pc_04 12 2007sub
APRIL 12, 2007
4:00 P.M.
I. Roll Call and Finding of a Quorum
A Quorum was present being eleven (11) in number.
II. Members Present: Pam Adcock
Gary Langlais
Lucas Hargraves
Robert Stebbins
Troy Laha
Jeff Yates
Jerry Meyer
Fred Allen, Jr.
Darrin Williams
Chauncey Taylor
Mizan Rahman
Members Absent: None
City Attorney: Cindy Dawson
III. Approval of the Minutes of the March 1, 2007 Meeting of the Little Rock
Planning Commission. The Minutes were approved as presented.
APRIL 12, 2007
Item Number:
File Number:
A. S-1495-A Park Circle Subdivision Preliminary Plat, located at the end
of Park Avenue, East of Western Hills Avenue.
B. S-1556 Wise Subdivision Preliminary Plat, located at 10329 Mann
C. LA-0015 Whisenhunt Investments Land Alteration Variance Request,
located on the Northwest corner of Chenal Parkway and
Kanis Road western intersection.
D. LU07-18-01 A Land Use Plan Amendment in the Ellis Mountain
Planning District at the north side of Kanis Road between
Kirby and Asbury Roads from Mixed Office Commercial to
Service Trades District.
D.1. Z-6245-A ACME Self Storage Long-form PCD, located on the
Northeast corner of Kanis and Kirby Roads.
E. LU07-09-03 A Land Use Plan Amendment in the I-630 Planning District
at the southeast corner of 7th and Woodrow Streets from
Service Trades District to Mixed Office Commercial.
E.1. Z-7895-A 7th and Woodrow Short-form PCD, located on the
Southeast corner of 7th and Woodrow Streets.
F. Z-8140-A ME Seckt LTD Company Short-form POD, located at
4720 West Markham Street.
G. Z-8167 Meyer Short-form PCD, located at West Markham and
H. Mid-Town Design Overlay District, located along West
Markham Street and University Avenue.
I. LU07-09-01 A Land Use Plan Amendment in the I-630 Planning District
south of West 29th Street and west of Peyton Street from
Multi Family to Commercial.
Agenda, Page Two
Item Number:
File Number:
1. S-502-H John Barrow Addition Replat Lots 4R – 8R and Alley
Abandonment, located Between 28th and 29th, Cobb and
Zion Streets.
2. S-643-E Whispering Oaks Subdivision Phase 2 Preliminary Plat,
located South of Castle Valley Road at Lake View Golf
3. S-1313-Q Woodlands Edge Phases 10 – 14 Preliminary Plat, located
South of Kanis Road, West of Brodie Creek.
Item Number:
File Number:
4. S-1560 Mineral Development LLC Subdivision Site Plan Review,
located at 1001 Fairpoint Street.
5. S-1561 Riviera Condos Subdivision Site Plan Review, located on
the Northwest corner of Old Cantrell Road and Magnolia
6. Z-3632-D Arkansas Heart Hospital Zoning Site Plan Review, located
at 1701 South Shackleford Road.
7. Z-4841-D Kiefer Office Complex Zoning Site Plan Review, located at
15300 Kanis Road.
Agenda, Page Three
Item Number:
File Number:
8. Z-4116-B Ecco Development Corporation Revised Long-form PD-I,
located at 8300 Kellett Road.
9. Z-4562-E Hickory Grove Revised PD-R, located on Hinson Road at
Dorado Beach Drive.
10. Z-4541-A First Presbyterian Church of Arkansas Short-form PCD,
located at 4821 South University Avenue.
11. Z-5096-B Woodlands Edge Conceptual Long-form PCD, located on
the Southeast corner of Kanis and Kirby Roads.
12. Z-5936-H Chenal Condo’s Short-form PD-R, located on the Northwest
corner of Rahling Road and Chenal Parkway.
13. Z-6120-N Tract C Capitol Lakes Estates Long-form PD-R, located on
the Southeast corner of Capitol Hills Boulevard and
Rushmore Avenue.
14. LU07-18-02 A Land Use Plan Amendment in the Ellis Mountain
Planning District at the Northwest corner of Kanis and Kirby
Roads from Mixed Office Commercial to Commercial.
14.1. Z-6933-A Crackerbox Short-form PCD, located at 14100 Kanis Road.
15. Z-7696-A Carter Revised Short-form PCD, located at 3510 Baseline
16. Z-8179 Hunt Short-form POD, located at 17319 Crystal Valley
17. Z-8192 Mary Williams Masonic Lodge 307 Short-form PD-O,
located at 25920 Kanis Road.
18. Z-8193 Rawls Short-form PCD, located at 801 South Chester
Agenda, Page Four
Item Number:
File Number:
19. Z-8194 Hickory Heights Short-form PD-R, located on Taylor Loop
Road, just North of Hinson Road.
20. Z-5096-C Brodie Creek Long-form Revocation, located South of
Kanis Road and East of Kirby Road.
21. Arkansas Game and Fish Nature Center, located in
Riverfront Park.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: A FILE NO.: S-1495-A
NAME: Park Circle Subdivision Preliminary Plat
LOCATION: Located at the end of Park Avenue, East of Western Hills Avenue
CL Clifton
608 Nan Circle
Little Rock, AR 72211
McGetrick and McGetrick Engineers
10 Otter Creek Court, Suite A
Little Rock, AR 72210
AREA: 7.07 acres NUMBER OF LOTS: 30 FT. NEW STREET: 2,500 LF
CURRENT ZONING: R-2, Single-family
An application was filed for the July 7, 2005, Planning Commission public hearing to
allow the creation of 12 single-family lots from a 3.22-acre tract. The lots were
proposed with an average lot size of 60-feet by 120-feet or 7,200 square feet and
600 linear feet of new street was to be constructed to serve the new lots. Staff raised
concerns related to access for the proposed development and the Commission deferred
the request to their November 10, 2005, public hearing. At the November 10, 2005,
public hearing the applicant withdrew the proposed plat request.
The applicant is now proposing the subdivision of a 7.07-acre site into 30 single-
family lots. The proposed plat area has been expanded to the north to include a
portion of property previously owned by the Country Club. An average lot size of
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: A (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1495-A
60-feet by 120-feet or 7,200 square feet is proposed with an overall density of
4.24 units per acre, consistent with single-family development.
The developer has indicated the lots will be served by a new 600 linear foot
cul-de-sac, Park Circle, extending from Park Avenue, a yet to be constructed
street located to the west of the site, which extends from Western Hills Avenue.
The developer has indicated Lot 1 Block 3 of the Brookside Park Addition will be
reconfigured as right of way to allow Park Avenue to extend into the proposed
plat area.
The developer has indicated the site is adjacent to the floodway and has
indicated a 25-foot access easement adjacent to the floodway for the proposed
lots (Lots 1 – 5) to meet the current ordinance requirement.
The property is located to the east of Brookside Park Addition, a recognized plat
which was platted a number of years ago, and lots sold, but the streets and
infrastructure were never constructed. The Little Rock Board of Directors
approved an Improvement District for the Brookside Park Addition to allow
funding for water, sewer and street construction.
As of this writing, staff has received several informational phone calls from area
residents. All abutting property owners and the Westwood Neighborhood
Association were notified of the public hearing.
1. The subject property appears to be out of the 100-year floodplain.
2. Western Hills Drive must be constructed to the full width prior to final platting
of the proposed subdivision.
3. A temporary cul-de-sac or turn around must be constructed on the north end
of Parkside Circle until the next phase to the north is constructed.
4. Sidewalks with appropriate handicap ramps are required along Western
Hills Drive and the northern portion of Parkside Circle in accordance with
Section 31-175 of the Little Rock Code and the Master Street Plan.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: A (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1495-A
5. A grading permit in accordance with Section 29-186 (c) and (d) will be
required prior to any land clearing or grading activities at the site. Site
grading, and drainage plans will need to be submitted and approved prior to
the start of construction.
6. Storm water detention ordinance applies to this property. The project would
qualify for a contribution in-lieu of construction at the time of platting.
7. With the site development, provide the design of street conforming to the
Master Street Plan. Construct street improvement to Western Hills Drive
and Parkside Circle including 5-foot sidewalks with the planned
8. With the site development, provide the design of street conforming to the
Master Street Plan. Construct one-half street improvement to Western Hills
Avenue including 5-foot sidewalks with the planned development.
9. Street Improvement plans shall include signage and striping. Traffic
Engineering must approve completed plans prior to construction.
10. Prepare a letter of pending development addressing streetlights as required
by Section 31-403 of the Little Rock code. Contact Traffic Engineering at
(501) 379-1813 (Steve Philpott) for more information regarding streetlight
11. Obtain permits prior to doing any street cuts or curb cuts. Obtain barricade
permit prior to doing any work in the right-of-way. Contact Traffic
Engineering at (501) 379-1817 (Derrick Bergfield) for more information.
12. Due to an identification problem, the street name "Parkside Circle" cannot
be used. The street name Parkside Drive is already used in another part of
the City. Using the street name "Parkside Circle" in no close vicinity to
"Parkside Drive" creates confusion. Contact David Hathcock at 371-4808
for additional information and assistance with this matter.
13. If disturbed area is one (1) or more acres, obtain a NPDES storm water
permit from the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality prior to the
start of construction.
Wastewater: Sewer main extension required with easements. Contact the Little
Rock Wastewater Utility at 688-1414 for additional information.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: No comment received.
AT & T: No comment received.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: A (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1495-A
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. Installation of a public
waterline and fire hydrant(s) will be required. This development will have minor
impact on the existing water distribution system. Proposed water facilities will be
sized to provide adequate pressure and fire protection. Contact Central
Arkansas Water at 377-1225 for additional information.
Fire Department: Place fire hydrants per code. Contact the Little Rock Fire
Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: No comment.
Landscape: No comment.
Mr. Pat McGetrick was present representing the request. Staff stated the
proposed development was a preliminary plat to allow 7.07 acres to be
subdivided into 30 single-family lots. Staff questioned access to the proposed
subdivision and the time frame for construction of the proposed street to serve
the lots. Mr. McGetrick stated Lot 1 Block 3 of the Brookside Park Addition would
be dedicated as right of way to serve the indicated lots. Staff also questioned if
the development would be constructed in phases.
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated minimum floor elevations
would be required to be shown on the proposed plat. Staff also stated a
dedication of an access easement adjacent to the floodway would be required
along the rear of abutting the floodway. Staff requested Mr. McGetrick provide
the 100 year floodplain and floodway on the proposed preliminary plat to ensure
compliance with existing ordinance requirements. Staff noted a grading permit
would be issued for right of ways and drainage easements prior to construction.
Staff noted comments from all other reporting departments and agencies
suggesting Mr. McGetrick contact them individually for additional information.
There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee then forwarded the
item to the full Commission for final action.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: A (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1495-A
The applicant submitted a revised preliminary plat to staff addressing most of the
issues raised at the December 28, 2006, Subdivision Committee meeting. The
applicant has provided the minimum floor elevation for lots abutting the floodplain
and indicated a 25-foot access easement along the rear of the lots abutting the
floodway. The applicant has also provided a letter indicated the proposed street
extending from Western Hills Avenue will be constructed before year end of
2007. The revised plat indicates the lots will be developed in a single phase.
The proposal is to allow the subdivision of a 7.07-acre site into 30 single-family
lots. The proposed plat indicates an average lot size of 60-feet by 120-feet or
7,200 square feet and an overall density of 4.24 units per acre. The
development will be served by a new 600 linear foot cul-de-sac, Park Circle,
extending from Park Avenue, a yet to be constructed street located to the west of
the site, which extends from Western Hills Avenue. Lot 1, Block 3 of the
Brookside Park Addition is proposed to be dedicated as right of way to allow Park
Avenue to extend into the proposed plat area.
Staff is supportive of the proposed preliminary plat. The developer is not seeking
any waivers or variances from the City ordinances to allow the creation of the
subdivision as proposed. The lots are indicated with a minimum lot size of
60-feet by 120-feet adequate to meet the typical minimum requirements of the
subdivision ordinance. To staff’s knowledge there are no outstanding issues
associated with the request. Staff feels the development of the subdivision as
proposed will have minimum impact on the adjoining properties.
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the above
agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item requesting a deferral of the item to the March 1, 2007, public
hearing. Staff stated a concern had been raised concerning access to the proposed
plat area. Staff stated they needed additional time to research information provide.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a vote
of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: A (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1495-A
Staff is continuing to review deed documents to determine the existing right of way for
Park Circle. Staff will provide the Commission with a full update at the March 1, 2007,
public hearing.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented a recommendation of deferred of the item to the April 12, 2007, public
hearing to allow additional time to resolve staff’s concerns related to the available right
of way for Park Street adjacent to the cemetery property.
There was no further discussion of the item. The Chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a vote
of 9 ayes, 0 noes and 2 absent.
The applicant has not resolved staff’s concerns related to the available right of way for
Park Street adjacent to the cemetery. Staff recommends the item be deferred to the
May 24, 2007, public hearing.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item stating the applicant had not resolved staff’s concerns related to the
available right of way for Park Street adjacent to the cemetery. Staff presented a
recommendation of deferral of the item to the May 24, 2007, public hearing.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a vote
of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: B FILE NO.: S-1556
NAME: Wise Subdivision Preliminary Plat
LOCATION: Located at 10329 Mann Road
Marcos Wise
10329 Mann Road
Little Rock, AR 72209
Marlar Engineering
5318 John F. Kennedy Boulevard
North Little Rock, AR 72116
CURRENT ZONING: R-2, Single-family
PLANNING DISTRICT: 15 – Geyer Springs West
The applicant failed to provide staff with the requested information to move this
proposed plat forward. Staff recommends a deferral of the item to the April 12, 2007,
public hearing.
The applicant was not present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item stating the applicant had failed to provide staff with the requested
information to move this proposed plat forward. Staff presented a recommendation of
deferral of the item to the April 12, 2007, public hearing.
There was no further discussion of the item. The Chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a vote
of 9 ayes, 0 noes and 2 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: B (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1556
Staff has not had contact with the applicant since the previous public hearing. Staff
recommends this item be deferred to the May 24, 2007, public hearing to allow the
applicant additional time to provide staff with the requested information to move the item
forward to the Subdivision Committee.
The applicant was not present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item stating the applicant had not contacted them since the previous
public hearing. Staff presented a recommendation of deferral of the item to the May 24,
2007, public hearing to allow the applicant additional time to provide staff with the
requested information to move the item forward to the Subdivision Committee.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a vote
of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
NAME: Whisenhunt Investments Land Alteration Variance Request
LOCATION: Northwest corner of Chenal Parkway and Kanis Road
APPLICANT: Whisenhunt Investments
APPLICANT’S REPRESENTATIVE: Development Consultants, Inc.
AREA: 4.06 acres
VARIANCES/WAIVERS REQUESTED: A variance from the Land Alteration
Regulations to advance clear and grade with construction not being imminent.
Applicant is requesting a variance from the Land Alteration Regulations to
advance clear and grade the property with construction not being imminent. The
approximately 4.06 acre property is located on the northwest corner of Chenal
Parkway and western leg of Kanis Road. The applicant desires to clear and fill
the property with excess dirt from the Fellowship Church site and other
undeveloped parcels north of the future extension of Wellington Hills Road.
This approximately 4.06 acre tree covered C3 zoned property is tract land
located on the northwest corner of Chenal Parkway and the western leg of Kanis
Road. Developed C3 zoned property is located on the west. The Entergy power
substation is located on the northwest. On the north, the property is bordered by
a transmission right-of-way and beyond that right-of-way is tree covered
undeveloped property zoned C3. The property is bordered to the west by Chenal
Parkway and beyond Chenal is tree covered, undeveloped property zoned C3.
Kanis Road is located south of the property and beyond Kanis is tree covered
undeveloped property. Just south of the tree covered undeveloped property is
additional property that will be filled by dirt from the Fellowship Church site off
Kirk Road.
As of this writing, staff has not received any phone calls or letters asking
questions or requesting additional information.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: C (Cont.) FILE NO.: LA-0015
1. If disturbed area is 1 or more acres, obtain a NPDES storm water permit from
the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality prior to the start of
2. Hauling of fill material on or off site over municipal streets and roads requires
approval prior to a grading permit being issued. Contact Public Works Traffic
Engineering at 621 S. Broadway, (501) 379-1817 (Derrick Bergfield) for more
3. Tracking of mud and dirt onto City streets is not permissable on city streets.
A tracking pad must be installed at least 250 ft from the Kanis-Chenal
4. Erosion controls must be installed to reduce discharge of polluted stormwater.
5. Per Little Rock Code Sec. 29-190(14), a perimeter buffer strip shall be
temporarily maintained around disturbed areas for erosion control purposes
and shall be kept undisturbed except for reasonable access for maintenance.
The width of the strip shall be 6% of the lot width and depth. The minimum
width shall be twenty-five (25) feet and the maximum shall be forty (40) feet.
6. Vegetation must be established on disturbed area within 21 days of
completion of harvest activities.
The applicant was present. Staff stated the comments as written above. The
applicant’s representatives, Doug Robertson of Whisenhunt Investments, stated
the clearing and grading will comply with Little Rock code, staff
recommendations, and comments.
There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee then forwarded the
item to the full Commission for final action.
The request is to clear the trees and fill the 4.06 acre property located on the
northwest corner of Chenal Parkway and the western leg of Kanis Road with the
dirt from the Fellowship Church site and the undeveloped parcels north of the
future expansion of Wellington Hills Road. No construction is proposed to
proceed after the filling and grading activities are completed.
The Land Alteration Regulations (Sec. 29-186(b)) specifically state no land
alteration shall be permitted until all necessary city approvals of all plans and
permits, except building permit, have been issued and construction is imminent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: C (Cont.) FILE NO.: LA-0015
Imminent construction as defined by code means the installation of a foundation
or erection of a structure without unreasonable delay following land alteration
activities. With this application, the applicant desires to clear and fill the site but
has no plans for construction to proceed after the grading is completed. Per
code, a grading permit cannot be issued by staff for the clearing and filling
without construction being imminent. The code does provide the Planning
Commission with the authority to grant a variance for issuance of a grading
permit to clear and grade a multi-lot or multi-phase development where
construction is not imminent on all phases of the development.
Even though the applicant has agreed to comply with the Public Works
comments, staff does not support the clearing of additional trees without
imminent construction. The additional clearing and filling does not follow the
purpose of the Land Alteration Regulations (Sec. 29-168). The code states the
purposes are to prevent the excessive grading, clearing, and filling activities and
preserve the natural vegetation which enhances the quality of life of the
community. Prior to adoption of the Land Alteration Regulations, the applicant
cleared and graded about 11 acres south of Chenal Parkway near the Krogers
store that has yet to be developed. Recently, staff supported filling
approximately 21 acres south of Chenal Parkway and about 47 acres north or
Chenal Parkway as part of the Fellowship Church application because they were
nearly treeless. In that same application, staff did not support clearing and filling
of the area adjacent to the southwest corner of Chenal Parkway and the western
leg of Kanis Road because of the existing trees. The applicant’s site plan is
incorrect showing the area adjacent to Kanis Road to be cleared and filled.
Being the subject property has trees, staff believes it should not be cleared and
filled until construction is imminent. The excess dirt can be taken to the previous
approved fill areas.
The applicant was present representing the request. There were no registered
objectors present. Staff presented the item indicating applicant had submitted a request
dated October 24, 2006, requesting this item be deferred to the December 7, 2006,
public hearing. Staff stated the deferral request would require a waiver of the
Commission’s By-laws with regard to the late deferral request. Staff stated they were
supportive of the deferral request.
There was no further discussion of the item. A motion was made to waive the
Commission’s By-laws with regard to the late deferral request. The motion carried by a
vote of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent. The chair entertained a motion for placement of
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: C (Cont.) FILE NO.: LA-0015
the item on the Consent Agenda for Deferral. The motion carried by a vote of 10 ayes,
0 noes and 1 absent.
The applicant has not provided staff with the required information to complete the
review process. Staff recommends this item be deferred to the January 18, 2007, public
The applicant was present representing the request. There were no registered
objectors present. Staff presented the item stating the applicant had not provided staff
with the required information to complete the review process. Staff presented a
recommendation of deferral of the item to the January 18, 2007, public hearing.
There was no further discussion of the item. The Chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the Consent Agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a vote
of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
The applicant has told staff that several individuals had contacted them about
developing the property. Staff requested the applicant provide a plan of development
for the property with schedules of when construction would begin. At the time of writing,
a plan of development has not been provided. With this being the case, staff still does
not support the clearing of additional trees on this property without imminent
construction as stated in the previous staff recommendation. The excess dirt can be
taken to the previous approved fill areas.
The applicant was present representing the request. There were no registered
objectors present. Staff presented the item stating the applicant had submitted a
request dated January 8, 2007, requesting the item be deferred to the March 1, 2007,
public hearing. Staff stated they were supportive of the deferral request.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a vote
of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: C (Cont.) FILE NO.: LA-0015
There has been no change in this application request since the previous public hearing.
Staff continues to recommend denial of the request.
The applicant was not present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
stated on February 28, 2007, the applicant submitted a request for a deferral of the item
to the April 12, 2007, public hearing. Staff stated the deferral would require a waiver of
the Commission’s By-laws with regard to the late deferral request. Staff stated they
were supportive of the deferral request.
A motion was made to waive the Commission’s By-laws with regard to the late deferral
request. The motion carried by a vote of 9 ayes, 0 noes and 2 absent. A motion was
made to place the item on the consent agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a
vote of 9 ayes, 0 noes and 2 absent.
Staff recommends this item be deferred to the May 24, 2007, public hearing to allow the
applicant additional time to complete a development plan for this site.
The applicant was not present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item with a recommendation of deferral of the item to the May 24, 2007,
public hearing to allow the applicant additional time to complete a development plan for
this site.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a vote
of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: D FILE NO.: LU07-18-01
Name: Land Use Plan Amendment - Ellis Mountain Planning District
Location: the north side of Kanis Road between Kirby and Asbury Roads
Request: Mixed Office Commercial to Service Trades District
Source: Joe White, White-Daters
The applicant has requested that this item be deferred to April 12, 2007.
The applicant on February 15, 2007 requested this item be deferred to the April 12,
2007 Planning Commission Hearing. The item was placed on consent agenda for
deferral. The consent agenda was approved by a vote of 9 for, 0 against with 2 absent.
The applicant has requested that this item be deferred until the April 26 agenda. Staff is
supportive of this request.
The Item was placed on consent agenda for deferral to April 26, 2007. By a vote of
10 for 0 against the consent agenda was approved.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: D.1 FILE NO.: Z-6245-A
NAME: ACME Self Storage Long-form PCD
LOCATION: Located on the Northeast corner of Kanis and Kirby Roads
LGR Investment, LLC
404 E. Kiehl Avenue
North Little Rock, AR 72020
White Daters and Associates
24 Rahling Circle
Little Rock, AR 72223
CURRENT ZONING: C-1, Neighborhood Commercial and R-2, Single-family
ALLOWED USES: Neighborhood Commercial uses and Single-family
PROPOSED USE: Mini-warehouse
On February 15, 2007, the applicant requested a deferral of this item to the April 12,
2007, public hearing. Staff is supportive of the deferral request.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff stated on
February 15, 2007, the applicant submitted a requested for deferral of the item to the
April 12, 2007, public hearing. Staff stated they were supportive of the deferral request.
There was no further discussion of the item. The Chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a vote
of 9 ayes, 0 noes and 2 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: D.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6245-A
Staff recommends this item be deferred to the April 26, 2007, public hearing to allow
staff and the applicant additional time to review the proposed development and the
proposed street design to serve the development and the area. The Subdivision
Committee will review the proposed site plan at their April 5, 2007, committee meeting.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item with a recommendation of deferral of the item to the April 26, 2007,
public hearing to allow staff and the applicant additional time to review the proposed
development and the proposed street design to serve the development and the area.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a vote
of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: E FILE NO.: LU07-09-03
Name: Land Use Plan Amendment - I-630 Planning District
Location: Southeast corner of 7th and Woodrow Streets
Request: Service Trades District to Mixed Office Commercial
Source: Stephen Giles, Attorney at Law
The applicant on February 9, 2007 requested this item be deferred to the April 12, 2007
Planning Commission Hearing. The item was placed on the consent agenda for
deferral. The consent agenda was approved by a vote of 9 for, 0 against with 2 absent.
Land Use Plan amendment in the I-630 Planning District from Service Trades District to
Mixed Office Commercial. Mixed Office Commercial provides for a mixture of office and
commercial uses. The applicant is proposing an office and a restaurant with a drive
through window for this location, using the Planned Zoning District Process.
The property is currently zoned R-3 Single Family with six single family houses on it. A
portion of the application site is undeveloped. The surrounding areas to the north and
west are also zoned R-3 and are developed with single family houses. To the east
there is a small section of R-4 zoning with two duplexes on it. There is some C-3
General Commercial zoning along West 7th, but this is largely undeveloped. There is a
daycare and a church along with two vacant buildings. Further to the east is zoned
Planned Industrial Development for a BMW motorcycle shop. Directly north and west of
the application are two parcels zoned I-2 Light Industrial. The lot to the north has a
single family house on it and the I-2 lot to the west has a garage on it. This application
area is bound to the south by Interstate 630, which is also zoned R-3.
The application area is currently shown as Service Trades District on the plan. The
Service Trades District extends east from Woodrow to Thayer Street and south to
Interstate 630. Park/Open Space surrounds the Service Trades District to the south
and east for the railroad tracks. To the west and north of the application area is shown
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: E (Cont.) FILE NO.: LU07-09-03
as Single Family on the plan with a small amount of Mixed Office Commercial and
Public Institutional.
Ordinance 19,418 was passed October 4, 2005. This amended a portion of Industrial
east of the railroad tracks and south of 7th Street to Light Industrial.
Woodrow Street and 7th Street are shown as Collectors on the plan. The primary
function of a Collector Street is to provide a connection from Local Streets to Arterials.
The Master Street Plan bicycle section shows a Class III bike route along 7th Street. A
Class III bikeway is a signed route on a street shared with traffic. No additional paving
or right-of-way is required. Class III bicycle route signage may be required.
According to the Master Parks Plan, this area is within eight blocks of a park. Fletcher
Park is the closest park and is located just south of Interstate 630.
There are no city recognized historic districts that would be affected by this amendment.
The Stephens Area and Capitol View Neighborhood Action Plans cover this area. The
Stephens Area Plan’s economic development goal states a need to ”work with Housing
and Neighborhoods to redevelop structures on the east side of Woodrow Street into
new manufacturing, offices, or commercial space.” The Capitol View Neighborhood
Action Plan also addresses this issue: “Rezone Woodrow between I-630 and 7th Street
between Thayer and Woodrow to Quiet Office to encourage replacement of poorly
maintained rental housing with small professional offices.”
The application area is a combination of single family houses and undeveloped land. It
is just north of Interstate 630 and is an entrance to the Capitol View--Stifft Station
neighborhood. This is also a route commonly used by access the State Capitol
Complex by employees and others. Both the Stephens Area and the Capitol View
Neighborhood Action Plans claim this particular location. These plans both mention this
area explicitly with action statements aimed at redeveloping this land. The area
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: E (Cont.) FILE NO.: LU07-09-03
between 7th and the Freeway (I-630), east of Woodrow was changed to Service Trades
District (STD) over a decade ago, in the time there has only been a small development
at the east enc of the overall STD area.
While there has not been a large demand for more Service Trades District in this area,
there does seem to be a need for more Commercial in this region. There is no
Commercial north of I-630 until Markham Street and that Commercial is already
developed. The application site is situated on an interstate exit ramp with heavy traffic.
Service Trades District is usually associated with heavy truck traffic. This access works
well for the proposed use. Mixed Office Commercial would likely have less large vehicle
traffic. From a circulation standpoint, both 7th Street and Woodrow Street are Collectors
on the Master Street Plan and are used as main thoroughfares.
Service Trades District is ideal for warehousing and industrial park activities with an
office component. Service Trades District is usually accompanied by very large
buildings and heavy truck traffic. The use is recommended to be close to either
industrial or larger offices and functions as a support to those uses. Both neighborhood
plans believe that this one time predominately single family area would and should
redevelop into a non-residential use. The plans actually recommend an office or
commercial type of use for the area. A major concern of the Plans is compatibility with
the existing neighborhood. Therefore the scale, massing and design of any future use
are going to be as important or more important than the actual use of the land. Mixed
Office Commercial typically has smaller structures, which would be more compatible
with the neighborhood. Mixed Office Commercial requires the Planned Zoning District
(PZD). The PZD type of zoning helps to ensure that a development would be
compatible and fit with the overall style of the neighborhood with restrictions on hours of
operations and other design elements. The design of this site would be critical to
protect the neighborhood and also to make this area fit with the overarching elements of
a Stifft Station type development. Staff feels Mixed Office Commercial would provide a
good transition from the more industrial type uses to the east and the neighborhood
uses to the north and west.
