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boa_08 21 1972LITTLE ROCK BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT M I N U T E S ,A;UGUST 21, 1972 2:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Darrell D. Dover, Chairman S. Spencer Compton, Vice Chairman L. Dickson Flake Capp Shanks, Jr. Lawrence S. Woolsey MEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF PRESENT Don R. Venhaus John L. Taylor Louis E. Barber Richard Wood James Finch Dorothy Light OTHERS PRESENT Perry V. Whitmore, City Attorney There being a quorum present, the meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 2:00 p.m. A motion was made for approval of the minutes of the last meeting as giled, which was seconded and passed. Action was taken on the following advertised items: Tract No. 1 - Z-2612 Applicant: Second Baptist Church by Little Rock Housing Authority Location: 800 Block Cumberland Street Description: Lots 1 through 12 of Block 43, Original City Classification: "HR"-High Density Residential District Variance: Requests a Variance from the Off -Street Parking Provisions of Section 43-35 (2)- (9) of the Code of Ordinances to permit less than required number of spaces Little Rock Board of Adjustment Minutes Au ust 21 1972 The Staff's recommendation was read as follows: "This Variance is to allow the development of this block as a high rise elderly housing complex. This variance is similar to that granted by the Board at llth and Battery Street's location. The structure will have 180 units with 50% of required parking (90 spaces). It will be 130 total feet high with 120,900 square feet floor space (11 floors) which falls within the floor area ratio vs. lot area requirement." The Staff recommends approval of the Variance. Mr. Clifton Giles, representing the Little Rock Housing Authority, stated that they were asking a variance to the parking requirements for the third high-rise building for the elderly in Little Rock. The entrance of the building will be oriented to the south and so designed as to tie in with the character of the Quapaw Quarter, particularly the Terry Mansion and other historical homes in the neighborhood. They intend to use a great deal of brick and there will be a brick wall around the entire site. They are asking 50% waiver down to 90 parking spaces vs. the 180 parking spaces that would be required. There will be a total of 180 units-- 110 efficiency apartments, 64 one -bedroom apartments and 6 two -bedroom apartments. The cost will be approximately $3,250,000 and this project will complete the approved 600 units for the elderly--250 units on Broad- way, 169 units on Battery and 180 units on Cumberland. He presented a brochure, "Elderly Housing Study Density, Age, Parking." (This material was the same information that he had discussed at the July meeting) There were no objectors. A motion was made for approval of the application, which was seconded and passed. Tract No. 2 - Z-2619 Applicant: Location: Description: Classification: Variance: Westmark Association 4125 "A" Street Lot 7, Block 4, Pinehurst Addition "C"-Two-family District Requests a Variance from the Use Provisions of Section 43-22 (4)-(d) of the Code of Ordinances to permit parking lot in residential zone Requests a Variance from the Front Yard Open Space Provisions of Section 43-20-(2)-(f) of the Code of Ordinances to permit parking in front yard setback - 2 - Little Rock Board of Adjustment Minutes Aueust 21. 1972 The Staff's recommendation was read as follows: "This Variance is for the purpose of providing additional off-street parking for an office building to the south fronting Markham Street. Using this particular lot in the middle of the block would, in our opinion, adversely affect adjacent residential properties. As this residential area is well maintained and is not in a deteriorating condition, recommend the requested Variance be denied." A letter was received from Mr. Charles B. Mott, Jr., attorney, asking that this matter be deferred until the September 18th meeting. A motion was made to defer the matter to the September 18th meeting, which was seconded and passed. Tract No. 3 - Z-516 Applicant: Cliff Peck Locationā€¢ 6700 South University Avenue Description: Described as all of Terral's Replat of'Tract 40, Graceland Acres Annex Addition and Tracts 39, 41 and the east 550.1 ft. of Tract 42, Graceland Acres Annex Addition Classification: "G-l" and "F" Commercial District Varianceā€¢ Requests a Variance from the Height Provisions of Section 43-15 of the Code of Ordinances to permit erection of signs in excess of permitted (2 signs pro- posed at 36') (1 sign at 47') The Staff's recommendation was read as follows: "Subject property has two zoning classifications, "F" and "G-111. "F" zone permits a height of 35 feet and "G-l" permits a height of 45 feet. It is recommended, therefore, that the 36 foot high signs be permitted but that the higher sign be held to 45 feet for the maximum height of the "G-1" District." Mr. Carl Atkins, representing the applicant, stated that they were asking to change signs. He showed pictures of the various signs. They desire to replace a 50 ft. sign with a 47 ft. one. The other two signs are to be one ft. higher because General Motors desire all of their signs to look the same. - 3 - Little Rock Board of Adjustment Minutes August 21. 