pc_11 08 2007sub
NOVEMBER 8, 2007
4:00 P.M.
I. Roll Call and Finding of a Quorum
A Quorum was present being eleven (11) in number.
II. Members Present: Pam Adcock
J. T. Ferstl
Lucas Hargraves
Valerie Pruitt
Troy Laha
Jeff Yates
Jerry Meyer
William Rector
Darrin Williams
Chauncey Taylor
Obray Nunnley
Members Absent: None
City Attorney: Cindy Dawson
III. Approval of the Minutes of the September 27, 2007 Meeting of the Little Rock
Planning Commission. The Minutes were approved as presented.
NOVEMBER 8, 2007
Item Number:
File Number:
A. S-1538-A Gateway Towne Center Revised Preliminary Plat, located
on the Northwest corner of I-30 and I-430.
B. S-1528-A Kroger Fuel Center Subdivision Site Plan Review, located
at 8415 West Markham Street.
C. S-1590 The Colonies at Otter Creek Subdivision Site Plan Review,
located on the Southwest corner of Baseline Road and
Wimbledon Loop.
D. S-1591 Stagecoach View Center Subdivision Site Plan Review,
located on the Northwest corner of Stagecoach Road and
E. Z-4768-C Valley Oaks Court Revised Long-form POD, located on
Mabelvale West Road, just East of the South Loop.
F. LU07-14-01 A Land Use Plan Amendment in the Geyer Springs East
Planning District on Baseline Road East of Scott Hamilton
from Mixed Office Commercial and Park/Open Space to
F.1 Z-8258 Gilliam Short-form PCD, located at 3200 Baseline Road.
G. MSP07-01 A Master Street Plan Amendment to remove a proposed
Collector from Aldersgate Road to Shackleford Road in the
I-430 Planning District.
G.1 LU07-11-03 A Land Use Plan Amendment in the I-430 Planning District
at the 3100 Block of South Shackleford Road from Office,
Multi-family and Park/Open Space to Mixed Use.
G.2 Z-8262 Rowan Village Long-form PCD, located on Aldersgate and
South Shackleford Road.
H. MSP07-02 A Master Street Plan Amendment to modify the design
standards of Pinnacle Valley Road from Cantrell Road to
County Farm Road.
Agenda, Page Two
Item Number:
File Number:
1. S-867-YYYYYY Chenal Valley Phase 34 Revised Preliminary Plat, located
on Chenal Valley Drive near Gordon Road.
2. S-1520-A Royal Oaks Subdivision Revised Preliminary Plat, located
East of Chicot Road on Royal Oaks Drive.
3. S-1594 Sumler Lawson Addition Preliminary/Final Plat, located at
11600 Hilaro Springs Road.
4. S-1595 Alexander Square Preliminary Plat, located North of
Alexander Road and East of Natchez Lane.
Item Number:
File Number:
5. S-185-W Covington Rehab Clinic Subdivision Site Plan Review,
located 6800 Lindsey Road.
6. S-867-ZZZZZZ Chenal Valley Tract 14 Subdivision Site Plan Review,
located South of LaGrande Drive and West of Rahling
Road extension.
7. S-1589-A Big Red Convenience Store Summerwood Addition, located
on the Southeast corner of Otter Creek Road and
Stagecoach Road.
Agenda, Page Three
Item Number:
File Number:
8. Z-8279 Barber Street Housing Short-form PD-R, located on the
Southeast corner of East 10th and Barber Streets.
9. Z-3652-B Kroger-Beechwood Revised Short-form PCD, located at
614 Beechwood Street.
10. Z-4607-B Boyd 15th and Izard Streets Short-form PD-R, located on
the Southeast corner of 15th and Izard Streets.
11. Z-5152-A Jameson Suites Revised Long-form PCD, located
at 10920 Chenal Parkway.
12. LU07-15-02 A Land Use Plan Amendment in the Geyer Springs West
Planning District on Eagle Drive just east of Chicot Road
from Single Family to Mixed Office Commercial.
12.1. Z-5688-A Lamb Revised Short-form POD, located at 7604 Eagle
13. Z-5699-B Robertson Revised Short-form PCD, located at 800 North
Spruce Street.
14. LU07-12-03 A Land Use Plan Amendment in the 65th Street West
Planning District on the east side of North Chicot Road
South of Bay Meadow Court from Single Family to Mixed
14.1. Z-6183-A Ragan Revised Short-form PCD, located at 7101 North
Chicot Road.
15. LU07-11-04 A Land Use Plan Amendment in the I-430 Planning District
in the 600 block of Autumn Road from Office to Mixed
Office Commercial.
15.1. Z-6278-D Studio Joe’s Revised Short-form PCD, located
at 600 Autumn Road.
16. Z-6483-A Episcopal Collegiate School Revised Long-form POD,
located at 1701 Cantrell Road.
Agenda, Page Four
Item Number:
File Number:
17. Z-6526-B Parker Lexus Short-form PCD, located on the Northwest
corner of Shackleford West Boulevard and South
Shackleford Road.
18. Z-6555-A Lot 5 Evergreen Industrial Park Short-form PID, located on
the Southwest corner of Mabelvale Circle and Mabelvale
19. LU07-18-03 A Land Use Plan Amendment in the Ellis Mountain
Planning District on the north side of Colonel Glenn Road
just east of Cooper Orbit from Single Family to Mixed Use.
19.1 Z-7698-A Kathy’s Revised Long-form PCD, located at 13800 Colonel
Glenn Road.
20. Z-7720-A Denison Bailey Creative Arts Center Revised Short-form
PCD, located at 1517 – 1611 Wright Avenue.
21. Z-7898-B Cross Street Elderly Housing Revised Short-form PD-R,
located at 1022 Cross Street.
22. Z-7919-A JAPB, LLC Marina-Condo Project Revised Long-form PCD,
located North of 3rd Street and East of Bond Street.
23. Z-8042-A Lot 10 Northwest Territory Short-form PCD, located on the
Northeast corner of Cantrell Road and Chenal Parkway.
24. Z-8272 Montvale Short-form PD-C, located at 22 Montvale Drive.
25. Z-8273 Auxor Arms Apartments Long-form PD-R, located
at 9101 Auxor Road.
26. Adoption of the 2008 Planning Commission Calendar.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: A FILE NO.: S-1538-A
NAME: Gateway Towne Center Revised Preliminary Plat
LOCATION: Located on the Northwest corner of I-30 and I-430
Otter Creek Development Company
10 Otter Creek Court, Suite A
Little Rock, AR 72210
McGetrick and McGetrick Engineers
10 Otter Creek Court, Suite A
Little Rock, AR 72210
CURRENT ZONING: C-4, Open Display District
VARIANCES/WAIVERS REQUESTED: A variance from the Land Alteration Ordinance
to allow advanced grading of the site with the construction of the streets and basic
infrastructure for the lots.
On October 26, 2006, the Little Rock Planning Commission approved a preliminary plat
and Subdivision Site Plan Review for this site. The proposal included the creation of 16
lots and a site plan review to allow the placement of multiple buildings on this 176 acre
site currently zoned C-4, Open Display District. In excess of one million square feet of
retail, office, entertainment and hotels were planned for the site developed as a Life-
Style - Open Air Center. The site plan indicated ten (10) out parcels to be developed
with stand alone retail activities including restaurant space.
The Town Center with a number of buildings located on a single lot included an anchor
store with 200,000 square feet, a theatre with 50,000 square feet, Jr. Anchors for a total
of 74,000 square feet and additional square footage was listed including shops and
restaurants of 255,200 square feet. The site plan indicated 4,094 parking spaces to
serve these uses. The Community Center indicated the placement of 172,000 square
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: A (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1538-A
feet of building area and 1,415 parking spaces. A total of 101,000 square feet of
building area was indicated in the out parcel area with a total of 1,073 parking spaces.
Proposed Lots 11, 12 and 13 were indicated for future development. Lot 11 contained
4.16 acres, Lot 12 contained 11.40 acres and Lot 13 contained 24.87 acres.
The applicant is now seeking a revision to the previously approved preliminary
plat to allow the creation of 19 commercially zoned lots for the site. The lots vary
in size from 1.5 acres to 22.1 acres. The development will include a 4.7 acre
lake on the site and a larger lake off-site for the Arkansas State Game and Fish
Commission. The development will include the construction of 9,500 linear feet
of new street and an off-ramp from I-430. The developers are requesting a
variance from the Land Alteration Ordinance to allow advanced grading of the
site with the installation of the streets and basic infrastructure. According to the
applicant the variance request is necessary based on the large amount of fill
needed to bring portions of the site out of the floodplain. The developer has
indicated construction will begin in mid October to early November. The final
platting of the lots will be market driven.
The site appears relatively flat and has a new growth of forest. Otter Creek Road
is located along the western boundary, the I-30 Frontage Road is located along
the southern boundary and I-430 is located along the eastern boundary. There is
a traffic signal located at the I-30 Frontage Road and Otter Creek Road.
There is a floodway located to the north, northwest boundary of the site currently
zoned OS. Other uses in the area include a large trucking firm, CAL-ARK,
located to the south of the site across Otter Creek Road. Across I-30 there is a
large regional hospital facility, a hotel, and a number of office uses, accessed
from Mabelvale West.
As of this writing, staff has not received any comment from the area residents.
The Otter Creek Homeowners Association, Southwest Little Rock United for
Progress and all abutting property owners were notified of the Public Hearing.
1. Provide another site plan without contour lines and drainage structures,
showing centerlines of streets, with lane striping.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: A (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1538-A
2. Otter Creek Road is classified on the Master Street Plan as a minor arterial.
A dedication of right-of-way 45 feet from centerline will be required.
3. With site development, provide design of street conforming to the Master
Street Plan. Construct one-half street improvement to these streets
including 5-foot sidewalks with planned development.
4. A grading permit in accordance with Section 29-186 (c) and (d) will be
required prior to any land clearing or grading activities at the site. Site
grading, and drainage plans will need to be submitted and approved prior to
the start of construction. A variance is required to be issued for advance
grading without imminent construction.
5. Storm water detention ordinance applies to this property. All detention must
be on site and not in the floodway.
6. If disturbed area is one (1) or more acres, obtain a NPDES storm water
permit from the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality prior to the
start of construction.
7. Obtain permits for improvements within State Highway right-of-way from
AHTD, District VI.
8. A special Grading Permit for Flood Hazard Areas will be required per
Section 8-283 prior to construction.
9. The minimum Finish Floor elevation of one (1) foot above the base flood
elevation (BFE) is required to be shown on plat and grading plans.
10. Provide a Sketch Grading and Drainage Plan as required per Section
29-186 (e).
11. Plans of all work in right-of-way shall be submitted for approval prior to start
of work. Obtain barricade permit prior to doing any work in the right-of-way
from Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1805 (Travis Herbner).
12. Street Improvement plans shall include signage and striping. Traffic
Engineering must approve completed plans prior to construction.
13. Streetlights are required by Section 31-403 of the Little Rock code. Provide
plans for approval to Traffic Engineering. Streetlights must be installed prior
to platting/certificate of occupancy. Contact Traffic Engineering 379-1813
(Steve Philpott) for more information.
14. Coordinate design of traffic signal upgrade with proposed street
improvements. Plans to be forwarded to Traffic Engineering for approval.
15. Due to the reduction in traffic access locations especially for traffic
accessing I-430 north, submit a comprehensive traffic study addressing trip
generation, access into and out of the facility, levels of service for ramps,
weave analysis, traffic signal needs, internal circulation and other issues
that affect traffic flow. Contact Bill Henry at 379-1816 or Nat Banihatti at
379-1818 for further assistance and description of study.
Wastewater: Sewer main extension required with easements. Contact Little
Rock Wastewater Utility at 688-1414 for additional information.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: A (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1538-A
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. A water main extension and
on-site fire protection will be required in order to provide service to this property.
Significant off site improvements may be required. Hydraulic analysis is needed
to determine requirements. A Capital Investment Charge based on the size of the
meter connection(s) may apply to this project in addition to normal charges. This
fee will apply to all meter connections including any metered connections off
private fire system(s). This development may have significant impact on the
existing water distribution system. Proposed water facilities will be sized to
provide adequate pressure and fire protection.
Fire Department: Place fire hydrants per code. Contact the Little Rock Fire
Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is located near CATA Bus Routes #17 – the Mabelvale-
Downtown and 17A Mabelvale-UALR Bus Routes.
Planning Division: No comment.
Landscape: No comment.
Mr. Pat McGetrick was present representing the request. Staff presented an
overview of the proposed development stating the developers were requesting a
revision to a previously approved preliminary plat. Staff requested the applicant
provide additional information associated with the source of title and the
proposed phasing plan. Staff requested the developer indicate the proposed
driveway locations on the plat.
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff questioned if the developer was
seeking a variance from the Land Alteration Ordinance to allow advanced
grading of the site with the construction of the first phase of the development.
Staff questioned the buffer to remain and the areas proposed for grading. Staff
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: A (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1538-A
requested the applicant provide a sketch grading and drainage plan. Mr.
McGetrick stated a new off ramp would be constructed from I-430. He stated
there would not be a new ramp constructed to allow north bound traffic access
from the site as was previously proposed. Staff requested the applicant provide
a traffic study to determine the impacts of the development on the street system
in the area.
There was a general discussion of the required buffer for the site. Staff stated
the buffer required would be based on a percentage of the depth. Commissioner
Laha stated adjacent to a freeway a minimum of 30-feet was required. Mr.
McGetrick questioned if the buffer was to remain undisturbed. Staff stated street
buffers were not typically required to remain undisturbed.
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
The applicant submitted a revised preliminary plat to staff addressing most of the
issues raised at the September 6, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The
applicant has provided the source of title, the proposed phasing plan and the
proposed driveway locations. The revised plan has also indicated buffer areas to
remain and areas proposed for grading. The applicant has also provided a traffic
study to determine the impacts of the development on the street system.
In reviewing the Synchro Model for the proposed development, some changes
were required for Otter Creek Road to satisfy the requirements of the Master
Street Plan for this minor arterial. In addition, the lane utilization factors were
adjusted based on measured vehicle headways for coordinated and non-
coordinated traffic flows. Prior studies indicate that left turn saturation flows are
1285 vphg, non-coordination thru saturation flows are 1385 vphg and
coordination flows were measured at 1565 vphg. The Model has been adjusted
Drive A at Otter Creek Road
Eastbound dual left turn lanes, 2
through lanes in each directions with
250’ right turn lanes on each approach.
Traffic Signal will require modifications
for new geometry.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: A (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1538-A
I-30 WB Frontage at Drive A Rd
Reduce lanes to 1-SB Thru. Remove propose signal. Add additional lane on
frontage road with necessary length for adequate merge section.
Drive A at Ring Road
Remove proposed traffic signal and
construct roundabout. Number of lanes
to be determined by consultant using
Sidra for analysis.
Drive B at I-30 WB Frontage Rd
Frontage Road is only one lane south of this intersection based on latest aerial
photos. Model was adjusted and traffic volumes were corrected in this area to
reflect total traffic volumes on the WB frontage road in the one lane section south
of Drive B. With the model corrected
Drive B fails and stacks traffic into the
site. The amount of traffic on the
frontage road is too heavy to allow for
right turning traffic to enter the frontage
I-30 WB Frontage Road Weave
The weave between the I-30 off-ramp
and the Drive A Road Ext. is over
capacity due to the high volume of traffic
that is southbound on the frontage road.
Level of service for the proposed weave
is LOS E.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: A (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1538-A
East Side of I-30 Frontage Rd Intersections
The two intersection on the east side of the
freeway will operate at an unacceptable level
of service without the addition of right turn
lanes as recommended. The southern
intersection will operate at level of service D, if
a 200’ right turn lane is added, while the
northernmost intersection will operate at a level
of service C with the addition of a 200’ right
turn lane. The Arkansas Highway and
Transportation Department (AHTD) in the past
have stated that signalization will not be allowed on the frontage roads. Based
on their statement, the alternative as planned is not acceptable. Before final
approval of the site plan can be recommended, AHTD needs to approve any
construction planned on their system.
The developers are requesting a variance from the Land Alteration Ordinance to
allow advanced grading of the site with the installation of the streets and basic
infrastructure. According to the applicant the variance request is necessary
based on the large amount of fill needed to bring portions of the site out of the
floodplain. The plat indicates buffers as typically required by the Land Alteration
Ordinance will remain on the site. The ordinance would typically require a 50-
foot minimum buffer around the site’s entirety. Staff is working with the applicant
to determine how much of the site must be developed for the entire site to be
cleared. Staff is supportive of allowing some portion of the site for the advanced
grading but will secure written commitments from the applicant as to the timing of
development and the grading. Staff recommends the grading not be allowed
until all approvals for the street improvements are secured from AHTD and the
Staff is supportive of the proposed preliminary plat to allow the creation of 19
commercially zoned lots for the site. The lots vary in size from 1.5 acres to 22.1
acres which is well in excess of the typical minimum standards for C-4, Open
Display District zoned property. The development will include a 4.7 acre lake on
the site and a larger lake off-site for the Arkansas State Game and Fish
Commission. The developer has indicated construction will begin in mid October
to early November. The final platting of the lots will be market driven. To staff’s
knowledge there are no outstanding technical issues associated with the request.
Staff feels the creation of the lots as proposed should have minimal impact on
the development and the area.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: A (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1538-A
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda
staff report.
Staff recommends approval of the variance request from the Land Alteration
Ordinance but recommends the grading not being permitted until all street
improvement plans are approved by AHTD and the City.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to
compliance with the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of
the agenda staff report. Staff also presented a recommendation of approval of the
variance request from the Land Alteration Ordinance but recommended the grading not
be permitted until all street improvement plans are approved by AHTD and the City.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a
vote of 11 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: B FILE NO.: S-1528-A
NAME: Kroger Fuel Center Subdivision Site Plan Review
LOCATION: Located at 8415 West Markham Street
Kroger Limited Partnership I
Steve Sheridan
800 Rodgelake Boulevard
Memphis, TN 38120
Pickering, Inc
Cara Martin
6775 Lenox Center Court, Suite 300
Memphis, TN 38115
CURRENT ZONING: C-3, General Commercial District
PLANNING DISTRICT: 3 – West Little Rock
The Kroger Limited Partnership I, is requesting a subdivision site plan review to
allow the placement of a fueling center within the parking lot of the existing
Kroger Grocery located at 8415 West Markham Street. The fuel center is
proposed with four pump islands and a kiosk containing 112 square feet. The
existing Kroger store contains 54,963 square feet of gross floor area. Presently
there are 197 parking spaces located on the site. With the placement of the fuel
center 46 parking spaces will be removed resulting in a total of 151 parking
spaces to serve the grocery and fueling center.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: B (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1528-A
The canopy is proposed with a maximum height of 22-feet. The signage is
proposed with a maximum sign area per canopy of 45.5 square feet. The
lettering is proposed with 3-feet 6-inches by 13-feet. The applicant is proposing
to replace the existing sign with a new monument style sign. The sign is
proposed with a maximum height of fifteen feet and a maximum width of eleven
feet three inches. The sign will contain the store name along with pricing
information for the fuel.
The fueling center will maintain outdoor display items typical of a fueling center
such as automobile related products, soft drinks, ice and snacks.
The site contains a number of uses including a restaurant and the Kroger store.
On an out-parcel of this site there is a drive-through restaurant. To the north,
east and west there a number of commercial businesses and office uses fronting
West Markham Street and Rodney Parham Road. South of the Kroger store is a
single-family subdivision and to the north of the site across West Markham Street
are single-family homes and office uses.
As of this writing, staff has received several informational phone calls from area
residents. All owners of property located within 200 feet of the proposed site
along with the Sunny Meade Neighborhood Association and the Penbrook/Clover
Hill Property Owners Association were notified of the Public Hearing.
1. New curb and gutter and additional pavement should be installed across the
frontage of the property to the front of the existing power poles and tie into the
new curb and gutter recently installed by the City near Rodney Parham Road.
2. The back of the 5 foot sidewalk should be installed at the right-of-way line.
3. Remove existing striping and install new striping to allow for five – 11 foot
traffic lanes.
4. All private improvements in the right-of-way must be franchised.
5. Markham Street is classified on the Master Street Plan as a minor arterial with
special design standards. A dedication of right-of-way 35 feet from centerline
will be required. Due to the arterial-arterial intersection at Markham Street
and Rodney Parham, an additional 10 feet of right-of-way measured from the
centerline of the right-of-way should be dedicated for the right turn lane. The
additional right-of-way shall be 250 feet in length measured from the
intersecting right-of-way.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: B (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1528-A
6. Plans of all work in right-of-way shall be submitted for approval prior to start of
work. Obtain barricade permit prior to doing any work in the right-of-way from
Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1805 (Travis Herbner).
7. On site striping and signage plans should be forwarded to Public Works,
Traffic Engineering for approval with the site development package.
8. Obtain permits prior to doing any street cuts or curb cuts. Obtain barricade
permit prior to doing any work in the right-of-way. Contact Traffic Engineering
at (501) 379-1805 (Travis Herbner) for more information.
Wastewater: Sewer available to the property.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. A Capital Investment Charge
based on the size of the meter connection(s) will apply to this project in addition
to normal charges. This fee will apply to all meter connections including any
metered connections off the private fire system. Contact Central Arkansas Water
regarding the size and location of the water meter. Additional fire hydrant(s) will
be required. Contact the Little Rock Fire Department to obtain information
regarding the required placement of the hydrant(s) and contact Central Arkansas
Water regarding procedures for installation of the hydrant(s).
Fire Department: Place fire hydrants per code. Contact the Little Rock Fire
Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is located on CATA Bus Route #5 – the West Markham Route.
Planning Division: No comment.
1. The site plan must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and buffer
ordinance requirements.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: B (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1528-A
2. The painted traffic islands need to be changed to planter islands, by doing so,
the site will meet the perimeter landscape requirement while also helping with
traffic circulation.
3. The street buffer requirement is an average thirty-six foot (36) wide and in no
case less than half, or eighteen foot (18) wide. Currently, the site plan is not
meeting this minimum requirement. After right-of-way dedication the area is
not averaging the thirty-six foot. The minimum landscape perimeter
requirement of nine foot (9) wide is not being met around the sites entirety. It
will be necessary to provide landscape upgrade towards compliance with the
ordinances based on the percentage of building expansion.
4. A small amount of building landscaping will be required in conjunction with
this development.
5. All fencing, landscaping, striping, etc. must be in good condition or be
repaired/replaced in conjunction with this development.
6. An automatic irrigation system to water landscaped areas will be required.
7. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, it will be necessary to provide an
approved landscape plan stamped with the seal of a Registered Landscape
8. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing
trees as feasible on the site. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape Ordinance
requirements can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch caliper or
The applicant was present representing the request. Staff presented an
overview of the proposed development stating there were additional items
necessary to complete the review process. Staff questioned if signage was
proposed for all sides of the canopy and requested the applicant provide the
location for the proposed signage. Staff also questioned if there would be areas
of outdoor display of product around the fuel center. Staff stated lighting must be
low level and directional, directed downward and into the site. Staff also
requested the hours of operation of the fuel center.
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated new curb, gutter and
sidewalk should be installed across the frontage of the property to the front of the
existing power poles and tie into the new curb and gutter recently installed by the
City near Rodney Parham Road. Staff also stated the striping should be
removed to allow for five 11-foot lanes.
Landscaping comment were addressed. Staff stated an upgrade would be
required in association with the building permit. Staff suggested the painted
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: B (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1528-A
traffic islands be changed to planter islands to assist in meeting the upgrade
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
The applicant submitted a revised site plan to staff addressing most of the issues
raised at the September 6, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant
has indicated signage, areas of outdoor display and included a note concerning
the site lighting. The applicant has also provided the hours of operation for the
fuel center. The applicant has indicated the area is not available for the
placement of five lanes as requested by Public Works staff and will work with
staff to install the street improvements.
The hours of operation for the fuel center are proposed from 6:00 am to
11:00 pm seven days per week. The site will utilize the dumpster facilities
presently located on the site.
The canopy is proposed with a maximum height of 22-feet. The signage is
proposed with a maximum sign area per canopy of 45.5 square feet. The
lettering is proposed with 3-feet 6-inches by 13-feet. The applicant has not
sought a variance to allow signage on the fuel canopy to face into the parking lot
area. The signage for the fuel canopy will only be allowed on the street side,
facing West Markham Street.
The applicant is proposing to replace the existing sign with a new monument
style sign. The sign is proposed with a maximum height of fifteen feet and a
maximum width of eleven feet three inches. The sign will contain the store name
along with pricing information for the fuel center.
The fuel center is proposed with four pump islands and a kiosk containing
112 square feet. The fueling center will maintain outdoor display items typical of
a fueling center such as automobile related products, soft drinks, ice and snacks.
The location of these products will not impede the flow of traffic around and
through the site.
The existing Kroger store contains 54,963 square feet of gross floor area. The
applicant has indicated an 80/20 split of retail and warehousing. Based on the
typical parking required for a grocery store a total of 150 parking spaces would
be required. Presently there are 197 parking spaces located on the site. With
the placement of the fuel center 46 parking spaces will be removed resulting in a
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: B (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1528-A
total of 151 parking spaces to serve the grocery and fueling center. Based on
parking typically required to serve a food store, supermarket or convenience-type
grocery store, the parking is adequate to serve the development.
The site plan has been revised to allow the painted traffic islands nearest the
fueling center to be planter islands. By allowing this change the site comes
nearer meeting the perimeter landscape requirement while also assisting with
traffic circulation.
The street buffer requirement for the site is an average thirty-six foot (36) wide
and should in no case be less than half, or eighteen foot (18) wide. The site plan
indicates the placement of a nine foot landscape strip along West Markham
Street as typically required by minimum ordinance standards. Also the ordinance
would typically require a minimum landscape perimeter planting of nine feet (9)
around the site’s entirety which is not being met. The proposal is the
redevelopment of an existing site. The applicant has indicated with the
placement of the nine foot landscape strip within the front yard area and the
placement of landscaped islands within the parking lot these upgrades allow the
site to come more in compliance with the typical ordinance requirements, based
on the percentage of building expansion proposed.
Staff is supportive of the request. The applicant is seeking approval of a
subdivision site plan review to allow the placement of additional buildings on the
site to serve as a fueling center. The site plan as proposed meets the typical
setback for C-3, General Commercial District zoned property and the site plan
has been designed to allow for proper circulation within the site. The
landscaping as proposed allows for an upgrade to an existing site which has little
to no landscaping. To staff’s knowledge there are no remaining technical issues
associated with the request remaining outstanding. Staff does not feel the
placement of the fuel center as proposed will have a significant impact on the
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda
staff report.
Staff recommends approval of the landscaping as proposed by the applicant
allowing the site to come more into compliance with the existing ordinance
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: B (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1528-A
The applicant was present. There were registered objectors present. Staff presented
the item with a recommends of approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda staff
report. Staff presented a recommendation of approval of the landscaping as proposed
by the applicant allowing the site to come more into compliance with the existing
ordinance standards.
Mr. Steve Sheridan addressed the Commission as a representative of Kroger. He stated
Kroger had worked with City staff and the adjoining property owners to produce a plan
which would compliment the site and allow for access and circulation. He stated based
on the current site plan Kroger would be adding additional landscaping to a site which
contained no landscaping thus adding value to the site.
Ms. Mollie Irving addressed the Commission in opposition of the request. She provided
the Commission with photo’s of the area indicating traffic concerns, stacking concerns
and safety concerns. She stated a number of the shoppers at the Kroger store were
elderly and she felt the placement of the additional activity on the site would generate
traffic safety concerns for the shoppers. She stated the site was not like the Kroger
sites on Shackleford or Asher which were conducive to the placement of pumps within
the front yard area. She stated based on traffic it was difficult to exit the site and make
a left turn and right turns were also difficult unless someone let you out. She stated the
drives along West Markham Street were located so close together a number of
customers of Kroger mistakenly turned into the adjoining parking lot for the liquor store
and were forced to reenter West Markham to enter the Kroger drive. She stated with
the addition of the gas pumps this would potentially increase crime in the area. She
stated during holiday season the parking lot was full and could not afford to lose any
spaces for the placement of the fuel center. She stated the lives of the area residents
and the shoppers was worth more than Kroger being able to sell gas and make a few
Mr. Robert Clay addressed Commission in opposition of the request. He stated he had
lived in the neighborhood for a number of years and was a frequent shopper of Kroger.
He stated he first because aware of the issue on the day Ms. Irving was taking the
pictures presented to the Commission. He questioned her and she told him of the
proposal. He stated he did not support the placement of the fuel pumps in the parking
lot. He stated the site was congested and felt the addition of the pumps would only
increase the congesting.
Mr. Oley Rooker addressed the Commission in opposition. He stated he did not live in
the neighborhood but his mother did and she was a shopper of the Kroger store. He
stated a number of the patrons of the store were elderly and did not need the addition of
the pumps within the parking lot area. He stated the site was not like the Asher location
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: B (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1528-A
which did allow a drive island and a traffic light to exit the site. He requested the
Commission deny the request.
Mr. Sheridan stated a great deal of time was spent developing the site plan for the
fueling center. He stated safety of the customers was a concern of Kroger. He stated
with the addition of the landscape islands traffic flow on the site would be improved. He
stated West Markham would be widened with the proposed development to facilitate
traffic in the area.
The Commission questioned if the drives on the Kroger site would be increased.
Mr. Sheridan stated he was not willing to commit to the widening without reviewing the
survey to determine the location of the existing power poles. He stated if the drives
could be widened without a great expense he would be willing to increase the drive from
the present 30-feet to 36-feet.
Commissioner Allen questioned if the developer had met with the neighborhood.
Mr. Sheridan stated he was not aware of the concerns of the neighborhood until today.
Commissioner Allen questioned Mr. Sheridan if he was willing to accept a deferral of the
item to allow time to meet with the neighborhood to see if any of the issue raised could
be resolved. Mr. Sheridan stated he was willing to accept a deferral of the item to allow
him to meet with the neighborhood association.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion to defer the
item to the November 8, 2007, public hearing. The motion carried by a vote of 8 ayes,
1 no, 2 absent and 1 open position.
There has been no change to this application request since the previous public hearing.
Staff continues to support the site plan review for the placement of the fuel center within
the parking lot area along West Markham Street as proposed by the applicant.
The applicant was not present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item stating the applicant had requested a deferral of the item to the
January 3, 2008, public hearing. Staff stated they were supportive of the deferral
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a vote
of 11 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: C FILE NO.: S-1590
NAME: The Colonies at Otter Creek Subdivision Site Plan Review
LOCATION: Located on the Southwest corner of Baseline Road and Wimbledon Loop
Case and Associates
4200 East Skelly Drive, Suite 800
Tulsa, OK 74137
McGetrick and McGetrick Engineers
10 Otter Creek Court, Suite A
Little Rock, AR 72210
The Board of Directors adopted Ordinance No. 13,823 on May 20, 1980, rezoning
111.36 acres from R-2, Single-family to various zoning classifications. The two
properties located on the east and west sides of Wimbledon Loop were zoned MF-24 as
a part of this overall rezoning for the Otter Creek Community; reflective of their
development plan.
The property consists of 6.77 acres, and is currently zoned MF-24. The
applicants are requesting a site plan review for the placement of 156 units or
23.04 units per acre. The development consists of six three story buildings and
six two story buildings. The site plan includes the placement of 247 parking
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: C (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1590
spaces with both surface parking and covered parking in garages. The project
will not have a pool or clubhouse. The entrance is proposed from Wimbledon
Loop with an exit only drive off Baseline Road to allow egress from the site and
serve as secondary emergency access to the site.
The site is located on the southwest corner of Baseline Road and Wimbledon
Loop and is tree covered. Baseline Road has not been constructed to Master
Street Plan standard abutting the site. Wimbledon Loop appears to be
constructed to standard with the exception of the placement of a sidewalk.
Wimbledon Loop is the rear entrance to the Otter Creek Community and a gate
has been installed to limit access to the area. There are single-family homes
located to the south and west of the site. To the north of the site is the Eagle Hill
Apartment development. East of the site are the Wimbledon Green Apartments.
As of this writing, staff has received a number of phone calls and letters from
area residents indicating concern for the proposed use of the property. All
owners of property located within 200 feet of the proposed site along with the
Otter Creek Homeowners Association and Southwest Little Rock United for
Progress were notified of the Public Hearing.
1. Baseline Road is classified on the Master Street Plan as a principal arterial.
Dedication of right-of-way to 55 feet from centerline will be required.
2. A 20 foot radial dedication of right-of-way is required at the intersection of
Baseline Road and Wimbledon Loop.
3. Sidewalks with appropriate handicap ramps are required to be installed
along Baseline Road in accordance with Section 31-175 of the Little Rock
Code and the Master Street Plan.
4. Repair or replace any curb and gutter or sidewalk that is damaged in the
public right-of-way prior to occupancy.
5. A grading permit in accordance with Section 29-186 (c) and (d) will be
required prior to any land clearing or grading activities at the site. Site
grading, and drainage plans will need to be submitted and approved prior to
the start of construction.
6. Provide a Sketch Grading and Drainage Plan as required per Section
29-186 (e).
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: C (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1590
7. Storm water detention ordinance applies to this property. Show the
proposed location for storm water detention facilities on the plan.
8. Traffic counts on Wimbledon Loop are being compiled. The expected trip
generation from this 156 unit apartment complex will be approximately
1,048 trips. Wimbledon Loop is identified on the Master Street Plan as a
collector street. Collector streets are generally designed for 5,000 vehicles
per day.
9. If disturbed area is one (1) or more acres, obtain a NPDES storm water
permit from the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality prior to the
start of construction.
10. Streetlights are required by Section 31-403 of the Little Rock code. Provide
plans for approval to Traffic Engineering. Streetlights must be installed prior
to platting/certificate of occupancy. Contact Traffic Engineering 379-1813
(Steve Philpott) for more information.
11. Street Improvement plans shall include signage and striping. Traffic
Engineering must approve completed plans prior to construction.
12. The storm water inlet located on Baseline Road to the west of Wimbledon
Loop should be moved further away from the centerline for better alignment
of the curb line.
13. Erosion controls must be installed to reduce discharge of polluted storm
14. Plans of all work in right-of-way shall be submitted for approval prior to start
of work. Obtain barricade permit prior to doing any work in the right-of-way
from Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1805 (Travis Herbner).
15. At time of building permit, the proposed one way driveway on Baseline
Road must be redesigned to prevent vehicles to access the site from
Baseline Road.
Wastewater: Sewer main extension required with easements. Capacity
Contribution Analysis required. Contact Little Rock Wastewater Utility at
688-1414 for additional information.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: C (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1590
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. The facilities on-site will be
private. When meters are planned off private lines, private facilities shall be
installed to Central Arkansas Water's material and construction specifications
and installation will be inspected by an engineer, licensed to practice in the State
of Arkansas. Execution of Customer Owned Line Agreement is required.
Additional fire hydrant(s) will be required. Contact the Little Rock Fire Department
to obtain information regarding the required placement of the hydrant(s) and
contact Central Arkansas Water regarding procedures for installation of the
hydrant(s). A Capital Investment Charge based on the size of connection(s) will
apply to this project in addition to normal charges if the service is off of the main
on the north side of Baseline Road. This fee will apply to all connections
including metered connections off the private fire system. This development will
have minor impact on the existing water distribution system. Proposed water
facilities will be sized to provide adequate pressure and fire protection.
Fire Department: Place fire hydrants per code. Contact the Little Rock Fire
Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is not located on a CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: No comment.
1. The site plan must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and buffer
ordinance requirements.
2. The buffer ordinance requires an average street buffer width of thirty-five
foot (35’) and in no case less than half or seventeen foot (17’) along
Baseline Road.
3. The buffer ordinance requires an average street buffer width of forty-two
foot (42’) along Wimbledon Loop and at no case less than half or twenty-
one foot (21’) wide.
4. The landscape ordinance requires a minimum nine foot wide (9’)
landscaping strip around the sites entirety. A variance from this minimal
amount will require approval from the City Beautiful Commission prior to the
issuance of a building permit.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: C (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1590
5. The zoning buffer ordinance requires a land use buffer of forty-two foot (42’)
wide along the western perimeter of this site next to the residentially zoned
property. Seventy percent (70%) of this area is to remain undisturbed.
6. The zoning buffer ordinance requires a land use buffer of thirty-five foot (35’)
wide along the southern perimeter of this site next to the residentially zoned
property. Seventy percent (70%) of this area is to remain undisturbed.
7. The property to the south and the west is zoned residential, therefore, a six
(6) foot high opaque screen, either a wooden fence with its face side
directed outward, a wall, or dense evergreen plantings, is required along
both the southern and the western perimeters of the site.
8. Interior islands must be a minimum of three hundred (300) square feet in
area to receive credit toward fulfilling landscape ordinance requirements.
9. A small amount of building landscaping is required between the parking
areas and the buildings.
10. An automatic irrigation system to water landscaped areas will be required.
11. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, it will be necessary to provide an
approved landscape plan stamped with the seal of a Registered Landscape
12. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing
trees as feasible on this tree covered site. Credit toward fulfilling
Landscape Ordinance requirements can be given when preserving trees of
six (6) inch caliper or larger.
Mr. Pat McGetrick was present representing the request. Staff presented an
overview of the proposed development stating there were additional items
necessary to complete the review process. Staff requested the applicant include
the location of any proposed carport structures, provide the total height of the
proposed buildings and the total height of any proposed carport structures. Staff
also questioned the indicated parking requesting Mr. McGetrick verify the parking
numbers indicated. Staff questioned if the developers were committing to
architectural design and construction materials as provided in the building
elevations. Staff stated the site plan as proposed did include variances from the
various ordinance standards. Staff stated the buildings were proposed within the
required building setback. Staff suggested the applicant relocate the buildings to
provide the typical 25-foot building setback. Staff also stated the typical
ordinance standards for buffering were not being met based on the current site
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: C (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1590
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated traffic expected
1,050 trips per day to be generated by the proposed development. Staff stated
presently Wimbledon Loop carried approximately 4,000 cars per day and with the
new development it was anticipated 5,000 cars would be utilizing the street. Staff
stated Wimbledon Loop was a collector street and had the capacity to handle
5,000 to 10,000 cars per day. Staff noted the Property Owners Association had
requested the development access Baseline Road and not access Wimbledon
Loop. Staff suggested the developer meet with the POA and determine the best
points for ingress and egress for the development.
Landscaping comments were addressed. Staff stated the indicated buffers were
not adequate to meet the typical minimum ordinance standards. Staff suggested
the applicant revise the plan to increase the buffer area to meet the typical
minimum ordinance standard. Staff also stated the interior islands should be
increased to meet a minimum of 300 square feet as typically required by the
landscape ordinance.
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
The applicant submitted a revised site plan to staff addressing most of the issues
raised at the September 6, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The revised
site plan has removed all variance requests. The site plan indicates building
setbacks and buffer areas as typically required by the various minimum
ordinance standards. The applicant has indicated carports will not be utilized by
the development. The developers have indicated a commitment to the
architectural design as provided to staff with the application filing and
construction materials of wood, brick, stone, drivit, stucco and any combination of
these materials.
The site plan indicates the placement of landscaping, buffering and screening as
required by the landscape and zoning ordinance. The street buffer width of
thirty-five feet and in no case less than half or seventeen feet along Baseline
Road has been indicated. The street buffer along Wimbledon Loop has been
indicated with average width of forty-two feet as required by the zoning
The zoning buffer ordinance requires a land use buffer of forty-two feet along the
western perimeter and thirty-five feet along the southern perimeter of the site
next to the residentially zoned property. Seventy percent (70%) of this area is to
remain undisturbed. The site plan indicates the minimum buffering requirement.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: C (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1590
The site consists of six (6) two story and six (6) three story buildings with garage
and surface parking. Buildings will be three design types. Building A3/B3 is
designed with garages on the first level and living on the second floor. There are
36 garages with 12 residential units above. The garages will be offered to the
residential units above at one space per unit and the remaining garages will be
offered to the remaining residents. Building A2 is proposed with three levels and
eight units per level for a total 24 units per building. There are three A2 buildings
proposed. Building design B2 is also proposed as three stories with eight units
per floor and a total of 24 units per building. There are three B2 designed
buildings proposed for a total of 72 units.
The parking is indicated with 211 open spaces and 36 garages for a total of
247 parking spaces. Based on the typical minimum parking required for a multi-
family development, 234 parking spaces would be required to serve the
The site plan indicates a single sign located near the intersection of Wimbledon
Loop and Baseline Road. The signage is proposed as signage allowed in
multi-family zones or a maximum of six feet in height and thirty-two square feet in
Perimeter fencing is proposed. The fencing along the southern and western
perimeters is proposed as a six foot solid faced screening fence. The fencing
proposed along the street sides is proposed as brick and metal with a maximum
height of six feet.
The property consists of 6.77 acres, and is currently zoned MF-24. The request
is for approval of a site plan review for the placement of 156 units or 23.04 units
per acre; consistent with the density allowed per the current zoning. The project
will not have a pool or clubhouse. The entrance is proposed from Wimbledon
Loop with a gated entrance off of Baseline Road for fire access.
To staff’s knowledge, there are no outstanding technical issues associated with
the request. The applicant has adequately addressed the various elements of
the various ordinances related to the site plan review and does not appear to be
seeking any variances or waivers related to the proposed development. The
property was zoned for multi-family development in 1980 and has set vacant
since that time. Staff feels the development of the site is consistent with the
current zoning and adequately addresses the various ordinances related to site
development criteria.