Notices were sent to the following neighborhood association: Capitol View Stifft
Station. Staff has received one comment in opposition from area residents.
Staff believes the change is appropriate.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: E (Cont.) FILE NO.: LU07-09-03
The Item was placed on consent agenda for deferral to May 24, 2007. By a vote of
10 for 0 against the consent agenda was approved.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: E.1 FILE NO.: Z-7895-A
NAME: 7th and Woodrow Short-form PCD
LOCATION: Located on the Southeast corner of 7th and Woodrow Streets
Stephen R. Giles, PA
425 West Capitol Avenue, Suite 3200
Little Rock, AR 72201
White Daters and Associates
24 Rahling Circle
Little Rock, AR 72223
AREA: 1.29 acres NUMBER OF LOTS: 1 zoning lot FT. NEW STREET: 0 LF
CURRENT ZONING: R-3, Single-family
ALLOWED USES: Single-family residential
PROPOSED USE: Restaurant
The applicant is requesting a use change for this parcel of land located adjacent
to Interstate 630. This establishment will be an office/commercial mix consisting
of an innovative, destination, theme restaurant featuring barbeque, grilled meats
and home-style southern comfort food, and a restaurant office building. The
restaurant will serve food representing Arkansas’ heritage. One drive through
window will be located on the west side of the restaurant accessible from
Woodrow Street. Hours of operation will be the normal restaurant business
hours. No late night entertainment is proposed and the predominate business
will not be bar customers. This will be the first rate facility featuring a country
style antique “general store” motif with a smokehouse. The entire project will be
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: E.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7895-A
extensively landscaped with special attention given to the existing creek that will
run through a large outdoor patio area for the customers. Parking is all on-site
oriented to 7th Street.
The site plan orients the building where it will minimize impact on the surrounding
residential neighborhood. Lighting will be subdued and restricted to the site.
One of the existing houses on the block will remain and be converted into an
office for the restaurant business.
The site contains four single-family homes located along West 7th Street. The
homes along Woodrow Street have been removed and a large pile of dirt is
located near the southern perimeter of the site. To the south of the site is the
I-630 right of way and to the north of the site are single-family homes. East of
the site there are three single-family homes fronting Appianway. West of the site
across Woodrow Street there are single-family homes. Other uses in the area
include a vacant restaurant, office uses and office/warehouse uses all located
east of the site along West 7th Street. A City of Little Rock Alert Center is located
east of the site.
As of this writing staff has received several informational phone calls from area
residents. The Capitol View Stifft Station Neighborhood Association, the Capitol
Hill Neighborhood Association, along with all property owners located within
200-feet of the site and all residents who could be identified located within
300 feet of the site were notified of the public hearing.
1. 7th Street is classified on the Master Street Plan as a collector street. A
dedication of right-of-way 30 feet from centerline will be required.
2. A 20 foot radial dedication of right-of-way is required at the intersections of
7th Street and Woodrow Street and at 7th Street and Appianway Street if part
of this application.
3. With site development, provide the design of the street conforming to the
Master Street Plan. Construct one-half street improvement to Appianway
Street including 5-foot sidewalk with the planned development. Appianway
Street should be improved to a commercial standard providing 18 feet of
street from centerline to back of curb. The sidewalk on Appianway Street is
to be located at the property line and not at the back of curb
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: E.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7895-A
4. The radius at the intersection of Woodrow Street and 7th Street should be
improved to a 30-foot radius and if the adjacent property is part of this
application, the radius at the intersection of 7th Street and Appianway Street
should be improved to 25-foot radius. The radius of the curb at Woodrow
and 7th must be improved to a 30 foot radius.
5. Prepare a letter of pending development addressing streetlights as required
by Section 31-403 of the Little Rock code. Contact Traffic Engineering at
(501) 379-1813 (Steve Philpott) for more information regarding street light
6. Old curb cuts should be closed per Public Works detail.
7. Sidewalks with appropriate handicap ramps are required in accordance with
Section 31-175 of the Little Rock Code and the Master Street Plan to be
installed along Woodrow Street.
8. The property is located in the 100-year floodplain. A special Grading Permit
for Flood Hazard Areas will be required per Section 8-283 prior to
9. The finished floor of the proposed structures must be constructed to at least
1 foot above the 100-year floodplain elevation. Provide the finished floor
elevation of the proposed new structure(s). The proposed office is also
shown to be in the floodplain. If the existing house is to remain and be
converted into the office, it must meet the modern flood regulations if the
structure is improved 50% or more of the appraised value of the structure
conducted by a licensed appraiser. These improvements include all
improvements associated with the structure. The appraisal and cost of
estimated work will be required to be submitted at time of development.
The modern code would require the finished floor of the structure to be
elevated to 1 foot above the base flood elevation and all supporting
mechanical systems such as the HVAC to be elevated to the base flood
elevation or higher.
10. A grading permit in accordance with Section 29-186 (c) and (d) will be
required prior to any land clearing or grading activities at the site. Site
grading, and drainage plans will need to be submitted and approved prior to
the start of construction.
11. Storm water detention ordinance applies to this property. Show the
proposed location for storm water detention facilities on the plan. Provide
the proposed design of the detention pond showing how the site will detain.
12. Plans of all work in right-of-way shall be submitted for approval prior to start
of work. Obtain barricade permit prior to doing any work in the right-of-way
from Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1817 (Derrick Bergfield).
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: E.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7895-A
13. If disturbed area is 1 or more acres, obtain a NPDES storm water permit
from the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality prior to the start of
14. Driveway locations and widths do not meet the traffic access and circulation
requirements of Sections 30-43 and 31-210. The minimum spacing
between driveways on a collector street and commercial streets is 250 feet.
The southern driveway of the drive thru is located within the AHTD right-of-
way, which controls access to the property in that area. The width of a
driveway must not exceed 36 feet. Per City code, driveways must be
spaced 250 ft from other driveways and spaced 250 ft from the right-of-way
line of an intersection. Since the property on 7th Street has less than 250 ft
of frontage, the driveway must be located as far away from the intersection
as possible as shown on the plan. The survey shows access can be taken
to Woodrow St. from the property across AHTD right-of-way. Only one
driveway is allowed on Woodrow Street to be located at least 250 ft from the
7th Street right-of-way line.
15. Repair or replace any curb and gutter or sidewalk that is damaged in the
public right-of-way prior to occupancy.
16. Coordinate design of traffic signal upgrade with proposed street
improvements. Plans to be forwarded to Traffic Engineering for approval.
17. Per City code, the ditch that runs through the property should be improved
to handle the 25-year storm flow. A 100-year overflow path should be
provided with minimal damage to this property. Provide detailed design of
the improved channel and a certification of its carrying capacity during the
25 year storm prepared by a professional engineer. Consideration should
be taken of the friction loss of the ditch curvature. Provide certification that
the proposed structure(s) will not be flooded by the 100 year storm event
prepared by a professional engineer.
Wastewater: Existing sewer main on site. No construction is allowed closer than
five feet of the existing sewer main. Contact Little Rock Wastewater Utility at
688-1414 for additional information.
Entergy: Approved as submitted.
Center-Point Energy: Approved as submitted.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. Additional fire hydrant(s) may
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: E.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7895-A
be required in order to provide service to this property. This development will
have minor impact on the existing water distribution system. Proposed water
facilities will be sized to provide adequate pressure and fire protection.
Fire Department: Approved as submitted.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is located near CATA Bus Route #5 – the West Markham Route.
Planning Division: This request is located in the I-630 Planning District. The
Land Use Plan shows Service Trades District for this property. The applicant has
applied for a rezoning to allow the development of a restaurant and an office.
A land use plan amendment for a change to Mixed Office Commercial is a
separate item on this agenda (LU07-09-03).
Master Street Plan: Woodrow Street and 7th Street are shown as Collectors on
the Mater Street plan. The primary function of a Collector Street is to provide a
connection from Local Streets to Arterials.
Bicycle Plan: The Master Street Plan bicycle section shows a Class III bike route
along 7th Street. A Class III bikeway is a signed route on a street shared with
traffic. No additional paving or right-of-way is required. Class III bicycle route
signage may be required.
City Recognized Neighborhood Action Plan: The Stephens Area neighborhood
action plan covers this area. Their economic development goal states a need to
“work with Housing and Neighborhoods to redevelop structures on the east side
of Woodrow Street into new manufacturing, offices, or commercial space.” The
Capitol View Neighborhood Action Plan also addresses this issue: “Rezone
Woodrow between I-630 and 7th Street between Thayer and Woodrow to Quiet
Office to encourage replacement of poorly maintained rental housing with small
professional offices.”
1. Site plan must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and buffer ordinance
2. Site plan submitted was not to scale; therefore, a full review for minimal City
code compliance cannot be done at this time.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: E.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7895-A
3. Street buffers/land use buffers appear deficient on all sides. A variance from
both the Planning Commission and the City Beautiful Commission are
required prior to the issuance of a building permit.
4. The landscape ordinance requires a minimum of 8% of the paved areas be
landscaped with interior islands of at least 7 ½ feet in width and 150 square
feet in area. Proposed plan does not currently reflect this minimum.
5. If the site is larger than one acre it must be irrigated with an automatic
irrigation system.
6. Preservation of the existing trees is encouraged by the City Beautiful
7. Attention to the view from Interstate 630 off ramp would be appreciated. This
site is located within a scenic corridor.
The applicant was present representing the request. Staff presented an
overview of the proposed development stating there were additional items
necessary to complete the review process. Staff requested the developer locate
the dumpster facility on the proposed site plan. Staff also requested any
proposed signage be included on the site plan. Staff stated they were concerned
with a commercial use being located adjacent to residential homes. Staff stated
the site plan indicated outdoor activities and parking along West 7th Street which
could impact the adjacent homes.
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated the indicated drives on
Woodrow Street did not meet typical minimum ordinance standards. Staff stated
street improvements to Appianway Street would be required with the site
development. Staff requested the applicant provide the finished floor elevation of
the proposed new structure. Staff stated the office was located in the floodplain.
Staff stated if the structure was converted to an office use it must meet the
modern flood regulations if the conversion valued the structure at 50 percent or
more than the present appraised value. Staff also requested the revised site
plan include areas set aside for detention.
Landscaping comments were addressed. Staff stated the site plan did not meet
the minimum ordinance requirements. Staff stated a minimum of eight percent of
the paved areas should be designated as landscaping. Staff also stated the
minimum street buffer width was six feet nine inches.
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: E.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7895-A
The applicant submitted a revised site plan to staff addressing few of the
technical issues raised at the February 8, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting.
The applicant has not indicated the location of the proposed dumpster facility,
provided the finished floor elevation of the proposed new structure, the design of
the detention pond nor does the revised site plan remove the drives along
Woodrow Street.
The applicant has indicated three driveway locations along Woodrow Street. The
southern most drive is located within the Arkansas State Highway and
Transportation Department right of way. The northern most drive is located
150-feet from the intersection of West 7th Street. The ordinance typically requires
commercial drives be a minimum of 250-feet for the intersection with a collector
street. Staff is not supportive of the drives as proposed.
The revised site plan has not indicated the location for the proposed dumpster.
Staff has concerns with the possible placement of the dumpster and the potential
hours of dumpster service. There is an existing single-family residence located
in the area labeled on the site plan as “All trees shown are existing to remain”.
The site plan also includes the placement of two outdoor patio areas one located
very near this single-family home. The second located within the parking area
adjacent to West 7th Street. Staff has concerns with the outdoor activity being
located so near this home and the possibility of negative impacts on this home.
The revised site plan does not include the placement of sidewalks on Appianway
Street nor the required curb radius at the intersection with West 7th and Woodrow
Streets. Staff feels these items should be included on the site plan to ensure
compliance with the Master Street Plan requirements for street construction.
The proposed site plan has not addressed detention as required by the Storm
Water Detention Ordinance. Staff has requested the applicant provide the
design of the detention pond showing how the site will be detained. Staff feels
detention should be addressed to ensure compliance with minimum ordinance
There is an existing drainage way located on the site. Per City code, the ditch
that runs through the property should be improved to handle the 25-year storm
flow. A 100-year overflow path should be provided with minimal damage to the
property. Staff has requested the applicant provide a detailed design of the
improved channel and certification of its carrying capacity during the 25-year
storm prepared by a professional engineer. Staff also requested certification that
the proposed structures would not be flooded by the 100-year storm also
prepared by a professional engineer.
Land use buffers are typically required where adjacent to single-family. Typically
the buffer is required at six percent of the average depth of the property. The site
plan does not include a land use buffer adjacent to the existing residences
located along Appianway Street along the northern or southern perimeters
adjacent to the parking areas.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: E.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7895-A
The site plan indicates the placement of 101 parking spaces on the site. The
building is proposed with a total of 9,840 square feet of restaurant space and the
office structure contains approximately 800 square feet. Based on the square
footage proposed a total of 100 parking spaces would typically be required.
A single sign location is indicated on the site plan near Interstate 630. The
applicant has not provided details of the proposed signage. Staff recommends if
the site plan is approved the signage be limited to signage allowed in commercial
zones or a maximum of thirty-six feet in height and one hundred sixty square feet
in area.
The site plan indicates the placement of parking pulling into West 7th Street.
There are single-family homes located to the north of West 7th Street which could
potentially be impacted by headlights from customers entering and exiting the
site. Staff feels this area should be protected by removing the spaces or by
landscaping the area providing a screen to limit the impact on the adjacent
The site plan indicates the placement of a drive-through window but does not
address the placement of an order menu board. Once again staff has concerns
with the placement of the order board and potential impacts on the nearby single-
family homes. Typically order boards are to be screened to limit over spilling of
sound from the site. Staff would recommend if the site plan is approved and an
order menu board is used the menu board be screened to minimize any potential
impact on the nearby homes. In addition one of the proposed drive lanes for the
drive-through facility is located within the AHTD right of way.
Staff is supportive of allowing the site to develop with a restaurant and office use.
Staff is not however supportive of the site plan as proposed. There are a number
of issues which remain outstanding associated with the request which staff feels
should be addressed prior to the Commission acting on the proposed rezoning
and site plan.
Staff recommends denial of the application as filed.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff stated on
February 9, 2007, the applicant submitted a requested for deferral of the item to the
April 12, 2007, public hearing. Staff stated they were supportive of the deferral request.
There was no further discussion of the item. The Chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a vote
of 9 ayes, 0 noes and 2 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: E.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7895-A
The applicant was not present. Staff presented the item stating the applicant had
requested on April 10, 2007, the item be deferred to the May 24, 2007, public hearing to
allow staff and the applicant additional time to resolve outstanding concerns related to
the proposed site plan. Staff stated the deferral request would require a waiver of the
Commission’s By-laws with regard to the late deferral request. Staff stated they were
supportive of the deferral request.
There was no further discussion of the item. A motion was made to approve the By-law
waiver request. The motion carried by a vote of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent. The
chair entertained a motion for placement of the item on the consent agenda for deferral.
The motion carried by a vote of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: F FILE NO.: Z-8140-A
NAME: ME Seckt LTD Company Short-form PD-O
LOCATION: Located at 4720 West Markham Street
M. E. Seckt, LTD Co.
608 Nan Circle
Little Rock, AR 72211
James Farris, PLS
1485 South Hills Drive
Conway, AR 72034
CURRENT ZONING: R-3, Single-family
ALLOWED USES: Single-family residence
PROPOSED USE: Office General and Professional – Real Estate Company
M.E. Seckt Ltd Company, owner of the 0.16 acre lot at 4720 West Markham
Street, is requesting a rezoning of the property from R-3, Single-family District to
PD-O Planned Development, Office. The property is located at the northeast
corner of West Markham Street and N. Spruce Street. The rezoning is proposed
to allow use of the existing building as a real estate office. Parking is proposed in
the rear yard area accessed by the existing alley. A small addition is proposed to
the rear of the structure to add additional office space.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: F (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8140-A
There is currently a one-story frame single-family structure on the property.
There is a paved alley along the rear (east) property line. The alley does not
extend the entire length of the block. The alley ties into a paved parking lot for
the office use immediately to the east.
The general area contains a mixture of uses and zoning. The State Health
Department facilities are located across West Markham Street to the south.
There are single-family residences to the north and across N. Spruce Street to
the west. There is also a mixture of office and commercial uses to the east,
along the north side of West Markham Street.
As of this writing, staff has received one informational phone call from an area
resident. The Hillcrest Residents Neighborhood Association, all owners of
property located within 200 feet of the site and all residents, who could be
identified, located within 300 feet of the proposed development were notified of
the public hearing.
1. Markham Street is classified on the Master Street Plan as a minor arterial
with reduced standards. A dedication of right-of-way 35 feet from centerline
will be required. Due to site constraints, right-of-way should be dedicated to
the existing wood fence or the existing residential structure.
2. The proposed land use would classify Spruce Street on the Master Street
Plan as a commercial street. Dedicate right-of-way to 30 feet from
3. A 20 foot radial dedication of right-of-way is required at the intersection of
Markham Street and N. Spruce Street.
4. Sidewalks with appropriate handicap ramps are required in accordance with
Section 31-175 of the Little Rock Code and the Master Street Plan to be
placed along Markham Street.
5. Repair or replace any curb and gutter or sidewalk that is damaged in the
public right-of-way prior to occupancy.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: F (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8140-A
6. Obtain a franchise agreement from Public Works (John Barr, 371-4646) for
the trees located along N. Spruce Street and any other improvements
located in the right-of-way.
7. Remove old fence and fence post located along West Markham Street.
8. Since the existing wooden fence creates access and sight distance
problems, the fence should be removed as noted on plan.
9. Dedication of right-of-way is required to 10 feet from centerline of alley.
10. Existing radiuses of the curb on the alley is substandard and should be
increased to a 10-foot radius. The alley should be constructed to Public
Work Alley Turnout detail (PW-35).
11. The proposed entrance from the alley into the property should be located on
the northern portion of the property and the proposed parking spaces
should be moved to the south side of the property. The proposed parking
layout should provide area for vehicles to backup. The proposed parking
layout does not provide that backing area.
Wastewater: Sewer service line location is unknown. No sewer is available to
this property. Sewer main extension is required with easements. Contact Little
Rock Wastewater Utility at 688-1414 for additional information.
Entergy: Approved as submitted.
Center-Point Energy: Approved as submitted.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: Contact Central Arkansas Water if larger and/or
additional water meter(s) are required.
Fire Department: Fire hydrants may be required. Contact the Little Rock
Fire Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is located near CATA Bus Route #8 - the Rodney Parham
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: F (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8140-A
Planning Division: This request is located in the Heights Hillcrest Planning
District. The Land Use Plan shows Office for this property. The applicant has
applied for a rezoning to allow the existing structure to be utilized as an office use
for a real estate company.
The request does not require a change to the Land Use Plan.
Master Street Plan: West Markham Street is shown as a Minor Arterial on the
Master Street Plan. A Minor Arterial provides connections to and through an
urban area and their primary function is to provide short distance travel within the
urbanized area. Entrances and exits should be limited to minimize negative
effects of traffic and pedestrians on West Markham Street since it is a Minor
Arterial. The street may require dedication of right-of-way and may require street
improvements for entrances and exits to the site.
Bicycle Plan: Existing or proposed Class I, II, or III Bikeways are not in the
immediate vicinity of the development.
City Recognized Neighborhood Action Plan: The applicant’s property lies in the
area covered by the Hillcrest Neighborhood Action Plan. The Zoning and Land
Use goal states a need to “stop the degradation” and “this includes no net loss of
residential units by demolition or conversion to other uses.”
1. Site plan must comply with the City’s minimal landscape and buffer ordinance
2. The zoning buffer ordinance requires a six foot nine inch (6’-9”) wide land use
buffer to separate this proposed development from the residential property on
the northern perimeter of the site. Seventy percent (70%) of these buffers are
to remain undisturbed.
3. A six (6) foot high opaque screen, either a wooden fence with its face side
directed outward, a wall, or dense evergreen plantings, is required along the
northern perimeter of the site. Credit towards fulfilling this requirement can be
given for existing trees and undergrowth that satisfies this year-around
4. The zoning ordinance requires a six foot nine inch (6’-9”) wide street buffer.
Current, proposal does not meet this minimal requirement along W. Markham
Street. Approval from the Planning Commission will be required prior to the
issuance of a building permit.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: F (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8140-A
5. The landscape ordinance requires a six foot nine inch (6’-9”) wide landscape
strip. Current, proposal does not meet this minimal requirement along W.
Markham Street. Approval from the City Beautiful Commission will be
required prior to the issuance of a building permit.
6. A water source must be located within seventy-five foot (75) of all landscaped
7. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing
trees as feasible on tree covered sites. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape
Ordinance requirements can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch
caliper or larger.
8. These calculations take into account the proposed development is located
within a designated mature area of the city.
The applicant was present representing the request. Staff presented an
overview of the proposed development indicating there were additional items
necessary to complete the review process. Staff requested the developer
provide the days and hours of operation, the number of employees, the total
square footage of the existing structure and the square footage of the proposed
addition. Staff stated they had concerns with the parking as proposed. Staff
suggested the applicant redesign the site plan to not pave the entire rear yard
area and maintain the residential character of the structure. Staff suggested the
parking be limited to three spaces, possibly four with the double stacking of one
space, accessed from the alley, which would allow landscaping around the
parking area.
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated additional right of way
dedication would be required per the Master Street Plan. Staff also stated the
alley would require improvements to a minimum paving width of 18-feet.
Landscaping comments were addressed. Staff stated the proposed site plan did
not allow adequate landscaping to meet the typical minimum ordinance
requirements for the landscape and buffer ordinances. Staff stated any reduction
in the minimum landscape ordinance requirements would require approval from
the City Beautiful Commission.
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: F (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8140-A
The applicant submitted a revised site plan to staff addressing some of the
issues raised at the February 8, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The
applicant has provided the days and hours of operation, the number of
employees, the total square footage of the existing structure and the proposed
addition. The revised plan indicates dedication of right of way along the two
abutting streets and the alley. A note indicates the alley will be improved to a
minimum paving width of 18-feet.
The site plan indicates a seven foot landscape strip adjacent to the proposed
parking pad in the rear on the north and south perimeters. Adjacent to the
structure landscaping is proposed within the right of way of West Markham
Street. The right of way dedication proposed is 34.0 feet which abuts the
southern wall of the structure. With the dedication a zero setback along West
Markham is proposed.
The applicant has indicated the days and hours of operation are from 8:00 am to
6:00 pm Monday through Saturday. There are five (5) employees of the
business. The use is proposed as a real estate office. Signage is to be limited to
signage allowed in office zones or a maximum of six feet in height and sixty-four
square feet in area. Building signage will be limited to ten percent of the façade
The site plan indicates the placement of a drive extending from the alley into the
rear yard area flaring to allow the parking of three automobiles. Staff is not
supportive of this design. Staff feels the parking should be constructed nearer
the alley with the allowance of one stall to double stack and the cars exit the
parking stall by backing into the alleyway. With this design the paving material
will be greatly reduced which in turn will maintain the residential character of the
This site as well as the frontage in this area along West Markham Street is
indicated on the City’s Future Land Use Plan as Office. Staff is supportive of
allowing the structure to convert to a quiet office use but staff is not supportive of
allowing the rear yard area to be substantially paved. The office use as
proposed with limited days and hours of operation and the limited number of
employees should act as a transition between the State Health Department
located to the south and the single-family homes located to the north.
Staff recommends denial of the request as filed.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item with a recommendation of deferral to the April 12, 2007, public
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: F (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8140-A
hearing to allow staff and the applicant time to resolve issues raised concerning the
proposed parking layout.
There was no further discussion of the item. The Chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a vote
of 9 ayes, 0 noes and 2 absent.
The applicant submitted a request to staff on March 23, 2007, requesting this item be
withdrawn from consideration without prejudice. Staff is supportive of the withdrawal
The applicant was not present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item stating the applicant had submitted a request to staff on March 23,
2007, requesting this item be withdrawn from consideration without prejudice. Staff
stated they were supportive of the withdrawal request.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for withdrawal. The motion carried by a
vote of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: G FILE NO.: Z-8167
NAME: Meyer Short-form PCD
LOCATION: Located at West Markham and Kavanaugh
Jerry Meyer
3001 West Markham Street
Little Rock, AR 72205
Donald Brooks Surveying
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
AREA: 0.5+ acres LOTS: 1 zoning lot FT. NEW STREET: 0 LF
ALLOWED USES: General Commercial Uses and Multi-family 36-units per acre
PROPOSED USE: C-3, General Commercial District uses
The applicant requested on February 12, 2007, this item be deferred to the April 12,
2007, public hearing. Staff is supportive of the deferral request.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff stated on
February 12, 2007, the applicant submitted a requested for deferral of the item to the
April 12, 2007, public hearing. Staff stated they were supportive of the deferral request.
There was no further discussion of the item. The Chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a vote
of 8 ayes, 0 noes, 2 absent and 1 recusal (Jerry Meyer).
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: G (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8167
Staff recommends this item be deferred to the May 24, 2007, public hearing. The
applicant failed to notify property owners as required by the Commission’s By-laws.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item stating the applicant failed to notify property owners as required by
the Commission’s By-laws. Staff presented a recommendation of deferral of the item to
the May 24, 2007, public hearing.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a vote
of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
Name: Midtown Design Overlay District
Location: Along Markham and University Avenues
Request: Modifications to the Design Overlay District
Source: Staff, Midtown Redevelopment Advisory Board
This is a request to update and revise the Midtown Design Overlay District as
the result of efforts related to the “Statement of Design and Programming
Expectation”. This document was developed by the Midtown Redevelopment
District #1 Advisory Board with a resolution of support by the Little Rock Board of
Directors (resolution 12,396 of December 5, 2006). The Midtown Advisory Board
working with Staff has reviewed the existing overlay regulations and suggests
changes in order to help implement the ‘Statement’.
The Midtown Design Overlay District was originally approved with Ordinance
19004 on December 2, 2003. This was after a several month process where a
group of interested citizens, taking the work done by the Urban Land Institute
(ULI) and presented in the Midtown report (2001), attempted to draft a Design
Overlay District as a tool to help implement the report. The creation of the
Midtown Redevelopment District #1 and the Advisory Board for the district were
other efforts of the adhoc group to implement the ULI report.
The Midtown Advisory Board wishes to assure that any new development or
redevelopment meets the vision presented in the ‘Statement of Design and
Programming Expectations’. They believe that this document is a further
refinement of the original ULI study. After some initial discussions, it was
decided that something additional was needed. Staff reviewed the various
proposals with the consultant (the Jamison Group) working with the Midtown
Advisory Board.
It was felt that a revision to the existing Midtown Design Overlay District was the
best approach. The consultant and staff developed suggested revisions to the
Overlay and presented these to the Midtown Advisory Board. The Board met
twice in January to discuss the Design Overlay District (DOD) issue – January 12
and January 26, 2007. These were both public meetings where citizens were
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: H (Cont.)
Staff completed a mailing to all the potentially effected property owners in
mid-January, 2007. This was to notify over 227 owners of this meeting before
the Little Rock Planning Commission. The efforts to revise the DOD have been
made under a tight timeframe in order to meet the time constraints of a
moratorium placed on a large part of the existing overlay area. This moratorium
was enacted by the Little Rock Board of Directors to allow time for the
development of needed rules for future development and redevelopment of the
On Friday January 12, 2007 the Midtown Advisory Board reviewed each section
of a revised Design Overlay District for the Midtown area. This review included
additions, deletions and modifications. From the comments made at that
meeting further revisions were made and presented to the Advisory Board at
their January 26, 2007 meeting. A few minor revisions were made at the meeting
and the Advisory Board voted unanimously to recommend the approval of the
changes to the Midtown Design Overlay District.
Copies of a ‘mark-up’ of the Midtown Design Overlay District were placed on the
City website on January 26, 2007 for property owners and others to review. This
same document is attached for the Planning Commission to see the proposed
changes to the Design Overlay District. In addition, the ‘Statement of Design and
Programming Exceptions’ is included for your assistance.
