Agent
Harbor Environmental
5800 Evergreen Drive
Little Rock, AR 72205
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant requests to rezone the 0.94 acre property located at 8201-8221
West 22nd Street from “R-2” Single Family District to “R-4” Two-Family District. The
property is comprised of four (4) platted lots, Lots 1 thru 4, Alexie Addition.
The property is undeveloped and mostly wooded. The property slopes downward
slightly from front to back (north to south).
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 3 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9868
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments received.
Fire Department: No comments.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Codes: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the Boyle Park Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
by conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 3 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9868
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The application is to rezone from R-2 to R-4.
Northeast of the application area is an area of Residential Medium Density (RM)
use along Scotty Court developed with duplexes. The Residential Medium Density
(RM) accommodates a broad range of housing types including single family
attached, single family detached, duplex, town homes, multi-family and patio or
garden homes. Any combination of these and possibly other housing types may
fall in this category provided that the density is between six (6) and twelve (12)
dwelling units per acre. The surrounding area is all Residential Low Density (RL)
developed with single family homes.
This site is not in an Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
W 22nd Street is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. Local public streets are
designed to provide access to adjacent property with the movement of traffic being
a secondary purpose. Right-of-way is 50’. Sidewalks are required on one side.
This street may require dedication of right-of-way and may require street
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Bike Plan shows no facilities in this area.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not a contributing structure and is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant requests to rezone the 0.94 acre property located at 8201-8221
West 22nd Street from “R-2” Single Family District to “R-4” Two-Family District. The
property is comprised of four (4) platted lots, Lots 1 thru 4, Alexie Addition.
The property is undeveloped and mostly wooded. The property slopes downward
slightly from front to back (north to south).
The City’s Future Land Use Plan designates this property as “RL” Residential Low
Density. The requested R-4 zoning will not require an amendment to the future
land use plan.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 3 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9868
Staff is supportive of the requested R-4 rezoning. Staff views the request as
reasonable. The property is in an area containing a mixture of zoning and uses.
Existing R-4 zoning, as well as higher density residential zoning, is located in this
immediate area. The proposed R-4 zoning will not be out of character with the
existing zoning pattern in this general area.
Staff recommends approval of the requested R-4 rezoning.
This item was deferred to the January 11, 2024 agenda at the request of the applicant.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 4 FILE NO.: LU2023-18-01
NAME: Land Use Plan Amendment – Amend map from RL to NC.
LOCATION: 17900 Lawson Road: North side of Lawson Road, west of Morehart Lane
and before Rawlings Cove.
Mark Redder, Project Manager
Holloway Engineering, Surveying & Civil Design
AREA: 2 acres +/-
CURRENT ZONING: R-2 (Single Family Residential)
Applicant requests a Land Use Plan amendment from Residential Low Density
(RL) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC). The site is approximately 2 acres +/-.
The application is located along the north side of Lawson Road, between Rawling
Cove and Morehart Lane (17900 Lawson Road), in the Ellis Mountain Planning
The Residential Low Density (RL) category provides for single family homes at
densities not to exceed 6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is
typically characterized by conventional single-family homes but may also include
patio or garden homes and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less
than 6 units per acre.
The proposed Neighborhood Commercial (NC) category includes limited small-
scale commercial development in close proximity to a neighborhood, providing
goods and services to that neighborhood market area.
This land use amendment application accompanies a zoning map amendment
request. It is the applicant’s intent to rezone the site to Neighborhood Commercial
District, C-1 zoning (File No. Z-9879).
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 4 (Cont.) FILE NO.: LU2023-18-01
The subject site is a 2 acres +/- residential developed tract with an existing single-
family residence on the property. The current zoning is Single Family District (R2).
This area is in the ETJ and is mostly zoned Single Family (R2), including all parcels
surrounding the applicant.
To the northwest of the property, on the south side of Lawson Road past Rawlings
Cove is an area of Agriculture and Forestry (AF) consisting of two parcels as well
as a Planned Development – Commercial (PD-C) further to the northwest. To the
southeast of the property along the south side of Lawson Road past Plume Lane
is a parcel zoned Planned Commercial District (PCD) followed by a Planned
Development – Commercial parcel (PD-C). Further to the southeast is another
parcel zoned Planned Commercial District as well as several parcels zoned
Neighborhood Commercial (C-1).
No Neighborhood Associations in the area.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 4 (Cont.) FILE NO.: LU2023-18-01
Land Use Plan:
The City’s Land Use Plan Map shows Residential Low Density (RL) for the
requested site. All surrounding parcels are also Residential Low Density (RL). To
the southeast along Lawson Road past Plume Lane there is an area of
Neighborhood Commercial (NC) land use.
Master Street Plan:
Lawson Road is shown on the Master Street Plan Map as a minor arterial street.
Minor Arterials are high volume roads designed to provide connections to and
through an urban area. Standard Right-of-way (ROW) is 90 feet. Sidewalks are
required on both sides. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and may
require street improvements for entrances and exits to the site. This segment of
Lawson Road is currently a Rural Minor Arterial Road with two 11’ travel lanes and
open drainage.
Bicycle Plan:
Lawson Road is on the Master Bike Plan Map as a proposed BIKEWAY II-LANE.
A Bike Lane provides a portion of the pavement for the sole use of bicycles.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 4 (Cont.) FILE NO.: LU2023-18-01
Historic Preservation Plan:
There are no historic districts in the area.
The application area is located on the north side of Lawson Road in a partially
developed portion of the extra territorial jurisdiction (ETJ). The Future Land Use
Plan Map shows Residential Low Density (RL) for the site. It is currently zoned
R-2, Single-Family District.
The application area covers approximately 2 acres +/-. The property is located on
the southern boundary of the Ellis Mountain Planning District. The property has
about 330’ of frontage along Lawson Road. The property is not in a floodway.
There have been no Land Use Amendments in the area for the past 10 years.
Residential Low Density (RL) development is in the extreme peripheral portions of
the plan area and along certain ridge tops in the areas containing a substantial
number of steep slopes. These RL areas are likely to develop at overall densities
of less than one unit per acre, while normal single-family density will occur in a
range of 1-5 units.
In the southern edge of the Ellis Mountain Planning District, commercial
designations on the plan have been located to discourage strip commercial
development to the maximum extent possible and to encourage commercial
concentrations at major intersections of arterial streets. Areas of commercial land
use are designated throughout the district to serve a variety of functions ranging
from neighborhood convenience shopping areas to community centers and
general commercial districts.
While on the southern edge of the Ellis Mountain Planning District, it is adjacent to
the northern edge of the Crystal Valley Planning District. This area may more
closely resemble the Land Use Plan of the Crystal Valley Planning District. In this
planning district, a node of Neighborhood commercial is found on the north end of
Sullivan Road, at Lawson Road very near the applicant.
The application is for Neighborhood Commercial (NC) fronting Lawson Road, a
minor arterial. Although the area is primarily Residential Low Density (RL), there
are several Neighborhood Commercial areas along Lawson Road both to the
southwest at the intersection of Sullivan Road and Lawson Road. There is also
some Commercial (C) Land Use to the northeast at the intersection of Lawson
Road and Marsh Road. Neighborhood Commercial Land Use in this area is
consistent with designating commercial throughout the district to serve a variety of
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 4 (Cont.) FILE NO.: LU2023-18-01
Staff recommends approval of the applicant’s request to amend the Land Use
designation from Residential Low Density (RL) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC).
The applicant was present, representing the application. Staff presented the item and a
recommendation for approval. There were no objectors present. After general discussion,
there was a motion to approve the application. The motion was seconded. The vote was
11 ayes, 0 nays and 0 absent. The motion passed unanimously.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 4.1 FILE NO.: Z-9879
NAME: Rezoning from R-2 to C-1
LOCATION: 17900 Lawson Road
James Kirk Wallace and Leigh Ann Wallace
17900 Lawson Road
Little Rock, AR 72210
James K. and Leigh Ann Wallace – Owners
Holloway Engineering – Agent
Holloway Engineering, Surveying and Civil Design, PLLC
200 Casey Drive
Maumelle, AR 72113
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone the 1.97 acre property located at 17900 Lawson
Road from “R-2” Single Family District to “C-1” Neighborhood Commercial District
to allow for development of a market to sell fresh produce and handcrafted items.
The property is occupied by a one-story single family residence located at the
southwest portion of the property. An access drive from Lawson Road is located
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 4.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9879
in front of the residence. Two (2) accessory buildings, including a small
greenhouse, are located east of the residence.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments received.
Fire Department:
Maintain Access:
Fire Hydrants.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at fire hydrant locations as per Appendix D
of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.1 Access road
width with a hydrant. Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access
road, the minimum road width shall be 26 feet, exclusive of shoulders.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.2 Grade. Fire apparatus access roads
shall not exceed 10 percent in grade except as approved by the fire chief. If
the grade exceeds 10 percent, approval will be denied and the applicant must
submit request to be reviewed by Fire Chief for Approval.
Maintain fire apparatus access road design as per Appendix D of the 2021
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D102.1 Access and loading.
Facilities, buildings or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be
accessible to fire department apparatus by way of an approved fire apparatus
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 4.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9879
access road with an asphalt, concrete or other approved driving surface capable
of supporting the imposed load of fire apparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds.
Commercial and Industrial Developments – 2 means of access. - Maintain fire
apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention
Code Vol. 1.
Section D104.1 Buildings exceeding three stories or 30 feet in height.
Building or facilities exceeding 30 feet or three stories in height shall have at least
two means of fire apparatus access for each structure.
Section D104.2 Building exceeding 62,000 square feet in area. Buildings or
facilities having a gross building area of more than 62,000 square feet shall be
provide with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
Exception: Projects having a gross building area of up to 124,000 square
feet that have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all
building are equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler
D104.3 Remoteness. Where two fire apparatus access roads are required, they
shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the
maximum overall diagonal dimension of the lot or area to be served, measured in
a straight line between accesses.
30’ Tall Buildings - Maintain aerial fire apparatus access roads as per
Appendix D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D105.1
– D105.4
D105.1 Where Required. Where the vertical distance between the grade
plane and the highest roof surface exceed 30’, approved aerial fire apparatus
access roads shall be provided. For the purposes of this section the highest roof
surfaces shall be determined by measurement to the eave of a pitched roof, the
intersection of a roof to the exterior wall, or the top of the parapet walls, whichever
is greater.
D105.2 Width. Aerial fire apparatus access roads shall have a minimum
unobstructed with of 26’, exclusive of shoulders, in the immediate vicinity of the
building or portion thereof.
D105.3 Proximity to building. At least one of the required access routes
meeting this condition shall be located within a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum
of 30 feet from the building, and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of
the building. The side of the building on which the aerial fire apparatus access road
is positioned shall be approved by the fire code official.
D105.4 Obstructions. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located
over the aerial fire apparatus access road or between the aerial fire apparatus road
and the building. Other obstructions shall be permitted to be places with the
approval of the fire code official.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 4.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9879
Dead Ends.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at dead end locations as per Appendix
D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.4 Dead
Ends. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet shall be
provided with width and turnaround provisions in accordance with Table D103.4.
Requirements for Dead-end fire apparatus access roads.
Maintain fire apparatus access road gates as per Appendix D of the 2021
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.5 Fire apparatus access
road gates. Gates securing the fire apparatus access roads shall comply
with all of the following criteria:
1. Minimum gate width shall be 20 feet.
2. Gates shall be of swinging or sliding type.
3. Construction of gates shall be of material that allow manual operation by one
4. Gate components shall be maintained in an operable condition at all times and
replaces or repaired when defective.
5. Electric gates shall be equipped with a means of opening the gate by fire
department personnel for emergency access. Emergency opening devices
shall be approved by the fire code official.
6. Manual opening gates shall not be locked with a padlock or chain and padlock
unless they are capable of being opened by means of forcible entry tools or
when a key box containing the keys to the lock is installed at the gate location.
7. Locking device specifications shall be submitted for approval \by the fire code
8. Electric gate operators, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with
UL 325.
9. Gates, intended for automatic operation shall be designed, constructed and
installed to comply with requirements of ASTM F 2200.
Fire Hydrants
Locate Fire Hydrants as per Appendix C of the 2021 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code. Section C101 – C105, in conjunction with Central Arkansas
Water (Daniel Tull 501-377-1245) and the Little Rock Fire Marshal’s Office
(Capt. Tony Rhodes 501-918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram
501-918-3756 Number and Distribution of Fire Hydrants as per Table C105.1.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 4.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9879
County Planning:
1. Dedicate R/W to meet Master Street Plan if City requires. Contact Pulaski
County for Quit Claim deed template for R/W dedication.
2. Provide septic approval and Volunteer Fire Department approval for any new
buildings constructed on the property prior to requesting an address.
3. Obtain Driveway permit from PCRB (340-6800) for any new driveway or
driveway improvements.
Building Codes: No comments received.
1. Any new site development must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and
buffer ordinance requirements. Refer to the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 15
Landscaping and Tree Protection, and Chapter 36, Article IX – Buffers and
2. Site development plans, with landscape and screening, must be submitted for
review, and approval, prior to site clearing and tree removal.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the Ellis Mountain Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
by conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The application is to rezone from R-2 to C-1 for a local goods market.
Surrounding the application area is Residential Low Density (RL) with single-family
residences on large tracts. To the north and east of the site are two undeveloped
wooded tracts of land. The Residential Low Density (RL) category provides for
single family homes at densities not to exceed 6 dwelling units per acre. Such
residential development is typically characterized by conventional single-family
homes but may also include patio or garden homes and cluster homes, provided
that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 4.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9879
This site is not in an Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
Lawson Road is a Minor Arterial on the Master Street Plan. Minor Arterials are
high volume roads designed to provide the connections to and through an urban
area. Curb cuts should be minimized to allow for continuous traffic flow while still
allowing some access to adjoining property. Standard Right-of-way (ROW) is
90 feet. Sidewalks are required on both sides. This street may need more ROW
and/or paving width. May require dedication of ROW or improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
Lawson Road is a Proposed BIKEWAY II-LANE on the Master Bike Plan. Class II
Bike Lanes are a route designated by painted strips separating the bikeway from
motor vehicle traffic and intended for the sole use by bicycles. Additional
pavement markings and signage is required.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not a contributing structure and is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant proposes to rezone the 1.97 acre property located at 17900 Lawson
Road from “R-2” Single Family District to “C-1” Neighborhood Commercial District
to allow for development of a market to sell fresh produce and handcrafted items.
The property is occupied by a one-story single family residence located at the
southwest portion of the property. An access drive from Lawson Road is located
in front of the residence. Two (2) accessory buildings, including a small
greenhouse, are located east of the residence.
The City’s Future Land Use Plan designates this property as “RL” Residential Low
Density. A land use plan amendment from “RL” to “NC” Neighborhood Commercial
is a separate item on this agenda.
Staff is supportive of the requested C-1 rezoning. Staff views the request as
reasonable. There is a scattering of commercial uses and zoning along both sides
of Lawson Road, between Sullivan Road and Marsh Road. There is also a
nonconforming auto body shop three (3) lots to the west. The requested C-1
rezoning will not be out of character with the existing zoning pattern along this
section of Lawson Road.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 4.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9879
Staff recommends approval of the requested C-1 rezoning.
The applicant was present, representing the application. Staff presented the item and a
recommendation for approval. There were no objectors present. After general
discussion, there was a motion to approve the application. The motion was seconded.
The vote was 11 ayes, 0 nays and 0 absent. The motion passed unanimously.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 5 FILE NO.: Z-9880
NAME: Community Living #1 Group Home – Special Use Permit
LOCATION: 12553 Rivercrest Drive
Brian Hartsell (Agent)
Community Living, Inc.
105 E. Roosevelt Road
Little Rock, AR 72206
Community Living, Inc. (Owner)
Attn: Brian Hartsell
105 E. Roosevelt Road
Little Rock, AR 72206
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant is requesting a special use permit to allow for a group home facility
to be operated in the existing single-family residence. The proposed group home
will have a maximum of five (5) residents at any given time.
The site located in the Walton Heights Subdivision along Rivercrest Drive and
contains a 2,117 square foot, two-story, single-family residence. R-2 zoning is
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 5 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9880
contained in all directions, with exception to the south, which is zoned PR
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water:
All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at the time of request for water
service must be met.
Fire Department: No comments.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division: No comments.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 5 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9880
The applicant is requesting a special use permit to allow for a group home facility
to be operated in the existing single-family residence. The proposed group home
will have a maximum of five (5) residents at any given time.
The site located in the Walton Heights Subdivision along Rivercrest Drive and
contains a 2,117 square foot, two-story, single-family residence. R-2 zoning is
contained in all directions, with exception to the south, which is zoned PR
No signage beyond that allowed in single-family and two-family zones will be
The applicant notes five (5) “developmentally disabled” persons will occupy the
residence at any given time. Staff presence, if provided, will be rotating shifts of
8-12 hours each. At least one (1), but no more than two (2) staffers will be present.
The applicant notes Community Living will provide “supported living services”
through the CES Waiver Program.
The applicant notes if the occupant is a licensed driver and has access to a vehicle,
they are permitted to drive. A parking plan was submitted and shows an existing
2-car garage will be utilized for parking at this location with additional onsite
parking available in the driveway.
The applicant did not provide a bill assurance for this property.
Section 36-54(e)(4) of the City’s Zoning Ordinance provides the following
provisions for Group Home Facilities, as adopted by the Board of Directors on
September 6, 2005:
1. family care facility, group care facility, group home, parolee or probationer
housing facility, rooming, lodging and boarding facility.
(a) Separation, spacing and procedural requirements for family
care facilities, group care facilities, group homes, parolee or probationer
housing facilities and rooming, lodging and boarding facilities will be
determined by the planning commission so as not to adversely impact the
surrounding properties and neighborhood. Unless the commission
determines that a different area is more appropriate, a neighborhood shall
be defined as an area incorporating all properties lying within one thousand
five hundred (1,500) feet of the site for which the permit is requested.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 5 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9880
(b) There shall be a presumption that a special use permit for a
group home of 5, 6, 7, or 8 handicapped persons will be granted if all
ordinance requirements are met, except that individuals whose tenancy
would constitute a direct threat to the health or safety of other individuals of
whose tenancy would result in substantial physical damage to the property
of others shall not be allowed in such a home.
(c) Issues that the planning commission will consider during its
review of a family care facility, group care facility, group home, parolee or
probationer housing facility, or rooming, lodging and boarding facility
include, but are not limited to:
1. Spacing of existing similar facilities.
2. Existing zoning and land use patterns.
3. The maximum number of individuals proposed to be served, the
number of employees proposed and the type of services being
4. The need and provision for readily accessible public or quasi-
public transportation.
5. Access to needed support services such as social services
agencies, employment agencies and medical service providers.
6. Availability of adequate on-site parking.
(d) The fire marshal must approve the use of any structure
proposed as a family care facility, group care facility, group home, parolee
or probation housing facility or rooming, lodging and boarding facility.
(e) Family care facilities, group care facilities, group homes and
parole or probation housing facilities shall be operated within any and all
applicable licensing and procedural requirements established by the State
of Arkansas.
To staff’s knowledge, there are no other transitional residential facilities within
1,500 feet of the property.
Section 8-406 (a) of the City's Buildings and Building Regulations Ordinance
(minimum area per dwelling unit) requires 150 square feet for the first occupant
and 100 square feet for each additional occupant. Therefore, the minimum area
for this residence occupied by five (5) persons is 550 square feet. As noted
earlier the residence is 2,117 square feet in total area.
Section 8-406 (b) (minimum area per bedroom) requires 70 square feet for the
first occupant and 50 square feet for each additional occupant. The applicant
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 5 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9880
provided a statement demonstrating compliance with this section of the code as
only one (1) person will occupy each bedroom.
Special Use Permits are not transferable in any manner. Permits cannot be
transferred from owner to owner, location to location or use to use.
Staff does not support the special use permit as requested. Although the applicant
complies with Section 8-406 (a) and Section 8-406(b) of the City's Buildings and
Building Regulations Ordinance, staff feels the applicant should seek a residential
location fronting a more major roadway, possibly along the perimeter of a single-
family subdivision. The subject property is not “readily accessible to public or
quasi-public transportation.” Bus route #25 (Pinnacle Mountain Express Route)
runs along Cantrell Road to the south, approximately 1.7 miles from the subject
Staff recommends denial of the special use permit as requested.
