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boa_05 18 1964.� Q 0 Lai Lai CL cd C� 0 0 M 01 LITTLE ROCK BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES May 18 1964 _,w MEMBERS PRESENT Cecil Kuehnert Scott Farrell W. R. Meeks W.H. Marak Maxwell Lyons, II MEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF PRESENT Henry M. de Noble John L. Taylor Louis E. Barber Dorothy Riffel OTHERS PRESENT Jack Young, Asst. City Attorney Jerry Dhonau, Gazette Reporter 2s00 P. M. There being a Quorum present, the meeting was called to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as mailed. Action was taken on the following applications for Variances - Item No. 1 - (Z-1645) Applicants Fred Baresch Location: 2121 Louisiana Street Description: Lot 6, and the South 24.6 feet of Lot 5 Block 428, DuvalIsAddition Classification: "'D"-Apartment District Variance: Requests a Variance from the main structure provisions of Section 43-2-(5) Code of Ordinances and Sec. 2-5 of the Zoning Ordinance to pernit a garage apartment on the rear of the lot. Mr. M. V.Moody, Attorney, 2124 Main Street was present, as was Mr. Fred Baresch. Mr. Moody is an adjacent property owner on the east side of the alley. He stated that this improvement of the property would enhance the whole neighborhood. It is a brick structure which has been there for about 50 years. The owner is repairing the interior of the building with new plumbing, floors, paint, etc. to make it a livable unit. He wants to make two apartments in the building,one of which is already a livable unit. A petition was sighed by the neighbors approving of "his construction. When asked why a building permit was not obtained before the work was started, Mr. Baresch stated that there was a misunderstanding. He thought the L. R. Board of Adjustment Minutes m MeetinS May_18, 1964 R -2- Venable Lumber Company had obtained the permit, and the Lumber Company thought Mr. Baresch had secured it. A motion was made by Mr. Meeks that this Variance be denied in that this would enable two separate living structures to be on one lot which is contrary to regula- tions, and that to grant this exception would be estab"i�lshing an undesirable precedent for the neighborhood. The motion was seccnded by Mr. Lyons and passed unanimously. Tract No. 2 - (Z-1630) Applicants Anything, Inc. Locations 5000 North Lookout Street Descriptions Long Legal Classification: "D°1-Apartment District Variances Requests a Variance of (1) more than one structure on a lot (2) approval of development plan (3) parking in front yard setback Mr. Ed Cromwell, Architect, presented a development plan for this project. It consists of 0z acres located between North Lookout and Kavanaugh Boulevard, immediate- ly east of property occupied by Hocott Nursery. The property is zoned i1011-Apart- ment and the development plan calls for 86 units, 20 units of which will be row houses, which is not incompatible with the neighborhood. High rise apartments would create the necessity of considerable grading for the development of parking areas, and would necessitate the destruction of trees which is not desirable. Mr. Cromwell would like for permission to be granted to develop this area according to the plan which would have narrow streets, relatively low density, and that by putting houses close to the street they can save major trees. The streets would be one-way private drives. Parking would be provided in front of each unit, two cars per unit. There were three objectors presents Eugene L. Villareal, 5009 E. Crestwood; David S. Bluthenthal, 4903 East Crestood, and 0. A. Cook, 4944 East Crestwood Drive, who were interested in getting information as to the type of houses to be built, the anticipated rental, the feature of smoke and unsightly garbage cans, etc. for those people living on East Crestwood which is a high elevations above this project. Mr. Villareal was concerned with the row type housing, thinking that {his would attract an undesirable element and cheapen the high type surrounding residential area which includes Prospect Terrace, and he would like to have time to look into this type of development. Mr. Cromwell said these units would be approximately 1200 to 1500 square feet per unit and that the construction would be equal or better than E.H.A. requirements. Mr. Yandell Johnson, Architect, was also present to find out what Variances were being asked, whether or not the case had been submitted to the Planning Commission, whether the Board of Adjustment could pass on a development plan, that it was a new type of development for the City, and should be a PlanningCorwi ssion matter. He