The changes to the Overlay are designed to make it responsive to the ‘Statement
of Design and Programming Expectations’ and to further refine it. The ‘large
building’ section of the Midtown DOD is removed with the requirements of that
sub-section placed on all buildings and sites. A bonus section for building height
has been added (based on the Urban Use classification). This is to encourage
mixed use and provide an incentive. The projections section and some
streetscape elements of the River Market DOD are added to the Midtown DOD
to further encourage pedestrian oriented development. Addition elements on
linkage and sidewalks are also added for this purpose.
A new section on lighting is included to make the overlay easier to use. The
boundaries of the DOD have been expanded to include the entire redevelopment
district. The current boundaries include only a portion of the redevelopment
district. Due to this addition along Markham and University, a sub-section for
‘small buildings’ was added. After some discussion the exception process was
changed for going to the Board of Adjustment to using a Planned Zoning District
(PZD). This is currently used by many of the existing DODs.
A new section ‘Development Process’ was added. This section requires a PZD
for any new development whether it meets the DOD standards or not. It also
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: H (Cont.)
requires any redevelopment that makes an addition of area of 50 percent or
more, or where the addition is more than 50 percent the replacement value use a
PZD. This is required even if the redevelopment meets the other requirements of
the DOD. (Interior alterations, maintenance and routine repairs are exempted)
This section also sets requirements for mixed developments, if the area added is
greater than 100,000 square feet.
Mr. Craig Berry, chairman of the Midtown Redevelopment District Board asked
that the item be deferred to discuss an issue with a major property owner. The
Item was deferred to March 1 by a vote of 7 for, 0 against, 1 recuse (Yates) and
3 absent (Allen, Rahman, Stebbins).
The Midtown Advisory Board shall review possible modifications to the overlay
including a boundary change and exemption of single-family use and zoning land
at their February 23, 2007 meeting.
The item was placed on consent agenda for deferral to April 12, 2007 at the
request of Staff and The Midtown Advisory Board. The consent agenda was
approved by a vote of 9 for, 0 against and 2 absent.
In response to concerns raised by a major property owner, representatives on
the Midtown Advisory Board met with representatives of Little Rock Medical
Associates to discuss the draft overlay. As a result of the discussion revisions
were developed and on March 22, 2007 the Midtown Advisory Board did
recommend the Design Overlay with changes to the Planning Commission.
These changes are to add: a generalized location in the boundary section;
exclude parking garages from the area calculations; add alternatives to the mix
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: H (Cont.)
ratios depending on where the secondary use may be located; add a bonus for
integration a parking structure in to the main structure; allow free standing
signage which is a part of the architectural theme of the overall development; and
change the setbacks from ‘shall’ to ‘may’.
The Advisory Board unanimously supported the changes after some review and
discussion. City Staff remains supportive of the requested package of changes
to the Midtown Design Overlay District.
The Item was placed on consent agenda for deferral to April 26, 2007. By a vote
of 10 for 0 against the consent agenda was approved.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: I FILE NO.: LU07-09-01
Name: Land Use Plan Amendment - I-630 Planning District
Location: 4403 West 29th Street
Request: Multi Family to Commercial
Source: Derrick Gunn
Land Use Plan amendment in the I-630 Planning District from Multi Family to
Commercial. The commercial category includes a broad range of retail and wholesale
sales of products, personal and professional services and general business activities.
Commercial activities vary in type and scale, depending on the trade area that they
serve. The proposed amendment is to allow C-3 General Commercial reclassification.
The property currently has two single family houses on it. The area is currently zoned
R-3 Single Family District and is 0.25 acres ± in size. The area to the immediate west
and north is also zoned R-3 Single Family and is being used for single family
residences. R-3 zoning is the predominant single family district north of Asher Avenue
and east of University. Directly east of the application area is zoned C-3 General
Commercial for the Gunn Funeral Home. This funeral home wants to convert the
existing single family houses at this location into a florist to serve the funeral home.
Further east of this area on the south side of 29th Street is zoned I-2 Light Industrial for
two paint and auto shops and vehicle storage. South and adjacent to the application
area is zoned C-4 Open Display Commercial for River City Auto Body. There is a large
strip of commercially zoned property south of this application following Asher Avenue.
This part of Asher has C-3 General Commercial, C-4 Open Display Commercial and I-2
Light Industrial uses which include several auto shops, two hair salons, ATR
Transmission, C&C Club, and a day care. Southwest of the application area is more I-2
Light Industrial which is used for Clark Power, an auto shop, a scrap yard and a
The application area is currently planned for Multi Family on the south side of W. 29th
Street between Peyton and Washington Streets. To the south, southeast, and east of
the area is planned for Commercial. Beyond the Commercial to the south is planned for
Industrial. West, north and northwest of the area is planned for Single Family, with
some Low Density Residential and Office to the northeast. There is another small
amount of Multi Family to the southwest.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: I (Cont.) FILE NO.: LU07-09-01
Ordinance 18,373 was passed October 17, 2000. This ordinance amended the Future
Land Use Plan in many places near the application area. The changes include: the
Low Density Residential at the northeast corner of Peyton and 29th Streets was
amended to Office and Public Institutional, the Industrial on the south side of Asher at
Adams Street was amended to Commercial, and southwest of the application area was
amended from Light Industrial, Industrial and Office to Commercial along Asher. These
changes were the result of the Asher Corridor Study as requested by the Planning
Commission. This study attempted to keep the industrial south of Asher avenue, with
commercial uses along and north of Asher.
West 29th Street is shown as a Collector on the plan. The primary function of a
Collector Street is to provide a connection from Local Streets to Arterials. Peyton Street
is shown as a Local Street on the plan. The primary function of a Local Street is to
provide access to adjacent properties.
A Class II bike route is shown along West 29th Street. A Class II bikeway is located on
the street as either a 5’ shoulder or six foot marked bike lane. Additional paving and
right of way may be required.
According to the Master Parks Plan, this area is within eight blocks of a park or open
space. To the northwest of the application area is Curran Conway Park.
There are no city recognized historic districts that would be affected by this amendment.
The Oak Forest Neighborhood Action Plan covers this area. The plan states in the
Housing Goal: “enhance and maintain all housing stock.”
The Gunn Funeral Home is located on the southeast corner of Peyton and West 29th
Streets. The funeral home has purchased the lot on the southwest corner of Peyton
and 29th and is proposing to convert two single family homes into a florist to serve their
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: I (Cont.) FILE NO.: LU07-09-01
existing funeral home. A separate proposal would change this area to C-3 General
Commercial zoning, which would allow many other uses other than a florist. The two
houses on the application site seem to be in good repair. The surrounding areas to the
north, west and northeast are filled with single family houses. This neighborhood is
completely built out and has been for many years. The areas to the south and
southeast along Asher Avenue are mostly used for Commercial and Industrial uses.
The Commercial uses are mostly limited to the Asher corridor.
The application area is currently planned for Multi Family. In this location, the Multi
Family was intended to serve as a buffer to protect the neighborhood’s Single Family to
the north from the mostly Commercial area along Asher Avenue. Land use buffers have
been used throughout the city. This application would introduce Commercial uses into a
block of single family residences with front to front relationships. The houses in this
area are in relatively good condition and they are for the most part occupied. During
2006, there were forty-six single family renovation permits issued for Census tract 19,
which includes this application area. This shows that the neighborhood is being
improved upon with the assumption that the land use is going to stay single family.
The introduction of a different, more intense use like Commercial would have a serious
impact on the surrounding single family residences. Commercial uses and especially
those found in the C-3 zoning category would introduce retail-oriented traffic further into
the neighborhood. Besides heavier traffic, commercial uses would also require special
parking, parking lot lighting, various hours of operation and a dumpster. None of these
things would fit in well with the existing neighborhood. While there is not much vacant
land planned for Commercial in this immediate area, there seems to be a demand for
both single family and commercial in the general area. There is one vacant commercial
building just south of the application area along Asher Avenue. The application area is
part of a viable neighborhood and it needs to be protected as such.
Notices were sent to the following neighborhood associations: Curran-Conway, Midway
and Love. Staff has received no comments from area residents.
Staff believes the change is not appropriate.
The applicant request this item be deferred to April 12, 2007. The item was placed on
consent agenda to for deferral. By a vote of 8 for, 0 against and 3 absent the consent
agenda was approved.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: I (Cont.) FILE NO.: LU07-09-01
The applicant has requested this item be deferred until the April 26, 2007 agenda. Staff
is supportive of this request.
The Item was placed on consent agenda for deferral to April 26, 2007. By a vote of
10 for 0 against the consent agenda was approved.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 1 FILE NO.: S-502-H
NAME: John Barrow Addition Replat Lots 4R – 8R, Alley Abandonment and Right of Way
abandonment for Cobb and Zion Streets
LOCATION: Located Between 28th and 29th, Cobb and Zion Streets
DJ Taylor Customs Homes, LLC
15 Woods Circle
Little Rock, AR 72210
Donald Brooks Surveying
20820 Arch Street Pike
Little Rock, AR 72065
CURRENT ZONING: R-3, Single-family
The applicant is proposing a replat of six previously platted lots into five lots. The lots
are proposed with a minimum lot width of 55-feet and a minimum lot depth of 139-feet.
The lots are indicated with a minimum lot area of 7,558 square feet. The corner lots
are indicated with a lot width of 60-feet and a lot area of 8,340 square feet.
The applicant is requesting the abandonment of an alley located within Block 81 of the
John Barrow Addition. The applicant has provided letters from all utility companies
indicating their support of the abandonment and indicated no facilities existing or
planned located within the alley. Therefore, easement rights are not necessary to be
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-502-H
The request also includes the abandonment of Cobb and Zion Streets. The
abandonment for Cobb Street includes the entire length between West 28th and West
29th Streets. The abandonment for Zion Street includes one-half block (139.0 feet)
located between West 28th and West 29th Streets. The entirety of the right of way for
Cobb and Zion Streets will be maintained as a utility and drainage easement.
The site is vacant with single-family homes located in the immediate area. The site
slopes slightly from north to south. North of West 28th Street are single-family homes.
There are three new homes located on the northeast corner of West 28th and Walker
Streets. Cobb and Zion Streets have not been constructed adjacent to the property.
West 28th Street is the primary connection to Boyle Park in this area. To the northwest
is a tract currently being cleared.
As of this writing, staff has received two informational phone calls from area residents.
The John Barrow Association and all abutting property owners were notified of the
Public Hearing.
1. West 28th Street is classified on the Master Street Plan as a collector street. A
dedication of right-of-way 30 feet from centerline will be required.
2. Drainage easements should be maintained in the right-of-way to convey storm
water from adjacent property.
3. Per City code, with site development, provide the design of the street conforming to
the Master Street Plan. Construct one-half street improvements to Cobb and Zion
Streets including 5-foot sidewalks with the planned development. At least 20 feet
of pavement must be provided on these streets. It is recommended the applicant
petition the City to abandon Cobb and Zion Streets right-of-ways.
4. A 20 foot radial dedication of right-of-way is required at the intersection of West
28th and Cobb and West 28th and Zion Streets if the right-of-way is not abandoned.
5. Repair or replace any curb and gutter or sidewalk that is damaged in the public
right-of-way prior to occupancy.
Wastewater: Sewer main extension required with easements. Contact Little Rock
Wastewater Utility at 688-1414 for additional information.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-502-H
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: Approved as submitted.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at the
time of request for water service must be met. Contact Central Arkansas Water
regarding locations of water meters. The existing fire hydrant may need to be moved.
If there are facilities that need to be adjusted and/or relocated, contact Central
Arkansas Water. That work would be done at the expense of the developer.
Fire Department: Additional fire hydrants may be required. Contact the Little Rock
Fire Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: No comment.
Landscape: No comment.
The applicant was present representing the request. Staff presented an overview of
the request indicating there were few outstanding issues associated with the request.
Staff stated Cobb and Zion Streets should be constructed to Master Street Plan
standard or be abandoned. There was a general discussion concerning the
abandonment of Zion Street and the applicant indicated the abutting property owners
were not supportive of the abandonment. Staff stated Zion Street would require street
construction to Master Street Plan standard including a minimum paving width of
20-feet. Staff requested the applicant contact the abutting property owners of Cobb
Street to determine if the abandonment was feasible. Staff stated if the abandonment
was not feasible the applicant would be required to construct Cobb Street to Master
Street Plan standard including curb, gutter and sidewalk and a minimum paving width
of 20-feet.
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and agencies
suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information and
clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee then
forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-502-H
The applicant submitted the requested additional information from the March 22, 2007,
Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant has provided staff with the
abandonment petition signed by all the abutting property owners. The applicant has
also provided staff with the approval letters from the various utility companies
approving the abandonment of Cobb and Zion Streets as a public right of way but
retaining the entire area as a utility and drainage easement.
The request is to allow a replat of six previously platted lots into five lots all fronting
West 28th Street. The lots are proposed with a minimum lot width of 55-feet and a
minimum lot depth of 139-feet. The lots are indicated with a minimum lot area of
7,558 square feet. The corner lots are indicated with a minimum lot width of 60-feet
and a minimum lot area of 8,340 square feet. The site is zoned R-3, Single-family
which typically requires a minimum lot width of 50-feet and a minimum lot area of
5,000 square feet. The lots are indicated with more than adequate area to meet the
typical minimum ordinance standards.
The applicant is requesting the abandonment of an alley located within Block 81 of the
John Barrow Addition. The applicant has provided letters from all utility companies
indicating their support of the abandonment and indicated there are no facilities
existing or planned located within the alley. Therefore easement rights are not
necessary to be retained.
The request also includes the abandonment of Cobb and Zion Streets as a public right
of way but maintaining the area as a utility and drainage easement. The abandonment
for Cobb Street includes the entire length between West 28th and West 29th Streets.
The abandonment for Zion Street includes one-half block (139.0 feet) adjacent to Lots
4- 6 Block 81 John Barrow Addition.
Staff is supportive of the proposed preliminary plat and the abandonment request.
The applicant is seeking preliminary plat approval to allow six existing R-3, Single-
family zoned lots to be replatted into five residential lots with access to West 28th
Street. Since several of the platted rights of ways in this area were never constructed
a number of the homes along West 28th and West 29th Streets were constructed
fronting these streets. Staff does not feel the replatting is out of character with the
area. Staff also feels the abandonments, as proposed, will not adversely impact the
area or the proposed lots. Otherwise, to staff’s knowledge, there are no outstanding
issues associated with the request. The proposed preliminary plat fully complies with
the minimum requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance for R-3, Single-family zoned
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-502-H
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the comments
and conditions as outlined in paragraphs, D, E and F of the agenda staff report.
Staff recommends approval of the applicant’s request for abandonment of a portion of
Zion Street, Cobb Street and an alley located within the proposed plat area.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff presented the
item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs, D, E and F of the above agenda staff
report. Staff also presented a recommendation of approval of the applicant’s request for
abandonment of a portion of Zion Street, Cobb Street and an alley located within the
proposed plat area.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for placement of
the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a vote of 10 ayes, 0 noes
and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 2 FILE NO.: S-643-E
NAME: Whispering Oaks Subdivision Phase 2 Preliminary Plat
LOCATION: Located South of Castle Valley Road at Lake View Golf Course
Jay Hobbs
14716 Royal Oaks Drive
Little Rock, AR 72210
McGetrick and McGetrick Engineers
10 Otter Creek Court, Suite A
Little Rock, AR 72210
CURRENT ZONING: R-2, Single-family
PLANNING DISTRICT: 15 – Geyer Springs West
The developers are proposing the subdivision of this 3.2 acre tract into ten (10)
single-family lots. The average lot size proposed is 70-feet by 200-feet or 14,000
square feet. Castle Valley Road is indicated on the Master Street Plan as a
collector street. The plat indicates the right of way is currently in place. A 30-foot
front platted building line, as required by the Subdivision Ordinance, is proposed
along Castle Valley Road.
The site is tree covered and relatively flat. The site backs up to the Lake View
Golf Course with the clubhouse and tennis courts located to the west. There is a
newly developing single-family subdivision located to the north and northwest of
the site. Northeast of the site is an area recently zoned PD-R to allow the
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-643-E
development of a single-family subdivision. Along Chicot Road on the east side
is a church and single-family homes and on the west side is a vacant tract of C-2,
Shopping Center District zoned property. The City limits and the County line are
located just south of this site.
As of this writing, staff has received several informational phone calls from area
residents. Southwest Little Rock United for Progress and all abutting property
owners were notified of the Public Hearing.
1. With site development, provide the design of the street conforming to the
Master Street Plan. Construct one-half street improvement to Castle Valley
Road to collector standard including 5-foot sidewalks with the planned
2. Plans of all work in right-of-way shall be submitted for approval prior to start of
work. Obtain barricade permit prior to doing any work in the right-of-way from
Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1805 (Travis Herbner).
3. Storm water detention ordinance applies to this property. Show the proposed
location for storm water detention facilities on the plan.
4. If disturbed area is 1 or more acres, obtain a NPDES storm water permit from
the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality prior to the start of
5. Street Improvement plans shall include signage and striping. Traffic
Engineering must approve completed plans prior to construction.
6. Prepare a letter of pending development addressing streetlights as required
by Section 31-403 of the Little Rock code. Conduit for streetlights should be
installed with other utilities. Contact Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1813
(Steve Philpott) for additional information.
Wastewater: Sewer main extension required, with easements. Contact Little
Rock Wastewater Utility at 688-1414 for additional information.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: Approved as submitted.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-643-E
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: Contact Central Arkansas Water regarding water
meter locations. Additional fire hydrant(s) will be required. Contact the Little Rock
Fire Department to obtain information regarding the required placement of the
hydrant(s) and contact Central Arkansas Water regarding procedures for
installation of the hydrant(s).
Fire Department: Install and place fire hydrants per code. Contact the Little
Rock Fire Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: No comment.
Landscape: No comment.
The applicant was not present. Staff presented an overview of the proposed
development indicating there were few outstanding technical issues associated
with the request. Staff stated as presently proposed the request would require a
variance to allow the lots to develop with an increased lot depth to width ratio.
Staff stated the developer had indicated all improvements would be completed
prior to final platting. There was no further discussion of the item. The
Committee then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
There were no remaining technical issues associated with the request remaining
from the March 22, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant
submitted a revised preliminary plat eliminating the previously indicated variance
request. The applicant has indicated all the lots with sufficient width to eliminate
the depth to width variance request. The proposal is to allow the development of
ten (10) single-family lots from two (2) site totaling 3.2 acres resulting in a density
of 3.2 units per acre. A parcel of property under a separate ownership separates
the proposed lots. The developer has indicated four (4) lots along the western
portion of the subdivision and six (6) lots along the eastern portion. The lots will
be developed with a 30-foot front building line and side and rear yard setbacks
typical of R-2, Single-family zoned property or side yards of ten percent of the lot
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-643-E
width not to exceed eight (8) feet and a minimum rear yard setback of twenty-five
(25) feet.
The plat indicates an average lot size of 70-feet by 200-feet or 14,000 square
feet. No new street is proposed with the development of the lots. The developer
has indicated street improvements to Castle Valley Road will be completed to
Master Street Plan standards including curb, gutter and sidewalk. The lots will
be served by public utilities including Little Rock Wastewater Utility and Central
Arkansas Water.
Staff is supportive of the development as proposed. The lots are indicated
similar to lot development standards in the area. To staff’s knowledge there are
no outstanding issues associated with the request. The lots are indicated with
adequate area, lot depths and widths to more than meet the typical minimum
ordinance standards for R-2, Single-family zoned property.
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda
staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to
compliance with the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs, D, E and F of
the above agenda staff report.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a vote
of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 3 FILE NO.: S-1313-Q
NAME: Woodlands Edge Phases 10 – 14 Preliminary Plat (Blocks 14 – 19)
LOCATION: Located South of Kanis Road, West of Brodie Creek
Rocket Properties, Inc.
2024 Arkansas Valley Drive
Little Rock, AR 72212
White Daters and Associates
24 Rahling Road
Little Rock, AR 72223
AREA: 87.7 acres NUMBER OF LOTS: 153 FT. NEW STREET: 8,960LF
CURRENT ZONING: Presently PRD, Revocation request to R-2, Single-family is a
separate item on this agenda
PLANNING DISTRICT: 18 – Ellis Mountain
1. A variance from the Subdivision Ordinance to allow the creation of pipe stem lots
(Lots 14 and 15 Block 18 and Lots 7 and 11 Block 189).
2. A variance from the Subdivision Ordinance to allow an increased depth of the
proposed pipe stem lots (Lots 14, 15 Block 18, Lot 11 Block 19).
3. A variance from the Subdivision Ordinance to allow a reduced front building line of
20-feet for Lots 1 – 25 Block 15, Lots 1 – 19 Block 16 and Lots 1 – 22 Block 17.
4. A variance from the Subdivision Ordinance to allow a reduced front building line
(15-feet) for Lots 6 and 7 Block 15.
5. A variance from the Subdivision Ordinance to allow a reduced side yard setback of
5-feet for lots with a lot width of 60-feet.
6. A variance from the Subdivision Ordinance to allow a reduced rear yard setback of
15-feet for all the proposed lots.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 3 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1313-Q
7. A variance from the Master Street Plan to allow an increased length of a Minor
Residential Street.
8. A variance from the Master Street Plan to allow a reduced design standard for a
collector street Woodlands Trail (45-feet of right of way and 28-feet of paving).
9. A variance from the Master Street Plan to allow a trail system in-lieu of sidewalks.
10. A variance from the Master Street Plan to allow an increased grade for a collector
street (14 percent).
Rocket Properties, Inc. has acquired additional land to the west of Woodlands
Edge. They desire to expand development of their low impact residential
neighborhood and work towards a connection with Kanis Road. The proposed
plat contains approximately 88 acres located west of the current Woodlands
Edge development and south of Kanis Road. The plat will be an extension of
Woodlands Edge with the development of 153 residential lots ranging in size
from 60-feet wide by 110-feet deep up to 100-feet wide and 120-feet deep. In
addition, the plat indicates two tracts fronting Kanis Road which are shown as
PCD. This area is being requested for rezoning to PCD as a separate item on
the current agenda (Z-5096-B).
Rocket Properties believes that the connection of the collector street up to Kanis
Road, as shown on the Master Street Plan, will have a positive impact on the
traffic congestion of Bowman Road. This connection will allow access from
Woodlands Edge to facilities such as Baker School, the Chenal Kroger Store, the
new location of Fellowship Bible Church and the major traffic arteries of Chenal
Parkway and Cantrell Road. The developers believe the connection will not only
benefit the City, but will also greatly enhance the marketing within Woodlands
The collector street is indicated for construction to the standard previously
approved as a two lane street with a 45-foot right of way and 28-feet of
pavement. Street intersections will be limited and lots will not front on or take
access directly to the collector street. In working to fit the existing terrain and
maintain as many of the existing trees as possible, the developer is requesting a
variance to allow some short section of the street grades up to 14 percent rather
than the standard 12 percent. In the past, collector streets were allowed to be
constructed 2 percent above the maximum grade or up to 14 percent. An
example is the section of Pebble Beach from Hinson Road west to Rahling Road.
This portion of Pebble Beach Drive has grades up to 14 percent, but the major
difference with the Woodlands Edge collector street will be the limited number of
street intersections and the elimination of lots fronting on this street.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 3 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1313-Q
Rocket Properties is also requesting variance approvals for lot sizes of 60-feet by
110-feet, reduced front and rear setback to 20-feet, reduced side yard setbacks
to 5-feet on the lots proposed as 60-feet by 110-feet, and variances on standard
lots of reduced rear yard setbacks of 15-feet when adjacent to green spaces, the
addition of pipestem lots, and the length of a minor residential street. Also,
Rocket Properties would like to continue development of the residential sidewalk
system within the open space as opposed to standard sidewalk construction
along the collector street as they have been doing throughout the development of
Woodlands Edge.
A portion of the site is currently zoned PRD. A revocation request to restore the
previously held R-2, Single-family zoning district is a separate item on this
agenda (Z-5096-C).
The site is a wooded site located south of Kanis Road at the intersection with
Kirby Road. The western boundary of the PRD is the City limits with the plat
boundary extending beyond the City limits. The area appears to be relatively flat.
A branch of the Panther Creek is located along the southern boundary of the
PRD zoned property. To the east of the site are single-family homes, both
attached and detached, being constructed in a newly developing subdivision,
Taylor Park. Further east are residences located along White Road. To the
north of the site are also single-family homes located on large lots and acreage.
West of the site is vacant land currently zoned R-2, single-family. At the
intersection of Kanis and Kirby Roads is a site zoned C-1, Neighborhood
Commercial and further north is a site zoned PD-R approved for the development
of attached single-family homes.
As of this writing, staff has received a number of informational phone calls from
area residents. All abutting property owner, along with the Parkway Place
Property Owners Association, the Gibralter Height/Point West/Timber Ridge
Neighborhood Association and the Spring Valley Manor Property Owners
Association were notified of the public hearing.
1. Plans of all work in right-of-way shall be submitted for approval prior to start
of work. Obtain barricade permit prior to doing any work in the right-of-way
from Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1805 (Travis Herbner).
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 3 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1313-Q
2. A grading permit in accordance with Section 29-186 (c) and (d) will be
required prior to any land clearing or grading activities at the site. Site
grading, and drainage plans will need to be submitted and approved prior to
the start of construction.
3. Storm water detention ordinance applies to this property. Show the
proposed location for storm water detention facilities on the plan.
4. A Sketch Grading and Drainage Plan will be required per Section 29-186
(e). Provide locations and lengths of where the street grades exceed 12%.
Any areas along the streets that do not meet AASHTO recommended sight
distance shall be platted as no access zones. Provide street grades at all
intersections. Woodlands Trail must be designed to provide sufficient sight
distance per AASHTO standards.
5. If disturbed area is 1 or more acres, obtain a NPDES storm water permit
from the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality prior to the start of
6. Street Improvement plans shall include signage and striping. Lane striping
shall be a minimum of thermoplastic striping material. Traffic Engineering
must approve completed plans prior to construction.
7. Prepare a letter of pending development addressing streetlights as required
by Section 31-403 of the Little Rock code. Conduit for streetlights should be
installed with other utilities. Contact Traffic Engineering 379-1813 (Steve
Philpott) for more information.
8. No residential waste collection service will be provided on private streets.
The waste will only be collected from the public street curb for all pipe stem
9. Provide a letter prepared by a registered engineer certifying the intersection
sight distance at the intersections on the proposed plat comply with 2004
AASHTO Green Book standards.
10. Streets less than 26 feet in width can only have vehicle parking on one side.
No parking signage is required to be installed by the applicant on one side
of any street less than 26 feet in width. Signs must meet current City
11. Twin Creeks Cove must intersect Twin Creek Loop as a standard "T"
intersection design. Contact Bill Henry, Traffic Engineering, at 379-1816 for
additional information.
12. Hammerhead must be constructed to at least 80 feet in length and at the
same width as the street.
13. The Pulaski County FIRMs indicated floodplain is on the property. Provide
a plan showing the 100-year floodplain delineations and finished floor
elevations on those lots that are shown within the 100-year floodplain. The
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 3 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1313-Q
finished floor elevation of the structures on those lots must be elevated to
1 foot above the base flood elevation.
14. Due to intersecting streets on this portion of Woodlands Trail, Woodlands
Trail should be constructed to typical collector street standards of 36 feet
from back of curb to back of curb within a 60 feet right-of-way.
Wastewater: Sewer main extension required with easements. A portion of the
site is located outside the City limits. Annexation is required to receive City
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: Approved as submitted.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. A Capital Investment Charge
based on the size of connection(s) will apply to portions of this project in addition
to normal charges. Phase 14 cannot be developed until an additional 8-inch
waterline is installed through Phases 8 and 9 as previously noted in contracts
between Central Arkansas Water and Rocket Properties, Inc. (CAW Job 4787).
This development will have minor impact on the existing water distribution
system. Proposed water facilities will be sized to provide adequate pressure and
fire protection.
Fire Department: Install and place fire hydrants per code. Contact the Little
Rock Fire Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: No comment.
Landscape: No comment.
Mr. Joe White and Mr. Ron Tyne were present representing the request. Staff
presented an overview of the item stating there were a number of items in the
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 3 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1313-Q
immediate area which were being considered for rezoning and potential
non-residential development. Staff stated a portion of the proposed subdivision
was located outside the City limits and a portion of the area was zoned PD-R.
Staff stated annexation and a revocation would be required to allow the
development of the plat as proposed. Staff stated there were a number of
variances being requested for the proposed subdivision. Staff questioned a
number of the variances requesting the applicant provide additional information
to determine if a variance was indeed necessary.
