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boa_02 03 1964L" CL 0 0 M February 3. 1964 MEMBERS PRESENT Mr. Cecil Kuehnert, Mr. Scott Farrell Mr. W. H. Marak Mr. W. R. Meeks MEMBER ABSENT Maxwell Lyons, II STAFF PRESENT Henry M. de Noble John L. Taylor Richard Wood Dorothy Riffel w W OTHERS PRESENT Z Mr. m !sJ L� A Quorum being present, Uj CLAction was taken on 2 Tract No. 1 - (Z-1563) M Applicant: 0 Location: Description: Classification: Acme Laundry & Cleaners 1405 Ringo Street Lot 2, Block 2709 Original "F"-Commercial District LITTLE ROCK BOA4P OF ADJUSTMENT SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES Chairman Perry Whitmore, Asst. City Attorney 2:00 P.M. the meeting was called to order at 2:00 P.M. the following application for Variance: - City of Little Rock Variance: Requests a Variance from the Usage Provisions of Section 43-7 of the Code of Ordinances, and Section 6 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit construction, of a cold storage warehouse in an "Fl-Commercial District Mr. James A. Fureigh, Manager of Acme Laundry and Cleaners, was present to represent this application. He stated that they bought this lot from the Housing Authority for the purpose of building a storage vault, which would be used for storing winter clothing in the summer months. It would be for their use solely, and not used by the public. no -2- Little Rock Boardaf Adjustment Special Meetin - 2-3-64 Minuses A second lot at 1403 Ringo Street would be used for parking. There were no objectors present. A motion was made by Mr. Meeks that approval be grantedq which was seconded by Mr. Farrell, and passed unanimously. II. Selection of Term of Office Mr. De Noble explained to the Board that the term of office of the members was set by the Board of Directors for three year terms, but that it should be on a staggered basis. It was decided that the terms of office should be as follows: - Mr. Marak - 1 year Mr. Meeks - 2 years Mr. Lyons - 2 years Mr. Kuehnert-3 years Mr. Farrell- 3 years There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Dorothy Riffel,, Secretary. Mr. Cecil Kuehnert, Chairman