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda
staff report.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: C (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1590
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item stating the applicant had submitted a request dated September 25,
2007, requesting a deferral of the item to the November 8, 2007, public hearing. Staff
stated the deferral request would require a waiver of the Commission’s By-laws with
regard to the late deferral request. Staff stated they were supportive of the deferral
There was no further discussion of the item. A motion was made for a deferral of the
Commission’s By-laws with regard to the late deferral request. The motion carried by a
vote of 9 ayes, 0 noes, 1 absent and 1 open position. The chair entertained a motion
for placement of the item on the consent agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a
vote of 9 ayes, 0 noes, 1 absent and 1 open position.
The applicant submitted a request dated October 15, 2007, requesting this item be
withdrawn from consideration without prejudice. Staff is supportive of this request.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item stating the applicant had submitted a request dated October 15,
2007, requesting the item be withdrawn from consideration without prejudice. Staff
stated they were supportive of the withdrawal request.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for withdrawal. The motion carried by a
vote of 11 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: D FILE NO.: S-1591
NAME: Stagecoach View Center Subdivision Site Plan Review
LOCATION: Located on the Northwest corner of Stagecoach Road and I-430
MS Associates Inc.
706 Miller Cove
Benton, AR 72019
McGetrick and McGetrick Engineers
10 Otter Creek Court, Suite A
Little Rock, AR 72210
CURRENT ZONING: C-3, General Commercial District
PLANNING DISTRICT: 17 – Crystal Valley
VARIANCES/WAIVERS REQUESTED: A variance from the Land Alteration Ordinance
to allow grading of the entire site with the construction of the first phase of the
The Board of Directors approved a rezoning request on February 21, 2006, by
the adoption of Ordinance No. 19,487 for this site. The property consists of
3.74 acres and is currently zoned C-3, General Commercial District. The
applicant is submitting a site plan review application request to allow for multiple
buildings on this single tract. The proposal includes the development of a hotel
and strip/retail center. The hotel is proposed with 68 rooms and 70 parking
spaces. The retail center is proposed with 10,800 square feet and 53 parking
spaces. The retail center will be in the first phase and the hotel constructed in
the second phase. The applicant is seeking a variance form the Land Alteration
Ordinance to allow the grading of the entire site with the development of the first
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: D (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1591
The property is currently undeveloped and wooded. The property slopes upward
from Stagecoach Road to a hill near the center of the property. The property
slopes back down to the church property to the north. The property is located in
an area of mixed uses and zoning. A church development is located immediately
to the north and along a portion of the east boundary. Highway Department right-
of-way (I-430) is also located to the east. There is a salvage yard and mixed
commercial uses to the west, along the north side of Stagecoach Road. A mini-
warehouse development and single-family residential structures on large lots are
located south across Stagecoach Road.
As of this writing, staff has not received any comment from area residents. All
owners of property located within 200 feet of the proposed site along with the
Crystal Valley Property Owners Association and Southwest Little Rock United for
Progress were notified of the Public Hearing.
1. Stagecoach Road is classified on the Master Street Plan as a principal
arterial. Dedication of right-of-way to 55 feet from centerline will be required.
2. Sidewalks with appropriate handicap ramps are required in accordance with
Section 31-175 of the Little Rock Code and the Master Street Plan along
Stagecoach Road.
3. The proposed driveway apron should comply with Public Works detail PW-
4. A grading permit in accordance with Section 29-186 (c) and (d) will be
required prior to any land clearing or grading activities at the site. Site
grading, and drainage plans will need to be submitted and approved prior to
the start of construction. A variance is required to be requested if the
property is planned to be advanced graded with construction not imminent
on all portions of the property.
5. If disturbed area is one (1) or more acres, obtain a NPDES storm water
permit from the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality prior to the
start of construction.
6. Obtain permits for improvements within State Highway right-of-way from
AHTD, District VI.
7. Provide a Sketch Grading and Drainage Plan showing wall heights and
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: D (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1591
slopes per Section 29-186 (e).
8. Storm water detention ordinance applies to this property. Show the
proposed location for storm water detention facilities on the plan.
9. A special Grading Permit for Flood Hazard Areas will be required per
Section 8-283 prior to construction.
10. Plans of all work in right-of-way shall be submitted for approval prior to start
of work. Obtain barricade permit prior to doing any work in the right-of-way
from Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1805 (Travis Herbner).
11. Vehicles should not back out directly into vehicle access easements. The
proposed access should be redesigned.
Wastewater: Sewer available to the property.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. The facilities on-site will be
private. When meters are planned off private lines, private facilities shall be
installed to Central Arkansas Water's material and construction specifications
and installation will be inspected by an engineer, licensed to practice in the State
of Arkansas. Execution of Customer Owned Line Agreement is required.
Additional fire hydrant(s) and on-site fire protection will be required. Contact the
Little Rock Fire Department to obtain information regarding the required
placement of the hydrant(s) and contact Central Arkansas Water regarding
procedures for installation of the hydrant(s). This development will have minor
impact on the existing water distribution system. Proposed water facilities will be
sized to provide adequate pressure and fire protection.
Fire Department: Place fire hydrants per code. Contact the Little Rock Fire
Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: D (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1591
Planning Division: No comment.
1. The site plan must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and buffer
ordinance requirements.
2. A small amount of building landscaping will be required to be located between
the building and the proposed parking areas.
3. The zoning buffer ordinance requires an eighteen foot wide (18’) land use
buffer along the eastern and western perimeters of the site where property is
adjoining a less intense zoning classification or use. Seventy percent (70%)
of this area is to remain undisturbed.
4. The zoning buffer ordinance requires a forty-three foot wide (43’) land use
buffer along the northern perimeter of the site next to the residentially zoned
property. Seventy percent (70%) of this area is to remain undisturbed.
5. The zoning buffer ordinance requires an average forty-three foot wide (43’)
street buffer and in no case less than half or twenty-one foot (21’) wide.
6. The property to the north, east, and west is zoned residential, therefore, a six
(6) foot high opaque screen, either a wooden fence with its face side directed
outward, a wall, or dense evergreen plantings, is required along the northern,
eastern, and the western perimeters of the site.
7. An automatic irrigation system to water landscaped areas will be required.
8. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, it will be necessary to provide an
approved landscape plan stamped with the seal of a Registered Landscape
9. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing
trees as feasible on the site. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape Ordinance
requirements can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch caliper or
Mr. Pat McGetrick was present representing the request. Staff presented an
overview of the proposed development stating there were additional items
necessary to complete the review process. Staff requested the applicant provide
details of the proposed signage plan, building heights and the location and
material of any proposed screening or fencing. Staff also requested the applicant
provide ingress and egress for the site in compliance with Chapter 31 of the
code. Staff stated the drive was indicated to function as an access easement
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: D (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1591
and service drive and typically backing into the service drives was not
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated dedication of right of way
would be required along Stagecoach Road. Staff also stated a grading permit
would be required prior to any construction on the site. Staff stated a sketch
grading plan would be required to determine if the variance request from the
Land Alteration Ordinance to allow advanced grading would be supported.
Landscaping comments were addressed. Staff stated buffering would be
required along the perimeters of the site where abutting residentially zoned for
used property. Staff stated screening would also be required in these areas.
Staff stated street buffering would be required along the abutting roadway.
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
The applicant submitted a revised site plan to staff addressing a number of the
issues raised at the September 6, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The
applicant has provided the signage plan, building heights and the location and
material of the proposed fencing. The applicant has also provided ingress and
egress in compliance with Chapter 31 of the code of ordinances.
The site plan is proposed as a multiple building site plan review to allow the
placement of a hotel and a strip center on the site. The strip center is proposed
with 10,800 square feet of retail space and 53 parking spaces. Based on the
typical minimum ordinance requirements for a commercial development 36
parking spaces would typically be required. The hotel is indicated with 68 rooms
and 70 parking spaces. Based on the typical minimum ordinance requirements a
total of 74 parking spaces would typically be required. Based on the uses
proposed and the available on-site parking the site has adequate parking to
serve the development.
The site plan indicates the placement of a single ground mounted pole sign near
the entrance to the development. The sign is proposed with a maximum height
of 36-feet and a maximum sign area of 160 square feet. The signage proposed
is consistent with signage allowed in commercial zones per the zoning ordinance.
The site plan indicates the placement of land use buffers as required per the
landscape and buffer ordinances. The rear buffer is indicated at a 39-foot
minimum with the average in excess of the 43-foot requirement. The street
buffer has also been indicated with a 43-foot average landscape strip. The
eastern and western perimeters are proposed with a land use buffer averaging
the 18-foot minimum as required by the buffer ordinance.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: D (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1591
Screening will be placed along the eastern, western and northern perimeters
abutting the hotel. The applicant is requesting a waiver of the screening
requirement along the southern and western perimeter of the site. This area is
located adjacent to a salvage yard. Staff is supportive of the waiver request.
The site plan indicates a 50-foot access easement located along the eastern
perimeter of the site. The ordinance typically does not allow backing of vehicles
into access easements and services drives. With the relocation of the access
easement the applicant has eliminated this variance request.
The buildings are proposed three story in height with a maximum building height
of 35-feet. The building height proposed is consistent with building heights
typically allowed in the C-3, General Commercial District zoning classification.
The request includes a variance from the Land Alteration Ordinance to allow
advanced grading of the site. The developer is seeking approval to grade the
entire site with the construction of the first building. The applicant has not
submitted a grading and drainage plan to staff showing the slopes and terrace
heights. Staff cannot support the request without this documentation.
Staff is supportive of the development but has concerns with the variance
request from the Land Alteration Ordinance. Staff cannot support the request
without the applicant providing a grading plan showing the slopes and terrace
Staff recommends denial of the request.
The applicant was present. Staff presented the item stating the applicant had provided
staff with a sketch grading and drainage plan as requested in the agenda write-up. Staff
stated the concerns raised by staff had been addressed. Staff stated the request
included a site plan review for the placement of multiple buildings on this single tract.
Staff stated a variance from the Land Alteration Ordinance was also being requested.
Staff stated they were supportive of the site plan review and the variance request from
the Land Alteration Ordinance as presented by the applicant. Staff stated to their
knowledge there are no remaining outstanding issues associated with the request. Staff
presented a recommendation of approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda staff
report. Staff also presented a recommendation of approval of the applicant’s request for
a waiver of the required screening along the southwestern perimeter of the site. Staff
presented a recommendation of approval of the variance request from the Land
Alteration Ordinance to allow advanced grading of the site. Staff presented a
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: D (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1591
recommendation the grading permit be tied to the permitting of the first building for
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a
vote of 10 ayes, 1 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: E FILE NO.: Z-4768-C
NAME: Valley Oaks Court Revised Long-form POD
LOCATION: Located on Mabelvale West Road, just east of the South Loop
JW and Associates
P.O. Box 59
Little Rock, AR 72203
Hurricane Valley, Inc.
1506 Prickett Road
Bryant, AR 72022
AREA: 20.99 acres NUMBER OF LOTS: 52 FT. NEW STREET: 2542 LF
ALLOWED USES: Commercial, Office and Single-family Residential
PROPOSED ZONING: Revised POD – Provide building layout for a portion of the
non-residential development
PROPOSED USE: Commercial, Office and Single-family Residential
On October 21, 2004, the applicant withdrew a request to rezone this 20.99-acre tract
from O-3, General Office District to R-2, Single-family and C-3, General Commercial
District. The applicant proposed the North 14.9 acres with R-2, Single-family zoning
and the South 6.19 acres fronting Mabelvale West Road with C-3, General Commercial
District zoning. The rezoning was proposed for future residential and commercial
On January 20, 2005, the Little Rock Planning Commission recommended denial of a
request to rezone the site from O-3, General Office District to POD. The applicant
appealed this recommendation to the Board of Directors and the appeal was heard at
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: E (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4768-C
the Board of Directors April 5, 2006, public hearing. The Board of Directors approved
the rezoning request by the adoption of Ordinance No. 19,304. The rezoning allowed
20.99-acres zoned O-3, General Office District to be rezoned to POD to allow the
development of the property with a mix of single-family, office and commercial uses.
The single-family portion contained 14.2 acres and was proposed with 47 lots. The
single-family lots were similar to lot development criteria established in the R-3,
Single-family Residential District of the Zoning Ordinance.
The office and commercial portion contained 6.19 acres and was proposed with six (6)
lots. Lots 1 and 2 would contain the commercial aspect of the development and were
requested to utilize the allowable uses listed in the C-3, General Commercial District
and Lots 3 – 6 would develop as office uses with O-3, General Office District uses as
allowable uses. The average lot size proposed was 37,066 square feet with a
maximum buildable area of 24,873 square feet. The maximum lot size proposed was
46,942 square feet and the minimum lot size proposed was 29,311 square feet.
The average lot size for the single-family lots was 8,930 square feet; a maximum lot
size of 18,512 and a minimum lot size of 6,600. The average buildable area was
5,439 square feet. A minimum lot width of 51.97 feet was proposed.
The applicant is seeking a revision to the previously approved Planned Office
Development for the non-residential portion of the development. The previous
approval did not include proposed building footprints for the non-residential
aspect of the development. The applicant is seeking approval for the building
footprint placement for Lots 1 – 3. The lots are indicated with commercial and
office uses similar to the percentage mix previously approved. The site plan as
proposed reduces the number of lots proposed for non-residential development
from six (6) to five (5).
The applicant has indicated there is not a Bill of Assurance in effect for this
parcel of property.
The site is located on the North side of Mabelvale West Road, approximately
0.66 miles east of Interstate 30. The property is currently undeveloped. The
south portion of the property is grass-covered, with the northern portion of the
property wooded.
The general area along Mabelvale West Road contains a mixture of uses and
zoning. There are single-family homes on large tracts to the east along Nash
Lane, with two churches located on Mabelvale West Road. There is another
church, a single-family home and a hospital located to the west. Industrial uses
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: E (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4768-C
exist along I-30 to the north. A post office and undeveloped C-3 property is
located to the south across Mabelvale West Road, with a middle school located
to the southwest.
As of this writing, staff has not received any comment from the area residents.
All property owners located within 200-feet of the site, all residents located within
300-feet of the site, who could be identified, along with Southwest Little Rock
United for Progress were notified of the public hearing.
1. Driveway locations and widths do not meet the traffic access and circulation
requirements of Sections 30-43 and 31-210. On a minor arterial street
(Mabelvale West Road), the driveway spacing from an intersection is a
minimum of 300 feet and minimum of 150 feet from the property line. The
proposed western driveway on Mabelvale Pike must be removed. On a
commercial street, the driveway spacing from an intersection is a minimum
250 feet and 125 feet from the property line. The southern driveway on the
commercial street. The width of driveway must not exceed 36 feet.
2. In accordance with Section 31-210 (h)(12), access driveways running parallel
to the street shall not create a four-way intersection within 75 feet of the future
curb line of the street. The driveways off the commercial street must be
3. Repair or replace any curb and gutter or sidewalk that is damaged in the
public right-of-way prior to occupancy.
4. A grading permit in accordance with Section 29-186 (c) and (d) will be
required prior to any land clearing or grading activities at the site. Site
grading, and drainage plans will need to be submitted and approved prior to
the start of construction. A variance is required to be requested to advance
grade a lot without imminent construction.
5. Storm water detention ordinance applies to this property. Show the proposed
location for storm water detention facilities on the plan.
6. Plans of all work in right-of-way shall be submitted for approval prior to start of
work. Obtain barricade permit prior to doing any work in the right-of-way from
Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1805 (Travis Herbner).
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: E (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4768-C
7. Streetlights are required by Section 31-403 of the Little Rock code. Provide
plans for approval to Traffic Engineering. Streetlights must be installed prior
to platting/certificate of occupancy. Contact Traffic Engineering 379-1813
(Steve Philpott) for more information.
8. Obtain a franchise agreement from Public Works (Bennie Nicolo, 371-4818)
for the improvements located in the right-of-way.
Wastewater: Sewer main extension required with easements.
Entergy: Approved as submitted.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. A Capital Investment Charge
based on the size of the meter connection(s) will apply to this project in addition
to normal charges. The facilities on-site will be private. When meters are planned
off private lines, private facilities shall be installed to Central Arkansas Water's
material and construction specifications and installation will be inspected by an
engineer, licensed to practice in the State of Arkansas. Execution of Customer
Owned Line Agreement is required. Additional fire hydrant(s) and on-site fire
protection will be required. Contact the Little Rock Fire Department to obtain
information regarding the required placement of the hydrant(s) and contact
Central Arkansas Water regarding procedures for installation of the hydrant(s).
This development will have minor impact on the existing water distribution
system. Proposed water facilities will be sized to provide adequate pressure and
fire protection.
Fire Department: Place fire hydrants per code. Contact the Little Rock Fire
Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is located near CATA Bus Routes #17 – the Mabelvale-
Downtown and 17A Mabelvale-UALR Bus Routes.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: E (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4768-C
Planning Division: This request is located in the Geyer Springs West Planning
District. The Land Use Plan shows Office for this property. The applicant has
applied for a revised Long-form Planned Office Development.
The proposal does not have a change from a Land Use standpoint, so the
request does not require a change to the Land Use Plan
Master Street Plan: Mabelvale West is shown as a Minor Arterial on the Master
Street Plan and the South Loop proposed arterial is located just west of the
application. These streets may require dedication of right-of-way and may
require street improvements. A Minor Arterial provides connections to and
through an urban area and their primary function is to provide short distance
travel within the urbanized area. Entrances and exits should be limited to
minimize negative effects of traffic and pedestrians. These streets may require
dedication of right-of-way and may require street improvements for entrances
and exits to the site.
Bicycle Plan: A Class I is shown proposed just south of the application site. A
Class I bikeway is built separate from or alongside a road. Additional paving and
right of way may be required.
City Recognized Neighborhood Action Plan: The applicant’s property lies in the
area covered by the Chicot West I-30 South Neighborhood Action Plan. The
Economic Development goal states: “Provide a mixed commercial/residential
environment that will promote the safety, attractiveness, and value of the area
while creating a competitive and adaptable economic climate that encourages
investment and diversity of employment opportunities.”
1. Compliance with the City’s landscape and buffer ordinances is required.
2. The zoning buffer ordinance requires an average street buffer width of thirty-
three foot (33’) and in no case less than half, along Mabelvale Road.
3. The zoning buffer ordinance requires an average street buffer width of
twenty-two foot (22’) and in no case less than half along the eastern
perimeter of the site, next to the proposed street.
4. The zoning buffer ordinance requires a land use buffer of twenty-two foot
(22’) along both the eastern and western perimeters of the site. Seventy
percent (70%) of this area is to remain undisturbed. However, since the
property to the east is located within the floodway, the land use buffer and
screening requirements may be deemed unnecessary.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: E (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4768-C
5. The property to the east and west is zoned residential, therefore, a six (6)
foot high opaque screen, either a wooden fence with its face side directed
outward, a wall, or dense evergreen plantings, is required along the eastern
and the western perimeters of the site.
6. A nine foot wide (9’) perimeter landscape strip is required around the sites
entirety and also between the proposed lots. Currently, this minimal amount
is not being met. A variance from the City Beautiful Commission will be
required prior to the issuance of a building permit.
7. The landscape ordinance requires a minimum of 8 % of the paved areas be
landscaped with interior islands of at least 7 ½ feet in width and 150 square
feet in area.
8. A small amount of building landscaping will be required to be located
between the building and the proposed parking areas.
9. An automatic irrigation system to water landscaped areas will be required.
10. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, it will be necessary to provide an
approved landscape plan stamped with the seal of a Registered Landscape
11. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing
trees as feasible on the site. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape Ordinance
requirements can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch caliper or
The applicant was present representing the request. Staff presented the item
stating there were additional items necessary to complete the review process.
Staff requested the applicant provide the percentages proposed for commercial
and office development and the total square footage for each use in the general
notes section of the site plan. Staff also requested the applicant provide the
proposed signage plan including the building signage. Staff stated the design of
the development should provide for ingress and egress for the site and service
drives and interior circulation as required in Chapter 31 of the Little Rock code.
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated the drives as proposed
did not comply with the typical minimum ordinance standards. Staff requested
the drive located on Mabelvale Cut-off be removed and the drive on the new
street be redesigned to intersect further from the intersection.
Landscaping comments were addressed. Staff stated the site plan as proposed
did not include adequate areas of landscaping along the eastern and western
perimeters. Staff stated screening would be required along these perimeters as
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: E (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4768-C
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
The applicant submitted a revised site plan to staff addressing most of the issues
raised at the September 6, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant
has provided the percentages proposed for commercial development and
provided the proposed signage plan. The site plan has been revised to modify
access and circulation through the site but staff continues to have concerns with
the indicated circulation for proposed Lots 1 and 2.
Lots 1 and 2 are proposed with drive-through facilities. Based on the current
design all drive lanes on the site must be one way access and the access
between Lots 1 and 2 along the eastern side appears to result in conflicting traffic
movements. Staff recommends the applicant redesign this area of the site plan
to allow adequate circulation through the site.
The site plan indicates the placement of a 28-foot paved access along the rear of
the building. Staff recommends this paved access be reduced to a 20-foot paved
access as required to meet fire code to increase the landscaping along the
western perimeter.
The site plan indicates the development of the site with O-3, General Office
District and C-3, General Commercial District uses. The lots will develop with a
minimum of 60 percent of office space and 40 of commercial space. The site
plan indicates the placement of 60 parking spaces located on Lot 3, 23 parking
spaces located on Lot 1 and 15 parking spaces located on Lot 2. The building
proposed for Lot 1 is indicated containing 2,420 square feet. The site is
proposed with a drive through facility for a restaurant or bank. If the site were
developed with a restaurant facility 24 parking spaces would typically be
required. If Lot 2 is developed with a bank as indicated on the site plan a total of
five parking spaces would typically be required. Lot 3 is indicated for
development with a mixture of uses. Based on the typical minimum ordinance
standards a total of 100 spaces would typically be required. The site plan
indicates the placement of 60 parking spaces. Staff recommends the uses of this
building not exceed the parking available on the site.
The site plan does not include signage. Staff recommends signage be limited to
a single development sign not to exceed 36-feet in height and 160 square feet in
area for the development.
The site plan indicates two driveway locations on Lot 5 which is proposed for
future development. The minimum distance between driveways on a commercial
street is 250 feet. One of the driveways accessing Lot 5 must be removed.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: E (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4768-C
Staff is supportive of the revision to the previously approved Planned Office
Development for the non-residential portion of the development to include the
proposed building footprints for this portion of the development and the reduction
of the number of lots proposed for non-residential development from six (6) to
five (5). Staff however has concerns with the site plan as proposed concerning
access and circulation, the western landscape strip and the drives proposed for
Lot 5. Based on these concerns staff cannot support the site plan as proposed.
Staff recommends denial of the request as filed.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item stating they had met with the applicant and the applicant had
submitted a revised site plan to staff and addressed the previously raised concerns
related to the on-site circulation. Staff stated the applicant had agreed to a traffic
control plan to include striping to reduce potential conflicts related to circulation on the
site. Staff presented a recommendation of approval of the request subject to
compliance with the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of
the agenda staff report.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a
vote of 11 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: F FILE NO.: LU07-14-01
Name: Land Use Plan Amendment - Geyer Springs East Planning District
Location: 3200 Baseline Road
Request: Mixed Office Commercial to Commercial
Source: James Gilliam
Land Use Plan amendment in the Geyer Springs East Planning District from Mixed
Office Commercial to Commercial. Commercial includes a broad range of retail and
services, varying in size and type. The proposed use of the property is a skating rink.
The amendment area is currently zoned R-2 Single Family and is vacant and wooded.
North, south and east of the amendment area is also zoned R-2 Single Family and is
mostly undeveloped because of the large floodplain of Little Fourche Creek to the east.
There are single family houses to the northwest and apartments to the southwest. To
the west of the amendment area along Baseline Road are several nonconforming uses
in R-2 Single Family zoning: an engine rebuilding shop, a tire store, a day care, a
Laundromat and a donut shop. There is also a vacant Planned Commercial
Development. The southeast corner of the intersection of Hilaro Springs and Baseline
is zoned C-2 Shopping Center District and has a retail store called Denim and
Diamonds in what used to be a Dollar General store.
The amendment area is currently shown as Mixed Office Commercial and Park/Open
Space on the future land use plan. The Mixed Office Commercial extends west along
the north side of Baseline to Scott Hamilton Drive. North of that is a strip of Park/Open
Space and then Single Family. South of the amendment area is shown as Multi Family
and Park/Open Space.
Ordinance 19669 amended the land use plan on January 2, 2007 west of the
Baseline/Scott Hamilton intersection. The Low Density Residential on the south side of
Baseline between Hilaro Springs and Reck Road was amended to Suburban Office for
future development.
Ordinance 19532 amended the land use plan on May 16, 2006 in several areas near
this location. City staff initiated this amendment to recognize current and future uses.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: F (Cont.) FILE NO.: LU07-14-01
Baseline Road is shown as a Principal Arterial on the Master Street Plan with reduced
standards. The primary function of a Principal Arterial is to serve through traffic and to
connect major traffic generators or activity centers within urbanized areas. Entrances
and exits should be limited to minimize negative effects of traffic and pedestrians since
this is a Principal Arterial. These streets may require dedication of right-of-way and may
require street improvements for entrances and exits to the site.
A Class I bike route is shown proposed on the eastern edge of this property in the Little
Fourche Creek floodway. A Class I bikeway is built separate from or alongside a road.
Additional paving and right of way may be required.
According to the Master Parks Plan, the amendment location is within eight blocks of a
park or open space. Immediately east of the amendment area is the Little Fourche
Creek floodplain, which is open space.
There are no city recognized historic districts that would be affected by this amendment.
The applicant’s property lies in the area covered by the Upper Baseline Neighborhood
Action Plan. The Neighborhood and Housing Revitalization goal states: “Encourage
commercial zoning on main arterials -- Baseline, Geyer Springs, Scott Hamilton, Hilaro
Springs Road.”
This area is currently shown on the Future Land Use Plan as Mixed Office Commercial.
It is surrounded to the east by the Little Fourche floodplain. To the north and south are
both single family and multi family housing. This part of the city was annexed in 1985
by a general election and is within half a mile of the city limits. This area of Baseline is
zoned R-2 Single Family and is surrounded by non-conforming uses: an engine-rebuild
shop, a daycare, multi family apartments, etc. These non-conforming uses were
grandfathered-in in the 1985 annexation.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: F (Cont.) FILE NO.: LU07-14-01
The applicant has requested a change from Mixed Office Commercial to Commercial for
a proposed skating rink on this site. A change to Commercial on the plan would open
the door to any type of commercial re-zoning, whereas Mixed Office Commercial
requires a Planned Zoning Development to help ensure a compatible use for the
surrounding areas. It would be more logical to have the Commercial area shown at the
intersection of Baseline and Scott Hamilton across from the other Commercial areas.
This would enhance the node of Commercial with the PZD required MOC being across
from the Multi family and the single family. Another commercial development would not
be totally out of character with this portion of Baseline Road, but Staff feels the Planned
Zoning Development process should be utilized to guide proper development for this
Notices were sent to the following neighborhood associations: Upper Baseline
Neighborhood Association and Southwest Little Rock United for Progress. Staff has
received no comments from area residents.
Staff believes the change is not appropriate.
The item was placed on the consent agenda for deferral to the November 11, 2007
agenda. A motion was made to approve the consent agenda and was approved with a
vote of 9 ayes, 1 absent and 1 open position.
There have been no changes made to the application.
Walter Malone, Planning Staff review the Land Use Plan in the vicinity as well as the
exiting use pattern. Much of this area was developed prior to annexation and is zoned
be R-2 Single Family with non-conforming non-residential uses. The concern is
allowing commercial so far from a major intersection, could lead to strip commercial of
both sides of Baseline Road. Staff would like to keep the possibility of Office use with
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: F (Cont.) FILE NO.: LU07-14-01
any Commercial use reviewed using the PZD to control access and design. Donna
James of Planning Staff reviewed the related Planned Zoning District for this site.
Several interest citizens spoke on the proposed changes (the PZD). See Item F.1,
Z-8258 for a complete review of the minutes. By a vote of 0 for, 11 against the item
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: F.1 FILE NO.: Z-8258
NAME: Gilliam Short-form PCD
LOCATION: Located at 3200 Baseline Road
James Gilliam
4710 West 12th Street
Little Rock, AR 72204
Brooks Surveying
20820Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
CURRENT ZONING: R-2, Single-family
ALLOWED USES: Single-family Residential
PROPOSED USE: Universal Skate Center
The applicant is seeking a rezoning for this site from R-2, Single-family to
Planned Commercial Development to allow the construction of a universal skate
center on the site. The building is proposed as 226-feet by 96-feet for a total of
21,696 square feet. The parking is proposed within the front yard area of the
development with access from Baseline Road.
The site is overgrown and is void of trees. The floodway is located along the
property’s eastern and northern boundary. There is a single-family home and
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: F.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8258
vacant property located to the south of the site. To the west is a vacant industrial
building. To the northwest are single-family homes located along Unity Lane and
further north are homes located off Mize Road. There is an approved PCD
located on the northwest corner of Unity Lane and Baseline Road but the
business is no longer in operation.
As of this writing, staff has received several informational phone calls from area
residents. The Upper Baseline Neighborhood Association has called staff
indicating opposition to the proposed request. All owners of property located
within 200 feet of the proposed site along with the Upper Baseline Neighborhood
Association, Southwest Little Rock United for Progress and all residents, who
could be identified, located within 300 feet of the proposed development were
notified of the public hearing.
1. Baseline Road is classified on the Master Street Plan as a principal arterial
with special design standards. Dedication of right-of-way to 45 feet from
centerline will be required.
2. Provide site plan showing proposed access, parking locations, proposed
structure in relation to the property lines, floodplain, floodway and Baseline
3. All driveways shall be concrete aprons per City Ordinance.
4. Repair or replace any curb and gutter or sidewalk that is damaged in the
public right-of-way prior to occupancy.
5. Obtain permits for improvements within State Highway right-of-way from
AHTD, District VI.
6. A grading permit in accordance with Section 29-186 (c) and (d) will be
required prior to any land clearing or grading activities at the site. Site
grading, and drainage plans will need to be submitted and approved prior to
the start of construction.
7. Storm water detention ordinance applies to this property. The project would
qualify for a contribution in-lieu of construction at the time of the building
8. A special Grading Permit for Flood Hazard Areas will be required per
Section 8-283 prior to construction.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: F.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8258
9. The minimum Finish Floor elevation of one (1) foot above the base flood
elevation is required to be shown on plat and grading plans.
10. In accordance with Section 31-176, floodway areas must be shown as
floodway easements or be dedicated to the public. In addition, a 25 foot
wide access easement is required adjacent to the floodway boundary.
11. Plans of all work in right-of-way shall be submitted for approval prior to start
of work. Obtain barricade permit prior to doing any work in the right-of-way
from Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1805 (Travis Herbner).
Wastewater: Existing sewer mains located on site. No permanent construction
within easements of existing sewer mains. Contact Little Rock Wastewater Utility
at 688-1414 for additional information.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: Approved as submitted.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. Contact Central Arkansas
Water regarding the size and location of the water meter. Additional fire
hydrant(s) and on-site fire protection will be required. Contact the Little Rock Fire
Department to obtain information regarding the required placement of the
hydrant(s) and contact Central Arkansas Water regarding procedures for
installation of the hydrant(s). A water main extension may be required in order to
get adequate fire protection to this property. This development will have minor
impact on the existing water distribution system. Proposed water facilities will be
sized to provide adequate pressure and fire protection.
Fire Department: Place fire hydrants per code. Contact the Little Rock Fire
Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: F.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8258
Planning Division: This request is located in the Geyer Springs East Planning
District. The Land Use Plan shows Mixed Office Commercial for this property.
The applicant has applied for a rezoning from R-2 Single Family to Planned
Commercial Development to allow construction of a universal skate center.
A land use plan amendment for a change to Commercial is a separate item on
this agenda (LU07-14-01).
Master Street Plan: Baseline Road is shown as a Principal Arterial on the Master
Street Plan with reduced standards. The primary function of a Principal Arterial
is to serve through traffic and to connect major traffic generators or activity
centers within urbanized areas. Entrances and exits should be limited to
minimize negative effects of traffic and pedestrians since this is a Principal
Arterial. These streets may require dedication of right-of-way and may require
street improvements for entrances and exits to the site.
Bicycle Plan: A Class I bike route is shown proposed on the eastern edge of this
property in the Little Fourche Creek floodway. A Class I bikeway is built separate
from or alongside a road. Additional paving and right of way may be required.
City Recognized Neighborhood Action Plan: The applicant’s property lies in the
area covered by the Upper Baseline Neighborhood Action Plan. The
Neighborhood and Housing Revitalization goal states: “Encourage commercial
zoning on main arterials -- Baseline, Geyer Springs, Scott Hamilton, Hilaro
Springs Road.”
1. The site plan must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and buffer
ordinance requirements.
2. Land Use buffers will be required at six percent of the width (northern
perimeter) and depth (eastern and western perimeters) of the property.
Buffers are required no less than nine feet and with a maximum depth of fifty
feet. The eastern and western perimeters will require a 24-foot buffer with
70 percent of the area remaining undisturbed. The buffer along the northern
perimeter is required to be 22.8 feet with seventy percent of the area to
remain undisturbed.
3. Street buffers are required at six percent of the depth of the property or a
depth of 22.8 feet and in no case less than half along Baseline Road.
4. An automatic irrigation system to water landscaped areas will be required.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: F.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8258
5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, it will be necessary to provide an
approved landscape plan stamped with the seal of a Registered Landscape
The applicant was present representing the request. Staff presented an
overview of the proposed development stating there were additional items
necessary to complete the review process. Staff requested the applicant provide
a site plan detailing the proposed parking layout, areas designated for
landscaping, any proposed fencing and the location of any proposed dumpster
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated Baseline Road was
classified on the Master Street Plan as a principal arterial and dedication of right
of way 45-feet from centerline would be required. Staff also requested the
applicant provide the location of the floodway and floodplain on the proposed site
plan. Staff noted a grading permit would be required prior to any development of
the site.
Landscaping comments were addressed. Staff stated the site was located
adjacent to residentially zoned or used property. Staff stated the buffer
ordinance would require a minimum of six percent of the depth of the property
would be required as the land use buffer along the northern perimeter and a
minimum of 70 percent of this area was to remain undisturbed. Staff stated the
eastern and western perimeters would also require the placement of a land use
buffer at a minimum of six percent of the width of the property. Staff stated the
minimum width of the buffer was nine feet and the maximum width of the buffer
was fifty feet.
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
The applicant submitted a revised site plan to staff addressing most of the issues
raised at the September 6, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant
has provided a site plan detailing the proposed parking layout, areas designated
for landscaping, any proposed fencing and the location of any proposed
dumpster facilities. The applicant has also indicated right of way per the Master
Street Plan will be provided.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: F.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8258
The plan includes the construction of a universal skate center constructed of a
pre-engineered metal building with a total of 21,696 square feet of gross floor
area. The site plan includes the placement of 70 parking spaces. The maximum
building height proposed is 24-feet.
The site plan indicates the placement of a nine foot landscape strip along the
western perimeter, adjacent to the industrial building, for the first two hundred
feet. The buffer is then increased to 50-feet. The southern portion of the buffer
will not be maintained as an undisturbed buffer since the site is located adjacent
to a non-residential use. The area where the site abuts vacant and residential
uses the area will be maintained as required by the typical minimum ordinance
standard. The land use buffer along the eastern and northern perimeters are
more than adequate to meet the typical minimum ordinance requirements.
The site plan indicates the placement of a twenty-eight foot street buffer. The
indicated street buffer is more than adequate to meet the typical minimum
ordinance requirement. The site plan indicates the placement of building
landscaping and landscaping within the parking lot area per the Landscape
Ordinance requirements.
The applicant has indicated the placement of a dumpster facility along the
western perimeter of the site. The dumpster has been located near the non-
residential activity located to the west of the site. A note on the site plan
indicates the dumpster will be screened per the typical minimum ordinance
requirements. Staff recommends the dumpster be relocated to the eastern side
of the property to lessen the impact on the single-family homes located to the
northwest of the site. The hours of service have not been limited. Staff
recommends the hours of dumpster service be limited to daylight hours.
The site plan indicates the placement of a single sign within the front landscaped
area. The sign is proposed with a maximum height of 16-feet and a maximum
sign area of 80 square feet. The signage is less than typically allowed in
commercial zones.
The site plan indicates the placement of 70 parking spaces. Typical minimum
parking required for lodges, halls, exhibition halls, clubs and similar places of
public assembly is one space per one hundred square feet of gross floor area.
Parking for general business and retail sales is one space per 300 square feet of
gross floor area up to 10,000 square feet and for structures above 10,000 square
feet and up to 20,000 square feet ninety five percent of the parking requirement
and 20,000 to 30,000 square feet is 90 percent of the requirement. Based on
these two scenarios a total of 216 parking spaces would be required for public
assembly and 68 parking spaces would be required for commercial uses. Staff is
supportive of the parking as proposed. Staff does not feel the proposed use will
generate the traffic requiring parking as required for public assembly. Staff feels
the current parking is controlled and has the ability to be policed by the owner to
eliminate any potential for loitering.
The revised site plan indicates the placement of two drive locations along
Baseline Road. Staff is not supportive of the indicated driveway configuration.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: F.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8258
On principal arterial streets, driveways must be spaced at least 300 feet from
other driveways or intersections and 150 feet from the property line. The western
driveway must be removed due to its distance from Unity Lane and the property
line. Due to the floodway, this property is allowed only one driveway that is a
maximum 36 feet wide. Staff recommends the drive be relocated to the center of
the site allowing a single access to the site.
The applicant has indicated the building will be sound proofed with a high
performance acoustic insulation. Barrier Ultra-dBtm is a noise reduction sound
insulation product. The material controls sound across a broad spectrum. The
material will be installed to prevent the sound from being audible on the exterior
of the building.
The floodway is shown to be on this property and to the east. In accordance with
Section 31-2176, floodway areas must be shown as floodway easements or be
dedicated to the public. In addition, a 25 foot wide access easement is required
adjacent to the floodway boundary. The revised site plan has not indicated the
dedication of easements nor indicated the location of the floodway. Staff
recommends the applicant provide the location of the floodway on the site plan.
Staff is supportive of the request for the development of the property. The
applicant is proposing the construction of a new commercial building on the site
to offer recreational opportunities for the area residents and the population as a
whole. The site is located on an arterial roadway and adjacent to an industrial
use. The uses to the west of the site are primarily non-residential uses fronting
Baseline Road with a commercial node located at the intersection of Baseline
Road and Scott Hamilton/Hilaro Springs Road. The applicant is indicated
screening and buffering to project the residential uses located to the northwest.
Although staff is supportive of the request there are a number of site plan issues
related to the site plan in need of addressing prior to staff providing support of the
Staff recommends denial of the request as currently proposed.
The applicant was present. There were registered objectors present. Staff presented
the item stating the applicant was seeking a deferral of the item to the November 8,
2007, public hearing to allow additional time to resolve issues raised by staff concerning
the site plan as proposed. Staff stated they were supportive of the deferral request
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a vote
of 9 ayes, 0 noes, 1 absent and 1 open position.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: F.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8258
The applicant submitted a revised site plan to staff addressing staff’s previous concerns
related to the driveway locations, easement and depiction of the floodway, location of
the dumpster and the hours of service of the proposed dumpster.
The dumpster has been relocated to the eastern perimeter of the site. A note is
included on the site plan which states the dumpster will be screened per the typical
minimum ordinance requirements. The hours of dumpster service will be limited to
daylight hours.
The revised plan eliminates one of the proposed drives along Baseline Road and
centers the drive as recommended by staff. The drive does not exceed the 36-foot
maximum driveway width as required by ordinance.
Staff is supportive of the request. As indicated previously, the site is located on an
arterial roadway and adjacent to an industrial use. The uses to the west of the site are
primarily non-residential uses fronting Baseline Road with a commercial node located at
the intersection of Baseline Road and Scott Hamilton/Hilaro Springs Road. Screening
and buffering have been provided in excess of the typical minimum ordinance standards
along the western and northern perimeters to offer protection the adjoining single-family
homes and neighborhood. To staff’s knowledge there are no remaining outstanding
technical issues associated with the request. Staff recommends approval of the request
subject to compliance with the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E
and F of the agenda staff report.
Mr. James Gilliam was present. There were registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item stating the applicant had addressed their previous concerns and
they were now in support of the application request.
Mr. James Gilliam addressed the Commission on the merits of his request. He stated
he desired to develop the property with a family oriented business which would be an
asset to the community. He stated he would allow the opposition to speak and he
would then address the Commission addressing their concerns.
Ms. Pat Gee addressed the Commission in opposition of the request. She stated she
was Vice President of Southwest Little Rock United for Progress and President of the
Upper Baseline Neighborhood Association and both of which had voted unanimously to
oppose the development. She stated the neighborhood desired businesses which
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: F.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8258
would benefit the community and provide services to the community. She stated the
skate center was located very near residential homes. She stated the applicant had not
provided the hours of operation for the development nor provided information
concerning sound proofing. She stated the area was presently served by a skate center
which offered dancing on one night, skating on another and was offered for private
functions. She stated the neighborhood did not need another business of this type.
Mr. Allen Wells addressed the Commission in opposition. He stated his home was
located across Baseline from the proposed development. He stated the noise and
activity would impact him directly. He stated the site was located within the floodway of
the City. He stated illegal filling had taken place on the site in the past. He stated a
dozer was located on the site and had been for almost a year. He stated he confronted
the individuals filling the site last year and was told they had permission to do so but he
could not find anyone with the City who had given the developer a permit to fill in the
Ms. Nan Howard addressed the Commission in opposition of the request. She stated
her home was located on Hogan Drive and she had lived in the area for 43 years. She
stated the neighborhood had concerns with flooding and the activities which would take
place on the site. She requested the Commission deny the request.