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated the indicated collector
street should be constructed to Master Street Plan standard. Mr. Tyne stated the
request was to match the existing street width of Woodlands Trail which was
approved with a reduced right of way and paving width. Staff noted Woodlands
Trail did not have street intersections except at round-abouts. Mr. Tyne noted
there were a number of access points which were not located at round-abouts.
He stated the desire for the reduced street was to reduce speeds of traffic. He
stated the narrow street did in fact reduce the overall speed of motorists. Staff
questioned the placement of sidewalks. Mr. Tyne stated sidewalks would be
placed in an easement as in previous phases of the development.
Staff noted County Planning had indicated concern with the proposed
development since a portion of the site was located outside the City limits. Staff
stated if the site was not annexed, the applicant would be required to seek
County approval of the preliminary plat separate and apart from the City
approval. Staff stated their review was based on the assumption the site would
become a part of the City to receive City services.
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
The applicant submitted a revised preliminary plat to staff addressing most of the
issues raised at the March 22, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The
applicant has indicated the minimum lot width at the building line for the
proposed lots is 60-feet. The applicant has indicated annexation will be sought
from the City of Little Rock prior to development of the areas located outside the
City limits.
The revised preliminary plat indicates the construction of Woodlands Trail with a
reduced standard. The plat indicates a variance from the Master Street Plan to
allow a reduced design standard for a collector street Woodlands Trail (45-feet of
right of way and 28-feet of paving) and a variance from the Master Street Plan to
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 3 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1313-Q
allow a trail system in-lieu of sidewalks. The developers have indicated the
street construction will match the existing design of Woodlands Trails. Staff is
supportive of the proposed reduced design. It appears the design of the existing
street has acted as a traffic calming device by narrowing the streets. Traffic
appears to drive slower speeds through the area. The placement of sidewalks
within a trail system has worked well for the neighborhood. The Commission has
the ability to approved alternative pedestrian pavement in-lieu of sidewalks. Staff
is supportive of this request.
The developer has not provided staff with the location for the street grade
variance request, the intersection grades and the certificate of sight distance.
Staff recommends these items be provided to staff prior to the Commission
acting on the request. Staff will provide a recommendation on these specific
items once they have had a chance to review the data provided.
The developers are requesting a variance from the Subdivision Ordinance to
allow the creation of pipe stem lots (Lots 14 and 15 Block 18 and Lots 7 and 11
Block 189) and a variance from the Subdivision Ordinance to allow an increased
depth of the proposed pipe stem lots (Lots 14, 15 Block 18, Lot 11 Block 19).
Section 31-232(f) of the Little Rock Code of Ordinances prohibits the
development of pipe stem lots. Section 31-2 of the Little Rock Code of
Ordinances defines and establishes the criteria for development of pipe stem
lots. Pipe stem lots are to be developed with a minimum lot width of 30-feet at
the street and a maximum depth of 300-feet including the stem. The lots
indicated exceed the maximum allowable depth. The applicant has indicated the
pipe stem lots are desirable to allow homes to be placed on ridge tops and the
increased length is necessary to place the homes as desired. Staff is supportive
of the request. The developers have indicated green spaces along the rears of
the proposed pipe stem lots and the rear yards of the lots proposed fronting the
streets. Staff does not feel the requested variances will adversely impact the
development or the future homes.
The proposed plat indicates a number of variance requests associated with the
typical lot development standards for R-2, Single-family zoned property. The
request includes variances from the Subdivision Ordinance to allow a reduced
front building line of 20-feet for Lots 1 – 25 Block 15, Lots 1 – 19 Block 16 and
Lots 1 – 22 Block 17, a reduced front building line (15-feet) for Lots 6 and 7 Block
15, a reduced side yard setback of 5-feet for lots with a lot width of 60-feet and a
reduced rear yard setback of 15-feet for all the proposed lots. The previous
phases of Woodlands Edge have been approved with similar development
standards as the current request. The developers have indicated the desire is to
maintain the development pattern which was previously approved and which has
worked well for the subdivision. Staff is supportive of the request. As indicated
by the developers the previous phases were approved with similar reduced
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 3 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1313-Q
standards and this does not appear to have negatively impacted the
development or the area.
There are variances from the Master Street Plan associated with the proposed
request. Variances are being requested to allow an increased length of a Minor
Residential Street and to allow an increased grade for a collector street
(14 percent). Staff is requesting additional information concerning this variance
request. Staff requests the applicant provide the location of the increased street
grades, the intersection grades and a certification of sight distance for the
proposed development. The ordinance typically requires a minor residential
street to not exceed 750-feet. The proposed streets do not exceed the maximum
number of allowable lots; only the increased length. Staff is supportive of the
variance request. The developers are requesting a reduced roadway width to
discourage excessive speeds through the neighborhood. Staff agrees with the
applicant and is supportive of the variance request.
Staff supports the proposed preliminary plat and the associated variances. The
developers are requesting a preliminary plat to allow the creation of 153 lots on
this 87.7 acre tract with a density of 1.7 units per acre. The development is
proposed with a vast amount of the area dedicated as green space to serve the
subdivision. The lots are indicated with a minimum lot size of 60-feet by
110-feet, an average lot size of 85-feet by 110-feet and maximum lot size of 100-
feet by 120-feet. The average lot size indicated is more than adequate to meet
the typical minimum ordinance standards for R-2, Single-family zoned property.
Staff does not feel the variances associated with the request will significantly
impact the development or the area.
The developer must provide staff with the location for the street grade variance
request, the intersection grades and the certificate of sight distance. Staff
recommends these items be provided to staff prior to the Commission acting on
the request. Staff will provide their recommendation on these specific items once
they have had a chance to review the data provided. Otherwise to staff’s
knowledge there are no outstanding issues associated with the request.
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda
staff report.
Staff recommends approval of the variance request from the Subdivision
Ordinance to allow the creation of pipe stem lots (Lots 14 and 15 Block 18 and
Lots 7 and 11 Block 189).
Staff recommends approval of the variance request from the Subdivision
Ordinance to allow an increased depth of the proposed pipe stem lots (Lots 14,
15 Block 18, Lot 11 Block 19).
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 3 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1313-Q
Staff recommends approval of the variance request from the Subdivision
Ordinance to allow a reduced front building line of 20-feet for Lots 1 – 25 Block
15, Lots 1 – 19 Block 16 and Lots 1 – 22 Block 17.
A variance from the Subdivision Ordinance to allow a reduced front building line
(15-feet) for Lots 6 and 7 Block 15.
Staff recommends approval of the variance request from the Subdivision
Ordinance to allow a reduced side yard setback of 5-feet for lots with a lot width
of 60-feet.
Staff recommends approval of the variance request from the Subdivision
Ordinance to allow a reduced rear yard setback of 15-feet for all the proposed
Staff recommends approval of the variance request from the Master Street Plan
to allow an increased length of a Minor Residential Street.
Staff recommends approval of the variance request from the Master Street Plan
to allow a reduced design standard for a collector street Woodlands Trail (45-feet
of right of way and 28-feet of paving).
Staff recommends approval of the variance request from the Master Street Plan
to allow a trail system in-lieu of sidewalks.
Staff recommendation is forthcoming concerning the variance request from the
Master Street Plan to allow an increased grade for a collector street (14 percent).
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to
compliance with the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of
the agenda staff report. Staff presented a recommendation of approval of the following
variances associated with the proposed preliminary plat:
1. The variance request from the Subdivision Ordinance to allow the creation of
pipe stem lots (Lots 14 and 15 Block 18 and Lots 7 and 11 Block 189).
2. The variance request from the Subdivision Ordinance to allow an increased
depth of the proposed pipe stem lots (Lots 14, 15 Block 18, Lot 11 Block 19).
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 3 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1313-Q
3. The variance request from the Subdivision Ordinance to allow a reduced front
building line of 20-feet for Lots 1 – 25 Block 15, Lots 1 – 19 Block 16 and Lots 1
– 22 Block 17.
4. The variance request from the Subdivision Ordinance to allow a reduced front
building line (15-feet) for Lots 6 and 7 Block 15.
5. The variance request from the Subdivision Ordinance to allow a reduced side
yard setback of 5-feet for lots with a lot width of 60-feet.
6. The variance request from the Subdivision Ordinance to allow a reduced rear
yard setback of 15-feet for all the proposed lots.
7. The variance request from the Master Street Plan to allow an increased length
of a Minor Residential Street.
8. The variance request from the Master Street Plan to allow a reduced design
standard for a collector street Woodlands Trail (45-feet of right of way and
28-feet of paving).
9. The variance request from the Master Street Plan to allow a trail system in-lieu
of sidewalks.
10. The variance request from the Master Street Plan to allow an increased grade
for a collector street (14 percent).
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a vote
of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 4 FILE NO.: S-1560
NAME: Mineral Development LLC Subdivision Site Plan Review
LOCATION: Located at 1001 Fairpoint Street
Mineral Development, LLC
P.O. Box 15872
Little Rock, AR 72231
Heritage Engineering
Darrell Warford
P.O. Box 505
Benton, AR 72018
CURRENT ZONING: I-3, Industrial District
VARIANCES/WAIVERS REQUESTED: A variance from Section 36-321(e)(2) to allow
a reduced side yard setback (23.13-feet).
In 2005, Mineral Development LLC, purchased the property which previously
housed the Wilburn Tile Company. The company acts as a recycler of sorts by
purchasing remnant materials from gravel crushing operations and repackaging
the product to sell as raw materials to other industries such as floor tile
manufacturers. The plans include capital improvements to accommodate the
material handing operation. The bagging operation will utilize existing material
silos, conveyors and hoppers located at the southeast corner of the site. A small
30-foot by 40-foot pre-engineered metal building with an exterior loading dock
and a new conveyor system will be added to the site. To utilize the existing
material handling equipment tanks, the new building must be aligned with the
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 4 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1560
existing structures which results in a 6.5-foot encroachment into a platted 30-foot
building setback.
The applicant’s request includes a waiver of landscaping, hard surface parking
and other civil engineering requirements. The developers have indicated this is
the first of a long range improvement plan and constructing site improvements for
the small addition will not be cost effective for the operation. The developers
have indicated the proposed improvements are more akin to equipment rather
than building construction which is typically utilized for office and operation.
The area is an industrial area and the site was formerly used as a tile
manufacturing facility. Fairpoint Street appears as a driveway and is not
constructed to Master Street Plan standard. The drive accessing the site is a
gravel drive extending from Fairpoint Street. There is an existing industrial
building located north of the silo’s which is currently vacant and boarded. At the
northeastern portion of the site is a cellular tower facility with two buildings. To
the west of the site are industrial uses and a brick manufacture is located to the
north of the site. To the south of the site is an industrial building which appears
As of this writing, staff has not received any comment from area residents or
property owners. The Hanger Hill Neighborhood Association and all property
owners located within 200-feet of the site were notified of the Public Hearing.
1. Any future development or expansion of this site will trigger a right-of-way
dedication of 30 feet from centerline and boundary street improvements.
Wastewater: Sewer available to the property.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: Approved as submitted.
AT & T: No comment received.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 4 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1560
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. Contact Central Arkansas
Water if additional and/or larger meter(s) are required. Additional fire hydrant(s)
will be required. Contact the Little Rock Fire Department to obtain information
regarding the required placement of the hydrant(s) and contact Central Arkansas
Water regarding procedures for installation of the fire hydrant(s).
Fire Department: Fire hydrants may be required. Contact the Little Rock Fire
Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: No comment.
1. Compliance with the City’s landscape and buffer ordinance is required.
2. Landscaping may be required in conjunction with any new onsite parking.
3. An automatic irrigation system to water any new landscaped areas will be
4. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing
trees as feasible on tree covered sites. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape
Ordinance requirements can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch
caliper or larger.
The applicant was not present. Staff presented the item stating there were no
outstanding technical issues associated with the request. Staff stated a single
building was being proposed which crossed a platted building line. Staff noted a
replat of the property would be required if the variance was approved by the
Commission. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee then
forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
There were no outstanding technical issues associated with the request
remaining from the March 22, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The
applicant is proposing the utilization of existing facilities on this site and the
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 4 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1560
addition of a 30-foot by 40-foot pre-engineered metal building with an exterior
loading dock and a new conveyor system. The applicant has indicated capital
improvements to accommodate the material handing operation will be completed
and the bagging operation of the company will utilize the existing material silos,
conveyors and hoppers located at the southeast corner of the site. To maintain
these facilities in the current location, the proposed building must be aligned with
the existing structures which results in an encroachment of an existing 30-foot
platted building line of 6.5 feet; reducing the side yard setback to 23.5 feet. The
property is zoned I-3 which typically requires the placement of a 30-foot side yard
The applicant’s request includes a waiver of landscaping, hard surface parking
and other civil engineering requirements. The developers have indicated this is
the first of a long range improvement plan and constructing site improvements for
the small addition will not be cost effective for the operation. The developers
have indicated the proposed improvements are more akin to equipment rather
than building construction which is typically utilized for office and operation. Staff
is not presently requesting any additional improvements or right of way
dedication for Fairpoint Street nor is staff requesting any additional landscaping.
As indicated in both Public Works and the Landscaping comments any
improvements other than the proposed building could trigger the Master Street
Plan, Boundary Street and Landscaping ordinances requirements.
Staff is supportive of the request as proposed. Staff does not feel the reduction
in the platted building line and the typical side yard setback for this site will
adversely impact the area. The site located to the south is an industrial building
with the rear of the building along the property line. Since the encroachment is
within a platted building line the applicant will be required to perform a replat of
the lot around the building pad where the building encroaches into the platted
building line prior to the issuance of a building permit. To staff’s knowledge, there
are no outstanding issues associated with the request. Staff does not feel the
placement of the proposed building at 23.6 feet from the property line will impact
the development or the area.
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the above
agenda staff report.
Staff recommends the applicant perform a one lot replat prior to the issuance of a
building permit for the future construction.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 4 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1560
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to
compliance with the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs, D, E and F of
the above agenda staff report. Staff also presented a recommendation the applicant
perform a one lot replat prior to the issuance of a building permit for the future
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a vote
of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 5 FILE NO.: S-1561
NAME: Riviera Condos Subdivision Site Plan Review
LOCATION: Located on the Northwest corner of Old Cantrell Road
and Magnolia Street
Blue Cube Development
100 Gamble Road
Little Rock, AR 72211
White Daters and Associates
24 Rahling Circle
Little Rock, AR 72223
CURRENT ZONING: C-3, General Commercial District
PLANNING DISTRICT: 4 – Heights Hillcrest
1. A variance to allow a reduced rear yard setback (15-feet). Section 36-301(e)(3)
2. A variance to allow an increased building height (in excess of 35-feet). Section
3. A variance to reduced a platted building line located along Old Cantrell Road
The applicant failed to notify property owners as required by the Commission’s
By-laws. Staff recommends this item be deferred to the May 24, 2007, public
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item stating the applicant failed to notify property owners as required by
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 5 (Cont.) FILE NO.: S-1561
the Commission’s By-laws. Staff presented a recommendation of deferral of the item to
the May 24, 2007, public hearing.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a vote
of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 6 FILE NO.: Z-3632-D
NAME: Arkansas Heart Hospital Zoning Site Plan Review
LOCATION: Located at 1701 South Shackleford Road
Arkansas Heart Hospital – Charlie Smith
1701 South Shackleford Road
Little Rock, AR 72211
McClelland Engineers
900 W. Markham Street
P.O. Box 34087
Little Rock, AR 72201
Wittenberg, Delony and Davidson, Inc.
400 West Capitol Avenue, Suite 1800
Little Rock, AR 72201
CURRENT ZONING: O-2, Office and Institutional District
On October 3, 1995, the Little Rock Planning Commission approved a Zoning Site Plan
Review for the development of this 11.97 acre tract to include construction of a 160,000
square foot, 120-bed hospital, a three story 68,000 square foot professional office
building, the use of an existing 9,500 square foot office building and parking for 391
vehicles. Provisions were made for an 8,000 square foot ground level building
expansion between the hospital and professional office building. The three story
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 6 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-3632-D
professional office building and 8,000 square foot expansion between the hospital and
professional office building were not constructed and are located within the area
proposed for the current application as a parking deck.
Ordinance No. 17,000 adopted by the Little Rock Board of Directors on November 7,
1995, amended Chapter 31 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Little Rock,
providing for a deferral of the requirement to dedicate additional right of way and to
provide street and sidewalk improvements for Kaufman Road for the Arkansas Heart
Hospital. Subsection (a) of the ordinance states: “That, pursuant to Section 31-201.h,
which provides that, when a proposed development abuts a partially dedicated or
constructed public street, the developer shall provide the minimum of one-half of the
required right of way and improvements, the requirements for one-half of the required
right of way and improvements for Kaufman Road be deferred until the abutting section
of Kaufman Road extending to Kanis Road is constructed, or is needed for access to
abutting property. “
The applicant is seeking zoning site plan review approval for a parking deck to be
located along the southern end of the existing building. The parking structure is
necessary to alleviate occasional shortages of parking that currently occur at the
hospital site. It is also to provide additional parking should the hospital remodel
interior spaces providing additional services placing additional demand on
parking. The parking structure will be owned by the hospital. Preliminary
estimates for construction cost have indicated that pre-cast structural concrete
will be the primary building material for the parking structure. There is also the
possibility that cast in place concrete or structural steel will be used to construct
the parking deck. Regardless of the structural components utilized, the parking
structure will be constructed of noncombustible materials and will meet all
applicable local, state and national codes for construction of this type. It is the
intention of the hospital to construct a parking structure that will be visually
harmonious with the existing Arkansas Heart Hospital.
The proposed parking structure will house 82 parking spaces at the upper level.
These spaces will be open to the sky. The lower level will house 46 parking
spaces and will also contain some enclosed space for storage and possibly
outpatient functions. Another scenario has the entire lower level as being
parking which would result in approximately 80 covered parking spaces at the
lover level instead of the 46 presently proposed. The resulting net addition to the
parking totals at the Arkansas Heart Hospital would be either approximately 120
or 160 (some of the existing surface parking spaces would be utilized as
entranceways to the parking structure thus resulting in a net increase in parking
fewer than the gross number of parking spaces added in the structure). Due to
the natural terrain at the site, it will be possible to enter both levels of the parking
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 6 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-3632-D
structure from grade. There will be no vehicular interconnection between the two
levels of the parking structure.
The excavation of an existing mound of earth will be required in order to execute
the construction of the parking structure. At the highest point, this mound of
earth is approximately 14-feet above the proposed lower floor level of the parking
The area contains a number of zoning classifications and uses. To the east is an
area zoned O-3, General Office District and is currently being used as single-
family residential homes. This area is accessed from Kaufman Road which is a
narrow unimproved road. The area to the south is the Shackleford Road exit
ramp from I-430. To the north there are office uses and two hotels. To the west
there are also office uses and an automobile dealership. In the immediate area
there are a number of commercial uses including a donut shop, restaurants and
a convenience store with gas pumps.
As of this writing, staff has received several informational phone calls from area
residents. The Sandpiper Property Owners Association, the John Barrow
Neighborhood Association and all property owners located within 200-feet of the site
were notified of the Public Hearing.
1. Repair or replace any curb and gutter or sidewalk that is damaged in the public
right-of-way prior to occupancy.
2. Storm water detention ordinance applies to this property. Show the proposed
location for storm water detention facilities on the plan.
Wastewater: Sewer available to the property.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: Approved as submitted.
AT & T: No comment received.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 6 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-3632-D
Central Arkansas Water: Relocation of a portion of the existing private fire
service and a private fire hydrant may be required. If there are facilities that need
to be adjusted and/or relocated, contact Central Arkansas Water. That work
would be done at the expense of the developer. Contact Central Arkansas Water
if larger and/or additional water meter(s) are required. Please submit four copies
of the plans for modification of the fire protection system to Central Arkansas
Water for review. Contact Central Arkansas Water regarding procedures for
extension of the fire service to this facility. Fire sprinkler systems which do not
contain additives such as antifreeze shall be isolated with a double detector
check valve assembly. If additives are used, a reduced pressure zone backflow
preventer will be required.
Fire Department; Additional fire hydrants maybe required. Contact the Little
Rock Fire Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is located near CATA Bus Route #3 – the Baptist Medical
Center Route.
Planning Division: No comment.
1. Compliance with the City’s landscape and buffer ordinance is required.
2. Landscaping may be required in conjunction with any new onsite parking.
3. Any/all landscaping on the site must be viable, in good condition, or be
4. Any required onsite fencing or dumpster enclosures are to be in good
condition or repaired.
5. An automatic irrigation system to water landscaped areas will be required.
6. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, it will be necessary to provide an
approved landscape plan stamped with the seal of a Registered
Landscape Architect.
7. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing
trees as feasible on this tree covered site. Credit toward fulfilling
Landscape Ordinance requirements can be given when preserving trees
of six (6) inch caliper or larger.
Mr. Ed Peek was present representing the request. Staff presented an overview
of the proposed development stating there were few outstanding technical issues
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 6 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-3632-D
associated with the request. Staff stated a previous ordinance allowed a waiver
of the required street construction to Kaufman Road until abutting development
occurred or until the street was needed to access Kanis Road.
Staff stated any landscaping which was not viable and in good condition should
be replaced. Staff also stated landscaping may be required in conjunction with
any new onsite parking areas.
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
There were no remaining technical issues associated with the request from the
March 22, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant has indicated
the construction of a two level parking deck on the site adjacent to the existing
southern façade of the Heart Hospital. An existing mound of earth will be
excavated in order to execute the construction of the parking structure. At the
highest point, the mound of earth is approximately 14-feet above the proposed
lower floor level of the parking structure. Due to the natural terrain of the site it
will be possible to enter both levels of the parking structure from grade. There
will be no vehicular interconnection between the two levels of the parking
structure. From Shackleford Road the structure will appear to be single story
surface parking. When viewed from the eastern perimeter the deck will be a two
story structure.
The proposed parking structure will house 82 parking spaces at the upper level
which will be open to the sky. The lower level will house 46 parking spaces and
will also contain some enclosed space for storage and possibly outpatient
functions. The applicant has indicated it is possible the entire lower level will be
constructed as parking which would result in approximately 80 covered parking
spaces at the lower level instead of the 46 presently proposed.
The resulting net addition to the parking totals at the Arkansas Heart Hospital
would be either 120 or 160 spaces. Some of the existing surface parking spaces
will be utilized as entranceways to the parking structure thus resulting in a net
increase in parking fewer than the gross number of parking spaces added in the
structure. Typically, the required parking spaces for a hospital is one space for
every one bed. There are 360 existing parking spaces and an additional 129
spaces are being proposed. According to the applicant, the additional parking is
necessary to alleviate occasional shortages of parking and to provide additional
parking should the hospital remodel interior spaces to provide additional services
which would in-turn place an additional demand on the existing parking. The
indicated parking is more than adequate to meet the typical minimum ordinance
requirements for a hospital.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 6 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-3632-D
According to the applicant, preliminary estimates for construction cost have
indicated that pre-cast structural concrete will be the primary building material for
the parking structure. There is also the possibility that cast in place concrete or
structural steel will be used to construct the parking deck. Regardless of the
structural components utilized, the parking structure will be constructed of
noncombustible materials and will meet all applicable local, state and national
codes for construction of this type. It is the intention of the hospital to construct a
parking structure that will be visually harmonious with the existing Arkansas
Heart Hospital. No signage other than directional signage is proposed for the
parking deck.
Staff is supportive of the request. The request is a zoning site plan review for the
placement of a parking deck on this O-2, Office and Institutional zoned site. The
deck is proposed along the southern façade of the existing building and has been
placed with adequate setbacks to meet the typical minimum setbacks per the
Zoning Ordinance. According to the applicant, the additional parking is
necessary to alleviate the occasional parking shortage on the site. The applicant
has also indicated a possibility for future renovations to add additional services to
the existing facility which may generate an additional parking demand. To staff’s
knowledge there are no remaining technical issues associated with the request.
Staff does not feel the placement of the parking deck as proposed will have a
significant impact on the site or adjoining properties.
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the above
agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to
compliance with the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs, D, E and F of
the above agenda staff report.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a vote
of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 7 FILE NO.: Z-4841-D
NAME: Kiefer Office Complex Zoning Site Plan Review
LOCATION: Located at 15300 Kanis Road
Steve Kiefer – Kiefer Retirement Services
10720 North Rodney Parham Road
Little Rock, AR 72212
Terry Burruss Architects
1202 South Main Street, Suite 230
Little Rock, AR 72202
CURRENT ZONING: O-2, Office and Institutional District
PLANNING DISTRICT: 18 – Ellis Mountain
1. A deferral of the required street improvements to Kanis Road for two years or until
adjacent development or until the construction of Phase II of the development.
2. A variance to allow signage without public street frontage. (Section 36-557(a))
Ordinance No. 16,732 adopted by the Little Rock Board of Directors on August 16,
1994, rezoned the site from R-2, Single-family to O-2, Office and Institutional District.
On October 26, 2006, the Little Rock Planning Commission approved a site plan review
for this site. The developer proposed the construction of three free-standing structures
in three phases containing approximately 16,652 square feet of office space. The
Phase I building contained 5,900 square feet and would house Kiefer Retirement
Services. The Phase II and III buildings contained 5,376 square feet each. All
structures were proposed as two story with exteriors of brick veneer and EIFS. The
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 7 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4841-D
total parking on the site when developed was 56 parking spaces. The parking was
approved to be phased with the building construction. A deferral of the street
improvements was approved for two years or until the development of Phase II or until
adjacent development occurred.
The applicant is now proposing a revision to the previously approved site plan to
relocate the buildings proposed for Phases II and III nearer the building proposed
for Phase I. According to the applicant, due to the growth of Kiefer Retirement
Services, the owner has proposed his sole use of the proposed three buildings.
The buildings remain proposed in three phases with the center building being
constructed in the first phase. The total Phase I building area proposed is
5,900 square feet with 3,100 square feet on the first floor and 2,800 square feet
on the second floor. The buildings for Phases II and III will contain a total of
5,496 square feet each and are also proposed as two story buildings. The site
plan indicates a covered walkway will connect the buildings.
Based on previous approvals, the site plan indicates the placement of a 16-foot
undisturbed buffer along the northern perimeter and the addition of plantings
outside the buffer at 1 ½ times the typical landscape ordinance requirements
along the rear of the Phase I building. The building is proposed at 35-feet from
the northern property line, which is a slight increase from the previous approval.
The site plan indicates parking will continue to be phased with the building
construction. During the first phase, 16 parking spaces will be constructed to
serve the office building. During the second and third phases, an additional
14 parking spaces will be added with each phase.
Building signage is proposed as previously approved with a maximum sign area
of 10 square feet per tenant. A single ground mounted monument sign will be
located at the driveway entrance from Kanis Road. The sign will be a maximum
of six feet in height and sixty-four square feet in area.
Grading activities have begun on the site for the construction of the previously
approved Phase I building. There are single-family homes located to the north of
the site within the Parkway Place Subdivision. South of the site is vacant O-2
zoned property. Southeast of the site is a newly developing patio home
single-family subdivision approved as a PD-R and Baker Elementary School.
West/northwest of the site is also vacant O-2 zoned property.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 7 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4841-D
As of this writing, staff has received several informational phone calls from area
residents. All property owners located within 200-feet of the site, the Spring
Valley Manor Property Owners Association and the Parkway Place Property
Owners Association were notified of the public hearing.
1. Kanis Road is classified on the Master Street Plan as a minor arterial. A
dedication of right-of-way 45 feet from centerline will be required.
2. With the site development, provide the design of the street conforming to
the Master Street Plan. Construct one-half street improvement to the street
including a 5-foot sidewalk with the planned development. A 2-year deferral
of street construction has was previously approved for this property.
3. A grading permit in accordance with Section 29-186 (c) and (d) will be
required prior to any land clearing or grading activities at the site. Site
grading, and drainage plans will need to be submitted and approved prior to
the start of construction.
4. Storm water detention ordinance applies to this property.
5. If disturbed area is 1 or more acres, obtain a NPDES storm water permit
from the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality prior to the start of
6. Provide a letter prepared by a registered engineer certifying the sight
distance at the intersections comply with 2004 AASHTO Green Book
standards. This was provided previously on the last application.
7. In accordance with Section 31-210 (h)(12), access driveways running
parallel to the street shall not create a four-way intersection within 75 feet of
the future curb line of the street.
