APRIL 21, 1969
Dave�Grundfest, Jr., Chairman
W. Finley Williams, Vice Chairman
Scott Farrell
Darrell Dover
L�757 1 son F f iTk e
John L. Taylor
Louis E. Barber
Leon E. Sneed
Dorothy Riffel
Van Tyson, Democrat Reporter
Perry Whitmore, Asst. City Attorney
2:00 P.M.
There being a quorum present, the meeting was called to order by the Chairman at
2:00 P.M. A motion was made for approval of the minutes as mailed, which was
seconded and passed unanimously.
Action was takers as foll.ows s
Tract No. 1 - Z-2276
Applicant. Arkansas Education Association by Eugene
Warren, Agent
Location,- 1500 West 4th Street
Description. Lots 10, 11, 12, Block 7, Deaf Mute Addn.
Classification. "E-1" Quiet Business District
Variance. Requests a Variance from the Rear Yard Setback
Provisions of Section 43-14 of the Code of
Ordinances to permit construction in Rear Yard
Mr. Eugene R. Warren, Attorney, was present representing the petitioner. He stated
that the present building of the Arkansas Education Association is next to the
old Capitol Hill Apartments, and this variance arises because of the merger of the
AEA and the Arkansas Teachers Association which was the negro counterpart of the
AEA, a nonprofit corporation which represents the vast majority of the teachers of
Arkansas. One of the conditions of the merger was that there would be staff members
taken into the organization as assistant executive secretary of the merged corporation
who would have the same facilities, same type of space in the same building. It was
Board of Adjustment Minutes -
: ril 21, 1969
f-necessary for the AEA to expand the building to take care of four additional offices
se°of personnel coming in from the colored association on the second floor. "We were
informed by the architect and engineer", he said, "that the building was not of the
L!construction to make a fourth floor feasible. The third floor is rented out now, so
C'�it became necessary for us to plan to extend north". Adjacent property owners expressed
L_'To objection to the plan. According to the architects, as the building now is, they have
2,8 feet from the building in the rear to the property line. To that they would be
eyermitted to add 1/2 the width of a 16 foot alley for a total rear yard of 36 feet. The
proposed second floor addition would extend 16 feet over this 36 feet leaving 20 feet
zof rear yard, 5 feet less than the zoning requirement, which is the variance being
F,requested. Underneath on the ground floor will be parking, and they presently have
(-space for 42 cars. Mr. Warren said this was a matter of extreme emergency as they have
0een under severe criticism from the NEA for not effecting this before now.
The Staff recommended approval of the application provided parking on the east side
of the building be adjusted westward to provide a depth of at least 20 feet for cars
to negotiate egress from the property. Mr. Warren indicated that there would be no
problem in complying with the suggestion of the Staff.
A motion was made that the application be approved as submitted provided the parking
along the east side of the building be moved westward to provide a minimum distance
of 20 feet to permit egress from property. The motion was seconded and passed.
Tract No. 2 - Z-2156
Applicant: Little Rock School District
Locations 1300 Block of Dennison Street
Descriptions Lot 6 and the west 1/2 of Lot 5, Block 6,
Park Addition
Classifications "C"-Two-family District
Vai;.ances Requests (1) a Variance from the Use Provisions
�J of Section 43-4 of the Code of Ordinances to
permit parking in a residential zone; (2)
requests a variance from the Front Yard Open
dSpace Provisions of Section 43-21-(H)-(b) of
Code of Ordinances to permit parking in Front Yard
Mr. Bill Terry, attorney for the Little Rock School District, was present, as were
Messrs. Floyd Langston, Asst. Supt. of Business Administration of the District;
(L,ind Barney Brown, engineer for the District. Mr. Terry explained that this matter had
,been before the Board of Adjustment twice previously in regard to portions of the
{_,�aif block making up this proposed parking area for Central High School. Since that
"" ime after a year of negotiations, the School District has finally acquired the final
e4 arcel making up this block which is located at the northwest corner of it. This
,,application is the same as at the previous meetings. The drawings show the entire
''layout of the proposed parking area with the green spaces reserved for plantings,
,with two curb cuts on 13th Street and then 1 curb cut on Dennison Street. There are
,'o curb cuts in accordance with the Board of Adjustment's requirements along 14th
(5treet, he said. A 20 foot setback along 14th Street in accordance with the require-
ents of the February 19,1969 decision of the Board, is shown on the layout, and Mr.
Terry inquired about the possibility of reducing the width of this 20 foot setback
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Board of Adjustment Minutes -
Aril 21,1969__ L
(green space) in order to provide for additional parking spaces especially so since
there will be no curb cuts on 14th Street. He stated that the project would commence
shortly after the end of school, probably around June 15th when 'the dwelling house now
on the site will be removed.
A motion was made that this application be approved as submitted with the excel2tion
that the layout be di.rectionalized_ so that the entraces and exits are all in the same
order, and, that the 20 foot green space as previously set up be maintained with proper
plantings; all curb and gutters and sidewalks and screening as required be installed.
The motion was seconded and passed.
Tract No. 3 o Z-2278
Applicant-. Gulf Oil Company
Location: 10200 Rodney Parham Road
Description, Tract 4 - Colony West Commercial Subdivision
Classification, "F"=Commercial District
Variances Requests a Variance from the Yard Area Provisions
of Section 43-15 of the Code of Ordinances to
permit construction in Rear Yard Space
Mr. W. B. Young, representing Gulf Oil Company, was present. He stated that the
purpose of this request is to have a setback of the building on the rear line of the
property which is on a curve. In order to get the proper layout, they need to come
within 5 feet of the inside property line, which he said they understood is a parking
area for a shopping center.
After much discussion as to the traffic pattern on Rodney Parham with ingress and
egress to the station, it was suggested that all parties concerned m Gulf Oil Company,
International Paper Company (developer of Colony West) and the Staff work out the
details of existing problems of driveways, etc. as a proposed development plan will
be on the agenda of the Planning Commission on May 1st. The only variance being
requested by the Gulf Oil Company at this meeting is for a 5 foot setback in the
rear yard space.
A motion was made for approval of the application subject to Staff approval of the
location of the driveways. The motion was seconded and passed.
1. Rec cnsideration of Case Zm1.143
Applicant-. Cumberland Nursing Home
Location: 1516-18=20 Cumberland Street
Classification, "E-l-A" Nursing Home, Lodging & Undertaking
Variance, Requests a waiver of Off -Street Parking Require-
ment to allow addition to present building
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Board of Adjustment Minutes -
,�2ril 21, 1969
it was the consensus of opinion of the Board members that unless the applicant had
some plan to present for off-street parking for the addition that the matter could
not be reconsidered. The Staff was instructed to so advise the applicant.
7 Where
being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:45 P. M.
V-Dave Grundfest, Jr. Cha' man
Acting Secretary.
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