Mr. Lumas Kendrick Sr. addressed the Commission in opposition of the request. He
stated his property was located to the north of the site. He stated if this developer was
allowed to fill in the floodway he desired to do so as well.
Ms. August Ward addressed the Commission in opposition of the request. She stated
the area had a number of uses which were less than desirable. She stated the
neighborhood had worked hard with the police and the City staff to eliminate these
negative uses and felt the addition of a skate center would not be a positive addition to
the neighborhood. She stated the neighborhood had two pawn shops and she felt there
was a direct relation to the pawn shops and the number of break ins the neighborhood
had experienced.
Mr. Gilliam stated his desire was a family oriented business. He stated he was unsure
of the hours of operation but felt the business would close by midnight on most
evenings. He stated there were a few times a year skate clubs would want to use the
facility later than midnight. He stated the site contained ample parking to serve the
needs. He stated there would be an off duty police officer on site during operational
hours to police the parking lot. He stated he could control the activities on his parking
lot but he could not control the activities on Baseline Road.
The Commission questioned Ms. Gee as to the types of businesses the area would like
to see develop. She stated a grocery store, service station or pharmacy. She stated
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: F.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8258
the types of businesses which did not generate late hours and loud radios. She stated
the area had experience a great deal of vandalism and she felt this type business would
only act as a gathering place for criminal activities.
Commissioner Yates questioned Mr. Gilliam as to other properties he explored for
development of the skate center. Mr. Gilliam stated this was the property he owned and
desired to develop. Mr. Gilliam stated he was not constructing a teenage club but a
family oriented business.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
approval of the item. The motion failed by a vote of 0 ayes, 11 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
Name: Master Street Plan Amendment - I-430 Planning District
Location: Aldersgate Road at Shackleford Road
Request: Remove Extension of a Collector
Source: Jacob Chi, Rowan Development
Master Street Plan amendment in the I-430 Planning District to Remove the
extension of the Aldersgate Road Collector from the current dead end to the west
to connect with Shackleford Road. The application states the reason to remove
the proposed extension of the collector is to “eliminate traffic through residential,
camp and retirement center.”
Aldersgate Road is shown as a Collector street on the plan. The Master Street
Plan text states:
“A Collector street is the traffic connection from Local streets to
Arterials or to activity centers, with the secondary function of
providing access to adjoining property. The Collector system
should not be continuous but should direct traffic to arterials. This
class of road is generally at a spacing of quarter to half mile. The
spacing of Collectors may be decreased and/or the right-of-way
and paving surface increased due to density of residential
development and locations of commercial areas or other large
traffic generators.”
Shackleford Road, 36th Street and Kanis Roads are shown as Minor Arterials. A
Minor Arterial provides connections to and through an urban area and their
primary function is to provide short distance travel within the urbanized area.
Local Streets which are abutted by non-residential zoning/use or more intensive
zoning than duplexes are considered as “Commercial Streets”. These streets
have a design standard the same as a Collector section.
From 24th Street to the south end of the existing street, Aldersgate Road is built
to Collector Standards. From 24th Street to Kanis, Aldersgate Road has open
ditches on each side and is more narrow.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: G (Cont.) FILE NO.: MSP07-01
The Future Land Use plan shows Suburban Office in the northernmost section of
Aldersgate Road at Kanis Road; Single Family, Suburban Office, Single Family
and Park Open Space in the north central section; Multifamily and Park/Open
Space in the southern central section; and Multi Family, Park Open Space and
Office on the southernmost section that connects with Shackleford Road. There
is a separate Land Use Plan Amendment from Office, Park Open Space and
Multi Family to Mixed Use on this agenda. There is also a zoning action on this
site on this agenda from R-2 to Planned Commercial District.
There are no historic districts that would be affected by this amendment.
The revised John Barrow Neighborhood action plan of 1993 mentions this
collector as an un-built collector but does not state an opinion of removing or
retaining the collector connection to Shackleford. It does state to improve the
efficiency of local streets in the area.
This proposed connection of Aldersgate Road to Shackleford Road has been on
the Master Street Plan since at least 1988.
This area has been mostly undeveloped for years. Camp Aldersgate is located
between Shackleford Road and Aldersgate Road. Good Shepard Ecumenical
Retirement Center is on the east and south side of Aldersgate Road. Both
currently take access only from Aldersgate Road. Hicks Interurban Subdivision
was developed in the early part of the 20th century as a subdivision to Pulaski
County. It is located roughly from Kanis to 24th Street and Aldersgate to Junior
Deputy Road. That subdivision has seen a rebirth in the last few years with
71 new single-family houses being built in that subdivision since January 2000.
Additional Office uses totaling 71,000 square feet of space has been built on
Aldersgate Road during the same time north of 20th Street. The area could have
been considered rural at one point, but with the influx of new houses and
additional office uses, it is becoming much more urban.
There are areas for future growth in the vicinity. The Good Shepard Ecumenical
Retirement center purchased the old park area bounded on the east and north by
Romine Road and the west by Junior Deputy Road. It is approximately 85 acres.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: G (Cont.) FILE NO.: MSP07-01
In Ordinance # 18,559, which rezoned the area to MF-12, three conditions that
affect this amendment were noted. They are:
“2. All current and future access to the Property shall be via
Aldersgate Road through the existing Good Shepard campus. No
access to the Property shall be permitted from Junior Deputy,
Romine or Kensingston Roads. 4. The use of the Property shall be
limited only to housing for the elderly as defined in the Little Rock
Zoning Ordinance together with other buildings directly related to
housing for the elderly such as a chapel, wellness center, and an
administration building. 5. The maximum number of living units to
be built on the Property shall be limited to 10 units per gross acre.”
Currently, Good Shepard Ecumenical Retirement Center and Camp Aldersgate’s
only access points are on Aldersgate Road. As the previous ordinance quotes,
all future access to the Good Shepard site will be from Aldersgate Road. This
will place all of the burden of additional traffic generated by Good Shepard on
Aldersgate Road.
After dedicating an open space buffer around the site, approximately 68 acres
remained of the 85 acres. When considering maximum build-out on this land, the
density, according to the ordinance is 10 units per acre. This will add 680
housing units. The initial drawings filed with that zoning ordinance showed
duplexes and townhomes in addition to more traditional retirement assisted living
units. A second application was filed with the city that was later withdrawn to
add 200 beds in a more traditional retirement home multi story building that was
to the east of the existing buildings.
Public Works obtained traffic counts for Aldersgate Road. Currently, the total
Average Daily Trips (ADT) is 3388 vehicles per day (VPD). Traffic Engineering
did a trip generation study based on the addition of 680 dwelling units for Good
Shepard, 96 townhomes and 30,000 square feet of commercial in the area being
considered for rezoning. The trip generation showed that on weekday traffic, an
additional 4,730 vehicles per day would be added. On Saturday, it would be
4,353 and Sunday would be 3,184. When added to the current load, the amount
would be 8118 on weekdays, 7741 on Saturdays and 6572 on Sundays. These
traffic counts do not include any additional development on the Good Shepard
site besides the 68 acres. There are additional development areas on the
current campus.
The design specifications for a Collector street has a service volume of
5000 vehicles per day. Based on the volumes of 4730 VPD generated by the
proposed improvements and the fact that the existing ADT is approximately
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: G (Cont.) FILE NO.: MSP07-01
1800 VPD, the proposed roadway will surpass it’s service volume of 5000 VPD
as shown in the Master Street Plan based on the Collector Standard.
The Master Street plan states the desired spacing for collectors is one-quarter to
one-half mile. The segment of Shackleford Road between Kanis and 36th (both
of which are Minor Arterials) is nine-tenths of a mile. The spacing between Kanis
and the proposed collector is one-half mile and the spacing between it an 36th
Street is one-third mile. This collector is properly spaced per the plan.
Having a dead end collector may have the outcome of adding more congestion to
the Collector. Without the connection to Shackleford Road to disperse traffic,
Staff is concerned about access to these properties.
Notice was sent to the following neighborhood association: John Barrow
Neighborhood Association. Staff did not receive any comments before the time
of printing.
Staff does not support the request to remove the collector because of increased
traffic in the area due to increased development (both current and proposed),
lack of sufficient access to properties in the area, and spacing issues.
The item was placed on the consent agenda for deferral to the November 11,
2007 agenda. A motion was made to approve the consent agenda and was
approved with a vote of 9 ayes, 1 absent and 1 open position.
There is no new information.
Walter Malone, Planning Staff addressed the Commission. The request is to
remove a Collector connection (extension) of Aldersgate Road to Shackleford
Road. Mr. Malone reviewed the purpose of a Collector and some recent
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: G (Cont.) FILE NO.: MSP07-01
requests in the area dealing with other Collector removals. The area surrounding
this Collector is only partially developed and traffic is already approaching the
design volume for a Collector. The connection would help disburse traffic and
reduce demand on the surrounding Arterials.
Mr. J Mark Davis, Good Shepherd Retirement Center addressed the
Commission. This connection needs to be removed to protect Camp Aldersgate
and Good Shepherd. This is a quiet area and traffic would negatively impact
both uses and cause traffic hazards (volume and speed). Good Shepherd has
surveyed their 300 drivers and they do believe as a safety issue the connection
should not be made. The land involved in the applications before the
Commission is currently owned by Good Shepherd and as a condition of the sale
this connection must not be made. While in meetings with Staff there were no
assurances about removing the Collector, there was also no recommendation not
to proceed. There is a conflict between the Master Street Plan and the master
living plan. There is a need to protect and preserve the special character of
these two institutions. To make this 300 foot connection would destroy what they
are have and are trying to build. There was some question about buffers and
natural area, which could buffer the uses. The road is inconsistent, due to traffic
and noise with what is currently in place. Good Shepherd’s current
developments are right on Aldersgate Road resulting in no buffer from the
impacts resulting from extending Aldersgate Road. There was discussion about
the ownership and what portions might remain untouched and what is being
John Baker, Camp Aldersgate spoke next. It felt strange because Tony Bozynski
(Director of Planning & Development) has been such a friend and help to the
Camp, encouraging anyone around the Camp to talk to the Camp first. The
Camp has stayed in this location to be close to medical facilities and is more than
just a summer camp. He discussed some of their activities. The Master Street
Plan and the zoning of their 120 acres is in ‘friction’. Mr. Baker reviewed some of
the sections from the Master Street Plan on Collectors and then from the Zoning
Ordinance the ‘OS’ Open Space zoning (the classification of their land).
If the road were built, lights from the road would impact the Camp as would sight
and air pollution. Currently this area is ‘hard to get out of’. But by connecting two
Arterials, the City would be making Aldersgate Road like an arterial. The
Shackleford Landing (new shopping center along Shackleford Road) people do
not want the road or they would be here. It is not needed. The road is
sandwiched between two quiet uses (the Camp and Good Shepherd). There
was some discussion about the timing and having known this road was to be built
for decades.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: G (Cont.) FILE NO.: MSP07-01
The land will not be sold for development if the connection is made. This will
keep land on Shackleford Road off the tax rolls. The developer has worked with
the Camp on their design to help protect the Camp. There was discussion about
when issues related to road construction typically come before the Commission.
Mr. Bozynski indicated the Camp is a ‘good asset’ for the community. There was
discussion about whether the Commission could move the Collector. Mr. Baker
indicated the Camp was the lessee of the land and on the surfaced moving the
road to the north seemed ‘okay’, but he could not speak for the owner. Staff
indicated that they could ‘live with’ moving the Collector to the north into the
Camp. There was more discussion about procedure and moving the road. The
Commission recessed for further discussions on this possibility between the
parties. When the Commission reconvened, it was stated that a letter would be
needed from the property owner on moving the road to the north.
Greg Simmons, Peters & Associates indicated there is no need for the
connection. A motion was made to move the road north conditioned on a letter
from the current owners and that the road would not be built as long as the
land remained ‘OS’ zoned. Camp Aldersgate was cautioned not to build new
buildings in the proposed in right-of-way. By a vote of 9 for 1 against and
1 recusal the motion based. After some additional discussion a motion was
made to remove the Collector. By a move to 0 for 10 against and 1 recusal the
motion failed.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: G.1 FILE NO.: LU07-11-03
Name: Land Use Plan Amendment - I-430 Planning District
Location: The present terminus of Aldersgate Road and east of South
Shackleford Road
Request: Office, Multi Family and Park/Open Space to Mixed Use
Source: Frank Riggins, Crafton Tull Sparks
Land Use Plan amendment in the I-430 Planning District from Office, Multi Family
and Park/Open Space to Mixed Use. Mixed Use represents a mixture of
residential, office and commercial uses. The applicant has applied for a rezoning
from R-2 Single Family to Planned Commercial Development, which will include
commercial and residential uses.
The amendment area is currently zoned MF-12 Multi Family and OS Open
Space. The property is approximately 21 acres and is wooded and undeveloped.
The land immediately north is also zoned OS Open Space for Camp Aldersgate
and is largely wooded. East of the amendment area is zoned MF 18 for the
Good Shepherd Healthcare Center. Southwest is zoned PCD Planned
Commercial Development for the Shackleford Business Center and south is
zoned O-3 General Office but is vacant. Southeast is zoned MF-12 Multi Family
for The Cottages assisted living. West of the amendment area is zoned PCD for
the new mall, Shackleford Crossings.
This area is currently shown as Office, Multi Family and Park/Open Space on the
Future Land Use Plan. The Office and Multi Family both extend south to West
36th Street. The Park/Open Space extends north to Interstate 430 for Camp
Aldersgate. West of this area is shown as Mixed Office Commercial and Service
Trades District. East is also shown as Multi Family.
Ordinance 18977 changed the Mixed Office Commercial south and west of the
intersection of Old Shackleford and Shackleford Roads west and south to 36th
Street to Service Trades District on November 18, 2003.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: G.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: LU07-11-03
Ordinance 18839 changed the Single Family in the area bounded by 16th Street,
Perry Street, 18th Street and Aldersgate Road to Suburban Office on March 18,
Ordinance 18811 changed the Multi Family south and west of the 36th Street and
Interstate 430 intersection to Mixed Office Commercial on February 4, 2003.
South Shackleford Road is shown as a Minor Arterial on the Master Street Plan
and Aldersgate Road is shown as a Collector. These streets may require
dedication of right-of-way and may require street improvements. A Minor Arterial
provides connections to and through an urban area and their primary function is
to provide short distance travel within the urbanized area. Entrances and exits
should be limited to minimize negative effects of traffic and pedestrians. The
primary function of a Collector Street is to provide a connection from Local
Streets to Arterials.
Existing or proposed Class I, II, or III Bikeways are not in the immediate vicinity
of the development.
According to the Master Parks Plan the amendment area is within eight blocks of
a park or open space. Camp Aldersgate has a large area of open space just
north of this amendment.
There are no city recognized historic districts that would be affected by this
The applicant’s property lies in the area covered by the John Barrow
Neighborhood Action Plan. The Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization goal
states: “To provide an enhanced climate for home - ownership and new residents
in the area.”
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: G.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: LU07-11-03
This amendment area is vacant and undeveloped. It is currently shown as
Office, Multi Family and Park/Open Space on the Future Land Use plan. The
application is coupled with a zoning application and a Master Street Plan
amendment application. The applicant is proposing to abandon the proposed
extension of Aldersgate Road, to rezone to a Planned Commercial Development
and to change the Future Land Use to Mixed Use. The applicant intends to build
a mixed development comprised of townhouses, commercial retail, and single
family houses.
This area of South Shackleford is currently undergoing a major transformation.
The Shackleford Crossings Mall is in the final stages of construction and major
street improvements are being made to this portion of South Shackleford Road.
This area already has quite a large amount of Multi Family shown on the Plan for
this area: south of 36th Street on the west side of Shackleford, along Aldersgate
Road, and on the north side of 36th just east of Shackleford. Some of the
multifamily has been built and while some areas are vacant. A change at this
area to Mixed Use would allow for a blend of retail and residential with the
guidance of a planned development. The PZD process would provide design
review that could help preserve the character and integrity in relation to the
surrounding developments. The neighborhood action plan for this area cites a
need for new residential units and residents in the area, and the addition of a
mixed development would help satisfy these needs.
Notices were sent to the John Barrow Neighborhood Association. Staff has
received one comments from area residents.
Staff believes the change is appropriate.
The item was placed on the consent agenda for deferral to the November 11,
2007 agenda. A motion was made to approve the consent agenda and was
approved with a vote of 9 ayes, 1 absent and 1 open position.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: G.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: LU07-11-03
There have been no changes made to the application.
Walter Malone, Planning Staff reviewed the area plan. This would change an
area of Office and Multi family to Mixed Use. While it does add commercial the
change also adds the review of any future development using the Planned
Zoning District process. The use change will encourage options and better
design of the area. Donna James of the Planning Staff reviewed the related
PZD. See Item G.2, Z-8262 for a complete summary of the item. A motion was
made to approve the requested Plan change. By a vote of 10 for, 0 against,
1 recusal the motion was approved.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: G.2 FILE NO.: Z-8262
NAME: Rowan Village Long-form PCD
LOCATION: Located on Aldersgate and South Shackleford Road
Rowan Development LLC
641 Old Hickory Blvd.
Brentwood, TN 37027
Crafton, Tull, Sparks and Associates
10825 Financial Center Parkway
Little Rock, AR 72211
AREA: 21.946 acres NUMBER OF LOTS: 1 zoning lot FT. NEW STREET: 0 LF
ALLOWED USES: Multi-family 12 units per acre
PROPOSED USE: Single-family, Multi-family, Office and Commercial
The applicant is seeking a rezoning of this 22 acre tract of land for a mixed use
development. The property is currently zoned MF-12 and is undeveloped. The
desire is to develop the property in three phases. The first phase consists of five
lots with commercial development proposed located along Shackleford Road.
The Phase II portion of the development consists of residential townhouse units
and the third phase will consist of 30 lots for single-family residences.
The proposed uses for the commercial lots are those allowed in C-3, General
Commercial District excluding the following listed uses:
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: G.2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8262
Bar, lounge or tavern (except as part of a restaurant or hotel use), Cabinet or
woodwork shop, College dormitory, College fraternity or sorority, 24-hour
community welfare or health center, Feed store, Group care facility, Lodge or
fraternal organization, Mortuary or funeral home, Pawnshop, Private club with
dining or bar service, Recycling facility, automated, Taxidermist, Ambulance
service post, Bus station and terminal, Crematorium, Upholstery shop, furniture,
Upholstery shop, auto, Appliance repair, excepting as part of a larger use, Auto
glass or muffler shop, excepting as part of a larger use, Beverage store,
excepting on primarily marketing wine and/or fine liquor, Parking, commercial lot
or garage, Drive-in theater. Auto parts, sales with limited motor vehicle parts
installation shall be limited to Lots 2 or 3 provided that buildings shall be no
closer than 200-feet of Camp Aldersgate. Auto repair bay doors shall not face
Camp Aldersgate. Service/gas station, convenience store or retail or wholesale
fuel outlet shall not be located within 200-feet of Camp Aldergate.
The use of outdoor speakers or sound amplification systems shall be prohibited
on the property except for one-half hour before and after the owner’s or
occupant’s hours of being open to the general public. The operation of any such
speaker and system is limited to those that do not emit sound that is plainly
audible from Camp Aldersgate or a distance of 200 feet or more from the source
of such sound.
The Phase II townhouses will be attached structures three stories in height with
garages. The Phase III single-family residences will be on lots which average
50-feet in width by 100-feet in depth with an alley system for rear loading
garages. Buffers of existing and enhanced vegetation will be preserved between
the development and Camp Aldersgate as well as adjacent to the skilled nursing
facility to the east.
As a part of the application process the applicant is seeking an amendment to
the City’s Future Land Use Plan (LU07-11-03) and an amendment to the Master
Street Plan (MSP 07-01) both as separate items on this agenda. The
amendment to the Land Use Plan would reclassify the property from the present
Multi Family, Office and Parks Open/Space to Mixed Use. The Master Street
Plan amendment would remove a proposed Collector Street presently indicated
for Aldersgate Road connecting Kanis Road to Shackleford Road.
The applicant is proposing to dedicate a 60-foot right of way for the purpose of
constructing and dedicating to the City a 36-foot wide collector street off of
Shackleford Road which will loop through the property and extend east to provide
access to the single-family subdivision. The northernmost connection with
Shackleford Road will align with the controlled intersection being built as part of
the Shackleford Crossing Shopping Center development. The southern
connection will align with Old Shackleford Road.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: G.2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8262
The single-family subdivision will be served by private streets. An emergency
access route from the end of Aldersgate Road to the collector street will also be
provided. The terminus of Aldersgate Road which currently dead ends at a
barricade will be constructed to a cul-de-sac by the applicant.
A single development sign will be erected on Shackleford Road. The sign will be
a pylon sign with an overall dimension of 8-feet in width by 18-feet in height.
The site is a wooded site located on the east side of Shackleford Road near the
intersection with Old Shackleford Road. To the east of the site is Good Shepard
Residential facilities with the skilled care nursing facility located along the eastern
boundary of the site. To the west, across Shackleford Road, a 100 acre site is
being developed as a shopping center development with office uses located
along the southern boundary of the development. To the south of the site is
vacant office zoned property and Our Way residential development. North of the
site is Camp Aldersgate.
As of this writing, staff has not received any comment from area residents. All
owners of property located within 200 feet of the proposed site along with the
John Barrow Neighborhood Association and all owners of property, who could be
identified, located within 300-feet of the site were notified of the Public Hearing.
1. Shackleford Road is classified on the Master Street Plan as a minor arterial.
A dedication of right-of-way 45 feet from centerline will be required.
2. Provide at least two (2) street names for the proposed private street and
proposed private alleys. For additional information, contact Civil
Engineering, David Hathcock, at 371-4808.
3. With site development, provide design of street conforming to the Master
Street Plan. Construct one-half street improvement to Shackleford Road
including 5-foot sidewalks with planned development. A pedestrian crossing
across Shackleford Road should be located at the south side of the north
4. Private access is proposed for these lots. In accordance with Section
31-207, private streets must be designed to the same standards as public
streets. A minimum access easement width of 45 feet is required and street
width of 24 feet from back of curb to back of curb.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: G.2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8262
5. No residential waste collection service will be provided on private streets
unless the property owners association provides a waiver of damage claims
for operations on private property.
6. The southern intersection must be moved to align with Old Shackleford
Road or placed just on the north side of Old Shackleford Road if needed
due to left turn conflicts. The south intersection must be located at a
minimum 300 feet from the northern intersection. Provide a letter prepared
by a registered engineer certifying the sight distance at the intersections
comply with 2004 AASHTO Green Book standards.
7. Turn around must be provided for a WB-30 vehicle attempting to enter
private portion of the development. A stacking distance of 30 feet from
pavement must also be provided.
8. A grading permit in accordance with Section 29-186 (c) and (d) will be
required prior to any land clearing or grading activities at the site. Site
grading, and drainage plans will need to be submitted and approved prior to
the start of construction. A variance must be requested if advanced grading
is desired with construction not imminent on all portion of the development.
9. Provide a Sketch Grading and Drainage Plan as required per Section
29-186 (e).
10. Storm water detention ordinance applies to this property. Show the
proposed location for storm water detention facilities on the plan.
11. Contact Traffic Engineering, Nat Banihatti at 379-1818 for proper design of
the proposed round-a-bouts.
12. The applicant is desiring to remove the future connection of Aldersgate
Road which is a collector street connecting to Shackleford Road as shown
on the Master Street Plan. Current traffic counts on Aldersgate Road at the
Kanis Road intersection is 3400 vehicles per day. A collector street is
designed to handle 5000 vehicles per day.
13. Rowan Village Circle must be constructed to commercial street standards
per the Master Street Plan with 5 foot sidewalks on both sides.
14. Plans of all work in right-of-way shall be submitted for approval prior to start
of work. Obtain barricade permit prior to doing any work in the right-of-way
from Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1805 (Travis Herbner).
15. Street Improvement plans shall include signage and striping. Traffic
Engineering must approve completed plans prior to construction.
16. Coordinate design of traffic signal upgrade with proposed street
improvements. These plans should be forwarded to Traffic Engineering for
17. On site striping and signage plans should be forwarded to Public Works,
Traffic Engineering for approval with the site development package.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: G.2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8262
18. Streetlights are required by Section 31-403 of the Little Rock code. Provide
plans for approval to Traffic Engineering. Streetlights must be installed prior
to platting/certificate of occupancy. Contact Traffic Engineering 379-1813
(Steve Philpott) for more information.
19. If disturbed area is one (1) or more acres, obtain a NPDES storm water
permit from the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality prior to the
start of construction.
20. Provide a letter prepared by a registered engineer certifying the sight
distance at the south intersection complies with 2004 AASHTO Green Book
Wastewater: Existing sewer main outfall located on site. Easements must be
provided on plat and no permanent construction will be allowed within the
easements. Sewer main extension required with easements for all lots not
presently service by Little Rock Wastewater. Contact Little Rock Wastewater
Utility at 688-1414 for additional information.
Entergy: Additional easements are required. Contact Entergy for additional
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. An existing waterline
easement, recorded as document 91-02755 in the office of the Pulaski County
Circuit Clerk, should be shown on the plans. A water main extension will be
required in order to provide service to this property. A Capital Investment Charge
based on the size of connection(s) will apply to this project in addition to normal
charges. Additional fire hydrant(s) will be required. Contact the Little Rock Fire
Department to obtain information regarding the required placement of the
hydrant(s) and contact Central Arkansas Water regarding procedures for
installation of the hydrant(s). This development will have minor impact on the
existing water distribution system. Proposed water facilities will be sized to
provide adequate pressure and fire protection.
Fire Department: Place fire hydrants per code. Contact the Little Rock Fire
Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: G.2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8262
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: This request is located in the I-430 Planning District. The
Land Use Plan shows Office, Multi Family and Park/Open Space for this
property. The applicant has applied for a rezoning from R-2 Single Family to
Planned Commercial Development.
A land use plan amendment for a change to Mixed Use is a separate item on this
agenda (LU07-11-03).
Master Street Plan: South Shackleford Road is shown as a Minor Arterial on the
Master Street Plan and Aldersgate Road is shown as a Collector. These streets
may require dedication of right-of-way and may require street improvements. A
Minor Arterial provides connections to and through an urban area and their
primary function is to provide short distance travel within the urbanized area.
Entrances and exits should be limited to minimize negative effects of traffic and
pedestrians. The primary function of a Collector Street is to provide a connection
from Local Streets to Arterials.
The applicant is seeking a Master Street Plan amendment as a separate item on
this agenda to remove a proposed Collector for Aldersgate Road from Kanis
Road to Shackleford Road (MSP07-01).
Bicycle Plan: Existing or proposed Class I, II, or III Bikeways are not in the
immediate vicinity of the development.
City Recognized Neighborhood Action Plan: The applicant’s property lies in the
area covered by the John Barrow Neighborhood Action Plan. The Housing and
Neighborhood Revitalization goal states: “To provide an enhanced climate for
home - ownership and new residents in the area.”
1. The site plan must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and buffer
ordinance requirements.
2. The site plan has a variety of mixed uses on the site. However, attention
needs to be given to maintain sufficient buffering between the uses on the
3. The zoning buffer ordinance requires a fifty foot wide (50’) street buffer and in
no case less than half along South Shackleford Road.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: G.2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8262
4. The zoning buffer ordinance requires a forty foot (40’) land use buffer along
the northern perimeter and the southern perimeters of the site. Seventy
percent (70%) of this area is to remain undisturbed.
5. The property to the north, south, and east is zoned residential, therefore, a six
(6) foot high opaque screen, either a wooden fence with its face side directed
outward, a wall, or dense evergreen plantings, is required along the northern,
southern, and eastern perimeters of the site.
6. The zoning buffer ordinance requires a fifty foot (50’) wide land use buffer
along the eastern perimeter of the site. Seventy percent (70%) of this area is
to remain undisturbed.
7. An automatic irrigation system to water landscaped areas will be required.
8. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, it will be necessary to provide an
approved landscape plan stamped with the seal of a Registered Landscape
9. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing
trees as feasible on this tree covered site. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape
Ordinance requirements can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch
caliper or larger.
The applicant was present. Staff presented an overview of the proposed
development stating there were a number of technical issues associated with the
request remaining outstanding. Staff stated the cover letter indicated
development of the lots fronting Shackleford Road but no development plans had
been indicated for the lots. Staff also questioned the proposed use of tract areas
identified on the proposed site plan. Staff requested the applicant provide the lot
coverage, the maximum building height and the areas designated for
landscaping. Staff also requested the applicant provide the percentage of green
space or open space for each of the activities.
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated the right of way dedication
would be from centerline to allow a total dedication of 90-feet. Staff stated the
gates indicated for the single-family phase did not allow for proper turning around
if a visitor could not enter the site. Staff questioned if advanced grading would be
requested for the entire site with the development of the first phase. Staff noted
this would require a variance from the Land Alteration Ordinance to allow the
advanced grading.
Landscaping comments were addressed. Staff stated the land use buffer was
calculated by reviewing the entire site and not each individual lot proposed for
development. Staff stated the Commission could approve a lesser buffer if they
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: G.2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8262
deemed the requested buffer excessive based on the proposed use of the
property and the abutting use.
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
The applicant submitted a revised site plan to staff addressing most of the issues
raised at the September 6, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant
has provided the site layout for the commercial lots, the lot coverage, the
maximum building height and the areas designated for landscaping. The
applicant has also provided the percentage of green space or open space for
each of the activities.
The development is proposed in three phases with the first phase being the
non-residential aspect of the development located adjacent to Shackleford Road.
The applicant has indicated five parcels for commercial and office development.
The lots are proposed with a maximum building footprint, parking layout and
landscaped areas. The maximum building footprint for the structure proposed for
Lot 1 is 130 feet by 70 feet or 9,100 square feet. The parking is indicated with
26 parking spaces. The typical minimum parking required for a commercial
development would be 30 parking spaces for Lot 1. Lot 2 is indicated with a
retail building with approximately 16,800 square feet of space. The site plan
indicates the placement of 54 parking spaces. Based on typical minimum
parking required for a commercial development 56 parking spaces would be
required. The building proposed for Lot 4 has a footprint of 65 feet by 65 feet
and 13 parking spaces. Based on typical minimum ordinance requirements
14 spaces would be required. The building on Lot 5 is indicated with a 60 foot by
60 foot building footprint and 35 parking spaces. Based on the typical minimum
ordinance requirements 12 spaces would be required. The retail portion of the
development is proposed as one story structures with a maximum building height
of 27-feet. The applicant has not provided the total open space for the
commercial portion of the development. Per the zoning ordinance a minimum of
ten percent of the gross planned commercial mixed use development area shall
be designated as landscaped open space not to be used for streets or parking.
Phase II is the townhouse portion of the development. The townhouses located
south of Rowan Village Circle will be three story or 39-feet in height and the
townhouses north of Rowan Village Circle will be two story or 30-feet in height.
Parking is proposed one the ground floor level of the three story townhouse
structures and surface parking is proposed for the two story units.
Phase III is the single-family residential portion. The site plan indicates the
placement of 30 units on lots with an average lot size of 50 feet by 100 feet. The
setbacks proposed are five feet on the sides, five feet on the front and ten feet on
the rear. The development will be served by private streets and alleys and is
proposed as a gated community.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: G.2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8262
The density proposed for the residential portion of the development is nine units
per acre for the townhouse development and eight units per acre for the single-
family portion of the development. The total open space for the residential
portion, Phases II and III is 104,350 square feet or 38 percent. Two playground
areas have been indicated on the site plan.
The typical buffer requirements are not being met with the proposed site plan.
Although the development is proposed as a Planned Commercial Development,
the development is proposed as a mixed use development with the commercial
uses located along Shackleford Road, the townhouse residential uses located in
the center of the site stepping down to single-family along the east. Along the
southeastern perimeter, the single-family portion of the development is located
adjacent to property presently zoned MF-12 and being used as duplex housing.
The site plan has indicated a nine foot buffer for this area. The remaining area
along the southern perimeter abuts property presently vacant and zoned O-3,
General Office District. The site plan indicates the placement of a nine foot land
use buffer in this area as well. A portion of the applicant’s site will develop with
townhouse residential units and the remaining area is designated for
commercial/office development. The site is being reviewed as a single
development site thus the zoning buffer ordinance requires a forty foot (40’) land
use buffer along the southern perimeter of the site. Seventy percent (70%) of
this area is to remain undisturbed.
The site plan indicates a 20-foot land use buffer along the northern perimeter.
According to the applicant, the indicated buffer has been agreed to between the
abutting property owners. Since the site is being reviewed as a single
development plan, the zoning buffer ordinance requires a forty foot (40’) land use
buffer along the northern perimeter of the site. Seventy percent (70%) of this
area is to remain undisturbed.
Along the eastern perimeter of the site, adjacent to a nursing home facility, the
single-family portion of the site plan indicates the placement of a nine foot land
use buffer. The site is being reviewed as a single development plan, therefore
the zoning buffer ordinance requires a fifty foot (50’) wide land use buffer along
the eastern perimeter of the site. Seventy percent (70%) of this area is to remain
The Shackleford Road street buffer located along the western perimeter has not
been indicated. The site is being reviewed as a single development plan,
therefore the zoning buffer ordinance requires a fifty foot (50’) wide street buffer
along Shackleford Road.
Screening has not been indicated. The applicant has stated screening will be
placed along the single-family portion of the development and potentially along
the townhouse development portion of the development. The northern perimeter
screening will be placed in accordance with agreements made with the abutting
property owner.
The dumpsters have been noted on the site plan along with a note indicating the
screening. The applicant has indicated the dumpster will be serviced during
normal business hours.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: G.2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8262
The following represents a letter received from Camp Aldersgate addressed to
Tony Bozynski, Director – Planning and Development:
“Since June, 2007, Camp Aldersgate board member, John Baker, and I have met
several times with the owner’s representatives to review and discuss the owner’s
proposed development plan of the captioned property adjacent to and
immediately south of Camp Aldersgate.
Camp Aldersgate and the women’s Division of the United Methodist Church
agree to support the current proposed Planned Commercial Development of the
property as depicted on Exhibit “1” enclosed herewith, subject to the following
requirements, in addition to any other requirements imposed by current local,
state and federal law and subject to their approval of the owner’s landscape plan
for the property to be submitted to the City at a later date:
1. Lighting and signage.
No freestanding (lighted or unlighted) pole signs in excess of 20-feet will
be permitted on the property. The property’s parking lot lights shall not
exceed 30 feet in height or be directed towards adjoining properties or
roadways. The property’s parking lot lights shall be full cut off, metal
halide fixtures that utilize 400 watt or less horizontal bulbs with flat lenses
to control glare and over spill of lighting. No downward lighting fixtures
shall be permitted on the property except those specifically designed to
light parking areas, service drives, sidewalks, and areas necessary for the
protection of persons or property, and none shall exceed, the height or
foot-candle specifications of the property’s parking lot lights.
Signage for the remaining portions of the property shall comply with
Section 36-346(f) and 36-347 of the Little Rock Code as currently enacted.
The property’s northern most out parcel shall contain no building mounted
signage facing north or northeast.
2. Use Restrictions.
Owner agrees to place certain restrictions on the property prohibiting
certain uses thereon, with said use restrictions being attached as
Attachment “A”. This requirement shall also apply if owner elected to self
develop any of the property.
3. Security Fencing.
So as to ensure continued perimeter security and buffering, the owner
agrees to install and maintain a black chain-link security fence (the
“Fence”) at least 8 feet in height along the dividing line between the
property and Camp Aldersgate’s property.
4. Noise Pollution.
Use of outdoor speakers or sound amplification systems shall be strictly
prohibited on the property except for ½ hour before and after the user’s
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: G.2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8262
hours of being open to the general public. The operation of any such
speaker or sound amplification system is limited to those that do not emit
sound that is plainly audible from the dividing line between the property
and Camp Aldersgate’s property.
5. Master Street Plan Amendments.
Owner is aware Camp Aldersgate and others may at some future time
attempt to remove Aldersgate Road as a designated collector street from
the City of Little Rock’s Master Street Plan or to reclassify Aldersgate
Road to a street with a lesser design capacity. Owner has no objection to
any attempt to remove Aldersgate Road as a designated collector street
from the City of Little Rock’s Master Street Plan or to any attempt to
reclassify Aldersgate Road to a street with a lesser design capacity.
6. Legal Matters and Continuing Cooperation.
As to the items in enumerated paragraphs One (1), two (2), and four (4)
above, owner agrees to provide a declaration of restrictive covenants
consistent with the terms of this letter and in a form acceptable to Camp
Aldersgate that will be part of the land for future uses and will file said
declaration as part of the public record prior to its request for a Certificate
of Occupancy for any building on the property. Approval of said
declaration shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Owner covenants that in connection with Camp Aldersgate’s Executive
Director of any change in status of development at the property to the
extent that such development touches or impacts Camp Aldersgate.
Owner shall provide reasonable prior notice of the commencement of
excavation be given to the Executive Director in order that any necessary
on-site preparations be made at Camp Aldersgate.
The provisions of this letter shall be incorporated into (1) the final plan of
development and the zoning ordinance amendments approved by the City
of Little Rock and (2) any site plans or building plans to be approved by
the City of Little Rock for any parcel within the property.
The enumerated restrictions above shall automatically terminate in the event
either Camp Aldersgate is no longer owner by the Women’s Division of the
United Methodist Church or other 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation or its property
is no longer used for charitable purposes.
Signed by the Executive Director of Camp Aldersgate and a representative of the
Women’s Division of the United Methodist Church.”
Attachment “A”
Excluded Uses from Property
a. Bar, lounge or tavern
b. Cabinet and woodwork shop
c. College dormitory
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: G.2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8262
d. College fraternity or sorority
e. 24 hour community welfare or health center
f. Feed store
g. Group care facility
h. Lodge or fraternal organization
i. Mortuary or funeral home
j. Pawnshop
k. Private club with dining or bar service
l. Recycling facility, automated
m. Taxidermist
n. Ambulance service post
o. Auto parts sales or new or used auto sales
p. Bus station and terminal
q. Crematorium
r. Upholstery shop, furniture
s. Upholstery shop, auto
t. Appliance repair, excepting as part of a larger use
u. Auto glass or muffler shop, excepting as part of a larger use
v. Beverage or liquor store
w. Parking, commercial lot or garage
x. Service/gas station, convenience store, or retail or wholesale fuel outlet
y. Drive-in theater
The proposal as requested by the applicant includes the removal of the
connection of Aldersage Road with Shackleford Road from the Master Street
Staff is supportive of the development as a mixed use development but has
concerns with items relating to the Master Street Plan amendment, the buffers
indicated and the proposed uses.
Staff is not supportive of the removal of the Collector Street from the Master
Street Plan but feels, based on the present layout, the proposed development is
still workable with the inclusion and construction of the street as required by the
Master Street Plan with some minor modifications.
The buffers have been significantly less than the current ordinance requirements.
The site is being reviewed as a Planned Commercial Development based on the
proposed uses of the property. Per the zoning ordinance the intent of the PCD
district is to accommodate multiple use developments containing any
combination, including multiple combinations of commercial, office or residential
uses in a carefully planned configuration is such a manner as to protect and
enhance the viability of each independent use. The ordinance states in order to
enhance the integrity and attractiveness of the development, and when deemed
necessary to protect adjacent properties, the planning commission shall require
landscaping and screening as a part of a PUD or PD. The planning commission
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: G.2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8262
in relation to the overall character of the development and its specific location
shall determine the nature and extent of screening and landscaping required. In
addition perimeter treatment notwithstanding any other provisions of a planned
zoning district, all uses of land or structures shall meet the open space, buffer or
green strip provisions of Chapters 15, 21 and 36 of the Little Rock code.
Staff has concerns with a number of the listed uses including the allowance of a
convenience store with a fuel outlet and the auto parts sales with limited motor
vehicle parts installation. Staff feels these uses could potentially impact the
adjacent properties and residential uses.
Although staff is supportive of the development concept, staff is not supportive of
the application as filed.
Staff recommends denial of the request as filed.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item with a recommendation of deferral. Staff stated the deferral request
would require a waiver of the Commission’s By-laws with regard to the late deferral
request. Staff stated they were supportive of the deferral.
There was no further discussion of the item. A motion was made to approve the
request for the By-law waiver. The motion carried by a vote of 9 ayes, 0 noes, 1 absent
and 1 open position. The chair entertained a motion for placement of the item on the
consent agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a vote of 9 ayes, 0 noes, 1 absent
and 1 open position.
There has been no change in this application request since the previous public hearing.
Staff continues to recommend denial of the request based on the site plan and issues
related to the Aldergate Road collector connection.
Staff presented the item. There were no registered objectors present. Staff stated
since the Commission had relocated the proposed collector street connection north of
this property staff no longer had concerns with the proposed development. Staff stated
the applicant had agreed to remove all the auto related activities from the allowable
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: G.2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8262
uses listed. Staff stated they had previously raised concerns related to the buffers but
they were now supportive of the buffers as indicated.
Mr. Frank Riggins addressed the Commission on behalf of the applicant. He stated staff
was correct the developers were no longer considering the auto related uses as
allowable uses for the site. He stated the development would utilize the uses indicated
in the Camp Aldersgate letter as allowable uses for the development.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
approval of the item. The motion carried by a vote of 10 ayes, 0 noes, 0 absent and
1 recusal (Jeff Yates).
November 8, 2007
Name: Master Street Plan Amendment - River Mountain Planning District
Location: Pinnacle Valley Road from Highway 10 to County Farm Road
Request: Alternate Design Standards
Source: Staff
Master Street Plan amendment in the River Mountain Planning District for an
Alternate Design Standard. An Alternate Design Standard is shown on the plan
when a section of road is desired to be built to a different section than the
recommended standard section. These can include a different amount of right of
way required, a different number of lanes, shoulders versus curb and gutter, etc.