8. Plans of all work in right-of-way shall be submitted for approval prior to start
of work. Obtain barricade permit prior to doing any work in the right-of-way
from Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1805 (Travis Herbner).
9. Street Improvement plans shall include signage and striping. Traffic
Engineering must approve completed plans prior to construction.
10. Prepare a letter of pending development addressing streetlights as required
by Section 31-403 of the Little Rock code. Conduit for streetlights should be
installed with other utilities. Contact Traffic Engineering 379-1813 (Steve
Philpott) for more information.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 7 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4841-D
11. Construct new concrete driveway apron and curb to future curb line.
Wastewater: Sewer main extension required with easements. Contact Little
Rock Wastewater Utility at 688-1414 for additional information.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: Approved as submitted.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. A Capital Investment Charge
based on the size of connection(s) will apply to this project in addition to normal
charges. This fee will apply to all connections including metered connections off
the private fire system. Additional fire hydrant(s) will be required. Contact the
Little Rock Fire Department to obtain information regarding the required
placement of the hydrant(s) and contact Central Arkansas Water regarding
procedures for installation of the hydrant(s). This development will have minor
impact on the existing water distribution system. Proposed water facilities will be
sized to provide adequate pressure and fire protection.
Fire Department: Install and place fire hydrants per code. Contact the Little
Rock Fire Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: No comment.
Landscape: All previous comments apply.
1. All previous comments apply.
2. Compliance with the City’s landscape and buffer ordinance is required.
3. An automatic irrigation system to water landscaped areas will be required.
4. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, it will be necessary to provide an
approved landscape plan stamped with the seal of a Registered Landscape
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 7 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4841-D
5. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing
trees as feasible on this tree covered site. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape
Ordinance requirements can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch
caliper or larger.
Mr. Terry Burruss was present representing the request. Staff presented an
overview of the proposed development stating there were few outstanding
technical issues associated with the request. Staff stated the site was previously
reviewed and approved for the development of three office buildings. Staff stated
the buildings were being relocated on the site nearer the single-family subdivision
and staff felt the Commission should review and approve the request. Staff
questioned Mr. Burruss if additional plantings would be placed along the rears of
the Phase II and III buildings where nearer the single-family homes. Mr. Burruss
stated he would discuss this with the owner but felt the additional plantings were
a possibility.
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated a deferral of the street
improvements was previously approved. Staff stated the deferral time was from
the original approval date. Mr. Burruss stated his client understood that if the
second building started prior to the two year deferral ending he would be
responsible for beginning the improvements to Kanis Road.
Landscaping comments were addressed. Staff stated the buffer areas had been
identified and flagged and were being maintained. Staff also stated interior
landscaping would be required in conjunction with the building and parking lot
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
The applicant submitted a revised site plan to staff addressing most of the issues
raised at the March 22, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The revised site
plan indicates the placement of additional landscaping along the rear of the
buildings proposed for Phases II and III to further screen the adjoining
single-family homes. The site plan indicates the placement of interior
The revised site plan indicates the construction of three free standing structures
in three phases, containing a total of approximately 16,892 square feet of office
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 7 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4841-D
space. The Phase I building will contain 5,900 square feet and will house Kiefer
Retirement Services. The Phase II and III buildings will contain 5,496 square
feet each. All structures are two story with exteriors of brick veneer and EIFS.
The total parking on the site when developed will be 44 parking spaces. The
parking will be phased with the building construction.
The typical minimum parking required based on the total square footage of office
space proposed is 42 parking spaces. The site plan indicates the placement of
44 parking spaces. The indicated parking is adequate to meet the typical
minimum parking requirement for an office development.
A 16-foot buffer is proposed along the northern perimeter with the entirety of the
area proposed as undisturbed. The area to the north will be screened with the
placement of dense evergreen plantings at 1.5 times the required landscaping
along the rear of the buildings to provide additional screening to the adjoining
single-family homes. The developer has indicated a fence will not be installed at
this time but should fencing become necessary in the future, a six foot fence will
be installed along the northern property line as allowed by ordinance standards
for office zoned property.
A 25-foot buffer is located along the eastern and western perimeters of the site
with 70 percent of this area to remain undisturbed per typical ordinance
requirements. The site plan indicates along the rear of the Phase II and III
buildings additional landscaping will be installed at 1.5 times the required
landscaping per the ordinance to provide additional screening to the adjoining
single-family homes.
The office facility is proposed with hours of operation from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm
Monday through Friday. The dumpster hours of service have been limited to
daylight hours.
A variance request to allow building signage facing into the parking area is being
requested. The signage proposed will have a maximum area of ten square feet
per tenant per building. A single ground sign will be located at the drive entrance
consistent with signage allowed in office zones or a maximum of six feet in height
and sixty-four square feet in area. The buildings will face into the parking area
and the variance will allow signage on the fronts of the buildings. Per Section
36-557 Special provisions for on-premises signs and other sales promotion
devices allows on-premises wall signs without public street frontage in
complexes where a sign without street frontage is the only means of identification
for the tenant. Although the sides of the buildings will face Kanis Road, the
variance request will allow the buildings to have signage on the fronts of the
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 7 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4841-D
The site plan indicates the construction of the access drive from Kanis Road. The
future back of curb on Kanis Road will be approximately 29.5 feet from the
centerline of Kanis Road. A concrete driveway apron should extend from the
right of way line to the future edge of pavements. At the right of way line, the
driveway should be constructed with a two (2) percent cross slope for a four (4)
foot width for the future sidewalk crossing. The driveway at the back of curb
should be elevated to consider that the road will be constructed with a two (2)
percent side slope from centerline.
Staff is supportive of the request. The site plan for this O-2, Office and
Institutional zoned site has been indicated with sufficient buffering, setbacks and
parking to meet the minimum ordinance standards. Staff does not feel the
variance request to allow signage without public street frontage will adversely
impact the development or the area. To staff’s knowledge, there are no
outstanding issues associated with the request. Staff feels the development of
an office complex as proposed will have minimal impact on the adjoining
properties and the area.
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda
staff report.
Staff recommends approval of the variance request to allow signage without
public street frontage. (Section 36-557(a))
Staff recommends approval of the deferral request of the Master Street Plan
improvements to Kanis Road for two years from the original date of approval of
the Phase I building construction (October 26, 2006), until the construction of
Phase II of the project or until adjacent development occurs.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to
compliance with the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs, D, E and F of
the above agenda staff report. Staff presented a recommendation of approval of the
variance request to allow signage without public street frontage. (Section 36-557(a)).
Staff also presented a recommendation of approval of the deferral request of the Master
Street Plan improvements to Kanis Road for two years from the original date of approval
of the Phase I building construction (October 26, 2006), until the construction of Phase
II of the project or until adjacent development occurs.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 7 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4841-D
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a vote
of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 8 FILE NO.: Z-4116-B
NAME: Ecco Development Corporation Revised Long-form PD-I
LOCATION: Located at 8300 Kellett Road
David Jacks
P.O. Box 190444
Little Rock, AR 72219
Donald Brooks Surveying
20820 Arch Street Pike
Little Rock, AR 72065
ALLOWED USES: Barge repair and I-2 uses
PROPOSED USE: Barge repair and I-2 uses
Ordinance No. 19,063 adopted by the Little Rock Board of Directors on March 16, 2004,
established Ecco Development Long-form PD-I. The approval limited the outdoor
activity to the previous owner and indicated any outdoor use/storage associated with a
subsequent use of the property must conform to the I-2 zoning development criteria or a
revised PD-I filing was required. All outdoor activity was limited to daylight hours and all
outdoor uses were limited to the area of property between the existing levee and the
river. Signage was to comply with signage allowed in industrial zones, building permits
were required for any proposed renovations of the existing buildings and any area of the
property located within the regulatory floodway was to be rezoned to OS, Open Space.
Any site lighting was to be low level and directional, directed away from the adjacent
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 8 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4116-B
residential property. Permitted uses included the proposed welding business and those
uses listed as “permitted uses” in the “I-2”, Light Industrial Zoning District.
The request is to revise the previously approved PD-I to allow a new owner to
operate a welding business/barge repair from this site. Mr. David Jacks has
purchased the property located at 8300 Kellett Road. Mr. Jacks is requesting to
utilize the property much like the former owner. Mr. Jacks request he be allowed
to work on barges and their parts at water level or occasionally pull the barges on
shore for repairing. The existing buildings will be refurbished and used. Outside
storage of parts between the levy and the Arkansas River is proposed; very
similar to the uses by the previous owner, PAR Industrial. The hours of operation
will be limited to daylight hours Monday through Saturday. The steel to be
assembled will arrive by barge and/or truck. Barge traffic will utilize the existing
dock for access to the site. No other modifications are proposed from the
previously approved PD-I. The request includes the allowance of I-2, Light
Industrial District “permitted uses” as alternative allowable uses for the site.
The sixteen acre site contains four industrial buildings which have existed on the
site for a number of years. One building has been destroyed by fire and a
second building is in disrepair. There is a levee which runs east and west
through the center of the property, with one of the buildings being located
between the levee and the Arkansas River (backwater) or the Fourche Creek.
There is an access drive (mostly gravel) which runs from the end of Kellett Road
to a barge dock located along the north property line. The majority of the
property is grass covered.
The general area contains a mixture of uses and zoning. There is undeveloped
R-2, Single-family and I-2, Light Industrial District zoned property located to the
north, east and west, with the Little Rock Municipal Airport located further west.
There is R-2 zoned property to the south which contains single-family residences
on large lots and a church. The former Southwest Airlines Call Center building,
currently being used as an office use, and the UPS development are located
further to the south along Fourche Dam Pike. Fourche Creek borders the
property to the east, with backwater from the Arkansas River being located
adjacent to the north property line. The backwater area has served as river
barge access to the property for a number of years.
As of this writing, staff has not received any comment from area residents. All
property owners located within 200-feet of the site, all residents located within
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 8 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4116-B
300-feet of the site, who could be identified, along with the East Roosevelt
Neighborhood Association were notified of the public hearing.
1. Portions of the property are in the floodplain and the floodway. A special
Grading Permit for Flood Hazard Areas will be required per Section 8-283
prior to construction.
2. In accordance with Section 31-176, floodway areas must be shown as
floodway easements or be dedicated to the public. In addition, a 25-foot wide
access easement is required to be platted adjacent to the floodway boundary.
Wastewater: Existing 12-inch force main is located on the property. Contact
Little Rock Wastewater Utility at 688-1414 for additional information.
Entergy: Approved as submitted.
Center-Point Energy: Approved as submitted.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. A water main extension and
additional fire hydrant(s) will be required. Contact the Little Rock Fire Department
to obtain information regarding the required placement of the hydrant(s) and
contact Central Arkansas Water regarding procedures for installation of the
facilities. This development will have minor impact on the existing water
distribution system. Proposed water facilities will be sized to provide adequate
pressure and fire protection.
Fire Department; Increase the 12-foot drive to a minimum driveway width of
20-feet. Install and place fire hydrants per code. Contact the Little Rock Fire
Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is located near CATA Bus Route #12 – the Presidential
Library/Airport Route.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 8 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4116-B
Planning Division: This request is located in the Port Planning District. The Land
Use Plan shows Light Industrial for this property. The applicant has applied for a
revised PDI Planned Development—Industrial to allow a new owner to operate a
barge repair on the site.
The request does not require a change to the Land Use Plan.
Master Street Plan: Kellett Road is shown as a Local Street on the Master Street
Plan. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and may require street
improvements. The primary function of a Local Street is to provide access to
adjacent properties. Local Streets which are abutted by non-residential
zoning/use or more intensive zoning than duplexes are considered as
“Commercial Streets”. These streets have a design standard the same as a
Bicycle Plan: A Class I bike route is shown proposed to the east of this site. A
Class I bikeway is built separate from or alongside a road. Additional paving and
right of way may be required.
City Recognized Neighborhood Action Plan: The applicant’s property lies in the
area covered by the East of I-30 Plan. The Plan does not address this issue.
Landscape: Any new construction may require additional landscaping on the
site. Compliance with the City’s landscape and buffer ordinance is required.
The applicant was not present. Staff presented the item stating there were no
technical issues associated with the request remaining outstanding. Staff stated
the request was to allow the use of the site as was previously approved but by a
new owner. Staff stated the previous approval did not allow a transfer of the use
to a new owner. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
There were no technical issues associated with the request raised at the March
22, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting which needed addressing. The
applicant is proposing a revision to a previously approved PD-I to allow the new
owner of the property the ability to repair barges. Per the previous approval the
use of the outdoor activity on the site was not transferable to a new ownership.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 8 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4116-B
The applicant has indicated the site will be utilized in exactly the same manner as
the previous owner with the work on the barges and their parts at water level or
occasionally the barge will be pulled on shore for repairing. The existing
buildings will be refurbished and used for the barge repair business. Outside
storage of parts between the levy and the Arkansas River is proposed in a similar
manner as was approved for the original PD-I owner. The steel to be assembled
will arrive by barge and/or truck. Barge traffic will utilize the existing dock for
access to the site. The hours of operation will be limited to daylight hours
Monday through Saturday. No other modifications are proposed from the
previously approved PD-I. The request includes the allowance of I-2, Light
Industrial District “permitted uses” as alternative allowable uses for the site.
As indicated in the existing conditions section of this report one building on the
site has been destroyed by fire and a second building is in disrepair. Staff has
public health and safety concerns related to these two buildings. Staff feels the
two structures should be removed within 60-days of approval of the PD-I zoning
to limit any adverse impacts on the site and on the adjoining properties.
Staff is supportive of the PD-I zoning. The applicant proposes to utilize the
property as was previously approved and as has historically been used. The site
is designated as Light Industrial on the City’s Future Land Use Plan. The request
to revise the previously approved PD-I zoning to allow the new owner to utilize
the site as was previously approved does not require a change to the Land Use
Plan. There is not a Bill of Assurance for the property. Staff feels the use of the
site as proposed by the applicant, in the same manner as was previously
approved, should have minimal impact on the area and the adjoining
single-family homes.
Staff recommends approval of the requested PD-I subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda
staff report.
Staff recommends the outdoor use of the property be limited to the applicant’s
ownership only. Any outdoor use/storage associated with a subsequent user of
the property must conform to the I-2, Light Industrial Zoning District development
criteria, or a revised PD-I must be filed.
All outdoor uses will be limited to daylight hours.
Staff recommends the building debris on the site remaining from the structure
destroyed by a fire and the building located on the southern portion of the site
which is in disrepair be removed within 60-days of approval of the PD-I zoning.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 8 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4116-B
The applicant was present representing the request. There were no registered
objectors present. Staff presented the item with a recommendation of approval of the
requested PD-I subject to compliance with the comments and conditions as outlined in
paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda staff report. Staff presented a recommendation
the outdoor use of the property be limited to the applicant’s ownership only. Any
outdoor use/storage associated with a subsequent user of the property must conform to
the I-2, Light Industrial Zoning District development criteria, or a revised PD-I must be
filed and all outdoor uses were limited to daylight hours. Staff also presented a
recommendation that the building debris on the site remaining from the structure
destroyed by a fire and the building located on the southern portion of the site which is
in disrepair be removed within 60-days of approval of the PD-I zoning.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a vote
of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 9 FILE NO.: Z-4562-E
NAME: Hickory Grove Revised PD-R
LOCATION: Located on Hinson Road at Dorado Beach Drive
EV-Mark Development
2 Dorado Beach Drive
P.O. Box 541850
Little Rock, AR 72223
Crafton, Tull and Associates
10825 Financial Center Parkway, Suite 300
Little Rock, AR 72211
ALLOWED USES: Single-family Residential
PROPOSED USE: Single-family Residential – Time extension for construction
of Dorado Beach Drive
The property is the remaining 40+ acres of a 120-acre parcel or the eastern 1/3 of the
property owned by the First Baptist Church. The site was originally proposed as a
multipurpose facility with residential, school and church facility. The western 80 acres
have since developed as a single-family neighborhood.
This property was zoned MF-6, Multi-family District (six (6) units per gross acre allowed)
in mid-1981. A “Declaration of Covenants” was filed and recorded in 1981, which runs
with the property. The private covenants regulate the property’s use and portion of the
property’s development.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 9 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4562-E
The private covenants state that the property will be developed for condominium units
developed pursuant to the Horizontal Property Act being Act 60 of 1961 (units for sale
only, no rental units). The covenants designate certain areas of the property as OS
(Open Space) and require a six (6) foot high privacy fence be constructed at one
location prior to any construction. The covenants also state that structures built in one
area of the property not exceed one and one-half stories in height; both located on the
northern boundary of the site.
A preliminary plat and a multiple building site plan review were filed on the site in May
1997, to allow the construction of 234 apartment units in 10 three-story buildings. Prior
to the Public Hearing; the applicant requested the application be withdrawn from
A proposal was filed in March 2000, to develop a portion of the site (18.47 acres) with
22 buildings of owner occupied condominium housing. The application was later
withdrawn from consideration without prejudice prior to the Public Hearing.
Ordinance No. 18,884 adopted by the Little Rock Board of Directors on June 3, 2003,
rezoned this 39-acre site from MF-6 to a Planned Residential Development with 83
units. The applicant proposed to develop the site in three (3) phases with zero-lot line
townhouses, each of which would have its own lot of record. A common wall would be
shared by each structure, which would be dissected by the common property line. This
would allow some measure of property on each end of the structure for maintenance of
the building. The structures would have enclosed garages facing a private street with a
private courtyard on the rear of each townhouse unit.
The applicant proposed the construction of a bridge across the creek that separates this
property from Hinson Road. The bridge would be constructed in the first phase. The
applicant proposed a public roadway to connect with Hinson Road and Dorado Beach
Drive. The road would be constructed when one of the abutting lots was final platted.
There were two other streets proposed as a part of the development, which the
applicant intended to maintain as private streets.
There were three areas designated by covenants in the deed that were not to be
encroached upon by building construction. The applicant indicated the areas of
non-encroachment on the proposed development plan and indicated the covenants to
be in force.
Ordinance No. 18,883, also adopted June 3, 2003, allowed the requested variances for
lots without public street frontage, an increased lot depth to width ratio and a variance to
allow double frontage lots. The lots were sized to accommodate the building plans as
required in the Subdivision Ordinance for zero-lot line developments.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 9 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4562-E
Ordinance No. 18,983 adopted by the Little Rock Board of Directors on November 18,
2003, revised the previously approved PD-R. The Commission reviewed this request at
their October 16, 2003, public hearing. The applicant proposed to amend the PD-R to
allow the creation of 65 detached single-family lots on this 38.62 acre site. The
developer indicated the retention of the green spaces as was previously proposed in the
areas to the north and south of the site. The applicant indicated Dorado Beach Drive
would be extended as was previously approved (as one of the lots abutting the roadway
was final platted).
This item was to be heard by the Little Rock Board of Directors at their November 18,
2003, Public Hearing. Director Michael Keck requested the item be returned to the
Planning Commission to reconsider the need for the connection of Dorado Beach Drive
between Rahling Road and Hinson Road. There were many conversations between the
neighborhood, the developer and the Board concerning the connection of the street. In
these conversations the neighborhood did not want the street connection and the
developer indicated he did not desire to build the street. Director Keck was not
convinced the Commission considered all the issues related to the street and if the
development should be developed without the through connection. He stated he was
not stating the street should not be built only that the Commission should consider the
need for the street connection when making their decision concerning the approval of
the project.
Mr. Jim Lawson, Director of Planning, gave a presentation to the Board of Directors
concerning traffic in the area. The Commission was not given this presentation at their
October 16, 2003, public hearing. The presentation contained background material
concerning when the street was proposed as a collector street to the City’s Master
Street Plan, the current development patterns in the area and traffic counts on Pebble
Beach Drive. Director Keck indicated he did not feel the Commission had all the
relevant information and therefore did not consider the street connection issue or if the
subdivision should be developed without the connection.
In summary the presentation is as follows: The Commission first considered the
connection in 1995 when Pebble Beach Estates was preliminary platted. At the time
two (2) streets were proposed to extend eastward into undeveloped areas; one of which
is now developed as Pebble Beach Woods, the other area is the site being considered
by this application. At the time the applicant proposed to subdivide 39.87 acres into
116 single-family lots. There were two (2) connections proposed one (1) Beckenham
Road and the other Dorado Beach Drive. Beckenham Road has been shown on the
Master Street Plan as a collector street since 1988. Staff and the Commission at the
time of the proposal for Pebble Beach Estates requested Dorado Beach Drive be
constructed to Collector Standards. [Per the Master Street Plan the Commission has the
authority to request additional streets at the time of subdivision. “The exact location and
additional need for Collectors will be determined by the Little Rock Planning
Commission upon advise of Staff.”]
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 9 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4562-E
When the Commission reviewed the Woods at Hinson, now known as Pebble Beach
Woods in June of 1997, the Commission once again requested Dorado Beach Drive be
constructed to Collector Standards. This request extended the street to the west
property line of the current proposed development. The Master Street Plan was never
officially amended to include this connection but the minute record indicates the
Commission’s desire for Dorado Beach Drive to extend from Hinson Road to the west.
There is currently one east/west connection in the area, Pebble Beach Drive. The
current traffic counts on Pebble Beach Drive indicate approximately 1,500 automobiles
per day of through traffic. The service volume of a collector street is 5,000 cars per
day. Other average daily traffic counts in the area indicate Pebble Beach Drive carries
approximately 550 automobiles northbound and 575 automobiles southbound on
Montvale Drive. On Valley Park Drive the average daily traffic counts indicate
775 northbound automobiles and 1080 southbound automobiles. The final area
analyzed was on Pebble Beach Drive just east of Valley Park Drive. Estimates indicate
there are approximately 2950 automobiles per day eastbound in this area and
2790 automobiles per day westbound. This data was provided in October of 2003.
Currently Pebble Beach Estates and Pebble Beach Woods are 85 percent “built-out”.
Of the homes constructed there are a number of the homes currently vacant. In
addition there are an additional 50 plus lots, which have been approved with a
preliminary plat but have not yet began construction in the Chenal Ridge Subdivision.
The current proposal involves the completion of the connection of Dorado Beach Drive
to Hinson Road. The applicant stated he was willing to make the connection and move
forward with the project. Staff felt the connection was desirable and should be
completed. With construction of Dorado Beach Drive extending from Hinson Road to
the west and connecting to the current terminus the current traffic pressure on Pebble
Beach Drive would be relieved. Although Beckenham Road has been identified on the
Master Street Plan as a collector street staff does not feel Beckenham Road will be
constructed in the near future. Once the connection is made this will aid in relief of
traffic pressure on Pebble Beach Drive and Dorado Beach Drive should traffic volume
become an issue.
Staff received numerous phone calls from the Pebble Beach area concerning Dorado
Beach Drive. All of the callers indicated the need for another connection to Hinson
Road. Traffic on Pebble Beach Drive was heavy and dangerous according to the
On August 26, 2004, the Planning Commission considered a request to amend the
Master Street Plan for Dorado Beach Drive and a revision to the previously approved
PD-R. The applicant requested a revision to a previously approved PD-R to remove the
connection between Dorado Beach Drive and Hinson Road which in their opinion would
allow for a more efficient subdivision layout. It was the position of the applicant that this
connection was unnecessary and will not provide any traffic relief for Pebble Beach
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 9 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4562-E
Drive. It was also the position of the applicant that the amount of traffic on Pebble
Beach was such that the level of service was still well within acceptable limits. The
Master Street Plan amendment request was denied by the Commission at their August
26, 2004, public hearing. The denial was not appealed to the Board of Directors.
The revised plat allowed for the extension of the Phase II cul-de-sacs and a lot count of
86. The site plan indicated the construction of a cul-de-sac at the end of Dorado Beach
to allow for emergency back entrance to the subdivision should the bridge on Hinson
Road be impassable. A turnaround would be constructed on the west side of the bridge
and a single gated access would be constructed for the subdivision. The streets would
remain private but constructed to City standard. All deed-restricted areas would remain
in tact. This item was later withdrawn by the applicant.
The applicant is now proposing an amendment to the previously approved PD-R
to allow a time extension for the construction of Dorado Beach Drive. The
existing PD-R states the road will be completed by June 1, 2007. The owners
and developers of Hickory Grove Subdivision are requesting an extension of one
year from the specified date to June 1, 2008, for completion of the road. An
engineering firm has been retained to prepare construction documents for
bidding the work. The proposed time frame for design, bidding and construction
is anticipated to be completed within the one year time period.
The infrastructure is in place and a final plat has been signed for the Phase I and
a portion of Phase II of the subdivision. New homes are being constructed in the
subdivision with the Phase I portion being near completion and a few new homes
are under construction in the Phase II portion. The Windsor Court Condominium
development and single-family residences are located to the south, with
single-family residences to the north. There is undeveloped R-2, Single-family
property to the west, with single-family residences further west. Single-family
residences and undeveloped R-2 property are also located across Hinson Road
to the east.
As of this writing, staff has received several informational phone calls from area
residents. All property owners located within 200-feet of the site, all residents
located within 300-feet of the site, who could be identified, along with the
Westchester Property Owners Association were notified of the public hearing.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 9 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4562-E
1. Provide the design of the street conforming to the Master Street Plan.
Construct one-half street improvements to the street including a 5-foot
sidewalk with the planned development.
2. No new lots can be platted in this subdivision until construction of Dorado
Beach Drive is completed.
Wastewater: Sewer main extension required with easements for Phase 3.
Contact Little Rock Wastewater Utility at 688-1414 for additional information.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: Approved as submitted.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. A Capital Investment Charge
based on the size of the meter connection(s) will apply to this project in addition
to normal charges. A water main extension and additional fire hydrant(s) will be
required. Contact the Little Rock Fire Department to obtain information regarding
the required placement of the hydrant(s) and contact Central Arkansas Water
regarding procedures for installation of the facilities. Waterline or utility
easements will be required for water facilities located outside of public rights-of-
way. Fire hydrants will be private. This development will have minor impact on
the existing water distribution system. Proposed water facilities will be sized to
provide adequate pressure and fire protection.
Fire Department: Place and install fire hydrants per code. Contact the Little
Rock Fire Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is not located on a CATA Bus Route.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 9 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4562-E
Planning Division: This request is located in the Chenal Planning District. The
Land Use Plan shows Low Density Residential for this property. The applicant
has applied for a revised PDR to allow a time extension.
The request does not require a change to the Land Use Plan.
Master Street Plan: Dorado Beach is shown as a Collector on the Master Street
Plan. The primary function of a Collector Street is to provide a connection from
Local Streets to Arterials.
Bicycle Plan: A Class I bike route is shown on Hinson Road. A Class I bikeway
is built separate from or alongside a road. Additional paving and right of way
may be required.
City Recognized Neighborhood Action Plan: The applicant’s property lies in the
area covered by the River Mountain Neighborhood Action Plan. The Residential
Development goal states: “Develop Neo-traditional neighborhoods (pedestrian
and bicycle friendly neighborhoods, which are less dependent on automobiles),
in areas that have not yet developed.”
Landscape: Compliance with the City’s landscape and buffer ordinance is
The applicant was not present. Staff presented an overview of the request
stating there were no technical issues associated with the request remaining
outstanding. Staff stated the original approval required Dorado Beach Drive to
be completed by June 2007. Staff stated the request was to allow a one year
time extension for the construction of Dorado Beach Drive or until June 2008.
There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee then forwarded the
item to the full Commission for final action.
There were no technical issues associated with the request raised at the March
22, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting which needed addressing. The
applicant is requesting a one-year time extension for the completion of Dorado
Beach Drive, from June 2007 to June 2008. The applicant has provided a
development schedule indicating the Design/Development – Dorado Beach Drive
and Hickory Grove Phase III began in January 2007, and will be completed
mid-March 2007. The remaining aspects include review by the Arkansas
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 9 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4562-E
Department of Health, Little Rock Public Works, Central Arkansas Water and
Little Rock Wastewater Utility, Contract – Bidding and Negotiations, Construction
– Dorado Beach Drive, Construction – Hickory Grove, Phase III; Senoma Hills,
Utilities, etc., Platting – Remaining Lots in Hickory Grove Phase II, Platting –
Hickory Grove Phase III. The timetable indicates the review process will be
completed in May 2007. The bidding and negotiations will be completed in June
2007 and construction of Dorado Beach Drive will be completed in November
2007. The remaining time is for completion of Phases II and III of the Hickory
Grove Subdivision.
