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pc_09 22 2011
LITTLE ROCK PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING – REZONING – CONDITIONAL USE HEARING MINUTE RECORD SEPTEMBER 22, 2011 4:00 P.M. I. Roll Call and Finding of a Quorum A Quorum was present being nine (9) in number. II. Members Present: William Changose Janet Dillon J. T. Ferstl Rebecca Finney Keith Fountain Dan Harpool Troy Laha Obray Nunnley, Jr. Amy Pierce Members Absent: Tom Brock Bill Rector City Attorney: Cindy Dawson III. Approval of the Minutes of the August 11, 2011 Meeting of the Little Rock Planning Commission. The Minutes were approved as presented. LITTLE ROCK PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING – REZONING – CONDITIONAL USE HEARING SEPTEMBER 22, 2011 4:00 P.M. I. OLD BUSINESS: Item Number: File Number: Title: A. Z-6696-A Macedonia Baptist Church – Revised Conditional Use Permit 1723 East 3rd Street II. NEW BUSINESS: Item Number: File Number: Title: 1. Z-1791-E Rezoning from MF-12 to R-2 Beau Vue Drive at Beau Vue Terrace 2. Z-3371-JJ Rezoning from C-3 and C-3 (with conditions) to C-4 Colonel Glenn Plaza Loop, west and south of Colonel Glenn Plaza Drive 3. Z-6999-A Gray Plaza Beauty Salon – Revised Conditional Use Permit 4310 John Barrow Road 4. Z-8692 Pinnacle Valley Road and Beck Road Indoor Tennis Facility – Conditional Use Permit Northeast corner of Pinnacle Valley Road and Beck Road; 8601 Pinnacle Valley 5. Z-8693 Pinnacle Valley Road and Sweetwater Cove Indoor Tennis Facility – Conditional Use Permit Northeast corner of Pinnacle Valley Road and Sweetwater Cove; 6901 Pinnacle Valley 1 t�f� ' -- CD 1 C\l w N2 -� 1 TERSTATE 53 �f5 �blSb34N7 +- t S7. tApyO 3 0 Li9`S .� +4p. w K w 1_ti (: Z > � Anoaaooms3 1 pRGN 5T mill z i • 'I wt. I?•ldg.. gnae xarvd 0diva' •q � / '�..r: 2 v,l.lr5a3n1T1nS x j •.! Oli SS7NIkfdS i13A3`3 'ti 1 �..l a � � m t r VJ 1S ,ddISS95SIYlM ate. F 0 m Od 105040 L7a tA[iJ1b35321 MOMays WHO � J • � 1 �t[r�' II _ as sraays j. _ .R y A w 1 z -F-- x ©fA 31bL3aB1P4! w J ¢ , 1 •+ z oa �noa s . a �� ' _ � �, �, � a�. � � as 36o,a tiLn 1 AN W r• � .. Ard 0 � � y w Z . IR 1 / `6 08 NVNllnS O w ' �tI1H'4N�31S N I..j F..1 1 Hsatiw . 0 r• DOE AVMHZ)4H (a SNtJvds a H-0 37 VcNm33 September 22, 2011 ITEM NO.: A FILE NO.: Z-6696-A NAME: Macedonia Baptist Church – Revised Conditional Use Permit LOCATION: 1723 East 3rd Street OWNER/APPLICANT: Macedonia Baptist Church/Ron Woods, Architect PROPOSAL: A conditional use permit is requested to allow for construction of a fellowship hall and classroom building on this existing, R-4 zoned church site. 1. SITE LOCATION: The existing church is located at the southwest corner of East 3rd and Bender Streets. The new building is to be located south of the existing church, at the northwest corner of East 4th and Bender Streets. 2. COMPATIBILITY WITH NEIGHBORHOOD: The church has been at this site for many years. The neighborhood around the site has been losing population and there has been a reduction in the number of homes. The area does contain a mixture of residential, institutional and industrial uses. Allowing the addition of the proposed fellowship hall and classroom building will not affect the church’s compatibility with the neighborhood. Notice of the public hearing was sent to all owners of properties located within 200 feet of the site, all residents within 300 feet who could be identified and the East Little Rock Neighborhood Association. 3. ON SITE DRIVES AND PARKING: For churches built prior to 1988, the parking requirement is one space for every five (5) seats in the main worship area. This church seats 200 persons. There is no on-site parking. Parking occurs along Bender; East 3rd and East 4th Streets as well as on a small parking lot located across Bender Street. No increase in parking is required since no change in the sanctuary or its seating is proposed. A small, paved drop-off area is located at the front of the church, bisecting the corner of the property from East 3rd to Bender Streets. September 22, 2011 ITEM NO.: A (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6696-A 2 4. SCREENING AND BUFFERS: Site plan must comply with the City’s landscape and buffer ordinance requirements. No new parking is being proposed with this addition; therefore, no additional landscaping is required at this time. Street trees are both highly encouraged and appreciated. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing trees as feasible on this site. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape Ordinance requirements can be given when properly preserving trees of six (6) inch caliper or larger. 5. PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: 1. A twenty (20) foot radial dedication of right-of-way is required at the intersection of E. 3rd Street and Bender Street. 2. A twenty (20) foot radial dedication of right-of-way is required at the intersection of E. 4th Street and Bender Street. 3. Obtain a franchise agreement from Public Works (Bennie Nicolo, 371-4818) for the private improvements located in the right-of-way. 6. UTILITY, FIRE DEPT. AND CATA COMMENTS: Wastewater: Sewer available to this project. Entergy: Approved as submitted. Centerpoint Energy: No comments received. AT&T (SBC): No comments received. Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at the time of request for water service must be met. The Little Rock Fire Department needs to evaluate this site to determine whether additional public and/or private fire hydrant(s) will be required. If additional fire hydrant(s) are required, they will be installed at the Developer’s expense. Please submit plans for water facilities and/or fire protection system to Central Arkansas Water for review. Plan revisions may be required after September 22, 2011 ITEM NO.: A (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6696-A 3 additional review. Contact Central Arkansas Water regarding procedures for installation of water facilities and/or fire service. Approval of plans by the Arkansas Department of Health Engineering Division and Little Rock Fire Department is required. Contact Central Arkansas Water regarding the size and location of the water meter. Due to the nature of this facility, installation of an approved reduced pressure zone backflow preventer assembly (RPZ) is required on the domestic water service. This assembly must be installed prior to the first point of use. Central Arkansas Water (CAW) requires that upon installation of the PRZA, successful tests of the assembly must be completed by a Certified Assembly Tester licensed by the State of Arkansas and approved by CAW. The test results must be sent to CAW’s Cross Connection Section within ten (10) days of installation and annually thereafter. Contact the Cross Connection Section at 377-1226 if you would like to discuss backflow prevention requirements for this project. Fire Department: Maintain at least twenty (20) foot wide access. Contact Fire Marshall at 490-1594 with any questions. County Planning: No Comments. CATA: The site is not located on a CATA bus route. SUBDIVISION COMMITTEE COMMENT: (JULY 21, 2011) Ron Woods and Rev. Thornton were present, representing the application. Staff briefly described the proposed church expansion project. Staff noted that some additional information was needed on the project. The existing parking situation was discussed. Rev. Thornton explained that the church owned other lots in the area where church members parked. He also noted that on-street parking was utilized. The applicant noted that all additional information would be submitted to staff. The Public Works requirements were discussed. It was noted that a 20-foot radial dedication of right-of-way was required at the northeast and southeast corners of the property. Staff noted that no additional landscaping was required with the proposed project, but the planting of street trees was encouraged. September 22, 2011 ITEM NO.: A (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6696-A 4 After the discussion, the Committee forwarded the application to the full Commission for final action. STAFF ANALYSIS: Macedonia Baptist Church is located on the R-4 zoned property at 1723 East 3rd Street. The church’s property consists of six lots located west of Bender Street, from East 3rd to East 4th Streets. The existing sanctuary is located at the southwest corner of 3rd and Bender. The remainder of the property is vacant. In 1999, a C.U.P. was approved to allow for construction of a new sanctuary and a parking lot. That development never occurred and the C.U.P. has expired. The church is now requesting approval of a C.U.P. to allow for construction of a fellowship hall and classroom building to be located south of the church building. The new building will face onto East 4th Street. No change is proposed to the existing sanctuary building. The new, one-story, 5,705 square feet building will contain church offices, classrooms, restrooms, a kitchen and a fellowship hall. An awning will cover the ramp connecting the two buildings. The building will have an exterior of brick and EIFS with a pitched, standing seam metal roof. Building height will be 14 feet to the eave line; 28 feet to the ridge. Signage will consist of wall signage on the front (south) façade of the new building. Lighting will be building-mounted lighting only. No new fencing is proposed. The dumpster and screening have been located adjacent to the existing church. A new, concrete driveway will provide access to the dumpster. No other use such as day care or private school is proposed. To staff’s knowledge, there are no outstanding issues. No bill of assurance for Garland’s Addition was found. It is likely that the bill of assurance does not address use issues, based on the age of the subdivision. The new building is to maintain the existing side yard setback of 5 feet along Bender Street. Due to the width of the church property, the 5-foot setback is a variance from the zoning ordinance requirement of 8 feet. Staff supports the proposed variance. Since no change is being made to the seating capacity of the sanctuary, no new parking is required. Staff would encourage the church to pursue construction of on-site parking at some point. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the requested C.U.P. subject to compliance with the comments and conditions outlined in Sections 4, 5 and 6 of the agenda staff report. September 22, 2011 ITEM NO.: A (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6696-A 5 Staff recommends approval of a setback variance to allow a 5-foot side yard setback on the Bender Street side. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: (AUGUST 11, 2011) The applicant was present. There were no objectors present. Staff informed the Commission that the applicant had not correctly followed the notification procedure and the item needed to be deferred to the September 22, 2011 meeting. There was no further discussion. The item was placed on the consent agenda and deferred to September 22, 2011 by a vote of 9 ayes, 0 noes and 2 absent. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: (SEPTEMBER 22, 2011) The applicant was present. There were no objectors present. Staff presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff recommendation” above. There was no further discussion. The item was placed on the consent agenda and approved as recommended by staff, including all staff comments and conditions. The vote was 9 ayes, 0 noes and 2 absent. September 22, 2011 ITEM NO.: 1 FILE NO.: Z-1791-E Owner: Beau Vue Estates, LLC Applicant: Ken Shollmier/Robert D. Holloway Location: Beau Vue Drive at Beau Vue Terrace Area: 34.103 Acres Request: Rezone from MF-12 to R-2 Purpose: Single family residential Existing Use: Undeveloped SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING North – Beau Vue Estates Subdivision; zoned R-2 South – Single family residential and mixed office/commercial use; zoned R-2, PD-O, MF-12 and PCD East – Single family residential; zoned R-2 West – Beau Vue Estates Subdivision; zoned R-2 A. PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: No Comments. B. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT: The site is not located on a CATA bus route. C. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION: All owners of property located within 200 feet of the site, all residents within 300 feet who could be identified, and the Pinnacle Valley, Walton Heights – Candlewood and Coalition of West Little Rock Neighborhoods Neighborhood Associations were notified of the public hearing. D. LAND USE ELEMENT: This request is located in the River Mountain Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows Residential Low Density for this property. Residential Low Density September 22, 2011 ITEM NO.: 1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-1791-E 2 provides for single family homes at densities not to exceed six dwelling units per acre. The applicant has applied for a rezoning from MF-12 Multifamily District to R-2 Single Family District. Master Street Plan: Beau Vue Drive and Beau Vue Terrace are shown as Local Streets. The primary function of a Local Street is to provide access to adjacent properties. Local Streets which are abutted by non-residential zoning/use or more intensive zoning than duplexes are considered as “Commercial Streets”. These streets have a design standard the same as a Collector. Bicycle Plan: There are no bike routes shown in the immediate vicinity. E. STAFF ANALYSIS: Beau Vue Estates, LLC, owner of the 34.103 acre property located along the south side of Beau Vue Drive at Beau Vue Terrace, is requesting to rezone the property from “MF-12” Multifamily District to “R-2” Single Family District. The rezoning is proposed to allow further single family residential development within the subdivision. Beau Vue Estates is a single family subdivision comprised of lots over five (5) acres in size. A private street system serves the subdivision. There is a gated entrance from Pinnacle Valley Road at the west end of the subdivision. The 34.103 acre property proposed for rezoning is part of the southeast section of the subdivision. The property is mostly wooded with varying degrees of slope. The majority of the property is at a higher elevation than the properties to the south. There is one (1) single family residence within the north portion of the area of rezoning. Other portions of the Beau Vue Subdivision are located north and east of the area in question. Single family residences along Pinnacle Valley Road are located to the west and southwest. A mixture of residential, office and commercial uses is located to the south along Pinnacle Valley Road and Cantrell Road. The City’s Future Land Use Plan designates this property as Residential Low Density. The requested zoning change to R-2 does not require a change to the Land Use Plan. September 22, 2011 ITEM NO.: 1 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-1791-E 3 Staff is supportive of the requested R-2 rezoning. Staff views the re quest as reasonable. The 34.103 acres proposed to be rezone is part of the Beau Vue Subdivision, a single family development. There is an existing single family residence on one (1) of the lots within the north portion of the rezoning area. The proposed rezoning represents a “clean-up” type issue, as the area has been proposed/intended for single family development for several years. Staff believes the proposed rezoning will represent a continuation of the land use pattern within this subdivision and should have no adverse impact on the adjacent properties or the general area. F. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the requested R-2 rezoning. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: (SEPTEMBER 22, 2011) The applicant was present. There were no objectors present. Staff presented the item and a recommendation of approval. There was no further discussion. The item was placed on the Consent Agenda and approved as recommended by staff. The vote was 9 ayes, 0 noes and 2 absent. September 22, 2011 ITEM NO.: 2 FILE NO.: Z-3371-JJ Owner: Glenn Ridge Crossings, LLC and Glenn Ridge Crossings II, LLC Applicant: Robert D. Holloway Location: Along Colonel Glenn Plaza Loop, west and south of Colonel Glenn Plaza Drive Area: 21.49 Acres Request: Rezone from C-3 and C-3 (with conditions) to C-4 and C-4 (with conditions) Purpose: Auto Sales Existing Use: Undeveloped SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING North – Undeveloped property, Rave Theatre and auto sales developments; zoned C-3, PCD and C-4 South – Undeveloped property; zoned R-2 East – Playtime Pizza and undeveloped property (across I-430); zoned C-3 and R-2 West – J. A. Fair High School and undeveloped property; zoned R-2 and C-3 A. PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: No Comments. B. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT: The site is not located on a CATA bus route. C. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION: All owners of property located within 200 feet of the site, all residents within 300 feet who could be identified, and the SWLR United for Progress and John Barrow Neighborhood Associations were notified of the public hearing. September 22, 2011 ITEM NO.: 2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-3371-JJ 2 D. LAND USE ELEMENT: This request is located in the I-430 Planning District. The Land Use Plan shows Commercial for this property. The commercial category includes a broad range of retail and wholesale sales of products, personal and professional services, and general business activities. Commercial activities vary in type and scale, depending on the trade area that they serve. The applicant has applied for a rezoning from C-3 General Commercial District to C-4 Open Display District. Master Street Plan: Colonel Glenn Plaza Loop is a Local Street. The primary function of a Local Street is to provide access to adjacent properties. Local Streets which are abutted by non-residential zoning/use or more intensive zoning than duplexes are considered as “Commercial Streets”. These streets have a design standard the same as a Collector. These streets may require dedication of right-of-way and may require street improvements for entrances and exists to the site. Bicycle Plan: There are no bike routes shown in the immediate vicinity. E. STAFF ANALYSIS: Glenn Ridge Crossings, LLC and Glenn Ridge Crossings II, LLC, owners of the 21.49 acres located along Colonel Glenn Plaza Loop, west and south of Colonel Glenn Plaza Drive, are requesting to rezone the property from “C-3” General Commercial District and “C-3” (with conditions) to “C-4” Open Display District and C-4 (with conditions). The rezoning is proposed to allow future automobile display, sales and service developments. The property proposed for rezoning is as follows (refer to area zoning map for tract numbers): • Tract 1 – 2.023 acres located along the east side of Colonel Glenn Plaza Loop, south of Colonel Glenn Plaza Drive. The property is currently undeveloped. Some site work has taken place within the west half of the property in preparation for future development. There are existing trees within the east half of the property. • Tract 2 – 19.47 acres located along the west side of Colonel Glenn Plaza Loop, west of Colonel Glenn Plaza Drive. The property is currently undeveloped, with varying degrees of slope. The property is partially tree covered. Some site work has taken place within the southeast and north portions of the property in preparation for future development. September 22, 2011 ITEM NO.: 2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-3371-JJ 3 On October 21, 2003 Tract 1 was rezoned (Ordinance 18,966), along with the properties immediately north, south and west, to C-3 (53.24 Acres total). In addition to zoning the south 50 feet and west 50 feet of the overall tract to “OS” Open Space, the following conditions were placed on the overall property, which includes the Tract 1 proposed area of rezoning: • The east 50 feet of the property will be a landscape buffer, with all trees having a caliper of four (4) inches or greater being preserved. • A tree survey of the east 50 feet of the property must be submitted to staff prior to any permits being issued for development. On April 5, 2005 the 8.793 acres to the north of Tract 1, which includes an auto dealership, was rezoned to C-4, with the following conditions: • The east 50 feet of the property will be a landscape buffer, with all trees having a caliper of four (4) inches or greater being preserved. • A tree survey of the east 50 feet of the property must be submitted to staff prior to any permits being issued for development. • The only permitted use of the property will be automobile display, sales and service. On August 11, 2011 the Planning Commission recommended approval of a rezoning from “C-3” and “C-4” (with conditions) to “C-4” (with conditions) for the 2.023 acre property immediately north of Tract 1. The rezoning contained the same conditions as noted above. This rezoning is currently pending before the Board of Directors. The general area contains a mixture of uses and zoning. An auto dealership is located immediately to the north of Tract 1. An undeveloped parcel and the Playtime Pizza development are located to the south. Undeveloped PCD zoned property is located across Colonel Glenn Plaza Loop to the west of Tract 1. Undeveloped R-2 zoned property is located across I-430 to the east. Undeveloped R-2 zoned property is located immediately south of Tract 2, with the J.A. Fair High School campus to the west. The Rave Theatre development is located to the north. The City’s Future Land Use Plan designates this property as Commercial. The requested zoning change to C-4 does not require a change to the Land Use Plan. September 22, 2011 ITEM NO.: 2 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-3371-JJ 4 Staff is supportive of the requested C-4 rezoning, maintaining the same conditions for Tract 1 as with the previously approved C-3 rezoning. Staff views the request as reasonable. There are several other auto dealerships located on C-4 zoned property to the north, within this overall subdivision south of Colonel Glenn Road. Staff believes the proposed rezoning will represent a continuation of the land use pattern within this subdivision and should have no adverse impact on the adjacent properties or the general area. F. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the requested C-4 rezoning, subject to the following conditions for Tract 1 only: • The east 50 feet of the property will be a landscape buffer, with all trees having a caliper of four (4) inches or greater being preserved. • A tree survey of the east 50 feet of the property must be submitted to staff prior to any permits being issued for development. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: (SEPTEMBER 22, 2011) The applicant was present. There were no objectors present. Staff presented the item and a recommendation of approval. There was no further discussion. The item was placed on the Consent Agenda and approved as recommended by staff. The vote was 9 ayes, 0 noes and 2 absent. September 22, 2011 ITEM NO.: 3 FILE NO.: Z-6999-A NAME: Gray Plaza Beauty Salon – Revised Conditional Use Permit LOCATION: 4310 John Barrow Road OWNER/APPLICANT: Andress Flanigan-Gray PROPOSAL: A revision to the previously approved conditional use permit is requested to allow for a small expansion of the beauty salon located on this O-3 zoned property. 1. SITE LOCATION: The site is located on the west side of John Barrow Road, between West 42nd and West 44th Streets. 2. COMPATIBILITY WITH NEIGHBORHOOD: The beauty salon has been open about seven years. The property is located in an area of mixed zoning and uses. The PCD zoned property to the north contains a church and a City alert center. Vacant, R-2 zoned lots are adjacent to the west and south. A vacant office building is located on an O-1 zoned lot across Barrow Road. Sober Living, a substance abuse treatment facility, is located on O-3 zoned property across Barrow. Single family residences are located in the larger area around the site. The small addition to the beauty salon should have no effect on neighboring properties. Notice of the public hearing was sent to all owners of properties located within 200 feet of the site, all residents within 300 feet who could be identified and the John Barrow Neighborhood Association. 3. ON SITE DRIVES AND PARKING: The site contains a 20-space, concrete parking lot with a single driveway onto John Barrow Road. No changes are proposed. The building contains 1,800 square feet of which 900 square feet is occupied by an office user and 900 square feet is occupied by the salon. The applicant proposes a 12’ X 12’ (144 square foot) addition to the salon bringing its total square footage up to 1,044 square feet. The site requires seven (7) parking spaces; five (5) spaces for the salon and two (2) for the office use. September 22, 2011 ITEM NO.: 3 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6999-A 2 4. SCREENING AND BUFFERS: The applicant was required under the initial C.U.P. to install a six (6) foot privacy fence along the south and west perimeters of the parking lot. That fence is in place. All landscape materials are to be in good shape or replaced as needed. 5. PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: 1. John Barrow Road is classified on the Master Street Plan as a minor arterial. A dedication of right-of-way forty-five (45) feet from centerline will be required. 6. UTILITY, FIRE DEPT. AND CATA COMMENTS: Wastewater: Sewer available to this project. Entergy: No comments received. Centerpoint Energy: No comments received. AT&T (SBC): No comments received. Water: Contact Central Arkansas Water regarding the size and location of the water meter. A Capital Investment Charge based on the size of meter connection(s) will apply to this project in addition to normal charges. This fee will apply to all connections including metered connections off the private fire system. Due to the nature of this facility, installation of an approved reduced pressure zone backflow preventer assembly (RPZ) is required on the domestic water service. This assembly must be installed prior to the first point of use. Central Arkansas Water (CAW) requires that upon installation of the RPZA, successful tests of the assembly must be completed by a Certified Assembly Tester licensed by the State of Arkansas and approved by CAW. The test results must be sent to CAW’s Cross Connection Section within ten (10) days of installation and annually thereafter. Contact the Cross Connection Section at 377-1226 if you would like to discuss backflow prevention requirements for this project. Fire Department: Maintain access. Provide fire hydrant per Code. Contact Fire Marshall at 490-1594 with any questions. September 22, 2011 ITEM NO.: 3 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6999-A 3 County Planning: No Comments. CATA: The site is not located on a CATA bus route. Building Codes Comments: The required fire separation distance (building to property line) prescribed by the building code terminates at five (5) feet. Buildings are allowed to be closer than five (5) feet if they have properly constructed fire walls which provide the requisite one (1) hour fire resistance rating. When buildings are five (5) feet or more from the property line, the requirement no longer applies to the wall itself, only the projections such as eaves or overhangs. Openings such as doors and windows are limited when the exterior wall is three (3) feet from the property line, and are prohibited when the exterior wall is less than three (3) feet from the line. There is no restriction on openings when the exterior wall is more than three (3) feet from the property line. Contact the City of Little Rock Building Codes at 371-4832 for additional details. SUBDIVISION COMMITTEE COMMENT: (SEPTEMBER 1, 2011) The applicant was present. Staff presented the item and noted additional information was needed regarding days and hours of operation and the total number of chairs – work stations in the salon. In response to a question, the applicant stated the salon occupied half of the building and an office use occupied the other half. She stated no changes would be made to signage and no dumpster was proposed. Public Works and Landscape Comments were noted. The applicant stated she thought right-of-way had been dedicated since the building was only about 7 years old. She was advised to have her surveyor confirm that since the survey did not indicate full right-of-way being in place. Comments from other reviewing agencies were noted. The applicant was advised to contact those agencies with any questions. The Committee determined there were no other issues. The applicant was advised to respond to staff issues