The proposed design section for Pinnacle Valley Road from Highway 10 to
County Farm Road is 22 feet wide of pavement for two travel lanes, two 7 feet
paved shoulders and open ditches on both sides. The right of way of 90 feet is
not proposed to change. This change will bring the City’s Master Street Plan in
alignment with Pulaski County’s Master Street Plan.
Pinnacle Valley Road is shown as a Minor Arterial on the plan. The current plan
for development would be a 90’ right-of-way with two travel lanes in both
directions with a 14’ median in the center. Pinnacle Valley Road connects
Highway 10 to the south to Highway 300 in the west.
From County Line Road to the east boundary of the State Park, there is an
Alternate Design Standard of an industrial street open drainage standard section.
This provides for 28’ of pavement with 6’ of paved shoulder, 4’ of green shoulder,
ditches on both sides and a 10’ utility easement.
Through the State Park property and to the west at the intersection of Highway
300, the section is a 20’ wide paving with two 6’ paved shoulders, two 2’ green
shoulders with a 10’ utility corridor, open drainage with ditches at a 3 to 1 slope.
Transition and Mixed Office Commercial are shown along Pinnacle Valley Road
near the intersection of Highway 10, Single Family for the majority of the section,
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: H (Cont.) FILE NO.: MSP07-02
Low Density Residential for the apartments located just south of the railroad
tracks, and Park / Open Space for the Little Maumelle River.
There are no historic districts that would be affected by this amendment.
This area is covered by the River Mountain Neighborhood Action Plan. The
traffic and transportation goal states: “Widen Pinnacle Valley Road to a 36 foot
2-lane road.” The infrastructure goal states: “Ensure that roads are improved in a
manner that is supportive of all modes of transportation (walking, cycling,
automobile, public transit and truck) and help to minimize the conflicts between
the various modes.”
The proposed design section for Pinnacle Valley Road from Highway 10 to
County Farm Road is 22 feet wide of pavement for two travel lanes, two 7 feet
paved shoulders and open ditches on both sides. The right-of-way of 90 feet is
not proposed to change. This change will bring the City’s Master Street Plan in
alignment with Pulaski County’s Master Street Plan. This will also bring this
section of the road into a similar section as the rest of the road.
The area has a rural feel and the proposed change would enhance the rural feel.
The Park/Open Space on the Future Land Use plan is reflective of the creek and
floodway that parallels the road to the west. The floodway’s proximity to the road
prohibits most development to the west that has not already occurred. The other
subdivisions that have been built have had driveways that are internal to the
subdivisions, not with driveways that enter onto Pinnacle Valley Road. A street
that has less curb cuts on it can function at a higher level of service than one with
many curb cuts (driveways). With the development pattern thus far and the
limitations set by the floodway, it is conceivable that a two lane road with
shoulders as proposed would be able to carry the traffic needs of the area.
All property owners abutting the section of road were notified via certified mail of
the proposed changes. Notices were sent to the following neighborhood
associations: River Valley and Pinnacle Valley. As of this printing, Staff has
received ten comments from area residents. Eight are in support and two are
opposed to the change. Pinnacle Valley Neighborhood Association opposes the
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: H (Cont.) FILE NO.: MSP07-02
Staff believes the change is appropriate.
There were only seven Commissioners present, so the applicant requested that
the item be differed in order to allow more Commissioners to hear the item. By a
vote of 5 for, 2 against, 3 absent and one open position the item was deferred to
November 8, 2007.
Walter Malone, Planning Staff reviewed the Master Street Plan in the application
area. Pinnacle Valley north of County Farm Road already as a design standard
of two-lanes with shoulders. This amendment would make all of Pinnacle Valley
Road have that section. With out the amendment the design for this section
would be 5-lanes or 4-lanes with median. The use pattern is recreation with the
State Park, Corp of Engineers Park and the City/County Park as well as large lot
residential. The standard for this type of road in the County is two-lanes with
shoulders based on their Master Street Plan. With the development pattern Staff
believes a two-lane road with shoulders can adequately serve the area.
Keith Wingfield, owner and developer of land along the road segment spoke in
support of the changes. In 2000 the City and County developed a design for
Pinnacle Valley Road from Cantrell Road to the railroad crossing. The design
tries to preserve the rural feel, since the use pattern is not commercial. In 2005
Mr. Wingfield started his development and was given a set of plans of what
needed to be built. There was discussion about what had been done and that
Staff had approved the design.
Mr. Wingfield showed the Commission pictures of the area along Pinnacle Valley
Road and discussed the types of road designs at each. The City/County Plans
were used to build the intersection improvements at Cantrell Road, the first 500
feet. The Plan is for wider lanes, with two shoulders, which could be used as
bike lanes and open grass pitches for drainage. This is the same design as has
already been approved for Pinnacle Valley Road north of County Farm Road.
Mr. Wingfield discussed the design further. The reason his group wants the
two-lanes with shoulders is this is not a commercial street. Mr. Wingfield pointed
to the River Mountain Neighborhood Action Plan, which recommended a wide
two-lane road for Pinnacle Valley Road.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: H (Cont.) FILE NO.: MSP07-02
State Highway 300 also has a two-lane with shoulders design but only four foot
rather than 6 foot shoulders. We need to keep this a rural design for the gateway
to Pinnacle Valley. Mr. Wingfield noted the many other alternative design roads
through out the City of Little Rock. This is the best engineering solution.
Mr. Wingfield Martin spoke against the change. The reason why we are here is
because the City did not enforce the Master Street Plan for which Mr. Martin has
brought suit. Mr. Martin lives on County Farm Road and gave some history of
the roads. The design is an oral agreement between the City and County. But
the road is in Little Rock and the design is a violation of the Master Street Plan.
Pinnacle Valley Road is 10 to 11 foot lanes with open ditches and is very
dangerous. There are five major traffic generators along Pinnacle Valley Road –
271 houses with new houses being built; Two Rivers Park/County Gardens; Corp
of Engineers Park with 129 Camp sites and 8 pavilions (150 people each); Little
Rock Yacht Club; State Park. The City is not following the Master Street Plan
and the suit is to require this. The amendment is an attempt to change the
Master Street Plan and make the suit moot. The only way to make the street
safe is to build the Master Street Plan standard.
Mr. Jimmy Green, 5711 Pinnacle Valley spoke against the amendment.
Mr. Green recalled a meeting before the Board of Directors on improvements
to Pinnacle Valley Road. Since annexation in 1987 no improvements have
been made to the road, where have all the tax dollars gone?
Richard Downing, Attorney for Mr. Martin spoke against the amendment.
Mr. Downing referred to one of Mr. Wingfield’s slides. The Commission voted
against the development shown and it is not clear what the standard was at that
meeting. The Master Street Plan has not been amended in this area. Looking at
the slide, where the utilities are is where the second northbound lane should be.
There was a City/County agreement to address a traffic problem. From this the
County straightened the intersection at Highway 10. There is nothing presented
to support a reduction in design.
Betty Lowe, 5694 Pinnacle Valley Road indicated people have known for years
that Pinnacle Valley Road was a Minor Arterial. The City has not addressed the
problems already there and there is no reason to change the Plan. With the Plan
‘we’ have some hope that some day in the future something will be done. With
developments like Mr. Wingfield’s the area is no longer rural. There is no other
outlet for the valley. When this street is blocked no one can get out for hours.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: H (Cont.) FILE NO.: MSP07-02
Dr. Laura McHaffry, Veterinary Clinic just south of Mr. Wingfield’s development
spoke against the change. Ms. McHaffry noted the process was ‘interesting’.
How not following all the rules and how defer of building etc. It is stated the road
is rural, then that it must be four-lanes with sidewalks etc; that only with
development will it be ‘fixed’. Everyone wants safe roads. This is a dangerous
road and the Master Street Plan standard will fix that. Mr. Martin returned to help
answer some questions about required standards on her development. The
impact of drainage needs etc was addressed.
There was discussion about whether the Commission should address this issue
since there was a case in court. This amendment would make part of the suit
moot. There was discussion about 2-lanes with 2-shoulders versus 4 or 5 lanes
with curb and gutter. Mr. Hood was asked if in affect the Master Street Plan had
been modified already. Mr. Hood stated in this development an alternative was
agreed to. The 36 foot wide street could be stripped as 3-lanes or 2 with
shoulders. The design elements related to safety would not change, the curves
would be lessened, etc. Mr. Downing explained to the Commission some of the
implications of making the amendment to the pending suit. There was more
discussion about what had happened with the approvals of Mr. Wingfield’s
development. The design was approved by the Board when the Planned
Development was approved. The Planning Commission had voted 5-4 and it had
failed. It was appealed and rather than in-lieu Mr. Wingfield agreed to make the
improvements at the Board of Directors meeting.
Mr. Wingfield reminded the Commission that in the ETJ are the design had
already been reduced to the two-lanes with shoulders. And that his development
had built what the City had required. Mr. Martin showed the Commission and
those present the cover of a set of Plans (with both City and County logos).
Chairmen Taylor reminded the Commission the question was whether to change
the standard from four-lanes to 2-lanes. A motion was made to approve the
Master Street Plan Amendment. By a vote of 4 for, 7 against the item failed.
November 8, 2007
NAME: Chenal Valley Phase 34 Revised Preliminary Plat
LOCATION: Located on Chenal Valley Drive near Gordon Road
Deltic Timber Corporation
7 Chenal Club Circle
Little Rock, AR 72223
White-Daters and Associates
24 Rahling Circle
Little Rock, AR 72223
AREA: 39.21 acres NUMBER OF LOTS: 32 FT. NEW STREET: 2,670 LF
CURRENT ZONING: R-2, Single-family
PLANNING DISTRICT: 19 – Chenal Planning District
VARIANCES/WAIVERS REQUESTED: A variance to allow an increased street grade
of 18% for a section of the proposed new street.
The Little Rock Planning Commission reviewed and approved a preliminary plat request
for this site at their July 5, 2007, public hearing. The request included the subdivision of
a 39.21 acre tract into 32 single-family lots. The lots averaged 120-feet by 200-feet or
24,000 square feet. The plat indicated the placement of a 25-foot front building line for
lots abutting the residential street with the exception of Lots 26 and 27 which were
approved with a reduced building setback of 15-feet. These lots have a slope in excess
of 18 percent and according to the developer the variance was necessary to allow the
lots to develop utilizing the Hillside Development Standards per the Subdivision
Ordinance. Each lot was proposed in excess of 10,000 square feet, the typical
minimum lot size required for hill side development standards.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-867-YYYYYY
A single cul-de-sac was proposed extending from Chenal Valley Drive. The street was
proposed with a maximum length of 2,670 linear feet. A variance was requested to
allow the increased length of the cul-de-sac street. The plan indicated pedestrian trails
would be utilized in lieu of sidewalks and requested a variance from the Master Street
Plan to allow the proposed pedestrian trails. The subdivision was to develop in a single
The applicant is now proposing a revision to the previously approved preliminary
plat to allow an increased street grade for a section of the street. Approximately
50 to 60 feet of the street is proposed with an 18 percent grade. The street is
designed as a minor residential street and the design speed is 25 mph. No other
modifications are proposed.
The site is heavily wooded abutting Gordon Road and Chenal Valley Drive.
Gordon Road has been relocated from the original alignment and now ties into
Chenal Valley Drive near Saverne Court. Abutting the plat area Gordon Road
has been constructed to Master Street Plan standard as has Chenal Valley Drive.
To the north of the site are several private gated single-family subdivisions
containing six to eight homes accessed from Chenal Valley Drive. There are
single-family homes located to the east of the site constructed along
Champagnolle Court. South of the site is a large tract containing a lake and two
single-family homes.
As of this writing, staff has not received any comment from area residents. The
Aberdeen Property Owners Association, the Bayonne Place Property Owners
Association, the Coalition of West Little Rock Neighborhoods, the Margeaux
Place Property Owners Association and all abutting property owners were
notified of the Public Hearing.
1. With site development, provide the design of the street conforming to the
Master Street Plan. Construct street improvement to Marbais Court with the
planned development.
2. A grading permit in accordance with Section 29-186 (c) and (d) will be
required prior to any land clearing or grading activities at the site. Site
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-867-YYYYYY
grading, and drainage plans will need to be submitted and approved prior to
the start of construction.
3. Storm water detention ordinance applies to this property. Show the proposed
location for storm water detention facilities on the plan.
4. If disturbed area is one (1) or more acres, obtain a NPDES storm water
permit from the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality prior to the
start of construction.
5. Streetlights are required by Section 31-403 of the Little Rock code. Provide
plans for approval to Traffic Engineering. Streetlights must be installed prior
to platting or certificate of occupancy. Contact Traffic Engineer 379-1813
(Steve Philpott) for more information.
6. Street improvement plans shall include signage and striping. Traffic
Engineering must approve completed plans prior to construction.
7. Plans of all work in right-of-way shall be submitted for approval prior to start of
work. Obtain barricade permit prior to doing any work in the right-of-way from
Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1805 (Travis Herbner).
The applicant was present. Staff presented an overview of the proposed
development stating there were no remaining outstanding technical issues
associated with the request. Staff stated the request was to allow an increased
street grade for a section of the roadway. The Commissioners questioned Mr.
White as to the location of the increased grade and the need for the grade. Mr.
White stated the grade was located near the entrance to the subdivision. The
Committee members questioned staff as to their thoughts on the increased
grade. Staff stated the issue did not raise a great concern. There was no further
discussion of the item. The Committee then forwarded the item to the full
Commission for final action.
A revised preliminary plat was not required based on the comments received at
the October 18, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant is seeking
approval of an increased street grade for a section of Marbais Court. The street
is proposed with approximately 50 to 60 feet exceeding the allowed maximum
centerline grade of 16%. This centerline grade may be increased to 18% if
approved by the Commission. The street is designed as a minor residential
street and the design speed is 20 mph and a minimum sight distance of 200-feet.
The previous preliminary plat approved the minor residential street with variances
to allow an increased length of the street and allow pedestrian paths in-lieu of
sidewalks. Staff is supportive of the request. Staff does not feel the increased
street grade as proposed will significantly impact the development or the area.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-867-YYYYYY
Staff recommends approval of the request to allow an increased street grade as
proposed by the applicant.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item with a recommendation of approval of the request to allow an
increased street grade as proposed by the applicant.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a
vote of 11 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 2 FILE NO.: S-1520-A
NAME: Royal Oaks Subdivision Revised Preliminary Plat
LOCATION: Located East of Chicot Road on Royal Oaks Drive
JSC Construction, LLC
29 Stoneledge Drive
Maumelle, AR 72113
Civil Design, Inc.
15104 Cantrell Road
Little Rock, AR 72223
AREA: 9.985 acres NUMBER OF LOTS: 38 FT. NEW STREET: 1,832 LF
CURRENT ZONING: R-2, Single-family
PLANNING DISTRICT: 15 – Geyer Springs West
1. A variance to allow the placement of the required sidewalk at the back of curb along
Royal Oaks Drive.
2. A waiver of the required sidewalk placement along Ponderosa Drive.
On May 11, 2006, the Commission approved a preliminary plat which included the
subdivision of 9.985 acres into thirty-six (36) single-family residential lots and two tracts
designated as open space and detention. Access to the new lots was proposed by an
extension of a new residential public street from Chicot Road to the east 1,194 feet
connecting with Shady Grove Lane. The applicant also proposed the removal of two
residential lots from Perry Place Phase III to allow access to Ponderosa Drive. A total
of 1,832 linear feet of new street was proposed, constructed to Master Street Plan
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1520-A
The proposal included an average lot size of 65-feet by 140-feet or 0.21 acres and a
minimum lot size of 60-feet by 130-feet or 0.18 acres. There were no waivers or
variances requested.
The applicant is now proposing a revision to the previously approved preliminary
plat to relocate the placement of the sidewalks. The approved preliminary plat
showed the sidewalks along Royal Oaks Drive to be located at the right of way
line. The transformer pads and telephone pedestals were installed just inside the
right of way line in the intended path of the sidewalk. The developer is
requesting to place the sidewalk at the back of curb or just off the back of curb
within 1 foot of the curb. The developers are also requesting a waiver of the
required sidewalk placement along Ponderosa Drive.
New homes are being constructed to the east of the site in Perry Place Phase III
and are in various states of completion. The street has been constructed and the
utilities are presently in place. Chicot Road is an unimproved roadway with open
ditches for drainage and no sidewalk in place.
As of this writing, staff has not received any comment from area property owners.
The abutting property owners along with the Deer Meadow Neighborhood
Association, the Legion Hut Neighborhood Association, the Yorkwood
Neighborhood Association and Southwest Little Rock United for Progress were
notified of the public hearing.
1. The Master Street Plan requires the back of sidewalks on residential streets
to be installed at the property line or the front of the sidewalk about 7 to 8 feet
from the back of curb. The preliminary plat was approved by the Planning
Commission for the back of the sidewalk to be installed at the property line. It
is believed one of the main reasons for moving the sidewalk off the back of
curb is for pedestrian safety.
2. Due to the location of the utility pull boxes being located in the wrong place,
staff can support the majority of the sidewalk to be located at the property line
but other sections of sidewalk at the boxes can meander closer to the street.
The closest pull box to the back of curb is 4.5 feet and the furthest is 8 feet.
At the narrowest locations where the utility boxes are located, per ADA
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1520-A
guidelines only 3 feet of clearance space must be maintained for the
proposed 5 foot sidewalk. This would leave about 1.5 feet of clearance
between the closest pull box and the back of curb.
3. Due to the location of the utility pull boxes being located in the wrong place,
staff can support a sidewalk easement to be installed on the final plat for the
sidewalk to be located behind the utility pull box.
Wastewater: Sewer available to this property.
Entergy: Approved as submitted.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: No objection to sidewalk placement. Need to rectify
the discrepancy in the connecting street to the north, Grove Lane and Shady
Grove Lane in the development.
Fire Department: Approved as submitted.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: No comment.
Landscape: No comment.
The applicant was present representing the request. Staff presented an
overview of the proposed development stating there were no remaining
outstanding technical issues associated with the request. Staff stated the desire
was to relocate the sidewalk along Royal Oaks Drive nearer the street than
previously approved. Staff stated they were working with the applicant to
determine the location for best placement of the sidewalk. There was no further
discussion of the item. The Committee then forwarded the item to the full
Commission for final action.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1520-A
A revised preliminary plat was not required to address the issues raised at the
October 18, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant is seeking a
revision to the previously approved preliminary plat to allow the placement of
sidewalks nearer the curb than was previously approved. Staff is not supportive
of placing the entire length of the sidewalk at the back of curb and feels from a
safety standpoint the sidewalks should be located as far away as possible from
the driving lanes. Since the utility boxes were located within the right of way and
not within an easement located on the front of the lots, staff can support the
majority of the sidewalk being located at the back of the right of way but other
sections of sidewalk located at the utility boxes can meander closer to the street.
The closest utility box to the back of curb is 4.5 feet and the furthest is 8 feet. At
the narrowest locations where the utility boxes are located to the street, per ADA
guidelines only 3 feet of clearance space must be maintained for the proposed 5
foot sidewalk. This would leave about 1.5 feet of clearance between the closest
utility box and the back of curb.
The applicant is also seeking a waiver of the required sidewalk placement along
Ponderosa Drive. Staff is not supportive of the request. Staff feels the
placement of sidewalks or alternative pedestrian paths to allow connectivity
through neighborhoods is an important aspect of subdivision development.
Although sidewalks are not in place on the remainder of the street staff feels it is
important to develop the newly developing area per the current ordinance
Staff recommends denial of the request as filed.
Mr. James Dreher was present representing the applicant. There were no registered
objectors present. Staff presented the item stating they were not supportive of the
application as filed.
Mr. Dreher stated the owners were requesting to amend the application and place the
walks at 18-inches from the curb. He stated the request no longer included a waiver of
the sidewalk placement on Ponderosa Drive. He stated the City had design standards
which allowed the placement of sidewalks as requested by the developer but staff had
indicated the Commission would have to approve any variation from the originally
approved plat. Mr. Dreher stated staff’s suggestion for a meandering sidewalk was not
desirable to the developer. He stated the walks which did not hit the drives
perpendicular did not give the desired look the developer was trying to achieve.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1520-A
The Commission questioned why the walks could not be placed at the back of the right
of way. Mr. Dreher stated the utility companies placed their facilities on the wrong side
of the easement which encroached into the sidewalk.
The Commission questioned if the engineer did not set pins to establish the placement
of utilities. Mr. Dreher stated the pins were not put in place until after the utilities were in
place. The Commission once again questioned if it was not the developers
responsibility to tell the utilities were to place the pull boxes and pedestals.
Staff stated they were not supportive of placing the sidewalk at 18 inches. Staff stated
this was a case where the developers came and were approved a plan and then for
some reason chose not to build the plan. Staff stated they felt the developers should
build the plan as approved by the Commission or seek a variance prior to beginning
construction of some alternative plan.
A motion was made to approve the request. The motion failed by a vote of 2 ayes,
9 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 3 FILE NO.: S-1594
NAME: Sumler Lawson Addition Preliminary/Final Plat
LOCATION: Located at 11600 Hilaro Springs Road
Penny Sumler
2210 Willow Springs Road
Little Rock, AR 72206
Brooks Surveying Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065-9256
PLANNING DISTRICT: 14 – Geyer Springs West
1. A variance to allow an increased lot depth to width ratio for Lot 1.
The applicant is seeking approval of a plat for this 12.44 acre tract to allow the
creation of two lots. One lot contains 0.81 acres while the second lot contains
11.63 acres. The site is located outside the City of Little Rock but within the
City’s Extraterritorial Planning Jurisdiction in which the City enforces the
Subdivision Ordinance only. Each lot will be served by a private septic system.
Central Arkansas Water will provide water. The proposed plat includes a
variance from the Subdivision Ordinance to allow an increased lot depth to width
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 3 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1594
Lot 2 contains a single-family home with Lot 1 being vacant. There is a church
and single-family homes located to the north and single-family homes located to
the south. Lot 1 has a tree line located midway through the property and a large
pond located along the northern perimeter.
As of this writing, staff has received several informational phone calls from area
residents. All owners of property abutting the proposed site along with the
Southwest Little Rock United for Progress were notified of the Public Hearing.
1. Hilaro Springs Road is classified on the Master Street Plan as a minor
arterial. A dedication of right-of-way 45 feet from centerline will be required.
Wastewater: Outside the service boundary. Provide a septic certification from
the County Sanitarian.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. Approval of the City of Little
Rock required prior to obtaining water service. Additional fire hydrant(s) may be
required. Contact the Fire Department having jurisdiction to obtain information
regarding the required placement of the hydrant(s) and contact Central Arkansas
Water regarding procedures for installation of the hydrant(s). Address does not
agree with addresses shown in Pagis and errors should be rectified.
Fire Department: The site is located outside the service area of the Little Rock
Fire Department. Provide a letter from the area volunteer fire department
indicating their knowledge of the project and their ability to serve the proposed
plat area.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 3 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1594
County Planning: Show two land corners; show street centerline dimensions;
provide a certificate of final plat approval for the County; provide a Bill of
Assurance; provide proof of sewer and fire service; show floodplain panel
number; and pay a $33.00 review fee to the County. Contact County Planning at
340-8260 for additional information.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: No comment.
Landscape: No comment.
The applicant was not present. Staff presented the item stating the proposal was
to allow a two lot plat for the 12 plus acre site. Staff stated there were no
outstanding technical issues associated with the request. There was no further
discussion of the item. The Committee then forwarded the item to the full
Commission for final action.
The applicant has addressed staff concerns raised at the October 18, 2007,
Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant has provided septic certification
for the two proposed lots and has provided a letter from the area volunteer fire
department stating their knowledge of the proposed plat. The applicant has also
indicated a dedication of right of way per the Master Street Plan on the proposed
The applicant is seeking approval of a plat for a 12.44 acre tract to allow the
creation of two lots. One lot is proposed to contain 0.81 acres and there is a
single-family home located on this lot. The second lot contains 11.63 acres and
the applicant is proposing the construction of a new single-family home on this
site. The request includes a variance from the Subdivision Ordinance to allow
an increased lot depth to width ratio for proposed Lot 1 (Section 31-232(b)).
The site is located outside the City of Little Rock but within the City’s
Extraterritorial Planning Jurisdiction in which the City enforces the Subdivision
Ordinance only. As stated each lot will be served by a private septic system and
the applicant has provided a certification concerning the septic systems.
Staff is supportive of the applicant’s request. The plat includes the creation of
two lots to be developed with single-family homes. The lot sizes indicated are
more than adequate to meet the typical minimum ordinance requirements for
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 3 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1594
single-family development. Staff does not feel the indicated variance will
significantly impact the development or the area. To staff’s knowledge there are
no outstanding issues associated with the request.
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda
staff report.
Staff recommends approval of the variance request to allow an increased lot
depth to width ratio for proposed Lot 1.
The applicant was present. There were registered objectors present. Staff presented
the item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda staff
report. Staff also presented a recommendation of approval of the variance request to
allow an increased lot depth to width ratio for proposed Lot 1.
Mr. Terry Lawson addressed the Commission with concerns. He stated recently a
contractor was digging his yard and relocated his leach lines. He questioned who would
be responsible for payment of the contractor. He also stated the gas company had
indicated they would also be digging to locate the gas line. He questioned who would
pay for this activity. Ms. Penny Sumler stated she would be responsible for payment of
the contractor.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
approval of the item. The motion carried by a vote of 11 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 4 FILE NO.: S-1595
NAME: Alexander Square Preliminary Plat
LOCATION: Located North of Alexander Road and East of Natchez Lane
Joe Clay and Charles Tankersley
10227 HWY 70
North Little Rock, AR 72117
Marlar Engineering Company
5318 JFK Boulevard
North Little Rock, AR 72116
AREA: 28.34 acres NUMBER OF LOTS: 112 FT. NEW STREET: 4,769 LF
CURRENT ZONING: R-2, Single-family
1. A variance to allow a reduced lot depth adjacent to a railroad track, Lots 22 - 41.
2. A variance to allow an increased lot depth to width ratio, Lots 51 and 52.
3. A variance to allow a reduced lot depth, Lot 15 and 16.
4. A variance to allow a reduced lot area, Lot 15.
The request is to allow the subdivision of this 28.34 acre site into 112 single-
family lots. The subdivision will be served by the extension of a new street from
Alexander Road and by the extension of Natchez Lane from its current terminus.
There are variances from the typical minimum requirements of the Subdivision
Ordinance to allow a reduced lot depth for the lots abutting a main railroad line, a
reduced lot depth, a reduced lot area and an increased lot depth to width ratio.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 4 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1595
The site is a wooded site bounded by Alexander Road to the south, Natchez
Lane to the west and the Railroad Track to the north. The area to the east is
also a wooded site appearing to be the rear yards of the homes located along
Alexander Road and Pam Drive. There are single-family homes located along
Alexander Road and Natchez Lane. Both Alexander Road and Natchez Lane
are unimproved streets with open ditches for drainage.
As of this writing, staff has received several informational phone calls from area
residents. All owners of property abutting the proposed site along with the
Alexander Road Neighborhood Association and Southwest Little Rock United for
Progress were notified of the Public Hearing.
1. Alexander Road is classified on the Master Street Plan as a minor arterial.
A dedication of right-of-way 45 feet from centerline will be required.
2. If a round-a-bout is installed at the intersection of Natchez, Thebes, and
Conquest Cove, then one street name should be used on the street to
Alexander Road. If round-a-bout is not installed, Natchez Lane street name
should continue to Alexander Road.
3. With site development, provide the design of the street conforming to the
Master Street Plan. Construct street improvements to these streets
including 5-foot sidewalks with the planned development.
4. Construction traffic during subdivision and home construction shall take
access directly from Alexander Road and not from Natchez Lane.
5. Plans of all work in right-of-way shall be submitted for approval prior to start
of work. Obtain barricade permit prior to doing any work in the right-of-way
from Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1805 (Travis Herbner).
6. A grading permit in accordance with Section 29-186 (c) and (d) will be
required prior to any land clearing or grading activities at the site. Site
grading and drainage plans will need to be submitted and approved prior to
the start of construction. Grading is only allowed to occur in the right-of-way
and drainage easements.
7. Storm water detention ordinance applies to this property. Show the
proposed location for storm water detention facilities on the plan.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 4 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1595
8. Provide a Sketch Grading and Drainage Plan per Section 29-186 (e).
Provide calculations showing capacity of drainage structure under railroad
and proposed storm water flow from subdivision. If not sufficient capacity,
provide proposed method to mitigate insufficiency with supporting
9. Sidewalks with appropriate handicap ramps are required in accordance with
Section 31-175 of the Little Rock Code and the Master Street Plan.
10. If disturbed area is one (1) or more acres, obtain a NPDES storm water
permit from the Arkansas Department of environmental Quality prior to the
start of construction.
11. A special Grading Permit for Flood Hazard Areas will be required per
Section 8-283 prior to construction.
12. The minimum Finish Floor elevation of at least one (1) foot above the base
flood elevation is required to be shown on plat and grading plans for lots in
the floodplain.
13. City code requires streets to be constructed with a minimum 150 foot radius.
Provide redesign of curves C1, C3, C6, C5 and any other insufficient
radiuses. All curvatures should be superelevated per AASHTO standards.
14. Provide a minimum 150 foot radius at Viceroy Lane and Chariot Drive with a
bulb out and on Corinth Way with a bulb out. All curvatures should be
superelevated per AASHTO standards.
15. Streets should meet at 90 degree angles and not be offset. Realign or
construct a round-a-bout at the intersection of Natchez Lane, Conquest
Cove, and Thebes Lane.
16. Traffic calming devices are required for long straight streets to discourage
speeding. Traffic circles or round-abouts are suggested at regular intervals
and at main intersections such as the intersection of Thebes Lane, Viceroy
Lane, and Corinth Lane or install speed humps along Thebes Lane and
Viceroy Lane for traffic calming. Contact Travis Herbner, Traffic
Engineering at 379-1805 for additional information.
17. Streetlights are required by Section 31-403 of the Little Rock code. Provide
plans for approval to Traffic Engineering. Streetlights must be installed prior
to platting/certificate of occupancy. Contact Traffic Engineering 379-1813
(Steve Philpott) for more information.
18. Street Improvement plans shall include signage and striping. Traffic
Engineering must approve completed plans prior to construction.
19. Obtain permits prior to doing any street cuts or curb cuts. Obtain barricade
permit prior to doing any work in the right-of-way. Contact Traffic
Engineering at (501) 379-1805 (Travis Herbner) for more information.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 4 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1595
20. Provide a letter prepared by a registered engineer certifying the sight
distance at the intersection of Chariot Drive and Alexander Road comply
with 2004 AASHTO Green Book standards.
21. Parking will only be allowed on one side of the street for all streets less than
26 feet wide.
Wastewater: Sewer main extension required with easements. Contact Little
Rock Wastewater Utility at 688-1414 for additional information.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. Water main extension will be
required in order to provide service to this property. This development will have
minor impact on the existing water distribution system. Proposed water facilities
will be sized to provide adequate pressure and fire protection.
Fire Department: Install and place fire hydrants per code. Contact the Little
Rock Fire Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: No comment.
Landscape: No comment.
Mr. David Jones of Marlar Engineering Company was present representing the
owners. Staff presented an overview of the proposed development stating there
were a number of variances associated with the request. Mr. Jones stated he
had revised the plat based on comments provided by staff prior to the meeting.
Mr. Jones stated the number of lots needing variances for the lot depths, for the
lot widths and the lot depth to width ratio had been reduced. He stated the
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 4 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1595
variances to allow a reduced lot depth adjacent to a railroad track was still being
Commissioner Laha questioned if buffers would be retained along the railroad.
He also suggested the owner perform a hazardous waste and materials survey
on the site next to the track. He stated over the years there had been a number
of spills which may have contaminated the site.
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated per City code streets were
to be constructed with a minimum 150 foot radius. Staff requested the applicant
provide a redesign of curves C1, C3, C6, C5 and any other insufficient radiuses.
Staff stated all curvatures should be superelevated per AASHTO standards.
Staff requested the applicant provide a minimum 150 foot radius at Viceroy Lane
and Chariot Drive with a bulb out and on Corinth Way with a bulb out. Mr. Jones
stated he had conversations with the District Engineer of the Arkansas State
Highway Department and his feeling was the streets would not drain if
constructed as requested by staff. Staff suggested the applicant contact the
Traffic Engineer to discuss these comments.
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
The applicant submitted a revised preliminary plat to staff addressing a number
of the issues raised at the October 18, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting.
The applicant has revised the plan to eliminate a number of the indicated
variances but three variances remain on the proposed plat. The plat indicates a
variance to allow a reduced lot depth for proposed Lot 15 and 16, a variance
from the depth to width ratio requirement for Lots 51 and 52 and a variance to
allow a reduced lot depth adjacent to a main railroad line for Lots 22 - 41. The
proposed plat indicates a common tract for recreation containing approximately
4,500 square feet.
The Subdivision Ordinance typically requires lots abutting a freeway, expressway
or occupied mainline railroad right of way to have a depth of not less than
175 feet in order to ensure proper separation of residences from adjacent
thoroughfare or railroad line. Lots 22 – 41 abut a main railroad line and are
indicated with an average lot depth of 117-feet.
The Subdivision Ordinance states no residential lot shall be more than three
times as deep as it is wide, except lots abutting an expressway or occupied
mainline railroad right of way. Lots shall be measured at the building line except
in the case of a lot abutting a cul de sac where the average width of the lot shall
be used. The applicant has not provided the average width of the indicated lots
therefore staff cannot determine if a variance is required.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 4 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1595
The Subdivision Ordinance states no lot shall be less than 60-feet in width and
100 feet in depth and have a minimum lot area of 7,000 square feet. Lot 15 is
indicated with a lot depth of 92.99 feet. In addition, Lots 15 and 16 do not appear
to meet the 7,000 square foot minimum lot area requirement.
According to the applicant a 15-foot conservation easement will be included for
the lots abutting the railroad line. No easement has been indicated on the plat.
A number of Public Works comments have been addressed. The applicant has
not provided staff with the requested grading and drainage plan, the drainage
calculations for the subdivision and the certification of site distance at the
intersection of Alexander and Chariot Roads. The applicant has not provided the
floodplain designation of the lots abutting the railroad tract as indicated on the
Staff is not supportive of the development as proposed. Staff has concerns with
the lot depth for the lots abutting the main railroad line and feels these lot depths
should be increased to allow for adequate separation of the homes and the
railroad traffic. Staff feels with the additional lot depth adequate buffering could
be left to increase the livability of these homes. Staff also cannot support the
application with the outstanding issues associated with the request as indicated
Staff recommends denial of the request as filed.
The applicant was present. There were registered objectors present. Staff presented
the item stating the applicant had today requested a deferral of the item. Staff stated
the deferral request would require a waiver of the Commission’s By-laws with regard to
the late deferral request.
A motion was made to waive the By-laws with regard to the late deferral request. The
motion carried by a vote of 10 ayes, 1 no and 0 absent. A motion was made to approve
the deferral request. The motion carried by a vote of 10 ayes, 1 no and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 5 FILE NO.: S-185-W
NAME: Covington Rehab Clinic Subdivision Site Plan Review
LOCATION: Located at 6800 Lindsey Road
Multi-Management Services
11001 Executive Center Drive, Suite 200
Little Rock, AR 72211
White-Daters and Associates
24 Rahling Circle
Little Rock, AR 72223
CURRENT ZONING: I-2, Light Industrial District
PLANNING DISTRICT: 25 – the Port Planning District
Baptist Health proposes to add a 2,500 square foot modular building to the rear
of the existing facility. Fifteen additional parking spaces will be added along with
a dumpster adjacent to the new building.
The site is located in the Little Rock Port Industrial Park with a number of
industrial type uses located in the area. To the east and north is a railroad spur
serving property located immediately south of the site. Lindsey Road has been
constructed to Master Street Plan standard adjacent to the site.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 5 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-185-W
As of this writing, staff has not received any comment from area residents. All
owners of property located within 200-feet of the proposed site were notified of
the public hearing. There is not an active Neighborhood Association located in
the area.
1. Driveway locations and widths do not meet the traffic access and circulation
requirements of Sections 30-43 and 31-210. The spacing between driveways
on a collector street is at least 250 feet. The width of driveway must not
exceed 36 feet.
Wastewater: Sewer available to this property.
Entergy: Approved as submitted.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. Contact Central Arkansas
Water regarding the size and location of the water meter. A Capital Investment
Charge based on the size of the meter connection(s) will apply to this project in
addition to normal charges. This fee will apply to all meter connections including
any metered connections off the private fire system. Additional fire hydrant(s) will
be required. Contact the Little Rock Fire Department to obtain information
regarding the required placement of the hydrant(s) and contact Central Arkansas
Water regarding procedures for installation of the hydrant(s).
Fire Department: Install and place fire hydrants per code. Contact the Little
Rock Fire Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 5 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-185-W
Planning Division: No comment.
1. Site plan must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and buffer ordinance
2. The street buffer requirement is an eighteen (18) foot average. The areas set
aside appear to meet the minimal landscape and buffer ordinance
3. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing
trees as feasible on this site. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape Ordinance
requirements can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch caliper or
4. A landscape plan meeting the minimal City landscape and buffer ordinance
requirements must be obtained prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Mr. Joe White was present representing the request. Staff presented an
overview of the proposed development indicating there were few outstanding
technical issues associated with the request. Staff requested the applicant
provide the proposed use of the building and the number of doctors staffing the
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated the drive as indicated did
not comply with typical ordinance standards. Mr. White requested staff meet him
on site to review the placement. He stated the drive would allow for better
access and circulation through the site.
Landscaping comments were addressed. Staff stated a landscape plan would be
required prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
The applicant submitted a revised site plan to staff addressing most of the issues
raised at the October 18, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant
has removed the western most drive to comply with the typical standards for
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 5 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-185-W
driveway spacing. The applicant has also provided the number of doctors
staffing the facility and the proposed use of the building.
The proposed building will be utilized as a therapy clinic staffed with two doctors.
Presently there is one doctor located within the existing medical clinic. The site
plan indicates the placement of 27 parking spaces. Based on the typical
minimum ordinance requirements for a medical facility 18 parking spaces would
be required. The indicated parking is more than adequate to meet the typical
parking demand.
The revised site plan indicates a landscape strip along the western perimeter of
6.75 feet as typically required by the Landscape Ordinance for the designated
Mature Area of the City.
Staff is supportive of the request. The site plan as indicated proposes the
addition of a 2,500 square foot modular building to the rear of the existing facility
and the addition of fifteen parking spaces. Twelve of the parking spaces will be
added to the front of the site and three will be added to the rear near the new
building. The site plan includes the addition of a dumpster also adjacent to the
new building. To staff’s knowledge there are no remaining outstanding technical
issues associated with the request.
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda
staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to
compliance with the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of
the agenda staff report.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a
vote of 11 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
NAME: Chenal Valley Tract 14 Long-form PD-R
LOCATION: Located South of Campagnolle Drive and West of Rahling Road
Richardson Properties
9800 Maumelle Boulevard
Maumelle, AR 72113
White Daters and Associates
24 Rahling Road
Little Rock, AR 72223
CURRENT ZONING: MF-24 and R-2, Single-family
ALLOWED USES: Multi-family 24 units per acre and Single-family residential
PROPOSED USE: Multi-family 18 units per acre
The applicant is seeking a rezoning of the site from MF-24 and R-2 to PD-R to
allow the development of ten (10) three story apartment buildings containing
240 units. The project site contains 13.4 acres resulting in a density of
17.88 units per acre. The buildings will contain nine (9) foot ceilings and an
increased roof pitch which results in an increased building height with the
maximum height proposed of 40-feet. There is an existing Entergy transmission,
distribution line and easement located on the site which will be relocated during
construction of the project.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 6 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-867-ZZZZZZ
The site is a wooded site with an Entergy transmission line located along the
northern perimeter and a Central Arkansas water line located along the southern
perimeter. Rahling Road and Champagnolle Drive have not been constructed
adjacent to the site. Other uses in the area include single-family both along
Kanis Road and within the abutting Chenal Subdivision, a neighborhood park and
recreational facility, office and an under construction shopping center. The
property to the south is zoned C-3, General Commercial District and is presently
As of this writing, staff has not received any comment from area residents. All
owners of property located within 200-feet of the site along with the Coalition of
West Little Rock Neighborhoods were notified of the Public Hearing.
1. Storm water detention ordinance applies to this property.
2. A special Grading Permit for Flood Hazard Areas will be required per
Section 8-283 prior to construction.
3. The minimum Finish Floor elevation of at least one (1) foot above the base
flood elevation is required to be shown on plat and grading plans.
4. Driveway locations and widths do not meet the traffic access and circulation
requirements of Sections 30-43 and 31-210. The width of driveway must
not exceed 36 feet. The right turn medians at the driveway and Rahling
Road must be removed.
5. A grading permit in accordance with Section 29-186 (c) and (d) will be
required prior to any land clearing or grading activities at the site. Site
grading, and drainage plans will need to be submitted and approved prior to
the start of construction.
6. In accordance with Section 32-8, no obstruction to visibility shall be located
within a triangular area 50 feet back from the intersecting right-of-way line
(or intersecting tangent lines for radial dedications) at the intersection of
Champagnolle Drive and Rahling Road.
7. If disturbed area is one (1) or more acres, obtain a NPDES storm water
permit from the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality prior to the
start of construction.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 6 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-867-ZZZZZZ
8. Provide left turn lane on Rahling Road with 150 foot stacking space and
100 foot taper.