Staff is supportive of allowing additional time for completion of the street. The
applicants have not begun the governmental review process for the street design
which will take time in itself. The applicant has indicated the street construction
completed by November/December 2007, with the remaining time allocated for
completion of Phases II and III of the subdivision extending the completion date
to June 2008. Staff feels the timetable proposed by the applicant is reasonable
based on the indicated time frames for each of the indicated activities. Staff feels
an additional six months from June 2007, allows adequate time for completion of
the street and connecting Dorado Beach Drive to Hinson Road as was previously
approved. Staff recommends at the time of completion of Dorado Beach Drive
and acceptance by the City the applicant final plat the right of way for the
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the above
agenda staff report.
Staff recommends a six month extension for the completion of Dorado Beach
Drive beginning six months from the original approval date or be completed by
December 2007.
Staff recommends the applicant final plat the Dorado Beach Drive right of way as
a public street at the time of completion and acceptance by the City of Little
The applicant was present. There were registered objectors present. Staff presented
the item with a recommendation of approval of a six month extension of the proposed
request. Staff stated the application request included the allowance of a one year time
extension but based on the applicant’s provided time schedule they felt the road
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 9 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4562-E
construction would be completed within six months of the originally approved
completion date. Staff presented a recommendation of a six month time extension.
Mr. Frank Riggins addressed the Commission as the owner’s representative. He stated
the owners were requesting a one year time extension for the completion of Dorado
Beach Drive. He stated the owners were committed to completing the road but were
unaware the approval required the completion of the road by June 2007. He stated his
owner felt the approval required the road construction to begin by June 2007. He stated
staff contacted his clients in January and provided clarification of the completion date.
He stated only after being contacted by staff did his owners realize the road was to be
completed by June 2007. He stated he felt the additional time would allow the owners
to complete the design, review process, bidding and construction. He stated if
construction was not initiated in the near future the fall weather would not allow the
completion of the road. He stated with the additional time this would keep the owners
from coming back to the Commission in December begging for relief.
Mr. Danny Broaddrick addressed the Commission in opposition of the request. He
stated the developers had been given four years to complete the road and were now
asking for additional time. He stated the residents of the abutting subdivision had sat
quietly for four years assuming the developers would meet their commitment. He stated
presently Valley Park Drive carried a great deal of traffic that should be able to use the
new road and exit to Hinson Road. He stated presently all the traffic from Pebble Beach
Estates and Pebble Beach Woods only had two choices to exit their subdivisions. He
stated the residents on Pebble Beach Road had also been promised the road would be
completed to relieve traffic on this roadway as well. He stated the developers had
constructed all the roads within their new subdivision but did not complete Dorado
Beach Drive when they were constructing the subdivision infrastructure.
Mr. Broaddrick stated the developers had promised in 2003 to construct the road but in
2004 were before the Commission requesting to remove the road from the Master
Street Plan and to construct the development a gated community. Mr. Broaddrick
stated he did not remember the vote but felt the Commission unanimously rejected the
request. He stated he felt the road should be constructed as promised by the
developers. He stated six months was acceptable unless the developers came back at
the end of six months and requested an additional six months. He stated the residents
were requesting the road be constructed as was agreed by the developers.
The Commission questioned why the road was not constructed and if the developers
had been granted a previous extension. Staff stated the developers misunderstood the
previous agreement and felt the road should be started within the time frame and not
completed. Staff stated the developers had not been granted any previous extensions.
Mr. Evans stated his firm was constructing the homes which ranged from ½ to over
1 million dollars. He stated his firm had gone to far to not complete Dorado Beach Drive
as was previously agreed. He stated the bridge crossing was expensive and the
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 9 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4562-E
development was looking for financing for the completion of the street. He stated with
the addition of one year the development could secure all financing, approvals and
complete the road as required by the original approval.
There was a general discussion by the Commission concerning the need for additional
time and the amount of time it took to complete a road. Commissioner Rahman
indicated the completion of the construction season was drawing near if the design was
not complete it would be difficult to complete the road by the end of the current
construction season. Staff stated during November and December it was difficult for
developers to install streets and drainage. The Commission questioned if the
developers were given six months to complete the road and it was not completed within
the time frame what would be the course of action. Staff stated they would be in
violation of their zoning and a revocation could be pursued. Staff stated building
permits could also be held for future construction of homes.
The Commission discussed their typical procedure for allowance of additional time. The
Commission indicated typically a one year time extension was granted to developers on
preliminary plat expirations. The Commission acknowledged the road could not be
completed by June 2007, and questioned a realistic time frame for completion.
Commissioner Yates stated the developers were willing to step up and build the road.
He stated Pebble Beach Estates and Pebble Beach Woods had been completed a
number of years and no one was willing to develop this property because of the
challenge of construction, the bridge, and making the connection from the current
terminus to Hinson Road. Commissioner Yates stated right now today these were the
only guys willing to construct the road. He stated it was important for the Commission
to ensure what they were asking for could be completed in the time frame allowed.
Commissioner Adcock questioned the time frame for completion of ¼ mile of road.
Commissioner Rahman stated it would be difficult to complete the road within this
construction season. Commissioner Adcock questioned various City street projects and
the time for completion. Commissioner Rahman stated completion of pubic projects
was vastly different than private projects.
The Commissioners questioned staff if the item had been previously placed on the
Consent Agenda. Staff stated the item was on the Consent Agenda for approval. The
Commission questioned the amount of time the developers would have been given if
the item had remained on the Consent Agenda. Staff stated six months.
A motion was made to approve the applicant’s request which was to allow a one year
time extension for the completion of Dorado Beach Drive. The motion stated the road
would be completed by June of 2008. The motion carried by a vote of 8 ayes, 3 noes
and 0 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 9 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4562-E
Commissioner Adcock requested a progress report by the owners at the December
Planning Commission public hearing.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 10 FILE NO.: Z-4541-A
NAME: First Presbyterian Church of Arkansas Short-form PCD
LOCATION: Located at 4821 South University Avenue
First Presbyterian Church of Arkansas
4821 South University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72204
Blaylock Threet Engineers, Inc.
1501 Market Street
Little Rock, AR 72211
Terry Burruss Architects
1202 South Main Street, Suite 230
Little Rock, AR 72202
AREA: 5.14 acres NUMBER OF LOTS: 1 zoning lot FT. NEW STREET: 0 LF
CURRENT ZONING: C-3, General Commercial District and C-4,
Open Display District
ALLOWED USES: General Commercial and Outdoor Display of Commercial
PROPOSED USE: Church and C-3 uses as alternative uses
First Presbyterian Church of Arkansas is proposing to develop an adjacent
property with a new sanctuary/administrative building (with seating for
approximately 300 persons), apartment units (four one-bedroom/two
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 10 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4541-A
two-bedroom) for the elderly and visiting missionaries, a multi-purpose facility for
recreational and educational purposes, outdoor recreation (soccer fields) and a
garden area. The development is proposed in phases with the Phase I
construction proposed as the new sanctuary/administrative building. The existing
property is currently zoned C-3, General Commercial District and the proposed
expansion property is zoned C-4, Open Display District.
The site is located just south of the Fourche Creek and just west of the Buffington
Ditch. North of the site is a golf driving range and south of the site is a vacant
I-2, Light Industrial District zoned site. There are single-family homes located to
the southeast of the site along West 50th Street, Maureen Drive and Woodbine
Court. In the area there are a number of commercial uses including automobile
sales, convenience stores with gas pumps, furniture, motorcycle sales and a
pawn shop. Further north of the site is the Asher/Colonel Glenn/University
Avenue intersection which contains a number of commercial and office uses and
the University of Arkansas at Little Rock campus.
As of this writing, staff has received a number of informational phone calls from
area residents. All property owners located within 200-feet of the site, all
residents located within 300-feet of the site, who could be identified, along with
the Geyer Springs Neighborhood Association, the Meadowcliff/Brookwood
Neighborhood Association and Southwest Little Rock United for Progress were
notified of the public hearing.
1. Median cuts are not allowed for commercial driveways on University Avenue.
University Avenue is a limited access facility. University Avenue was
designed as such to improve safety and maintain roadway capacity.
2. The property is shown to be out of the 100-year floodplain. A grading permit
in accordance with Section 29-186 (c) and (d) will be required prior to any
land clearing or grading activities at the site. Site grading, and drainage plans
will need to be submitted and approved prior to the start of construction.
3. Storm water detention ordinance applies to this property. Show the proposed
location for storm water detention facilities on the plan.
4. Obtain permits for improvements within State Highway right-of-way from
AHTD, District VI.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 10 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4541-A
Wastewater: Existing 30-inch sewer on the property. Contact Little Rock
Wastewater Utility at 688-1414 for additional information.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: Approved as submitted.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. Contact Central Arkansas
Water regarding the size and location of the water meter. A Capital Investment
Charge based on the size of the meter connection(s) will apply to this project in
addition to normal charges. Additional fire hydrant(s) will be required. Contact the
Little Rock Fire Department to obtain information regarding the required
placement of the hydrant(s) and contact Central Arkansas Water regarding
procedures for installation of the hydrant(s). Installation of a water main will be
required unless all parcels served are combined to form a single parcel.
Fire Department: Install and place fire hydrants per code. Contact the Little
Rock Fire Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is located on CATA Bus Routes 17 and 17A – the
Mabelvale-Downtown and the Mabelvale-UALR Routes.
Planning Division: This request is located in the 65th Street East Planning
District. The Land Use Plan shows Commercial for this property. The applicant
has applied for a Planned Commercial Development for expansion to a church
with a residential component.
The request does not require a change to the Land Use Plan.
Master Street Plan: University Avenue is shown as a Principal Arterial on the
Master Street Plan. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and may
require street improvements. The primary function of a Principal Arterial is to
serve through traffic and to connect major traffic generators or activity centers
within urbanized areas. Entrances and exits should be limited to minimize
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 10 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4541-A
negative effects of traffic and pedestrians on University Avenue since it is a
Principal Arterial.
Bicycle Plan: Existing or proposed Class I, II, or III Bikeways are not in the
immediate vicinity of the development.
City Recognized Neighborhood Action Plan: The property under review is not
located in an area covered by a City of Little Rock recognized neighborhood
action plan.
1. Compliance with the City’s landscape and buffer ordinance is required.
2. In conjunction with the development of this project, attention to the
landscaping/streetscape along University Avenue should be addressed. For
example, street/perimeter trees and evergreen shrubs to screen the parking
lot areas.
3. Will the existing parking lot be repaved? It appears vegetation, including
trees are growing through parts of the parking lot surface.
4. Special attention should be given to the residentially neighborhood to the
southeastern perimeter of the property. This area currently has a chain linked
fence that is in disrepair. It is recommended this fence be either replaced
with an 8 foot opaque wooden fence, face side out or dense vegetation be
planted to provide screening.
5. An automatic irrigation system to water landscaped areas will be required.
6. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, it will be necessary to provide an
approved landscape plan stamped with the seal of a Registered Landscape
7. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing
trees as feasible on tree covered sites. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape
Ordinance requirements can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch
caliper or larger.
Mr. Terry Burruss was present representing the request. Staff presented an
overview of the proposed development stating there were a number of
outstanding issues associated with the request. Staff requested Mr. Burruss
provide the total number of parking spaces within the existing parking lot. Staff
also stated the site plan indicated a residential component. Staff questioned if
persons would live on the site full time. Staff noted perimeters and a clear
understanding of the use was required prior to the application moving forward.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 10 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4541-A
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated a median break in South
University Avenue would not be allowed. Staff stated since the two drives were
existing they could remain. Staff requested Mr. Burruss indicate the location of
the 100-year flood elevation on the site plan.
Landscaping comments were addressed. Staff stated screening would be
required. Staff also stated an existing chain link fence located on the
southeastern perimeter should be repaired and/or replaced with an eight foot
wood fence or evergreen shrubs to protect the adjacent single-family residents.
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
The applicant submitted a revised site plan to staff addressing most of the issues
raised at the March 22, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant
has indicated the total number of parking spaces on the site, defined the
residential component of the request and indicated the 100-year flood plain on
the site plan. The applicant has also indicated the existing chain link fence will
be replaced with an 8-foot wood fence in Phase IV of the development.
The church presently does not offer daycare services. The intent is to open a
facility in the existing building when the new Sanctuary is completed. The day
care will serve up to 100 children and will operate Monday through Friday from
6:30 am to 6:30 pm. The apartments are proposed for visiting guests and not
proposed as full time residences.
The structures are proposed with masonry and metal siding construction with
metal roofing materials. The apartments are proposed with wood and vinyl siding
and a shingled roof. The development is proposed in phases with the first phase
being the new Sanctuary/administrative building, a covered drop-off and 32 new
parking spaces. Phase II consist of the apartment/living units, Phase III would
allow the construction of the two story multi-purpose – education/recreational
building and Phase IV allows the construction of additional living units along the
southeastern portion of the site along with eight additional parking spaces.
The site presently contains 102 parking spaces. The seating capacity of the new
Sanctuary is 300 persons. The typical minimum parking required for a church is
one space for every four seats. The typical minimum parking required would be
75 spaces. The applicant has also indicated a daycare center is being
considered as a future use. The indicated parking should be more than
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 10 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-4541-A
adequate to serve the daycare facility as well. Parking for a daycare center is
based on one space per administrator, teacher, assistant plus one space per ten
children. The indicated parking is adequate to meet the typical minimum parking
required for the proposed use.
A single ground mounted sign is proposed along the northern drive. The sign is
proposed with a maximum height of eight feet and a maximum sign area of
100 square feet. Signage typically allowed in commercial zones is a maximum of
36-feet in height and 100 square feet in area. The signage is less than signage
typically allowed.
Staff is supportive of the request. The site is presently zoned C-3, General
Commercial District and C-4, Open Display District and the First Presbyterian
Church of Arkansas is proposing to develop a new sanctuary/administrative
building (with seating for approximately 300 persons), apartment units (four
one-bedroom/two two-bedroom) for the elderly and visiting missionaries, a multi-
purpose facility for recreational and educational purposes, outdoor recreation
(soccer fields) and a garden area. The request includes C-3, General
Commercial District uses as alternative allowable uses for the property. Staff
feels the redevelopment and new development of church facilities on the site
should have minimal impact on the area. Otherwise to staff’s knowledge there
are no outstanding issues associated with the request.
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda
staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to
compliance with the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs, D, E and F of
the above agenda staff report.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a vote
of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 11 FILE NO.: Z-5096-B
NAME: Woodlands Edge Conceptual Long-form PCD
LOCATION: Located on the Southeast corner of Kanis and Kirby Roads
Rocket Properties, Inc.
2024 Arkansas Valley Drive
Little Rock, AR 72212
White Daters and Associates
24 Rahling Road
Little Rock, AR 72223
AREA: 14.54 acres NUMBER OF LOTS: 4 FT. NEW STREET: 1,000+ LF
ALLOWED USES: Neighborhood Commercial, General Office and Single-family
PROPOSED USE: C-3, General Commercial District and O-3, General
Office District
1. A five year deferral of the Master Street Plan requirements for Kanis Road.
2. A five year deferral request for the construction of Kirby Road extension.
3. A reduced design standard for a section of Woodlands Trail, a collector street
(45-feet right of way and 28-feet of pavement).
Staff recommends this item be deferred to the April 26, 2007, public hearing to allow
staff and the applicant additional time to review the proposed development and the
proposed street design to serve the development and the area.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 11 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5096-B
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item with a recommendation of deferral of the item to the April 26, 2007,
public hearing to allow staff and the applicant additional time to review the proposed
development and the proposed street design to serve the development and the area.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a vote
of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 12 FILE NO.: Z-5936-H
NAME: Chenal Condo’s Short-form PD-R
LOCATION: Located on the Northwest corner of Rahling Road and Chenal Parkway
First Delta Development Group
C/o William Dean
18 Corporate Hill Drive
Little Rock, AR 72205
White-Daters and Associates
24 Rahling Circle
Little Rock, AR 72223
ALLOWED USES: Multi-family 18 units per acre
PROPOSED USE: Multi-family – 15.3 units per acre
The property contains 4.7 acres located at the northwest corner of Chenal Parkway
and Rahling Road just north of the Bank of the Ozark property currently under
development with a new corporate office. First Delta Development Group is proposing
a “high-end’ condominium development overlooking the No. 6 green of Chenal
Country Club. The project will consist of six buildings three-stories in height with a
total of 72 units. All units will have one parking space underground. An additional
87 spaces will be constructed above ground for guest parking.
The development will be gated and take access from the shared private drive which
connects to Chenal Parkway and Rahling Road. A swimming pool with cabana will be
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 12 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5936-H
centrally located near the entrance. A community mailbox will also be provided with a
pick-up lane.
The development will have access to the Chenal Golf Course with a cart trail tying
directly into the cart path on Hole #6. The lower level of Building A will have cart
storage for individuals who wish to own a Chenal golf cart.
Ordinance No. 19,501 adopted by the Little Rock Board of Directors on March 21,
2006, revoked a previously approved PCD restoring this site to the previously held
MF-18 Zoning District.
The site is a sparsely wooded site located adjacent to the Chenal Golf Course to the
north. South of the site a large area has been cleared for construction of an office
building and further south a shopping center. Rahling Road has been extended to the
west of Chenal Parkway but the connection to Chenal Parkway has not been
completed. To the west of the site is an area zoned OS, Open Space and further west
is vacant R-2, Single-family residentially zoned property. Across Chenal Parkway is a
large tract of O-2, Office and Institutional District zoned property which is presently
tree covered.
As of this writing, staff has received a number of informational phone calls from area
residents. All property owners located within 200-feet of the site, all residents located
within 300-feet of the site, who could be identified, along with the DuQuesne Place
Property Owners Association, the Aberdeen Place Property Owners Association and
the Margequx Place Property Owners Association were notified of the public hearing.
1. A grading permit in accordance with Section 29-186 (c) and (d) will be required
prior to any land clearing or grading activities at the site. Site grading, and
drainage plans will need to be submitted and approved prior to the start of
2. Provide a Sketch Grading and Drainage Plan per Section 29-186 (e).
3. Show improvements and curb cuts for the Bank of the Ozarks site to better
determine location of proposed entrance.
4. The right turn lane on Chenal Parkway must be constructed with 250 feet of
stacking distance and a 150 foot taper.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 12 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5936-H
5. Plans of all work in right-of-way shall be submitted for approval prior to start of
work. Obtain barricade permit prior to doing any work in the right-of-way from
Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1805 (Travis Herbner).
6. If disturbed area is 1 or more acres, obtain a NPDES storm water permit from the
Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality prior to the start of construction.
7. Storm water detention ordinance applies to this property. Show the proposed
location for storm water detention facilities on the plan.
8. Street Improvement plans shall include signage and striping. Traffic Engineering
must approve completed plans prior to construction.
9. Turn around must be provided for a WB-30 vehicle attempting to enter
development. A stacking distance of 30 feet from pavement must also be
Wastewater: Sewer main extension required, with easements. Capacity Contribution
Fee will be charged for this project. Contact Little Rock Wastewater Utility at 688-
1414 for additional information.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: Approved as submitted.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at the
time of request for water service must be met. A Capital Investment Charge based on
the size of the meter connection(s) will apply to this project in addition to normal
charges. This fee will apply to all meter connections including any metered
connections off the private fire system. Please submit four copies of the plans for the
fire protection system to Central Arkansas Water for review. Contact Central Arkansas
Water regarding procedures for installation of fire service. Approval of plans by the
Arkansas Department of Health Engineering Division and Little Rock Fire Department
is required. Fire sprinkler systems which do not contain additives such as antifreeze
shall be isolated with a double detector check valve assembly. If additives are used, a
reduced pressure zone backflow preventer shall be required. This development will
have minor impact on the existing water distribution system. Proposed water facilities
will be sized to provide adequate pressure and fire protection.
Fire Department: Install and place fire hydrants per code. Contact the Little Rock Fire
Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 12 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5936-H
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: This request is located in the Chenal Planning District. The Land
Use Plan shows Single Family for this property. The applicant has applied for a short
form PD-R Planned Development Residential to allow the development of the site with
three buildings containing 72 units of owner occupied condominium housing.
The application is closer to the Land Use Plan than the current zoning of MF-18. The
request does not require a change to the Land Use Plan. If this site does develop as
proposed, staff will include it as clean-up when there is a review of the Plan in this
Master Street Plan: Chenal Parkway is shown as a Principal Arterial on the Master
Street Plan. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and may require street
improvements. The primary function of a Principal Arterial is to serve through traffic
and to connect major traffic generators or activity centers within urbanized areas.
Entrances and exits should be limited to minimize negative effects of traffic and
pedestrians on Chenal since it is a Principal Arterial.
Bicycle Plan: A Class I bike route is shown along Chenal Parkway and Rahling Road.
A Class I bikeway is built separate from or alongside a road. Additional paving and
right of way may be required.
City Recognized Neighborhood Action Plan: The property under review is not located
in an area covered by a City of Little Rock recognized neighborhood action plan.
1. Compliance with the City’s landscape and buffer ordinance is required.
2. The zoning street buffer ordinance requires an average twenty-two foot wide (22’)
street buffer along Chenal Parkway.
3. The zoning buffer ordinance requires a land use buffer along the western perimeter
of the site of twenty-two foot. Seventy percent (70%) of this area is to remain
undisturbed. Currently, a driveway is proposed in this location. Please relocate
this drive out of this minimal land use buffer. Easements cannot count toward
fulfilling this requirement.
4. The zoning street buffer ordinance requires an average thirty-three foot wide (33’)
street buffer along the shared private drive.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 12 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5936-H
5. The zoning buffer ordinance requires a land use buffer along the northern
perimeter of the site next to the golf course area. This buffer should be thirty-three
foot in width of which, seventy percent (70%) is to be undisturbed. Easements
cannot count toward fulfilling this requirement.
6. A six (6) foot high opaque screen, either a wooden fence with its face side directed
outward, a wall, or dense evergreen plantings, is required along the northern and
western perimeters of the site. Credit towards fulfilling this requirement can be
given for existing trees and undergrowth that satisfies this year-around
7. An automatic irrigation system to water landscaped areas will be required.
8. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, it will be necessary to provide an
approved landscape plan stamped with the seal of a Registered Landscape
9. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing trees as
feasible on this tree covered site. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape Ordinance
requirements can be given when preserving trees of six (6) inch caliper or larger.
Mr. Joe White was present representing the request. Staff presented an overview of
the proposed development indicating there were additional items necessary to
complete the review process. Staff stated the development was proposed at a density
less than currently allowed per the existing MF-18 zoning. Staff also questioned the
dashed line around the perimeter of the site. Staff stated the indicated turn-around
was not adequate to provide turning movements for large vehicles. Staff stated the
entrance should be redesigned to allow proper turning movements.
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated an additional lane would be
required along Chenal Parkway. Staff also requested the applicant provide the
driveway locations for the proposed bank to ensure the drives were aligned.
Landscaping comments were addressed. Staff stated the indicated buffers did not
appear to meet the typical minimum requirements. Staff also stated a landscape plan
would be required at the time of development.
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and agencies
suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information and
clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee then
forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 12 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5936-H
The applicant submitted a revised site plan to staff addressing most of the issues
raised at the March 22, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant
redesigned the entrance to allow adequate maneuvering for vehicles entering and
exiting the site. The drive located on the adjoining property has also been indicated
and there is no conflict in turning movements.
The applicant is proposing the development of this 4.7 acres located just north of the
Bank of the Ozark property as a “high-end’ condominium development overlooking the
No. 6 Green of Chenal Country Club. The project will consist of six (6) buildings three
floors of residential housing with twelve (12) units per building for a total of 72 units.
All units will have one parking space underground An additional 87 spaces will be
constructed above ground for guest parking.
The development will be gated and take access from the shared private drive which
connects to Chenal Parkway and Rahling Road. A swimming pool with Cabana will be
centrally located near the entrance along with the community mailbox which will allow
a pick-up lane at the mail location. The development is proposed with access to the
Chenal Golf Course with a cart trail tying directly into the cart path on Hole #6. The
lower level of northern most buildings will have cart storage for individuals who wish to
own a Chenal golf cart.
The buildings are proposed four stories in the rear. The maximum building height
proposed is 42-feet. The lower level of each building is proposed for parking with
three levels of residential housing above. Each building is proposed with a total of
twelve units. The property is presently zoned MF-18. The typical maximum building
height for MF-18 zone property is 35-feet. Staff is supportive of the increased building
height. The applicant has indicated structures with parking located under the building
to limit the amount of surface parking.
The buildings are proposed with shingled roofs, stucco and stone veneer.
Architectural elements include metal gable vents, iron railings, French doors and
transoms and shuttered awnings are proposed. The developers have indicated these
architectural elements to add design and character to the buildings as well as break
the massing of the structures.
The site plan indicates the placement of 159 parking spaces. Typically a multi-family
development with 72 units would require the placement 108 parking spaces. The
indicated parking is more than adequate to meet the typical minimum parking demand.
The site plan indicates the placement of interior landscaping and adequate buffering
around the perimeters of the site to satisfy the typical minimum ordinance
requirements. The site plan indicates a 40-foot building setback and a minimum
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 12 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5936-H
22-foot average street buffer along Chenal Parkway. The site plan also includes the
placement of a 25-foot landscape buffer along the western perimeter and the
placement of dense evergreen plantings within the buffer area. Fencing is not
proposed along the western perimeter. Along the northern perimeter a 30-foot average
buffer is proposed with the placement of dense evergreen plantings in this area as
well. No fencing is proposed along the northern perimeter either. The area is zoned
residentially but is developed as the 6th hole of the Chenal Golf Course. The
developers have indicated a desire to capture the views of the golf course and request
the typically required screening not be required. The property to the west is zoned
OS, Open Space. Staff is supportive of the allowance of the plantings and buffers as
Fencing is proposed along the Chenal Parkway and the southern perimeters of the
site. The fencing is proposed as a combination of brick, wrought iron and wood or a
wood simulation. The maximum height of the fence proposed is eight (8) feet with the
columns extending two (2) feet above the finished fence height. Staff is supportive of
the fencing as proposed.
The applicant has indicated development signage on the proposed site plan. The
signage will be consistent with signage allowed per the Chenal Design Overlay District
or a maximum of eight (8) feet in height and one hundred square feet in area. A sign
will be located along Chenal Parkway with a second sign located at the entrance to the
development. Staff is supportive of the signage as proposed.
Staff is supportive of the request. The development is proposed with a density similar
to the density allowed per the current zoning. The development is proposed with
15.3 units per acre. To staff’s knowledge there are no outstanding issues associated
with the request. Staff feels the development of the project as proposed will not
significantly impact the area and should provide an alternative housing type for the
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the comments
and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E, F and H of the above agenda staff
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff presented the
item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs, D, E and F of the above agenda staff
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 12 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5936-H
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for placement of
the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a vote of 10 ayes, 0 noes
and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 13 FILE NO.: Z-6120-N
NAME: Tract C Capitol Lakes Estates Long-form PD-R
LOCATION: Located on the Southeast corner of Capitol Hills Boulevard and
Rushmore Avenue
Jay DeHaven
10650 Maumelle Blvd.
Maumelle, AR 72113
White-Daters and Associates
#24 Rahling Circle
Little Rock, AR 72223
CURRENT ZONING: R-2, Single-family
ALLOWED USES: Single-family residential
PROPOSED USE: Single-family – 44 Patio Homes
VARIANCES/WAIVERS REQUESTED: A variance from the Subdivision Ordinance to
allow a reduced platted building line adjacent to a collector street (25-feet).
On June 20, 1996, the Planning Commission approved a proposal to rezone
42.58+ acres from R-2, Single-family to MF-12, Multi-family. The rezoning request was
associated with Capitol Lakes Estates preliminary plat, a 190 + acre development (File
No. S-1100). The property shown for Multi-family was located in two tracts lying on
either side of the proposed realignment of Cooper Orbit Road (Rushmore Avenue),
south of a proposed minor arterial street (Capitol Hills Boulevard). The application was
the third version of proposed multi-family zoning associated with Capitol Lakes Estates.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 13 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6120-N
The first version consisted of a proposal to zone 31+ acres at the southeast corner of
the Capitol Lakes Estates Plat from R-2 to MF-18. Staff was not supportive of the
proposed density and the application drew opposition from the residents of Spring
Valley Manor Subdivision, which is adjacent to the south. The applicant at the Planning
Commission Public Hearing later withdrew the application.
