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boa_09 19 1966LITTLE ROCK BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT M I N U T E S SEPTEMBER 19,19.66 MEMBERS PRESENT �,.—K,. i n g Dave Grundfest, Jr. Scott Farrell MEMBERS ABSENT W.:f'inley 1���1fams Cecil Kuehnert Chairman STAFF PRESENT John Le Taylor, Acting Director Louis E. Barber Dorothy J. Riffel OTHERS PRESENT Perrybldhibldhitmore, Asst. City Attorney Jim Jones, Arkansas Gazette Reporter 2000 P. M. There being a quorum present, th& meeting was called to order at 2:00 P. M. by the Acting Chairman. A motion was made for approval of the minutes as mailed which was seconded and passed unanimously Action was taken as follows% - Tract No. 1 m-Zm2023 Applicant° Arch Street Church of Christ Location,. 1506 Arch Street Description,. Lots 9 and -10, and the South 1/2 of Lot ll, Block 214, Original City Classifications °BDc''_Apartment District Variance,. Requests a Variance (1) from the Rear Yard Setback Provisions of -Section 43-13 of Code of Ordinances to permit addition to Church building; (2) from the Main Structure-Frovisions of Section 43m2-(5) of Code of Ordinances to permit more than one structure on a lot Mr. Eugene Br2tn ell, Pastor of the Arch Street Church of Christ, was present to represent the application. He stated that adjacent and to the rear of the auditorium is a building which is being remodeled to be used for classrooms which extends out farther toward the alley than the present auditorium, and that they need to build additional classrooms behind the auditorium which would be in line with the present two-story structure now being used for classroom purposes, and that the structure whch is now there is closer to the property line than regulations speficy. There are seven classrooms in the present structure. Parking space is provided for thirty Board of Adjustment Minutes - September 19fl1966 _-- . e2o cars and the new structure will not affect the parking problem. The Church has a membership of approximately 175 and will seat approximately 300 people. The new structure will be similar to the existing building which is block and brick construction like the auditorium and similar to the other building which is connected to the auditorium which the proposed addition will join. The seating capacity of the Church auditorium is not being expanded. A motion was made that the application be appN�_ed, which was seconded and passed unanimously. Tract No 2 m Z=1848 Applicants. Mrs. H. Wo "Ropes Locations. 8704 Oman Road Descriptions. The North 110--feet of the East 305 feet of Tract 23, Arnold's Highland Acres Classifications DIAII-One family District Variance° Requests a Variance from the Use Provisions of Section 43-3 to permit an addition to an existing non-confo Wining use (kindergarten) Mr. H.W. Roper was present to represent the application. He stated that the present building was constructed in 1961 when it was in the County, and.last year trey built a small addition, the approval of which had been obtained from the Board of Adjustment. Since the property is now in the City limits, the Child Welfare Division and the Health Department require that the day nursery and the kindergarten be separated, so it is necessary to acquire additional space, but enrollment will not be increased. Mr. Roper stated that there was somewhat of a traffic problem between 800 and 800 in the morning because Oman Road is a narrow street, but he would alter the kinder- garten hours so as not to conflict with the Cloverdale Elementa�° School. There is plenty of playground equipment in the back of the present structure, he said. Mr. Roper stated that they'own the property on which the kindergartens! is located, and that they have 75 to 100 children enrolled. Mr. James Battles, 6615 Poppy Street, was present in opposition, stating that his property joins Mr. Roperas on the north side, and that the kindergarten was built before the property came into the City, and that the property owners had given him permission to add.on to his present structure once, andnow he asks again to add on to the present building and that the neighbors do not want the addition. He filed a petition havir!g l4 signatures of adjacent property owners who opposed the building of the addition listing their objections as the traffic problem, and the depreciation of property values. He said Oman Road is only 21 feet wide with ditches on both sides. Mr6 W. H. Lemke, 6619 Poppy, who lives next to Mr. Battles, stated that in his opinion it would be a mistake to allow the additional building because it would set a precedent;'that he had lived on Base Line Road 9 years until a trailer court was built in the neighborhood because of which he moved to his present address, increasing his house payments and takes, and he does not want the value of his property depreciated by this development. Mr. Harold Williams, 8712 Oman Road (on the south side of Mr. Roper's property) said his main objection to the requested addition is because of the traffic problem. On numerous occasions he could not use his driveway because of the congestion. Board of Adjustment Minutes .F �September_19,1966 ._._ b._.._ -3 Increased enrollment would add to this problem. Also he objects to the noise incident to this operation. Mr. Roper stated that the enrollment would not be increased and that he would be glad to work with the neighbors to resolve some of their objections by rescheduling the hours of the nursery -day care operations. He stated that the traffic problem is mainly caused by the fact that Oman Road is too should be widened, and because of Boone-way01 traffic pattern which serves the Cloverdale Elementary and Junior High School, and these being County Schools, pupils come in buses and private cars to Geyer Springs Road to Base Line Road via Oman Road. A motion was made that action be deferred on this case until the October 17th meeting in order that the Staff and Board could study the traffic situation in that area. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Tract No. 3 - Z-2021 Applicant: Ellis and .Crow Coffee Distributors Location: 5201 West 33rd Street " Description: East 1/2 of Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 8, Intercity Addition to the City of Little Rock Classification: "I" Light Industrial District Variance: Requests a -Variance from the Side Yard Provisions of Section 43-16 of the Code of Ordinances to permit construction of building closer to property line than permitted in zone. Mr. W. F. Ellis, owner of Ellis and Crow Coffee Distributors, who explained that he would like to construct a building which would be closer to the property line than is permitted; that there is a ditch through this property which would have to be re- routed or covered. His plan is to re-route it to -the west side of the property and leave the ditch open. If this could be done, he then could build a 601 X 100, building on the property. There is no provision for drainage by the City, but Public Works Department had intimated that they saw no particular reason why the ditch could not -be left open. A motion was made that the Variance be approved as requested subject to the construction of curb and gutter on Jane and 33rd Streets, and that drainage tile on 33rd Street be satisfactory to Public Works Department. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2230 P. M. John L. Taylor, Acting Secretary. i W. R. Meeks, ting Chairman