9. Provide a letter prepared by a registered engineer certifying the sight
distance at the intersections comply with 2004 AASHTO Green Book
10. The median in the head in parking cul-de-sac should be removed for
vehicles to turn around that have been denied access through the gates.
Sufficient space should be provided for SU-30 vehicles.
Wastewater: Sewer main extension required with easement. Contact Little Rock
Wastewater Utility at 688-1414 for additional information.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. Existing raw water line is in a
50 foot wide strip of property owned by Central Arkansas Water. There shall be
no construction on this parcel or the adjacent portion of Rahling Road before a
license agreement approving the proposed construction is signed by Central
Arkansas Water and the developer. A Capital Investment Charge based on the
size of the meter connection(s) will apply to this project in addition to normal
charges. This fee will apply to all meter connections including any metered
connections off the private fire system. Onsite fire protection will be required in
order to provide service to this property. The facilities on-site will be private.
When meters are planned off private lines, private facilities shall be installed to
Central Arkansas Water's material and construction specifications and installation
will be inspected by an engineer, licensed to practice in the State of Arkansas.
Execution of Customer Owned Line Agreement is required. This development will
have minor impact on the existing water distribution system. Proposed water
facilities will be sized to provide adequate pressure and fire protection.
Fire Department: Install and place fire hydrants per code. Maintain a 20-foot
access gate opening. Contact the Little Rock Fire Department for additional
County Planning: No comment.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 6 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-867-ZZZZZZ
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: No comment.
1. Site plan must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and buffer
ordinance requirements.
2. The buffer ordinance requires an average street buffer width of fifty foot
(50’) and in no case less than half or seventeen foot (25’) along both
Rahling Road and along Champagnolle Drive. Currently, this minimal
amount is not being met.
3. The buffer ordinance requires a land use buffer of fifty foot (50’) along the
southern and the western perimeter(s) of the site. Seventy percent (70%) of
this area is to remain undisturbed. Easements cannot count towards
meeting this requirement.
4. Currently, a maintenance shed is shown located within the land use buffer
area next to the residentially zoned property along the west. Consider
relocating or screening sufficiently.
5. Currently, along the western property line a parking lot is shown being
located within the required land use buffer and needs to be eliminated or
6. It appears a pedestrian trail system is located within this buffer area and
thus on site layout to minimize tree loss is needed.
7. The property to both the south and the west is zoned residential, therefore,
a six (6) foot high opaque screen, either a wooden fence with its face side
directed outward, a wall, or dense evergreen plantings, is required along
both the southern and the western perimeters of the site.
8. Interior islands must be a minimum of three hundred (300) feet in area to
receive credit toward fulfilling landscape ordinance requirements. Some of
the proposed areas do not meet this minimum standard.
9. An automatic irrigation system to water landscaped areas will be required.
10. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, it will be necessary to provide an
approved landscape plan stamped with the seal of a Registered Landscape
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 6 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-867-ZZZZZZ
11. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing
trees as feasible on this tree covered site. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape
Ordinance requirements can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch
caliper or larger.
Mr. Joe White was present representing the request. Staff presented an
overview of the proposed development stating there were a number of
outstanding technical issues associated with the request in need of addressing
prior to the Commission acting on the request. Staff requested the applicant
provide the proposed construction materials, building elevations and the square
footage of the maintenance shed. Staff also requested the applicant provide the
total area proposed for open space and the activities to be offered in the
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated the driveway locations
and widths did not meet the access and circulation requirements of the current
ordinances. Staff also stated a grading permit would be required prior to the start
of construction. Staff stated the gated entrance should be redesigned to allow
sufficient space for a SU-30 vehicle to exit if denied access to the development.
Landscaping comments were addressed. Staff stated the development as
presented was not providing the required buffers along the perimeters and
streets. Staff stated the interior landscape islands should be a minimum of 300
square feet in area to receive credit toward fulfilling landscape ordinance
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
The applicant submitted a revised site plan to staff addressing most of the issues
raised at the October 18, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant
has indicated the construction materials, building elevations and square footage
of the maintenance shed. The applicant has also indicated the activities
proposed for the clubhouse and the total area proposed for open space.
The applicant is proposing the construction of 240 apartment units with
470 parking spaces. Based on the typical minimum parking required for a
multi-family development 360 parking spaces would typically be required. The
site plan indicates 50 of the spaces will be covered with a carport and 50 spaces
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 6 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-867-ZZZZZZ
will be garage spaces. The maximum building height for the covered parking is
The development will contain 40 one bedroom units, 160 two bedroom units and
40 three bedroom units. There are ten residential buildings proposed with a
maximum building height of 40-feet. The site plan indicates a clubhouse and
maintenance shed. The clubhouse will offer amenities to include fitness area,
meeting facility and pool. The clubhouse will contain 7,000 square feet. The
maintenance shed contains 1,000 square feet. The maximum height of these
structures is 20-feet.
The site plan indicates the placement of a fence with a maximum height of eight
feet around the perimeter of the site. The fence will be constructed of brick,
stone, wrought iron, wood or a simulated wood material. The fencing along the
southern and western perimeters will be an opaque screening fence.
The site plan does not indicate the land use buffers as typically required. In
addition the land use buffer is proposed to be disturbed. The ordinance typically
requires at least 70 percent of the land use buffer remain in its natural state. The
land use buffers along the western and southern perimeters are contained in a
utility easement which is not typically allowed to count towards the land use
buffer requirement. The street buffers are indicated adequate to meet the typical
minimum ordinance requirement. In addition, a portion of the landscape strip
adjacent to the southern parking area is not adequate to meet the typical
minimum landscape ordinance requirement of nine feet.
A single development sign is proposed at the entrance to the development. The
sign will be consistent with signage allowed in multi-family zones or a maximum
of six feet in height and thirty-two square feet in area.
The development is proposed as a gated community. The gates are proposed
with a minimum gate opening of 20-feet. A secondary access will be provided to
allow for emergency access as required by the fire code. The secondary access
will extend from Champagnolle Drive.
The driveway does not meet the typical ordinance standard. The drive exceeds
the typically allowed 36-feet. The drive is indicated with an entrance of 20-feet
and an exit lane of 24-feet with a nine foot landscape median.
The site plan indicates the placement of dumpsters to serve the development. A
note on the site plan indicates the dumpsters will be serviced during daylight
Staff is not supportive of the development as proposed. Staff feels the use is
appropriate for the site but has concerns with the site plan as presented. The
site plan does not take into account the required land use buffers along the
western and southern perimeters. Staff feels the development should address
these minimum requirements. The abutting properties are zoned R-2, Single-
family which typically requires the placement of buffering to adequately protect
the lesser intensity of use.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 6 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-867-ZZZZZZ
Staff recommends denial of the request as filed.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item with a recommendation of approval. Staff stated the applicant had
provided staff with an updated site plan and indicated the southern property which was
held in fee by Central Arkansas Water would be transferred to the applicant and an
easement granted by the applicant to the water utility. Staff stated the applicant had
provided from both Entergy and Central Arkansas Water an agreement which allowed
the indicated 80 to 100 foot buffer area to be planted with shrubs and trees which
reached a maturity height of 35 to 40 feet. Staff stated based on the depth of the
easement and the applicant’s ability the landscape the easement area staff was
supportive of the applicant’s proposal as filed. Staff presented a recommendation of
approval of the request subject to compliance with the comments and conditions as
outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda staff report.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a
vote of 11 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 7 FILE NO.: S-1589-A
NAME: Big Red Convenience Store Summerwood Addition
LOCATION: Located on the Southeast corner of Otter Creek Road and
Stagecoach Road
R.J. Properties, LLC
22461 I-30, Suite 1000
Bryant, AR 72022
Central Arkansas Engineering Company
1012 Autumn Road, Suite 2
Little Rock, AR 72211
Andrew Hicks, Architects
3200 South Shackleford Road
Little Rock, AR 72205
CURRENT ZONING: C-3, General Commercial District
A preliminary plat to create three lots was approved for an area including this site by the
Little Rock Planning Commission at their September 27, 2007, public hearing.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 7 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1589-A
The applicant is proposing the construction of a convenience store on the site.
The convenience store will be constructed with a detached fuel canopy within the
front yard area with six fueling stations. The building will also contain a
restaurant with a drive-through facility.
The site contains a number of buildings currently being used as office uses.
Grading of the site has begun. To the north of the site is a branch bank, a
carwash and undeveloped C-3, General Commercial District zoned property and
to the south of the site are single-family homes. West of the site are commercial
uses including a grocery store, a drive-in restaurant and mini-warehouse
development. Directly west of this site is a vacant C-2, Shopping Center District
zoned tract and to the southwest is a salvage yard. East of the site is Otter
As of this writing, staff has received several informational phone calls from area
residents. All owners of property located within 200-feet of the proposed site
along with the Otter Creek Homeowners Association and Southwest Little Rock
United for Progress were notified of the Public Hearing.
1. At time of preliminary plat which was recently approved by the Planning
Commission, Lot 2 was required to take access on Stagecoach Road from
Lot 1 or provide a shared access easement on the property line between
Lots 1 and 2.
2. Stagecoach Road is classified on the Master Street Plan as a minor arterial.
A dedication of right-of-way 45 feet from centerline will be required.
3. Otter Creek Road is classified on the Master Street Plan as a minor arterial.
A dedication of right-of-way 45 feet from centerline will be required.
4. With site development, provide the design of the street conforming to the
Master Street Plan. Construct one-half street improvement to Otter Creek
Road and Stagecoach Road including 5-foot sidewalks with the planned
development. The applicant is currently seeking a 5 year deferral of the
boundary street improvements on Stagecoach Road.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 7 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1589-A
5. Plans of all work in right-of-way shall be submitted for approval prior to start
of work. Obtain barricade permit prior to doing any work in the right-of-way
from Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1805 (Travis Herbner).
6. A grading permit in accordance with Section 29-186 (c) and (d) will be
required prior to any land clearing or grading activities at the site. Site
grading, and drainage plans will need to be submitted and approved prior to
the start of construction.
7. Storm water detention ordinance applies to this property. Show the
proposed location for storm water detention facilities on the plan.
8. If disturbed area is one (1) or more acres, obtain a NPDES storm water
permit from the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality prior to the
start of construction.
9. Street improvement plans shall include signage and striping. Traffic
Engineering must approve completed plans prior to construction.
10. Streetlights are required by Section 31-403 of the Little Rock code. Provide
plans for approval to Traffic Engineering. Streetlights must be installed prior
to platting or certificate of occupancy. Contact Traffic Engineering 379-1813
(Steve Philpott) for more information.
11. The City FIRM shows Lot 2 to be in the floodplain. A special Grading Permit
for Flood Hazard Areas will be required per Section 8-283 prior to
construction. A minimum Finish Floor elevation of at least 1 foot above the
base flood elevation is required to be shown on plat and grading plans.
Wastewater: Existing sewer main on site. Easements must be provided prior to
Entergy: Maintain current 30-foot easement.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. Additional fire hydrant(s) will
be required. Contact the Little Rock Fire Department to obtain information
regarding the required placement of the hydrant(s) and contact Central Arkansas
Water regarding procedures for installation of the hydrant(s). Contact Central
Arkansas Water regarding the size and location of the water meters. A Capital
Investment Charge based on the size of the meter connection(s) will apply to this
project in addition to normal charges.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 7 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1589-A
Fire Department: Install and place fire hydrants per code. Contact the Little
Rock Fire Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: No comment.
1. Site plan must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and buffer ordinance
2. The street buffer appears to be deficient along Stagecoach Road. The
requirement is an average of 16.2 feet and in no case less than nine feet.
3. The street buffer appears to be deficient along Otter Creek Road. The
requirement is an average of 12.6 feet and in no case less than nine feet.
4. An automatic irrigation system to water landscaped areas will be required.
5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, it will be necessary to provide an
approved landscape plan stamped with the seal of a Registered Landscape
6. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing
trees as feasible on this site. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape Ordinance
requirements can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch caliper or
The applicant was present. Staff presented an overview of the proposed
development stating there were additional items necessary to complete the
review process. Staff requested the applicant label the abutting streets, highlight
the property boundary and provide the required screening for the order board for
the drive-through restaurant. Staff also requested the applicant provide the
location for the air, water and phone if the site would provide these services.
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated the driveway along
Stagecoach Road should be shared between the two lots. Staff also stated
storm water detention would apply to the development of the site. Staff stated all
plans for work in the right of way should be approved by AHTD prior to
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 7 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1589-A
construction. Staff stated a deferral of the required street improvements was
presently before the Board of Directors for the improvements along Stagecoach
Landscaping comments were addressed. Staff stated the plan submitted did not
appear to allow for proper street buffering along Stagecoach Road. Staff stated
the street buffer required would be 16.2 feet and in no case less than nine feet.
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
The applicant submitted a revised site plan to staff addressing most of the issues
raised at the October 18, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant
has labeled the abutting streets, highlighted the property boundary and provided
the required screening of the order board for the drive-through restaurant. The
revised site plan also includes the location of the air, water and phone and the
drive along Stagecoach Road has been relocated to the previously approved
The site plan indicates the placement of a single ground mounted sign not to
exceed 35-feet in height and 150 square feet in area. Canopy signage is also
proposed along the southern, western and northern facades of the fuel canopy.
Building signage is proposed consistent with the typical ordinance standard for
commercially zoned property or a maximum of ten percent of the façade area.
The site plan indicates the placement of 33 on site parking spaces. Based on the
typical minimum parking required for a commercial development, 15 spaces
would be required. The restaurant would require the placement of one parking
space per 100 square feet of gross floor area. The site plan does not indicate
the square footage proposed for the restaurant but staff feels the indicated
parking is more than adequate to meet the typical minimum parking required.
The site plan indicates the placement of a drive-through service and the
placement of a menu speaker. The speaker board is proposed to be screened
per typical minimum ordinance standard or with a six foot high, twenty foot long
screen located to the south of the drive-through lane.
The site plan indicates the placement of landscaping per the typical minimum
ordinance standard. The revised site plan has eliminated a parking space along
the eastern perimeter to maintain the minimum nine foot landscape strip. The
interior landscape area provided is 2,760 square feet. The required street buffer
has been provided.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 7 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1589-A
The site plan indicates the placement of dumpster facilities along the eastern
perimeter. A note indicates the hours of dumpster service will be limited to
6:00 am to 7:00 pm daily.
Staff is supportive of the site plan as proposed. The site plan as presented
appears to meet the typical minimum requirements of the various ordinance
development standards. To staff’s knowledge there are no outstanding issues
associated with the request.
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda
staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff presented
the item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda staff
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a
vote of 11 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 8 FILE NO.: Z-8279
NAME: Barber Street Housing Short-form PD-R
LOCATION: Located on the Southeast corner of East 10th and Barber Streets
NuAge Residential Contractors
P.O. Box 250
Sweet Home, AR 72164
Brooks Surveying
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
Kwendeche, AIA
2124 Rice Street
Little Rock, AR 72202
AREA: 0.51 acres NUMBER OF LOTS: 1 zoning lot FT. NEW STREET: 0 LF
CURRENT ZONING: R-4, Two-family district
ALLOWED USES: Single-family and Two-family residential
PROPOSED USE: Townhouse development
VARIANCES/WAIVERS REQUESTED: A waiver of the required radial dedication.
The developer/owner (NuAge Residential Contractors) of these three lots
overlooking I-30 and the skyline of Little Rock desires to build a total of thirteen
residential living units with off-street covered parking. The site is bounded by
10th Street on the north; a vacant residential house on the south; a paved alley
on the east; and Barber Street on the west (which borders the Right of Way for
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 8 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8279
I-30). There is one vacant house on Lot 11 which will be demolished. Minimal
grading is anticipated as the site is relatively flat.
Given the current site conditions and configuration of the street and adjacent
property, the developer would like to maximize the use of the site by a reduction
in the setback requirements. Barber Street on the west boundary of the site is a
dead end street with no potential for future re-opening due to the presence of the
interstate highway. A five foot setback on the north, west and south and a nine
foot setback on the east (the rear yard) is proposed.
The developers have retained the services of an architect to prepare conceptual
plans for a unique and efficient living environment for potential tenants drawn
from the downtown work force. The overall design shall be a mixed
contemporary style utilizing historical components and colors consistent with the
character of this East End Little Rock setting. The developers desire an energy
efficient project (LEED certification will be the basis for the design) whose
function and aesthetics will be a strong motivator for future development on
adjacent lots within the overall neighborhood.
Covered off street parking will be provided for each tenant, accessible via a
secure remote controlled entry gate. The front units will be one story, 2 bedroom
with a 2 car carport; 1008 square feet (not including the carport); whereas the
rear units will be two story with a mix of loft studio units and 2-bedroom units.
The interstate frontage road abuts the site to the west and single-family homes
abut the site to the south and east. The area to the north of 10th Street is
currently vacant and zoned O-3. The primary use in the area is residential.
There is an approved PD-O located to the southeast of the site for a bed and
breakfast and hospitality house and to the east is an approved PD-R for a bed
and breakfast.
As of this writing, staff has received several informational phone calls from area
residents. All owners of property located within 200 feet of the proposed site
along with the Hanger Hill Neighborhood Association and all residents, who could
be identified, located within 300-feet of the site were notified of the Public
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 8 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8279
1. Repair or replace any curb and gutter or sidewalk that is damaged in the
public right-of-way prior to occupancy.
2. A 20 foot radial dedication of right-of-way is required at the intersection of
Barber Street and East 10th Street.
3. Sidewalks with appropriate handicap ramps are required in accordance with
Section 31-175 of the Little Rock Code and the Master Street Plan.
4. Install curb on East 10th Street that conforms to City curb details.
5. All driveways shall be concrete aprons and 20 feet wide or less per City
Wastewater: Existing sewer main located in alley. Sewer main extension
required with easement for Units 1 thru 5. Contact Little Rock Wastewater Utility
at 688-1414 for additional information.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. A water main extension may
be required in order to provide adequate fire protection to this property.
Additional fire hydrant(s) will be required. Contact the Little Rock Fire Department
to obtain information regarding the required placement of the hydrant(s) and
contact Central Arkansas Water regarding procedures for installation of the
hydrant(s). This development will have minor impact on the existing water
distribution system. Proposed water facilities will be sized to provide adequate
pressure and fire protection.
Fire Department: Install and place fire hydrants per code. Maintain a 20-foot
access gate opening. Contact the Little Rock Fire Department for additional
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 8 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8279
Planning Division:
1. Site plan must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and buffer ordinance
2. Street trees are required along both 10th Street and along the access road.
3. A franchise agreement must be obtained with the City of Little Rock Public
Works department for the street trees prior to the issuance of a building
4. Although, proposed site isn’t directly located on Interstate 30 (a designated
scenic corridor for our states capital city) special consideration should be
given to the visual nature of the site.
5. It is unclear whether or not this proposed project abuts residentially zoned
property or not along the south. If so, a land use buffer will be required in the
amount of fifteen (15’) foot. Seventy (70%) percent of this area must remain
6. Also, if the property to the south is zoned residential, then, a six (6) foot high
opaque screen, either a wooden fence with its face side directed outward, a
wall, or dense evergreen plantings, will be required along the southern
perimeter of the site.
7. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing
trees as feasible on this site. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape Ordinance
requirements can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch caliper or
The applicant was present. Staff presented an overview of the proposed
development stating there were few outstanding technical issues associated with
the request in need of addressing. Staff requested the applicant provide details
of any proposed fencing materials, total building height and building elevations
for the proposed structures.
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated a 20-foot radial dedication
would be required at the intersection of 10th and Barber Streets. The applicant
stated the street was a dead-end street and would not be connected due to the
location of the entrance ramp and the frontage road for I-30. Staff stated the
applicant could request a variance for the dedication. Staff stated repair of all
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 8 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8279
curb and sidewalk located within the right of way which was damaged would
require replacement prior to occupancy.
Landscaping comments were addressed. Staff stated street trees were required
along East 10th and Barber Streets. Staff stated screening and a land use buffer
would be required along the southern perimeter.
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
The applicant submitted a revised site plan to staff addressing most of the issues
raised at the October 18, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant
has provided details of the proposed fencing materials, total building height and
building elevations for the proposed structures.
The applicant is requesting a variance for the radial right of way dedication for
the intersection of Barber and East 10th Streets. The street is a dead end street
and will not likely be connected through due to the location of the Interstate
Frontage Road. Staff is supportive of the variance.
The applicant is also requesting a reduced land use buffer along the southern
perimeter. The zoning ordinance would typically require the placement of a
15-foot land use buffer along the southern perimeter adjacent to residentially
zoned property. The site plan indicates the placement of a five foot landscape
strip along the southern perimeter. A six foot screening fence will be placed on
this property line. Staff is supportive of the land use buffer and screening as
The development will not contain any public open space. The site plan indicates
each of the units will have private open space in the rear of the units via an
enclosed patio area.
The parking areas are proposed with a gravel porous pavement material. The
material allows for a compacted driving area and allows water to percolate
through the material to reduce water run-off. Staff is supportive of the
pavement material as proposed.
The units are proposed as one and two story units. Seven of the units will
contain two private covered parking spaces and six of the units will contain a
single covered parking space. Based on the typical minimum parking
requirements for a multi-family development, 19 spaces would be required. The
parking as proposed is adequate to meet the typical minimum parking
requirement for a multi-family development.
The developer has not indicated the placement of signage on the site plan. Staff
would recommend if signage is proposed, signage be limited to a maximum of six
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 8 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8279
feet in height and thirty two square feet in area as typically allowed in multi-family
A six foot opaque fence is proposed along the southern perimeter and a nine foot
wall is proposed along East 10th Street. The wall is proposed to be an
architectural element of the development constructed of a masonry block. A
single gated entry is proposed from East 10th Street. The existing alley will
function as guest parking for the rear units. Security features will be added to the
patio area of the rear units to limit access to the site.
Staff is supportive of the request. The developers are proposing the
development of this 0.51 acre tract with 13 townhouse units resulting in a density
of 27 units per acre. The current trend for the downtown area appears to be
increased densities with good examples of increased density being the 300 Third
Tower and the River Market Towers. The development as proposed allows a
transition from the high-rise condominium development taking place in the
downtown area stepping down to the one and two story residential homes
located in this area. The one and two story units as proposed to allow an option
to residents for living in the area. The site is located adjacent to the Interstate
and in staff’s opinion the development will offer a buffer from the Interstate to the
adjoining single-family homes. To staff’s knowledge there are no outstanding
issues associated with the request. Staff does not feel the development of the
site with attached residential housing will significantly impact the area.
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda
staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff presented
the item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda staff
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a
vote of 10 ayes, 1 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 9 FILE NO.: Z-3652-B
NAME: Kroger-Beechwood Revised Short-form PCD
LOCATION: Located at 614 Beechwood Street
Kroger Corporation
Attn. Steve Sheridan
800 Ridgelake Boulevard
Memphis, TN 38119
Brooks Surveying
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
RPPY, Architects
Attn. David Perry
713 West 2nd Street
Little Rock, AR 72201
Roberts and Williams
Attn. Barry Williams
1501 N. University Avenue, Suite 430
Little Rock, AR 72202
ALLOWED USES: Grocery store.
PROPOSED USE: Expansion of grocery store.
The applicant submitted a request dated October 24, 2007, requesting a deferral
of this item to the January 3, 2008, public hearing.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 9 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-3652-B
The applicant was present. There were registered objectors present. Staff presented
the item stating the applicant had submitted a request dated October 24, 2007,
requesting a deferral of this item to the January 3, 2008, public hearing.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a vote
of 11 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 10 FILE NO.: Z-4607-B
NAME: Boyd 15th and Izard Streets Short-form PD-R
LOCATION: Located on the Southeast corner of 15th and Izard Streets
Tina Boyd
Boyd Homes, Inc.
617 Cumberland Street
Little Rock, AR 72202
Ollen Dee Wilson
P.O. Box 604
North Little Rock, AR 72115-0604
CURRENT ZONING: R-4, Two Family District
ALLOWED USES: Single-family and Two Family Residences
PROPOSED USE: Single-family
An application to rezone this site to C-1, Neighborhood Commercial District was denied
by the Planning Commission at their March 25, 1986, public hearing. The action was
not appealed to the Board of Directors.
On July 5, 2007, the Little Rock Planning Commission approved a request to rezone the
site from R-4, Two-family District to PD-R. On August 6, 2007, the Little Rock Board of
Directors denied this request. The proposal was to allow five single-family homes and
one apartment/office/garage constructed on a sixth proposed lot. The area was
proposed for subdivision into five (5) 30-feet by 100-feet lots and one (1) 40-foot by
50-foot lot. Five homes were proposed along Izard Street and one
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 10 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4607-B
apartment/office/garage was proposed on a 40-foot by 50-foot lot located adjacent to an
existing alley. Each of the homes would have a two car garage and the loft/office would
have parking for three cars as well as parking located off the existing alley. A six (6)
foot wood fence was proposed along the eastern and southern perimeters of the site.
The homes were proposed with 1,500 square feet of heated and cooled space. The
units were 20-feet wide and 62-feet in length. A two car attached garage was proposed
for each unit. A side yard setback of 4-feet was proposed on the south side of each
house and a 13-foot front yard setback. The rear yard setback was indicated at 25-feet
and the side yard setback along the northern property line was proposed at 5-feet.
The development is now proposed with five single-family homes facing Izard
Street with rear loaded garages. The homes are proposed with 1,500 square
feet of heated and cooled space and a two car attached garage. The units will
be 20-feet wide and 62-feet in length. The units are proposed with a maximum
building height of 35-feet. Each unit will have a front porch of 8-feet by 20-feet
located behind the front setback. A single access drive is proposed from West
15th Street.
The lots are proposed as 30-feet by 100-feet with a total of 3,000 square feet.
Lots 4 and 5 are 30-feet by 150-feet for a total of 4,500 square feet. Setbacks
are proposed as 4-feet along the south side of each home and 5-feet along the
north side of each home. The front setback is indicated at 13-feet from the edge
of the sidewalk or front property line. A 25-foot rear yard setback is proposed.
Homes 1 – 3 will have 760 square feet of usable private open space, home 4 will
have 1,560 square feet of usable private open space and home 5 has
1,960 square feet of usable private open space. A total of 3,750 square feet of
common open space in a 25-foot by 150-foot access and utility easement is
The Original City of Little Rock subdivision bill of assurance is not legible (or is
out of date). The Pulaski County Circuit Clerk’s office provided the original
records, but no specific information was found that would be useful to this zoning
There is a vacant duplex structure located on the site. To the east and south of
the site are single-family homes. There are a number of uses in the area
including Philander Smith College, Little Rock Public Schools, a branch of the
Central Arkansas Library, a church, one and two family residences, office and
commercial uses. The property to the west of the site is currently vacant. The
area was formerly an apartment complex.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 10 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4607-B
As of this writing, staff has received several informational phone calls from area
residents. All owners of property located within 200-feet of the site, all residents,
who could be identified located within 300-feet of the site and the Downtown
Neighborhood Association were notified of the Public Hearing.
1. Repair or replace any curb and gutter or sidewalk that is damaged in the
public right-of-way prior to occupancy.
2. A 20 foot radial dedication of right-of-way is required at the intersection of
West 15th Street and South Izard Street.
3. All driveways shall be concrete aprons per City Ordinance and not exceed
20 feet in width.
Wastewater: Sewer main extension required with easements. Contact Little
Rock Wastewater Utility at 688-1414 for additional information.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. Contact Central Arkansas
Water regarding the size and location of the water meters.
Fire Department: Approved as submitted.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: This request is located in the Central City Planning District.
The Land Use Plan shows Single Family for this property. The applicant has
applied for a Short form PD-R.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 10 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4607-B
The request does not require a change to the Land Use Plan.
Master Street Plan: Izard and 15th Streets are both Local Streets on the Master
Street Plan. The primary function of a Local Street is to provide access to
adjacent properties. Local Streets which are abutted by non-residential
zoning/use or more intensive zoning than duplexes are considered as
“Commercial Streets”. These streets have a design standard the same as a
Bicycle Plan: There are no bike routes in the immediate vicinity.
Neighborhood Action Plan: This area is covered under the Downtown
Neighborhood Action Plan. The Housing goal states: “Redevelop 153 vacant lots
and re-occupy 512 vacant houses and 325 vacant apartments.”
1. Site plan must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and buffer ordinance
2. Street trees are needed along both West 15th Streets and along South Izard
3. A franchise agreement must be obtained with the City of Little Rock Public
Works department for the street trees prior to the issuance of a building
4. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing
trees as feasible on this site. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape Ordinance
requirements can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch caliper or
The applicant was not present. Staff presented an overview stating there were
no outstanding technical issues associated with the request in need of
addressing. Commissioner Yates questioned if the application was substantially
different than the application recently denied by the Board of Directors. Staff
stated by removing the apartment/office/garage the application was substantially
different. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee then
forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 10 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4607-B
There were no technical issues in need of addressing raised at the October 18,
2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant is proposing the
development of this site with five single-family homes constructed on lots 3,000
square feet in area. The homes are proposed as 20-feet wide and 60-feet long.
The heated and cooled space proposed is 1,496 square feet with a 400 square
foot two car garage and 2,080 square feet under roof. The main floor contains
the living area with a ½ bath and the second floor contains three bedrooms and
two baths.
The units are proposed as two story units with a maximum building height of
35-feet. Although the site is not located within either the Central City
Redevelopment Corridor Design Overlay District (CCRC) or the Capitol Zoning
District the site is located very near each of these Districts. The applicant has
indicated construction materials similar to the requirements of both these Districts
containing wood, brick or a material that resembles wood. The CCRC requires
buildings to be oriented consistent with that of other structures on the developed
block face. A large portion of this area is vacant and there is not a true pattern to
the developed block face in this area.
The homes are proposed with a 13-foot front yard setback, 4-foot side yard
setback on the north and a 5-foot side yard setback on the south sides of the
structure and a 25-foot rear yard setback. The entirety of the rear yard setback is
located with a 15-foot access easement with an additional 10-foot access and
utility easement. To allow for adequate maneuvering within the rear yard area,
the majority of this area will be paved.
A screening fence will be placed along the southern and eastern perimeters of
the site and a four foot fence will be placed along the street sides of the
Staff is supportive of the development of the five single-family homes as
proposed. The Downtown Neighborhood Action plan states a goal to double the
population within the area in the next ten to fifteen years. The construction of
new homes is a way to encourage the desired growth in the area. In addition this
is an area under redevelopment and in staff’s opinion diversity in housing types
enhances the area and also encourages growth in an area. To staff’s knowledge
there are no outstanding technical issues associated with the request.
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda
staff report.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 10 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4607-B
The applicant was present. There were registered objectors present. Staff presented
the item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda staff
Ms. Tina Boyd addressed the Commission on the merits of her request. She stated the
development was single-family and her desire was to add new homes through in-fill
development to the downtown area.
Ms. Barbra Brown addressed the Commission in opposition of the request. She stated
the development was proposed to dense for the area. She stated the development
would look like the 1950 shot-gun houses and felt the site should be developed with a
lesser number than was being proposed. She stated the site would allow for the
development of two duplex units or four units. She stated the development of five units
was too intense. She stated the neighborhood wanted new development but wanted
quality development.
Ms. Boyd stated the units would be two story units. She stated based on the present lot
configuration she could develop the property with six units of duplex housing. She
stated the development was different that the previous proposal in that the apartment
was no longer being requested. She stated the development would be owner occupied
new single-family homes with setbacks similar to the new homes being constructed in
the downtown area.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
approval of the item. The motion carried by a vote of 11 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 11 FILE NO.: Z-5152-A
NAME: Jameson Suites Revised Long-form PCD
LOCATION: Located at 10920 Chenal Parkway
Lloyd Graves
1824 Berry Boulevard
Louisville, KY 40241
Brooks Surveying
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
PROPOSED USE: Hotel – revise previously approved signage
Staff recommends this item be deferred to the January 3, 2008, public hearing to allow
additional time for the property owners to reach an agreement concerning the proposed
signage, design and location.
The applicant was not present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item requesting a deferral of the item to the January 3, 2008, public
hearing to allow additional time for the property owners to reach an agreement
concerning the proposed signage, design and location.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 11 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5152-A
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a vote
of 11 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 12 FILE NO.: LU07-15-02
Name: Land Use Plan Amendment - Geyer Springs West Planning District
Location: 7604 Eagle Drive
Request: Single Family to Mixed Office Commercial
Source: John Lamb
Land Use Plan amendment in the Geyer Springs West Planning District from
Single Family to Mixed Office Commercial. Mixed Office Commercial represents
a mixture of commercial and office uses with a Planned Zoning District required
for a mix. The applicant has requested a rezoning from R-2 Single Family to
Planned Office Development with C-1 and O-3 uses. Staff is not expanding the
The property is currently nonconforming O-3 office uses in an R-2 Single Family
zoning district. It is one building with four separate units and is currently being
used by an insurance agency. It appears that the rest of the building is vacant
and for rent. To the east of this area is zoned C-3 General Commercial and has
two real estate offices which front on Chicot Road. South of this application area
is also zoned C-3 and has one large building with a chiropractor’s office, and
beauty shop, and a ministries office. The surrounding area west along Eagle
Drive is shown as R-2 Single Family and is occupied by residences. North of this
application is a large church facility.
The application area is shown as Single Family on the Future Land Use plan. To
the west is also shown as Single Family. To the east, southeast and north is all
shown as Commercial on the Plan. North of Mann Road is shown as Public
Ordinance 19554 was approved in 2006 to amend the Future Land Use Plan
southeast of this area at Vernon Estates Drive from Multi Family to Single Family.
Eagle Drive is shown as a Local Street. The primary function of a Local Street is
to provide access to adjacent properties. Local Streets which are abutted by
non-residential zoning/use or more intensive zoning than duplexes are
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 12 (Cont.) FILE NO.: LU07-15-02
considered as “Commercial Streets”. These streets have a design standard the
same as a Collector. Chicot Road is shown as a Principal Arterial with reduced
standards. The primary function of a Principal Arterial is to serve through traffic
and to connect major traffic generators or activity centers within urbanized areas.
These streets may require dedication of right-of-way and may require street
improvements for entrances and exits to the site.
There are no bike routes in the immediate vicinity.
According to the Master Parks Plan, this area is within eight blocks of a city park.
Ottenheimer Park is located northeast of this application area.
There are no city recognized historic districts that would be affected by this
The Chicot West I-30 South covers this area and the Economic Development
goal states: “Provide a mixed commercial/residential environment that will
promote the safety, attractiveness, and value of the area while creating a
competitive and adaptable economic climate that encourages investment and
diversity of employment opportunities
This Land Use Plan amendment is for the building located at 7604 Eagle Drive,
just west of Chicot Road. It is one building with four separate units and is
currently being used by an insurance agency. It appears that the rest of the
building is vacant and for rent. This area is currently shown as Single Family on
the Future Land Use Plan, and it is zoned R-2 Single Family with nonconforming
O-3 uses. Immediately west and adjacent is shown as Commercial on the Plan.
This application would basically just extend the existing Commercial north and
west to include this building. To the east are two real estate agencies which front
on Chicot, and to the south is zoned C-3 and has one large building with a
chiropractor’s office, a beauty shop, and a ministries office. This building faces
Eagle Drive.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 12 (Cont.) FILE NO.: LU07-15-02
This part of Little Rock has been developed for quite some time. The houses
appear occupied and in fairly good condition. There is little to no vacant
Commercial or Single Family land in this immediate vicinity. In 2006, almost nine
acres of land at Vernon Estates Drive was amended from Multi Family to Single
Family. This is the only land use plan amendment that has been approved in this
area recently.
While non-residential uses are usually not desirable on residential streets, this
site is an exception because it faces other non-residential uses. The existing
conditions and the proximity of this location to Chicot Road are both reasons for
accepting non-residential at this site. With a change from Single Family to Mixed
Office Commercial, a Planned Development will be required for any use that
incorporates commercial uses. This Planned Development will give staff a
chance to review any zoning issues for this site and help protect the
neighborhood to the west.
Notices were sent to the following neighborhood associations: West Baseline,
Chicot, and Southwest Little Rock United for Progress. Staff has received no
comments from area residents.
Staff believes the change is appropriate.
The item was placed on the consent agenda for approval. By a vote of 11 for
and 0 against the consent agenda was approved.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 12.1 FILE NO.: Z-5688-A
NAME: Lamb Revised Short-form POD
LOCATION: Located at 7604 Eagle Drive
John Lamb
P.O. Box 193653
Little Rock, AR 72219
Laha Engineers
6602 Baseline Road, Suite E
Little Rock, AR 72209
CURRENT ZONING: R-2, Single-family Non-conforming
ALLOWED USES: O-3, General and Professional Office
PROPOSED USE: O-3, General Office District
The site is zoned R-2, Single-family and has O-3, General Office District nonconforming
status. The site has been used as an office for a number of years. In 1973 an
amended Bill of Assurance for the Chicot Manor Subdivision was approved to allow Lot
2 (7604 Eagle Drive) to “be used for any purpose or purposes set forth in Little Rock
Code Section 43-6 “E-1“ Quiet Business and Institutional District. E-1 converted to O-3,
General Office District with the adoption of the zoning ordinance in 1980. The principal
building contains 1,346 square feet and an accessory structure containing 345 square
feet. The lot has 85-feet of frontage along Eagle Drive and is approximately 100 feet
from Chicot Road.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 12.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5688-A
The Little Rock Board of Directors denied a request to rezone the site from R-2,
Single-family to POD on October 19, 1997. The approval would have allowed the site to
be utilized by a barbershop, 100 square foot snack bar and insurance office; the three
uses existing in the building at the time of the request.
The applicant is now seeking a rezoning of the site from the present
non-conforming R-2, Single-family to POD to allow O-3, General Office District
uses, a Health Studio and Spa, Barber shop and a snack shop not to exceed
100 square feet of gross floor area as allowable uses for the site.
The site contains a commercial building with head-in parking from Eagle Drive.
Along Chicot Road are two office uses and the building located across Eagle
Drive to the south also appears to be occupied by office uses. The area to the
west is single-family. The rear of the building has a large asphalted area
accessed from Mann Road which appears to be the parking area for the
businesses located on Chicot Road. There is also a single-family home fronting
Mann Road in the rear yard area of this site.
As of this writing, staff has received one informational phone call from an area
resident. All owners of property located within 200 feet of the proposed site
along with the Chicot Neighborhood Association, the West Baseline
Neighborhood Association, Southwest Little Rock United for Progress and all
residents, who could be identified, located within 300-feet of the site were notified
of the Public Hearing.
1. Due to the proposed use of the property, the Master Street Plans specifies
that Eagle Drive for the frontage of this property must meet commercial street
standards. Dedicate right-of-way to 30 feet from centerline.
2. Obtain a franchise agreement from Public Works (Bennie Nicolo, 371-4818)
for the private improvements located in the right-of-way including vehicle
3. Vehicles backing out onto Eagle Drive create a safety hazard. If site is
redeveloped in the future an alternate parking configuration should be
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 12.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5688-A
Wastewater: Sewer available to this property. Contact Little Rock Wastewater
Utility at 688-1414 for additional information.
Entergy: Approved as submitted.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: No objection.
Fire Department: Approved as submitted.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is located near CATA Bus Routes #17 – the Mabelvale-
Downtown and #17A the Mabelvale-UALR Routes.
Planning Division: This request is located in the Geyer Springs West Planning
District. The Land Use Plan shows Single Family for this property. The applicant
has applied for a Short form POD to recognize the existing non-conforming use.
A Land Use Plan amendment from Single Family to Mixed Office Commercial is
a separate item on this agenda.
Master Street Plan: Eagle Drive is shown as a Local Street. The primary
function of a Local Street is to provide access to adjacent properties. Local
Streets which are abutted by non-residential zoning/use or more intensive zoning
than duplexes are considered as “Commercial Streets”. These streets have a
design standard the same as a Collector. Chicot Road is shown as a Principal
Arterial with reduced standards. The primary function of a Principal Arterial is to
serve through traffic and to connect major traffic generators or activity centers
within urbanized areas. These streets may require dedication of right-of-way and
may require street improvements for entrances and exits to the site.
Bicycle Plan: There are no bike routes in the immediate vicinity.
Neighborhood Action Plan: The Chicot West I-30 South covers this area and the
Economic Development goal states: “Provide a mixed commercial/residential
environment that will promote the safety, attractiveness, and value of the area
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 12.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5688-A
while creating a competitive and adaptable economic climate that encourages
investment and diversity of employment opportunities.”
1. Site plan must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and buffer ordinance
2. Any new parking will require additional landscaping to be installed.
3. The property to both the north and the west is zoned residential, therefore, a
six (6) foot high opaque screen, either a wooden fence with its face side
directed outward, a wall, or dense evergreen plantings, is required along both
the northern and the western perimeters of the site.
4. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing
trees as feasible on this site. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape Ordinance
requirements can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch caliper or
The applicant was present. Staff presented an overview of the proposed
development stating there were a number of technical issues associated with the
request remaining outstanding. Staff stated the site plan presented did not allow
adequate parking for a number of the uses proposed. Staff stated a daycare
facility and a restaurant would require parking numbers beyond the parking
available on the site. Mr. Lamb stated there was parking located along the
eastern side of the building and within the rear yard area. Staff questioned if the
parking was hard surface. Mr. Lamb indicated the parking was asphalt. Staff
requested the survey be updated to reflect the current improvements on the site.
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated if the site redeveloped,
the parking spaces which presently backed into the right of way would require
redesign to eliminate the backing into the right of way. Staff also stated a
franchise agreement would be required for the existing parking which was
located within the right of way.
Landscaping comments were addressed. Staff stated any new parking would
require additional landscaping to be installed. Staff stated screening would be
required along the western perimeter of the site.