by Wednesday, September 7, 2011. The Committee forwarded the item to the full Commission. September 22, 2011 ITEM NO.: 3 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6999-A 4 STAFF ANALYSIS: On May 3, 2001, the Commission approved a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of a 1,200 square foot building on this site for an 8-chair beauty salon. The applicant subsequently requested, and was approved, to build an 1,800 square foot building with the beauty salon occupying 900 square feet and an allowable O-3 Office use occupying the remaining 900 square feet. The building was constructed in 2004. A 20-space, concrete paved parking lot was constructed adjacent to the building. The applicant is proposing to construct a 12’ X 12’ addition onto the rear of the beauty salon half of the building. The number of chairs – workstations is to be increased from 8 to 10. Days and hours of operation are proposed as 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. The previously approved operating hours were 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday. The expansion will increase the beauty salon area to 1,044 square feet, still less than the prior approval of 1,200 square feet. An allowable O-3 use will continue to occupy the remaining 900 square feet of the building. No changes are proposed in signage or fencing. No dumpster is proposed. The addition will result in a rear yard setback of 3 feet. The Code requires a rear yard setback of 15 feet in the O-3 district. Staff is supportive of this variance. The 12-foot width of the addition represents a small portion of the overall 144-foot width of the property. A 10-foot wide alley right-of-way separates this property from the property to the east. The applicant also owns the vacant lot to the east, beyond the alley. Due to the change in terrain and the amount of vegetation along the rear of the site, the applicant’s one story addition should have no impact on the adjacent property. The bill of assurance for John Barrow Addition does not address use issues. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the revised conditional use permit subject to compliance with the comments and conditions outlined in Sections 4, 5 and 6 of the agenda staff report. Staff recommends approval of the requested rear yard setback variance. September 22, 2011 ITEM NO.: 3 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-6999-A 5 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: (SEPTEMBER 22, 2011) The applicant was present. There were no objectors present. Staff presented the item and a recommendation of approval as outlined in the “staff recommendation” above. There was no further discussion. The item was placed on the consent agenda and approved as recommended by staff, including all staff comments and conditions. The vote was 9 ayes, 0 noes and 2 absent. September 22, 2011 ITEM NO.: 4 FILE NO.: Z-8692 NAME: Pinnacle Valley Road and Beck Road Indoor Tennis Facility – Conditional Use Permit LOCATION: Northeast corner of Pinnacle Valley Road and Beck Road; 8601 Pinnacle Valley Road OWNER/APPLICANT: Greg Hatcher/White-Daters PROPOSAL: A conditional use permit is requested to allow for the construction of a private, indoor tennis facility on this R-2 zoned property. STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION: On September 1, 2011, the applicant requested that this item be withdrawn. Staff recommends approval of the withdrawal request. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: (SEPTEMBER 22, 2011) The applicant was not present. There were no objectors present. Staff informed the commission that, on September 1, 2011, the applicant had requested withdrawal of the item. Staff recommended approval of the withdrawal request. There was no further discussion. The item was placed on the consent agenda and withdrawn by a vote of 9 ayes, 0 noes and 2 absent. September 22, 2011 ITEM NO.: 5 FILE NO.: Z-8693 NAME: Pinnacle Valley Road and Sweetwater Cove Indoor Tennis Facility – Conditional Use Permit LOCATION: Northeast corner of Pinnacle Valley Road and Sweetwater Cove; 6901 Pinnacle Valley Road OWNER/APPLICANT: Greg Hatcher/White-Daters PROPOSAL: A conditional use permit is requested to allow for the construction of a private, indoor tennis facility on this R-2 zoned property. 1. SITE LOCATION: The site is located on the northeast corner of Pinnacle Valley Road and Sweetwater Cove (Burnett Road). The property is located outside of the city limits, within the City’s zoning jurisdiction. 2. COMPATIBILITY WITH NEIGHBORHOOD: The property is located in a “pocket” that is somewhat separated from the rest of the rural residential development that is typical of the valley. Pinnacle Valley Road wraps around the east and north perimeters of the site. The Little Maumelle River forms the eastern boundary and continues around the northside of Pinnacle Valley Road. Railroad tracks are located south of the site. The AF zoned property across the street to the west contains a horse farm and a private athletic facility with various types of athletic fields and buildings. Two single-family properties are located in the “pocket”, at the end of Sweetwater Cove. The tennis facility has been pulled away from those properties to help reduce the potential impact. Other City, County, State and Federal recreational uses are located in the valley. Notice of the hearing was sent to all owners of properties located within 200 feet of the site, all residents within 300 feet who could be identified and Pinnacle Valley, River Valley and Coalition of West Little Rock Neighborhood Associations. 