This item was deferred to the January 11, 2024 agenda as the applicant failed to notify
the surrounding property owners as required.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 6 FILE NO.: Z-9881
NAME: Community Living #2 Group Home – Special Use Permit
LOCATION: 1925 Perry Street
Brian Hartsell (Agent)
Community Living, Inc.
105 E. Roosevelt Road
Little Rock, AR 72206
Community Living, Inc. (Owner)
Attn: Brian Hartsell
105 E. Roosevelt Road
Little Rock, AR 72206
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant is requesting a special use permit to allow for a group home facility
to be operated in the existing single-family residence. The proposed group home
will have a maximum of four (4) residents at any given time.
The site located in the Hicks Interurban Subdivision along Perry Street and
contains a 1,440 square foot, one-story, single-family residence. A mixture of
zoning and uses are contained in all directions.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 6 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9881
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water:
1. All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at the time of request for
water service must be met.
Fire Department: No comments.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the I-430 Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows Residential
Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density (RL)
category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 6 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9881
by conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The application is for a SUP for a Group Care Facility in R-2 (Single Family
Residential) zoning.
The applicant is requesting a special use permit to allow for a group home facility
to be operated in the existing single-family residence. The proposed group home
will have a maximum of four (4) residents at any given time.
The site located in the Hicks Interurban Subdivision along Perry Street and
contains a 1,440 square foot, one-story, single-family residence. A mixture of
zoning and uses are contained in all directions.
No signage beyond that allowed in single-family and two-family zones will be
The applicant notes four (4) “developmentally disabled” persons will occupy the
residence at any given time. Staff presence, if provided, will be rotating shifts of
8-12 hours each. At least one (1), but no more than two (2) staffers will be present.
The applicant notes Community Living will provide “Supported Living” services
through the CES Waiver Program.
The applicant notes if the occupant is a licensed driver and has access to a vehicle,
they are permitted to drive.
A parking plan was submitted and shows two (2) onsite parking spaces provided
on the southern portion of the property, in the paved circle driveway along W. 20th
Street, and two (2) onsite spaces provided on the western portion of the property
along Perry Street for a total of four (4) onsite parking spaces. All parking spaces
shall be ADA compliant regarding accessibility for persons deemed disabled.
The applicant notes that Pulaski County Public Records yielded no bill of
assurance for this property.
Section 36-54(e)(4) of the City’s Zoning Ordinance provides the following
provisions for Group Home Facilities, as adopted by the Board of Directors on
September 6, 2005:
2. family care facility, group care facility, group home, parolee or probationer
housing facility, rooming, lodging and boarding facility.
(a) Separation, spacing and procedural requirements for family care
facilities, group care facilities, group homes, parolee or probationer
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 6 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9881
housing facilities and rooming, lodging and boarding facilities will be
determined by the planning commission so as not to adversely impact the
surrounding properties and neighborhood. Unless the commission
determines that a different area is more appropriate, a neighborhood shall
be defined as an area incorporating all properties lying within one thousand
five hundred (1,500) feet of the site for which the permit is requested.
(b) There shall be a presumption that a special use permit for a group
home of 5, 6, 7, or 8 handicapped persons will be granted if all ordinance
requirements are met, except that individuals whose tenancy would
constitute a direct threat to the health or safety of other individuals of whose
tenancy would result in substantial physical damage to the property of
others shall not be allowed in such a home.
(c) Issues that the planning commission will consider during its review
of a family care facility, group care facility, group home, parolee or
probationer housing facility, or rooming, lodging and boarding facility
include, but are not limited to:
1. Spacing of existing similar facilities.
2. Existing zoning and land use patterns.
3. The maximum number of individuals proposed to be served, the
number of employees proposed and the type of services being
4. The need and provision for readily accessible public or quasi-
public transportation.
5. Access to needed support services such as social services
agencies, employment agencies and medical service providers.
6. Availability of adequate on-site parking.
(d) The fire marshal must approve the use of any structure proposed as
a family care facility, group care facility, group home, parolee or probation
housing facility or rooming, lodging and boarding facility.
(e) Family care facilities, group care facilities, group homes and parole
or probation housing facilities shall be operated within any and all
applicable licensing and procedural requirements established by the State
of Arkansas.
To staff’s knowledge, there are two (2) transitional residential facilities within 1,500
feet of subject property: 2111 Aldersgate Road and 2117 Aldersgate Road. Both
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 6 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9881
properties are approximately 697 linear feet, as measured, from the subject
property and will be heard as separate items on this agenda.
Section 8-406 (a) of the City's Buildings and Building Regulations Ordinance
(minimum area per dwelling unit) requires 150 square feet for the first occupant
and 100 square feet for each additional occupant. Therefore, the minimum area
for this residence occupied by four (4) persons is 450 square feet. As noted earlier
the residence is 1,440 square feet in total area.
Section 8-406 (b) (minimum area per bedroom) requires 70 square feet for the first
occupant and 50 square feet for each additional occupant. The applicant provided
a statement demonstrating compliance with this section of the code as only one
(1) person will occupy each bedroom.
Special Use Permits are not transferable in any manner. Permits cannot be
transferred from owner to owner, location to location or use to use.
Staff does not support approval of the special use permit as requested. Although
the proposed use complies with Section 8-406(a) and Section 8-406(b) of the City's
Buildings and Building Regulations Ordinance, the proposed group home is
located less than 1,500 feet away from two (2) other group homes, which are
separate SUP applications on this agenda. Staff feels that this represents too
many transitional living-type facilities within this small neighborhood area.
Furthermore, staff feels the applicant should seek a residential location fronting a
more major roadway, possibly along the perimeter of a single-family subdivision.
The subject property is not “readily accessible to public or quasi-public
transportation.” Bus Route #3 (Baptist Medical Center Route) runs along Kanis
Road, approximately 0.6 mile to the north.
Staff recommends denial of the special use permit as requested.
This item was deferred to the January 11, 2024 agenda as the applicant failed to notify
the surrounding property owners as required.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 7 FILE NO.: Z-9882
NAME: Community Living #3 Group Home – Special Use Permit
LOCATION: 2111 Aldersgate Road
Brian Hartsell (Agent)
Community Living, Inc.
105 E. Roosevelt Road
Little Rock, AR 72206
Community Living, Inc. (Owner)
Attn: Brian Hartsell
105 E. Roosevelt Road
Little Rock, AR 72206
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant is requesting a special use permit to allow for a group home facility
to be operated in the existing single-family residence. The proposed group home
will have a maximum of four (4) residents at any given time.
The site located in the Hicks Interurban Subdivision along Aldersgate Road. The
lot contains two (2) existing single-family residences. The subject property,
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 7 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9882
2111 Aldersgate Road, is a one-story residence located on the northern portion of
the lot and measures 2,328 square foot in area. A mixture of zoning and uses are
contained in all directions.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water:
1. All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at the time of request for
water service must be met.
Fire Department: No comments.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 7 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9882
Planning Division:
The request is in the I-430 Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
by conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The application is for a SUP for a Group Care Facility in R-2 (Single Family
Residential) zoning.
The applicant is requesting a special use permit to allow for a group home facility
to be operated in the existing single-family residence. The proposed group home
will have a maximum of four (4) residents at any given time.
The site located in the Hicks Interurban Subdivision along Aldersgate Road. The
lot contains two (2) existing single-family residences. The subject property,
2111 Aldersgate Road, is a one-story residence located on the northern portion of
the lot and measures 2,328 square foot in area. A mixture of zoning and uses are
contained in all directions.
No signage beyond that allowed in single-family and two-family zones will be
The applicant notes four (4) “developmentally disabled” persons will occupy the
residence at any given time. Staff presence, if provided, will be rotating shifts of
8-12 hours each. At least one (1), but no more than two (2) staffers will be present.
The applicant notes Community Living will provide “Supported Living” services
through the CES Waiver Program.
The applicant notes if the occupant is a licensed driver and has access to a vehicle,
they are permitted to drive.
A parking plan was submitted and shows four (4) onsite parking spaces provided
in the circle driveway along Aldersgate Road. All parking spaces shall be ADA
compliant regarding accessibility for persons deemed disable.
The applicant notes that Pulaski County Public Records yielded no bill of
assurance for this subdivision.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 7 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9882
Section 36-54(e)(4) of the City’s Zoning Ordinance provides the following
provisions for Group Home Facilities, as adopted by the Board of Directors on
September 6, 2005:
3. family care facility, group care facility, group home, parolee or probationer
housing facility, rooming, lodging and boarding facility.
(a) Separation, spacing and procedural requirements for family care
facilities, group care facilities, group homes, parolee or probationer
housing facilities and rooming, lodging and boarding facilities will be
determined by the planning commission so as not to adversely impact the
surrounding properties and neighborhood. Unless the commission
determines that a different area is more appropriate, a neighborhood shall
be defined as an area incorporating all properties lying within one thousand
five hundred (1,500) feet of the site for which the permit is requested.
(b) There shall be a presumption that a special use permit for a group
home of 5, 6, 7, or 8 handicapped persons will be granted if all ordinance
requirements are met, except that individuals whose tenancy would
constitute a direct threat to the health or safety of other individuals of
whose tenancy would result in substantial physical damage to the property
of others shall not be allowed in such a home.
(c) Issues that the planning commission will consider during its review
of a family care facility, group care facility, group home, parolee or
probationer housing facility, or rooming, lodging and boarding facility
include, but are not limited to:
1. Spacing of existing similar facilities.
2. Existing zoning and land use patterns.
3. The maximum number of individuals proposed to be served, the
number of employees proposed and the type of services being
4. The need and provision for readily accessible public or quasi-
public transportation.
5. Access to needed support services such as social services
agencies, employment agencies and medical service providers.
6. Availability of adequate on-site parking.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 7 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9882
(d) The fire marshal must approve the use of any structure proposed
as a family care facility, group care facility, group home, parolee or
probation housing facility or rooming, lodging and boarding facility.
(e) Family care facilities, group care facilities, group homes and parole
or probation housing facilities shall be operated within any and all
applicable licensing and procedural requirements established by the State
of Arkansas.
To staff’s knowledge, there are two (2) transitional residential facilities within 1,500
feet of the subject property: 2117 Aldersgate Road (35 linear feet to
2111 Aldersgate Road, as measured) and 1925 Perry Street (697 linear feet to
2111 Aldersgate Road, as measured). The other two (2) group homes will be
heard as separate items on this agenda.
Section 8-406 (a) of the City's Buildings and Building Regulations Ordinance
(minimum area per dwelling unit) requires 150 square feet for the first occupant
and 100 square feet for each additional occupant. Therefore, the minimum area
for this residence occupied by four (4) persons is 450 square feet. As noted
earlier the residence is 2,328 square feet in total area.
Section 8-406 (b) (minimum area per bedroom) requires 70 square feet for the
first occupant and 50 square feet for each additional occupant. The applicant
provided a statement demonstrating compliance with this section of the code as
only one (1) person will occupy each bedroom.
Special Use Permits are not transferable in any manner. Permits cannot be
transferred from owner to owner, location to location or use to use.
Staff does not support approval of the special use permit as requested. Although
the proposed use complies with Section 8-406(a) and Section 8-406(b) of the City's
Buildings and Building Regulations Ordinance, the proposed group home is
located less than 1,500 feet away from two (2) other group homes, which are
separate SUP applications on this agenda. Staff feels that this represents too
many transitional living-type facilities within this small neighborhood area.
Furthermore, staff feels the applicant should seek a residential location fronting a
more major roadway, possibly along the perimeter of a single-family subdivision.
The subject property is not “readily accessible to public or quasi-public
transportation.” Bus Route #3 (Baptist Medical Center Route) runs along Kanis
Road, approximately 0.64 mile to the north.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 7 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9882
Staff recommends denial of the special use permit as requested.
This item was deferred to the January 11, 2024 agenda as the applicant failed to notify
the surrounding property owners as required.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 8 FILE NO.: Z-9883
NAME: Community Living #4 Group Home – Special Use Permit
LOCATION: 2117 Aldersgate Road
Brian Hartsell (Agent)
Community Living, Inc.
105 E. Roosevelt Road
Little Rock, AR 72206
Community Living, Inc. (Owner)
Attn: Brian Hartsell
105 E. Roosevelt Road
Little Rock, AR 72206
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant is requesting a special use permit to allow for a group home facility
to be operated in the existing single-family residence. The proposed group home
will have a maximum of five (5) residents at any given time.
The site located in the Hicks Interurban Subdivision along Aldersgate Road. The
lot contains two (2) existing single-family residences. The subject property,
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 8 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9883
2117 Aldersgate Road, is a one-story residence located in the southern portion of
the lot and measures 2,178 square foot in area. A mixture of zoning and uses are
contained in all directions.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water:
1. All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at the time of request for
water service must be met.
Fire Department: No comments.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 8 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9883
Planning Division:
The request is in the I-430 Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows Residential
Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density (RL)
category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed 6 dwelling
units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized by
conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes and
cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre. The
application is for a SUP for a Group Care Facility in R-2 (Single Family Residential)
The applicant is requesting a special use permit to allow for a group home facility
to be operated in the existing single-family residence. The proposed group home
will have a maximum of five (5) residents at any given time.
The site located in the Hicks Interurban Subdivision along Aldersgate Road. The
lot contains two (2) existing single-family residences. The subject property,
2117 Aldersgate Road, is a one-story residence located in the southern portion of
the lot and measures 2,178 square foot in area. A mixture of zoning and uses are
contained in all directions.
No signage beyond that allowed in single-family and two-family zones will be
The applicant notes five (5) “developmentally disabled” persons will occupy the
residence at any given time. Staff presence, if provided, will be rotating shifts of 8-
12 hours each. At least one (1), but no more than two (2) staffers will be present.
The applicant notes Community Living will provide “Supported Living” services
through the CES Waiver Program.
The applicant notes if the occupant is a licensed driver and has access to a vehicle,
they are permitted to drive.
A parking plan was submitted to staff and shows (2) parking spaces provided in
the circle driveway along Aldersgate Road and four (4) spaces in the front of the
residence for a total of six (6) onsite parking spaces located on the west side of
the residence. All parking spaces shall be ADA compliant regarding accessibility
for persons deemed disable.
The applicant notes that Pulaski County Public Records yielded no bill of
assurance for this subdivision.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 8 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9883
Section 36-54(e)(4) of the City’s Zoning Ordinance provides the following
provisions for Group Home Facilities, as adopted by the Board of Directors on
September 6, 2005:
4. family care facility, group care facility, group home, parolee or probationer
housing facility, rooming, lodging and boarding facility.
(a) Separation, spacing and procedural requirements for family care
facilities, group care facilities, group homes, parolee or probationer
housing facilities and rooming, lodging and boarding facilities will be
determined by the planning commission so as not to adversely impact the
surrounding properties and neighborhood. Unless the commission
determines that a different area is more appropriate, a neighborhood shall
be defined as an area incorporating all properties lying within one thousand
five hundred (1,500) feet of the site for which the permit is requested.
(b) There shall be a presumption that a special use permit for a group
home of 5, 6, 7, or 8 handicapped persons will be granted if all ordinance
requirements are met, except that individuals whose tenancy would
constitute a direct threat to the health or safety of other individuals of whose
tenancy would result in substantial physical damage to the property of
others shall not be allowed in such a home.
(c) Issues that the planning commission will consider during its review
of a family care facility, group care facility, group home, parolee or
probationer housing facility, or rooming, lodging and boarding facility
include, but are not limited to:
1. Spacing of existing similar facilities.
2. Existing zoning and land use patterns.
3. The maximum number of individuals proposed to be served, the
number of employees proposed and the type of services being
4. The need and provision for readily accessible public or quasi-public
5. Access to needed support services such as social services
agencies, employment agencies and medical service providers.
6. Availability of adequate on-site parking.
(d) The fire marshal must approve the use of any structure proposed as
a family care facility, group care facility, group home, parolee or probation
housing facility or rooming, lodging and boarding facility.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 8 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9883
(e) Family care facilities, group care facilities, group homes and parole
or probation housing facilities shall be operated within any and all
applicable licensing and procedural requirements established by the State
of Arkansas.
To staff’s knowledge, there are two (2) transitional residential facilities within
1,500 feet of the subject property: 2111 Aldersgate Road (35 linear feet to
2117 Aldersgate Road, as measured) and 1925 Perry Street (697 linear feet to
2111 Aldersgate Road, as measured). The other two (2) group homes will be
heard as separate items on this agenda. Therefore, the minimum area for this
residence occupied by four (4) persons is 550 square feet. As noted earlier the
residence is 2,178 square feet in total area.
Section 8-406 (a) of the City's Buildings and Building Regulations Ordinance
(minimum area per dwelling unit) requires 150 square feet for the first occupant
and 100 square feet for each additional occupant.
Section 8-406 (b) (minimum area per bedroom) requires 70 square feet for the
first occupant and 50 square feet for each additional occupant. The applicant
provided a statement demonstrating compliance with this section of the code as
only one (1) person will occupy each bedroom.
Special Use Permits are not transferable in any manner. Permits cannot be
transferred from owner to owner, location to location or use to use.
Staff does not support approval of the special use permit as requested. Although
the proposed use complies with Section 8-406(a) and Section 8-406(b) of the City's
Buildings and Building Regulations Ordinance, the proposed group home is
located less than 1,500 feet away from two (2) other group homes, which are
separate SUP applications on this agenda. Staff feels that this represents too
many transitional living-type facilities within this small neighborhood area.
Furthermore, staff feels the applicant should seek a residential location fronting a
more major roadway, possibly along the perimeter of a single-family subdivision.
The subject property is not “readily accessible to public or quasi-public
transportation.” Bus Route #3 (Baptist Medical Center Route) runs along Kanis
Road, approximately 0.64 mile to the north.
Staff recommends denial of the special use permit as requested.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 8 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9883
This item was deferred to the January 11, 2024 agenda as the applicant failed to notify
the surrounding property owners as required.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 9 FILE NO.: Z-9884
NAME: Community Living #5 Group Home – Special Use Permit
LOCATION: 4 Jack Nicklaus Cove
Brian Hartsell (Agent)
Community Living, Inc.
105 E. Roosevelt Road
Little Rock, AR 72206
Community Living, Inc. (Owner)
Attn: Brian Hartsell
105 E. Roosevelt Road
Little Rock, AR 72206
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant is requesting a special use permit to allow for a group home facility
to be operated in the existing single-family residence. The proposed group home
will have a maximum of four (4) residents at any given time.
The site located in the Fairway Woods Sub Otter Creek Subdivision along Jack
Nicklaus Cove. The subject property, 4 Jack Nicklaus Cove, is a one-story residence
and measuring 2,011 square foot in area. R-2 zoning is contained in all directions.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 9 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9884
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water:
1. All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at the time of request for
water service must be met.
Fire Department: No comments.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the Otter Creek Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 9 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9884
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
by conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The application is for a SUP for a Group Care Facility in R-2 (Single Family
Residential) zoning.
The applicant is requesting a special use permit to allow for a group home facility
to be operated in the existing single-family residence. The proposed group home
will have a maximum of four (4) residents at any given time.
The site located in the Fairway Woods Sub Otter Creek Subdivision along Jack
Nicklaus Cove. The subject property, 4 Jack Nicklaus Cove, is a one-story residence
and measuring 2,011 square foot in area. R-2 zoning is contained in all directions.
No signage beyond that allowed in single-family and two-family zones will be
The applicant notes four (4) “developmentally disabled” persons will occupy the
residence at any given time. Staff presence, if provided, will be rotating shifts of
8-12 hours each. At least one (1), but no more than two (2) staffers will be present.
The applicant notes Community Living will provide “Supported Living” services
through the CES Waiver Program.
The applicant notes if the occupant is a licensed driver and has access to a vehicle,
they are permitted to drive.
A parking plan was submitted to staff which shows (2) parking spaces located
inside the garage, and two (2) spaces available in the driveway along Jack
Nicklaus Cove for a total of four (4) onsite parking spaces. All parking spaces shall
be ADA compliant regarding accessibility for persons deemed disable.
The applicant notes that Pulaski County Public Records yielded no bill of
assurance for this subdivision.
Section 36-54(e)(4) of the City’s Zoning Ordinance provides the following
provisions for Group Home Facilities, as adopted by the Board of Directors on
September 6, 2005:
5. family care facility, group care facility, group home, parolee or probationer
housing facility, rooming, lodging and boarding facility.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 9 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9884
(a) Separation, spacing and procedural requirements for family care
facilities, group care facilities, group homes, parolee or probationer
housing facilities and rooming, lodging and boarding facilities will be
determined by the planning commission so as not to adversely impact the
surrounding properties and neighborhood. Unless the commission
determines that a different area is more appropriate, a neighborhood shall
be defined as an area incorporating all properties lying within one thousand
five hundred (1,500) feet of the site for which the permit is requested.