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 12.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5688-A
The applicant submitted a revised site plan to staff addressing most of the issues
raised at the October 18, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant
has provided the total number of parking spaces on site, provided an updated
survey and indicated the required right of way dedication.
The applicant is requesting a rezoning of the site from the present
non-conforming R-2, Single-family to POD to allow O-3, General Office District
uses, a Health Studio and Spa, Barber shop and a snack shop not to exceed
100 square feet of gross floor area as allowable uses for the site. As indicated in
the Background Section the site has a non-conforming O-3, General Office
District classification. The applicant desires to “clean up the zoning” to eliminate
confusion in the future as to the allowable uses for the site.
The site contains seven parking spaces and the building contains 1,364 square
feet. Based on typical minimum parking for an office development three parking
spaces would be required. The O-3, General Office District allows some uses
which would potentially create a parking demand greater than the typical
minimum parking requirement such as a daycare center. Staff recommends the
use of the building not exceed the available parking on-site or parking the owner
may obtain off site through lease agreements. Staff does not want the overflow
of parking to encroach into the neighborhood and feels parking should be
provided to serve the intended use.
The site plan indicates the placement of a dumpster along the western perimeter.
The dumpster is located adjacent to a single-family home. Staff recommends the
dumpster be relocated to the eastern perimeter away from the residential home.
Staff also recommends the dumpster service hours be limited to daylight hours.
The site plan does not indicate existing or proposed signage. Staff recommends
if signage is proposed the signage not exceed signage allowed in office zones or
a maximum of six feet in height and sixty-four square feet in area.
Staff is supportive of the request to rezone the site from the present R-2,
Single-family status to POD to establish uses for the site. The site was
constructed as a non-residential building and has functioned as a non-residential
use for a number of years. The building was constructed prior to the City
annexing the area. To staff’s knowledge there are no remaining outstanding
issues associated with the request. Staff feels the rezoning of the site to
recognize the existing allowable non-conforming uses will not significantly impact
the area.
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda
staff report.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 12.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5688-A
Staff recommends the use of the building not exceed the available parking
on-site or parking the owner may obtain through lease agreements on
appropriately zoned property.
Staff recommends the dumpster be relocated to the eastern perimeter and the
hours of service be limited to day light hours only.
Staff recommends the signage not exceed signage allowed in office zones or a
maximum of six feet in height and sixty-four square feet in area.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to
compliance with the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of
the agenda staff report. Staff also presented recommendations the use of the building
not exceed the available parking on-site or parking the owner may obtain through lease
agreements on appropriately zoned property, the dumpster be relocated to the eastern
perimeter and the hours of service be limited to daylight hours only and signage not
exceed signage allowed in office zones or a maximum of six feet in height and sixty-four
square feet in area.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a
vote of 10 ayes, 0 noes, 0 absent and 1 recusal (Troy Laha).
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 13 FILE NO.: Z-5699-B
NAME: Robertson Revised Short-form PCD
LOCATION: Located at 800 North Spruce Street
MLC Properties
1105 N. Monroe Street
Little Rock, AR 72205
Tim Tyler Surveying and Mapping
240 HWY 65 North
Conway, AR 72032
CURRENT ZONING: PCD and R-2, Single-family non-conforming commercial
ALLOWED USES: Florist, Children’s Shop, Single-family and non-conforming
PROPOSED USE: C-1, Neighborhood Commercial
The request consists of two lots. The northern lot, adjacent to Kavanaugh Boulevard, is
zoned R-2, Single-family with a C-1, Neighborhood Commercial non-conforming status.
The Board of Directors approved Ordinance No. 16,466 establishing Joseph’s Short-
form PCD for the southern lot on August 3, 1993. The PCD allowed for the placement
of Joseph’s Distinctive Floral Service at the location and no alternative uses. The Board
also approved a waiver of the sidewalk and street improvements to “G” Street with the
same Ordinance.
Ordinance No. 18,681 adopted by the Little Rock Board of Directors on May 7, 2000,
revised the previously approved PCD for the southern lot to allow a retail use Kid’s Stuff
clothing store to locate in the building.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 13 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5699-B
The applicant is seeking a revision to the PCD to expand the area to include Lot
5 and to expand the allowable uses for the site to include C-1, Neighborhood
Commercial uses for both properties. The properties in question have both been
retail establishments since at least 1992.
The property was purchased by the applicant in December of 2005 and he has
spent the past 18 months remodeling both buildings. The current zoning for the
northern lot is R-2, Single-family with a non-conforming status for commercial
uses. The applicant intends to establish a single zoning for both properties. The
intended short-term use is to locate a professional office on Lot 4 and lease Lot 5
as an appropriate C-1, Neighborhood Commercial use.
On Lot 5 the future building designation indicates a previous portion of the
building which was removed due to significant termite and water damage. The
applicant desires to replace this square footage in the future with new
The site contains a converted single-family structure, which was previously a
children’s clothing shop and a floral service and is now occupied by an office use.
The northern building is a commercial building which is presently vacant. A bank
and a strip commercial center is located north of Kavanaugh Boulevard. The
area to the east is also commercial, Leo’s Greek Castle Restaurant. The uses to
the south and west are a mix of single-family and multi-family residential. “G”
Street is an unimproved “chip-seal” roadway with open ditches for drainage.
As of this writing, staff has received a number of informational phone calls from
area residents. All owners of property located within 200 feet of the proposed
site along with the Hillcrest Residents Neighborhood Association and all
residents, who could be identified, located within 300-feet of the site were notified
of the Public Hearing.
1. Repair or replace any curb and gutter or sidewalk that is damaged in the
public right-of-way prior to occupancy.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 13 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5699-B
Wastewater: Sewer main extension required with easements. Contact Little
Rock Wastewater Utility at 688-1414 for additional information.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: No objection.
Fire Department: Approved as submitted.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is located near CATA Bus Route #1 – Pulaski Height Route.
Planning Division: This request is located in the Heights Hillcrest Planning
District. The Land Use Plan shows Commercial for this property. The applicant
has applied for a revised Short form PCD.
The request does not require a change to the Land Use Plan.
Master Street Plan: North Spruce is shown as a Local Street and Kavanaugh
Boulevard is shown as a Collector. The primary function of a Collector Street is
to provide a connection from Local Streets to Arterials. The primary function of a
Local Street is to provide access to adjacent properties. Local Streets which are
abutted by non-residential zoning/use or more intensive zoning than duplexes
are considered as “Commercial Streets”. These streets have a design standard
the same as a Collector. These streets may require dedication of right-of-way
and may require street improvements for entrances and exits to the site.
Bicycle Plan: A Class III bike route is shown along Kavanaugh Boulevard. A
Class III bikeway is a signed route on a street shared with traffic. No additional
paving or right-of-way is required. Class III bicycle route signage may be
Neighborhood Action Plan: The Hillcrest Plan covers this area. The Zoning and
Land Use goal states: “Revamp how commercial property is developed, locating
structures up to the property line at the street and placing parking in the rear,
thereby making the street façade permeable.”
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 13 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5699-B
1. Site plan must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and buffer ordinance
2. A couple of street trees would be appreciated along Kavanaugh Boulevard.
3. Credit can be given for the on site trees that remain towards meeting the
minimal landscape ordinance requirements.
4. The property to the west is zoned residential, therefore, a six (6) foot high
opaque screen, either a wooden fence with its face side directed outward, a
wall, or dense evergreen plantings, is required along the western perimeter of
the site.
5. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing
trees as feasible on this site. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape Ordinance
requirements can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch caliper or
The applicant was not present. Staff presented an overview of the proposed
development stating there were few outstanding technical issues associated with
the request in need of addressing. Staff stated they would contact the applicant
and work with them directly to resolve any concern prior to the public hearing.
There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee then forwarded the
item to the full Commission for final action.
The applicant submitted a revised site plan to staff addressing most of the issues
raised at the October 18, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant
has provided the location of a proposed dumpster facility, provided the proposed
uses of the building and indicated parking will be provided by the abutting streets
as allowed in the Hillcrest Design Overlay District. The applicant is seeking a
waiver of the screening requirement along the western perimeter. There is an
existing five to six foot fence in place along this property line and the applicant is
requesting the existing fencing to serve as the required screening. Staff is
supportive of the existing fence to serve as screening. Staff does however
recommend if the existing fence is removed by the adjoining property owners the
applicant provide the required screening.
The site plan indicates signage to serve the development. The sign to serve Lot
4 is proposed with a maximum height of four feet and a maximum sign area of
40 square feet. Building signage has not been indicated for Lot 4. Staff
recommends building signage not exceed signage typically allowed per the
zoning ordinance and the Hillcrest Design Overlay District.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 13 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5699-B
Building mounted signage is proposed to serve Lot 5. Signage along Spruce
Street is proposed with a maximum of three feet and a maximum sign area of
36 square feet. Signage along Kavanaugh Boulevard is proposed with a
maximum height of four feet and a maximum sign area of 80 square feet. The
signage along Spruce Street is proposed as roof mounted signage as has
existed for a number of years.
The site plan indicates one on-site parking space. The Hillcrest Design Overlay
District establishes the parking requirements within the district to be 50 percent of
that required by Article VIII of the zoning ordinance. Based on the typical
minimum parking required for a commercial development 11 spaces would
typically be required. Off-site parking and street parking is allowed to count
toward the required parking. The site is abutted on three sides by streets with a
total of 288 feet of abutting streets. Credit is given at one space per 10 linear
feet of street frontage for a total credit of 28 parking spaces. The parking
indicated is adequate to meet the standards established by the Hillcrest Design
Overlay District.
Staff is supportive of the request. The applicant is seeking approval to allow C-1,
Neighborhood Commercial uses for the site. Presently the site is a
non-conforming commercial use and the allowance of a clothing store and florist
shop. The site is located in a commercial area of Hillcrest with commercial
activities to the north of and to the east of the site. G Street to the south starts
the residential uses of the neighborhood. Although there is limited on-site
parking the parking is adequate to meet the standards established by the
Hillcrest Design Overlay District. To staff’s knowledge there are no remaining
outstanding issues associated with the request.
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda
staff report.
The applicant was present. There were registered objectors present. Staff presented
the item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda staff
report. Staff also presented recommendations of should the fencing located along the
property line of the site and the adjoining western properties be removed the applicant
install fencing to provide the required screening and the applicant continue to work with
staff to determine a suitable location for the dumpster/trash receptacles.
Mr. Mark Robertson addressed the Commission on the merits of his request. He stated
the development was to provide an established zoning for the two lots. He stated the
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 13 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5699-B
request included the allowance of C-1, Neighborhood Commercial uses for the
Mr. Mark Helm addressed the Commission on behalf of the Hillcrest Residents
Association. He stated the neighborhood association was in full support of the request.
He stated the association did not feel restrictions were necessary due to the nature of
the property. He stated if the site became a nuisance then the matter could be handled
through code enforcement.
Ms. Emese Boone addressed the Commission in opposition. She stated her home was
located adjacent to the property and was most impacted by the dumpster and the
grease trap. She stated the dumpster would be located near where her young child
would play. She stated the smell of the grease trap was offensive and did not want a
grease trap located so near her home.
The Commission questioned Mr. Robertson as to the need for a dumpster and a grease
trap. Commissioner Rector questioned if the Hillcrest Residents Association knew they
were supporting a dumpster in the right of way of Kavanaugh Boulevard. Mr. Robertson
stated the site was a difficult site and there was no other location for a dumpster. Staff
stated they had indicated they would work with Mr. Robertson but did not support the
dumpster located on Kavanaugh Boulevard. There was a general discussion of placing
the dumpster near G Street and rolling out the dumpster to the street for pickup. The
Commission suggested Mr. Robertson share a facility with a neighboring business.
Mr. Robertson stated he should not be required to make his tenants carry their garbage.
The Commission stated this was merely a suggestion he could present his application
as he saw fit.
There was a general discussion concerning the grease trap and the need for a grease
trap. The Commission stated a grease trap was located underground and was similar
to a septic system. They stated a grease separator was located above ground and
could smell. The Commission suggested Mr. Robertson commit to a grease trap and
not an above ground grease separator.
Mr. Randy Thurman addressed the Commission with concerns. He stated there was no
where to park on G Street and the grade of G Street and the drive located on the
applicant’s property would not allow for the placement of a dumpster in this area.
The Commission continued to discuss options for placement of the dumpster with
Mr. Robertson. The Commission questioned if a dumpster was necessary.
Mr. Robertson stated he did not know. The Commission suggested Mr. Robertson
amend his application and if he did need a dumpster in the future then the PCD could
be amended to locate a dumpster. Mr. Robertson amended his application to remove
the request for an on site dumpster. He also placed a limit there would not be an above
ground grease receptacle on the site.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 13 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5699-B
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion approval of
the item as amended. The motion carried by a vote of 9 ayes, 1 noes, 0 absent and
1 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 14 FILE NO.: LU07-12-03
Name: Land Use Plan Amendment - 65th Street West Planning District
Location: Property east of North Chicot Road and south of Bay Meadow
Request: Single Family to Mixed Use
Source: Steven Giles
A Land Use Plan amendment in the 65th Street West Planning District from
Single Family to Mixed Use. Mixed Use allows for a mixture of Commercial,
Office and Residential and requires the use of a Planned Development. The
applicant has asked to revise a Planned Development-Commercial to add
another building to the site.
The property is currently zoned PDC Planned Development-Commercial and R-2
Single Family District. South and adjacent is zoned Planned Development
Residential for duplexes. The rest of the surrounding property is all zoned R-2
Single Family and is developed with single family residences. West of this site is
zoned R-2, but it is mostly vacant because of a large floodplain.
This area is shown as Single Family on the Future Land Use Plan. It is
surrounded by Single Family. Approximately 500 feet south of this amendment
area is shown as Low Density Residential on the south side of Mabelvale Pike.
This Low Density Residential transitions into Multi Family and then into
Commercial at the Interstate. There is also some Park/Open Space in the near
northwest for Hindman Park and Fourche Creek’s floodway.
Ordinance 19796 was approved on August 6, 2007 to amend the area at the
southeast intersection of Interstate 30 and University Road from Multi Family to
Light Industrial. This amendment is located one mile southeast of this
This portion of North Chicot Road is shown as a Local Street on the Master
Street Plan. The primary function of a Local Street is to provide access to
adjacent properties. Local Streets which are abutted by non-residential
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 14 (Cont.) FILE NO.: LU07-12-03
zoning/use or more intensive zoning than duplexes are considered as
“Commercial Streets”. These streets have a design standard the same as a
Collector. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and may require
street improvements for entrances and exits to the site.
A Class III bikeway is shown along N. Chicot Road. A Class III bikeway is a
signed route on a street shared with traffic. No additional paving or right-of-way
is required. Class III bicycle route signage may be required.
According to the Master Parks Plan, the application area is within eight blocks of
a park. Hindman park is located just northwest of this site.
There are no city recognized historic districts that would be affected by this
The amendment area is covered by the 65th Street West Neighborhood Action
Plan. This Plan’s Zoning and Land Use goal states “Protect the residential
integrity of the neighborhood by maintaining adequate separation or sufficient
buffering between residential and non residential uses” and “Ensure that non
residential development and multi family development in the area be limited to
areas currently reserved for such uses on the Future Land Use Plan or in areas
currently zoned for non residential and multi family uses.”
The application area is located on North Chicot Road and is surrounded by
residential uses. The applicant was located at this site for many years as a non-
conforming use. The Board of Directors approved a PDC for this site in 1996,
which brought this business into compliance with the city’s zoning. The business
would now like to expand and that is what triggered the land use plan
amendment. A land use plan amendment may not be required when an existing
legally non-conforming use requests a zoning change using the Planned
Development process to only allow the continuing use of the existing facilities
and where the existing business has not been a negative impact to the
surrounding properties, but any alterations to that site in the future require land
use plan review.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 14 (Cont.) FILE NO.: LU07-12-03
The application is to amend the land use plan from Single Family to Mixed Use.
Mixed Use allows a mixture of commercial, office and residential uses and
requires a planned development for any mixture of the three. This site is not
located in an area that staff would normally like to see commercial and office
uses. The future land use plan typically tries to keep commercial uses to the
arterial streets and major intersections, and this location does not meet either of
those standards. There has not been any new residential or non-residential in
this area for some time. This area is developed and stable and change is not
likely in the near future.
Ragan Safe and Vault has been located at this site for many years with
seemingly no problems from the surrounding neighborhoods, but the 65th Street
West Neighborhood Action Plan states a need to keep non residential uses out of
existing neighborhoods and confined to those areas currently shown as non-
residential on the Future Land Use Plan. Non-residential uses typically bring
more traffic volume and North Chicot Road already has a problem with speeding
Notices were sent to the following neighborhood associations: South Brookwood
Ponderosa and Southwest Little Rock United for Progress. Staff has received no
comments from area residents.
While a zoning change to add another building might be appropriate under the
good neighbor principal, staff feels that a land use plan amendment is
inappropriate and recommends denial of the land use plan amendment.
The item was placed on the consent agenda for withdrawal. By a vote of 11 for
and 0 against the consent agenda was approved.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 14.1 FILE NO.: Z-6183-A
NAME: Ragan Revised Short-form PCD
LOCATION: Located at 7101 North Chicot Road
Ragan Safe and Vault
7101 N. Chicot Road
Little Rock, AR 72209
Steven Giles, Agent
425 West Capitol Avenue, Suite 3200
Little Rock, AR 72201
Arkansas Surveying and Consulting
15825 Childress Road
Bauxite, AR 72011
ALLOWED USES: Safe and Vault Company
PROPOSED USE: Safe and Vault Company – add an additional building
Ordinance No. 17,278 adopted by the Little Rock Board of Directors on October
1, 1996, established Ragan Short-form PD-C. The approval recognized the
existing use and allowed a 1,500 square foot addition to the existing
3,000 square foot building to accommodate storage. The approval allowed the
existing graveled parking lot to remain and the applicant was not required to add
any additional landscaping. The company has existed on this site since 1976.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 14.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6183-A
The business sells, installs and services bank equipment. Most of the equipment
is shipped directly to the end user. The building is used as a combination of
office, repair shop and storage. There are six employees of which four work in
the field installing or servicing equipment. The site contained 2.98 acres but the
approval of the PD-C was limited to a 0.63 acre area.
The applicant is proposing to amend the previously approved PCD to
expand the site area from the current 0.61 acres to 0.81 acres and allow
the construction of a new building on the site to be used as additional
storage. The building will be constructed along the northern perimeter of
the previously approved PD-C and will extend to the east approximately
330-feet. The building is proposed as a 40-foot by 60-foot metal building
containing 2,400 square feet.
The site contains a commercial building located along North Chicot Road
with a paved parking in the front yard area. The remainder of the driving
area is graveled. To the north of the commercial building is a single-family
home with a number of outbuildings located in the rear yard area. Further
north begins the Ponderosa and South Brookwood Subdivisions. There is
a single-family home located to the south of the site and an apartment
development located further south.
As of this writing, staff has received several informational phone calls from
area residents. All owners of property located within 200 feet of the
proposed site along with the South Brookwood/Ponderosa Neighborhood
Association, Southwest Little Rock United for Progress and all residents,
who could be identified, located within 300-feet of the site were notified of
the Public Hearing.
1. Due to the proposed use of the property, the Master Street Plans
specifies that North Chicot Road for the frontage of this property must
meet commercial street standards. Dedicate right-of-way to 30 feet
from centerline.
2. Further development of the site will require street construction
conforming to the Master Street Plan. Construct one-half street
improvement to Chicot Road including 5-foot sidewalks with future
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 14.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6183-A
3. Driveway locations and widths do not meet the traffic access and
circulation requirements of Sections 30-43 and 31-210. Further
developed will require the driveway to narrowed because the width of a
driveway must not exceed 36 feet.
4. Further development will require concrete aprons per City Ordinance to
be provided.
Wastewater: Sewer available to this property.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: Waterline easement (Inst No. 98-052114)
should be shown. All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at the
time of request for water service must be met. Contact Central Arkansas
Water if larger and/or additional water meter(s) are required Additional fire
hydrant(s) may be required. Contact the Little Rock Fire Department to
obtain information regarding the required placement of the hydrant(s) and
contact Central Arkansas Water regarding procedures for installation of
the hydrant(s).
Fire Department: Install and place fire hydrants per code. Contact the
Little Rock Fire Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: This request is located in the 65th Street West Planning
District. The Land Use Plan shows Single Family for this property. The
applicant has applied for a revised Short form PCD.
A Land Use Plan amendment from Single Family to Mixed Use is a
separate item on this agenda.
Master Street Plan: This portion of North Chicot Road is shown as a Local
Street on the Master Street Plan. The primary function of a Local Street is
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 14.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6183-A
to provide access to adjacent properties. Local Streets which are abutted
by non-residential zoning/use or more intensive zoning than duplexes are
considered as “Commercial Streets”. These streets have a design
standard the same as a Collector. These streets may require dedication
of right-of-way and may require street improvements for entrances and
exits to the site.
Bicycle Plan: A Class III bikeway is shown along North Chicot Road. A
Class III bikeway is a signed route on a street shared with traffic. No
additional paving or right-of-way is required. Class III bicycle route
signage may be required.
Neighborhood Action Plan: The amendment area is covered by the 65th
Street West Neighborhood Action Plan. This Plan’s Zoning and Land Use
goal states “Protect the residential integrity of the neighborhood by
maintaining adequate separation or sufficient buffering between residential
and non residential uses” and “Ensure that non residential development
and multi family development in the area be limited to areas currently
reserved for such uses on the Future land Use Plan or in areas currently
zoned for non residential and multi family uses.”
1. The site plan must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and buffer
ordinance requirements.
2. A minimum landscape strip of nine feet must be provided along the
northern and eastern perimeter of the area proposed for rezoning
where abutting single-family zoned or used property.
Mr. Steve Giles was present representing the request. Staff presented the
item stating there were few outstanding technical issues associated with
the request outstanding. Staff requested the applicant provide the days
and hours of operation, the number of employees and the proposed use of
the new building.
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated a dedication of
right of way and street construction would be required with the new
construction. Mr. Giles stated with the previous approval an in-lieu
contribution was made to the City of Little Rock. He stated presently there
was a balance in the owner’s in-lieu account. Staff indicated Mr. Giles
could disregard the Public Works comments related to street construction.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 14.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6183-A
Landscaping comments were addressed. Staff stated new development
must comply with the City’s minimum landscape and buffer ordinance
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional
information and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item.
The Committee then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final
The applicant submitted a revised site plan to staff addressing most of the
issues raised at the October 18, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting.
The applicant has provided the days and hours of operation, the number
of employees and the use of the new building.
The applicant is proposing the construction of a new 2,400 square foot
building on the site to be used as inventory storage for the safe and vault
company. The building will be located to the rear of the existing buildings
and align along the southern façade with the existing buildings. The
buildings have been aligned to allow for future connectivity of the
structures with a canopy but presently the buildings will not be connected.
The days and hours of operation will not change from the current 9:00 am
to 4:00 pm. The company also provides an on-call service, which will
occasionally require a technician to access the site during non-typical
working hours. A maximum of ten employees are proposed to serve the
business. Presently one to two semi-trucks access the site for deliveries
weekly. This will not change with the construction of the new building.
The site plan as presented does not allow for the minimum northern land
use buffer or screening. Staff recommends the northern property line be
set to allow for a minimum landscape strip of nine feet. The property to
the northeast is also owned by the applicant. Staff supports a deferral of
the required screening until such time as one of the properties is sold and
at which time the required screening must be installed along the northern
and eastern perimeters.
Staff is supportive of the request to allow this existing business the ability
to grow with the construction of this 2,400 square foot building to be used
for inventory storage. The use is a quiet business which has existed in
this location for a number of years and does not appear to have impacted
the neighborhood. Staff does not feel the revision to the PCD to allow this
small expansion will significantly impact the development or the area. To
staff’s knowledge there are no outstanding issues associated with the
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 14.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6183-A
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the
agenda staff report.
Staff recommends the northern perimeter be established to allow for a 9-
foot buffer/landscape strip.
Staff recommends approval of a deferral of the required screening until
such time as the one of the properties is sold and at which time the
required screening must be installed.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to
compliance with the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E
and F of the agenda staff report. Staff also presented a recommendation the
northern perimeter be established to allow for a 9-foot buffer/landscape strip and
a recommendation of approval of a deferral of the required screening until such
time as the one of the properties is sold and at which time the required screening
must be installed.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried
by a vote of 11 ayes, 0 noes, 0 absent and 1 recusal (Troy Laha).
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 15 FILE NO.: LU07-11-04
Name: Land Use Plan Amendment - I-430 Planning District
Location: 600 Autumn Road
Request: Office to Mixed Office Commercial
Source: Steven Giles
Land Use Plan amendment in the I-430 Planning District from Office to Mixed
Office Commercial. Mixed Office Commercial allows for a mixture of office and
commercial uses. A Planned Development is required if the application includes
any commercial uses. The applicant is proposing to add food and alcohol sales
at the existing Studio Joe’s.
The amendment area is currently zoned Planned Commercial Development for
the existing doctor’s office and Studio Joe’s recording studio. To the west are
also Planned Commercial Developments for Sports Authority, Best Buy and
Linens-n-Things. To the south is zoned C-3 General Commercial for a restaurant
and a small shopping center. To the southeast is zoned Planned Commercial
Devlepment for a larger shopping center which includes Barnes and Noble and
Toys R Us. To the east of this site is zoned O-2 General Office and is mostly
vacant and undeveloped although there is one small office (Jim Wood Co.
General Contractors). To the north is zoned R-2 Single Family for Birchwood
The amendment area is currently shown on the plan as Office. It is surrounded
on the north and east side by more Office. To the west is shown as Commercial
and to the southeast is shown as Mixed Office Commercial.
Autumn Road is shown as a Collector on the Master Street Plan. The primary
function of a Collector Street is to provide a connection from Local Streets to
Arterials. Autumn Road links the Birchwood Neighborhood to Chenal Parkway,
which is a Principal Arterial. This street may require dedication of right-of-way
and may require street improvements for entrances and exits to the site.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 15 (Cont.) FILE NO.: LU07-11-04
A Class III bikeway is shown along Autumn Road. A Class III bikeway is a
signed route on a street shared with traffic. No additional paving or right-of-way
is required. Class III bicycle route signage may be required.
According to the Master Parks Plan, this area is within eight blocks of a city park.
The Birchwood Park is the closest to this application site.
There are no city recognized historic districts that would be affected by this
The Birchwood-Walnut Valley Neighborhood Action Plan covers this area, but it
does not address this issue.
The amendment area has been shown as Office on the Future Land Use Plan for
more than ten years. There have been no amendments in this general area for
some time. The commercial uses are clustered together at the intersection of
Autumn Road and Chenal Parkway. The office uses can be seen as a buffer
between this busy commercial intersection and the Birchwood neighborhood to
the north. There is also a buffer of Park/Open Space which is directly adjacent to
the single family residences.
This application is for a change from Office to Mixed Office Commercial. The
applicant has also applied for a revised short form Planned Commercial
Development for the same site to allow food and alcohol sales on this site. It is
part of a large commercial area and is located in the front portion of the Sports
Authority parking lot. Sports Authority is shown as Commercial on the Future
Land Use Plan. The amendment area is surrounded by Commercial on the west
and the south sides and by Office on the east and the north sides. The
commercial land in this area is largely developed and well occupied. Conversely,
this portion of Office has been shown on the Future Land Use plan without much
development for the past ten years. A change to Mixed Office Commercial on
the land use plan would accommodate both the existing doctors office in the
building and the new restaurant uses in Studio Joe’s.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 15 (Cont.) FILE NO.: LU07-11-04
This amendment would still leave a large buffer of Office and a small buffer of
Park/Open Space to protect the Single Family that is shown along Birchwood
Notice was sent to the following neighborhood association: Birchwood. Staff has
received no comments from area residents.
Staff believes the change is appropriate.
The item was placed on the consent agenda for approval. By a vote of 11 for
and 0 against the consent agenda was approved.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 15.1 FILE NO.: Z-6278-D
NAME: Studio Joe’s Revised Short-form PCD
LOCATION: Located at 600 Autumn Road
Angela and Robert Barrow
C/o Steve Giles
425 West Capitol Avenue, Suite 3200
Little Rock, AR 72201
Canino Peckham
10401 West Markham Street
Little Rock, AR 72205
ALLOWED USES: Office and Commercial
PROPOSED USE: Add a restaurant with alcohol sales as an allowable use.
Ordinance No. 17,488 adopted by the Little Rock Board of Directors on May 20, 1997,
established Sport’s Authority Long-form PCD. There were stipulations placed on
signage, trash pick-up and building height in the original Planned Development. The
sign was to be placed at the south access drive and be no more than 8-feet in height
and 100 square feet in area. The lighting incorporated into the sign was to be “turned-
off” after business hours. The maximum height of the building was to be a one-story
building with a maximum parapet height of 20-feet. The trash was to only be removed
from the site between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday – Friday.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 15.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6278-D
The original approval included an office building to be located on Lot 2 with a maximum
square footage of 7,200 square feet. There was not a specific user for Lot 2. The
following list of permitted uses was approved:
Bank or savings and loan, Church, Medical oriented clinic, such as health, dental,
optical, psychiatric and other similar counseling or treatment facilities for the care of
people, Community welfare or health clinic, Covent or monastery, Day nursery or day
care center, Duplication shop, Family care facility, Laboratory, Library, art gallery,
museum or similar public use, Office – general or professional, Photography studio,
Private school, kindergarten or institutional for special education, School – business,
Studio – broadcasting and recording, Studio – art, music, speech, drama, dance or
other artistic endeavors, Travel bureau, No drive-thru facilities would be allowed.
Ordinance No. 18,699 adopted by the Little Rock Board of Directors on June 4, 2002,
allowed a revision to the previously approved Planned Commercial Development for
Lot 2. The revision allowed an increase in the square footage of office space for the
building and allowed a drive-thru pharmacy to be included as an allowable use. A
4,800 square foot medical clinic and a 2,500 square foot pharmacy were approved.
The applicant proposed the pharmacy days and hours of operation to be Monday
through Friday from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm and Saturday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. The
clinic would be open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday.
Ordinance No. 19,634 adopted by the Little Rock Board of Directors on November 21,
2006, revised the previously approved PCD for Lot 2. The approval allowed the
pharmacy with drive-through window to be changed into a music recording studio with
coffee service for the patrons of the studio and to be sold to the general public through
the drive-thru window on the south side of the building. The request also included a
change to the hours of operation for Studio Joe to 7:00 am to 11:00 pm seven days per
week. The proposal included a building mounted sign entitled “Studio Joe” on the front
and rear walls and to add a Studio Joe name to the existing monument sign on Autumn
Road. There were no changes to the existing medical clinic and other conditions
contained in the existing approved PCD.
Studio Joe would contain a seating arrangement for patrons as well as tables and chairs
in the fashion of a coffee shop. No food was to be prepared on the site although
catering was proposed.
The applicant is now proposing to amend the previously approved PCD to add a
restaurant use with alcohol sales as allowable uses for Lot 2. There are no other
modifications proposed to the approved site plan or allowable uses.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 15.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6278-D
The site is developed with a medical clinic and Studio Joe’s. Other uses in the
area include large retail uses and office uses. There are two strip commercial
developments one to the south and one to the southeast of the site and an office
use to the northeast of the site. The area directly east of the site is vacant O-2
zoned property. The area to the west is a Planned Commercial Development for
Best Buy and Linens and Things. Single-family residences are located to the
north of the site.
All property owners within 200 feet, all residents within 300 feet of the site who
could be identified and the Birchwood Neighborhood Association were notified of
the Public Hearing. As of this writing staff has received an informational phone
call from the Neighborhood Association President.
No comment.
Wastewater: No comment.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: No objection.
Fire Department: Approved as submitted
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: This request is located in the I-430 Planning District. The
Land Use Plan shows Office for this property. The applicant has applied for a
revised Short form PCD.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 15.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6278-D
A Land Use Plan amendment from Office to Mixed Office Commercial is a
separate item on this agenda.
Master Street Plan: Autumn Road is shown as a Collector on the Master Street
Plan. The primary function of a Collector Street is to provide a connection from
Local Streets to Arterials. Autumn Road links the Birchwood Neighborhood to
Chenal Parkway, which is a Principal Arterial.
Bicycle Plan: A Class III bikeway is shown along Autumn Road. A Class III
bikeway is a signed route on a street shared with traffic. No additional paving or
right-of-way is required. Class III bicycle route signage may be required.
Neighborhood Action Plan: The Birchwood-Walnut Valley Neighborhood Action
Plan covers this area, but it does not address this issue.
Landscape: No comment.
Mr. Steve Giles and Dr. Barrow were present representing the request. Staff
presented an overview of the proposed development stating the modification was
to add a restaurant use with alcohol sales as allowable uses for the site. Staff
stated the previous approvals were to remain. Staff requested the applicant
provide the number of doctors staffing the existing medical office clinic. Dr.
Barrow stated presently there were two doctors but the facility had space for a
third doctor.
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
There were no outstanding technical issues associated with the request in need
of addressing raised at the October 18, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting.
The applicant is proposing to amend the previously approved PCD to add a
restaurant use with alcohol sales as allowable uses for the site. The site
contains a 2,500 square foot recording studio/coffee shop with the ability to cater
food to the site. The applicant is proposing to now prepare food on site and add
alcohol sales to the menu. The parking available on the site far exceeds the
typical minimum ordinance standards for a restaurant. A restaurant use would
typically require the placement of 25 parking spaces and a medical office with
three doctors would typically require 18 parking spaces for a total of 43 parking
spaces. The lot contains 50 parking spaces and the applicant has an agreement
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 15.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6278-D
with the adjoining lot to utilize excess parking contained on the Sports Authority
Staff is supportive of the request. There are no other modifications proposed to
the approved site plan or allowable uses. Staff does not feel the addition of a
restaurant with alcohol sales will significantly impact the development or the
area. To staff’s knowledge there are no remaining outstanding technical issues
associated with the request.
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda
staff report and compliance with all other previously approved conditions.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff presented
the item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda staff
report and compliance with all previously approved conditions.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a
vote of 11 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 16 FILE NO.: Z-6483-A
NAME: Episcopal Collegiate School Revised Long-form POD and Right of Way
Abandonment for an alley located in Block 361 Original City
LOCATION: Located at 1701 Cantrell Road
Episcopal Collegiate School
901 West Third Street
Little Rock, AR 72201
White Daters and Associates
24 Rahling Circle
Little Rock, AR 72223
AREA: 40 acres NUMBER OF LOTS: 1 Zoning Lot FT. NEW STREET: 330 LF
PROPOSED USE: School – Construction of a new elementary school
Ordinance No. 17,744 adopted by the Little Rock Board of Directors on June 2, 1998,
established the Cathedral School Long-form POD. The developed was proposed in
multiple phases with the initial phase completed and opening in 2000. The student body
would include 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th grades with the 10th, 11th and 12th grades added in the
three following years. The total projected enrollment for the middle and high school was
560 students. There were 28 classrooms and 90 staff, including part-time. The total
parking proposed was 291 spaces. The buildings on Cantrell Road were proposed as
one and two story buildings. The academic buildings were grouped around a large
sheltered space creating a landscaped courtyard. The gym and future pool buildings,
Chapel and auditorium were at the rear of the campus, near the majority of the parking.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 16 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6483-A
Along the southern perimeter an earthen berm to be heavily landscaped as a noise
buffer and fenced for security was proposed. Along Cantrell Road a brick pier and steel
fence was proposed.
The Episcopal Collegiate School now wishes to expand their campus in order to
develop an elementary school at this location. The building will be four stories
and contain just over 60,000 square feet. The floor levels will have ground level
access at various points in order to meet code. Stacking for drop off and pick up
will occur on the south side of the facility away from Cantrell Road and take
access from the existing campus. An emergency entrance will be located at the
east side and tie into North Street.
The lower school program is as follows:
Room Number Size – sq ft Total – sq ft
K 4 1000 4000
K - Restrooms 4 50 200
1st 3 900 2700
1st - Restrooms 3 50 150
2nd 3 900 2700
3rd 3 900 2700
4th 3 900 2700
5th 3 900 2700
Library/Media 1 3000 3000
Art 1 1200 1200
Foreign Language 2 900 1800
Science Lab 2 1200 2400
Music-Choir 1 1200 1200
Tutoring 2 150 300
Multi-purpose 1 3000 3000
Kitchen 1 1500 1500
Administration 1 2000 2000
Conference 2 500 1000
Nurse 1 500 500
Commons 1 3000 3000
Foyer 1 500 500
Sub-Total 39,250
Material Storage 6 200 1200
Restrooms 6 200 1200
Specialty Classroom 1 200 200
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 16 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6483-A
Room Number Size – sq ft Total – sq ft
Speech Therapy 1 150 150
Computer Lab 1 900 900
Custodial 2 200 400
Elec/Data 3 65 195
Mechanical 1 1000 1000
Activity Room/Gym 1 4000 4000
Sub-Total 9,245
Net Sq. ft. 48,495
1.25 Grossing Factor 12,123.75
Total 60,618.75
The application includes the abandonment of an east west alley located adjacent
to Lots 1 thru 12, Block 361, Original City and a north south alley located
between Lot 12, Block 361 and Lot 17, Block 360 Original City.
There is a mixture of single-family residential, multi-family residential and
industrial uses to the west and a mix of residential and office uses to the east
along the south side of Cantrell Road. The Dillard’s Office Complex is located to
the north across Cantrell Road. North Street is the southern boundary of the
proposed new development. The southern boundary of the entire campus is a
railroad right of way, with the State Capitol Complex located further south.
As of this writing, staff has received several informational phone calls from area
residents. All owners of property located within 200 feet of the proposed site
along with the Capitol View and the Downtown Neighborhood Associations and
all residents, who could be identified, located within 300-feet of the site were
notified of the Public Hearing.
1. With site development, provide the design of the street conforming to the
Master Street Plan. Construct street improvement to the new proposed
North Street including 5-foot sidewalks on both sides with the planned
development. Per City code commercial streets cannot exceed
12% centerline grade and 5% or less at intersections.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 16 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6483-A
2. Repair or replace any curb and gutter or sidewalk that is damaged in the
public right-of-way prior to occupancy.
3. Provide a traffic circulation plan. The proposed plan will not function
4. Construct curb and gutter on the north side of North Street.
5. Provide left turn lane on Cantrell Road for vehicles entering the proposed
North Street.
6. Storm water detention ordinance applies to this property. Show the
proposed location for storm water detention facilities on the plan.
7. If disturbed area is one (1) or more acres, obtain a NPDES storm water
permit from the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality prior to the
start of construction.
8. Street Improvement plans shall include signage and striping. Traffic
Engineering must approve completed plans prior to construction.
9. Coordinate design of traffic signal upgrade with proposed street
improvements. Plans to be forwarded to Traffic Engineering for approval.
10. Streetlights are required by Section 31-403 of the Little Rock code. Provide
plans for approval to Traffic Engineering. Streetlights must be installed prior
to platting or certificate of occupancy. Contact Traffic Engineer 379-1813
(Steve Philpott) for more information.
11. Plans of all work in right-of-way shall be submitted for approval prior to start
of work. Obtain barricade permit prior to doing any work in the right-of-way
from Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1805 (Travis Herbner).
12. Turn around must be provided for a WB-30 vehicle at the end of North
Street prior to entering the school property.
13. Provide a letter prepared by a registered engineer certifying the sight
distance at the intersections comply with 2004 AASHTO Green Book
14. Obtain permits for improvements within State Highway right-of-way from
AHTD, District VI.
15. A grading permit in accordance with Section 29-186 (c) and (d) will be
required prior to any land clearing or grading activities at the site. Site
grading, and drainage plans will need to be submitted and approved prior to
the start of construction.
16. Use of the bike path should be maintained during construction. Contact
Parks and Recreation for additional assistance.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 16 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6483-A
Wastewater: Existing sewer main located on this property must be abandoned
prior to construction. Contact Little Rock Wastewater Utility at 688-1414 for
additional information.
Entergy: A 10-foot utility easement is required along the eastern, western and
northern perimeters and along the eastern side of the relocated North Street.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. Additional fire hydrant(s) will
be required. Contact the Little Rock Fire Department to obtain information
regarding the required placement of the hydrant(s) and contact Central Arkansas
Water regarding procedures for installation of the hydrant(s). If there are facilities
that need to be adjusted and/or relocated, contact Central Arkansas Water. That
work would be done at the expense of the developer. Of particular concern is an
8-inch main running north and south on the east side of the property.
Fire Department: Place fire hydrants per code. One additional fire hydrant may
be required. Contact the Little Rock Fire Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is located on CATA Bus Route #21 – the University Avenue
Planning Division: This request is located in the Heights Hillcrest Planning
District. The Land Use Plan shows Public Institutional for this property. The
applicant has applied for a revised Long form POD.
The request does not require a change to the Land Use Plan.
Master Street Plan: Cantrell Road is shown as a Principal Arterial with reduced
standards. The primary function of a Principal Arterial is to serve through traffic
and to connect major traffic generators or activity centers within urbanized areas.
Entrances and exits should be limited to minimize negative effects of traffic and
pedestrians on Cantrell Road since it is a Principal Arterial. This street may
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 16 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6483-A
require dedication of right-of-way and may require street improvements for
entrances and exits to the site.
Bicycle Plan: A Class I bike route is shown along Cantrell Road and North Street
in front of the school. A Class I bikeway is built separate from or alongside a
road. Additional paving and right of way may be required.