The second version consisted of a proposal to zone 33.8+ acres at the intersection of
the realigned Cooper Orbit Road and an as yet unnamed minor arterial street (Capitol
Hills Boulevard) from R-2 to MF-12. The proposed multi-family property was in two
tracts, a 27+-acre tract lying south of the arterial street (Capitol Hills Boulevard) and a
7+-acre tract lying north of the arterial. The multi-family property was moved well north
of the Spring Valley Manor Subdivision and residents of that neighborhood supported
this version. Staff was also able to recommend approval of the application. The density
had been reduced from MF-18 to MF-12. The proposed Multi-family property was
basically within the body of the Capitol Lakes Estates plat with only a perimeter
relationship to the Oasis Renewal Center on the collector street (Rushmore Avenue)
and an arterial street (Capitol Hills Boulevard). There was some opposition to this
proposal from the Oasis Renewal Center. The Planning Commission voted to approve
this application on April 25, 1996. The applicant continued to work with the Oasis
Renewal Center with their concern of locating the 7+ acres of Multi-family property
adjacent to their site. After reaching a compromise with the Oasis Center, the applicant
withdrew this second application from the Board of Directors’ agenda and filed a third
version of the proposed rezoning request.
The third version consisted of a proposal to zone 42.58+ acres on either side of the
proposed realignment of Cooper Orbit Road (Rushmore Avenue) from R-2 to MF-12.
The proposed Multi-family property was in two tracts on either side of the new alignment
of Cooper Orbit Road, south of the proposed new arterial street (Capitol Hills
Boulevard). The 27+ acre tract lying south of the arterial and west of proposed Cooper
Orbit Road is the same as in the second (approved) application. The 7+ acres which
was approved on the north side of the arterial (adjacent to the Oasis property) was
moved to a point south of the arterial, on the east side of the proposed alignment of
Cooper Orbit Road and increased to 14.81 acres. The 7+ acres on the north side of the
arterial (adjacent to the Oasis property) was to remain zoned R-2 and was shown as a
“reserved” tract on the Capitol Lakes Estates Preliminary Plat.
The Board of Directors adopted Ordinance No. 17,312 rezoning the property from R-2
to MF-12, with conditions, on November 7, 1996. The conditions were as follows: Any
development which occurs on the property described as Tract C, that tract located on
the east side of Rushmore Avenue was to be limited to 125 dwelling units, Three acres
within the property described as Tract C was to be dedicated as Open Space and not
developed, Capitol Lakes Estates was not to be developed prior to implementation of
sanitary sewer service, whether brought about through formation of a new sewer
improvement district, expansion or the existing sewer improvement district or some
other more feasible cooperative alternative, and with respect to that portion of property
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 13 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6120-N
zoned MF-12 which would front on the newly realigned Cooper Orbit Road, a twenty
(20) foot natural buffer was to be maintained along the frontage of the newly aligned
Cooper Orbit Road. If it became necessary to regrade the buffer zone, the regarded
area within the twenty foot buffer strip was to be replanted to a planting density fifty (50)
percent greater than that specified in the Little Rock landscaping ordinance. The
rezoning contained Tract A, 27.77 acres, from R-2, Single-family to MF-12 and Tract C,
14.81 acres, from R-2, Single-family to MF-12.
Ordinance No. 18,496, in June of 2001, established a PRD titled Village on the Lakes
Long-form PRD (this rezoning took a part of Tract C 11.59 acres of the 14.81 acres).
The development was proposed to be an attached single-family, townhouse
development; 11 buildings with a total of 44 single-family residential dwellings on
11.59 acres located east of the proposed Rushmore Avenue. (A proposed density of
5.3 units per acre.)
On July 11, 2002, the Commission reviewed a request to rezone the property on the
west side of Rushmore Avenue to Planned Development – Residential to allow the
development of a 528-unit apartment complex. The applicant proposed the placement
of 904 parking spaces within the development. A separate request was also filed for a
property zoned MF-12 and located to the east of the PD-R site. The request to rezone
the property to the east from MF-12 to R-2 was also approved on July 11, 2002. Both
Ordinances were approved by the Little Rock Board of Directors at their August 20,
2002 Public Hearing. Ordinance No. 18,729 rezoned the western MF-12 property to
PD-R and Ordinance No. 18,728 rezoned the eastern MF-12 site to R-2.
The applicant proposed the PD-R development to be constructed in three phases with
156 units being constructed in Phases One and Two and 216 units in the third and final
phase. Capitol Hills Boulevard and Rushmore Avenue have been constructed to allow
access to the site as a part of the Phase I portion of the PRD.
Ordinance No. 18, 898 adopted by the Little Rock Board of Directors on July 15, 2003,
approved a revision to allow the creation of a three-lot plat following the previously
proposed phasing lines. The applicant indicated all three lots would have public street
frontage but access to the public streets only located on Lots 1 and 3. Lot 2 would take
access through a cross access easement across Lots 1 and 3. The Lots were
numbered according to the previous phase lines. The previous drainage and utility plan
did not changed from the original submission.
The applicant revised the building placement slightly to allow for landscape strips
between lots as required by ordinance. The applicant indicated a cross access parking
agreement was not required since each lot has sufficient parking to meet the typical
minimum parking demand for multi-family development.
The Little Rock Board of Directors adopted Ordinance No. 18,963 on October 21, 2003,
revising the PD-R to allow the placement of two trash compactors on the site. The
applicant indicated a private contractor would service the compactors once a week.
The applicant stated with the compactors near the entrance this should allow the driver
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 13 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6120-N
easy access and minimal disturbance to the residents in the early morning hours when
the compactors were serviced.
The development also destroyed the required land use buffer areas previously
proposed on the west and south perimeters of Phase 1 (Lot 1). The request included a
restoration plan for the buffer areas. The restoration plan included plantings in the area
previously designated as the land use buffer area be replanted at double the plantings
required by the landscape ordinance. This included the area to the south and the west
on Lot 1 of the development. The approval included planting of all trees of three inch
caliper and additional 30-feet of land to the south was to be retained in a conservation
easement and the 30-feet along with the buffer remaining on Lot 2 be combined with a
tract designated south of Lot 3 to ensure the buffer would be maintained in the future.
On January 29, 2004, the Little Rock Planning Commission reviewed a request by the
applicant to phase the construction of Rushmore Avenue at the eastern boundary of the
site until Lot 3 was developed. The site was originally approved as a single tract
development and was later revised to allow three lots to develop following previously
approved phasing lines. The applicant stated since the PD-R for Capitol Hills
Apartments was revised to allow the creation of the three lots a deferral of street
improvements was customary until the lot abutting the roadway was developed (Lot 3).
The applicant withdrew the request from consideration and the roadways were
Ordinance No. 19,277 adopted by the Little Rock Board of Directors on February 15,
2005 revised the previously approved PCD for the apartment portion of the overall
development plan. The proposed revision allowed for the construction of covered
parking and a clubhouse with a pool within the Phase II portion of the development.
On January 18, 2007, the Little Rock Planning Commission was to review a request for
the development of this site located at the Southeast corner of Capitol Hills Boulevard
and Rushmore Avenue. The proposal was to allow the rezoning from R-2, Single-family
to PD-R to establish a site plan for the development of 9.45 acres with 44 patio home
lots. The development was proposed as a gated community with a single entrance from
Rushmore Avenue. The development would be constructed in a single phase. The
PD-R zoning application request was withdrawn from consideration prior to the
Commission acting on the request.
At the January 18, 2007, Planning Commission Public Hearing the Commission
approved a preliminary plat request for an area located to the south of this site. The
approved preliminary plat included a variance from the Land Alteration Ordinance to
allow advanced grading of the entire site with the construction of the public utilities.
The request also included the abandonment of a portion of Cooper Orbit Road and the
eastern 15-feet of Rushmore Avenue abutting Tract C of the Capitol Lakes Estates
Subdivision. The Little Rock Board of Directors approved the abandonment of Cooper
Orbit Road and Rushmore Avenue on March 20, 2007.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 13 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6120-N
The property is located at the southeast corner of Cooper Orbit Road and Capitol
Hills Boulevard. The property contains 9.45 acres and proposed for subdivision
into 46 single-family patio home lots. The development is proposed with public
streets and access. A collector street is proposed along the northern portion of
the site as indicated on the City’s Master Street Plan connecting properties to the
east with Rushmore Avenue.
A preliminary plat was approved for property located to the south of this site by
the Commission at their January 18, 2007, public hearing. As a part of the plat
approval the applicant was granted approval to grade this site with the
development of first phase of the subdivision. The developer is preparing to
break ground on both the subdivision and the second phase of the apartments
located immediately west of this site.
The site has a number of trees located along the eastern portion of the site. The
western portion of the site was previously cleared and used for storage of dirt for
the construction of Rushmore Avenue. The abandoned Cooper Orbit Road is the
eastern boundary of the proposed site and Rushmore Avenue is the western
boundary. To the north of the site is a tract which is being used as a regional
detention storage area for the Capitol Hills Development. The area to the south
of the site is wooded and a preliminary plat for single-family development was
recently approved. To the west of the site is an apartment development
previously approved in three phases with only the first phase currently
constructed. Northwest of the site are two single-family subdivisions with new
homes being constructed in these areas. The Spring Valley Manor Subdivision is
located further south. Rushmore Avenue has been constructed to Master Street
Plan standard abutting the properties western boundary.
As of this writing, staff has received several informational phone calls from area
residents. The Spring Valley Manor Neighborhood Association along with all
residents, who could be identified, within 300 feet of the site, and all property
owners within 200 feet of the site were notified of the Public Hearing.
1. With the site development, provide the design of the street conforming to
the Master Street Plan. Construct street improvements to the street
including 5-foot sidewalks with the planned development. Avoyelles
Boulevard should be designed to a collector standard street. Avoyelles
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 13 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6120-N
Lane should be constructed to a minor residential standard street. Lady
Bird Court should be designed to a minor residential standard street.
2. The street name Avoyelles Boulevard should continue as the name of the
future collector to at least the next round-a-bout located to the east.
3. Due to the number of driveways on the north side of Avoyelles Boulevard,
the sidewalk is recommended to be placed on the south side of Avoyelles
4. A grading permit in accordance with Section 29-186 (c) and (d) will be
required prior to any land clearing or grading activities at the site. Site
grading, and drainage plans will need to be submitted and approved prior to
the start of construction.
5. If disturbed area is 1 or more acres, obtain a NPDES storm water permit
from the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality prior to the start of
6. A variance from the Land Alteration Regulations has already been granted
by the Planning Commission for Tract C to clear and grade the entire tract
with construction of the streets and drainage.
7. Prepare a letter of pending development addressing streetlights as required
by Section 31-403 of the Little Rock code. Conduit for streetlights should be
installed with other utilities. Contact Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1813
(Steve Philpott) for additional information.
8. Storm water detention ordinance applies to this property. Show the
proposed location for storm water detention facilities on a revised plan.
9. Plans of all work in right-of-way shall be submitted for approval prior to start
of work. Obtain barricade permit prior to doing any work in the right-of-way
from Traffic Engineering at (501) 379-1805 (Travis Herbner).
10. Easements are required for all storm water drainage areas.
11. Street Improvement plans shall include signage and striping. Traffic
Engineering must approve completed plans prior to construction.
12. Erosion controls must be installed to reduce discharge of polluted storm
Wastewater: Sewer main extension required with easements. Contact Little
Rock Wastewater Utility at 688-1414.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: Approved as submitted.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 13 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6120-N
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at
the time of request for water service must be met. A Capital Investment Charge
based on the size of the meter connection(s) will apply to this project in addition
to normal charges. Water main extensions will be required in order to provide
service to this property. Easements will be required for any water mains that are
outside public rights of way. If there are facilities that need to be adjusted and/or
relocated, contact Central Arkansas Water. That work would be done at the
expense of the developer. This development will have minor impact on the
existing water distribution system. Proposed water facilities will be sized to
provide adequate pressure and fire protection.
Fire Department: Install and place fire hydrants per code. Contact the Little
Rock Fire Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: This request is located in the Ellis Mountain Planning District.
The Land Use Plan shows Single Family for this property. The applicant has
applied for a long form PD-R Planned Residential Development to allow the
development of 9.45 acres with 46 single-family lots for future development of
patio homes.
The request does not require a change to the Land Use Plan.
Master Street Plan: Capitol Hills Boulevard is shown as a Minor Arterial on the
Master Street Plan and Rushmore Avenue is shown as a Collector. These
streets may require dedication of right-of-way and may require street
improvements. A Minor Arterial provides connections to and through an urban
area and their primary function is to provide short distance travel within the
urbanized area. Entrances and exits should be limited to minimize negative
effects of traffic and pedestrians on Capitol Hills Boulevard since it is a Minor
Arterial. The primary function of a Collector Street is to provide a connection
from Local Streets to Arterials. A proposed Collector also crosses this site.
Bicycle Plan: Existing or proposed Class I, II, or III Bikeways are not in the
immediate vicinity of the development.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 13 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6120-N
City Recognized Neighborhood Action Plan: The property under review is not
located in an area covered by a City of Little Rock recognized neighborhood
action plan.
Landscape: No comment.
Mr. Joe White was present representing the request. Staff presented an
overview of the proposed development indicating there were a few outstanding
issues associated with the request. Staff stated the ordinance discouraged
residential lots from taking access from a collector street. Staff suggested
Mr. White review an alternative lot layout to provide access to the lots abutting
the proposed collector street with access possibly through a rear alley. Staff also
requested information concerning any proposed subdivision identification
signage including location, height and area.
Public Works comments were addressed. Staff stated the site was previously
approved for a variance from the Land Alteration Ordinance to allow advanced
grading. Staff also stated Avoyelles Boulevard street name should continue to
the east through the existing round-about within the Woodlands Edge
Staff noted comments from the various other reporting departments and
agencies suggesting the applicant contact them directly for additional information
and clarification. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
The applicant submitted a revised site plan to staff addressing some of the
issues raised at the March 22, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The
applicant has indicated signage, sign height and sign location. The applicant is
requesting the allowance of driveway access for the lots fronting Avoyelles
Boulevard. Although the ordinance does not prohibit access the access is
discouraged. Staff has concerns with the lots accessing the road as indicated.
Staff feels with the volume of traffic these future residences will have a difficult
time entering and exiting their drives. In addition, the proposed median does not
allow access to Lot C-1. Staff recommends the median be removed or Lot C-1
be combined with Tract C-A. The plat indicates the sidewalk along Avoyelles
Boulevard along the northern road edge. Staff recommends the sidewalk be
relocated to the south side of Avoyelles Boulevard due to the number of
driveways on the north side of Avoyelles Boulevard.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 13 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6120-N
The applicant has provided a bill of assurance for the proposed subdivision
indicating the homes will be a minimum of 1,250 square feet of heated and
cooled space. The homes are to be a maximum of two and one-half stories in
height. All roof pitches for residences less than 3,000 square feet shall be a
minimum of 10/12 and all roof pitches for residences greater than 3,000 square
feet shall be 8/12. The bill of assurance also establishes an architectural review
committee and architectural control for house construction within the subdivision.
All exteriors shall be at least fifty percent brick, rock or stone, with all (100%) of
the entire foundation of any residences below the first finished floor.
Setbacks are indicated with a 25-foot front building line along Avoyelles
Boulevard and a 15-foot front building line adjacent to the interior street. The
indicated setback along Avoyelles Boulevard will require a variance from the
Subdivision Ordinance. The Subdivision Ordinance typically requires the
placement of a 30-foot building line adjacent to a collector street and 25-feet
adjacent to a residential street. The site plan indicates the northern lots with a
rear building setback of 15-feet with the remaining lots indicated with a 20-foot
rear yard setback. All the side yard setbacks are proposed at five feet. The
zoning ordinance typically allows a rear yard setback of 25-feet and side yard
setbacks are calculated at 10 percent of the lot width not to exceed eight feet.
The average lot width indicated is 50-feet. The side yard setback is consistent
with typical ordinance standards.
Perimeter fencing is proposed with a maximum fence height of six feet and will
be constructed in any combination of brick, stucco, rock, wrought iron and wood
or a wood simulated product. Interior fencing is not proposed but the bill of
assurance established guidelines for construction of interior fences. The
maximum height is six feet and the fences are to be constructed of wood or a
similar construction material as the home located on the lot. Accessory
structures are prohibited.
A single subdivision identification sign is proposed. The sign is located within an
island at the entrance from Rushmore Avenue. The sign is proposed consistent
with signage typically allowed in single-family zones or a maximum of six feet in
height and thirty-two square feet in area.
The property contains 9.45 acres and is proposed for subdivision into
46 single-family patio home lots at a density of 4.75 units per acre. Public street
access is proposed to serve the new homes with a total of 1,745 linear feet of
new street. A collector street is proposed along the northern portion of the site
as indicated on the City’s Master Street Plan connecting properties to the east
with Rushmore Avenue. Overall staff is supportive of the request but staff does
have concerns with access to the homes located on the north side of Avoyelles
Boulevard. Otherwise to staff’s knowledge there are no outstanding issues
associated with the request. Staff feels the development of single-family homes
on this site is appropriate and should have limited impact on the area.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 13 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6120-N
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda
staff report.
Staff recommends the median located south of Lot C-1 be removed to allow
driveway access to this lot.
Staff recommends the sidewalk along Avoyelles Boulevard be constructed on the
south side of Avoyelles Boulevard.
Staff recommends approval of the variance request to allow a reduced platted
building line adjacent to a collector street.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to
compliance with the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs, D, E and F of
the above agenda staff report. Staff presented a recommendation the median located
south of Lot C-1 be removed to allow driveway access to this lot and the sidewalk along
Avoyelles Boulevard be constructed on the south side of Avoyelles Boulevard. Staff
presented a recommendation of approval of the variance request to allow a reduced
platted building line adjacent to the collector street Section 31-256.1.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a vote
of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 14 FILE NO.: LU07-18-02
Name: Land Use Plan Amendment - Ellis Mountain Planning District
Location: Northwest corner of Kanis and Kirby Roads
Request: Mixed Office Commercial to Commercial
Source: Crackerbox, LLC, Terry Burruss, Architect
The applicant has requested that this item be deferred to the April 26, 2007 agenda.
Staff is supportive of this request.
The Item was placed on consent agenda for deferral to April 26, 2007. By a vote of
10 for 0 against the consent agenda was approved.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 14.1 FILE NO.: Z-6933-A
NAME: Crackerbox Short-form PCD
LOCATION: Located at 14100 Kanis Road
Crackerbox LLC
LR Gardner
110 Crackerbox Lane
Hot Springs, AR 71913
Brooks Surveying, Inc.
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
Terry Burruss Architects
1202 South Main Street, Suite 230
Little Rock, AR 72202
CURRENT ZONING: C-1, Neighborhood Commercial
ALLOWED USES: Neighborhood Commercial
PROPOSED USE: Convenience Store with Gas Pumps and Carwash
Staff recommends this item be deferred to the April 26, 2007, public hearing to allow
staff and the applicant additional time to review the proposed development and the
proposed street design to serve the development and the area.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 14.1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6933-A
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item with a recommendation of deferral of the item to the April 26, 2007,
public hearing to allow staff and the applicant additional time to review the proposed
development and the proposed street design to serve the development and the area.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for deferral. The motion carried by a vote
of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 15 FILE NO.: Z-7696-A
NAME: Carter Revised Short-form PCD
LOCATION: Located at 3510 Baseline Road
Mark Carter
23201 I-30
Bryant, AR 72022
Jocom, Inc.
507 Boone Road
Bryant, AR 72022
ALLOWED USES: C-3, General Commercial District uses and General and
Professional Office uses
PROPOSED USE: C-3, General Commercial District Uses and O-3, General
Office District Uses and a Daycare center
The Little Rock Board of Directors adopted Ordinance No. 19,201 on October 5, 2004,
establishing Carter Short-form PCD. The approval allowed the construction of two
buildings each containing 3,200 square feet of gross floor space. The applicant
indicated one of the buildings would utilize C-3, General Commercial District uses as
allowable uses while the second building would be used as general and professional
office uses.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 15 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7696-A
The approved site plan did not allow signage other than building signage limited to ten
percent of the front façade area. The site plan indicated 25 parking spaces. The days
and hours of operation were approved from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm seven days per week.
The applicant is now proposing to amend the previously approved PCD to
expand the allowable uses for the site. In addition to the previously approved
C-3, General Commercial District uses the applicant is requesting to add O-3,
General Office District uses and a daycare center as allowable uses for the site.
The site contains 25 parking spaces and two buildings each containing
3,200 square feet.
The buildings have been constructed and a pawnshop presently occupies one
building and a daycare center occupies the second building. A screening fence
has been placed along the parking area and a playground for the daycare is
located beyond the fence to the north of the parking. To the west of the site is a
commercial business and to the east of the site is vacant land. North of the site
is a mixture of non-residential uses including commercial businesses and a
church. South of the site are also commercial uses and the Baseline Elementary
School is located to the southwest of the site.
As of this writing staff has received one informational phone call from an area
resident. All owners of property located within 200-feet of the site, all residents
located within 300-feet of the site who could be identified, the Upper Baseline
Neighborhood Association and Southwest Little Rock United for Progress were
notified of the public hearing.
No comment.
Wastewater: Sewer available to this site.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: Approved as submitted.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 15 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7696-A
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: No comment.
Fire Department: Approved as submitted.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is located near CATA Bus Route #15 – 65th Street Route.
Planning Division: This request is located in the Geyer Springs East Planning
District. The Land Use Plan shows Mixed Office Commercial for this property.
The applicant has applied for a revised Planned Commercial Development to
revise a previously approved PCD to change the allowable uses for the site to
include a daycare facility.
The request does not require a change to the Land Use Plan.
Master Street Plan: Baseline Road is shown as a Primary Arterial on the Master
Street Plan. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and may require
street improvements. The primary function of a Principal Arterial is to serve
through traffic and to connect major traffic generators or activity centers within
urbanized areas. Entrances and exits should be limited to minimize negative
effects of traffic and pedestrians on Baseline Road since it is a Principal Arterial.
Bicycle Plan: Existing or proposed Class I, II, or III Bikeways are not in the
immediate vicinity of the development.
City Recognized Neighborhood Action Plan: The applicant’s property lies in the
area covered by the Upper Baseline Neighborhood Action Plan. The Human
Services goal has this objective relevant to this case: “Provide positive
organized/structures activities for young children.”
Landscape: No comment.
The applicant was not present. Staff presented an overview of the request
stating there were no remaining technical issues associated with the proposed
site plan outstanding. Staff stated the request was revise the previously
approved allowable uses for the site to include O-3 uses and a daycare center as
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 15 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7696-A
allowable uses. There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee
then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
There were no technical issues associated with the request remaining from the
March 22, 2007, Subdivision Committee meeting. The applicant is proposing to
amend the previously approved PCD to expand the allowable uses for the site.
In addition to the previously approved C-3, General Commercial District uses, the
request is to add O-3, General Office District uses and a daycare center as
allowable uses. The site contains 25 parking spaces and two buildings each
containing 3,200 square feet. Presently a commercial business is located in the
eastern most business and a daycare facility is located in the western most
building. A playground is located behind the western building to serve the
The daycare facility presently employees 4 teaches and 2 administrators. The
facility has a licensing capacity of 75 children and presently has 25 children in
their care. Based on the staff/child ratio the owner does not expect to reach the
maximum licensing capacity. The owner anticipates a maximum of 50 children
on the site during the summer months and after school.
Only a limited number of parents bring their children to the site for drop-off. For
the most part the operators pick the children up at home and bring the children to
the facility in the daycare’s van. The hours of operation are from 7:00 am to 5:00
pm Monday through Friday.
Based on the typical minimum parking required for a daycare center, a total of
14 parking spaces would be required. The commercial business would typically
require 10 parking spaces. The request also includes the allowance of O-3,
General Office District uses as allowable uses for the site. Should an O-3 use
locate on the site and replace the daycare center the O-3 use would require eight
parking spaces. The site plan indicates two buildings with a total of 25 parking
spaces. The existing parking is more than adequate to serve the existing uses
and any future O-3 use.
Staff is supportive of the request. The facility is located on an arterial roadway
near an elementary school. The site as developed appears to adequate address
access and circulation for the uses and does not appear to have significantly
impacted the area. To staff’s knowledge there are no outstanding issues
associated with the request. Staff feels the addition of the uses as proposed
should have limited impact on the area.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 15 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-7696-A
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda
staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to
compliance with the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs, D, E and F of
the above agenda staff report.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a vote
of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 16 FILE NO.: Z-8179
NAME: Hunt Short-form POD
LOCATION: Located at 17319 Crystal Valley Road
Opportunity Connection Publishing Company
17319 Crystal Valley Road
Little Rock, AR 72210
Randy D. Reynolds
4180 Rock Island Trail
Bauxite, AR 72011
CURRENT ZONING: R-2, Single-family
ALLOWED USES: Single-family Residential and non-conforming office use
PROPOSED USE: Existing Office Use – Telephone surveys and sales
The owners of the property located at 17319 Crystal Valley Road are requesting
a rezoning from R-2, Single-family to PD-O to recognize an existing office use
which has operated from the site since the 1970’s. Prior to the office use an
antique store occupied several of the buildings. The existing businesses
operated at the facility are all family owned and are comprised of four
corporations. The site is used as the corporate offices, sales offices and service
department for compiling, shipping names lists and follow up service as well as a
call center for a data gathering service. Some sales are made in the offices
when clients come in to place an order for data but primarily the data is sent to
the client electronically or through the postal service. The data gathering/call
center business began in 1992 and the number of executive and administrative
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 16 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8179
employees has grown slowly and now varies from thirty to thirty-five employees
with a maximum employment of sixty persons. The site also houses the offices
for the family real estate enterprises.
The typical days and hours of operation are from 9 am to 10 pm Monday through
Friday and from 9 am to 3:30 pm on Saturday. The company has two shifts with
the first shifts from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm and the second shift from 5:00 pm to
10:00 pm. There are no modifications to the site or use proposed with the
rezoning request. The facility has an existing gravel drives and parking which the
applicant intents to continue to utilize.
The site is located outside the City limits but within the City’s Extraterritorial
Planning Jurisdiction. The site contains a number of buildings to house the call
center. The drives and parking are gravel. The area is predominately
single-family constructed on acreage. Across the road from the site is a small
church and north of the site is a property zoned PCD for a small engine repair
shop. Further north is a second site zoned PCD which appears to also be a
repair shop. South of the site is a saw mill.
As of this writing, staff has received a number of informational phone calls from
area residents. All property owners located within 200-feet of the site, all
residents located within 300-feet of the site, who could be identified, along with
the Crystal Valley Property Owners Association and Southwest Little Rock United
for Progress were notified of the public hearing.
1. This portion of Crystal Valley Road is classified on the Master Street Plan as
a principal arterial. Dedication of right-of-way to 55 feet from centerline will be
Wastewater: Outside the service boundary. No comment.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: Approved as submitted.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 16 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8179
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: Contact Central Arkansas Water if larger and/or
additional meter(s) are needed. Additional fire hydrant(s) may be required.
Contact the Fire Department having jurisdiction (Crystal Fire Dept., John Boyles,
225-0716) to obtain information regarding the required placement of the
hydrant(s) and contact Central Arkansas Water regarding procedures for
installation of the hydrant(s).
Fire Department: The site is located outside the City limits. Provide a letter from
the area volunteer fire department indicating their knowledge of the project and
their ability to serve the development. All driveways must be 20-feet wide. Install
fire hydrants per code. Contact the Little Rock Fire Department for additional
County Planning: No comment received.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: This request is located in the Crystal Valley Planning District.
The Land Use Plan shows Business Node for this property. The applicant has
applied for a rezoning from R-2 Single Family to Planned Office Development to
recognize an existing use.
The request does not require a change to the Land Use Plan.
Master Street Plan: Crystal Valley Road is shown as a Principal Arterial on the
Master Street Plan. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and may
require street improvements. The primary function of a Principal Arterial is to
serve through traffic and to connect major traffic generators or activity centers
within urbanized areas. Entrances and exits should be limited to minimize
negative effects of traffic and pedestrians on Crystal Valley Road since it is a
Principal Arterial.
Bicycle Plan: A Class I bike route is shown along Crystal Valley Road. A Class I
bikeway is built separate from or alongside a road. Additional paving and right of
way may be required.
City Recognized Neighborhood Action Plan: The property under review is not
located in an area covered by a City of Little Rock recognized neighborhood
action plan.
Landscape: No comment.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 16 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8179
The applicant was not present. Staff presented an overview of the proposed
request stating there were no technical issues associated with the site plan
remaining outstanding. Staff stated the site was an existing non-residential use
located outside the City limits but within the Extraterritorial Planning Jurisdiction.