(b) There shall be a presumption that a special use permit for a group
home of 5, 6, 7, or 8 handicapped persons will be granted if all ordinance
requirements are met, except that individuals whose tenancy would
constitute a direct threat to the health or safety of other individuals of whose
tenancy would result in substantial physical damage to the property of
others shall not be allowed in such a home.
(c) Issues that the planning commission will consider during its review
of a family care facility, group care facility, group home, parolee or
probationer housing facility, or rooming, lodging and boarding facility
include, but are not limited to:
1. Spacing of existing similar facilities.
2. Existing zoning and land use patterns.
3. The maximum number of individuals proposed to be served, the
number of employees proposed and the type of services being
4. The need and provision for readily accessible public or quasi-public
5. Access to needed support services such as social services
agencies, employment agencies and medical service providers.
6. Availability of adequate on-site parking.
(d) The fire marshal must approve the use of any structure
proposed as a family care facility, group care facility, group home,
parolee or probation housing facility or rooming, lodging and boarding
(e) Family care facilities, group care facilities, group homes and
parole or probation housing facilities shall be operated within any and
all applicable licensing and procedural requirements established by the
State of Arkansas.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 9 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9884
To staff’s knowledge, there is one (1) transitional residential facility within 1,500
feet of the subject property. 10 Ben Hogan Cove is located 272 linear feet, as
measured, from the subject property and will be heard as separate item on this
Section 8-406 (a) of the City's Buildings and Building Regulations Ordinance
(minimum area per dwelling unit) requires 150 square feet for the first occupant
and 100 square feet for each additional occupant. Therefore, the minimum area
for this residence occupied by four (4) persons is 450 square feet. As noted earlier
the residence is 2,178 square feet in total area.
Section 8-406 (b) (minimum area per bedroom) requires 70 square feet for the first
occupant and 50 square feet for each additional occupant. The applicant provided
a statement demonstrating compliance with this section of the code as only one
(1) person will occupy each bedroom.
Special Use Permits are not transferable in any manner. Permits cannot be
transferred from owner to owner, location to location or use to use.
Staff does not support approval of the special use permit as requested. Although
the proposed use complies with Section 8-406(a) and Section 8-406(b) of the City's
Buildings and Building Regulations Ordinance, the proposed group home is
located less than 1,500 feet away from one (1) other group home, which is a
separate SUP application on this agenda. Staff feels that this represents too many
transitional living-type facilities within this small neighborhood area. Furthermore,
staff feels the applicant should seek a residential location fronting a more major
roadway, possibly along the perimeter of a single-family subdivision. The subject
property is not “readily accessible to public or quasi-public transportation.” Bus
Route #23 (Baseline/Southwest Route) runs along Stagecoach Road,
approximately 1.15 mile to the east.
Staff recommends denial of the special use permit as requested.
This item was deferred to the January 11, 2024 agenda as the applicant failed to notify
the surrounding property owners as required.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 10 FILE NO.: Z-9885
NAME: Community Living #6 Group Home – Special Use Permit
LOCATION: 10 Ben Hogan Cove
Brian Hartsell (Agent)
Community Living, Inc.
105 E. Roosevelt Road
Little Rock, AR 72206
Community Living, Inc. (Owner)
Attn: Brian Hartsell
105 E. Roosevelt Road
Little Rock, AR 72206
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant is requesting a special use permit to allow for a group home facility
to be operated in the existing single-family residence. The proposed group home
will have a maximum of five (5) residents at any given time.
The site located in the Fairway Woods Sub Otter Creek Subdivision along Ben
Hogan Cove. The subject property, 10 Ben Hogan Cove, is a one-story residence
and measuring 2,224 square foot in area. R-2 zoning is contained in all directions.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 10 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9885
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water:
1. All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at the time of request for
water service must be met.
Fire Department: No comments.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the Otter Creek Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 10 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9885
by conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The application is for a SUP for a Group Care Facility in R-2 (Single Family
Residential) zoning.
The applicant is requesting a special use permit to allow for a group home facility
to be operated in the existing single-family residence. The proposed group home
will have a maximum of five (5) residents at any given time.
The site located in the Fairway Woods Sub Otter Creek Subdivision along Ben
Hogan Cove. The subject p roperty, 10 Ben Hogan Cove, is a one-story residence
and measuring 2,224 square foot in area. R-2 zoning is contained in all directions.
No signage beyond that allowed in single-family and two-family zones will be
The applicant notes five (5) “developmentally disabled” persons will occupy the
residence at any given time. Staff presence, if provided, will be rotating shifts of
8-12 hours each. At least one (1), but no more than two (2) staffers will be present.
The applicant notes Community Living will provide “Supported Living” services
through the CES Waiver Program.
The applicant notes if the occupant is a licensed driver and has access to a vehicle,
they are permitted to drive.
A parking plan was submitted to staff which shows (2) parking spaces located
inside the garage, and two (2) spaces available in the driveway along Jack
Nicklaus Cove for a total of four (4) onsite parking spaces. All parking spaces shall
be ADA compliant regarding accessibility for persons deemed disable.
The applicant notes that Pulaski County Public Records yielded no bill of
assurance for this subdivision.
Section 36-54(e)(4) of the City’s Zoning Ordinance provides the following
provisions for Group Home Facilities, as adopted by the Board of Directors on
September 6, 2005:
6. family care facility, group care facility, group home, parolee or probationer
housing facility, rooming, lodging and boarding facility.
(a) Separation, spacing and procedural requirements for family care
facilities, group care facilities, group homes, parolee or probationer housing
facilities and rooming, lodging and boarding facilities will be determined by the
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 10 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9885
planning commission so as not to adversely impact the surrounding properties
and neighborhood. Unless the commission determines that a different area is
more appropriate, a neighborhood shall be defined as an area incorporating all
properties lying within one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet of the site for
which the permit is requested.
(b) There shall be a presumption that a special use permit for a group
home of 5, 6, 7, or 8 handicapped persons will be granted if all ordinance
requirements are met, except that individuals whose tenancy would constitute
a direct threat to the health or safety of other individuals of whose tenancy
would result in substantial physical damage to the property of others shall not
be allowed in such a home.
(c) Issues that the planning commission will consider during its review
of a family care facility, group care facility, group home, parolee or probationer
housing facility, or rooming, lodging and boarding facility include, but are not
limited to:
1. Spacing of existing similar facilities.
2. Existing zoning and land use patterns.
3. The maximum number of individuals proposed to be served, the
number of employees proposed and the type of services being
4. The need and provision for readily accessible public or quasi-public
5. Access to needed support services such as social services
agencies, employment agencies and medical service providers.
6. Availability of adequate on-site parking.
(d) The fire marshal must approve the use of any structure proposed as
a family care facility, group care facility, group home, parolee or probation
housing facility or rooming, lodging and boarding facility.
(e) Family care facilities, group care facilities, group homes and parole
or probation housing facilities shall be operated within any and all applicable
licensing and procedural requirements established by the State of Arkansas.
To staff’s knowledge, there is one (1) transitional residential facility within 1,500
feet of the subject property. 4 Jack Nicklaus Cove is located 272 linear feet, as
measured, from the subject property and will be heard as separate item on this
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 10 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9885
Section 8-406 (a) of the City's Buildings and Building Regulations Ordinance
(minimum area per dwelling unit) requires 150 square feet for the first occupant
and 100 square feet for each additional occupant. Therefore, the minimum area
for this residence occupied by five (5) persons is 550 square feet. As noted earlier
the residence is 2,224 square feet in total area.
Section 8-406 (b) (minimum area per bedroom) requires 70 square feet for the first
occupant and 50 square feet for each additional occupant. The applicant provided
a statement demonstrating compliance with this section of the code as only one
(1) person will occupy each bedroom.
Special Use Permits are not transferable in any manner. Permits cannot be
transferred from owner to owner, location to location or use to use.
Staff does not support approval of the special use permit as requested. Although
the proposed use complies with Section 8-406(a) and Section 8-406(b) of the City's
Buildings and Building Regulations Ordinance, the proposed group home is
located less than 1,500 feet away from one (1) other group home, which is a
separate SUP application on this agenda. Staff feels that this represents too many
transitional living-type facilities within this small neighborhood area. Furthermore,
staff feels the applicant should seek a residential location fronting a more major
roadway, possibly along the perimeter of a single-family subdivision. The subject
property is not “readily accessible to public or quasi-public transportation.” Bus
Route #23 (Baseline/Southwest Route) runs along Stagecoach Road,
approximately 1.25 mile to the east.
Staff recommends denial of the special use permit as requested.
This item was deferred to the January 11, 2024 agenda as the applicant failed to notify
the surrounding property owners as required.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 11 FILE NO.: Z-9886
NAME: Community Living #7 Group Home – Special Use Permit
LOCATION: 2516 Riverfront Drive (Unit 1)
Brian Hartsell (Agent)
Community Living, Inc.
105 E. Roosevelt Road
Little Rock, AR 72206
Round River HPR-Control Card
1501 N. University
Little Rock, AR 72207
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant is requesting a special use permit to allow for a group home facility
to be operated in the existing Round River Condominiums (Unit 1). The proposed
apartment unit for the group home use is 1,847 square feet and will contain a
maximum of three (3) residents at any given time.
The site is located just south of Rebsamen Park Road, east of the Sherrill Heights
Subdivision. The proposed site is surrounded by various apartment complex
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 11 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9886
developments. There is a mixture of zoning classifications contained in all
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water:
1. All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at the time of request for
water service must be met.
Fire Department: No comments.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 11 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9886
Planning Division:
The request is in the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential High Density (RH) for the requested area. The Residential High
Density (RH) category accommodates residential development of more than
twelve (12) dwelling units per acre. The application is for a SUP for a Group Care
Facility in MF-18 (Multifamily) zoning.
The applicant is requesting a special use permit to allow for a group home facility
to be operated in the existing Round River Condominiums (Unit 1). The proposed
apartment unit for the group home use is 1,847 square feet and will contain a
maximum of three (3) residents at any given time.
The site is located just south of Rebsamen Park Road, east of the Sherrill Heights
Subdivision. The proposed site is surrounded by various apartment complex
developments. There is a mixture of zoning classifications contained in all
No additional signage is required. This proposed use will occupy one (1) apartment
unit within an existing apartment complex. Staff feels the existing signage complies
with Section 36-552 of the City’s Zoning Ordinance (signs permitted in multifamily
The applicant notes three (3) “developmentally disabled” persons will occupy Unit
1 at any given time. Staff presence, if provided, will be rotating shifts of 8-12 hours
each. At least one (1), but no more than two (2) staffers will be present. The
applicant notes Community Living will provide “Supported Living” services through
the CES Waiver Program.
The applicant notes if the occupant is a licensed driver and has access to a vehicle,
they are permitted to drive.
A parking plan was submitted to staff which shows (2) covered parking spaces
designated for Unit 1. Additional parking spaces are provided for guest as part of
the overall parking requirements for a multifamily use. All parking spaces shall be
ADA compliant regarding accessibility for persons deemed disable.
The applicant notes that Pulaski County Public Records yielded no bill of
assurance for this subdivision.
Section 36-54(e)(4) of the City’s Zoning Ordinance provides the following
provisions for Group Home Facilities, as adopted by the Board of Directors on
September 6, 2005:
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 11 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9886
7. family care facility, group care facility, group home, parolee or
probationer housing facility, rooming, lodging and boarding facility.
(a) Separation, spacing and procedural requirements for family care
facilities, group care facilities, group homes, parolee or probationer
housing facilities and rooming, lodging and boarding facilities will be
determined by the planning commission so as not to adversely impact the
surrounding properties and neighborhood. Unless the commission
determines that a different area is more appropriate, a neighborhood shall
be defined as an area incorporating all properties lying within one thousand
five hundred (1,500) feet of the site for which the permit is requested.
(b) There shall be a presumption that a special use permit for a group
home of 5, 6, 7, or 8 handicapped persons will be granted if all ordinance
requirements are met, except that individuals whose tenancy would
constitute a direct threat to the health or safety of other individuals of whose
tenancy would result in substantial physical damage to the property of
others shall not be allowed in such a home.
(c) Issues that the planning commission will consider during its review
of a family care facility, group care facility, group home, parolee or
probationer housing facility, or rooming, lodging and boarding facility
include, but are not limited to:
1. Spacing of existing similar facilities.
2. Existing zoning and land use patterns.
3. The maximum number of individuals proposed to be served, the
number of employees proposed and the type of services being
4. The need and provision for readily accessible public or quasi-public
5. Access to needed support services such as social services
agencies, employment agencies and medical service providers.
6. Availability of adequate on-site parking.
(d) The fire marshal must approve the use of any structure proposed
as a family care facility, group care facility, group home, parolee or
probation housing facility or rooming, lodging and boarding facility.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 11 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9886
(e) Family care facilities, group care facilities, group homes and
parole or probation housing facilities shall be operated within any and
all applicable licensing and procedural requirements established by the
State of Arkansas.
To staff’s knowledge, there are no transitional residential facilities within 1,500 feet
of the subject property.
Section 8-406 (a) of the City's Buildings and Building Regulations Ordinance
(minimum area per dwelling unit) requires 150 square feet for the first occupant
and 100 square feet for each additional occupant. Therefore, the minimum area
for Unit 1 that will occupy three (3) persons is 350 square feet. As noted earlier
Unit 1 is 1,847 square feet in total area.
Section 8-406 (b) (minimum area per bedroom) requires 70 square feet for the
first occupant and 50 square feet for each additional occupant. The applicant
provided a statement demonstrating compliance with this section of the code as
only one (1) person will occupy each bedroom.
Special Use Permits are not transferable in any manner. Permits cannot be
transferred from owner to owner, location to location or use to use.
Staff is not supportive of the special use permit as requested. Although the
proposed use complies with Section 8-406(a) and Section 8-406(b) of the City's
Buildings and Building Regulations Ordinance, staff feels the use should be
contained in a single-family residential setting. Furthermore, staff recommends
the applicant seek a residential location fronting a more major roadway, possibly
along the perimeter of a single-family subdivision, not a multifamily apartment-style
environment. The subject property is not “readily accessible to public or quasi-
public transportation.” Bus Route #1 (Pulaski Heights Route) runs along
Kavanaugh Blvd. at Cantrell Road, over two (2) miles to the west.
Staff recommends denial of the special use permit as requested.
This item was deferred to the January 11, 2024 agenda as the applicant failed to notify
the surrounding property owners as required.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 12 FILE NO.: Z-9887
NAME: Community Living #8 Group Home – Special Use Permit
LOCATION: 2211 Westport Loop
Brian Hartsell (Agent)
Community Living, Inc.
105 E. Roosevelt Road
Little Rock, AR 72206
Community Living, Inc. (Owner)
Attn: Brian Hartsell
2211 Westport Loop
Little Rock, AR 72212
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant is requesting a special use permit to allow for a group home facility
to be operated in the existing single-family residence. The proposed group home
will have a maximum of five (5) residents at any given time.
The site located in the Garrett Glenn Addition along Westport Loop. The subject
property, 2211 Westport Loop, is a one-story, single-family residence measuring
3,530 square foot in area. R-2 zoning is contained in all directions.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 12 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9887
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water:
1. All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at the time of request for
water service must be met.
Fire Department: No comments.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the Chenal Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 12 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9887
by conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The application is for a SUP for a Group Care Facility in R-2 (Single Family
Residential) zoning.
The applicant is requesting a special use permit to allow for a group home facility
to be operated in the existing single-family residence. The proposed group home
will have a maximum of five (5) residents at any given time.
The site located in the Garrett Glenn Addition along Westport Loop. The subject
property, 2211 Westport Loop, is a one-story, single-family residence measuring
3,530 square foot in area. R-2 zoning is contained in all directions.
No signage beyond that allowed in single-family and two-family zones will be
The applicant notes five (5) “developmentally disabled” persons will occupy the
residence at any given time. Staff presence, if provided, will be rotating shifts of
8-12 hours each. At least one (1), but no more than two (2) staffers will be present.
The applicant notes Community Living will provide “Supported Living” services
through the CES Waiver Program.
The applicant notes if the occupant is a licensed driver and has access to a vehicle,
they are permitted to drive.
A parking plan was submitted to staff which shows (2) parking spaces located
inside the garage, and three (3) spaces available in the driveway along Westport
Loop for a total of five (5) onsite parking spaces. All parking spaces shall be ADA
compliant regarding accessibility for persons deemed disable.
The applicant notes that Pulaski County Public Records yielded no bill of
assurance for this subdivision.
Section 36-54(e)(4) of the City’s Zoning Ordinance provides the following
provisions for Group Home Facilities, as adopted by the Board of Directors on
September 6, 2005:
8. family care facility, group care facility, group home, parolee or probationer
housing facility, rooming, lodging and boarding facility.
(a) Separation, spacing and procedural requirements for family care
facilities, group care facilities, group homes, parolee or probationer housing
facilities and rooming, lodging and boarding facilities will be determined by
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 12 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9887
the planning commission so as not to adversely impact the surrounding
properties and neighborhood. Unless the commission determines that a
different area is more appropriate, a neighborhood shall be defined as an
area incorporating all properties lying within one thousand five hundred
(1,500) feet of the site for which the permit is requested.
(b) There shall be a presumption that a special use permit for a group
home of 5, 6, 7, or 8 handicapped persons will be granted if all ordinance
requirements are met, except that individuals whose tenancy would
constitute a direct threat to the health or safety of other individuals of whose
tenancy would result in substantial physical damage to the property of others
shall not be allowed in such a home.
(c) Issues that the planning commission will consider during its review
of a family care facility, group care facility, group home, parolee or
probationer housing facility, or rooming, lodging and boarding facility
include, but are not limited to:
1. Spacing of existing similar facilities.
2. Existing zoning and land use patterns.
3. The maximum number of individuals proposed to be served, the
number of employees proposed and the type of services being
4. The need and provision for readily accessible public or quasi-public
5. Access to needed support services such as social services
agencies, employment agencies and medical service providers.
6. Availability of adequate on-site parking.
(d) The fire marshal must approve the use of any structure proposed as
a family care facility, group care facility, group home, parolee or probation
housing facility or rooming, lodging and boarding facility.
(e) Family care facilities, group care facilities, group homes and parole
or probation housing facilities shall be operated within any and all applicable
licensing and procedural requirements established by the State of Arkansas.
To staff’s knowledge, there are no other transitional residential facilities within
1,500 feet of the property.
Section 8-406 (a) of the City's Buildings and Building Regulations Ordinance
(minimum area per dwelling unit) requires 150 square feet for the first occupant
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 12 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9887
and 100 square feet for each additional occupant. Therefore, the minimum area
for this residence occupied by five (5) persons is 550 square feet. As noted earlier
the residence is 3,530 square feet in total area.
Section 8-406 (b) (minimum area per bedroom) requires 70 square feet for the first
occupant and 50 square feet for each additional occupant. The applicant provided
a statement demonstrating compliance with this section of the code as only one
(1) person will occupy each bedroom.
Special Use Permits are not transferable in any manner. Permits cannot be
transferred from owner to owner, location to location or use to use.
Staff is not supportive of the special use permit as requested. Although the
proposed use complies Section 8-406(a) and Section 8-406(b) of the City's
Buildings and Building Regulations Ordinance, staff feels the increase number of
occupants, including visitors at any given time, has the potential to create a
significant increase in traffic and may have an adverse impact on the area. Staff
recommends the applicant seek a residential location fronting a more major
roadway, possibly along the perimeter of a single-family subdivision. The subject
property is not “readily accessible to public or quasi-public transportation.” Bus
Route #8 (Rodney Parham Route) runs along Hinson Road and Napa Valley Road,
over 1.5 miles to the west.
Staff recommends denial of the special use permit as requested.
This item was deferred to the January 11, 2024 agenda as the applicant failed to notify
the surrounding property owners as required.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 13 FILE NO.: Z-9303-A
NAME: Cigar Republic – Revised PCD
LOCATION: 1315 Breckenridge Drive
Joe Miller
1315 Breckenridge Drive
Little Rock, AR 72227
1315 Breckenridge, LLC – Owner
Joe Miller – Applicant
White-Daters and Associates
24 Rahling Circle
Little Rock, AR 72223
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant submitted a letter to staff requesting this application be withdrawn. Staff
supports the withdrawal request.
