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pc_04 22 1991PLANS HERRING ITEN Pl XIX':1991 ordinance Amendments (Part 1) E)lSlQEQX:Planning Commission Review and Hold a Public Hearing on Part One of Proposals Recommended bythePlansCommittee STAPP REPORT:(See accompanying ini'ormation) I (APRII 23,1991) The staff briefly updated the Planning Commission on the statusofthefirstofthreephasesofdevelopmentfor1991Ordinance Amendments. The schedule was discussed.Richard wood of staff commentedthattherewaresomeminoradjustmentstobesadeinthetext asaresultofthestaffmeetingswiththecityattorney.EoodpointedouttheplanatthispointistogainpermissionfromtheCoamissiontoplacedraftP3ofthefirstphaseonholdandproceedwithPhaseII. A copy of the Plans Committee tentative seating schedule waspresentedtothecommitteeinthesessionprecedingthispublichearing.Im .Leek,the chairman,is to respond as tc theappropriatenessofconcludingPhaseIIhythePlanscommittee meeting on June 4th. The chairman,Nr.Perkins,ask for comaents from the Commission on the staff's proposal and although a vote was not taken.TheconsensusappearedtobethatthefullCommissionagreedwith'the staffis approach. Woad stated that he was again disappointed this year in the number of responses received from the 40 plus persons whoreceivedmailingofPhaseIproposals.A discussion followed Which resulted in a motion to direct staff to mail each persononthelistaninvitationtoreviewandcommentandofferthosepersonsacopyoi'he proposals if desired.The product cf thisnoticechangeisareductioninpostagecosttopersonswhodonotrespond.This motion passed by a vote of 6 eyes 0 nays6absent. 1 APril 23,1991 PLANNING HEARING ITEN NO.:2 XIX':Hillcrest Commercial Overlay Kavanaugh from Walnut to Monroe STAPF REPORT: As Part of the review of the Hillcrest area requested by the Hillcrest Residents Association,Staff'eviewed the special concerns expressed about the Kavanaugh coaaercial district in Hillcrest.There was aspecificrequesttochangetheoitylsstandardstobetteraddressthe needs of an eurban commercial district"as opposed to a suburban commercial area.staff met several times with the property owners in the winter and spring of 1990 to discuss various requireaents and standards.A meeting was then held to discuss the draft overlay with the immediately surrounding residents.Further revisions were made and discussed with property owners,and a neighborhood seating was held to receive comments from the larger Hillcrest area. In early November 1990 property owners once again asked for comments and the Plans committee was asked to review the draft as revised byallparties.After two meetings of the Plans Committee,more minorrevisionsweremadetothedraft.This document has been sant tc each property owner (mailed March 22)ior their review.In the letter,the owners were inforsed of this meeting and invited to attend and address the Commission. STAFF RECONNENOATION: APPROVAL I CT0 (APRIL 23,1991) Ron Newaan,Planning Reneger,reviewed the history of this itemstartingoverayearagowitharequestfroatheHillcrestResident's Association Board (HRA).The concern expressed at the time was that "suburbane standards were being forced on an "urban"area.Iteas which were requested for review included reduced parking,setbacks,storefronts,etc.The property owners were contacted and asked fortheirinput.After meetings with property owners,surroundingresidentialresidentswereaskedtoattendameetingtodisouss thedraftregulationsandtoexpresstheirconcerns.staff next arranged a neighborhood meeting and finally took the draft to the PlansComaittee.At each step,property owners were mailed the currentdraftfortheirreviewandcomment. 1 ITEN NO.!2 Nr.Newman asked if the would like a detailed review of thadraftwiththeCommissionindicatingthatwasdesired.Starting withSectionC,Fh.Newman reviewed the major points as follows: SECTION C:Maximum 5,000 sq.ft.per business, Not including Rl,R2,R3 or R4 property SECTION D:~—SerO On Kavanaugh,front and aide yards 14NNjssBRR -MEKARAEsh:street trees and planters keep a 4 to 6 foot sidewalk clearance ESSSRMRRq:Retain 2 to 4 foot landscape between sidewalk and curb HjHBSSS -klLJZRSS:Combined total 55 facade area QXQRSLJLSRRESd3 Face 12 sq.ft. Ru}jSSKABH:Height 9 ft.clearance EAKkjRH —suqgesting 1/2 standard for neighborhood commercial use shared parking encouraged Kavanaugh sideyard Beechwood front yard discouraged maximum 502 impermeable suri'ace The commission asked several questions about sign and parkingsections.Mr.Imwson indicated that the draft is an attempt torespondtoneighborhoodandamerconcernsthatbusinessisavoidingHillorestbecauseoftheneedtogatBoardofAdjustmentrelief.Theneighborhood,owners and City want a viable area.The overlay concept was not conceived to create an overlay which will be reuseda~re,but rather to look at each area and encourage the uniquecharacterofthatarea. There was discussion about a parkinq garage and the balance betweensorecommercial,and damage to surrounding residential.At this