Staff stated no modifications to the existing site were proposed only to zone the
site to PD-O to recognize the existing use. There was no further discussion of
the item. The Committee then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final
There were no technical issues raised at the March 22, 2007, Subdivision
Committee meeting requiring addressing. The applicant is requesting a rezoning
of the site from R-2, Single-family to PD-O to recognize the existing data
collection/call center office use. The site has historically been used for this
activity as well as the owner’s corporate offices for his three other corporations
and as a real estate office for the family’s real estate enterprise. Typically these
activities do not generate a great deal of customer traffic since most of the
activity takes place via the telephone or the Internet. Generally a list of
customers for the data collection/call center is complied from persons requesting
additional information through a survey, Internet ad site or an Internet “pop-up”
ad. Once a person completes the request form, the applicant’s business then
sends the person an e-mail to confirm the person’s request. Based on a positive
response from the e-mail the business then calls the person to complete a
detailed survey from which the data list is compiled and distributed to customers.
Presently, the company employees thirty to thirty-five persons and the applicant
has indicated a maximum employment of sixty. The company operates two shifts
per day Monday through Friday and one shift on Saturday. Based on the start
time there is not an overlap of the shifts. The first shift is from 9:00 am to
3:30 pm and the second shift is from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm.
The site is located outside the City limits of Little Rock but within the City’s
Extraterritorial Planning Jurisdiction. The site is indicated as Business Node on
the City’s Future Land Use Plan. The Business Node classification was
designed to provide an area for long-term established businesses with a
sufficient concentration, minimum of three, on both sides of a major street. The
businesses must be contiguous or in close proximity to qualify for the Node
classification. A Planned Zoning District is required for rezoning of the property
indicated as Node on the Future Land Use Plan. The applicant is seeking a
rezoning to PD-O to recognize the existing office uses on the site. There are no
other modifications proposed with the planned development.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 16 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8179
Staff is supportive of the request. The applicant is requesting a rezoning of the
site from R-2, Single-family to PD-O to recognize an existing non-conforming
office use on the site. The site has historically been used as a non-residential
use beginning with an antique store in the 1970’s, which was converted to the
office uses by the owner in 1992. The applicant has not proposed any
modification to the exterior of the existing structures nor an expansion of the
existing uses of the site. Staff does not feel based on the historic use of the site
and the fact the applicant is not requesting to expand the existing uses of the site
the rezoning will significantly impact the area.
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the agenda
staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to
compliance with the comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs, D, E and F of
the above agenda staff report.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a vote
of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 17 FILE NO.: Z-8192
NAME: Mary Williams Masonic Lodge 307 Short-form PD-O
LOCATION: Located at 25920 Kanis Road
Mary Williams Lodge
C/o Douglas Metal
12721 I-30
Little Rock, AR 72209
Donald Brooks Surveying
20820 Arch Street Pike
Hensley, AR 72065
CURRENT ZONING: R-2, Single-family
ALLOWED USES: Single-family Residential and Non-conforming Masonic Lodge
PROPOSED USE: Masonic Lodge
The Mary Williams Masonic Lodge is proposing an addition to their existing building
located at 25920 Kanis Road. The existing building is a two story structure and the
addition is proposed as single story. The building material will be a pre-fabricated,
single slope 30-foot by 60-foot addition with a steel frame, lean-to addition attached to
the north wall of the existing building in order to update the older facility. The interior
will house men/women restrooms, office and a meeting hall. The lodge uses the site
weekly for lodge meetings, occasional community meetings and lodge “family” socials.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 17 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8192
The western boundary of the site touches the western boundary of the City’s
Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. The area is very rural in nature with homes located on
acreage and a number of non-conforming businesses located in the area. Recently
the Commission approved a rezoning request to PD-C for Ed Muex Plumbing located
just to the east of this site. To the south of this site is a building containing a Volunteer
Fire Department and to the east of the site is a large non-residential building
containing an office for a contracting firm and a Pulaski County Sheriff’s Office
As of this writing, staff has received a number of informational phone calls from area
residents. All property owners located within 200-feet of the site and all residents
located within 300-feet of the site, who could be identified were notified of the public
hearing. There is not an active neighborhood association located in the area.
1. Kanis Road is classified on the Master Street Plan as a principal arterial.
Dedication of right-of-way to 55 feet from centerline will be required.
2. If any additional improvements or expansion are desired in the future beyond the
present conditions, construct one-half street improvement to Kanis Road including
5-foot sidewalks to Master Street Plan standards with the future planned
development. Future expansions will also require the off street parking to be
Wastewater: Outside the service boundary. No comment.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: Approved as submitted.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: Central Arkansas Water does not serve this area at this
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 17 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8192
Fire Department: The site is outside the City limits of the City of Little Rock and
outside the service boundary. Fire hydrants may be required. Contact the Little Rock
Fire Department for additional information.
County Planning: No comment received.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: This request is located in the Burlingame Valley Planning District.
The Land Use Plan shows Single Family for this property. The applicant has applied
for a rezoning from R-2 Single Family to a Planned Office Development for an
expansion of an existing site for a Masonic Lodge.
The request does not require a change to the Land Use Plan.
Master Street Plan: Kanis Road is shown as a Principal Arterial on the Master Street
Plan. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and may require street
improvements. The primary function of a Principal Arterial is to serve through traffic
and to connect major traffic generators or activity centers within urbanized areas.
Entrances and exits should be limited to minimize negative effects of traffic and
pedestrians on Kanis Road since it is a Principal Arterial.
Bicycle Plan: Existing or proposed Class I, II, or III Bikeways are not in the immediate
vicinity of the development.
City Recognized Neighborhood Action Plan: The property under review is not located
in an area covered by a City of Little Rock recognized neighborhood action plan.
Landscape: No comment.
The applicant was not present. Staff presented an overview of the proposed request
stating there were no technical issues associated with the site plan remaining
outstanding. Staff stated the site was an existing non-residential use located outside
the City limits but within the Extraterritorial Planning Jurisdiction. Staff stated the
request included a small addition to the rear of the structure to expand the existing
Masonic Lodge. Staff stated no other modifications were proposed to the existing
parking or landscaped areas. There was no further discussion of the item. The
Committee then forwarded the item to the full Commission for final action.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 17 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8192
There were no technical issues associated with the request raised at the March 22,
2007, Subdivision Committee meeting needing addressing. The request includes a
rezoning of the site from R-2, Single-family to PD-O to recognize an existing Masonic
Lodge. The existing building is a two story structure located outside the City Limits of
Little Rock but within the City’s Extraterritorial Planning Jurisdiction. The boundary of
the Extraterritorial Planning Jurisdiction is located along the western façade of the
building. The site is indicated as Single-family on the City’s Future Land Use Plan but
due to the nature of the use does not require a land use plan amendment.
The rezoning request is necessitated by the request for an addition to the existing
building. The addition is proposed as single story and the building material will be a
pre-fabricated, single slope 30-foot by 60-foot addition with a steel frame, lean to
addition attached to the north wall of the existing building. The addition is desired to
update the existing older facility. The interior of the addition area will house
men/women restrooms, office and a meeting hall. According to the applicant the lodge
uses the site weekly for lodge meetings, occasional community meetings and lodge
“family” socials.
The site is located just north of the area volunteer fire department and just west of a
Pulaski County Sheriff’s substation. According to the applicant, the fire department is
well aware of the proposed addition to the structure. The applicant has indicated a
new septic system will be installed with the new building construction.
Presently the parking is a strip of asphalt located along Kanis Road. The area can
park approximately 20 cars. Typically parking is required at one space per 100 square
feet of gross floor area. The existing building contains approximately 2,160 square
feet and the applicant is proposing an addition containing 1,800 square feet for a total
of 3,960 square feet of gross floor area upon completion. Typically 39 parking spaces
would be required to serve the site. According to the applicant, the lodge is a small
organization and the existing parking is more than adequate to serve the present site
and the additional area proposed. Staff is supportive of the allowance of the existing
parking serving the development as proposed. The applicant will dedicate the right of
way per the Master Street Plan. With the dedication the indicated parking will be
located within the newly acquired right of way. As noted in Public Works comments
should Kanis Road be widened the parking will be required to be relocated. At that
time of relocation staff recommends the applicant provide parking based on the need
of the lodge.
Staff is supportive of the proposed development. The site has historically been utilized
as a lodge facility and will continue to do so in the future. The applicant has indicated
the modifications are being requested to update the present facility. No new paving
areas are being proposed with the addition. Staff does not feel the rezoning of the site
from R-2, Single-family to PD-O for the Masonic Lodge will significantly impact the
area. To staff’s knowledge there are no outstanding issues associated with the
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 17 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8192
Staff recommends approval of the request subject to compliance with the comments
and conditions as outlined in paragraphs D, E and F of the above agenda staff report.
The applicant was present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff presented the
item with a recommendation of approval of the request subject to compliance with the
comments and conditions as outlined in paragraphs, D, E and F of the above agenda staff
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for placement of
the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a vote of 10 ayes, 0 noes
and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 18 FILE NO.: Z-8193
NAME: Rawls Short-form PCD
LOCATION: Located at 801 South Chester Street
C.E. Buddy Rawls
3700 Cantrell Road #904
Little Rock, AR 72202
McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc.
900 West Markham Street
Little Rock, AR 72201
AREA: 0.50 acres NUMBER OF LOTS: 1 zoning lot FT. NEW STREET: 0 LF
CURRENT ZONING: UU, Urban Use District
ALLOWED USES: Inside and Enclosed “permitted uses” as allowed in the
residential, office and commercial districts of Chapter 36 of
the Little Rock Code of Ordinances
PROPOSED USE: Auto sales outside, Pole signage and UU, Urban Use
District uses
The applicant is seeking a rezoning of this site from UU, Urban Use District to
PCD. The request is to allow additional signage, outdoor display of products and
inventory and the outdoor sales of automobiles. The property has served as an
automobile care center/service station for decades. Current hours of operation
are 7:30 am to 6:00 pm but will likely be expanded in the future.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 18 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8193
The applicant is seeking approval of a free standing sign, not to exceed 150
square feet in area and 35-feet in height, on an existing sign pole which is
located near the northwest corner of the property, within the right of way. The
sign could include the tenant’s name, fuel prices and associated services. An
alternative sign location has been indicated on the site plan in the event the first
location is concluded inappropriate or unworkable. The request includes the
temporary placement of a movable, ground-based fuel pricing sign until such
signage can be included on the free-standing pole sign.
Outdoor display is proposed for the site. The applicant is requesting the
placement of energy and transportation-related products and product displays
outside the confines of the building. In addition, the applicant is requesting the
utilization of the site for vehicle sales with total number of vehicles available for
sale not to exceed 20 vehicles.
There are no plans for any external changes to the building presently. The
applicant has indicated a small expansion area to the building on the north side
not to exceed 1,500 square feet to allow for unanticipated future expansion.
The site is a fuel station located on the corner of Chester and 8th Streets. The
area is a commercial/industrial area with a number of uses including office
warehouse, restaurant uses, a television station and the City of Little Rock
Central Fire Station. The Chester Street freeway exit ramp intersects Chester
Street at 8th Street across from the site. Adjacent to the site 8th Street is a one-
way street with west bound travel only. Chester Street is a four lane road, with
curb, gutter and sidewalks in place. Signage in the area is limited to building
As of this writing, staff has received a number of informational phone calls from
area residents. All property owners located within 200-feet of the site, all
residents located within 300-feet of the site, who could be identified, along with
the Downtown Neighborhood Association were notified of the public hearing.
1. Obtain a franchise agreement from Public Works (John Barr, 371-4646) for
the improvements located in the right-of-way.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 18 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8193
Wastewater: Sewer available to this property.
Entergy: No comment received.
Center-Point Energy: Approved as submitted.
AT & T: No comment received.
Central Arkansas Water: Contact Central Arkansas Water if larger and/or
additional water meter(s) are required.
Fire Department: Approved as submitted.
County Planning: No comment.
CATA: The site is not located on a dedicated CATA Bus Route.
Planning Division: This request is located in the Downtown Planning District.
The Land Use Plan shows Mixed Use Urban for this property. The applicant has
applied for a Planned Commercial Development to allow a pole sign and outdoor
auto sales from this site.
The request does not require a change to the Land Use Plan. Portions of this
application (outdoor display) do not conform to the standards of the Mixed Use
Urban district.
Master Street Plan: Chester Street is shown as a Minor Arterial on the Master
Street Plan. This street may require dedication of right-of-way and may require
street improvements. A Minor Arterial provides connections to and through an
urban area and their primary function is to provide short distance travel within the
urbanized area. Entrances and exits should be limited to minimize negative
effects of traffic and pedestrians on Chester Street since it is a Minor Arterial.
Bicycle Plan: Existing or proposed Class I, II, or III Bikeways are not in the
immediate vicinity of the development.
City Recognized Neighborhood Action Plan: The property under review is not
located in an area covered by a City of Little Rock recognized neighborhood
action plan.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 18 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8193
Landscape: No comment.
The applicant was not present. Staff presented an overview of the request. Staff
stated there were no technical issues associated with the site plan remaining
outstanding. Staff stated the request was to rezone the site to PCD to allow
outdoor sales of automobiles and the placement of a pole sign on the property.
Staff stated under the current UU zoning district these items were not allowable.
There was no further discussion of the item. The Committee then forwarded the
item to the full Commission for final action.
There were no technical issues raised at the March 22, 2007, Subdivision
Committee meeting which required addressing. The applicant is seeking a
rezoning of this site from UU, Urban Use District to PCD to allow additional
signage, outdoor display of products and inventory and the outdoor sales of
automobiles. The property has served as an automobile care center/service
station for decades.
The applicant is seeking approval of a free standing sign, not to exceed
150 square feet in area and 35-feet in height, on an existing sign pole which is
located near the northwest corner of the property, within the right of way. The
sign could include the tenant’s name, fuel prices and associated services. An
alternative sign location has been indicated on the site plan in the event the first
location is concluded inappropriate or unworkable. The request includes the
temporary placement of a movable, ground-based fuel pricing sign until such
signage can be included on the free-standing pole sign. Per the UU, Urban Use
District zoning classification off-premise, pole and monument signs are not
allowed. Otherwise, signage is allowed as permitted per Section 36-553, Signs
permitted in Institutional and Office zones. On the street level, the maximum
area of signage may be doubled if at least 50 percent of the street-level office
and retail space has direct access to the street.
Outdoor display is proposed for the site. The applicant is requesting the
placement of energy and transportation-related products and product displays
outside the confines of the building. In addition the applicant is requesting the
utilization of the site for vehicle sales with total number of vehicles available for
sale not to exceed 20 vehicles. Permitted uses in the UU, Urban Use District
include those allowed in the residential district, office district and commercial
district as permitted uses, except that all uses must be inside or enclosed.
Conditional uses include those allowed in the I-2, Light Industrial District as
permitted uses except that all uses must be inside or enclosed.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 18 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8193
There are no plans for any external changes to the building presently. The
applicant has indicated a small expansion area to the building on the north side
not to exceed 1,500 square feet to allow for unanticipated future expansion.
Staff is not supportive of the request for the pole signage. The UU, Urban Use
District was designed to assure the continuation of development consistent with a
traditional urban form. The urban use district is designed to help create a
compact, dense, distinguishable core area and is established in order to provide
for an urban form allowing mid-rise and high-rise structures. The district is to
provide for the office, civic and business core of the City. Structures within the
district are encouraged to provide multiple uses within the same structure and the
ground level or street level of the structure should include street oriented activity
and pedestrian amenities. The resulting area is to be pedestrian ‘urban’ oriented.
The Development Criteria addressed eleven (11) key elements with signage
being one of the elements. As noted above off-premise, pole and monument
signs are not allowed. Otherwise, signage is allowed as permitted per Section
36-553, Signs permitted in Institutional and Office zones. Staff feels the
ordinance should be adhered to related to the allowable signage since the district
is very limited on the specific issues the zoning district chooses to address.
With regard to the utilization of the site with outdoor activities, staff does not
support this aspect of the request either. The Use Regulations outline the
activities which can take place on UU, Urban Use District zoned sites. The only
allowable uses prohibited per the residential, commercial and office zones are
the uses which include outdoor activity. Staff does not feel the placement of
outdoor activities is appropriate for this site. The site is located at a key entrance
to the District. Staff does not feel this site is appropriate for outdoor activity uses.
Staff recommends denial of the request.
Mr. Buddy Rawls was present representing the request. There were registered
objectors present. Staff presented the item with a recommendation of denial.
Mr. Rawls addressed the Commission on the merits of his request. He stated he had
purchased the service station from the previous owner with the understanding the site
would maintain its commercial status. He stated he was unaware of staff’s concerns
with his application request until he received his copy of the staff recommendation in the
mail. He stated his business was being damaged by the lack of signage. He stated
without signage potential customers did not know the price of his fuel. He stated he
also needed the ability to place cars on the site to inform people of bio-fuels. He stated
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 18 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8193
he would be converting vehicles to use bio-fuels and needed the ability to sell the cars
once converted. He stated his interest was to protect the City and the site. He stated
he was a member of Keep Little Rock Beautiful. He stated he would not turn the site
into a used car lot. He stated his business was a green business and an
environmentally friendly business. He stated the Commission approved a Conditional
Use Permit for the site to allow the recycling of electronics. He stated this had not
turned out as he expected since few persons were interested in the recycling of
electronics at this time. He requested the Commission provide him with a level playing
field for his business to compete in the general market.
Ms. Ruth Bell addressed the Commission in opposition of the request. She stated the
League of Women Votes were supportive of environmental issues and were also
supportive of the zoning ordinance and adherence to the ordinances. She stated she
felt the cars were the main concern. She stated the sign could be acceptable but not
the outdoor activities.
Mr. Dickson Flake addressed the Commission in opposition of the request. He stated
the site was a service station for a number of years, which was an acceptable use. He
stated he was not supportive of allowing outdoor activities on the site and was not
supportive of the placement of a pole sign on the site. He stated he felt a monument or
pedestal sign would be acceptable. He stated the area was in transition changing to
office and office warehouse activities. He stated there were a number of audio visual
and graphic artist businesses located in the area. He stated there was no reason for a
30-foot sign at the service station location. He requested the Commission deny the
request as filed.
There was a general discussion concerning the activities of the site with the applicant.
The Commission questioned the total number of cars and the use of the site as a used
car lot. Mr. Rawls stated his intent was not a used car lot but to sell converted
automobiles from the site. He stated using advice provided by staff he looked to the
future and indicated a maximum of twenty cars. The Commission questioned Mr. Rawls
of his immediate plans. He indicated the immediate plans did not include 20 cars.
The Commission questioned access to the site. Mr. Rawls stated the only access was
from 8th Street which was westbound only. He stated the Highway Department
controlled the right of way along Chester Street and no curb cuts were allowed.
Mr. Rawls stated he placed the reasonable person analogy on his request and felt his
request was reasonable. He stated a service station would typically be allowed signage
for pricing, automobiles for sale and the display of automobile related products outside
the building.
The Commission questioned Mr. Rawls on the number of cars he felt he would place on
the site for sale. Mr. Rawls stated he needed to be able to conduct business in a legal
and profitable way. The Commission indicated this maybe his intent but they had to
look to the next owner when making their recommendation and approval.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 18 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8193
A motion was made to approve the request as filed. The motion failed by a vote of
0 ayes, 10 noes and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 19 FILE NO.: Z-8194
NAME: Hickory Heights Short-form PD-R
LOCATION: Located on Taylor Loop Road, just North of Hinson Road
Robert Holloway
The Holloway Firm
200 Casey Drive
Maumelle, AR 72113
Robert Holloway
The Holloway Firm
200 Casey Drive
Maumelle, AR 72113
CURRENT ZONING: R-2, Single-family
ALLOWED USES: Single-family Residential
PROPOSED USE: Single-family Residential - Patio Home Development
The applicant submitted a request dated March 21, 2007, requesting this item be
withdrawn from consideration without prejudice. Staff is supportive of the withdrawal
The applicant was not present. There were no registered objectors present. Staff
presented the item stating the applicant had submitted a request dated March 21, 2007,
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 19 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8194
requesting this item be withdrawn from consideration without prejudice. Staff stated
they were supportive of the withdrawal request.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for withdrawal. The motion carried by a
vote of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 20 FILE NO.: Z-5096-C
NAME: Brodie Creek Long-form Revocation
LOCATION: Located South of Kanis Road and East of Kirby Road
Rocket Properties, Inc.
2024 Arkansas Valley Drive
Little Rock, AR 72212
White Daters and Associates
24 Rahling Road
Little Rock, AR 72223
AREA: 48.0 acres NUMBER OF LOTS: 1 zoning lot FT. NEW STREET: 0 LF
ALLOWED USES: Single-family, Commercial and Recreational
PROPOSED ZONING: R-2, Single-family
PROPOSED USE: Single-family residential
Ordinance No. 16,908 adopted by the Little Rock Board of Directors on June 20, 1995,
established the Brodie Creek Conceptual PRD rezoning 700+ acres from R-2, Single-
family to PRD. The conceptual plan included a comprehensive plan establishing areas
for residential, commercial and recreational uses. Ordinance No. 16,910 adopted by
the Little Rock Board of Directors on July 3, 2001, added an additional 75 acres to the
approved site plan. Only a portion of the approved development plan was constructed,
near Bowman Road. Since that time two revocation actions have occurred on portions
of the approved PRD zoned area. Ordinance No. 18,518 revoked the previously
identified Phase 4 PRD zoning restoring the R-2 Single-family zoning classification and
Ordinance No. 19,012 revoked the PRD zoning classification for the southern portion of
the PRD zoned area (Near Saw Grass Drive). Presently there are two areas remaining
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 20 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5096-C
zoned PRD. The first is an area located near Kanis Road containing approximately
48 acres and the second located near the Olds Road area containing 300 acres.
Per Section 36-458(a) Cause for revocation as enforcement action. The
Planning Commission may recommend to the Board of Directors that any PUD or
PD approval be revoked and all building permits or certificates of occupancy be
voided under the following circumstances: (1) The applicant has not submitted a
final development plan to staff. Where a staged development plan is approved
the Board of Directors may revoke the entire preliminary plan or may revoke only
that stage on which a final plan has not been submitted and approved.
(2) Construction has not commenced within the time allowed. (3) The applicant
has not adhered to the development schedule as stated in the approved
preliminary plan.
In addition, to the revocation for cause, Section 36-454(e) final development plan
states the applicant shall have three years from the date of passage of the
ordinance approving the preliminary approval to submit the final development
plan. Request for extensions of time shall be submitted in writing to the Planning
Commission which may grant one extension of not more than two years. Failure
of the applicant to file a timely extension shall be cause for revocation of the PUD
as provided in the ordinance.
Per the ordinance requirement of the procedure for revocation, staff has
contacted the applicant indicating the default of approval and setting a time to
appear before the Planning Commission to show cause why steps should not be
made to totally or partially revoke the PD zoning classification. According to the
ordinance, the Planning Commission shall provide a recommendation which shall
be forwarded to the Board of Directors for disposition as in the original approval.
The site is a wooded site located south of Kanis Road at the intersection with
Kirby Road. The western boundary of the PRD is the City limits. The area
appears to be relatively flat. A branch of the Panther Creek is located along the
southern boundary of the PRD. To the east of the site are single-family homes,
both attached and detached, being constructed in a newly developing
subdivision, Taylor Park. Further east are residences located along White Road.
To the north of the site are also single-family homes located on large lots and
acreage. West of the site is vacant land currently zoned R-2, single-family. At
the intersection of Kanis and Kirby Roads is a site zoned C-1, Neighborhood
Commercial and further north is a site zoned PR-R approved for the development
of attached single-family homes.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 20 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-5096-C
As of this writing, staff has received a number of informational phone calls from
area residents. All property owners located within 200-feet of the site, all
residents located within 300-feet of the site, who could be identified, along with
the Parkway Place Property Owners Association, the Gibralter Height/Point
West/Timber Ridge Neighborhood Association and the Spring Valley Manor
Property Owners Association were notified of the public hearing.
Staff feels the approval should be voided since the applicant has failed to satisfy
the requirements of the approval process. Staff recommends the current PRD
zoning classification be revoked and the previously held R-2, Single-family
zoning District be restored.
The applicant was present representing the request. There were no registered
objectors present. Staff presented the item stating they felt the approval should be
voided since the applicant had failed to satisfy the requirements of the approval
process. Staff presented a recommendation the current PRD zoning classification be
revoked and the previously held R-2, Single-family Zoning District be restored.
There was no further discussion of the item. The chair entertained a motion for
placement of the item on the consent agenda for approval. The motion carried by a vote
of 10 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 21
Name: Little Rock Parks and Recreation
Master Plan Presentation – Arkansas Game and Fish Nature
Location: Riverfront Park/602 President Clinton Avenue
Owner/Applicant: City of Little Rock Department of Parks and Recreation
Proposal: Staff presentation of the proposal to construct a Game and Fish
Commission Nature Center in the PR Parks and Recreation Zoned
Riverfront Park
In the 2001 Master Parks Plan, Riverfront Park is identified as one of five signature
facility parks proposed along the three trail loop system. It is where Little Rock
embraces the Arkansas River with a range of recreational and leisure venues. It is
home to the Riverfest Amphitheatre, Adventure Playground, Medical Mile, Belvedere
and more.
Within Riverfront Park, the Witt Stephens, Jr., Nature Center, a Game and Fish
Commission facility, is proposed just east of the Riverfest Amphitheatre between
Museum of Discovery and the Arkansas River. The location offers opportunities for the
nature center programs to utilize features within the park, along the river and among
organizations with shared goals. All of which build upon the synergy of the area.
The Nature Center is divided into two portions, the exhibit building and the
administrative building. The exhibit building will contain an open exhibit hall, an
immersion theater and a 40’ long aquarium. Each of these will outline the history,
geography and diversity of Arkansas’ natural heritage. The administrative building will
contain offices and a break room for staff, a classroom for Arkansas Game and Fish
Commission programs and storage for outdoor recreation equipment.
The Nature Center is bisected on the site by a view corridor and access bridge from
President Clinton Avenue, forming a plaza. This sectioning of the building literally
divides the two uses of the building into separate, but interconnected structures. On the
west of the plaza is the Exhibit building, and on the east is the Administration building.
Entry to both buildings is provided from the central plaza. For handicapped accessible
access from President Clinton Avenue, an outdoor elevator has been provided at the
northern edge of the bridge, down to the plaza level. The exhibit building is 11,500
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 21 (Cont.)
square feet and the east, administrative building is 4,700 square feet, providing a total
of 16,200 square feet of enclosed, heated space.
The building’s typical hours of operation will be 8am-5pm Monday through Saturday.
On Saturday, there will be exhibit staff and visiting naturalists providing an educational
service to the exhibit’s attendees.
Stephens Nature Center answers the recognition in the 2001 Master Parks Plan that
Little Rock Parks and Recreation needs the support from both private and public
domains to help reach its vision to create a city in a park. The nature center addresses
its goals and objectives, as well. Namely, it provides educational and ecological
benefits, serves all user and age groups and provides a complimentary facility and
programs within the context of the city and park.
According to Section 36-322 of the City’s Zoning Ordinance (Development Criteria for
PR zoned property), the Planning Commission is required to review development plans
for projects in the PR zoning district as follows:
“The city departments of Planning and Development, Parks and Recreation and Public
Works shall present any plans for the development of a property within the PR park and
recreation district to the Planning Commission at a public meeting and shall
demonstrate that the proposed development, or redevelopment, plans are consistent
with the goals expressed in the Little Rock Parks and Recreation Master Plan. This
presentation is for information purposes only, and no formal action is required unless a
majority of the members of the Planning Commission vote to approve a motion that
a. That the city staff is in error; and
b. The proposed plan is totally inconsistent with goals and vision of the Little
Rock Parks and Recreation Master Plan; and
c. That the City Board of Directors should review the presented plan to
determine if it is consistent with the Little Rock Parks and Recreation Master
Plan; and
d. If such an affirmative vote is taken, provides to the City Board of Directors a
written list of the reasons that a majority of the members of the Planning
commission believe that the proposal is inconsistent with the Little Rock
Parks and Recreation Master Plan.”
It is staff’s opinion that the proposed Stephens Nature Center is consistent with the
goals expressed in the Little Rock Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
April 12, 2007
ITEM NO.: 21 (Cont.)
Representative of the Cromwell Firm and Mr. Mark Webre of the Park and Recreation
Department, presented the Master Plan to the Commission. There was a brief
discussion of the new Arkansas Game and Fish Nature Center. The Commission
determine the proposal as presented was consistent with the Parks Master Plan. No
further action was taken.