Neighborhood Action Plan: This area is not covered by a neighborhood action
Parks and Recreation: Little Rock Parks and Recreation is working with
applicant to identify the specific access location of the Arkansas River Trail along
the southern property line of Episcopal Collegiate School. The applicant has
expressed a willingness to locate trail on their property, grant an easement and
assist in improvements for the trail. Funds are available for Little Rock Parks and
Recreation to build the trail along this corridor section.
Construction of the elementary school will prevent trail users from accessing a
portion of the trail. Therefore, it will be required that a temporary alternate route
is provided until which time the permanent route is completed
1. Site plan must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and buffer ordinance
2. One additional landscape island that is three hundred (300) square foot in
area is needed in the proposed parking lot area.
3. Additional street trees would be appreciated along Arkansas Highway 10 by
both the City of Little Rock and the City Beautiful Commission.
4. Consideration should be given to the adjoining residential areas.
5. Additional fencing and/or landscaping may be required next to any areas that
are residential in use or zoning classification.
6. An automatic irrigation system to water landscaped areas will be required.
7. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, it will be necessary to provide an
approved landscape plan stamped with the seal of a Registered Landscape
8. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing
trees as feasible on this site. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape Ordinance
requirements can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch caliper or
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 16 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6483-A
The applicant’s representatives were present representing the request. The
applicant presented an overview of the proposed development stating there were
a number of changes to the site plan made from the original submission.
Mr. David Knight stated the application request no longer included the
abandonment of North Street. He stated by leaving North Street, the City’s Bike
Trail would not be disrupted and could continue as presently existed. The
developer also stated access and circulation would be addressed with the
revised site plan. He stated the school would place persons along North Street
to ensure traffic continued to flow on the City street.
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated street improvements would
be required along the property frontage for North Street and along Cantrell Road.
Staff also stated the storm water detention ordinance would apply to the
development of the property.
Landscaping comments were addressed. Staff stated the development of the
site must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and buffer ordinance
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
The applicant submitted a revised site plan to staff addressing most of the issues
raised at the October 18, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant
has indicated mechanical equipment will be screened by a parapet wall, site
lighting will be low level and directional, directed into the site and the maximum
building height proposed is 64-feet. In addition, North Street will be improved to
36-feet from back of curb to back of curb abutting the applicant’s property.
The development is proposed as a elementary school with the construction of
four classrooms for the Kindergarten grade and three classrooms for 1st through
5th Grades with 20 students per classroom. Various rooms will be incorporated
into the building to serve the school such as activity room, medial center and
kitchen facility.
The school will be four stories and contain just over 60,000 square feet with a
maximum building height of 64-feet. The floor levels will have ground level
access at various points in order to meet code. The development is proposed in
a single phase. Building materials will be similar to the materials existing on the
middle and high school campus located to the west.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 16 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6483-A
Signage is proposed along Cantrell Road and North Street. The signage is
proposed with a maximum height of six feet and a maximum sign area of
sixty-four square feet. Directional signage will be utilized at the driveway
entrances. Building signage will be limited to the facades fronting the abutting
Fencing is proposed around the perimeter of the site. Fencing will match the
existing fencing located around the perimeter of the existing campus.
Landscaping has been indicated on the site plan. The applicant is seeking to
clear the land use buffer areas for safety reasons and to protect the students.
Where the school site abuts residentially zoned or used property, screening will
be placed as necessary to provide screening of the adjacent properties.
Access and circulation have been addressed. Stacking for drop off and pick up
will occur on the south side of the facility away from Cantrell Road and take
access from the existing campus. An emergency entrance will be located at the
east side and tie into North Street.
A small number of parking spaces, 13 spaces, have been indicated for
development on the site. The employee and faculty parking will be provided on
the existing campus adjacent to the football and soccer field. The parking as
proposed is more than adequate to serve the school.
The site plan indicates the placement of a dumpster along the driveway entrance
and the eastern property line. The dumpster will be screened per typical
minimum ordinance standards.
The application includes the abandonment of an east west alley located adjacent
to Lots 1 thru 12, Block 361, Original City and a north south alley located
between Lot 12, Block 361 and Lot 17, Block 360 Original City. Presently
dumpsters located to the east of this site are being serviced by this right of way.
The applicant is working with the State Highway Department to negotiate the
placement of a traffic signal on North Street. If the traffic signal is approved, it
will not impact the site plan proposed for the school development.
The site plan does not impact the existing bicycle trail. The trail presently follows
Cantrell Road turning south on North Street and following North Street to the
railroad track. This section of the bicycle trail is an important part of the trail
system. The original proposal indicated a desire to relocate North Street and the
bicycle trails. That request was abandoned and North Street and the bicycle trail
will remain unchanged from its current existence.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 16 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6483-A
The site plan indicates the relocation of an existing billboard to an area east of
the school. The site is not zoned appropriately for the placement of a billboard.
In addition the site is located on Cantrell Road a scenic corridor as defined by the
zoning ordinance. No billboards may be altered or erected within 660 feet or the
scenic corridor. Also State Highway Department has designated Cantrell Road
as a scenic corridor and the relocation of the billboard is also in violation of state
code. Staff will not support a relocation of the off-premise sign.
Staff continues to study the issue of the bike trail. Concerns have been raised
regarding the location of the trail and the potential impact of this development on
it. The staff recommendation for this item is forthcoming.
Staff recommendation forth coming.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item stating the applicant had resolved a number of the issues raised in
the agenda staff report. Staff stated the applicant had removed the billboard relocation
request. Staff sated the applicant had also indicated the eastern alley would be
improved to allow access to the existing dumpster locations which are being served by
the alley proposed for abandonment and allow adequate maneuvering room for service
vehicles. Staff stated a revision to the language in the agenda write-up was made to
the Bike Plan section to include North Street in the referenced to the Class I Bike Path.
Staff presented a recommendation as a part of the POD approval signage be placed at
or near the driveway entrances directing motorist to yield to bicyclist. Staff stated to
their knowledge there are no other remaining outstanding technical issues associated
with the request. Staff presented a recommendation of approval of the request subject
to compliance with the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F
of the agenda staff report. Staff also presented a recommendation of approval of the
alley abandonment request for the east west alley located in Block 361 and the north
south alley located adjacent to Block 361.
Mr. David Knight addressed the Commission on behalf of the applicant. He stated the
school was proposing the construction of a new elementary school adjacent to the
existing campus. He stated access and circulation had been reviewed and additional
queuing was being placed on the applicant’s property to ensure traffic would not back
onto the City public streets.
Commissioner Nunnley questioned if a deceleration lane or additional traffic lanes
would be required with the construction of the new school. Mr. Knight stated no
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 16 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6483-A
additional lanes would be required. He stated persons wishing to turn west bound
would maneuver through the campus and access the existing traffic signal.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
approval of the request. The motion carried by a vote of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 17 FILE NO.: Z-6526-B
NAME: Parker Lexus Short-form PCD
LOCATION: Located on the Northwest corner of Shackleford West Boulevard and
South Shackleford Road
Parker Cadillac, Inc.
Attn. Dave Parker
1700 North Shackleford Road
Little Rock, AR 72212
The Mehlburger Firm
Attn. Greg Sullivan
201 South Izard Street
Little Rock, AR 72201
Roberts and Williams
Attn. Barry Williams
1501 North University Avenue, Suite 430
Little Rock, AR 72202
CURRENT ZONING: O-3, General Office District
ALLOWED USES: General Office District uses
PROPOSED USE: O-3, General Office District, C-1, Neighborhood Commercial
District, C-2, Shopping Center District and Auto dealership
employee parking.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 17 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6526-B
Ordinance No. 18,314 adopted by the Little Rock Board of Directors on July 18, 2000
rezoned this site from C-2- Shopping Center District to O-3, General Office District. The
purpose of the rezoning was to allow for future development of the site with a medical
office building. The eastern 2/3rds of the tract was developed with the one-story office
building and the western 1/3rd was cleared and filled but was otherwise undeveloped.
The applicant proposed to subdivide the property into 2 tracts. The eastern 1.085-acre
lot would contain the existing development, leaving a second .401 acre lot on the west
for development of a future office building. The lot sizes proposed fell below the
minimum lot size requirement of C-2, Shopping Center District zoning and since the
development was purely office in nature the applicant proposed to “downzone” the tract
to O-3, General Office District with smaller lot size minimums and reduced building
setbacks. The lots as proposed exceeded the O-3, General Office District zoning
The applicant is now seeking a rezoning of the site from O-3, General Office
District to PCD. Parker-Lexus would like to increase their number of employee
parking spaces and move these spaces north and across Shackleford West
Boulevard adjacent to the medical clinic. The site presently contains two lots and
the applicant is proposing to rezone the entire area containing 1.5 acres to PCD.
The request also includes the allowance of O-3, General Office District uses,
C-1, Neighborhood Commercial District uses and C-2, Shopping Center District
uses as allowable uses for the site. The applicant is also proposing to replat the
area into a single tract upon approval of the PCD zoning request.
The property is located at the northwest corner of Shackleford Road and
Shackleford West Boulevard. The properties in the area around the site contain
a variety of existing and proposed office and commercial uses. The C-2,
Shopping Center District zoned properties immediately adjacent to the west is
currently vacant and wooded. The C-2, Shopping Center District zoned property
to the north contains a hotel. The area to the south is presently zoned C-2,
Shopping Center District and is developed as an automobile dealership. Across
Shackleford Road there are a number of uses including office uses, banking
facilities, hotels, restaurants and the Heart Hospital.
As of this writing, staff has not received any comment from area residents. All
owners of property located within 200 feet of the proposed site along with the
Sandpiper Neighborhood Association and all residents, who could be identified,
located within 300-feet of the site were notified of the Public Hearing.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 17 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6526-B
1. Storm water detention ordinance applies to this property. Show the proposed
location for storm water detention facilities on the plan.
2. Repair or replace any curb and gutter or sidewalk that is damaged in the
public right-of-way prior to occupancy.
3. A grading permit in accordance with Section 29-186 (c) and (d) will be
required prior to any land clearing or grading activities at the site. Site
grading, and drainage plans will need to be submitted and approved prior to
the start of construction.
Wastewater: Sewer available to this property.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: No objection.
Fire Department: Approved as submitted.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is located on CATA Bus Route #3 – the Baptist Medical
Center Route.
Planning Division: This request is located in the I-430 Planning District. The
Land Use Plan shows Community Shopping for this property. The applicant has
applied for a Short form PCD.
The request does not require a change to the Land Use Plan.
Master Street Plan: South Shackleford Road is shown as a Minor Arterial on the
Master Street Plan. Shackleford West Boulevard is shown as a Local Street.
The primary function of a Local Street is to provide access to adjacent properties.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 17 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6526-B
Local Streets which are abutted by non-residential zoning/use or more intensive
zoning than duplexes are considered as “Commercial Streets”. These streets
have a design standard the same as a Collector. A Minor Arterial provides
connections to and through an urban area and their primary function is to provide
short distance travel within the urbanized area. Entrances and exits should be
limited to minimize negative effects of traffic and pedestrians. These streets may
require dedication of right-of-way and may require street improvements for
entrances and exits to the site.
Bicycle Plan: Existing bike routes are not shown in the immediate vicinity.
Neighborhood Action Plan: This area is not currently covered by a neighborhood
action plan.
1. Site plan must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and buffer ordinance
2. All existing fencing/dumpster enclosures, etc. should also be in good repair or
replaced in conjunction with this request.
3. The landscape area along the west is proposed at eight (8’) foot. The
required minimal amount is nine (9’) foot and the one additional foot can
easily be obtained from the excessive parking lot area.
4. Otherwise, the site plan appears to meet the City’s minimal landscape and
buffer ordinance requirements.
5. An automatic irrigation system to water landscaped areas will be required.
6. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, it will be necessary to provide an
approved landscape plan stamped with the seal of a Registered Landscape
7. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing
trees as feasible on this site. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape Ordinance
requirements can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch caliper or
Mr. Barry Williams was present representing the request. Staff presented an
overview of the proposed development stating there were few technical issues
associated with the request remaining outstanding. Staff requested the applicant
label the dumpster and provide a note of the hours of service. Staff also
requested the applicant provide the total square footage of the existing building
and provide the location and details of any existing signage.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 17 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6526-B
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated a grading permit would be
required prior to development. Staff also stated the storm water detention
ordinance would apply to future development of the site.
Landscaping comments were addressed. Staff stated the minimum landscape
strip along the western perimeter should be increased to nine feet. Staff also
stated a landscape plan stamped with the seal of a registered landscape
architect would be required at the time of building permit.
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
The applicant submitted a revised site plan to staff addressing most of the issues
raised at the October 18, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant
has increased the landscape strip adjacent to the western property line to nine
feet as typically required per the landscape ordinance. The applicant has also
indicated the hours of dumpster service, the total square footage of the existing
building and the location of existing and proposed signage.
The site plan indicates the placement of two ground mounted signs located along
the street sides. The maximum height proposed is eight feet and a total sign
area not to exceed 160 square feet in area.
The site plan indicates the existing building will remain on the site. The building
contains 8,679 square feet. With the new parking area a total of 75 parking
spaces will be available to serve the site. Based on typical minimum parking
required for an office development 21 parking spaces would typically be required.
The building was previously used as a medical clinic which typically requires six
parking spaces per doctor. The request also includes the allowance of O-3,
General Office District uses, C-1, Neighborhood Commercial District uses and
C-2, Shopping Center District uses as allowable uses for the site. Based on
typical minimum parking requirements for these type uses the indicated parking
should be adequate to serve most future uses. Staff believes any future uses
should not generate a parking requirement greater than the number of available
spaces on the site.
The applicant is seeking the rezoning of the site to allow Parker-Lexus to
increase their number of employee parking spaces by moving the employee
spaces to the north and across Shackleford West Boulevard adjacent to the
medical clinic. Staff is supportive of this request to allow the area to be used as
employee parking. The developers are proposing the addition of 34 parking
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 17 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6526-B
spaces to the site to serve the office building and Parker-Lexus employee
parking. Staff does not feel the utilization of the parking as proposed by
Parker-Lexus will adversely impact the parking for the office building. Staff
recommends the parking not be used as inventory storage but to serve as
employee parking only.
Staff is supportive of the request. The site is located an area of commercial
zoning and uses. Staff does not feel the rezoning to PCD will significantly impact
the development or the area. To staff’s knowledge there are no remaining
outstanding technical issues associated with the request.
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda
staff report.
Staff recommends the parking be used for allowable uses on the site and as
Parker-Lexus employee parking only and not to be used as inventory
(automobile) storage.
Staff recommends any uses on the site be limited to those that do not generate a
parking requirement greater than the number of parking spaces available on the
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to
compliance with the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of
the agenda staff report. Staff also presented recommendations the parking be used for
allowable uses on the site and as Parker-Lexus employee parking only and not to be
used as inventory (automobile) storage and any uses on the site be limited to those that
do not generate a parking requirement greater than the number of parking spaces
available on the site.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a
vote of 11 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 18 FILE NO.: Z-6555-A
NAME: Lot 5 Evergreen Industrial Park Short-form PID
LOCATION: Located on the Southwest corner of Mabelvale Circle and Mabelvale Pike
Eagle Saints Outreach International Ministry
P.O. Box 191312
Little Rock, AR 72219
McGetrick and McGetrick Engineers
10 Otter Creek Court, Suite A
Little Rock, AR 72210
CURRENT ZONING: I-1, Industrial Park District
ALLOWED USES: Industrial Park
PROPOSED USE: Church and I-1, Light Industrial District Uses
The project consists of construction of a new church facility on this presently
vacant lot. The church is proposed to contain 8,000 square feet with an area
indicated for expansion totaling an additional 8,000 square feet. The
development is proposed with 96 parking spaces. The applicant is seeking to
phase the parking with the development of 64 parking spaces in the first phase.
Signage will be consistent with signage allowed in office zones. The request
includes I-2, Light Industrial District uses as alternative uses for the site.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 18 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6555-A
The site is located in an area of mixed uses and zoning. This industrial
subdivision was created a number of years ago and has not fully developed.
Within the subdivision is a motor freight terminal and a casket company. Also
located in the area are a number of manufactured homes and a manufactured
home park is located across Mabelvale Pike to the east. There are several
single family homes scattered in the immediate vicinity. The Arkansas Highway
and Transportation Department Complex is located nearby, to the southwest.
As of this writing, staff has not received any comment from area residents. All
owners of property located within 200 feet of the proposed site along with the
Southwest Little Rock Untied for Progress, Town and County Estates
Neighborhood Association and all residents, who could be identified, located
within 300-feet of the site were notified of the Public Hearing.
1. A 20 foot radial dedication of right-of-way is required at the intersection of
Mabelvale Circle and Mabelvale Pike.
2. A grading permit in accordance with Section 29-186 (c) and (d) will be
required prior to any land clearing or grading activities at the site. Site
grading, and drainage plans will need to be submitted and approved prior to
the start of construction.
3. Sidewalks with appropriate handicap ramps are required on Mabelvale Circle
in accordance with Section 31-175 of the Little Rock Code and the Master
Street Plan.
4. Storm water detention ordinance applies to this property. Show the proposed
location for storm water detention facilities on the plan.
5. Move barricade on Mabelvale Circle to west property line.
6. A special Grading Permit for Flood Hazard Areas will be required per Section
8-283 prior to construction if the a portion of the property is in the floodplain.
7. The minimum Finish Floor elevation of one (1) foot above the base flood
elevation is required to be shown on plat and grading plans since it is either in
the floodplain or in the close vicinity of the floodplain.
8. Repair or replace any curb and gutter or sidewalk that is damaged in the
public right-of-way prior to occupancy.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 18 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6555-A
9. Plans of all work in right-of-way shall be submitted for approval prior to start of
work. Obtain barricade permit prior to doing any work in the right-of-way from
Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1805 (Travis Herbner).
Wastewater: Sewer main extension required with easements. Contact Little
Rock Wastewater Utility at 688-1414 for additional information.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. Additional fire hydrant(s) will
be required. Contact the Little Rock Fire Department to obtain information
regarding the required placement of the hydrant(s) and contact Central Arkansas
Water regarding procedures for installation of the hydrant(s). This development
will have minor impact on the existing water distribution system. Proposed water
facilities will be sized to provide adequate pressure and fire protection.
Fire Department: Install and place fire hydrants per code. Contact the Little
Rock Fire Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: This request is located in the Geyer Springs West Planning
District. The Land Use Plan shows Light Industrial for this property. The
applicant has applied for a Short form PID.
The request does not require a change to the Land Use Plan.
Master Street Plan: Mabelvale Pike is shown as a Collector on the Master Street
Plan. Mabelvale Circle is shown as a Local Street. The primary function of a
Collector Street is to provide a connection from Local Streets to Arterials. The
primary function of a Local Street is to provide access to adjacent properties.
Local Streets which are abutted by non-residential zoning/use or more intensive
zoning than duplexes are considered as “Commercial Streets”. These streets
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 18 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6555-A
have a design standard the same as a Collector. These streets may require
dedication of right-of-way and may require street improvements for entrances
and exits to the site.
Bicycle Plan: A Class III bikeway is shown along Mabelvale Pike. A Class III
bikeway is a signed route on a street shared with traffic. No additional paving or
right-of-way is required. Class III bicycle route signage may be required.
Neighborhood Action Plan: This area is covered by the 65th Street West plan.
The Land Use and Zoning goal states: “Limit expansion of non residential
developments to areas shown as non residential on the FLU Plan.”
1. Site plan must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and buffer ordinance
2. The zoning buffer ordinance requires a seventeen (17’) foot wide land use
buffer along the southern property line. Seventy percent (70%) of this area is
to remain undisturbed.
3. The property to the south is zoned residential, therefore, a six (6) foot high
opaque screen, either a wooden fence with its face side directed outward, a
wall, or dense evergreen plantings, is required along the southern perimeter
of the site.
4. Otherwise, the site plan appears to meet the City’s minimal landscape and
buffer ordinance requirements.
5. An automatic irrigation system to water landscaped areas will be required.
6. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, it will be necessary to provide an
approved landscape plan stamped with the seal of a Registered Landscape
7. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing
trees as feasible on this site. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape Ordinance
requirements can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch caliper or
Mr. Pat McGetrick was present representing the applicant. Staff presented an
overview of the proposed development stating there were few technical issues
associated with the request outstanding. Staff questioned if the church would
offer a school, daycare or mother’s day out program. Staff also requested the
applicant provide the hours of dumpster service and the location of any proposed
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 18 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6555-A
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated the storm water detention
ordinance would apply to the development of the site. Staff also stated the
existing barricade should be moved to the west property line. Mr. McGetrick
requested removal of the barricade. Staff stated the barricade was put in place
to eliminate dumping and loitering. Staff stated the barricade should remain.
Landscaping comments were addressed. Staff stated buffering was required
along the southern property line. Staff also stated screening would be required
along the southern perimeter as well.
Mr. McGetrick stated the owners were requesting a deferral of the paving
requirement and questioned if staff would be supportive of the deferral. Staff
questioned the number of members and if the parking could be phased.
Mr. McGetrick stated phasing was an option and he would work with the owners
to determine a phasing plan.
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
The applicant submitted a revised site plan to staff addressing most of the issues
raised at the October 18, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant
has provided the hours of dumpster service and the proposed signage plan. The
signage is proposed consistent with signage allowed in office zones or a
maximum of six feet in height and sixty-four square feet in area. Building
signage is proposed as fronting the abutting streets as typically allowed in offices
zones or a maximum of ten percent of the façade area.
The revised site plan indicates the placement of a dumpster on the site located
along Mabelvale Circle. The dumpster will be screened per the typical ordinance
standards. The hours of dumpster service will be limited to daylight hours.
A screening fence has been located on the site plan. The fence is proposed
along the southern perimeter to screen the adjacent residentially zoned property.
The applicant is proposing to phase the parking. The church presently has
100 members and a seating capacity of 200. The ordinance would typically
require the placement of 50 parking spaces. The site plan indicates the
development of 57 parking spaces in the first phase and 32 parking spaces in the
second phase.
The church proposes the construction of 8,000 square feet in the first phase and
an additional 8,000 square feet in the second phase. The site plan indicates
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 18 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6555-A
possible future uses include mother’s day out and a day care center in
conjunction with the church use.
Staff is supportive of the request. Staff does not feel the rezoning of this site
from I-2, Light Industrial District to PID to allow the construction of a church and
allowing I-2 uses as alternative uses for the site will adversely impact the
development or the area. To staff’s knowledge there are no outstanding issues
associated with the request.
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda
staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff presented
the item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda staff
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a
vote of 11 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 19 FILE NO.: LU07-18-03
Name: Land Use Plan Amendment - Ellis Mountain Planning District
Location: 13800 Colonel Glenn Road
Request: Single Family to Mixed Use
Source: Bill and Kathy McMurry
A Land Use Plan amendment in the Ellis Mountain Planning District from Single
Family to Mixed Use. Mixed Use represents a mixture of residential, office and
commercial. A Planned Zoning Development is required if the use is entirely
office or commercial or a mixture of all three. The applicant is revising a Planned
Commercial Development for an adoption agency office.
The amendment area is zoned Planned Commercial Development for Kathy’s
Hairstyling and an adoption agency. Most of the surrounding area is zoned R-2
Single Family and has been developed with large lot residential. To the west is
Lake Nixon, which is zoned AF Agricultural.
Almost all of this portion of Colonel Glenn Road is shown as Single Family on the
Future Land Use Plan. The two exceptions are just west of this site. The north
side of Colonel Glenn is shown as Public Institutional and there is some
Park/Open Space to the south of this area.
Colonel Glenn Road is shown as a Principal Arterial on the Master Street Plan.
The primary function of a Principal Arterial is to serve through traffic and to
connect major traffic generators or activity centers within urbanized areas.
Entrances and exits should be limited to minimize negative effects of traffic and
pedestrians on Colonel Glenn since it is a Principal Arterial. This street may
require dedication of right-of-way and may require street improvements.
A Class I bike route is shown on the Master Street Plan along Colonel Glenn
Road. A Class I bikeway is built separate from or alongside a road. Additional
paving and right of way may be required.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 19 (Cont.) FILE NO.: LU07-18-03
This area was not included in the Master Parks Plan because it is outside of the
city limits.
There are no city recognized historic districts that would be affected by this
The property under review is not located in an area covered by a City of Little
Rock recognized neighborhood action plan.
This amendment area is outside of the city limits and is largely rural residential in
nature. It is located approximately one mile west of Colonel Glenn’s intersection
with Lawson and David O. Dodd Roads. That intersection has become a node of
commercial and office uses. As Colonel Glenn heads west, the predominant
land use pattern is single family with large tracts of land. This part of Colonel
Glenn is still relatively rural in nature. This use pattern has been in place for
several decades. With a rural development pattern, less non-residential uses are
needed and the separation between these uses should be greater.
This application proposes to change the Land Use Plan in this area from Single
Family to Mixed Use to allow a Planned Commercial Development. A PCD was
previously approved as a temporary use for this site, but the applicant is now
requesting permanent commercial uses.
Colonel Glenn is shown as a Principal Arterial on the Master Street Plan. The
road is currently two-lanes with open ditches. An arterial design standard is for
four lanes with curb and gutters and sidewalks.
The City policy for land use is to develop using the ‘node’ concept. That concept
is based upon the idea that retail, commercial and businesses should be grouped
around major intersections. These uses should not line major roads. This is
done in part to reduce traffic issues along these major arterials. Under this ‘node’
concept, non-residential uses on Colonel Glenn should be concentrated at major
intersections like the one at Lawson and David O. Dodd Roads.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 19 (Cont.) FILE NO.: LU07-18-03
There appears to be demand for single family uses based on the occupancy rate
and maintenance of existing properties. Staff feels single family should be
continued along Colonel Glenn with Commercial and Office reserved for the
major intersections. There is still quite a bit of land located at the intersection of
Colonel Glenn and David O. Dodd Roads to accommodate non-residential
Notices were not sent to any neighborhood associations because there aren’t
any located in this area. Staff has received no comments from area residents.
Staff believes the change is not appropriate.
The item was placed on the consent agenda for withdrawal. By a vote of 11 for
and 0 against the consent agenda was approved.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 19.1 FILE NO.: Z-7698-A
NAME: Kathy’s Revised Long-form PCD
LOCATION: Located at 13800 Colonel Glenn Road
Katherine and William McMurry
13810 Colonel Glenn Road
Little Rock, AR 72210
The Holloway Firm, Inc.
200 Casey Drive
Maumelle, AR 72113
ALLOWED USES: Single-family, beauty salon and a temporary office use
PROPOSED USE: Single-family, beauty salon and permanent office
Ordinance No. 19,189 adopted by the Little Rock Board of Directors on October 5,
2004, established Kathy’s Long-form PCD. The site is located on the north side of
Colonel Glenn Road, west of I-430 approximately 1.5 miles and contains 6.3 acres. The
requested PCD zoning did not change the use of the property. The uses at the time of
zoning were a non-conforming beauty salon which had been in operation for
approximately twenty-five years, a quiet office (general and professional) in a second
structure and the applicant’s residence. The requested PCD zoning was for the
non-residential uses with single-family as alternative uses for each of the structures.
The beauty salon had two stations, a nail station and a tanning area and provided for
handicapped parking. The office use had located on the site without proper zoning and
was under enforcement. The approval was limited to the time period of a lease
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 19.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7698-A
between the McMurry’s and the adoption agency and the PCD approval for an adoption
agency office use was to expire with the lease agreement. The time provided by the
applicant was 18 months from zoning approval. The adoption agency had six
employees and the days and hours of operation were six days per week from 8:00 am
to 5:00 pm. No signage was approved for the office use. Once the adoption agency
vacated the site the building was to revert to single-family residential use.
A waiver of street improvements to Colonel Glenn Road was approved with the request.
The basis of the waiver approval was the site would not remain as non-residential uses
but was limited to the lease agreement in effect at the time of the zoning approval. The
beauty salon had been in existence for several years and staff felt the waiver was
appropriate since the uses would revert to single-family at some point in the future.
A three-lot plat as approved as a component of the request. Two of the lots would
contain the non-residential uses with the third remaining zoned R-2, Single-family and
contained the applicant’s residence. The plat was recorded at the Circuit Clerk’s Office
on October 12, 2004.
The applicant is now proposing to amend the previously approved PCD to allow
the general and professional office use to become a permanent use. The
property is located at 13720 Colonel Glenn Road and has been operating as an
office use for Advantage Adoption Agency since 2004. The business expanded
at a faster rate than expected, causing some parking problems on the site. The
adoption agency has redistributed employees to other locations reducing the
parking demand. The proposal is to allow a two person office with no additional
employee traffic to be approved as an allowable use of the site. Single-family is
being requested as an alternative use for the site. There are no modifications
proposed to the exterior of the structure maintaining the residential character and
appearance of the structure.
The site contains a single-family structure presently being used as an office use.
Kathy’s Beauty Salon is located to the west and the applicant’s home is located
to the north. The area is predominately single-family homes on acreage and
pasture areas. Colonel Glenn Road is a two lane roadway with open ditches for
drainage. Just west of this site is a large curve.
All owners of property located within 200-feet of the site and all residents located
within 300-feet of the site who could be identified were notified of the public
hearing. There is not an active neighborhood association located within the area.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 19.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7698-A
As of this writing staff has received several informational phone calls from area
1. Colonel Glenn Road is classified on the Master Street Plan as a principal
arterial. A dedication of right of way 45-feet from the centerline will be
2. A waiver of the street improvements to Colonel Glenn Road was approved
with the prior application. The waiver was based on the use being a
temporary use and the site reverting to single-family within a specific time
frame. This is no longer the case with the current application request to allow
the site to become a permanent office use. Construct street improvements to
Colonel Glenn Road per the Master Street Plan to include curb, gutter and
Wastewater: No comment.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: No objection.
Fire Department: The site is located outside the City of Little Rock. Provide a
letter from the area volunteer fire department indicating their knowledge to the
proposed project.
County Planning: No comment received.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: This request is located in the Ellis Mountain Planning District.
The Land Use Plan shows Single Family for this property. The applicant has
applied for a revised Long form PCD.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 19.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7698-A
A Land Use Plan amendment from Single Family to Mixed Use is a separate item
on this agenda.
Master Street Plan: Colonel Glenn Road is shown as a Principal Arterial on the
Master Street Plan. The primary function of a Principal Arterial is to serve
through traffic and to connect major traffic generators or activity centers within
urbanized areas. Entrances and exits should be limited to minimize negative
effects of traffic and pedestrians on Colonel Glenn Road since it is a Principal
Arterial. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and may require street
improvements for entrances and exits to the site.
Bicycle Plan: A Class I bike route is shown on the Master Street Plan along
Colonel Glenn Road. A Class I bikeway is built separate from or alongside a
road. Additional paving and right of way may be required.
Neighborhood Action Plan: This area is not covered by a neighborhood action
1. The site plan must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and buffer
ordinance requirements.
2. Additional landscaping may be required in conjunction with any new parking
areas on the site.
The applicant was not present. Staff presented an overview of the proposed
development stating there were no remaining outstanding technical issues
associated with the request in need of addressing. There was no further
discussion of the item. The Committee then forwarded the item to the full
Commission for final action.
There were no remaining outstanding technical issues associated with the
request remaining from the October 18, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting.
The applicant is requesting to amend the previously approved PCD to allow a
temporary office use located on the site to become a permanent use for the
property located at 13720 Colonel Glenn Road. The applicant is seeking
approval of single-family as an alternative uses for the site.
Advantage Adoption Agency has been operating from the structure since 2004.
According to the applicant the business has expanded at a faster rate than
expected, causing some parking problems on the site. The adoption agency has
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 19.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7698-A
redistributed employees to other locations reducing the parking demand and
eliminating the need for additional paving on the site.
Staff is supportive of the request. Staff feels the allowance of a quiet office on
the site maintaining the residential character of the structure and integrity of the
neighborhood should have limited impact on the area. The development is
proposed with typical office hours which should not impact the adjoining homes.
To staff’s knowledge there are no remaining outstanding technical issues
associated with the request.
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda
staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff presented
the item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda staff
report. Staff presented a recommendation signage be limited to signage typically
allowed in single-family zones. Staff also presented a recommendation of approval of
the applicant’s request for a five year deferral of the required street improvements to
Colonel Glenn Road.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a
vote of 11 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 20 FILE NO.: Z-7720-A
NAME: Denison Bailey Creative Arts Center Revised Short-form PCD
LOCATION: Located at 1517 – 1611 Wright Avenue
Denison-Bailey Land Company, LLC
9 Covewood Circle
Little Rock, AR 72204-5928
Blaylock Threet Engineers, Inc.
1501 Market Drive
Little Rock, AR 72211
ALLOWED USES: Creative Arts Studio and Loft Apartments
PROPOSED USE: Creative Arts Studio and Loft Apartments; add
underground parking
Staff recommends this item be deferred to the January 3, 2008, public hearing. The
applicant has not contacted staff addressing the issues raised at the October 18, 2007,
Subdivision Committee meeting.
The applicant was not present. Staff presented the item requesting a deferral of the
item to the January 3, 2008, public hearing. Staff stated the applicant had not contacted
them and addressed the issues raised at the October 18, 2007, Subdivision Committee
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 20 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7720-A
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a vote
of 11 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 21 FILE NO.: Z-7898-B
NAME: Cross Street Elderly Housing Revised Short-form PD-R
LOCATION: Located at 1022 Cross Street
Clarshun Beyah
1903 Marshall Street
P.O. Box 166002
Little Rock, AR 72216
Dee Wilson
P.O. Box 604
North Little Rock, AR 72215-0604
Kwendeche, AIA
2124 Rice Street
Little Rock, AR 72202
AREA: 0.51 acres NUMBER OF LOTS: 1 zoning lot FT. NEW STREET: 0 LF
ALLOWED USES: Two Duplex Units
PROPOSED USE: Add third duplex unit
Ordinance No. 19,406 adopted by the Little Rock Board of Directors on September 20, 2005,
established Cross Street Elderly Housing Short-form PD-R. The applicant proposed the
rezoning of three lots located on the northwest corner of 11th Street and Cross Streets from
R-4 to PD-R to allow the development of four units of elderly housing contained in two duplex
structures. Only persons 55 and older may be considered as potential residents. The
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 21 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7898-B
development would occur on two of the lots with the remaining lot being left vacant for future
development. The applicant indicated single-family or two family as possible future uses for
the vacant lot. A tenant vegetable garden was proposed as a part of the development.
Ordinance No. 19,612 adopted by the Little Rock Board of Directors on October 17, 2006,
revised the previously approved PD-R to allow a small portion of the site to be removed from
the overall approval area. The property was a 42.5-foot by 64-foot area located along the
eastern portion of the site. The approved site plan indicated this area as a tenant vegetable
garden for the residents of the duplex units. The property owner located to the north of the
garden area was seeking to purchase this land area and include the area in their existing lot
through a replat. All other portions of the PD-R would remain as were previously approved.
None of the development previously approved has occurred.
The applicant is seeking an amendment to the previously approved PD-R to allow the
development of the third lot previously identified for future development. The applicant
is proposing the construction of a duplex unit on this lot. The original approval
indicated the lot would develop as one or two family and prior to development the
applicant would seek a revision to the PD-R to establish the building footprint and
construction materials.
As with the previous approval a white picket fence will be located around the site to
provide a sense of privacy and a good feeling of aesthetics in the downtown
neighborhood. The applicant has indicated within the fenced areas, a new
landscaping scheme, including shade trees, irrigated lawns and shrubs are planned.
The overall structure of the units will be constructed of wood frame on a flat poured in
place concrete slab. The applicant has indicated the profile of the unit will be
one-story units (maximum 25-feet to roof ridge) and resemble a typical single
residential wood frame house with a steep gable roof over the house and front porch.
The cladding will be painted wood lap siding in a narrow pattern with accentuated
colors between the roof eave and window surrounds. The applicant has indicated the
architectural style is best replicated in the historical character of the neighborhood in
the 1930’s or before. The applicant has indicated the front façade of each unit will
have ornamental features.
The applicant has indicated the roof finish will be sheathed in architectural shingles
with pronounced profiles to best create a unique shadow effect across the roof
surface. The applicant has also indicated guttering and downspouts will be copper or
finished similar to copper. The windows will be double hung vinyl clad windows with
raised muntins. The entire project will be designed in accordance with current energy
codes, with further investigation to determine if LEED energy saving components is
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 21 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7898-B
The applicant has indicated residential living units designed specifically for elderly
tenants will be constructed. According to the applicant each unit shall be
approximately 900 square feet, with living/dining, kitchen, one bedroom/storage and
bathroom. The applicant has indicated each of the units will be constructed handicap
The overall project shall be designed with a strong sense of safety and security,
energy consciousness and privacy – all acting in a coordinated manner to realize a
successful and uniquely interesting housing development.
The site is vacant and grass covered. The site is located in an area, which is
predominately single-family with a scattering of two family homes. Most of the homes
appear to be occupied with only one or two being boarded. The area appears to be a
stable residential neighborhood.
Other uses in the area include a church, an elementary school, office and commercial
uses all located to the northeast and northwest of the site along West 10th Street
abutting I-630.
As of this writing staff has received several informational phone calls from area
residents. The Downtown Neighborhood Association, along with all property owners
located within 200-feet of the site and all residents who could be identified located
within 300 feet of the site were notified of the public hearing.
1. A 20-foot radial dedication of right-of-way is required at the intersection of Cross
Street and West 11th Street.
2. Sidewalks with appropriate handicap ramps are required to be installed on Cross
Street and West 11th Street in accordance with Section 31-175 of the Little Rock
Code and the Master Street Plan.
3. Repair or replace any curb and gutter or sidewalk that is damaged in the public
right-of-way prior to occupancy.
Wastewater: Sewer available to this property.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 21 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7898-B
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: It appears that the street on the south side of this project is
mislabeled and that it should be West 11th Street, rather than West 10th Street.
Contact Central Arkansas Water regarding the size and location of the water meter.
Fire Department: Approved as submitted.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: This request is located in the Central City Planning District. The
Land Use Plan shows Public Institutional for this property. The applicant has applied
for a revised Short form PD-R.
The request does not require a change to the Land Use Plan.
Master Street Plan: Cross and 10th Streets are shown as Local Streets on the Master
Street Plan. These streets may require dedication of right-of-way and may require
street improvements for entrances and exits to the site. The primary function of a
Local Street is to provide access to adjacent properties. Local Streets which are
abutted by non-residential zoning/use or more intensive zoning than duplexes are
considered as “Commercial Streets”. These streets have a design standard the same
as a Collector.
Bicycle Plan: There are no bike routes shown in the immediate vicinity.
Neighborhood Action Plan: This area is covered by the Downtown Neighborhood
Action Plan. The Social Services goal states: “Assure programs assist our elderly
residents with necessary transportation, home health care, home maintenance and
other programs to enable them to continue living independently in their own homes.”
1. Site plan must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and buffer ordinance
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 21 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7898-B
2. The City of Little Rock and the City Beautiful Commission both commend and
appreciate saving on site existing trees.
3. Street trees are required along West 10th Street and Cross Streets.
4. A franchise agreement must be obtained with the City of Little Rock Public Works
department for the street trees prior to the issuance of a building permit.
5. The landscape ordinance and the zoning buffer ordinance requires a six foot nine
inch wide (6’-9”) landscape strip and buffer strip. Seventy percent (70%) of this
area is to remain undisturbed.
6. The property to the west is zoned residential, therefore, a six (6) foot high opaque
screen, either a wooden fence with its face side directed outward, a wall, or dense
evergreen plantings, is required along the western perimeter of the site.
7. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing trees as
feasible on this site. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape Ordinance requirements
can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch caliper or larger.
The applicant was not present. Staff presented the item stating there were few
outstanding technical issues associated with the request in need of addressing. Staff
stated they would contact the applicant to address any concerns prior to the public
hearing. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee then forwarded
the item to the full Commission for final action.
There were no modifications to the site plan in need of addressing raised at the
October 18, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant is proposing an
amendment to the previously approved PD-R to allow the development of the third lot
previously identified for future development with a duplex structure. The original
approval indicated the lot would develop as one or two family and prior to development
the applicant would seek a revision to the PD-R to establish the building footprint and
construction materials. The materials proposed are the same as were approved for
the other two lots and the building footprint is also the same as the footprint
established for the previous two lots.
Staff is supportive of the request. The area is primarily zoned R-4, Two-family District
which allows one and two-family construction “by right”. The applicant has limited the
occupancy to elderly housing with a minimum age of 55 to be allowed for the tenants.
To staff’s knowledge there are no outstanding issues associated with the request.
Staff feels the development as proposed should enhance the neighborhood.
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the comments
and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda staff report.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 21 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7898-B
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff presented the
item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda staff report.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for placement of
the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a vote of 11 ayes,
0 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 22 FILE NO.: Z-7919-A
NAME: JAPB, LLC Marina-Condo Project Revised Long-form PCD
LOCATION: Located North of 3rd Street and East of Bond Street
John Burkhalter Managing Member
26 Collins Industrial
North Little Rock, AR 72113
The Holloway Firm
200 Cassey Drive
Maumelle, AR 72113
ALLOWED USES: Mixed Use Development, Commercial, Marina and
PROPOSED USE: Mixed Use Development, Commercial, Marina and
1. A variance from the Land Alteration Ordinance to allow advanced grading of the site.
2. A waiver of the storm water detention ordinance requirements.
Ordinance No. 19,425 adopted by the Little Rock Board of Directors on November 1,
2005, rezoned the site from R-4, Two-family District to PCD. The applicant proposed to
construct a mixed used development containing apartments, commercial, a marina and
a public boat launch ramp. The apartments would occupy 4.5 acres; the restaurant,
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 22 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7919-A
public launch ramp, and marina, 5.0 acres; the retail facility 1.5 acres; and the surface
parking areas would occupy 1.67 acres.