This item was withdrawn at the request of the applicant.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 14 FILE NO.: Z-9703-A
NAME: Southern Patio Bar and Grill – Private Club – PD-C
LOCATION: 7315 Geyer Springs Road
Tony Ma
14100 Sardis Road
Mabelvale, AR 72103
Tony Ma – Owner
Stephen Giles – Agent
Hope Consulting
117 S. Market Street
Benton, AR 72015
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
On August 11, 2022 the Planning Commission voted to deny a PD-C rezoning to allow a
private club at 7315 Geyer Springs Road. On September 20, 2022 the City Board of
Directors denied a requested appeal of the Planning Commission’s denial.
The applicant proposes the property located at 7315 Geyer Springs Road be
rezoned from C-3 to PD-C to allow the existing restaurant to operate as a private
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 14 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9703-A
The existing building is approximately 3,362 square feet in area. A single driveway
provides access to the property from Geyer Springs Road. Access to the property
may also be from as shared access drive easement with property to the south,
there is no rear access or drive-thru service. An existing fence extends from the
rear of the building on the south side terminating at the rear property line. The site
plan notes thirty-two (32) parking spaces. Section 36-502(3)(c) of the City’s Zoning
Ordinance would typically require 33 parking spaces for the private club. Staff
believes the provided parking is sufficient to serve existing building. The general
area contains a mixture of commercial (C-3 & C-4) zoning and uses. Properties to
the north and south contain C-3 and C-4 conditional uses respectively. Properties
on the west side of Geyer Springs Road contain C-3, C-4 and I-2 zonings.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments received.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments received.
Fire Department:
Maintain Access:
Fire Hydrants.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at fire hydrant locations as per Appendix D
of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.1 Access road
width with a hydrant. Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access
road, the minimum road width shall be 26 feet, exclusive of shoulders.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 14 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9703-A
Commercial and Industrial Developments – 2 means of access. - Maintain fire
apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention
Code Vol. 1
Section D104.1 Buildings exceeding three stories or 30 feet in height.
Building or facilities exceeding 30 feet or three stories in height shall have at least
two means of fire apparatus access for each structure.
Section D104.2 Building exceeding 62,000 square feet in area. Buildings or
facilities having a gross building area of more than 62,000 square feet shall be
provide with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
Exception: Projects having a gross building area of up to 124,000 square
feet that have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all
building are equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler
D104.3 Remoteness. Where two fire apparatus access roads are required, they
shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the
maximum overall diagonal dimension of the lot or area to be served, measured in
a straight line between accesses.
30’ Tall Buildings - Maintain aerial fire apparatus access roads as per
Appendix D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D105.1
– D105.4
D105.1 Where Required. Where the vertical distance between the grade
plane and the highest roof surface exceed 30’, approved aerial fire apparatus
access roads shall be provided. For the purposes of this section the highest roof
surfaces shall be determined by measurement to the eave of a pitched roof, the
intersection of a roof to the exterior wall, or the top of the parapet walls, whichever
is greater.
D105.2 Width. Aerial fire apparatus access roads shall have a minimum
unobstructed with of 26’, exclusive of shoulders, in the immediate vicinity of the
building or portion thereof.
D105.3 Proximity to building. At least one of the required access routes
meeting this condition shall be located within a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum
of 30 feet from the building, and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of
the building. The side of the building on which the aerial fire apparatus access
road is positioned shall be approved by the fire code official.
D105.4 Obstructions. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located
over the aerial fire apparatus access road or between the aerial fire apparatus road
and the building. Other obstructions shall be permitted to be places with the
approval of the fire code official.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 14 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9703-A
Dead Ends.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at dead end locations as per Appendix
D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.4 Dead
Ends. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet shall be
provided with width and turnaround provisions in accordance with Table D103.4.
Requirements for Dead-end fire apparatus access roads.
Maintain fire apparatus access road gates as per Appendix D of the 2021
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.5 Fire apparatus access
road gates. Gates securing the fire apparatus access roads shall comply
with all of the following criteria:
1. Minimum gate width shall be 20 feet.
2. Gates shall be of swinging or sliding type.
3. Construction of gates shall be of material that allow manual operation by one
4. Gate components shall be maintained in an operable condition at all times and
replaces or repaired when defective.
5. Electric gates shall be equipped with a means of opening the gate by fire
department personnel for emergency access. Emergency opening devices
shall be approved by the fire code official.
6. Manual opening gates shall not be locked with a padlock or chain and padlock
unless they are capable of being opened by means of forcible entry tools or
when a key box containing the keys to the lock is installed at the gate location.
7. Locking device specifications shall be submitted for approval \by the fire code
8. Electric gate operators, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with
UL 325.
9. Gates, intended for automatic operation shall be designed, constructed and
installed to comply with requirements of ASTM F 2200.
Fire Hydrants
Locate Fire Hydrants as per Appendix C of the 2021 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code. Section C101 – C105, in conjunction with Central Arkansas
Water (Daniel Tull 501-377-1245) and the Little Rock Fire Marshal’s Office
(Capt. Tony Rhodes 501-918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram
501-918-3756 Number and Distribution of Fire Hydrants as per Table C105.1.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 14 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9703-A
Building Code: No comments received.
1. Any new site development must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and
buffer ordinance requirements. Refer to the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 15
Landscaping and Tree Protection, and Chapter 36, Article IX – Buffers and
2. Site development plans, with landscape and screening, must be submitted for
review, and approval, prior to site clearing and tree removal.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the 65th Street East Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Commercial (C) for the requested area. The Commercial (C) category includes a
broad range of retail and wholesale sales of products, personal and professional
services, and general business activities. Commercial activities vary in type and
scale, depending on the trade area that they serve. The application is for a PD-C
in C-3 (General Commercial) zoning for a private club.
Land Use North and South, on both east and west sides of Geyer Springs Road is
Commercial. The Commercial (C) category includes a broad range of retail and
wholesale sales of products, personal and professional services, and general
business activities. Commercial activities vary in type and scale, depending on the
trade area that they serve.
This site is not in an Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
Geyer Springs Road is a Minor Arterial on the Master Street Plan. Minor Arterials
are high volume roads designed to provide the connections to and through an
urban area. Curb cuts should be minimized to allow for continuous traffic flow
while still allowing some access to adjoining property. Standard Right-of-way
(ROW) is 90 feet. Sidewalks are required on both sides. This street may need
more ROW and/or paving width. May require dedication of ROW or improvements.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 14 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9703-A
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Bike Plan shows no facilities in this area.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not a contributing structure and is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant proposes the property located at 7315 Geyer Springs Road be
rezoned from C-3 to PD-C to allow the existing restaurant to operate as a private
club. There will be no changes to the existing footprint or exterior of the building
or parking area. The applicant notes the only proposed change is to allow the sale
of alcoholic beverages until 2:00am on Saturday and Sunday. The current hours
of operation extend to 1:00am on Saturday and midnight on Sunday. The Alcohol
Beverage Control (ABC) requires that a restaurant with alcohol sales with the
extended hours proposed be classified as a “private club.”
The ABC requires the governing body of a municipality approve a “private club” as
noted below:
“A private club application may only be submitted to the Alcoholic
Beverage Control after the governing body of the county or
municipality in which the private club seeks to be located has
issued an ordinance approving the private club to operate in that
county or municipality.”
Section 36-301 allows a private club with dining or bar service as a Conditional
Use (CUP). However, the proposed change will require the C-3 (General
Commercial District) to be changed to a “PD-C” (Planned Commercial District) to
allow the existing use as a private club to comply with the Arkansas Control Board
The existing signage complies with the City’s Zoning Ordinance. Any new future
signage must comply with Section 36-555 of the code (signs permitted in
commercial zones).
Any dumpster placed on the site must be screened and comply with Section
36-523 of the City’s Zoning Ordinance.
All sight lighting must be low-level and directed away from adjacent properties.
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. To staff’s knowledge there are no
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 14 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9703-A
outstanding issues. The applicant is requesting no variances with the proposed
Staff is not supportive of the requested PD-C rezoning to allow a private club at
7315 Geyer Springs Road. In the past few years there have been several private
clubs (and event center-type uses) approved in this general area, along Geyer
Springs Road and Baseline Road. Staff believes that is not appropriate to allow
another private club use within this area of Southwest Little Rock at this time.
Staff recommends denial of the requested PD-C rezoning.
This item was withdrawn at the request of the applicant.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 15 FILE NO.: Z-9865
NAME: USA Tire & Accessories – PCD
LOCATION: 4920 West 65th Street
Hector Giron (Owner)
7301 Geyer Springs Road
Little Rock, AR 72209
(501) 952-7520 or (501) 442-2545
USA Tire Accessories, LLC (Owner)
Hector Giron (Owner)
7301 Geyer Springs Road
Little Rock, AR 72209
(501) 952-7520 or (501) 442-2545
USA Tire Accessories, LLC (Owner)
Smith & Goodson PLLC
7509 Cantrell Road, Suite 227
Little Rock, AR 72207
(501) 414-8498
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone a 1.33-acre property located at 4920 West 65th
Street from C-3 to PCD to allow use of the property as an auto repair shop and a
used car dealership.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 15 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9865
The property is located in a C-3 zoning. Surrounding the application area is
Commercial land use to the east and west along the north side of W 65th Street.
Opposite the application site to the south of W 65th Street is High Density
Residential use with an apartment complex. North of the site are apartments in an
area of Residential High Density. Residential High Density (RH). The Future Land
Use Plan shows Commercial (C) for the requested area. There will be auto sales
in the front of the property with auto repair being done inside of the existing metal
building. There shall be no salvaging of any vehicles on the property.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department:
Maintain Access:
Fire Hydrants.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at fire hydrant locations as per Appendix D
of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.1 Access road
width with a hydrant. Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access
road, the minimum road width shall be 26 feet, exclusive of shoulders.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.2 Grade. Fire apparatus access roads
shall not exceed 10 percent in grade except as approved by the fire chief. If
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 15 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9865
the grade exceeds 10 percent, approval will be denied and the applicant must
submit request to be reviewed by Fire Chief for Approval.
Maintain fire apparatus access road design as per Appendix D of the 2021
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D102.1 Access and loading.
Facilities, buildings or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be
accessible to fire department apparatus by way of an approved fire apparatus
access road with an asphalt, concrete or other approved driving surface capable
of supporting the imposed load of fire apparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds.
Commercial and Industrial Developments – 2 means of access. - Maintain fire
apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention
Code Vol. 1
Section D104.1 Buildings exceeding three stories or 30 feet in height. Building
or facilities exceeding 30 feet or three stories in height shall have at least two
means of fire apparatus access for each structure.
Section D104.2 Building exceeding 62,000 square feet in area. Buildings or
facilities having a gross building area of more than 62,000 square feet shall be
provide with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
Exception: Projects having a gross building area of up to 124,000 square feet that
have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all building are equipped
throughout with approved automatic sprinkler systems.
D104.3 Remoteness. Where two fire apparatus access roads are required, they
shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the
maximum overall diagonal dimension of the lot or area to be served, measured in
a straight line between accesses.
30’ Tall Buildings - Maintain aerial fire apparatus access roads as per
Appendix D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D105.1
– D105.4
D105.1 Where Required. Where the vertical distance between the grade
plane and the highest roof surface exceed 30’, approved aerial fire apparatus
access roads shall be provided. For the purposes of this section the highest roof
surfaces shall be determined by measurement to the eave of a pitched roof, the
intersection of a roof to the exterior wall, or the top of the parapet walls, whichever
is greater.
D105.2 Width. Aerial fire apparatus access roads shall have a minimum
unobstructed with of 26’, exclusive of shoulders, in the immediate vicinity of the
building or portion thereof.
D105.3 Proximity to building. At least one of the required access routes
meeting this condition shall be located within a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum
of 30 feet from the building, and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 15 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9865
the building. The side of the building on which the aerial fire apparatus access road
is positioned shall be approved by the fire code official.
D105.4 Obstructions. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located over
the aerial fire apparatus access road or between the aerial fire apparatus road and
the building. Other obstructions shall be permitted to be places with the approval
of the fire code official.
Dead Ends.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at dead end locations as per Appendix D of
the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.4 Dead Ends. Dead-
end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet shall be provided with width
and turnaround provisions in accordance with Table D103.4. Requirements for
Dead-end fire apparatus access roads.
Fire Hydrants
Locate Fire Hydrants as per Appendix C of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention
Code. Section C101 – C105, in conjunction with Central Arkansas Water
(Daniel Tull 501-377-1245) and the Little Rock Fire Marshal’s Office (Capt. Tony
Rhodes 501-918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram 501-918-3756 Number
and Distribution of Fire Hydrants as per Table C105.1.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
1. Any new site development must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and
buffer ordinance requirements. Refer to the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 15
Landscaping and Tree Protection, and Chapter 36, Article IX – Buffers and
2. Site development plans, with landscape and screening, must be submitted for
review, and approval, prior to site clearing and tree removal.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 15 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9865
Planning Division:
The request is in the 65th Street East Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Commercial (C) for the requested area. The Commercial (C) category includes a
broad range of retail and wholesale sales of products, personal and professional
services, and general business activities. Commercial activities vary in type and
scale, depending on the trade area that they serve. The application is to rezone
from C3 to PCD.
Surrounding the application area is Commercial land use to the east and west
along the north side of W 65th Street. The Commercial (C) category includes a
broad range of retail and wholesale sales of products, personal and professional
services, and general business activities. Commercial activities vary in type and
scale, depending on the trade area that they serve. Opposite the application site
to the south of W 65th Street is High Density Residential use with an apartment
complex. North of the site are apartments in an area of Residential High Density.
Residential High Density (RH). The Residential High Density (RH) category
accommodates residential development of more than twelve (12) dwelling units
per acre.
This site is not in an Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
W 65th Street is a Minor Arterial on the Master Street Plan. Minor Arterials are high
volume roads designed to provide the connections to and through an urban area.
Curb cuts should be minimized to allow for continuous traffic flow while still allowing
some access to adjoining property. Standard Right-of-way (ROW) is 90 feet.
Sidewalks are required on both sides. This street may need more ROW and/or
paving width. May require dedication of ROW or improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Bike Plan shows no facilities in this area.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not located in a Historic District.
There are no historic structures or districts in the area.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 15 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9865
The applicant proposes to rezone 1.33-acre property located at 4920 West 65th
Street from C-3 to PCD to allow use of the property as an auto repair shop and a
used car dealership.
The property is located in a C-3 zoning. Surrounding the application area is
Commercial land use to the east and west along the north side of W 65th Street.
Opposite the application site to the south of W 65th Street is High Density
Residential use with an apartment complex. North of the site are apartments in an
area of Residential High Density. The Future Land Use Plan shows Commercial
(C) for the requested area. There will be auto sales in the front of the property with
auto repair being done inside of the existing metal building. There shall be no
salvaging of any vehicles on the property.
In 1986 the Planning Commission approved a conditional use permit to allow for
the operation of a tire shop on this property. A tire shop has existed on the site
since that time and the business recently began doing other types of auto repair.
The applicant notes that the existing building will be used for the auto repair aspect
of the business. The parking area along the street frontage will be used for the
display of used vehicles. The rear portion of the property will not be used at this
Any dumpster placed on the site must be screened as per Section 36-5 of the
All site lighting must be low-level and directed away from adjacent properties.
All signage on the site must comply with Section 36-555 (signs allowed in
commercial zones).
Staff is in support of the requested PCD rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed PCD use is appropriate for this location. The
property is designated as “C” Commercial on the City’s Future Land Use. Staff
feels that this type of use is within character for the area at this time.
Staff recommends approval of the PCD zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraphs E and F and the staff analysis
of the agenda staff report.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 15 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9865
The applicant was present, representing the application. Staff presented the item and a
recommendation for approval subject to compliance with the comments and conditions
noted in paragraphs E and F and the staff analysis of the agenda staff report. The item
had been inadvertently been pulled but there was no one in opposition. There was a
motion to approve. The motion was seconded. The vote was 10 ayes, 1 nay and 0 absent.
The motion passed.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 16 FILE NO.: Z-9871
NAME: Caple Commercial and Mixed-Use Center – PCD
LOCATION: 4621 Asher Avenue
CKM Holdings, LLC (Owner)
4621 Asher Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72204
Carl Caple (Agent)
Savvy Investors
5 Country Oaks Drive
Little Rock, AR 72201
Trotter Surveying
18640 Congo-Ferndale Road
Little Rock, AR 72210
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone a 2.63 acre site from I-2 to PCD to utilize an
existing 17,526 square foot, 1-story, warehouse/auction house offices to operate
a mixed-use commercial facility.
The site is located on the south side of the Asher corridor along Hwy 70 West
(around the 4600 block). Properties to the south of the site contain I-2 zoning and
uses. Properties to the north, east and west contain a mixture of zoning and uses.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 16 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9871
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with The City of Little Rock were notified of the public
1. The entire property is located within the 100-year regulatory floodplain. If any
development or construction is planned to commence in the future, a Special
Flood Hazard Development Permit is required to be obtained to prior to
beginning construction. The Special Flood Hazard Development Permit
application can be found at https://www.littlerock.gov/city-administration/city-
departments/public-works/. Special Flood Hazard Development Permits are
issued by the Public Works Department at 701 West Markham Street and no
fee collected for issuance. Contact Vince Floriani in Public Works at
501-371-4823 or VFloriani@littlerock.gov to schedule an appointment for
issuance or to answer any questions.
2. The entire property is located within the 100-year regulatory floodplain. If any
development or construction is planned to commence in the future, per City
Code 29-186 (c), a grading permit is required for land alteration on properties
within the designated floodplain without exception. Grading permits are issued
by the Planning and Development Dept. at 723 West Markham Street after
approval of sediment and erosion control plans, grading and drainage plans,
land survey, drainage study, and soil loss calculations per City’s stormwater
management and drainage manual. Contact Planning and Development Dept.,
Engineering Division at 501-371-4817 or at 501-918-5348 or
Permits@littlerock.gov to schedule an appointment for issuance or to answer
any questions. Permit cost is based on total project area at $100.00 for the
less than ½ acre, $200.00 for ½ to 1 acre, and $200.00 for the first acre and
$100.00 for each additional acre for project greater than 1 acre.
3. For any future planned development or construction for this site, the floodplain
development permit and grading and land alteration permits are required before
Department staff can issue a building permit for any new construction or
4. All future buildings constructed on site shall comply with all Arkansas state
building codes and local ordinances adopted by the City of Little Rock.
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 16 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9871
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water:
1. No objections: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at the time of
request for water must be met.
Fire Department:
Maintain Access:
Fire Hydrants
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at fire hydrant locations as per Appendix D
of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.1 Access road
width with a hydrant. Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access
road, the minimum road width shall be 26 feet, exclusive of shoulders.
Commercial and Industrial Developments – 2 means of access. - Maintain fire
apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention
Code Vol. 1.
Section D104.1 Buildings exceeding three stories or 30 feet in height.
Building or facilities exceeding 30 feet or three stories in height shall have at least
two means of fire apparatus access for each structure.
Section D104.2 Building exceeding 62,000 square feet in area. Buildings or
facilities having a gross building area of more than 62,000 square feet shall be
provide with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
Exception: Projects having a gross building area of up to 124,000 square
feet that have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all
building are equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler
D104.3 Remoteness. Where two fire apparatus access roads are required, they
shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the
maximum overall diagonal dimension of the lot or area to be served, measured in
a straight line between accesses.
30’ Tall Buildings - Maintain aerial fire apparatus access roads as per
Appendix D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D105.1
– D105.4
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 16 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9871
D105.1 Where Required. Where the vertical distance between the grade
plane and the highest roof surface exceed 30’, approved aerial fire apparatus
access roads shall be provided. For the purposes of this section the highest roof
surfaces shall be determined by measurement to the eave of a pitched roof, the
intersection of a roof to the exterior wall, or the top of the parapet walls, whichever
is greater.
D105.2 Width. Aerial fire apparatus access roads shall have a minimum
unobstructed with of 26’, exclusive of shoulders, in the immediate vicinity of the
building or portion thereof.
D105.3 Proximity to building. At least one of the required access routes
meeting this condition shall be located within a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum
of 30 feet from the building, and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of
the building. The side of the building on which the aerial fire apparatus access
road is positioned shall be approved by the fire code official.
D105.4 Obstructions. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located
over the aerial fire apparatus access road or between the aerial fire apparatus road
and the building. Other obstructions shall be permitted to be places with the
approval of the fire code official.