wanted to know who would maintain the condominium units, and the rental units, etc. etc. etc.. L. R. Board of Adjustment Minutes - Meeting May 18,1964 -3- Mr. Cromwell said that there was a misunderstanding as to the nature of the develop- ment - that it was a top-notch, first-class development, and not a low cost housing project. He said that it is being built to fill a real need for the community in this particular area as there is a dearth of land and housing. Mr. Kuehnert explained to Mr. Cromwell that the matter would be discussed with the City Attorney's office as to whether or not th4s Board has the authority to act without going to the Planning Commission; if we can act we will act today, and if we cannot we will refer it to the Planning Commission, and take action at the next meeting which would be June 15th. Mr. Meeks made a motion that (1) the develoment plan as submitted be approved (2) that the parking requirements be approved (3) that the City Engineer and Fire Department and other City departments approve the various services pertaining to this development, (4) that garbage containers be enclosed in a permanent type of brick enclosure, and (5) that insofar as is possible the trees be allowed to remain between Kavanaugh and the first driveway,and that natural screening that now exists be maintained between Kavanaugh and Crestwood. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Tract No. 3 - (Z-1494) Applicant: Little Rock Municipal Water Works Location: Pleasant Valley Area off Highway No. 10 East of Rodney Parham Road Description: Long Legal Classification: "All -One -family District Variance: Requests a Variance from the Use regulations to permit construction of filter plant facilities in an "A"' -One -family District, now and in the future Requests a Variance from the Height regulations in order to permit construction of filter plant facilities to a height of 50 feet above ground level, now and in the future. There were no objectors present. A motion was made by Mr. Meeks that approval be granted for these Variances (which have already been granted by the Planning Commission), which was seconded and passed unanimously. Tract No. 4 - (Z.,1642 ) Applicant: W. D. Austin Smith Location: 6801 Canna Road Description:-- Lot 24, Rustic Pines Addition Classification: "A" -One -family District Variance: Requests a Variance from the Rear Yard provisions to permit construction of a residence to within eight feet of rear lot line Mr. Smith was present. This problem was created by his wanting to face the house on Canna Road, and wanting to get the carport to the rear without detaching it. -4- L. R. Board of Adjustment Minutes - Meeting ay 1,1964 The house will cost between $18,000. to $22,000. The lot adjoining has 1001 frontage and in order to protect it he will have a screen built for the carport. The owner already has a loan approved by the VA. A motion was made by Mr. Marak that this Variance be approved,which was seconded by Mr. Meeks, and passed unanimously. OTHER_ MATTERS 1. Twin City Tool and Die Company - (Z-1607). Mr. Meeks made a motion for reconsideration of this Variance which was seconded by Mr. Farrell and passed unanimously. Mr. Alfred Miller and Bernard Diggs, Co-partners, were present. The stipulation of five years as set out in the lease agreement would be agreeable to them, as they intend to build more suitable quarters before that time. He said he could put up a concrete block building which could be dismantled cheaper than a metal building. He stated that the adjacent property owners of vacant property have indicated that they are not going to selltheir property in the near future. A motion was made that the lease agreement be approved for a maximum term of five years, (2) that the lease be recorded by the Lessee and made a matter of public record, (3) that the City be made a party to any subletting of the property, and (4) that a letter be obtained from the City Attorney that this subject lease is enforce- able as far as the City is concerned. This motion was seconded by Mr. Marak,and passed. Mr. Lyons abstained. 2. Consideration of a policy concernen the use of certain parcels alonq the East - west Ex resswa . A motion was made that the Staff be authorized to process those cases which comply with the provision concerning lots of record as of March 17, 1937 as set forth in Section 43, Code of Ordinances of the City of Little Rock, which exceed 4,000 square feet in lot area. The motion was seconded by Mr. Marak and passed unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4000 P. M. Dorothy Riffel, Secretary Cecil Kuehnert, Chairman.