Z-6114 Map 5y=- • ♦ - :.: � '_ � ^H• 1 �'aJ Vie+! 80L..rD I?<C. 62:12 P.O. 90� 4131 Little Rock Arkansas Lo 2-1675 t SCALL- /" = 50' LEGAL il�dCftI"r'fT ;:: Part of the ..E.,, :i''Ll Section il, 1-1_: Pulaski County, County, ar,kansas, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the s:E corner of said FEE , T:E ; run thence Id 890 44' W 30 feet to point of heginning; thence South 330 -et; thence F 810 001 's 642,1 feet; thence ;'orrh =_'23.9 faet; theme S �4!90 ',*41 035.0 feet to the point of be?inning, containing 4 acres, mora or less.' SOUT.� 4L ICoT- 330.0' MDQ D R EVERETT D. ROWLAND REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR OT.r[ or ARKANSAS NO. 32 This is to certify that the above :scribed property has ?,ePn NE cov aF v�yr V'r, , surveyed in atccordagce with the surrounding monuments of t`,e ar•->,"Cr,(On/ i/, T -/-s Pi�/A _tverett D. Rowland purveyed: ;"arch 5, 169 Reg. Land Surveyor Arkansas No. 32 'or: McDaniel Realty ComFany i