Dead Ends.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at dead end locations as per Appendix
D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.4 Dead
Ends. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet shall be
provided with width and turnaround provisions in accordance with Table D103.4.
Requirements for Dead-end fire apparatus access roads.
Maintain fire apparatus access road gates as per Appendix D of the 2021
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.5 Fire apparatus access
road gates. Gates securing the fire apparatus access roads shall comply
with all of the following criteria:
1. Minimum gate width shall be 20 feet.
2. Gates shall be of swinging or sliding type.
3. Construction of gates shall be of material that allow manual operation by one
4. Gate components shall be maintained in an operable condition at all times and
replaces or repaired when defective.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 16 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9871
5. Electric gates shall be equipped with a means of opening the gate by fire
department personnel for emergency access. Emergency opening devices
shall be approved by the fire code official.
6. Manual opening gates shall not be locked with a padlock or chain and padlock
unless they are capable of being opened by means of forcible entry tools or
when a key box containing the keys to the lock is installed at the gate location.
7. Locking device specifications shall be submitted for approval by the fire code
8. Electric gate operators, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with
UL 325.
9. Gates, intended for automatic operation shall be designed, constructed and
installed to comply with requirements of ASTM F 2200.
Fire Hydrants
Locate Fire Hydrants as per Appendix C of the 2021 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code. Section C101 – C105, in conjunction with Central Arkansas
Water (Daniel Tull 501-377-1245) and the Little Rock Fire Marshal’s Office
(Capt. Tony Rhodes 501-918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram
501-918-3756 Number and Distribution of Fire Hydrants as per Table C105.1.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No Comments Received.
1. Any new site development must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and
buffer ordinance requirements. Refer to the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 15
Landscaping and Tree Protection, and Chapter 36, Article IX – Buffers and
2. Site development plans, with landscape and screening, must be submitted for
review, and approval, prior to site clearing and tree removal.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 16 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9871
Planning Division:
The request is in the I-630 Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows Light
Industrial (LI) for the requested area. The Light Industrial category provides for
light warehouse, distribution or storage uses, and/or other industrial uses that are
developed in a well-designed park like setting. The application is to rezone from
I2 to PCD for an event center.
The application area is in a Light Industrial use area which continues to the
southwest. North of the application area on the south side of Asher Avenue,
running east and west are commercial uses. The Commercial (C) category
includes a broad range of retail and wholesale sales of products, personal and
professional services, and general business activities. Commercial activities vary
in type and scale, depending on the trade area that they serve. Southeast of the
subject site are Industrial uses.
This site is not in an Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
Asher Avenue is a Principal Arterial on the Master Street Plan. Principal Arterials
are roads designed to serve through traffic, and to connect major traffic generators
or activity centers within urbanized areas. The standard Right of way of 110 feet
is required. Sidewalks are required on both sides. This street may require
dedication of right-of-way and may require street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
Asher Avenue is on the Master Bike Plan as BIKEWAY II-ROUTE. A Bike Lane
provides a portion of the pavement for the sole use of bicycles.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not a contributing structure and is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant proposes to rezone a 2.63 acre site from I-2 to PCD to utilize an
existing 17,526 square foot, 1-story, warehouse/auction house offices to operate
a mixed-use commercial facility.
The site is located on the south side of the Asher corridor along Hwy 70 West
(around the 4600 block). Properties to the south of the site contain I-2 zoning and
uses. Properties to the north, east and west contain a mixture of zoning and uses.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 16 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9871
The survey shows a front setback of over fifty (50) feet, a side yard setback of
fifteen (15) feet and a rear yard setback over twenty-five (25) feet. All existing
setbacks conform with ordinance requirements.
The applicant proposes to utilize the site for retail uses “as specifically permitted
in the C-3 zoning district”, office space, vehicle storage, flea market items intended
for sale, building materials and personal items.
The applicant provided space dedicated for the following uses:
Vehicle storage – 3,720 square feet
Office and restroom – 1,301 square feet
Building materials and art work – 1,656 square feet
Flea market item for sale and personal storage – 4,734 square feet
Permitted uses as allowed in the C-3 zoning district – 5,377 square feet
The site contains existing perimeter fencing to secure the property in addition to
controlled access from Asher Avenue through a secure, automated electrical
gating apparatus.
Operating hours will be Monday thru Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm. Saturday and
Sunday operating hours will vary. The applicant notes approximately ten (10)
employees may be present at any given time.
The applicant notes 30,000 square feet of paved parking is available in front of the
building to the fence. The fence is approximately thirty (30) feet from Asher
Avenue. Additional paved parking is provided along the east, west and south sides
of the warehouse.
The applicant is not proposing additional signage at this time. Any new signs must
comply with Section 36-555 of the City’s Zoning Ordinance (signs permitted in
commercial zones).
A dumpster area is not shown on the survey. Any dumpster installed on the site
must be screened and comply with Section 36-523 of the City’s Zoning Ordinance.
The applicant is not proposing new lighting at this time. Additional lighting must
be low-level and directed away from adjacent properties.
Staff is supportive of the requested PCD rezoning for the proposed uses listed
above. To staff’s knowledge there are no outstanding issues with this application.
The applicant’s proposed uses of the site are similar to the intensity of other
developments in the general area. The facility is located on the south side of the
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 16 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9871
Asher Avenue corridor which the majority of the properties containing I-2 zoning
and uses and will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding properties.
Staff recommends approval of the requested PCD zoning, subject to compliance
with the comments and conditions outlined in paragraphs D, E and F, and the staff
analysis, of the agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 10 ayes,
0 nays, and 1 recusal (Russell). The application was approved.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 17 FILE NO.: Z-9872
NAME: Marina Lifestyle Medicine – Revised POD
LOCATION: 16913 Cantrell Road
James B. Taggart (Agent)
Taggert Design Group
20 Patricia Lane
Little Rock, AR 72205
(501) 580-4341
Marina Ivanovsky (Owner)
James B. Taggart (Agent)
Taggert Design Group
20 Patricia Lane
Little Rock, AR 72205
(501) 580-4341
Marina Ivanovsky (Owner)
White Daters
24 Rahling Circle
Little Rock, AR 72223
(501) 821-1667
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 17 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9872
The applicant proposes to revise an existing Planned Office Development (POD)
at a 1.32 acre property located at 16913 Cantrell Road to allow use of the property
as medical office. The office building is proposed to be 7,470 square feet.
The property is currently vacant with heavy overbrush and trees. The request is
in the Chenal Planning District as well as the Highway 10 Overlay District.
Surrounding the application area, northwesterly on the south of Cantrell Road is
Suburban Office (SO). To the west is Residential Low Density (RL) with
undeveloped tracts and a developed subdivision. To the east of the subject site
beyond a PK/OS buffer is an area of Transitional (T) with a mix of small offices and
a few residences. The north side of Cantrell Road adjacent to the site has
Suburban Office (SO), Commercial (C), and Office (O) uses.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
1. Any work involving one (1) or more acres of disturbed area requires a State
of Arkansas NPDES permit. Contact the Arkansas Department of
Environmental Quality, NPDES branch at 501-682-0744 for applications and
information about General Stormwater Discharge Construction Permit
2. A grading permit must be obtained prior to initiation of work. Grading permits
are issued by the Planning and Development Dept. at 723 West Markham
Street after approval of sediment and erosion control plans, grading and
drainage plans, land survey, drainage study, and soil loss calculations per
City’s stormwater management and drainage manual. Contact Planning
and Development Dept., Engineering Division at 501-371-4817 or at
501-918-5348 or Permits@littlerock.gov to schedule an appointment for
issuance or to answer any questions. Permit cost is based on total project
area at $100.00 for the less than ½ acre, $200.00 for ½ to 1 acre, and $200.00
for the first acre and $100.00 for each additional acre for project greater than
1 acre.
3. Whenever access to State Highways is needed for residential or commercial
purposes, an access driveway permit is required. These permits are issued
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 17 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9872
by the Permit officer for the District in which the driveway will be located.
Please contact ARDOT District 6 permit officer at 501-569-2266.
4. A special permit is issued for work on the Arkansas Department of
Transportation right of way that is not an access driveway. The permit is
issued by the Permit officer for the District in which the special permit is
requested. Please contact ARDOT District 6 permit officer at 501-569-2266.
5. The Department requires three (3) phase sediment and erosion control (SEC)
plans to be submitted for all construction projects showing best management
practices (BMPs) for mitigating sediment runoff and erosion along with
vegetation specifications for temporary and permanent soil stabilization.
Phase 1 SEC plans shall show SEC BMPs during the stripping, clearing,
grubbing, and rough grading of the site. Phase 2 SEC plans shall show SEC
BMPs during construction of utilities, buildings, roadway infrastructure and
drainage infrastructure. Phase 3 SEC Plans shall show SEC BMPs for final
grading, seeding, and landscaping of the site.
6. Sediment and Erosion Control plans shall also show the pertinent information
as outlined in ADEQ ARR150000 Permit Part II section A-4-H (1-14) and Part
II section A-4-I-2 (A-B).
7. Per City Rev. Code 29-99, stormwater detention for developments is
required. Provide stormwater detention infrastructure to satisfy this
8. A drainage study showing all hydrologic calculations for the site and all
hydraulic calculations for the proposed storm sewer pipe system, swales and
ditches, detention ponds, outlet structures, and inlets is required per City’s
stormwater management and drainage manual. For final drainage report,
sign, date, and seal the report per AR State Board of Professional Engineers
and Professional Surveyors rules Article 12, Section B (1) (a). Provide
engineer's certification statement saying this drainage report was conducted
by yourself or directly under your supervision and attesting to the accuracy of
the information within this report.
9. Per City Code 31-210 (e) (1) for arterial streets, the minimum driveway
spacing from the property line shall be one hundred fifty (150) feet. Maximum
driveway width is thirty-six (36) feet. Revise driveway location to meet above
requirement accordingly or request a variance from this requirement to the
Planning Commission as part of the application for the POD.
10. Cantrell Road is classified as a principal arterial per City’s master street plan
with a total one-hundred ten (110) feet of total right of way. Additional right
of way beyond existing state right of way shall be dedicated to the City of
Little Rock by the property owner to comply with master street plan right of
way requirement for a principal arterial.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 17 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9872
11. Damage to public and private property due to hauling operations or
operations of construction related equipment from a construction site shall be
repaired by the responsible party prior to the issuance of a certificate of
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department:
Maintain Access:
Fire Hydrants.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at fire hydrant locations as per Appendix D
of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.1 Access road
width with a hydrant. Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access
road, the minimum road width shall be 26 feet, exclusive of shoulders.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.2 Grade. Fire apparatus access roads
shall not exceed 10 percent in grade except as approved by the fire chief. If
the grade exceeds 10 percent, approval will be denied and the applicant must
submit request to be reviewed by Fire Chief for Approval.
Maintain fire apparatus access road design as per Appendix D of the 2021
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D102.1 Access and loading.
Facilities, buildings or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be
accessible to fire department apparatus by way of an approved fire apparatus
access road with an asphalt, concrete or other approved driving surface capable
of supporting the imposed load of fire apparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds.
Commercial and Industrial Developments – 2 means of access. - Maintain fire
apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention
Code Vol. 1
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 17 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9872
Section D104.1 Buildings exceeding three stories or 30 feet in height. Building
or facilities exceeding 30 feet or three stories in height shall have at least two
means of fire apparatus access for each structure.
Section D104.2 Building exceeding 62,000 square feet in area. Buildings or
facilities having a gross building area of more than 62,000 square feet shall be
provide with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
Exception: Projects having a gross building area of up to 124,000 square
feet that have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all
building are equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler
D104.3 Remoteness. Where two fire apparatus access roads are required, they
shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the
maximum overall diagonal dimension of the lot or area to be served, measured in
a straight line between accesses.
30’ Tall Buildings - Maintain aerial fire apparatus access roads as per
Appendix D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D105.1
– D105.4.
D105.1 Where Required. Where the vertical distance between the grade
plane and the highest roof surface exceed 30’, approved aerial fire apparatus
access roads shall be provided. For the purposes of this section the highest roof
surfaces shall be determined by measurement to the eave of a pitched roof, the
intersection of a roof to the exterior wall, or the top of the parapet walls, whichever
is greater.
D105.2 Width. Aerial fire apparatus access roads shall have a minimum
unobstructed with of 26’, exclusive of shoulders, in the immediate vicinity of the
building or portion thereof.
D105.3 Proximity to building. At least one of the required access routes
meeting this condition shall be located within a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum
of 30 feet from the building, and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of
the building. The side of the building on which the aerial fire apparatus access road
is positioned shall be approved by the fire code official.
D105.4 Obstructions. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located
over the aerial fire apparatus access road or between the aerial fire apparatus road
and the building. Other obstructions shall be permitted to be places with the
approval of the fire code official.
Dead Ends.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at dead end locations as per Appendix
D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.4 Dead
Ends. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet shall be
provided with width and turnaround provisions in accordance with Table D103.4.
Requirements for Dead-end fire apparatus access roads.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 17 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9872
Maintain fire apparatus access road gates as per Appendix D of the 2021
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.5 Fire apparatus access
road gates. Gates securing the fire apparatus access roads shall comply with
all of the following criteria:
1. Minimum gate width shall be 20 feet.
2. Gates shall be of swinging or sliding type.
3. Construction of gates shall be of material that allow manual operation by one
4. Gate components shall be maintained in an operable condition at all times and
replaces or repaired when defective.
5. Electric gates shall be equipped with a means of opening the gate by fire
department personnel for emergency access. Emergency opening devices
shall be approved by the fire code official.
6. Manual opening gates shall not be locked with a padlock or chain and padlock
unless they are capable of being opened by means of forcible entry tools or
when a key box containing the keys to the lock is installed at the gate location.
7. Locking device specifications shall be submitted for approval by the fire code
8. Electric gate operators, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with
UL 325.
9. Gates, intended for automatic operation shall be designed, constructed and
installed to comply with requirements of ASTM F 2200.
Fire Hydrants
Locate Fire Hydrants as per Appendix C of the 2021 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code. Section C101 – C105, in conjunction with Central Arkansas
Water (Daniel Tull 501-377-1245) and the Little Rock Fire Marshal’s Office
(Capt. Tony Rhodes 501-918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram
501-918-3756 Number and Distribution of Fire Hydrants as per Table C105.1.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 17 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9872
1. Any new site development must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and
buffer ordinance requirements. Refer to the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 15
Landscaping and Tree Protection, and Chapter 36, Article IX – Buffers and
2. Site development plans, with landscape and screening, must be submitted for
review, and approval, prior to site clearing and tree removal.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the Chenal Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows Suburban
Office (SO) for the requested area. The Suburban Office (SO) category provides
for low intensity development of office or office parks in close proximity to lower
density residential areas. To assure compatibility, a Planned Zoning District is
required. The application is to rezone from POD to POD for a lifestyle medicine
Surrounding the application area, northwesterly on the south of Cantrell Road is
Suburban Office (SO). The Suburban Office (SO) category provides for low
intensity development of office or office parks in close proximity to lower density
residential areas. To the west is Residential Low Density (RL) with undeveloped
tracts and a developed subdivision. The Residential Low Density (RL) category
provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed 6 dwelling units per
acre. Such residential development is typically characterized by conventional
single-family homes but may also include patio or garden homes and cluster
homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre. To the east
of the subject site beyond a PK/OS buffer is an area of Transitional (T) with a mix
of small offices and a few residences. The Park/Open Space (PK/OS) category
includes all public parks, recreation facilities, greenbelts, flood plains, and other
designated open space and recreational land. Transition is a land use plan
designation that provides for an orderly transition between residential uses and
other more intense uses. Transition was established to deal with areas which
contain zoned residential uses and nonconforming nonresidential uses. A Planned
Zoning District is required unless the application conforms to the Design Overlay
standards. Uses that may be considered are low-density multi-family residential
and office uses if the proposals are compatible with quality of life in nearby
residential areas. The north side of Cantrell Road adjacent to the site has
Suburban Office (SO), Commercial (C), and Office (O) uses. The Office (O)
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 17 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9872
category represents services provided directly to consumers (e.g., legal, financial,
medical) as well as general offices which support more basic economic activities.
This site is in the Highway 10 Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
Cantrell Road is a Principal Arterial on the Master Street Plan. Principal Arterials
are roads designed to serve through traffic, and to connect major traffic generators
or activity centers within urbanized areas. The standard Right of way of 110 feet
is required. Sidewalks are required on both sides. This street may require
dedication of right-of-way and may require street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
Cantrell Road is on the Master Bike Plan as BIKEWAY I-PATH. Class I Bike Paths
are a route designated for the sole use of bicycles that is physically separated from
vehicular lanes.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not a contributing structure and is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant proposes to revise an existing Planned Office Development (POD)
at a 1.32 acre property located at 16913 Cantrell Road to allow use of the property
as medical office. The proposed office building is to be 7,470 square feet in area,
with a height of approximately 19 feet.
The property is currently vacant with heavy overbrush and trees. The request is in
the Chenal Planning District as well as the Highway 10 Overlay District.
Surrounding the application area, northwesterly on the south of Cantrell Road is
Suburban Office (SO). To the west is Residential Low Density (RL) with
undeveloped tracts and a developed subdivision. To the east of the subject site
beyond a PK/OS buffer is an area of Transitional (T) with a mix of small offices and
a few residences. The north side of Cantrell Road adjacent to the site has
Suburban Office (SO), Commercial (C), and Office (O) uses.
The new structure will have a one-hundred-foot building setback from the
property line abutting Highway 10. The rear yard setback shall not be less than
forty (40) feet and the side yard shall not be less than thirty (30) feet.
The Highway 10 frontage (front yard) shall consist of a minimum of forty (40) feet
of landscaped area exclusive of right-of-way. The rear and side yards shall have
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 17 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9872
a landscaped buffer averaging a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from the
property line. A screening fence will be required along the east, west and south
property lines as a component of the land use buffers. The proposed project
generally complies with the Highway 10 Overlay District.
The proposed site development plan provides for a paved parking area between
the building and the north (Highway 10) property line. The proposed parking area
contains 20 parking spaces which will be sufficient to serve the proposed use.
There will be a sight access point (24 foot wide driveway) near the northeast
corner of the site.
There is a creek which runs through the east portion of the property. The
proposed building will be set back over 70 feet from the east property line to
accommodate this drainage area. A drainage study must be submitted to and
approved by the Department of Planning and Development Engineering Division
prior to a building permit being issued. The treatment of this drainage/creek area
must comply with all City Ordinance requirements.
Any dumpster placed on the site must be screened as per Section 36-5 of the
All site lighting must be low-level and directed away from adjacent properties.
All signage on the site must comply with Section 36-555.
Staff is in support of the requested POD revision. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed revised POD use is appropriate for this location.
Staff feels that this type of use is within character for the area at this time. The
applicant is requesting O-3 permitted uses as alternative uses for the project.
Staff recommends approval of the PCD zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraphs D, E and F, and the staff
analysis of the agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 10 ayes,
0 nays, and 1 recusal (Russell). The application was approved.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 18 FILE NO.: Z-9877
NAME: The Landry Group – Vehicle Parking & Storage – PD-C
LOCATION: 8503 Mabelvale Pike
Amy L. Tracy (Owner)
The Landry Group, LLC
5724 Riviera Drive
Benton, AR 72019
(501) 749-5421
The Landry Group, LLC (Owner)
Amy L. Tracy (Owner)
The Landry Group, LLC
5724 Riviera Drive
Benton, AR 72019
(501) 749-5421
The Landry Group, LLC (Owner)
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 18 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9877
The applicant proposes to rezone 2.54-acre property located at 5803 Mabelvale
Pike from R-2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as semi-truck, RV, Boat and
Trailer parking and storage. The operating hours will be from 4:00 a.m. to
11:00 p.m., seven (7) days a week.
The property is located in an R-2 zoning. The request is in the Geyer Springs West
Planning District. The application area is currently wooded and undeveloped. To
the south of the site is undeveloped acreage classified as RM, to the north of the
site is a mobile home park then more undeveloped acreage as RM. East of the
site is PK/OS buffer. West of the application area, across Mabelvale Pike, is Light
Industrial (LI) with residential uses and freight warehouses. The Future Land Use
Plan shows Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area.
The acreage will be cleared and covered with gravel at first but during Phase II it
will then be asphalt. The entire property will be fenced, and lighting added for
safety. There will be a small office and a restroom facility built on the property.
Semi-trucks will be allowed to “idle” overnight, but the primary goal is long term
storage, if there are any extra spaces, they will be opened for short-term parking.
