pc_11 15 1994I. II. LITTLE ROCK PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING HEARING SUMMARY AND MINUTE RECORD NOVEMBER 15, 1994 12:30 P.M. Roll Call and Finding of a Quorum (at 1:10 P.M.) A Quorum was present being six (6) in number. Members Present: Members Absent: City Attorney: Diane Chachere Brad Walker Doyle Daniel Suzanne McCarthy Bill Putnam B. J. Wyrick Joe Selz Ramsay Ball Emmett Willis, Jr. Ron Woods Mizan Rahman Stephen Giles LITTLE ROCK PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING HEARING AGENDA NOVEMBER 15, 1994 I. DEFERRED ITEMS: II. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: 1. Amend the Master Street Plan - Kanis Road realignment 2. Amend the Master Street Plan - Kirk Road area III. DISCUSSION ITEMS: 3. Briefing on Planning Division activities November 15, 1994 Planning Hearing ITEM NO. 1• NAME: Amend the City Master Street Plan LOCATION: Kanis Road from Chenal Parkway to Cooper Orbit Road REQUEST: Change the alignment of proposed minor arterial SOURCE: Property Owner STAFF REPORT: At the request of a major property owner affected by the alignment of proposed arterial, the City Staff reviewed the alignment. Engineering Staff believes that the proposed road could more closely follow the existing alignment of Kanis Road. This alignment could reduce the City's costs of constructing a new alignment to just enlarging an existing road. The issues are solely engineering - can the road be designed to safely move cars. Either alignment serves the movement; safety and proper engineering design are the only concerns which would justify not using the Kanis alignment. Since the City engineers' Office together with Traffic Engineering has determined that the existing alignment is workable, then that alignment should be used on the street plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: (NOVEMBER 15, 1994) Walter Malone, Planner II, stated that at the request of a property owner west of the elementary school, the City had reviewed the realignment of Kanis Road. The Public Works Department, Engineering, after review believes that the existing alignment can be used for the proposed minor arterial. Staff, therefore, recommends that the alignment to be changed back to Kanis Road. By unanimous vote (6-0) the Commission approved the plan amendment. November 15, 1994 Planning Hearing ITEM NO.: 2 NAME: Amend the City Master Street Plan LOCATION: North of Chenal Parkway, south of West Loop and west of St. Charles Subdivision REQUEST: Change the classification of roadways and alignments SOURCE: Property Owner STAFF REPORT: A property owner requested an arterial be downgraded to a collector. Planning staff after review of the area found that the proponents request was not appropriate due to no decrease in intensity of use. Further, the arterial had been added because of increased zoning along the collector and extension of the road creating a through movement. Upon further request for review, staff believes that if the alignment is altered together with the alignments of several collectors and the addition of a collector, the downgrade may work. However, this would offset several property owners. In order to allow the affected owners time for review and comment on the plan changes, additional time is needed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Deferral PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: (NOVEMBER 15, 1994) Walter Malone, Planner II, stated that a property owner had requested the downgrading of an arterial north of Chenal Parkway and south of the West Loop. The request affects four property owners and staff is meeting with each to review alternatives. To this point, there is not an agreement among the parties, however, staff believes that by the first meeting in 1995 the issues should be resolved. By unanimous vote the Commission deferred the item to the first plan meeting in 1995. November 15, 1994 Planning Hearing ITEM NO.: 3 NAME: Planning Activity Update STAFF REPORT: Update to the Commission on various planning efforts: John Barrow, Woodruff, Bike Plan, etc. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: (NOVEMBER 15, 1994) Due to lack of a quorum, these items were discussed prior to meeting and off the record. litlillilli IIIIIIIIIIN NI■1� 1 1 1 v � 11 �u� 1�� 1 litlillilli IIIIIIIIIIN NI■1� 1 1 1 11 1�� 1 ME ME 0 2E ii November 15, 1994 PLANNING HEARING There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 1:20 p.m. Date: -2/ -7195 ZZ -- hair an