3. ON SITE DRIVES AND PARKING: Access to the site will be by a single driveway off of Pinnacle Valley Road. A 50-space parking lot will be located in front of (west) the building. The applicant anticipates the most people at the site at one time will be during tennis clinics/academies when 40 students plus instructors will be present. September 22, 2011 ITEM NO.: 5 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8693 2 There is additional room to allow for expansion of the parking lot if it is necessary. 4. SCREENING AND BUFFERS: Site plan must comply with the City’s landscape and buffer ordinance requirements. The zoning buffer ordinance requires a thirty-foot (30’) wide land use buffer along the area next to the residentially zoned property coordinates S17’56’53”E. Seventy percent (70%) of this area must remain undisturbed. The zoning buffer ordinance requires a thirty-three foot (33’) wide land use buffer along the area next to the residentially zoned property coordinates S71’00’19”W. Seventy percent (70%) of this area must remain undisturbed. The zoning buffer ordinance requires a nine foot (9’) wide land use buffer along the area next to the residentially zoned property coordinates N15’09’57”W. Seventy percent (70%) of this area must remain undisturbed. Other areas set aside appear the meet the minimal landscape and buffer ordinance requirements. A visual screen is required to be a six (6) foot high opaque screen, either a wooden fence with its face side directed outward, a wall, or dense evergreen plantings, next to the residentially zoned property. This fence must be located outside any floodway areas. An automatic irrigation system to water landscaped areas will be required Prior to a building permit being issued, it will be necessary to provide an approved landscape plan stamped with the seal of a Registered Landscape Architect. The City Beautiful Commission recommends preserving as many existing trees as feasible on this site. Credit toward fulfilling Landscape Ordinance requirements can be given when properly preserving trees of six (6) inch caliper or larger. September 22, 2011 ITEM NO.: 5 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8693 3 5. PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: 1. Pinnacle Valley Road is classified on the Master Street Plan as a minor arterial. A dedication of right-of-way forty-five (45) feet from centerline will be required. 2. Sweetwater Cove (Burnett Road) is classified on the Master Street Plan as a collector street. A dedication of right-of-way thirty (30) feet from centerline will be required. 3. Portions of the property appear to be within the 100 year floodplain. Contact the Pulaski County Planning Department for a specific determination and conditions. 4. Provide a letter prepared by a registered engineer certifying the sight distance at the intersections comply with 2004 AASHTO Green Book standards. 5. A twenty (20) foot radial dedication of right-of-way is required at the intersection of Pinnacle Valley Road and Sweetwater Cove (Burnett Road). 6. UTILITY, FIRE DEPT. AND CATA COMMENTS: Wastewater: Outside service boundary, no comment. Entergy: No comments received. Centerpoint Energy: No comments received. AT&T (SBC): No comments received. Water: All Central Arkansas Water requirements in effect at the time of request for water service must be met. The Little Rock Fire Department needs to evaluate this site to determine whether additional public and/or private fire hydrant(s) will be required. If additional fire hydrant(s) are required, they will be installed at the Developer’s expense. Please submit plans for water facilities and/or fire protection system to Central Arkansas Water for review. Plan revisions may be required after additional review. Contact Central Arkansas Water regarding procedures for installation of water facilities and/or fire service. Approval of plans by the Arkansas Department of Health Engineering Division and Little Rock Fire Department is required. September 22, 2011 ITEM NO.: 5 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8693 4 Contact Central Arkansas Water regarding the size and location of the water meter. A Capital Investment Charge based on the size of meter connection(s) will apply to this project in addition to normal charges. This fee will apply to all connections including metered connections off the private fire system. Due to the nature of this facility, installation of an approved reduced pressure zone backflow preventer assembly (RPZ) is required on the domestic water service. This assembly must be installed prior to the first point of use. Central Arkansas Water (CAW) requires that upon installation of the PRZA, successful tests of the assembly must be completed by a Certified Assembly Tester licensed by the State of Arkansas and approved by CAW. The test results must be sent to CAW’s Cross Connection Section within ten (10) days of installation and annually thereafter. Contact the Cross Connection Section at 377-1226 if you would like to discuss backflow prevention requirements for this project. A water main extension will be needed to provide water service to this property. This development will have minor impact on the existing water distribution system. Proposed water facilities will be sized to provide adequate pressure and fire protection. The facilities on-site will be private. When meters are planned off private lines, private facilities shall be installed to Central Arkansas Water’s material and construction specifications and installation will be inspected by an engineer, licensed to practice in the State of Arkansas. Execution of Customer Owned Line Agreement is required. Fire Department: Little Rock Fire Department – Maintain access. Place fire hydrants per Code. Contact Fire Marshall at 490-1594 with any questions. Provide approval of plan and comments from West Pulaski Volunteer Fire Department. West Pulaski Volunteer Fire Department – Place fire hydrant at driveway to facility. County Planning: See attached comments. CATA: Outside of service area. September 22, 2011 ITEM NO.: 5 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8693 5 SUBDIVISION COMMITTEE COMMENT: (SEPTEMBER 1, 2011) Joe White and Lucas Hargrave were present representing the application. Staff presented the item and noted additional information was needed regarding the building, signage, days and hours of operation, number of employees, site lighting, dumpster location and fencing. Staff asked the applicant to locate the mechanical equipment on the site plan and to provide information on the proposed means of sanitary waste disposal. Staff requested a more detailed description of the proposed use including who would be using the facility and how many persons would be using the facility. Staff asked if the facility would be used for tournaments, events or competitions. Public Works, landscape and other reviewing agency comments were presented. Mr. White and Mr. Hargrave stated there had been a neighborhood meeting the previous Monday night and they felt there was support for the facility at this site. Mr. White stated the applicant was considering giving an acre of the site to an abutting property owner to help provide additional buffering. Staff then discussed the ramifications of such a step; including the plat requirements, floodway issues and street improvement requirements that would come into effect with replatting the tracts. Mr. White stated the applicant was considering adding outdoor courts. Staff responded that the current application had been legal-added and noticed as indoor courts and to add outdoor courts at this point would require a deferral. Mr. White responded that they would consider outdoor courts in the future then, not now. The applicants described the use as a private tennis academy but the courts could be available for the neighbors to use. Staff responded, and the Committee agreed, that the use needed to be tied down. The applicant was advised to respond to staff issues by Wednesday, September 7, 2011. The Committee forwarded the item to the full Commission. STAFF ANALYSIS: The applicant is requesting approval of a conditional use permit to allow for construction of an indoor tennis facility on this vacant, R-2 zoned, 12.4± acre tract. The property is outside the city limits, within the City’s zoning jurisdiction. Construction will consist of a single building, containing 8 courts and a work out area. A 50-space parking lot will be located in front of (west) the building. September 22, 2011 ITEM NO.: 5 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8693 6 The building is a metal frame construction with a polymer fabric exterior. Brick or stone entry features will be located at the front of the building. The fabric exterior will be mostly white with green trim or accents. The building will have a height of approximately 31 feet measured to the mid-point of the roof. The structure will have a height of 48± feet to the very top of the ridge. The building will measure 120 feet by 600 feet. Placement of the building will exceed all required setbacks for the R-2 district. The facility will be a private facility for teaching pros and tennis clinics/academics. The facility will not be used to host tournaments. During private lessons for teaching pros, traffic to the site is anticipated to be 8 persons plus instructors. During tennis clinics/academics, that will increase to 40 students, plus instructors. Days and hours of operation are proposed as 7 days a week, 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The facility will employ 5 to 10 persons. A workout area will be located between the 4th and 5th court. It will be used for a specific group of individuals during training or exercises. Site lighting will be low-level and directed downward and into the site. Signage will consist of a small plaque on the façade of the building and a single ground-mounted sign. Staff would recommend that the ground sign be limited six (6) feet in height and twenty-four (24) square feet in area. The facility will utilize a septic system. Proof of an approved septic system must be provided prior to constructing the facility. The mechanical system will be located behind the building and will be screened. A dumpster will be located within a screened enclosure off the north end of the parking lot. Opaque screening will be installed along the two property lines where the site abuts a single family lot. To staff’s knowledge, there are no outstanding issues. Staff supports the proposal. There is no bill of assurance covering this acreage tract. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the requested conditional use permit subject to compliance with the following conditions: 1. Compliance with the comments and conditions outlines in Sections 4, 5 and 6 of the agenda staff report. 2. Plans are to be submitted for staff review prior to construction to assure compliance with all comments and conditions, including those noted in the staff analysis. September 22, 2011 ITEM NO.: 5 (Cont.) FILE NO.: Z-8693 7 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: (SEPTEMBER 22, 2011) The applicant was not present. There were no objectors present. Staff informed the commission that, on September 21, 2011, the applicant had requested withdrawal of the item. Staff recommended approval of the withdrawal request. There was no further discussion. A motion was made to waive the commission’s bylaws with respect to the late withdrawal request. The motion was approved by a vote of 9 ayes, 0 noes and 2 absent. The item was placed on the consent agenda and withdrawn by a vote of 9 ayes, 0 noes and 2 absent. a w W s c 0 z �. 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