Applicant agrees to comply with short-term parking being located away from
residential areas while long term storage is located in other parts of the property.
The proposed use of overnight parking for semi-trucks, storage of RV’s boats and
trailers is scheduled to be in operation by February of 2024 if approved by the City.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
1. Contact Planning and Development Dept., Engineering Division at
501-371-4817 or at 501-918-5348 for inspections of any work in the public
right-of-way prior to placement of concrete or asphalt or for on-site
clarification of requirements prior to commencing work. Failure to do so can
result in removal of any improperly placed concrete or asphalt at the expense
of the owner or contractor.
2. Repair, replace, or extend existing damaged, missing, and noncompliant curb
and gutter, sidewalk, access ramps or concrete driveway aprons within the
public right-of-way adjacent to the site. Remove abandoned driveway cuts
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 18 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9877
and replace with curb, gutter, and sidewalk. All work within the public right-
of-way shall conform to City of Little Rock Public Works Standard Details and
ADA guidelines.
3. Damage to public and private property due to hauling operations or
operations of construction related equipment from a construction site shall be
repaired by the responsible party prior to the issuance of a certificate of
4. Any work involving one (1) or more acres of disturbed area requires a State
of Arkansas NPDES permit. Contact the Arkansas Department of
Environmental Quality, NPDES branch at 501-682-0744 for applications and
information about General Stormwater Discharge Construction Permit
5. A grading permit must be obtained prior to initiation of work. Grading permits
are issued by the Planning and Development Dept. at 723 West Markham
Street after approval of sediment and erosion control plans, grading and
drainage plans, land survey, drainage study, and soil loss calculations per
City’s stormwater management and drainage manual. Contact Planning and
Development Dept., Engineering Division at 501-371-4817 or at
501-918-5348 or Permits@littlerock.gov to schedule an appointment for
issuance or to answer any questions. Permit cost is based on total project
area at $100.00 for the less than ½ acre, $200.00 for ½ to 1 acre, and $200.00
for the first acre and $100.00 for each additional acre for project greater than
1 acre.
6. Damage to public and private property due to hauling operations or
operations of construction related equipment from a construction site shall be
repaired by the responsible party prior to the issuance of a certificate of
7. Boundary street improvements are required per master street plan. Boundary
street improvements shall include, but not be limited to, reconstruction of one-
half section of the abutting street if the existing street is not up to city
standards. Repair, replace, or extend existing damaged, missing, and
noncompliant curb and gutter, sidewalk, access ramps or concrete driveway
aprons within the public right-of-way adjacent to the site. Remove abandoned
driveway cuts and replace with curb, gutter, and sidewalk. All work within the
public right-of-way shall conform to City of Little Rock Public Works Standard
Details and ADA guidelines.
8. Mabelvale Pike is classified as a collector per the City’s master street plan.
Therefore, per City’s boundary street ordinance, construction of boundary
street improvements along property’s western frontage on S Mabelvale Pike
for a collector street standard and dedication of additional right of way per
master street plan is required. Total right of way dedication required is thirty
(30) feet from street centerline. Additional right of way dedicated from the
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 18 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9877
centerline of right of way more than thirty (30) feet may be required by
Department staff depending on the location of the centerline of the street in
relation to the centerline of the right of way if both centerlines do not coincide
currently for Mabelvale Pike.
9. The Department requires three (3) phase sediment and erosion control (SEC)
plans to be submitted for all construction projects showing best management
practices (BMPs) for mitigating sediment runoff and erosion along with
vegetation specifications for temporary and permanent soil stabilization.
Phase 1 SEC plans shall show SEC BMPs during the stripping, clearing,
grubbing, and rough grading of the site. Phase 2 SEC plans shall show SEC
BMPs during construction of utilities, buildings, roadway infrastructure and
drainage infrastructure. Phase 3 SEC Plans shall show SEC BMPs for final
grading, seeding, and landscaping of the site.
10. Sediment and Erosion Control plans shall also show the pertinent information
as outlined in ADEQ ARR150000 Permit Part II section A-4-H (1-14) and Part
II section A-4-I-2 (A-B).
11. Per City Rev. Code 29-99, stormwater detention for developments is
required. Provide stormwater detention infrastructure to satisfy this
12. A drainage study showing all hydrologic calculations for the site and all
hydraulic calculations for the proposed storm sewer pipe system, swales and
ditches, detention ponds, outlet structures, and inlets is required per City’s
stormwater management and drainage manual. For final drainage report,
sign, date, and seal the report per AR State Board of Professional Engineers
and Professional Surveyors rules Article 12, Section B (1) (a). Provide
engineer's certification statement saying this drainage report was conducted
by yourself or directly under your supervision and attesting to the accuracy of
the information within this report.
13. Per City Code 31-210 (e) (2) for collector streets, the minimum driveway
spacing shall be two-hundred fifty (250) feet. Driveway spacing shall be
centerline to centerline. The minimum driveway spacing from the property
line shall be one hundred twenty-five (125) feet. A lot will require six hundred
twenty-five (625) feet of frontage for two (2) driveways. A request for
variances from these three City code requirements to the Planning
Commission as part of the application for the PD-C will be required.
14. All lighting for the property shall be kept on site, and the lighting shall not
trespass on adjacent properties. Any lighting shall be so placed as to reflect
away from adjacent residential districts per City Code Sec. 36-298 for
commercial districts.
15. Per City Code Sec. 36-298, no excessive or unusual noise, odor, or vibration
shall be emitted so that it constitutes a nuisance which substantially exceeds
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 18 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9877
the general level noise, odor, or vibration emitted by used adjacent to or
immediately surrounding the site.
16. Noises generally prohibited on site shall comply with City Code Sec. 18-52
(a), (b),(c).
17. Where are the landscaping/natural buffer areas and screening/fencing areas
shown along the site’s property lines?
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: A sewer main extension may be
required. Please submit wastewater drawings to LRWRA for review and approval.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department:
Maintain Access:
Fire Hydrants.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at fire hydrant locations as per Appendix D
of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.1 Access road
width with a hydrant. Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access
road, the minimum road width shall be 26 feet, exclusive of shoulders.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.2 Grade. Fire apparatus access roads shall
not exceed 10 percent in grade except as approved by the fire chief. If the grade
exceeds 10 percent, approval will be denied and the applicant must submit request
to be reviewed by Fire Chief for Approval.
Maintain fire apparatus access road design as per Appendix D of the 2021
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D102.1 Access and loading.
Facilities, buildings or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be
accessible to fire department apparatus by way of an approved fire apparatus
access road with an asphalt, concrete or other approved driving surface capable
of supporting the imposed load of fire apparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 18 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9877
Commercial and Industrial Developments – 2 means of access. - Maintain fire
apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention
Code Vol. 1
Section D104.1 Buildings exceeding three stories or 30 feet in height.
Building or facilities exceeding 30 feet or three stories in height shall have at least
two means of fire apparatus access for each structure.
Section D104.2 Building exceeding 62,000 square feet in area. Buildings or
facilities having a gross building area of more than 62,000 square feet shall be
provide with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
Exception: Projects having a gross building area of up to 124,000 square feet
that have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all building are
equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler systems.
D104.3 Remoteness. Where two fire apparatus access roads are required, they
shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the
maximum overall diagonal dimension of the lot or area to be served, measured in
a straight line between accesses.
Dead Ends.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at dead end locations as per Appendix D of
the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.4 Dead Ends. Dead-
end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet shall be provided with width
and turnaround provisions in accordance with Table D103.4. Requirements for
Dead-end fire apparatus access roads.
Maintain fire apparatus access road gates as per Appendix D of the 2021 Arkansas
Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.5 Fire apparatus access road gates.
Gates securing the fire apparatus access roads shall comply with all of the
following criteria:
1. Minimum gate width shall be 20 feet.
2. Gates shall be of swinging or sliding type.
3. Construction of gates shall be of material that allow manual operation by one
4. Gate components shall be maintained in an operable condition at all times and
replaces or repaired when defective.
5. Electric gates shall be equipped with a means of opening the gate by fire
department personnel for emergency access. Emergency opening devices
shall be approved by the fire code official.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 18 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9877
6. Manual opening gates shall not be locked with a padlock or chain and padlock
unless they are capable of being opened by means of forcible entry tools or
when a key box containing the keys to the lock is installed at the gate location.
7. Locking device specifications shall be submitted for approval \by the fire code
8. Electric gate operators, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with
UL 325.
9. Gates, intended for automatic operation shall be designed, constructed and
installed to comply with requirements of ASTM F 2200.
Fire Hydrants
Locate Fire Hydrants as per Appendix C of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention
Code. Section C101 – C105, in conjunction with Central Arkansas Water
(Daniel Tull 501-377-1245) and the Little Rock Fire Marshal’s Office (Capt. Tony
Rhodes 501-918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram 501-918-3756 Number
and Distribution of Fire Hydrants as per Table C105.1.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
1. Any new site development must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and
buffer ordinance requirements. Refer to the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 15
Landscaping and Tree Protection, and Chapter 36, Article IX – Buffers and
2. Site development plans, with landscape and screening, must be submitted for
review, and approval, prior to site clearing and tree removal.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the Geyer Springs West Planning District. The Land Use Plan
shows Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area. The Residential
Medium Density (RM) accommodates a broad range of housing types including
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 18 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9877
single family attached, single family detached, duplex, town homes, multi-family
and patio or garden homes. Any combination of these and possibly other housing
types may fall in this category provided that the density is between six (6) and
twelve (12) dwelling units per acre. The application is to rezone from R2 to PD-C
for a vehicle parking and storage area.
The application area is currently wooded and undeveloped. To the south of the
site is undeveloped acreage classified as Residential Medium Density (RM). The
Residential Medium Density (RM) accommodates a broad range of housing types
including single family attached, single family detached, duplex, town homes,
multi-family and patio or garden homes. Any combination of these and possibly
other housing types may fall in this category provided that the density is between
six (6) and twelve (12) dwelling units per acre. To the north of the site is a mobile
home park then more undeveloped acreage as Residential Medium Density (RM).
East of the site is Park/Open Space (PK/OS) buffer. The Park/Open Space
(PK/OS) category includes all public parks, recreation facilities, greenbelts, flood
plains, and other designated open space and recreational land. West of the
application area, across Mabelvale Pike, is Light Industrial (LI) with residential uses
and freight warehouses. The Light Industrial category provides for light
warehouse, distribution or storage uses, and/or other industrial uses that are
developed in a well-designed "park like" setting.
This site is not in an Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
Mabelvale Pike is a Collector on the Master Street Plan. Collectors are designed
to connect traffic from Local Streets to Arterials or to activity centers, with the
secondary function of providing access to adjoining property. The standard Right
of way is 60’. Sidewalks are required on one side of Collectors. This street may
require dedication of right-of-way and may require street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
Mabelvale Pike is on the Master Bike Plan as BIKEWAY III-ROUTE. Bike Routes
require no additional right-of-way, but either a sign or pavement marking to identify
and direct the route.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not located in a Historic District.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 18 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9877
The applicant proposes to rezone 2.54-acre property located at 5803 Mabelvale
Pike from R-2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as semi-truck, RV, boat and
trailer parking and storage. The operating hours will be from 4:00 a.m. to 11:00
p.m., seven (7) days a week.
The property is located in an R-2 zoning. The request is in the Geyer Springs West
Planning District. The application area is currently wooded and undeveloped. To
the south of the site is undeveloped acreage classified as RM, to the north of the
site is a mobile home park then more undeveloped acreage as RM. East of the
site is PK/OS buffer. West of the application area, across Mabelvale Pike, is Light
Industrial (LI) with residential uses and freight warehouses. The Future Land Use
Plan shows Residential Medium Density (RM) for the requested area.
The acreage will be cleared and covered with gravel at first but during Phase II it
will then be asphalt. The entire property will be fenced, and lighting added for
safety. There will be a small office and a restroom facility built on the property.
Semi-trucks will be allowed to “idle” overnight, but the primary goal is long term
storage, if there are any extra spaces, they will be opened for short-term parking.
Applicant agrees to comply with short-term parking being located away from
residential areas while long term storage is located in other parts of the property.
The proposed use of overnight parking for semi-trucks, storage of RV’s boats and
trailers is scheduled to be in operation by February of 2024 if approved by the City.
There will be a maximum of two (2) employees on the site.
All site lighting must be low-level and directed away from adjacent properties.
The applicant notes that 32 gallon to 95 gallon trash cans will be on site for trash
Any signage placed on the sit must comply with Section 36-555 of the City’s Zoning
Ordinance (signs allowed in commercial zones).
The site plan submitted by the applicant shows land use/landscape buffers along
all perimeters of the site. All land use buffers must comply with zoning ordinance
Staff supports the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed PD-C use is appropriate for this location.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 18 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9877
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraphs D, E and F and the staff analysis
of the agenda staff report.
Staff presented the item and a recommendation for approval. The applicant was not
present. The application was deferred to the January 11, 2024, Agenda.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 19 FILE NO.: Z-9878
NAME: Crimson Oaks – PD-R
LOCATION: 14118 Kanis Road
Taylorized Properties
11524 Fairview Road
Little Rock, AR 72212
J. Eric Holloway (Agent)
Holloway Engineering
200 Casey Drive
Maumelle, AR 72113
Holloway Engineering
200 Casey Drive
Maumelle, AR 72113
AREA: 6.35 acres NUMBER OF LOTS: 44 FT. NEW STREET: 1,468 LF
The applicant is proposing to rezone the property from R-2 to PD-R in order to
subdivide 6.35 acres into 44 lots, and to construct fifteen (15) buildings of two (2)
and three (3) units each with a neighborhood pool and covered pickleball courts.
The subdivision will take access from Kanis Road. The development will also
include 1,468 linear-feet of new private streets and will be completed in one (1)
The site is located on the north side of Kanis Road, approximately 309 feet west
of Kirby Road. Properties around the site contain a mixture zoning and uses all
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 19 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9878
All owners of property within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood associations
registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public hearing.
1. Contact Planning and Development Dept., Engineering Division at
501-371-4817 or at 501-918-5348 for inspections of any work in the public
right-of-way prior to placement of concrete or asphalt or for on-site
clarification of requirements prior to commencing work. Failure to do so can
result in removal of any improperly placed concrete or asphalt at the expense
of the owner or contractor.
2. Damage to public and private property due to hauling operations or
operations of construction related equipment from a construction site shall be
repaired by the responsible party prior to the issuance of a certificate of
3. Any work involving one (1) or more acres of disturbed area requires a
State of Arkansas NPDES permit. Contact the Arkansas Department of
Environmental Quality, NPDES branch at 501-682-0744 for applications and
information about General Stormwater Discharge Construction Permit
4. A grading permit must be obtained prior to initiation of work. Grading permits
are issued by the Planning and Development Dept. at 723 West Markham
Street after approval of sediment and erosion control plans, grading and
drainage plans, land survey, drainage study, and soil loss calculations per
City’s stormwater management and drainage manual. Contact Planning and
Development Dept., Engineering Division at 501-371-4817 or at 501-918-
5348 or Permits@littlerock.gov to schedule an appointment for issuance or
to answer any questions. Permit cost is based on total project area at
$100.00 for the less than ½ acre, $200.00 for ½ to 1 acre, and $200.00 for
the first acre and $100.00 for each additional acre for project greater than 1
5. The Department requires three (3) phase sediment and erosion control (SEC)
plans to be submitted for all construction projects showing best management
practices (BMPs) for mitigating sediment runoff and erosion along with
vegetation specifications for temporary and permanent soil stabilization.
Phase 1 SEC plans shall show SEC BMPs during the stripping, clearing,
grubbing, and rough grading of the site. Phase 2 SEC plans shall show SEC
BMPs during construction of utilities, buildings, roadway infrastructure and
drainage infrastructure. Phase 3 SEC Plans shall show SEC BMPs for final
grading, seeding, and landscaping of the site.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 19 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9878
6. Sediment and Erosion Control plans shall also show the pertinent information
as outlined in ADEQ ARR150000 Permit Part II section A-4-H (1-14) and Part
II section A-4-I-2 (A-B).
7. A drainage study showing all hydrologic calculations for the site and all
hydraulic calculations for the proposed storm sewer pipe system, swales and
ditches, detention ponds, outlet structures, and inlets is required per City’s
stormwater management and drainage manual. For final drainage report,
sign, date, and seal the report per AR State Board of Professional Engineers
and Professional Surveyors rules Article 12, Section B (1) (a). Provide
engineer's certification statement saying this drainage report was conducted
by yourself or directly under your supervision and attesting to the accuracy of
the information within this report. Board of Professional Engineers and
Professional Surveyors rules Article 12, Section B (1) (a). Provide engineer's
certification statement saying this drainage report was conducted by yourself
or directly under your supervision and attesting to the accuracy of the
information within this report.
8. Per City Code 31-210 (e) (1) for arterial streets, the minimum driveway
spacing shall be three hundred (300) feet. Driveway spacing shall be
centerline to centerline. The minimum driveway spacing from the property
line shall be one hundred fifty (150) feet. A lot will require seven hundred fifty
(750) feet of frontage for two (2) driveways. Revise site plan accordingly or
a request for variances from these three City code requirements to the
Planning Commission as part of the application for the PD-R will be required.
9. Boundary street improvements are required per master street plan. Boundary
street improvements shall include, but not be limited to, reconstruction of one-
half section of the abutting street if the existing street is not up to city
standards. Repair, replace, or extend existing damaged, missing, and
noncompliant curb and gutter, sidewalk, access ramps or concrete driveway
aprons within the public right-of-way adjacent to the site. Remove abandoned
driveway cuts and replace with curb, gutter, and sidewalk. All work within the
public right-of-way shall conform to City of Little Rock Public Works Standard
Details and ADA guidelines.
10. Kanis Road is classified as a minor arterial per the City’s master street plan.
Therefore, per City’s boundary street ordinance, construction of boundary
street improvements along property’s southern frontage on Kanis Road for a
minor arterial street standard and dedication of additional right of way per
master street plan is required. Total right of way dedication required is forty-
five (45) feet from street centerline. Additional right of way dedicated from
the centerline of right of way more than forty-five (45) feet may be required
by Department staff depending on the location of the centerline of the street
in relation to the centerline of the right of way if both centerlines do not
coincide currently for Kanis Road.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 19 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9878
11. Per City Code 31-89 (5) for a preliminary plat, a storm drainage preliminary
analysis is required showing drainage data for all watercourses entering and
leaving the plat boundaries. The storm drainage analysis shall be prepared
in sufficient detail to illustrate the proposed system’s capability of
accommodating storm events as required by the stormwater management
and drainage manual. The preliminary plat shall also show drainage arrows
indicating how drainage arrives at the site and drainage arrows how it leaves
the site post development. Indicate where the storm sewer pipes are located
within the development also. Additionally, provide profile and cross-sectional
views of the detention structure outlet/spillway. Delineation of the drainage
areas pre and post construction with respective discharges via rational
method shall also be shown. The preliminary plat shall also contain all
information as outlined in City Code 31-89.
12. A preliminary detention pond analysis for the 25 and 100 year storms is
required to be submitted to Department engineering staff for review prior to
Planning Commission agenda meeting to verify proposed detention ponds
have enough capacity to store and properly release each design storm event
per City’s stormwater management and drainage manual and City Code
Chapter 29.
13. Street design standards shall comply with the latest version of the AASHTO
A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, City’s Master Street
Plan (2018), and City’s Standard Details for street and drainage facilities
improvements (2015).
14. Street stormwater and detention infrastructure design standards shall comply
with the City’s Stormwater Management and Drainage Manual (2016)
including City Code Chapters 29, 30, and 31.
15. Street pavement, sidewalks, curb and gutter, curb inlets, junction boxes,
accessible ramps, and storm sewer infrastructure shall comply with City’s
specifications for construction as outlined in City Code Chapters 30.
16. Private access is proposed for this property. In accordance with Little Rock
Code Section 31-207, private streets must be designed and constructed to
public street standards per City Code Chapters 29, 30, 31 and Little Rock’s
Master Street Plan.