pointMr.Newman continued his review. Included at the suggestion of Harvest poodsfdiscussionofthelightheight,type,etc.) SECTION 5:MRRjgsREjIti:Allowed by right on second floor. Prank Whitbeck,property owner,indicated his family has bean involvedinHillcrestforover50years.He discussed his efforts to keep thepostofficeinthearea.The businesses and owners hope to attractcustomersfromtheneighborhoodandthroughtheCity.Originally hewasexcitedabouttheproposaltohelprevitaliaathearea,but moreresidentialownersthancommercialownersworkedontheplan.Herequestedadelaytofurtherstudythedraft.A six month delay vas recommended by Mr.Whitback.He stated that the proposal should notmakehealthybusinessesunhealthy.The final document should be goodforeveryoneandencouragenewbusinesses.Tha current draft is toorestrictiveandburdensome.Major concerns are with signage andparking.Nr.Whitbeck stated he would try to be reasonable and findagoodmiddleqround. 2 ITEM NO.:3 Mr.Richard Boles,owner of Kasuko,stated hs enjoyed traffic fromallareas.His structure ia approximately 9,000 eq.ft,and was anearlysuburbancenterattempt.Nr.Boles exprasse&concerns aboutputtingrestrictionsonparkingan&the affect that it often has onbusinesses. Nr.Robert Friedl,owner of Hillcrest Bquara,stated that his20businesseshadonlythreespaceswithanadditional40rents&. While the parking needs to be relaxe&,sass parking must be provided. Mr.Friedl expressed concern about the height limit on parking lotlighting.He requested more time to review the ordinanoe. There was discussion about deferral and the parking related issues,lightinq,location and amount.Mr.Whitbeck indicated the parkingissuesandsignagewerethema]or issues needing discussion.TheP.U.D.section was mentioned as a way to get larger projects in theareaoraddressotherissues. Nr.Tom Johnson,President HRa,state&that the City needed torecognisedthatKavanaughisnotHighway10orRodneyParhamandshoul&have different regulations.He stated that sama balance mustbefoundfortheparkingquestionbetweenneighborhoodandbusinessconcerns.The HRa has no problem with a &efenal to allow for morediscussionontheissues.However signage requirements areappropriatetotheareaintheopinionoftheassociation.Inaddition,Mr.Johnson asked if the frontyar&parking on Beechwoodcouldnotberestricted. There was more discussion about the meeting process and parking issues (where,when and how).The commission stated that parking optionsneededtobeexPlored. commissioner Leek made a motion to dei'er the issue until June 4th.Byavoteof8for0against3absent(Hi&dick,walls,walker)the motion was approved. 3 April 23r 1991 PLANNING NEARING ITEM 3 XXXLE:12th Street Study Fair Park to Battery EEQQEEX:Board of Directors STAPF REPORT: At the request of the Board of Directors,staff began a review of the 12th street Corridor,during the sumaer of1990.The Board's request came as a result of a zoning caseforabeautyshoponthenorthsideof12thStreet,sidblock between Peyton and Lewis. Staff has reviewed the zoning pattern on the 12th Street corridor and is requesting direction from the Planning Commission on how to address the concerns of the Board ofDirectors.(See attachaent) PIANNING CONNISSION ACTION APRIL 23,1991 Ron Newman,Planning Manager,indicated that approximately a year ago the staff began a review of 12th Street at the request of the City Board of Directors.The instructions were to look for ways to improve the area and prevent strip commercial.Today,the staff requests direction from the Commission on this study. Two options have been identified.One ie to have the Cityinitiaterezoningandlanduseplanchanges.If this optionisfollowedtherecouldbenooptingout,either we do it or we don'. There was some discussion about the boundaries of the study. The western terminus was of greatest concern.Also the Commission asked about voluntary rezoning Option 2 would be some kind of overlay to address thespecificconcernsandissuesalong12thStreet. The Commission asked about the institutional uses (groupquartersliving)in the area.The issue was then referredtothePlansCommitteewithaprogressreporttothefull Commission in six weeks. 1 ] J h L I I I S I R E 5 5 1 I I 5 8 1 5 % 5 5 5 E R Q R I R I I I I E S Q H I I R Q R R ' - ' . 1 1 1 1 1 K , . t l 9 5 l t M 5 5 I I 1 Q 1 5 3 5 R U H 5 1 " I N l l l l t l 1 l l I l l l i l l l l l l l l l S I I I I S Q S l l I I I I C I I S I I N - R I S I I E I R W U E I 1 E I I I S I E I I I E ' : ~ I S I I I I I R S I I I l l l 5 l l l l l l l R I N R I I I R R I N l l l N R l l l l l l ~ I W I I I I S H H S I I I I I R E I I I I I I 5 N I I I I 5 8 8 l l I R I I S I N R l l l R I U I I I I R P Q I I I l l l l l l l l l l l ~ I H E I I I Q H H I I I H I I I I I I I I I r a a a a a a a ~ a i n a u a a u n a n ~ F A I I I I R I C I I I I I I I N I I I I I I R P I I M 5 5 1 5 l l l l l 5 l l l l i l l J ~ . 4 ~ p April 22,1991 PZANNING QXBE~RRBk: There heing no further husinass hefore the Commission,the meeting was adjourned at 3:35 P.M. Date:9 ( etary a rman