The approved site plan included 206-covered slips for both public and private access for
dockage, storage and launching. The applicant indicated amenities including a ship’s
store, fueling facility, pubic launch ramp and boardwalk. There were uncovered slips
and transient moorage that would support 336 boats.
The project now consists of a condominium/marina project developed in four
phases. The initial phase will begin in 2008 with completion of the project in
2014. The Master Plan for the site indicates two developments planned for the
site. The condominium development and the marina, each stands alone.
The condominium development consists of 268 residential units, 250 residential
storage units and 700 parking spaces. The development site is south of the
floodway line on the property where the existing elevation is approximately
252.00. The 100-year flood elevation at the site is 252.00. Three buildings are
planned for the condominium development with building number being a two
story structure that will be used as the development office for each separate
development. The development office will be used for the marketing selling,
leasing, construction and maintenance of the condominium development and will
also be used for management of the condominium development after the
condominium buildings are completed. Building number 2 and 3 will each be ten
story buildings. The first three floors of each will be utilized for parking. The
remaining seven floors will be a mixed use of residential
condominiums/apartments, and office uses. The condominium development will
reflect a Mediterranean Architectural style that utilizes environmental friendly
LEED Certified green construction. The development will be a gated community
with 24 hour security.
The marina development consists of 13 docks which contain 450 watercraft slips.
The development lies north of the floodway line to the edge of the southern
navigation channel line in the Arkansas River. Two boat basins are to be built for
the marina development. Boat basin numbers 1 and 2 will have a manmade
floating wave break protecting the harbor from wave entry and river debris. The
marina development will be a full service facility that includes: marine fuel,
transient boat dockage, a neighborhood market complete with grocery, tackle,
bait, hardware, laundry and shower facilities, full service restaurant, fishing pier
and public walking promenades. Covered and uncovered boat slips will be
provided for boats ranging in size from personal water crafts to yachts of 130 feet
in length. Shore service for the boat slips will include dockside lighting, fresh
water, outlets for single and three phase electricity, slop-side pump out stations
and boat cleaning. The floodway property will include pavement for unloading
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 22 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7919-A
and parking. The marina development will reflect a Mediterranean Architecture
style that utilizes environmental friendly LEED Certified green construction similar
to the condominium development.
The developer has indicated the desire to develop the City owned property
adjacent to the west including a public boat launch ramp, park and playground
area and the river trail system with both bike and pedestrian access.
The phasing of the marina-condo project has been shown on a phased
development plan. The initial phases begin at the west end of the property.
Waterlines for fire flow along with other utilities systems need to extend all the
way from the west to the east end of the property. The earthwork must be
completed to final grade on the south side of the floodway first, in order that other
phases of development may proceed without tearing up the initial phase and
successive phases by the weight of heavy trucks traveling across the
construction areas. The applicant is seeking a variance from the Land Alteration
Ordinance to allow advanced grading of the site with the construction of the first
The developer is also requesting a waiver of the storm water detention ordinance
requirement. The runoff from the marina-condo project will run into the Arkansas
River which will be totally unaffected by any detention that might be
accomplished on the site.
The site is vacant and was recently cleared. The Arkansas River is located to
the north of the site and single-family homes on smaller lots are located to the
south of the site. To the east of the site is the FOP meeting facility and further
east of the site is the Pulaski County Health Building.
As of this writing, staff has received one informational phone call from an area
resident. The East Little Rock Neighborhood Association and the Hanger Hill
Neighborhood Association, along with all property owners located within 200-feet
of the site and all residents who could be identified located within 300 feet of the
site were notified of the public hearing.
1. The proposed site is within the adopted regulatory floodway. The proposed
alteration or encroachments of the floodway will require flood map revisions
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 22 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7919-A
and conditional approval from Public Works and the Federal Emergency
Management Agency prior to the issuance of City permits for the start of
work in the floodway.
2. Alteration of the water course or encroachment within the floodway and
flowage easements of the Arkansas River will require approval from the
Little Rock District of the US Army Corps of Engineers prior to the issuance
of City permits and the start of work in the floodway.
3. Alteration or use of the levee will require approval from the Little Rock
Levee District prior to start of work.
4. The floodway delineation is not shown on the plan as depicted on the
effective FIRM. Due to the date of beginning construction, the preliminary
FIRMs dated September 21, 2007 should be shown on the site plan.
Contact Vince Floriani in Civil Engineering for an electronic file of the new
floodway delineation at 371-4817.
5. Per Section 36-341 no structure shall be closer than twenty-five (25) feet to
any established floodway line. The storage or processing aboveground and
the storage belowground of material and fuel which is flammable or
explosive or which could other wise be injurious to human, animal or plant
life in time of flood shall be unlawful. Floodways shall be kept free of
structural involvement including fences, open storage of materials and
equipment, vehicle parking and other impediments to the free flow of
6. The proposed land use would classify 2nd Street on the Master Street Plan
as a commercial street. Dedicate right-of-way to 30 feet from centerline.
7. With site development, provide the design of the street conforming to the
Master Street Plan. Construct street improvement to 2nd Street including
5-foot sidewalks with the planned development.
8. A special Grading Permit for Flood Hazard Areas will be required per
Section 8-283 prior to construction in the floodway.
9. A concrete driveway should be located at the end of 2nd Street. An 80 foot
diameter cul de sac and 100 foot diameter right-of-way should be provided
for vehicles to turnaround on public property.
10. Repair or replace any curb and gutter or sidewalk that is damaged in the
public right-of-way prior to occupancy.
11. Plans of all work in right-of-way shall be submitted for approval prior to start
of work. Obtain barricade permit prior to doing any work in the right-of-way
from Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1805 (Travis Herbner).
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 22 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7919-A
12. Private access is proposed for these lots. In accordance with Section
31-207, private streets must be designed and constructed to the same
standards as public streets. A minimum access easement width of 45 feet
is required and street width of 24 feet from back of curb to back of curb.
13. A grading permit in accordance with Section 29-186 (c) and (d) will be
required prior to any land clearing or grading activities at the site. Site
grading, and drainage plans will need to be submitted and approved prior to
the start of construction. A variance is required to be issued for grading of
the area for the proposed condominium buildings since only the office is
being constructed at this time.
14. If disturbed area is one (1) or more acres, obtain a NPDES storm water
permit from the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality prior to the
start of construction.
15. Streetlights are required by Section 31-403 of the Little Rock code. Provide
plans for approval to Traffic Engineering. Streetlights must be installed prior
to platting or certificate of occupancy. Contact Traffic Engineer 379-1813
(Steve Philpott) for more information.
16. Obtain permits prior to doing any street cuts or curb cuts. Obtain barricade
permit prior to doing any work in the right-of-way. Contact Traffic
Engineering at (501) 379-1805 (Travis Herbner) for more information.
17. The proposed park designed should be reviewed by the Little Rock Parks
Department. Contact Mark Webre at 371-6851 for additional assistance.
18. Is any construction including utility work proposed in the floodway?
Wastewater: Existing Sewer Outfall located on site. No construction within
25-feet of existing outfall without written authorization from Little Rock
Entergy: Approved as submitted. .
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. The facilities on-site will be
private. When meters are planned off private lines, private facilities shall be
installed to Central Arkansas Water's material and construction specifications
and installation will be inspected by an engineer, licensed to practice in the State
of Arkansas. Execution of Customer Owned Line Agreement is required. This
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 22 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7919-A
development will have minor impact on the existing water distribution system.
Proposed water facilities will be sized to provide adequate pressure and fire
Fire Department: Install and place fire hydrants per code. Contact the Little
Rock Fire Department for additional information concerning Fire Department
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: This request is located in the East Little Rock Planning
District. The Land Use Plan shows Mixed Use and Parks and Open Space for
this property. The applicant has applied for a revised Long form PCD.
The request does not require a change to the Land Use Plan.
Master Street Plan: Bond is shown as a Collector and East 3rd is shown as a
Local Street. These streets may require dedication of right-of-way and may
require street improvements for entrances and exits to the site. The primary
function of a Collector Street is to provide a connection from Local Streets to
Arterials. The primary function of a Local Street is to provide access to adjacent
properties. Local Streets which are abutted by non-residential zoning/use or
more intensive zoning than duplexes are considered as “Commercial Streets”.
These streets have a design standard the same as a Collector.
Bicycle Plan: A Class I bike route is shown proposed along the south shore of
the Arkansas River just north of this site. A Class I bikeway is built separate from
or alongside a road. Additional paving and right of way may be required.
Neighborhood Action Plan: This area is not covered by a City of Little Rock
Neighborhood Action Plan.
Parks and Recreation: Little Rock Parks and Recreation Department has been
approached by the applicant to develop river access for boating and fishing
activities, a park area and a section of the Arkansas River Trail. The City owns
park property that will enable the applicant to perform access to boating and
fishing and the park area. In order to comply with State law, a Request for
Proposals will be issued to see if any other parties would be interested in
assisting the City of Little Rock in developing this project.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 22 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7919-A
The applicant has requested that the City locate the Arkansas River Trail along
the levee and would help contribute funds towards its development. Staff has not
approached the levee owners or determined the scope of work for this request.
However, if it is found to be feasible, then staff is supportive of this request
1. Site plan must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and buffer ordinance
2. All interior islands are to be a minimum of three hundred (300) square foot in
area and to be evenly distributed throughout the site.
3. Street trees are required along 2nd Street.
4. A franchise agreement must be obtained with the City of Little Rock Public
Works department for the street trees prior to the issuance of a building
5. Coordination with the City of Little Rock, Parks and Recreation Department is
required in conjunction with this proposal.
6. An automatic irrigation system to water landscaped areas will be required.
7. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, it will be necessary to provide an
approved landscape plan stamped with the seal of a Registered Landscape
8. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing
trees as feasible on this site. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape Ordinance
requirements can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch caliper or
The applicant was present. Staff presented an overview of the proposed
development stating there were a number of issues related to the site plan in
need of addressing prior to the item being considered by the Commission. Staff
stated the site plan indicated the utilization of City owned property which the
applicant did not have control of. Staff also stated the site plan did not include
elements of the Master Parks Plan including the bike trail or the walking trail.
Staff questioned the potential office and commercial uses identified on the site
plan. Staff also requested the applicant provide the location of the proposed fuel
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated the site was within the
regulatory floodway. Staff also stated the floodway delineation was not shown on
the plat as depicted on the effective FIRM dated September 21, 2007. Staff
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 22 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7919-A
stated the land use would classify East 2nd Street as a commercial street and a
right of way dedication to 30-feet from centerline would be required. Staff also
stated a grading permit would be required prior to any clearing or filling on the
Landscaping comments were addressed. Staff stated street trees would be
required along East 2nd Street. Staff also stated parking lot islands should be a
minimum of 300 square feet and evenly distributed through out the site.
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
The applicant submitted a revised site plan to staff addressing a number of the
issues raised at the October 18, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The
revised plan continues to indicate development of the City owned property,
indicates the proposed office and commercial uses and indicates the location of
the fuel tanks. The applicant has also indicated they will work with City staff to
locate the pedestrian and bike trails as indicated on the City’s Master Parks Plan.
The applicant has also indicated a RFP or PRQ will be secured with the City prior
to development of the City owned property. Construction of the facilities on City
owned property will begin upon approval from the City and all regulatory
The fuel storage area is located outside the floodplain and outside the floodway.
The dumpster facilities will be limited to accommodate the pubic part of the
improvements separately from the private part. All dumpster locations have been
identified outside the floodway.
The development will likely be one to two floors of tower devoted to executive
offices, and retail will also be located on the floating marina facilities such as a
restaurant, general retail and convenience store. Dock services will also be
provided for fuel and the restocking of typical supplies. Other retail shops will be
available at the marina for miscellaneous and aquatic activities. Typically all
retail activities will be enclosed retail activities.
Fencing is proposed as wrought iron type construction and will generally follow
the south property line from the gate leading to the private marina slips and the
condominium development to the eastern boundary. The maximum fence height
proposed is eight feet.
The maximum building height proposed is 120-feet with an architectural tower
extending an additional 30-feet.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 22 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7919-A
The applicant is requesting a waiver of the required storm water detention
requirements. The site is located adjacent to the Arkansas River and providing
detention would not service the overall needs or the intention of the storm
drainage detention policy.
The applicant is also seeking a variance from the Land Alteration Ordinance to
allow advanced grading of the site. The applicant is seeking to fill the entire site
with the construction of the Phase I building. The applicant has indicated the
Phase I development will include filling the floodway to a 253.5 foot elevation,
installation of utilities, construction of 2nd Street Extension, construction of a
2-story office building, landscape and tree planting, underground sprinkler
system and construction of the harbor master building and office. This portion of
the development is scheduled for construction during 2007 and 2008. According
to the applicant the variance is necessary to limit the truck traffic to the site and
limit the repetitive heavy loads across 2nd Street with every expansion or phase.
The second phase consists of construction of the river channel wave break, (boat
basin #1), construction of boat slips, construction of the fuel islands and
construction of the first condo tower. This phase of development is proposed to
take place in 2008 and 2009. The third phase will include construction of the
river channel wave break (boat basin #2), construction of boat slips and
construction of the restaurant. This phase is slated for 2010 – 2011. The final
phase will take place in 2012 – 2014 and consists of construction of the 2nd
condo tower, construction of additional retail on the boat dock and the completion
of all the remaining portions of the development.
The site plan indicates four commercial buildings with a building footprint totaling
30,400 square feet and three residential/office buildings with a building footprint
totaling 57,600 square feet. The development contains 11.3 acres with
8.83 acres available as common usable open space area. The development will
contain 268 residential units, 250 residential storage units and 700 parking
spaces. The applicant is seeking a variance from the zoning ordinance to allow
parking within the floodway. According to the applicant the Arkansas River does
not experience flash flooding. The river rises at a slow rate and is controlled by
the Arkansas Corp of Engineers. The development will provide gates to secure
the parking areas located within the floodway which will be secured during the
event of a flood and upon notification by the Corp of Engineers.
Although, staff is generally supportive of the request there are concerns related
to developing in the floodway and issues recently raised by the airport. Staff
continues to study these issues.
Staff recommendation is forthcoming.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item stating the applicant had resolved staff’s concerns related to the
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 22 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7919-A
floodway and the previously identified airport concerns. Staff stated the airport was
offering conditions for approval in addition to the City comments and conditions. Staff
stated according to the airport due to the proximity and use of the proposed
development, certain measures were recommended to minimize any impact, singular or
cumulative, to Little Rock National Airport and should be addressed. The following are
conditions of approval related to the airport:
1. The notices of the development shall be filed with Federal Aviation Administration by
submitting FAA form 7460-1, Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration. Little
Rock National Airport will object to the development if the FAA determines such
development will have an effect on instrument approach procedures at the Little
Rock National Airport.
2. JAPB, LLC shall provide an Avigation Easement to Little Rock National Airport at no
cost to the airport.
3. The development should provide construction methods to sound attenuate any
interior residential and hotel rooms to achieve an interior sound level of 45 db or less
with the windows closed and the doors shut.
Staff also presented a recommendation of approval of the request subject to compliance
with the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda
staff report. Staff presented a recommendation of approval of the applicant’s request
for a variance to the Land Alteration Ordinance to allow advanced grading of the site.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a
vote of 10 ayes, 1 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 23 FILE NO.: Z-8042-A
NAME: Lot 10 Northwest Territory Short-form PCD
LOCATION: Located on the Northeast corner of Cantrell Road and Chenal Parkway
Eugene Pfeifer III
16623 Cantrell Road, Suite 2A
Little Rock, AR 72223
White-Daters and Associates
24 Rahling Circle
Little Rock, AR 72223
CURRENT ZONING: C-3, General Commercial District
ALLOWED USES: General Commercial uses
PROPOSED USE: C-3, General Commercial District uses
The applicant is proposing the rezoning of this site from C-3, General Commercial
District to PCD to allow the development of the site inconsistent with the Highway 10
Design Overlay District. The site plan submitted has reduced the eastern landscape
strip from the typically required 25-feet to 9-feet. The property adjacent is an Entergy
Substation which as existed for a number of years.
With the construction of Chenal Parkway in 1990 and approval of the overlay district,
this property has gotten “squeezed” in width to the point it has become difficult to
develop while maintaining the Highway 10 Design Overlay District requirements.
Several users have studied the property over the past years and discovered that the
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 23 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8042-A
width hinders the development due to the 25-foot landscape strip required along the
eastern perimeter.
Mr. Pfeifer has owned the property since the early 1970’s. The applicant has indicated
if Mr. Pfeifer understood the effects of the Overlay District along with the later
requirements of driveway spacing, he would have insisted that the presently
constructed intersection of Chenal Parkway and Cantrell Road be moved further to the
west when he was approached about the alignment of Chenal Parkway.
The request also includes a deferral of the construction of Chenal Parkway
(approximately 4150 feet of boundary street improvements) and Highway 10
(approximately 1700 feet of boundary street improvements) required by the Master
Street Plan for five (5) years, until a future phase of development or until adjacent
property is developed whichever occurs first for the Northwest Territory Addition
located near the intersection of Chenal Parkway and Highway 10
The properties are principally commercial in use and zoning. The PCD zoned property
to the west contains a convenience store with a single bay car wash. A mini
warehouse development is adjacent to the north. A Walmart Store is located to the
south. The site is adjacent to R-2 zoned property to the east but that property is
occupied by a utility substation, not a residence.
As of this writing, staff has received one informational phone call from an area
resident. All owners of property located within 200 feet of the proposed site along with
the Duquesne Place, Aberdeen, Property Owners Associations and all residents, who
could be identified, located within 300-feet of the site were notified of the Public
1. With site development, provide the design of the street conforming to the Master
Street Plan. Construct one-half street improvement to Chenal Valley and Cantrell
Road including 5-foot sidewalks with the planned development. A right turn lane
should be installed on Cantrell Road.
2. A grading permit in accordance with Section 29-186 (c) and (d) will be required
prior to any land clearing or grading activities at the site. Site grading and drainage
plans will need to be submitted and approved prior to the start of construction.
3. Storm water detention ordinance applies to this property. Show the proposed
location for storm water detention facilities on the plan.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 23 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8042-A
4. If disturbed area is one (1) or more acres, obtain a NPDES storm water permit from
the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality prior to the start of construction.
5. Obtain permits for improvements within State Highway right-of-way from AHTD,
District VI.
6. Street Improvement plans shall include signage and striping. Traffic Engineering
must approve completed plans prior to construction.
7. Plans of all work in right-of-way shall be submitted for approval prior to start of
work. Obtain barricade permit prior to doing any work in the right-of-way from
Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1805 (Travis Herbner).
8. Is applicant requesting a deferral of street improvements in the subdivision?
9. The location of the driveway was previously approved by Traffic Engineering and
Wastewater: Sewer available to this property.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: Waterline easement (Inst No. 98-052114) should be
shown. All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at the time of request for
water service must be met. Contact Central Arkansas Water regarding the size and
location of the water meter. Additional fire hydrant(s) may be required. Contact the
Little Rock Fire Department to obtain information regarding the required placement of
the hydrant(s) and contact Central Arkansas Water regarding procedures for
installation of the hydrant(s).
Fire Department: Install and place fire hydrants per code. Contact the Little Rock Fire
Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is located on CATA Bus Route #25 – the Highway 10 Express Route.
Planning Division: This request is located in the Chenal Planning District. The Land
Use Plan shows Commercial for this property. The applicant has applied for a Short
form PCD.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 23 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8042-A
The request does not require a change to the Land Use Plan.
Master Street Plan: Cantrell Road and Chenal Parkway are shown as Principal
Arterials with reduced standards. The primary function of a Principal Arterial is to
serve through traffic and to connect major traffic generators or activity centers within
urbanized areas.
Entrances and exits should be limited to minimize negative effects of traffic and
pedestrians on Cantrell Road since it is a Principal Arterial. These streets may require
dedication of right-of-way and may require street improvements for entrances and
exits to the site.
Bicycle Plan: A Class II is shown along Cantrell Road and a Class III is shown along
Chenal Parkway. A Class II bikeway is located on the street as either a 5-foot
shoulder or six foot marked bike lane. Additional paving and right of way may be
required. A Class III bikeway is a signed route on a street shared with traffic. No
additional paving or right-of-way is required. Class III bicycle route signage may be
Neighborhood Action Plan: This area is not covered by a City of Little Rock
Neighborhood Action Plan.
1. Site plan must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and buffer ordinance
2. This site plan must also comply with the Highway 10 Overlay District
3. The Hwy. 10 overlay district requires a twenty-five foot (25’) wide landscape strip
around the northern, eastern, and western perimeters of the site. Currently, this
proposal does not meet this minimal ordinance requirement.
4. The landscape ordinance requires a nine foot (9’) wide landscape strip along the
western perimeter of the site. A variance from this minimal amount will require
approval from the City Beautiful Commission prior to the issuance of a building
5. Zero building landscaping is shown. A variance from this requirement must be
obtained from the City Beautiful Commission prior to the issuance of a building
6. Berming along Scenic Hwy. 10 is encouraged.
7. The zoning buffer ordinance requires a thirteen (13’) foot wide undisturbed land
use buffer along the eastern perimeter of the site next to the residentially zoned
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 23 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8042-A
property. Seventy percent (70%) of this area is to remain undisturbed.
Currently, this proposal does not meet this minimal ordinance requirement.
8. The property to the east is zoned residential, therefore, a six (6) foot high opaque
screen, either a wooden fence with its face side directed outward, a wall, or
dense evergreen plantings, is required along the eastern perimeter of the site.
9. The Highway 10 Overlay District requires forty foot of landscape area along
Scenic Highway 10; currently, parking is being proposed in this area. One
parking space needs to be eliminated along this area.
10. The landscape ordinance requires a minimum of 8 % of the paved areas be
landscaped with interior islands of at least 7 ½ feet in width and 150 square feet
in area. Proposed plan does not currently reflect this minimum.
11. An automatic irrigation system to water landscaped areas will be required.
12. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, it will be necessary to provide an
approved landscape plan stamped with the seal of a Registered Landscape
13. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing trees
as feasible on this site. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape Ordinance
requirements can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch caliper or larger.
Mr. Joe White of White Daters and Associates was present representing the applicant.
Staff presented an overview of the proposed development stating there were
additional items necessary to complete the review process. Staff stated the site plan
as indicated did not comply with the typical minimum requirements of the Highway 10
Overlay District. Staff stated the eastern landscape strip and the landscape strip along
Chenal Parkway were inadequate. Staff also requested the applicant provide a note
indicating the dumpster screening. Staff questioned if the hours of dumpster service
would be limited to daylight hours. Staff also requested details of any proposed
signage including location, total height and total area.
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated street improvement plans
would be required prior to the start of construction. Staff also stated the driveway
located on Cantrell Road was proposed in the location previously approved by Traffic
Engineering and AHTD.
Landscaping comments were addressed. Staff stated screening would be required
along the eastern perimeter. Staff stated the plan as submitted did not include building
landscaping. Staff also stated interior parking lot islands must be 7 ½ feet in width and
150 square feet in area.
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and agencies
suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information and
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 23 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8042-A
clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee then
forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
The applicant submitted a revised site plan to staff addressing most of the issues
raised at the October 18, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant has
increased the landscape strip along Chenal Parkway, provided a note concerning the
dumpster screening and indicated the hours of service for the dumpster. The
proposed signage has also been indicated including location, total height and total
The applicant has indicated a ground mounted sign will be located along Cantrell Road
and a second sign located along Chenal Parkway. The signs will not exceed the
overlay standards for the abutting roadway or six feet in height and seventy-two
square feet in area on Cantrell Road and eight feet in height and one hundred square
feet in area along Chenal Parkway. Building signage is proposed consistent with
signage allowed in office zones or a maximum of ten percent of the façade area.
The building has been indicated consistent with the Highway 10 Design Overlay
standards with regard to building setback and landscaped areas with the exception of
the landscape strip along the eastern perimeter. The overlay district would typically
require the placement of a 25-foot landscape strip in this area. The site plan indicates
the placement of a nine foot landscape strip along the eastern perimeter. The
applicant is also seeking a waiver of the required screening along the eastern
perimeter as well. The site is located adjacent to a utility substation which is typically
classified as an industrial use. Based on the abutting use staff is supportive of the
reduced landscape strip and the elimination of the required screening in this area.
The site plan indicates the placement of 54 on-site parking spaces. The ordinance
would typically require the placement of 35 spaces for a commercial use. The
proposed parking is more than adequate to meet the typical minimum parking
The site plan indicates the placement of a dumpster in the rear of the site adjacent to
the utility substation. The dumpster will be screened per typical minimum ordinance
requirements. The hours of service of the dumpster will be limited to 6 am to 10 pm
The days and hours of operation are seven days per week 24-hours per day. The site
is proposed with C-3, General Commercial District uses which would allow a 24-hour
pharmacy to locate on the site. A drive through window has been indicated on the site
plan to accommodate such a use.
The applicant is requesting a deferral of construction of Chenal Parkway
(approximately 4150 feet of boundary street improvements) and Highway 10
(approximately 1700 feet of boundary street improvements) required by the Master
Street Plan for five (5) years, until a future phase of development or until adjacent
property is developed whichever occurs first. A previous deferral was passed by the
Board of Directors on December 16, 1997, for deferral of construction of boundary
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 23 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8042-A
street improvements on 2890 linear ft of the commercial zoned frontage on Chenal
Parkway for a period of five (5) years, until traffic counts reach 12,000 ADT, or
development of lot 9, whichever occurs first.
The applicant is now requesting an extension of the previous deferral. At this time, the
applicant desires to construct the boundary street improvements to Chenal Parkway
and Highway 10 along the frontage of Lot 10 with the current approval. The applicant
requests a deferral of boundary street improvements to Chenal Parkway from the
north property line of Lot 2 to the north property line of Lot 10 until Lot 10 develops, for
a period of five (5) years, until traffic counts reach 12,000 ADT, until adjacent property
develops or until the development of Lot 9, whichever occurs first.
The applicant also requests a deferral of constructing boundary street improvements
to Chenal Parkway and Highway 10 along the frontage of Lots 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and
9A until Lot 9 develops, for a period of five (5) years, until traffic counts reach
12,000 ADT, or until adjacent property develop, whichever occurs first. Based on the
2006 traffic counts of 4300 vehicles per day, staff supports an additional deferral of the
improvements to Chenal Parkway and Highway 10 for a period of five (5) years, until
the development of Lot 9, until traffic counts reach 12,000 ADT, or until adjacent
property develops, whichever occurs first. Right-of-way of at least 55 feet from
centerline will be dedicated along Cantrell Road or sufficient for intersection
improvements and 45 feet from centerline will be dedicated along Chenal Parkway or
sufficient for intersection improvements prior to approval of the final plat.
Staff is supportive of the request. Although there is a variation to the Highway 10
Design Overlay District to allow a reduced landscape strip along the eastern perimeter
and a waiver of the required screening along the same perimeter staff does not feel
this will negatively impact the abutting property or this development. As stated the
abutting use is an industrial use and the screening burden is typically placed on the
more intense use. To staff’s knowledge there are no outstanding technical issues
associated with the request.
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the comments
and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda staff report.
Staff recommends approval of the deferral request of the boundary street ordinance
required street improvements as indicated in the analysis section of the agenda write-
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 23 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8042-A
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff presented the
item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda staff report.
Staff also presented a recommendation of approval of the deferral request of the boundary
street ordinance required street improvements as indicated in the analysis section of the staff
agenda write-up.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for placement of
the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a vote of 11 ayes,
0 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 24 FILE NO.: Z-8272
NAME: Montvale Short-form PD-C
LOCATION: Located at 22 Montvale Drive
Mazahir Husain
224 Montvale Drive
Little Rock, AR 72212
Dee Wilson
P.O. Box 604
North Little Rock, AR 72215-0604
CURRENT ZONING: R-2, Single-family
ALLOWED USES: Single-family residential
PROPOSED USE: Single-family residential and a single chair beauty salon.
1. A waiver of the right of way dedication for Montvale Drive.
The applicant is requesting a rezoning of the site from R-2, Single-family to PD-C
to allow the owner to operate a single chair beauty salon from the site. The
applicant is not proposing any signage to serve the development. The hours of
operation are from 11 am to 7 pm daily. A maximum of five customers are
served per day. The applicant is seeking approval for their sole use.
The request includes a waiver of the required right of way dedication for
Montvale Drive.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 24 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8272
The area is single-family with this site located mid-block with Montvale Drive
ending in a cul de sac. Montvale Drive has been constructed with curb and
gutter. There are no sidewalks in place along Montvale Drive.
As of this writing, staff has received several informational phone calls from area
residents. All owners of property located within 200 feet of the proposed site and
all residents, who could be identified, located within 300-feet of the site were
notified of the Public Hearing. There is not an active neighborhood associated
located in the area.
1. Due to the proposed use of the property, the Master Street Plans specifies
that Montvale Drive for the frontage of this property must meet commercial
street standards. Dedicate right-of-way to 30 feet from centerline.
2. Repair or replace any curb and gutter or sidewalk that is damaged in the
public right-of-way prior to occupancy.
Wastewater: Sewer available to this property.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: No objection.
Fire Department: Install and place fire hydrants per code. Contact the Little
Rock Fire Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 24 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8272
Planning Division: This request is located in the Chenal Planning District. The
Land Use Plan shows Single Family for this property. The applicant has applied
for a Short form PCD.
Since this is an in-home business, the request does not require a change to the
Land Use Plan.
Master Street Plan: Montvale Drive is shown as a Collector. The primary
function of a Collector Street is to provide a connection from Local Streets to
Bicycle Plan: There is not a bike path in this immediate vicinity.
Neighborhood Action Plan: This area is covered by the River Mountain plan, but
the plan does not address this issue.
1. Site plan must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and buffer ordinance
2. The landscape ordinance and the zoning buffer ordinance requires a nine foot
wide (9’) landscape strip around all three sides of your property, next to the
residentially zoned areas. Seventy percent (70%) of this area is to remain
3. The property to the north, south, and west is zoned residential, therefore, a
six (6) foot high opaque screen, either a wooden fence with its face side
directed outward, a wall, or dense evergreen plantings, is required along the
northern, southern, and western perimeters of the site.
4. Additional landscaping may be required with any on site paving.
5. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing
trees as feasible on this site. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape Ordinance
requirements can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch caliper or
The applicant was present representing the request. Staff presented an overview
of the proposed development stating there were few outstanding technical issues
associated with the request. Staff requested the applicant provide the total
number of clients served per day and the days and hours of operation. Staff also
questioned if signage was proposed to identify the business.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 24 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8272
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated the use of the property
would classify Montvale Drive as a commercial street. Staff requested a
requested the applicant provide an additional five feet of right of way along the
property frontage.
Landscaping comments were addressed. Staff stated screening would be
required along the perimeters of the site. Commissioner Yates questioned if the
screening was required to be extended to the right of way. Staff stated a fence
or plantings would be required to be placed along the northern and southern
perimeters to the front and rear property lines.
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
There were no outstanding technical issues in need of addressing remaining
from the October 18, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant is
seeking a rezoning of this site from R-2, Single-family to PD-C to allow the owner
to operate a single chair beauty salon from the site. A beauty salon is prohibited
as a home occupation per Section 36-252(6)(c). Typically home occupations are
granted when the use does not generate traffic, parking, sewage or water use in
excess of what is normal in the residential neighborhood or change the
appearance of the dwelling or provide product display visible from the street.
The parking criteria for a beauty salon is specifically identified in Section
36-501(3)(f). Personal service establishments are to provide 1.0 space per
two-hundred square feet of gross building area. The Article used to define the
parking is designed to prevent or alleviate the congestion of the public streets
and to promote the safety and welfare of the public. Commercial parking is to be
provided on the same premises with the commercial activity.
The proposed use is in violation with the Bill of Assurance for the subdivision.
The Use of Land section of the Bill of Assurance states - The land herein platted
shall be held, owned and used only as residential building sites. No structure
shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any building site other
than a single-family residence. In addition the Commercial Structures Section
states - No building or structure or any type may ever be placed, erected or used
for business, professional, trade or commercial purposes on any portion of any
lot. This prohibition shall not apply to any business or structure that may be
placed on any lot or portion of a lot that is used exclusively by a public utility
company in connection with the furnishing of public utility service to the Pebble
Beach Estates.
Staff is not supportive of the request. Staff feels the addition of the salon within
this single-family neighborhood could potentially impact the neighborhood.
Beauty salons are typically high volume traffic generators and staff feels this type
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 24 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8272
use should be limited to commercial areas or areas not solely used as
Staff recommends denial of the request.
The applicant was not present. Staff presented the item stating the applicant had
submitted a request dated November 1, 2007, requesting a deferral of the item to the
February 14, 2008, public hearing. Staff stated they were supportive of the deferral
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a vote
of 11 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 25 FILE NO.: Z-8273
NAME: Auxor Arms Apartments Long-form PD-R
LOCATION: Located at 9101 Auxor Road
Auxor Arms Apartments 2007 LLC
20250 Harper Avenue
Detroit, MI 48225
Thomas Engineering
3810 Lookout Road
North Little Rock, AR 72116
CURRENT ZONING: R-2, Single-family nonconforming apartment complex
ALLOWED USES: Single-family and nonconforming apartment complex
PROPOSED USE: Apartment development - Add additional parking
The site is located on Auxor Road and was constructed prior to the City annexing
the area. The site is presently zoned R-2, Single-family with a nonconforming
apartment complex. The site contains 100 apartments contained in 12 buildings.
The apartment buildings are two story structures with a maximum height of 24
feet. A one story brick office building containing 2,031 square feet and a one
story laundry and maintenance shop containing 1,570 square feet are also
located on the site. The site contains a total of 150 parking spaces. The
applicant is proposing a rezoning of the site to PD-R to allow the addition of 25
new parking spaces located along the northern perimeter of the site.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 25 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8273
The site contains an existing apartment complex constructed prior to the City
annexing the area. There is a mixture of uses in the area including single-family,
commercial and office uses. To the west of the site are a number of
manufactured homes located on Spencer Lane and south of Coffee Lane. There
is a church located on the corner of Auxor Lane and Baseline Road. Auxor Lane
has been constructed with curb and gutter with a sidewalk located along the west
side of the street.
As of this writing, staff has received one informational phone call from an area
resident. All owners of property located within 200 feet of the proposed site
along with the Upper Baseline Neighborhood Association, Southwest Little Rock
United for Progress and all residents, who could be identified, located within
300-feet of the site were notified of the Public Hearing.
1. Due to the proposed use of the property, the Master Street Plans specifies
that Auxor Road for the frontage of this property must meet commercial street
standards. Dedicate right-of-way to 30 feet from centerline.
2. Repair or replace any curb and gutter or sidewalk that is damaged in the
public right-of-way prior to occupancy.
3. Storm water detention ordinance applies to this property. Show the proposed
location for storm water detention facilities on the plan.
4. A grading permit in accordance with Section 29-186 (c) and (d) will be
required prior to any land clearing or grading activities at the site. Site
grading, and drainage plans will need to be submitted and approved prior to
the start of construction.
5. A special Grading Permit for Flood Hazard Areas will be required per Section
8-283 prior to construction.
6. Plans of all work in right-of-way shall be submitted for approval prior to start of
work. Obtain barricade permit prior to doing any work in the right-of-way from
Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1805 (Travis Herbner).
7. With site development, provide the design of the street conforming to the
Master Street Plan. Install curb and gutter on the east side of Auxor Road
from the driveway south to the property line.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 25 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8273
Wastewater: Sewer available to this property.
Entergy: Approved as submitted.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: Contact Central Arkansas Water if larger and/or
additional water meter(s) are required.
Fire Department: Approved as submitted.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: This request is located in the Geyer Springs East Planning
District. The Land Use Plan shows Multi Family for this property. The applicant
has applied for a Long form PD-R to recognize and existing non-conforming use
and allow the addition of parking.
The request does not require a change to the Land Use Plan.
Master Street Plan: Auxor Road is shown as a Local Street on the Master Street
Plan. The primary function of a Local Street is to provide access to adjacent
properties. Local Streets which are abutted by non-residential zoning/use or
more intensive zoning than duplexes are considered as “Commercial Streets”.
These streets have a design standard the same as a Collector. This street may
require dedication of right-of-way and may require street improvements for
entrances and exits to the site.
Bicycle Plan: There are no bike routes in the immediate vicinity.
Neighborhood Action Plan: This area is covered by the Upper Baseline Plan and
the Neighborhood and Housing goal states: “Require rentals to be maintained in
a high quality manner, holding landlords accountable in municipal courts.”
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 25 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8273
1. Site plan must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and buffer ordinance
2. The proposed parking lot encroaches into the required land use buffer along
the northern perimeter of the site.
3. The landscape ordinance requires a minimal nine foot (9’)wide landscape
strip along the northern property line. Currently, it appears the parking lot is
shown in this area. A variance from the City Beautiful Commission must be
obtained prior to the issuance of a building permit.
4. The zoning buffer ordinance requires a thirty foot (30’) land use buffer along
the northern property line. Seventy percent (70%) of this area is to remain
5. The property to the north is zoned residential, therefore, a six (6) foot high
opaque screen, either a wooden fence with its face side directed outward, a
wall, or dense evergreen plantings, is required along the northern perimeter of
the site.
6. An automatic irrigation system to water landscaped areas will be required.
7. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, it will be necessary to provide an
approved landscape plan stamped with the seal of a Registered Landscape
8. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing
trees as feasible on this site. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape Ordinance
requirements can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch caliper or
The applicant was present. Staff presented the item stating there were few
outstanding technical issues associated with the request in need of addressing.
Staff requested the applicant relocate the dumpster located near the northern
entrance drive. Staff also requested the applicant provide the total building
height of the structures.
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated a grading permit would be
required prior to construction. Staff also requested the curb and gutter along
Auxor Road be extended the length of the property frontage.
Landscaping comments were addressed. Staff stated a 9-foot landscape strip
was required along the northern perimeter. Staff stated a variance from the City
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 25 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8273
Beautiful Commission would be required if this minimum requirement was not
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
The applicant submitted a revised site plan addressing the issues raised at the
October 18, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant has provided
the 9-foot landscape strip required along the northern perimeter of the proposed
parking area. The applicant has also indicated curb and gutter will be added
along Auxor Road the length of the property frontage. The revised site plan has
relocated the dumpster away from the entrance drive and placed the dumpster
adjacent to the drive along the eastern perimeter.
The applicant is seeking rezoning of the site from its present R-2, Single-family
with a non-conforming status for an apartment complex to PD-R to allow the
addition of 25 parking spaces on the site. The site contains 100 apartment units
contained in 12 buildings. The residential buildings are two stories with a
maximum building height of 24 feet. The office building which contains
2,031 square feet and the laundry and maintenance shop which contains
1,570 square feet are single story buildings. Presently there are 150 parking
spaces and with the addition, the site will contain 175 parking spaces. Based on
the typical minimum parking requirements for a multi-family development,
150 parking spaces would typically be required.
Staff is supportive of the request. The site is located on Auxor Road and was
constructed prior to the City annexing the area. Staff does not feel rezoning of
the site to recognize the existing use and to allow the addition of the parking as
proposed will significantly impact the area.
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda
staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff presented
the item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to compliance with
the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda staff
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 25 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8273
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a
vote of 11 ayes, 0 noes and 0 absent.
November 8, 2007
ITEM NO.: 26
Adopted: Draft
Filing Date Legal Ad Committee (2) Hearing Date (1) (3)
11-12-07 11-23-07 11-29-07 01-03-08
01-07-08 01-18-08 01-24-08 02-14-08
02-19-08 02-29-08 03-06-08 03-27-08
03-31-08 04-11-08 04-17-08 05-08-08
05-12-08 05-23-08 05-29-08 06-19-08
06-23-08 07-07-08 07-17-08 08-07-08
08-11-08 08-22-08 08-28-08 09-18-08
09-22-08 10-03-08 10-09-08 10-30-08
11-03-08 11-14-08 11-20-08 12-18-08
12-22-08 01-02-09 01-15-09 02-05-09
Filing Date Legal Ad Committee (2) Plans Committee(6) Hearing Date (1) (3)
12-10-07 12-21-07 12-27-07 12-12-07 12-26-07 01-09-08 01-17-08
01-22-08 02-01-08 02-07-08 01-23-08 02-06-08 02-20-08 02-28-08
03-03-08 03-14-08 03-20-08 03-05-08 03-19-08 04-02-08 04-10-08
04-14-08 04-25-08 05-01-08 04-16-08 04-30-08 05-14-08 05-22-08
05-27-08 06-06-08 06-12-08 05-28-08 06-11-08 06-25-08 07-10-08
07-14-08 07-25-08 07-31-08 07-16-08 07-30-08 08-13-08 08-21-08
08-25-08 09-05-08 09-11-08 08-27-08 09-10-08 09-24-08 10-02-08
10-06-08 10-17-08 10-23-08 10-08-08 10-22-08 11-05-08 11-13-08
11-17-08 11-28-08 12-04-08 11-19-08 12-03-08 12-17-08 01-08-09
(to be scheduled as required)
Meeting Date (5)
NOTE: (1) All public Hearings shall be held at 4:00 P.M. unless otherwise changed by the Commission.
(2) All meetings shall be held at 12:00 P.M. unless changed by the Subdivision Committee.
(3) An agenda meeting will be held prior to each public hearing date and will begin at 3:30 P.M. in the Sister
Cities Conference Room.
(4) 5:00 P.M. Public Hearing; 4:30 P.M. Agenda Meeting
(5) All informal meetings shall be held at 3:30 P.M. unless otherwise changed by the Commission.
(6) All meetings shall be held at 12:00 NOON unless otherwise changed by the Plans Committee.