17. Clearly label all interior private streets as “private” on preliminary plat.
18. Per 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Volume 1 Fire Appendix D Fire
Apparatus Access Roads Section D107 One or Two Family Residential
Developments D107.1 One or two family dwelling residential developments:
“Developments of one or two family dwellings where the number of dwelling
units exceeds 30 shall be provided with two separate and approved fire
apparatus access roads. Exceptions: 1. Where there are more than 30
dwelling unit accessed from a single public or private fire apparatus access
road and all dwelling units are equipped throughout with an approved
automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 19 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9878
or 903.3.1.3, access from two directions shall not be required. 2. The number
of dwelling units accessed from a single fire apparatus access road shall not
be increased unless fire apparatus access roads will connect with future
development, as determined by the fire code official.” Therefore, the
construction of two (2) fire apparatus access roads or installation of an
automatic sprinkler system throughout all proposed residential dwelling units
is required. Per Appendix D of the fire code Section D101 General D101.1
Scope: “Fire apparatus access roads shall be in accordance with this
appendix and all other applicable requirements of the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code. Requests for exceptions to Appendix D may be appealed
to the State Fire Marshal.
Section R401.3 Drainage. Surface drainage shall be diverted to a storm
sewer conveyance or other approved point of collection that does not create
a hazard. Lots shall be graded to drain surface water away from foundation
walls. The grade shall fall a minimum of 6 inches (152mm) within the first
10 feet (3048mm). Exception: Where lot lines, walls, slopes or other physical
barriers prohibit 6 inches (152mm) of fall within 10 feet (3048mm), drains or
swales shall be constructed to ensure drainage away from the structure.
Impervious surfaces within 10 feet (3048mm) of the building foundation shall
be sloped a minimum of 2 percent away from the building.
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority:
1. Please submit wastewater drawings to LRWRA for review and approval.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water:
1. All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at the time of request for
water service must be met.
Fire Department:
Maintain Access:
Fire Hydrants.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at fire hydrant locations as per Appendix D
of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.1 Access road
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 19 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9878
width with a hydrant. Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access
road, the minimum road width shall be 26 feet, exclusive of shoulders.
Maintain fire apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.2 Grade. Fire apparatus access roads
shall not exceed 10 percent in grade except as approved by the fire chief. If
the grade exceeds 10 percent, approval will be denied and the applicant must
submit request to be reviewed by Fire Chief for Approval.
Maintain fire apparatus access road design as per Appendix D of the 2021
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D102.1 Access and loading.
Facilities, buildings or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be
accessible to fire department apparatus by way of an approved fire apparatus
access road with an asphalt, concrete or other approved driving surface capable
of supporting the imposed load of fire apparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds.
Dead Ends
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at dead end locations as per Appendix
D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.4 Dead
Ends. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet shall be
provided with width and turnaround provisions in accordance with Table D103.4.
Requirements for Dead-end fire apparatus access roads.
Maintain fire apparatus access road gates as per Appendix D of the 2021
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.5 Fire apparatus access
road gates. Gates securing the fire apparatus access roads shall comply with
all of the following criteria:
1. Minimum gate width shall be 20 feet.
2. Gates shall be of swinging or sliding type.
3. Construction of gates shall be of material that allow manual operation by one
4. Gate components shall be maintained in an operable condition at all times and
replaces or repaired when defective.
5. Electric gates shall be equipped with a means of opening the gate by fire
department personnel for emergency access. Emergency opening devices
shall be approved by the fire code official.
6. Manual opening gates shall not be locked with a padlock or chain and padlock
unless they are capable of being opened by means of forcible entry tools or
when a key box containing the keys to the lock is installed at the gate location.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 19 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9878
7. Locking device specifications shall be submitted for approval by the fire code
8. Electric gate operators, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with
UL 325.
9. Gates, intended for automatic operation shall be designed, constructed and
installed to comply with requirements of ASTM F 2200.
Multi-Family Residential Developments
As per Appendix D, Section D106.1 of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention
Code Vol. 1. Projects having more than 100 dwelling units. Multiple-family
residential projects having more than 100 dwelling units shall be equipped
throughout with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
Exception: Projects having up to 200 dwelling units may have a single
approved fire apparatus access road when all building, including nonresidential
occupancies are equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler systems
installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2
As per Appendix D, Section D106.2 of the 2021 Arkansas Fire prevention
Code Vol. 1. Projects having more than 200 dwelling units. Multiple-family
residential projects having more than 200 dwelling units shall be provided with two
separate and approved fire apparatus access roads regardless of whether they
are equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler system.
Fire Hydrants
Locate Fire Hydrants as per Appendix C of the 2021 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code. Section C101 – C105, in conjunction with Central Arkansas
Water (Daniel Tull 501-377-1245) and the Little Rock Fire Marshal’s Office
(Capt. Tony Rhodes 501-918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram
501-918-3756 Number and Distribution of Fire Hydrants as per Table C105.1.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning:
1. No comments by Pulaski County unless the proposed subdivision is not
annexed into the City.
Building Code: No comments received.
1. Any new site development must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and
buffer ordinance requirements. Refer to the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 15
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 19 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9878
Landscaping and Tree Protection, and Chapter 36, Article IX – Buffers and
2. Site development plans, with landscape and screening, must be submitted for
review, and approval, prior to site clearing and tree removal.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the Ellis Mountain Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Commercial (C) for the requested area. The Commercial (C) category includes a
broad range of retail and wholesale sales of products, personal and professional
services, and general business activities. Commercial activities vary in type and
scale, depending on the trade area that they serve. The application is to rezone
from R2 to PD-R. This property is located in the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction.
Surrounding the application area
To the west on the north side of Kanis Road is Commercial (C) land use. South of
the application site across Kanis Road is Residential High Density (RH) with a
developed apartment complex. The Residential High Density (RH) category
accommodates residential development of more than twelve (12) dwelling units
per acre. East of the site is Residential Medium Density (RM) with a developed
apartment complex and an area of Mixed Office and Commercial (MOC) with a
convenience store with fuel pumps. The Residential Medium Density (RM)
accommodates a broad range of housing types including single family attached,
single family detached, duplex, town homes, multi-family and patio or garden
homes. Any combination of these and possibly other housing types may fall in this
category provided that the density is between six (6) and twelve (12) dwelling units
per acre. The Mixed Office and Commercial (MOC) category provides for a mixture
of office and commercial uses to occur. Acceptable uses are office or mixed office
and commercial. A Planned Zoning District is required if the use is mixed office
and commercial.
This site is not in an Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
Kanis Road is a Minor Arterial on the Master Street Plan. Minor Arterials are high
volume roads designed to provide the connections to and through an urban area.
Curb cuts should be minimized to allow for continuous traffic flow while still allowing
some access to adjoining property. Standard Right-of-way (ROW) is 90 feet.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 19 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9878
Sidewalks are required on both sides. This street may need more ROW and/or
paving width. May require dedication of ROW or improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Bike Plan shows no facilities in this area.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not a contributing structure and is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant is proposing to rezone the property from R-2 to PD-R in order to
subdivide 6.35 acres into 44 lots, and to construct fifteen (15) buildings of two (2)
and three (3) units each with a neighborhood pool and covered pickleball courts.
The subdivision will take access from Kanis Road. The development will also
include 1,468 linear-feet of new private streets and will be completed in one (1)
The site is located on the north side of Kanis Road, approximately 309 feet west
of Kirby Road. Properties around the site contain a mixture zoning and uses all
Access to each unit will be from a private drive extending from Kanis Road.
Currently all lots will be owned or leased by the developer, however, each unit may
be for sale in the future.
The plan shows an average lot size of 0.099 acre with a typical unit size of
2,080 square feet. Each unit will contain a 2-car garage and a 20-foot wide
driveway. Buildings will not exceed a maximum building height of thirty-five (35)
All front building setbacks will be twenty (20) feet, rear setbacks range from five
(5) to fifteen (15) feet. All connected buildings have a zero (0) setback at the
common building line.
A mail kiosk is located near the entrance of the development along Kanis Road.
There will be a separate entrance at the southeast corner of the property to serve
the mail kiosk area.
Two (2) covered pickleball courts and a pool and spa are located in the
southeastern portion of the development. The plan shows three (3) parking spaces
dedicated for the pool/pickleball area and for mail kiosk parking.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 19 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9878
The plan shows water detention along the eastern and southeastern portion of the
A twelve (12) foot (maximum height) retaining wall is shown along the eastern
boundary of the site. Four (4) foot and eight (8) foot high retaining walls are shown
along the north property boundary.
The applicant notes access easements, walking paths and all open space tracts
will be owned and maintained by the POA.
The applicant is not proposing any signage at this time. All signage must conform
to Section 36-551 (signs permitted in residential one- and two-family zones).
Staff is not opposed to the overall concept of the development. However, staff
does not feel that the site can be developed as presented, without substantial
changes, based on the following concerns:
1. Drainage infrastructure along Kanis Road needs to be within the right-of-way
and be designed to accommodate all upstream basin pre-development flows.
2. There will be additional drainage infrastructure within the site, which is not
shown on the plan.
3. All common areas, including the private roadways must be within tracts, and
maintained by a POA.
4. All private roads must be designed and constructed to City standards. The
east/west roads do not comply.
5. Sidewalks are not shown throughout the development, to provide pedestrian
connectivity to the common areas (pool and pickle ball courts) and mail
kiosk area.
6. The driveways for Lots 18 through 44 must have depths of at least twenty (20)
7. Staff does not support the design of the mail kiosk area. Staff’s has concerns
with pedestrian and vehicular access to this area.
8. Staff has concerns with respect to the design of the retaining walls in
conjunction with stormwater detention areas.
Therefore, staff does not support the evelopment at this time. Staff does not feel
that the proposed development is ready to be reviewed and acted upon by the
Planning Commission.
Staff recommends denial of the PD-R rezoning as submitted.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 19 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9878
This item is being withdrawn, without prejudice, at the request of the applicant.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 20 FILE NO.: Z-9889
NAME: SBC/Lake Nixon – Solar Farm – PD-I
LOCATION: Southwestern corner of Colonel Glenn Road & Cooper Orbit Road
Second Baptist Church (Owner)
222 E. 8th Street
Little Rock, AR 72202
Chris Ellis (Agent)
Second Baptist Church
222 E. 8th Street
Little Rock, AR 72202
Tyler Group
240 Skyline Drive
Conway, AR 72032
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone 5.07 acres of an overall 30.98 acre site from AF
to PD-I to develop a solar farm. The solar farm will exclusively service Second
Baptist Church which is contained on the overall tract.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 20 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9889
The overall site is contained on the north and south sides of Cooper Orbit Road.
The property extends westward to Joiner Road before continuing further south to
the intersection of Cooper Orbit Road and Colonel Glenn Road. The majority of
the property is zoned AF (Agriculture & Forestry). The eastern portion of the site
contains two (2) smaller portions zoned PD-R and R-2. The surrounding properties
contain a mixture of zoning and uses. The overall site is located within the City’s
Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ).
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water:
1. All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at the time of request for
water service must be met.
Fire Department:
Maintain Access:
Fire Hydrants
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at fire hydrant locations as per Appendix D
of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.1 Access road
width with a hydrant. Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access
road, the minimum road width shall be 26 feet, exclusive of shoulders.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 20 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9889
Maintain fire apparatus access roads as per Appendix D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.2 Grade. Fire apparatus access roads
shall not exceed 10 percent in grade except as approved by the fire chief. If
the grade exceeds 10 percent, approval will be denied and the applicant must
submit request to be reviewed by Fire Chief for Approval.
Maintain fire apparatus access road design as per Appendix D of the 2021
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D102.1 Access and loading.
Facilities, buildings or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be
accessible to fire department apparatus by way of an approved fire apparatus
access road with an asphalt, concrete or other approved driving surface capable
of supporting the imposed load of fire apparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds.
Dead Ends
Maintain fire apparatus access roads at dead end locations as per Appendix
D of the 2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.4 Dead
Ends. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet shall be
provided with width and turnaround provisions in accordance with Table D103.4.
Requirements for Dead-end fire apparatus access roads.
Maintain fire apparatus access road gates as per Appendix D of the 2021
Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. 1 Section D103.5 Fire apparatus access
road gates. Gates securing the fire apparatus access roads shall comply
with all of the following criteria:
1. Minimum gate width shall be 20 feet.
2. Gates shall be of swinging or sliding type.
3. Construction of gates shall be of material that allow manual operation by one
4. Gate components shall be maintained in an operable condition at all times and
replaces or repaired when defective.
5. Electric gates shall be equipped with a means of opening the gate by fire
department personnel for emergency access. Emergency opening devices
shall be approved by the fire code official.
6. Manual opening gates shall not be locked with a padlock or chain and padlock
unless they are capable of being opened by means of forcible entry tools or
when a key box containing the keys to the lock is installed at the gate location.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 20 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9889
7. Locking device specifications shall be submitted for approval by the fire code
8. Electric gate operators, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with
UL 325.
9. Gates, intended for automatic operation shall be designed, constructed and
installed to comply with requirements of ASTM F 2200.
Fire Hydrants
Locate Fire Hydrants as per Appendix C of the 2021 Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code. Section C101 – C105, in conjunction with Central Arkansas
Water (Daniel Tull 501-377-1245) and the Little Rock Fire Marshal’s Office
(Capt. Tony Rhodes 501-918-3757, or Fire Marshal Derek N. Ingram
501-918-3756 Number and Distribution of Fire Hydrants as per Table C105.1.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning:
1. Dedicate R/W to meet Master Street Plan it City requires for Colonel Glenn
Road and Cooper Orbit Road. Contact Pulaski County for Quit Claim deed
template for R/W dedication.
2. Volunteer Fire Department approval for solar farm prior to requesting and
3. Obtain a driveway permit from PCRB (501-340-6800) for any new driveway or
driveway improvements or work in the County Right-of-Way.
Building Code: No comments received.
1. Any new site development must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and
buffer ordinance requirements. Refer to the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 15
Landscaping and Tree Protection, and Chapter 36, Article IX – Buffers and
2. Site development plans, with landscape and screening, must be submitted for
review, and approval, prior to site clearing and tree removal.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 20 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9889
Planning Division:
The request is in the Ellis Mountain Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Public/Institutional (PI) for the requested area. The Public/Institutional (PI)
category includes public and quasi-public facilities that provide a variety of services
to the community such as schools, libraries, fire stations, churches, utility
substations, and hospitals. The application is to rezone from AF to PD-C for a solar
Surrounding the wooded and undeveloped application area is all Low Density
Residential (RL). The Residential Low Density (RL) category provides for single
family homes at densities not to exceed 6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential
development is typically characterized by conventional single-family homes but
may also include patio or garden homes and cluster homes, provided that the
density remains less than 6 units per acre.
This site is not in an Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
Cooper Orbit Road is a collector on the Master Street Plan. Collectors are
designed to connect traffic from Local Streets to Arterials or to activity centers, with
the secondary function of providing access to adjoining property. The standard
Right of way is 60’. Sidewalks are required on one side of Collectors. This street
may require dedication of right-of-way and may require street improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Bike Plan shows no facilities in this area.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not developed and is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant proposes to develop 5.07 acres of an overall 30.98 acre site from
AF to PD-I to develop a solar farm. The solar farm will exclusively service Second
Baptist Church which is contained on the overall tract.
The overall site is contained on south side of Cooper Orbit Road, west of Colonel
Glenn Road. The property is zoned AF (Agriculture & Forestry). The surrounding
properties contain a mixture of zoning and uses. The overall site is located within
the City’s Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ).
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 20 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9889
The site plan shows ingress/egress along Joiner Road from the south.
The applicant notes the proposed solar array will allow church facilities to reduce
the impact of fossil fuel use thus allowing financial resources to be allocated
The applicant provided current plans demonstrating measures to mitigate noise
emissions generated from the inverters, noting that noise will not be detected
beyond the boundary of the property.
The solar farm development will be secured by a high-security perimeter fencing
around the entire solar array.
The site plan shows a 4x8 foot church sign to be located along Colonel Glenn
Road. All signs shall comply with Section 36-554 of the City’s zoning ordinance
(signs permitted in industrial zones). The applicant notes additional
signage/placards will be installed in accordance to the National Electric Code.
The applicant notes no other buildings or additional structures are planned for this
All sight lighting must be low-level and directed away from adjacent properties.
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues
raised during staff’s review of this application. To staff’s knowledge, there are no
outstanding issues. The applicant is requesting no variance with the requested
PCD rezoning.
Staff is supportive of the requested PCD rezoning. Staff views the request as
reasonable. The property is located in the City’s Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ)
on 30 a plus total acre tract. Staff feels the proposed use should have no adverse
impact on the surrounding properties.
Staff recommends approval of the requested PCD zoning, subject to compliance
with the comments and conditions outlined in paragraphs E, and F, and the staff
analysis, of the agenda staff report.
The applicant was present, representing the application. Staff presented the item and a
recommendation for approval. There were 6 persons present in opposition. Carolyn
Jolley, Roy Jolley, Heather Wigley, Hamilton Kemp, Andrew Black, and Kevin Garland all
spoke about concerns of the solar structure being an “eye-sore”, the structure causing
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 20 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9889
issues with run-off and flooding and the depletion of wildlife and forestry. There was much
discussion concerning the project. There was a motion to approve. The motion was
seconded. The vote was 1 aye, 10 nays and 0 absent. The motion failed and the
application was denied.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 21 FILE NO.: G-25-231
NAME: Arch Street – Street Name Change to “BRUCE T. MOORE WAY”
LOCATION: That portion of Arch Street from West 4th Street north to the Arkansas River
City of Little Rock
500 West Markham Street
Little Rock, AR 72201
All owners of property which abuts the subject portion of N. Arch Street and S.
Arch Street were notified of the public hearing.
The City of Little Rock requests to rename the portion of N. Arch Street and S.
Arch Street from West 4th Street north to the Arkansas River to “BRUCE T.
MOORE WAY.” The City of Little Rock requests the street name change to honor
longtime Little Rock City Manager Bruce T. Moore who recently passed away
Staff recommends approval of the requested Street Name Change.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 10 ayes,
0 nays, and 1 recusal (Russell). The application was approved.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 22 FILE NO.: Z-9863
NAME: Kuruvilla STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 25 Warwick Road
Rebecca Swarna (Agent)
44 St. Thomas Court
Little Rock, AR 72211
(870) 476-2548
Viji and Sherli Kuruvilla (Owner)
130 Sezanne Ct
Little Rock, AR 72224
(248) 342-0111
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone 0.17-acre property located at 25 Warwick Road
from an R2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with a
maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the residence.
The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 22 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9863
The property is a 1,522 square foot one-story brick structure. The request is in the
Rodney Parham Planning District. The Future Land Use Plan shows Residential
Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The property has a long driveway that
can accommodate three or more vehicles.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No Comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Fire Department Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 22 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9863
Planning Division:
The request is in the Rodney Parham Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
by conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The application is to rezone from R2 to PD-C. for use as an STR-2.
Surrounding the application area are Residential Low (RL) properties with
Residential High to the north across Grassy Flat Creek.
The application site is zoned Single Family (R-2). Surrounding properties are also
zoned Single Family (R-2) with Urban Residence (R-5) to the north across Grassy
Flat Creek.
Master Street Plan:
Warwick Rd is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. May require dedication
of ROW or improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Transportation Plan Map shows a proposed Class 3 Bicycle Route
along Warwick Road which is designated with only signage for bicycle use. These
routes use the existing vehicular area, with no physical separation.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant proposes to rezone 0.17-acre property located at 25 Warwick Road
from an R2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with a
maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the residence.
The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The property is a 1,522 square foot one-story brick structure. The request is in the
Rodney Parham Planning District. The Future Land Use Plan shows Residential
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 22 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9863
Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The property has a long driveway that
can accommodate three or more vehicles.
On June 20, 2023 the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR
is proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 22 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9863
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1 )-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
Staff is in support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-2 use is appropriate for this location.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 22 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9863
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
thirty-five (35) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within database for
approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-term
rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the corporate
boundary of the City of Little Rock.
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraph E and the staff analysis of the
agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 10 ayes,
0 nays, and 1 recusal (Russell). The application was approved.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 23 FILE NO.: Z-9864
NAME: Tumlison STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 822 N. Coolidge Street
Rebecca Swarna (Agent)
44 St. Thomas Court
Little Rock, AR 72211
(870) 476-2548
Lisa Tumlison (Owner)
9 Chaparral Lane
Little Rock, AR 72212
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone 0.17-acre property located at 822 Coolidge
Street from an R2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2
with a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the
residence. The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 23 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9864
The property is a 1,711 square foot one-story brick structure. The request is in the
West Little Rock Planning District. The Future Land Use Plan shows Residential
Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The property has a double concrete
driveway that can accommodate three or more vehicles.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Fire Department Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 23 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9864
Planning Division:
The request is in the West Little Rock Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
by conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The application is to rezone from R2 to PD-C for use as an STR-2.