1972 The Chairman stated "I believe you indicated in your comments that you are aware that you are just one foot over on both of these. Is there no way you can overcome this so that you don't need a variance?" Mr. Atkins replied that the cost of cutting off the poles -- these signs are already prefabricated to certain scale and have been tested for safety. They all have fittings made right onto the columns. Mr. Woolsey asked if he was aware of the reference point for height as being the floor of the building. Mr. Atkins replied, "No, I am not." Mr. Woolsey: "If the base of your sign were one foot lower than your building, you would not need to be here." Mr. Atkins said that he and Mr. Wood discussed this. The base on the present signs have a two foot covering which covers all of the electrical fittings underneath the base. This is required to be above ground. Mr. Venhaus asked if he understood correctly that "these signs were already pre -formed and pre -built according to a standard kind of specification that applies across the country with the assumption being that they would not run afoul of any local regulations." Mr. Atkins stated that General Motors had made a survey about five years ago and these particular dimensions had the least amount of difficulty in complying with the local sign codes. However, in Little Rock, they were one foot out of proportion. The signs are manufactured by two different companies. Mr. Venhaus stated that he was surprised that it was not possible to do a little bit of pre -checking with the sign ordinances when these signs were constructed to have them built so they would comply with the ordinances rather than asking the Board of Adjustment to depart from the. regulations. Mr. Atkins stated that General Motors had made a survey of the area and desired for Mr. Peck to have these three signs because of the size of his dealership. Mr. Woolsey stated that he was still not sure that the terrain out there is such that the base of the signs would be lower than the floor. He asked if this had been checked. Mr. Atkins stated that this was not the problem. They could lower it but it would not meet the standards. These are the specifications of how the signs are made up by General Motors. We don't manufacture the signs our- selves. We only erect them. Mr. Woolsey said, "Again, just of my knowledge of that terrain --I know the parkiiig,lot is lower than the floor of that building. I assume that the sign is up near the street." - 4 - Little Rock Board of Adjustment Minutes August 21 1972 Mr. Atkins said, "I see what you are talking about, probably 18 inches to that fact --lower." The Chairman asked, "Can you check that and let the Staff verify it?" The Chairman also asked if it would be feasible for these gentlemen to check further the measurements, floor levels, etc. to see if they really need a variance; and could the matter be deferred until the September 18th meeting. Mr. Venhaus stated that this was the right procedure to take. Mrs. H. B. Zachery, Jr., 6716 Mabelvale Pike, who lives behind the property, stated that she did not receive any sort of notice. She learned of the matter through a neighbor. Mr. Shipe, 6702 Mabelvale Pike, said that he was not notified either. He was concerned on whether or not the signs were to be the bright flashing type. A motion was made to defer the matter until the September 18th meeting, which was seconded and passed. DEFERRED MATTER Tract No. Z=2599 Applicant: Arnold Duffey Location: 900 Scott Street Description: Long legal Classification: 'INC" Neighborhood Commercial District Variance: Requests Variance (1) from Floor Area Ratio Provisions of Neighborhood Commercial District (2) from Front Yard Provisions of Neighborhood Com- mercial District (3) from off-street parking provisions of Neighborhood Commercial District The Staff's recommendation was read as follows: "Mr. Gene Lewis advises that he has been in contact with Western Union. It appears that nothing has developed which would warrant further con- sideration of this case." Mr. Taylor advised that a letter had been received from Mr. Gene Lewis asking that the application be withdrawn which was accepted by the Board. - 5 - Little Rock Board of Adjustment Minutes August 21, 4972 A motion was made and approved to withdraw the application. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:35 p.m. Darrell D. Dover, Chairman -x9z - 4AA Don R. Venhaus, Secretary - 6 -