The Land Use surrounding the application area is Residential Low (RL).
The application site is zoned Single Family (R-2). Surrounding properties are also
zoned Single Family (R-2).
Master Street Plan:
‘H’ Street is a Collector on the Master Street Plan. May require dedication of ROW
or improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Transportation Plan Map does not show existing or proposed facilities
in this area. There are no existing or proposed bike routes adjacent to or through
this land.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant proposes to rezone 0.17-acre property located at 822 Coolidge
Street from an R2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2
with a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the
residence. The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The property is a 1,711 square foot one-story brick structure. The request is in the
West Little Rock Planning District. The Future Land Use Plan shows Residential
Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The property has a double concrete
driveway that can accommodate three or more vehicles.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 23 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9864
On June 20, 2023 the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR
is proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 23 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9864
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1 )-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
Staff is in support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-2 use is appropriate for this location.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
thirty-five (35) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database for
approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-term
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 23 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9864
rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the corporate
boundary of the City of Little Rock.
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraph E and the staff analysis of the
agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 10 ayes,
0 nays, and recusal (Russell). The application was approved.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 24 FILE NO.: Z-9866
NAME: J. McDonald STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 5105 “C” Street
Jerry McDonald (Owner)
5485 NW 22nd St
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308
(214) 679-3952
Jerry McDonald (Owner)
5485 NW 22nd St
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308
(214) 679-3952
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone 0.13-acre property located at 5105 “C” Street
from an R3 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with a
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 24 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9866
maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the residence.
The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The property is a 928 square foot one-story structure with exterior siding. The
request is in the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District and is also in the Hillcrest
Overlay District. The Future Land Use Plan shows Residential Low Density (RL)
for the requested area. The property has a concrete driveway that can
accommodate two vehicles.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Fire Department Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 24 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9866
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
by conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The application is to rezone from R3 to PD-C for use as an STR-2.
The Land Use surrounding the application area is Residential Low (RL).
The application site is zoned Single Family (R-3). Surrounding properties are also
zoned Single Family (R-3) with a Planned Development – Office (PD-O) on the
corner of “C” Street and North Van Buren Street.
This site in in the Hillcrest Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
C Street is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. May require dedication of
ROW improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Transportation Plan Map does not show existing or proposed facilities
in this area. There are no existing or proposed bike routes adjacent to or through
this land.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant proposes to rezone 0.13-acre property located at 5105 “C” Street
from an R3 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with a
maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the residence.
The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 24 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9866
The property is a 928 square foot one-story structure with exterior siding. The
request is in the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District and is also in the Hillcrest
Overlay District. The Future Land Use Plan shows Residential Low Density (RL)
for the requested area. The property has a concrete driveway that can
accommodate two vehicles.
On June 20, 2023 the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR is
proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 24 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9866
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1)-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 24 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9866
Staff is in support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-2 use is appropriate for this location.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
thirty-five (35) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database for
approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-term
rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the corporate
boundary of the City of Little Rock.
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraphs E and G and the staff analysis
of the agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 10 ayes,
0 nays, and recusal (Russell). The application was approved.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 25 FILE NO.: Z-9869
NAME: Carbary #1 STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 411 N. Jackson Street
Connie & William Carbary (Owner)
Carbary, LLC
PO Box 250206
Little Rock, AR 72207
(501) 766-4148 or (501) 663-2600
Connie & William Carbary (Owner)
Carbary, LLC
PO Box 250206
Little Rock, AR 72207
(501) 766-4148 or (501) 663-2600
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone 0.16-acre property located at 411 North Jackson
Street from an R3 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 25 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9869
with a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the
residence. The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The property is a 744 square foot one-story structure with exterior siding. The
request is in the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District, the Hillcrest Overlay District
and is in Hillcrest Historic District. The Future Land Use Plan shows Residential
Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The property has a carport and a gravel
driveway that can accommodate three to four vehicles.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No Comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Fire Department Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 25 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9869
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
by conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The application is to rezone from R3 to PD-C for use as an STR-2.
The Land Use surrounding the application area is Residential Low (RL).
The application site is zoned Single Family (R-3). Surrounding properties are also
zoned Single Family (R-3).
This site is in the Hillcrest Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
N Jackson Street is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. May require
dedication of ROW or improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Transportation Plan Map shows a proposed Class 3 Bicycle Route
along North Jackson Street which is designated with only signage for bicycle use.
These routes use the existing vehicular area, with no physical separation.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is in the Hillcrest Historic District and is a contributing structure.
The applicant proposes to rezone a 0.16-acre property located at 411 North
Jackson Street from an R3 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term
Rental-2 with a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside
in the residence. The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The property is a 744 square foot one-story structure with exterior siding. The
request is in the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District, the Hillcrest Overlay District
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 25 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9869
and is in Hillcrest Historic District. The Future Land Use Plan shows Residential
Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The property has a carport and a gravel
driveway that can accommodate three to four vehicles.
On June 20, 2023 the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR
is proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 25 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9869
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1)-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
Staff is in support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-2 use is appropriate for this location.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 25 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9869
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
thirty-five (35) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database for
approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-term
rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the corporate
boundary of the City of Little Rock.
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraph E and the staff analysis of the
agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 10 ayes,
0 nays, and recusal (Russell). The application was approved.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 26 FILE NO.: Z-9870
NAME: Carbary #2 STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 121 White Oak Lane
Connie & William Carbary (Owner)
Carbary, LLC
PO Box 250206
Little Rock, AR 72207
(501) 766-4148 or (501) 663-2600
Connie & William Carbary (Owner)
Carbary, LLC
PO Box 250206
Little Rock, AR 72207
(501) 766-4148 or (501) 663-2600
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone 0.17-acre property located at 121 White Oak
Lane from an R2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 26 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9870
a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the
residence. The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The property is a 1,773 square foot split-level brick structure. The request is in
West Little Rock Planning District. The Future Land Use Plan shows Residential
Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The property has a double car garage
and a long driveway that could easily accommodate four to five cars.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Fire Department Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 26 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9870
Planning Division:
The request is in the West Little Rock Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
by conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The application is to rezone from R2 to PD-C for use as an STR-2.
The Land Use surrounding the application area to the north, east, and south is
Residential Low (RL) with Residential High (RH) to the west.
The application site is zoned Single Family (R-2). Surrounding properties to the
north, east, and south are also zoned Single Family (R-2) with Multi-Family
(MF-24) to the west.
Master Street Plan:
White Oak Lane is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. May require
dedication of ROW or improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Transportation Plan Map does not show existing or proposed facilities
in this area. There are no existing or proposed bike routes adjacent to or through
this land.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant proposes to rezone 0.17-acre property located at 121 White Oak
Lane from an R2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with
a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the
residence. The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The property is a 1,773 square foot split-level brick structure. The request is in
West Little Rock Planning District. The Future Land Use Plan shows Residential
Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The property has a double car garage
and a long driveway that could easily accommodate four to five cars.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 26 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9870
On June 20, 2023 the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR
is proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 26 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9870
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1)-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
Staff is in support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-2 use is appropriate for this location.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
thirty-five (35) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database for
approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-term
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 26 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9870
rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the corporate
boundary of the City of Little Rock.
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraph E and the staff analysis of the
agenda staff report.
The applicant was present, representing the application. Staff presented the item and a
recommendation for approval. There was one person in opposition; Annie Naulhmann.
The person in opposition did not stay to speak to the Commission. There was a motion
to approve as recommended by staff. The motion was seconded. The vote was 8 ayes,
2 nays and 1 absent.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 27 FILE NO.: Z-9873
NAME: Blanton STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 12 Terrace Drive
Rebecca Swarna (Agent)
44 St. Thomas Court
Little Rock, AR 72211
(501) 626-1688
Kylie Blanton (Owner)
Rebecca Swarna (Agent)
44 St. Thomas Court
Little Rock, AR 72211
(501) 626-1688
Kylie Blanton (Owner)
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone 0.67-acre property located at 12 Terrace Drive
from an R2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with a
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 27 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9873
maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the residence.
The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The property is a 1,493 square foot one story brick structure. The request is in
Heights/Hillcrest Planning District. The Future Land Use Plan shows Residential
Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The property has a single car garage
and a driveway that could easily accommodate three to four cars.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Fire Department Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 27 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9873
Planning Division:
The request is in the Heights/Hillcrest Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
by conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The application is to rezone from R2 to PD-C for use as an STR-2.
Surrounding the application area, the land use is Residential Low (RL). Across
Cantrell Road to the north, the land use is Park and Open Space (PK/OS).
The application site is zoned Single Family (R-2). Surrounding properties to the
east, west, and south are also zoned Single Family (R-2). To the north across
Cantrell road, properties are zoned Single Family (R-2) and Heavy Industrial (I-3)
Master Street Plan:
Terrace Drive is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. May require dedication
of ROW or improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Transportation Plan Map does not show existing or proposed facilities
in this area. There are no existing or proposed bike routes adjacent to or through
this land.
Historic Preservation Plan: This property is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant proposes to rezone 0.67-acre property located at 12 Terrace Drive
from an R2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2 with a
maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the residence.
The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The property is a 1,493 square foot one story brick structure. The request is in
Heights/Hillcrest Planning District. The Future Land Use Plan shows Residential
Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The property has a single car garage
and a driveway that could easily accommodate three to four cars.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 27 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9873
On June 20, 2023 the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR is
proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 27 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9873
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1)-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
Staff is in support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-2 use is appropriate for this location.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
thirty-five (35) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database for
approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-term
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 27 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9873
rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the corporate
boundary of the City of Little Rock.
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraph E and the staff analysis of the
agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 10 ayes,
0 nays, and recusal (Russell). The application was approved.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 28 FILE NO.: Z-9874
NAME: Swarna #1 STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 1412 S. Tyler Street
Rebecca Swarna (Agent)
44 St. Thomas Court
Little Rock, AR 72211
(501) 626-1688
Kalyan & Rebecca Swarna (Owner)
Rebecca Swarna (Agent)
44 St. Thomas Court
Little Rock, AR 72211
(501) 626-1688
Kalyan & Rebecca Swarna (Owner)
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone a 0.24-acre property located at 1412 South Tyler
Street from an R3 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 28 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9874
with a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the
residence. The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The property is a 1,578 square foot one story brick structure. The request is in
I-630 Planning District. The Future Land Use Plan shows Residential Low Density
(RL) for the requested area. The property has a concrete driveway that can easily
accommodate two cars.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Fire Department Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 28 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9874
Planning Division:
The request is in the I-630 Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows Residential
Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density (RL)
category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed 6 dwelling
units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized by
conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes and
cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre. The
application is to rezone from R3 to PD-C for use as an STR-2.
The Land Use surrounding the application area is Residential Low (RL).
The application site is zoned Single Family (R-3). Surrounding properties are also
zoned Single Family (R-3).
Master Street Plan:
Tyler Street is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. May require dedication of
ROW or improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Transportation Plan Map does not show existing or proposed facilities
in this area. There are no existing or proposed bike routes adjacent to or through
this land.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant proposes to rezone a 0.24-acre property located at 1412 South Tyler
Street from an R3 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term Rental-2
with a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside in the
residence. The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The property is a 1,578 square foot one story brick structure. The request is in
I-630 Planning District. The Future Land Use Plan shows Residential Low Density
(RL) for the requested area. The property has a concrete driveway that can easily
accommodate two cars.
On June 20, 2023 the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 28 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9874
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR is
proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 28 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9874
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1)-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
Staff is in support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-2 use is appropriate for this location.
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
thirty-five (35) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database for
approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-term
rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the corporate
boundary of the City of Little Rock.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 28 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9874
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraph E and the staff analysis of the
agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 10 ayes,
0 nays, and recusal (Russell). The application was approved.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 29 FILE NO.: Z-9875
NAME: Swarna #2 STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 801 North Hughes Street
Rebecca Swarna (Agent)
44 St. Thomas Court
Little Rock, AR 72211
(501) 626-1688
Kalyan & Rebecca Swarna (Owner)
Rebecca Swarna (Agent)
44 St. Thomas Court
Little Rock, AR 72211
(501) 626-1688
Kalyan & Rebecca Swarna (Owner)
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone a 0.22-acre property located at 801 North
Hughes Street from an R2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 29 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9875
Rental-2 with a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside
in the residence. The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The property is a 2,243 square foot two story brick and siding structure. The
request is in the West Little Rock Planning District. The Future Land Use Plan
shows Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The property has a
two car pergola carport with a concrete driveway that can easily accommodate two
additional cars.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Fire Department Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 29 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9875
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
Planning Division:
The request is in the West Little Rock Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
by conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The application is to rezone from R2 to PD-C for use as an STR-2.
The Land Use surrounding the application area is Residential Low (RL).
The application site is zoned Single Family (R-2). Surrounding properties are also
zoned Single Family (R-2).
Master Street Plan:
N Hughes Street is a Collector Street on the Master Street Plan. May require
dedication of ROW or improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Transportation Plan Map does not show existing or proposed facilities
in this area. There are no existing or proposed bike routes adjacent to or through
this land.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant proposes to rezone a 0.22-acre property located at 801 North
Hughes Street from an R2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term
Rental-2 with a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside
in the residence. The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The property is a 2,243 square foot two story brick and siding structure. The
request is in the West Little Rock Planning District. The Future Land Use Plan
shows Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The property has a
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 29 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9875
two-car pergola carport with a concrete driveway that can easily accommodate two
additional cars.
On June 20, 2023 the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR
is proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 29 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9875
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1)-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
Staff is in support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-2 use is appropriate for this location.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 29 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9875
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
thirty-five (35) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database for
approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-term
rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the corporate
boundary of the City of Little Rock.
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraph E and the staff analysis of the
agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no persons registered in opposition. Staff
presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff analysis”
above. The item remained on the Consent Agenda for Approval. The vote was 10 ayes,
0 nays, and recusal (Russell). The application was approved.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 30 FILE NO.: Z-9876
NAME: Beaty STR-2 – PD-C
LOCATION: 2221 N. Cleveland Street
Annalisa Beaty (Owner)
2221 N. Cleveland Street
Little Rock, AR 72207
(512) 294-1634
Annalisa Beaty (Owner)
2221 N. Cleveland Street
Little Rock, AR 72207
(512) 294-1634
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
(501) 888-5336
VARIANCE/WAIVERS: None requested.
The applicant proposes to rezone a 0.15-acre property located at 2221 North
Cleveland Street from an R2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term
Rental-2 with a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside
in the residence. The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 30 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9876
The property is a 1,460 square foot one story structure with siding. The request is
in the West Little Rock Planning District. The Future Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The property has a two car
pergola carport with a concrete driveway that can easily accommodate two
additional cars.
All owners of property located within 300 feet of the site and all neighborhood
associations registered with the City of Little Rock were notified of the public
Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: No comments.
Entergy: No comments received.
Summit Utilities: No comments.
AT & T: No comments received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comments.
Fire Department: Fire Department Inspection required.
Parks and Recreation: No comments received.
County Planning: No comments.
Building Code: No comments received.
Landscape: No comments.
Rock Region Metro: No comments received.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 30 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9876
Planning Division:
The request is in the West Little Rock Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The Residential Low Density
(RL) category provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed
6 dwelling units per acre. Such residential development is typically characterized
by conventional single family homes but may also include patio or garden homes
and cluster homes, provided that the density remains less than 6 units per acre.
The application is to rezone from R2 to PD-C for use as an STR-2.
The Land Use surrounding the application area is Residential Low (RL).
The application site is zoned Single Family (R-2). Surrounding properties are also
zoned Single Family (R-2).
This property is located in the Heights Landscape Overlay District.
Master Street Plan:
N Cleveland Street is a Local Street on the Master Street Plan. May require
dedication of ROW or improvements.
Bicycle Plan:
The Master Transportation Plan Map does not show existing or proposed facilities
in this area. There are no existing or proposed bike routes adjacent to or through
this land.
Historic Preservation Plan:
This property is not located in a Historic District.
The applicant proposes to rezone a 0.15-acre property located at 2221 North
Cleveland Street from an R2 to PD-C to allow use of the property as Short-Term
Rental-2 with a maximum stay of twenty-nine (29) days. The owner will not reside
in the residence. The entire structure will be rented as one unit.
The property is a 1,460 square foot one story structure with siding. The request is
in the West Little Rock Planning District. The Future Land Use Plan shows
Residential Low Density (RL) for the requested area. The property has a two-car
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 30 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9876
pergola carport with a concrete driveway that can easily accommodate two
additional cars.
On June 20, 2023 the City Board of Directors passed an ordinance regulating
short-term rentals within the City of Little Rock. The new ordinance establishes
“development standards” for short-term rentals. If approved, the applicant must
comply with the newly established development standards as follows, in addition
to all other requirements of the new ordinance:
b.) Development Standards.
1. Hosting of private parties and special events such as weddings,
receptions, and other similar gatherings is not allowed in Short-
Term Rentals.
2. Tours for a fee are not allowed to anyone other than an Occupant.
3. The Occupancy Fee may include any meal to be served to paying
guests; no other meal service is permitted.
4. Allowable signage is that as permitted by the Single-Family
Residential Standard.
5. Parking plan must be provided with permit application. Off-Street
Standard for STRs shall be provided in accordance with Little Rock
Arkansas Code, Chapter 36 36-54 (e) (1). If on-street parking is
proposed as an alternative to meet the above requirements,
parking must be available for guest use within 330 feet of the STR
and parking plan must address neighborhood impact. If the STR
is proposed within a Design Overlay District, any alternate parking
requirements, as provided in Little Rock, Arkansas Rev. Code,
Chapter 36. Zoning, Article V. District Regulations shall be
6. Applicants shall provide a scaled floor plan that includes all of the
rooms available for rent with location of windows, doors, and
smoke detectors identified. Smoke detectors (certified) are
required in all sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the exit, and in each
story with sleeping unit, including basements.
7. All sleeping areas must have two (2) ways of egress, one of which
can be an operable window.
8. Proof of homeowner's fire, hazard, and liability insurance. Liability
coverage shall have limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 30 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9876
9. All persons operating a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term
Rental (Type I & 2) shall meet all applicable requirements of the
City of Little Rock's Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Fire Prevention
and Protection, Article II. Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. Prior to
use as a Bed and Breakfast House/Short-Term Rental (Type 1 &
2), the annual City of Little Rock, Building Code and Fire Marshal
inspection fee must be paid, and payment of annual Business
License received.
10. Smoke alarms shall be installed, all smoke alarms shall meet local
and state standards (current Fire Code). Smoke alarms shall be
installed in all sleeping areas and every room in the path of the
means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
11. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed as directed by City
Staff if there are fuel-fired appliances in the unit or the unit has an
attached garage.
12. Five (5)-pound ABC-type extinguisher shall be mounted where
readily accessible.
13. No recreational vehicles, buses, or trailers shall be visible on the
street or property in conjunction with the Bed and Breakfast
House/Short-Term Rental use.
14. Principal renter shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
15. Maximum occupancy. Maximum occupancy of any room or
structure as a whole shall be determined by the Arkansas Fire
Prevention Code.
16. Simultaneous rental to more than one party under separate
contracts shall not be allowed.
17. The owner shall not receive any compensation or remuneration to
permit occupancy of a STR for a period of less than a one (1)-day
All trash pick-up shall comply with requirements for residential one–and two-family
residential zones.
The applicant provided responses and additional information to all issues raised
during staff’s review of the application. The applicant is requesting no variances
with the PD-C zoning request.
Staff is in support the requested PD-C rezoning. Staff believes the request is
reasonable and that the proposed STR-2 use is appropriate for this location.
December 14, 2023
ITEM NO.: 30 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-9876
Currently the City of Little Rock Department of Planning and Development has
thirty-five (35) short-term rentals (STR-1 and STR-2) listed within the database for
approved short-term rentals in the City of Little Rock. The City’s new short-term
rental ordinance allows a maximum of 500 short-term rentals within the corporate
boundary of the City of Little Rock.
Staff recommends approval of the PD-C zoning request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions noted in paragraphs E and the staff analysis of the
agenda staff report.
The applicant was present, representing the application. Staff presented the item and a
recommendation for approval. There was one person in opposition: Dale Brown (Jerry).
The person in opposition did not stay to speak to the Commission. There was a motion
to approve as recommended by staff. The motion was seconded. The vote was 9 ayes,
0 nays, 1 abstention (Hodges) and 1 absent.
December 14, 2023
There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned
at 7:48 p.m.
Chairman Secretary